The Gazette. Tuesday, April 26, 1898. BEPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Congressman, Second District, MALCOLM A. MOODY, of The Dalles. Governor, T. T. GEER, of McCleay. Justice of the Supreme Court, FRANK A. MOORB, of St, Helena. Secretary of State, FRANK I. DUNBAR, of Astoria. State Treasurer, C. 8. MOORE, of Klamath Falls. Superintendent Public Instruction, 1. H. ACKERMAN, of Fortland. State Printer, W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland, Attorney General, D. R, N. BLACKBURN, of Albany. Prosecuting Attorney, Sixth District, HENRY J. BEAN, of Pendleton. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, E. L. FREELAND, of Heppner. For Sheriff, D. A. HAMILTON, of Heppner, For Clerk, VAWTER CRAWFORD, of Heppner. For Treasurer, MAT LICHTENTHAL, of Heppner. For Assessor, J. F. WILLIS, of Lexington. For Co. School Superintendent, J. W. SHIPLEY, of Heppner, For Co. Commissioner, J. L. HOWARD, of Pine City. For Coroner, E. R. HUNLOCK, of Heppner. Then be became a Joe Simon re publican like Martin L. Pipes and W. T. Mair. The Gazette is sup porting the btraight ticket as it I always has, bat it gives warning to Mr. Simon that he cannot crowd disgrace upon infamy and carry anything. mmmmmmmm The republicans have put up a splendid ticket from top to bottom, but they are undoubtedly hard up for managers when they have to call on a democrat like Graham Glass, jr. Appeals to vote for our good ticket, under such circum stances, will not have the force that these should. Yet the Ga zette, in its sphere, will attempt to do all it can, under the circum stances, for the ticket. AUTHORITIES DIFFER. Conflicted Wltb A. HVhool Director Who Webster. TVip readlnir class was standing in a row upon the floor of an Indiana school house, and a bright little fellow was drawling a paragraph about a Roman massacre. The president of the school board was present on his regular tour of inspection, and he pompously re quested that the boy "read that verse again." The "verse- was read again. Ahlh'ml" said the trreat man in a loud voice, "why do you pronounce that word massaker?" Tfcvw was silent. " It snouia oe Cure all liver Ills, bilious- sh. ness, headache, sour (torn- I fB ilia ach, indigestion, conitipa- If Ilia Unn. Th.T act OOlilV. With- oat pain or grip. BoM by all drugirUta. cent. To only ft 111 to take with Uooa's Borsapnrllln. JmM. THIS WEEK ONLY ! I ON THE RAIL. American Securities Abroad. The Bales of American securities have been, according to London advioes, very large abroad of late. It tbis state of thinss holds, tbere will be ao iocreasiog influx of British gold into tbia market. This demonstrates tbe faith abroad in tha stability ot our credit. Tbere is an other point of faitb for whiob tbs people not only of tbis but foreign countries have good grounds for credence, and tbat is belief in tbe efficaoy of Hoetet- ter's Stomach Bitters for inorganic mal adies whiob affect the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys arid nerves. Dyspepsia, biliousness, oonstipstinn ana rneuma- tism are oooquered by it. II Hastens oonvalesoeiioe, snd diffuses a generous warmth and setisstion of physical oom fort through tbe system. GATHERED Southern Pacific locomotives wil soon use for fuel bricks made of coft, dust and asphaltum. To. narrowest eautre railroad now Thebov was siicni. ii - " . , , vt.v renounced inassakre," continued the in use is one of twenty inches to Nortt S lan with a patronizing smile. Carolina, built last year for transport 2.. . ..: t,t fh intr timbers. HUlCVi V". " " D . I The lengxn oi rauruaun uycu " aia increased from 13,340 mues in to.o to 17,277 miles in 1889, being an in crease of 8,938 miles only. I The recent run of the "exposition fltW'nvprthe Lake Shore road be tween New York and Chicago was the fastest long-distance run on recoro. The distance of 980 miles was covered in two minutes less than twenty nours. Whes Queen Victoria travels by rail she pays the companies 7s. 6d. per mile for herself, ana nrst-cia " everyone else in the royal train. This - ... i J iVa 1 nun An. U supposed to mane goou w tailed by the temporary stoppage of traffic. Eighteen railway companies have aided the Columbian exposition Dy taking 8657,500 of its stock ana 8gu,uw of its bonds. Among these the Balti more & Ohio took 830,000 in stock, and the Illinois Central 850,000 in stock and 1100,000 in bonds. ; ; The boy rcmainen teacher linally spoke. "Pardon inc. sir," she said, "Dut, ine fault is mine if the word was mispro nounced. I have taught the class to pronounce it massaker." Rut. whv?'1 insisted the great man, as a look of surprise was followed by a look of pain upon his benign features. "I believe that Webster lavors wan pronunciation," said the teacher, "Impossible," said the great man. The dictionary was brought and the prebident of the school board turned its leaves until he found the word. There was breathless silence as he looked up, for there the word was mas- nlrer. "I am astonished, madam," he said, at la.t "that Daniel Webster snouia. nave made such a mistake as that" Detroit Free Press. V" IX I I o o o o o o Grand Reduction Sale of. Mens' Fine Shoes Io Chocolate and Black, Silk Vesting and Stock Tips, our regular $6.00 snd 85 00 lice. This week, Only $4.00 Ladies' Dress Shoes S3 00 takes anything in onr fine line of Ladies' $100 Shoes. Everything in onr extensive shoe line at ridiculously low prioee. the Gazette is not heralding its coming with a brass band but us circulation can be determined at tlin Heppner postoffice. Adver tisers will please note this. The appointment of Graham Glass, jr., to the position of secre tary of the republican Btate oentral to it LITERARY NOTES. M. PiKititE Lori has a ponchant for dedicating his books to prominent la dies. A. Dana and David JI. Stone are the only editors of daily papers in New York city who are past middle life. It is Baid that James Whitcomb Riley talks in his sleep. That probably ex plains why the gonial poet has re frained from entering the matrimonial state. Uochentur Herald. Dr. Conan Doyi.e, the novelist, began life as an eye Kpecialist, but his success as a story teller has induced his aban donment of the medical profession. He is a Scotchman, thirty-four years old. Dr. John Mackintosh, author of the "History of Civilization in Scotland," to whom 8750 has j ist been granted from the Hoyal llounty, was original ly a working shoemaker. He struck literature as a last resort and stuck Nationalities in Aostrla. ; Foreigners are wont to classify Aus tria among the German countries. As a matter of fact, her German-speaking population is but limited, and annually losing ground, ine increase in popu lation among the Oerman inhabitants of Austria is but 5.17 per thousand per year; the increase with the Italians in Austria is 5.92, and with the Slavonic races 7.93. Of one hundred marriagea ble women in the German districts tnrt.v-ftna find husbands: among the Slavonic races the percentage is fifty-two. One of the reasons lor inis showing is that in the German districts of Austria the economic management rf affair is almost prohibitory to . for Housewives. Don't t)Ut a bright colored carpet into a room where the furniture is dull, old or of neutral tints. Don't have chandeliers or hanging lamps with rooms of low ceiling; use aide brackets in such cases. Don't furnish a north room in blue or any other cold eolor; something of a warm tint should be cnosen. Don't hang a heavy portiere over a ' narrow door; generally speaking, hang ings are out of place in a small house, r with small rooms. Don't fill the center of the room, un- marriage among the younger sons and less there is plenty of space on an daughters of the peasants. The home- aides; nothing offends good taste so stead goes to the eldest son, whose seriously as the sense of being clutr brothers and sisters become his serv- tered up." ants. Among the Slavs the family Don't have too much of one kind of Trnn.rt.v is eauallv divided among all decoration in the house; two rooms children after the death of the father, UPOn the name general pattern anil encVt nnfl is allowed to begin nnlte enouirh an individual Dec: 9 $ o 12 ' Alex Thompson complains tbat some perBon or persons are making Bway with bis rheep, having lost 300 bead recently. Ellis Minor has a solution of the mys tery, but whether or not it is the right one this sheet cannot say. Save Them. The wrappers of Hoe Cake sosp worth a oent apiece. Ask Rhea for premium book. are & Co. a 30 ADVERTISED LETTERS. ADVERTISED AT HEPPNEK are scheme committee is an insult and a slap ic the face for every republican who has opposed Mr. Simon and his methods. Mr. Glass is person ally a very pleasant, agreeable fellow but he is one of Simon's most servile tools. Last winter at the locialature be was Simon's to the populist headquarters. Dur ing tbe contest previous to nomi nations made at Astoria he visited nearly every county in Eastern Oregon, having in bis possession the Corbott sack with which be succeeded in corrupting the con vention. Tbis has all been ex cusedbad all been forgotten but this elevation to the position of seoretary of the republican state central committee revives this scandal, this disgrace, and will drive republicans from the support of our tioket This is the most unwise act that could have emanated from Joe Simon. Detter by far have appointed to the place lion. IL L. Wells who is neutral on the matter of factions. All the work of loyal papers, among which the Gazette wishes to be classod for it is supporting the republican ticket and will continue to do so, will not overcome the effects of the unwise appointment ot Mr. Glass. Naval oflictals smile at sena torial predictions of damage that will be done to our commerce by Spanish privateers. Instead of having any foars on that soore, they think that we shall Lave so many fast and comfortable auxil iary cruisers on tbo seas that any Spanish privateer that gets far from home will be extremely for tunate if it escapes destruction or capture by some of them. The Spanish are not ignorant of our preparation in this line, and they are not likely to go as extensively into the privateering business in reality as our sensationalists have made them go in imagination, liesidos it is well known that Europe has decided that so long at this country proposes to olserve the Paris agreement against priv ateering, Spain must alto do the same. ; j The appointment ot Graham Glass, jr., to the secretaryship of tbe republican state central com miltee cannot give satisfaction to most republicans. Glass is tbe servile tool of Joe Simon, has tma the distributor ot funds for corruption purposes, but these are not ine worst olj tactions, lie is a democrat and Las always been known as one nntil Jo Simon took him in to assist tn holding tip the last session of the legislature. EUROPEAN NOBLEWOMEN. Oueen Anne, of Kngland, was ex tremely fond of brandy, and her face became ho bloated that among the pop ulace sho was known as "llrandy Faced Nan." The dowager duchess of Sutherland was lately committed to prison for six weeks on senteneo for contempt of court. She had biirneJ w:no papers Iter liushaiid s will. The princess of Wales h:is, perhaps. Invented almost as many novelties ae those in the kiilekkiiuult trade. She drew with her own hand the plan for the pocket smoking case which the prince carrieH everywhere with him. . Princess Ki left two hundred dollars with the manager of the Ar lington hotel, Washington, to be dis tributed among the servants who served her and her party while she was at that house. They regard her as a princess from her head to her finger tips. bmlobs Consumption Curs ouret wbera others fail. It is tbs leading Cough Ours, sod no boms should be without it. Pleasant to laks and goes right to tha spot. 8old by Oonssr k Warren. i Art of I'olsoolng. All that eminent chemist know about poison ha lately teen told to the crowd of interviewing journalists who have waited upon them, and the papers have published column upon columns of toxicology, nay, a I'ari correspond ent of the Iondon Truth. Everybody now know that there are animal alka loid arising from decomposition which are deadly m1hoiik, but whose traces in a corpse are no proof of suicide or mur der, because a body itself produces ex actly the same alkaloids soon after death. M. Nattct, who, after being fascinated by toxicology, turned natur ally to politic, tells us that thi subtle poison can Ih manufactured with the greatest ce by those who understand how t do it. Inquiring rtoople who have a taste for murder combined with chemistry lll doubtlesa mauler the process the anarehlta have already mastered that of manufacturing explv ive. housekeeping on his own hook. Weekly Excarnlons la ThroBgh Cars to tin-East. Himnnh tnnriat Ar tO the ailVIUDI IUIUU,U vww i East has been arranged to ran out oi Fortland, giving four each week. Here- J after tbe oar lerviog Monday will ran through witbont change to Kansas Oily and Obicago, over tha O. R. t N., Ore goo 8bort Line, Bio Grands Western, Denver ft Bio Grande, Missouri Pacific and Chicago k Alton. Tbat oar has Jast been arranged tor, and the one preTloue y sohsduled for Monday bas been changed to Thursday. It rnDS through to 8t. Lonis, vis tbe Missouri Ptoiflo line. The oar leavmg Vortlana mesaay by tbe Cbiosgo, Bock Island and Pacific Wednesday's oar runs to Hi. Joseph, Ksnsns City and 81. Louis, over tbe Burlington. All these special tbrongb oars are receiving a gratifying patronage. Conialt O. R. k N. Agent before buying tickets to tbe East. for aach apartment is better. Don't use all your kindness and gal lantry away from home, and let the unpleasantness manifest itself in the familv circle: trv the other course for a time, and Bee how that will work. Household. Tbe Sort L Grlpp Care. Tbere is so nse suffering from tbis dreadful malady it you will only get lbs right remedy. JTou are having pain all through yonr body, your liver is ont of order, have no appetite, no lite or ambi tion, bave a bad cold, In fact are com pletely need no. Eleotrio Bitten srs tbe only remedy that will give yon prompt JBor rive), fo'mionDo'kfdVeyi'TJne Sp tbs whole ayttem sad make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to oars or prioe refunded. For sale at E. J. Sloonm's drag store, only 60 oeats per bottle. f KTTERB 1 Or.. April 15, 198- Anrterton, Samuel Aillion.CO Kd mason, Byron Hogklni, Augustus I.lndley. Ex McEUlgot, u H Nye, K B Nlcholal, Melvlnt Porter, H L Thompson, Arthur Stanley. C E Walker, Jap. . When calling dvertlted. for theie letter! please say 1. P. Williams, p. m Timber Culture, Final Proof. VjMiTiD States Land Orncs, t . n,.na nrptrnn. Anrll 25. 189. - ,rvnrv Trf BlfRKRYOlVKN THAT JOHN N N. Elder hat filed notice ot Intention to .t.i flni n p. wit before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk ol Morrow county, Oregon, at his in u.i.nn.1 Ofpcnn. on Frldav. the 1 tn day of June, IH'JS. on timber culture application ......v.ln Mn 'I H ntiira No. S7 K. W. M. U. .' .iinniMi Frank Elder. JoteDta Rector. Fewton WheUtone, I.nclnda Klder, all ol Heppner, Oregon. E. w. babii.ei i, 53-54 Kegllter. Notice of Intention. Land Orrici at La Grande, Okkuoh. ADrllS. W MOTICTIt 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 H ll followliiK-named lettler hoi filed notlc of hli Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Comity Clerk ol Morrow county, The Leader Of Course! VI ill s Vv e) 0 The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. 1x Vii VI A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,? t. llAtlfAur Thite uihit 7 mon. at WJH, rli: R. C. Wl Rd No Mil, for the t SW! tod BK Sec J p IB HA 0 n n. He names the followlnc wUneast-s to Drove his continuous reldii'e upon and cultivation of said land, vU: William Barton, John t. Barton, William C. tvott and rrancls x.ueulry, all of Heppner, Oreguu. A. TT . DAK f L.K. I I , Mi9 , Beglster. Wants the People -ou- COUNTY wl tw ni i min blood When the blooJ hut Iti intense red grows thin &nd watery, m in sntmJjL, there Is A constant feeling of exhaus tion. a tack of energy vitality and the spirits depressed. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- ihosphites of Lime and Soda s peculiarly adapted to correct this condition. The cod-liver oil, emulsified to an exquisite fineness, enters the blood direct and feeds its every corpuscle, restoring the natural color ana giving vitality to the whole system. The hypophosphitca reach the brain and nerve centres and add their strength cning and beneficial effect. If the rotes have left your cheeks, U you are growing thin and exhausted from over work, or if are Is beginning to telL use SCOTTS Emuf- fslon. k on y t S"OTTt lawktbtv I AH Sn, rt; tut t. SCOTT ftOMXt, rfcmtats. Kr V 9 TO Know tliat IX, down h fit tlio NtCltld rormeny oc cupied lyy H. E. Warren's Drug Store. 31713LO boot jplcwo. io to call caricl 000 Imfmn, Heppner, OreKon, JOHN P. BROWN, on fay ik), Is a Joy forever. That s what you'll find at X. R. HOWARD'S Heppner, Oregon- ft vi a Timber Culture-Final Proof. Land Orrici at Ta, 0ioo. March I rfh nM. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT PAT rlrk 8Dlllan. of Heppner, has filed notice of Intention to make filial proof before 1. W. Morrow, county clerk, at bis emr in Heppner. Oreion. on Monday the US day of April, on tlmhcr culture application No. JMI. lor the 84 NK4, Nsi HK'i Kwtlou 14,10 township No. I ranxe No.lft K. W. M. . . . He namre as witneaaee: Jonn womum, Dennis Hi.lllan. William 8. Lelller, and aamuel Leflter, all of Heppner, Oregon. 4 An, w. awna. SHERIFPS SALE. nX VlRTl'E OF A! EXECVT10 AKD order of sale duly Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit (turtof the Connty of Morrow nut 01 urea-on, sum ine ii aay 01 aprn I in. In a rwrtaln action 10 the circuit court lor said Couniy and wu, wl.errla W. f. litrt, H. a. Klnoaldand I'hll Melsi'han. as Board oi Commissioners lor the sale of school and unl tsratty lands and for the Investment ol funds srtiu.s thersfrom, I'lalntlirt, recovered )ud- men! sln.i Aiieiine noweii, nenry mow.ii, y.rv Howell. John Howell. N.llle Howell. William Howell. MUulord Howell. Jnseph Howell, Til. la llnwell, Ma Howell, frank Howell Thomas Howell, Lilly How. it. Ileitis Carter, Rl Carter, Adeline Howell as ad ml tile Iralril and Henry Mow. II as ailmlnlstralair of the estala of itunford Howell, decvaeed, llend ante, for the sum of rive Hundred Etfhiewn tmllara. with Interest thereon at tha rate of F lint per rent per annum from the imb day of Marrb. lava, and the further sum of Thirty Ave Dollars attornev s tea, and owta and dlshui menu, on the 1Mb day of Marrb, Iwa, Noltoe Is hereby given that I will on Saturday, the 28th slay f May, 1806. at to clock o wi. of said dat, at the front door of theeourt Boueo In Heppner, Morrow ennnty. Tot. sell al aucUon to the hleheet bidder for rash la band. iheMiowlng deer ri bed pmrrty, to-wlt: Ihe eiHitb eaat quartor al sertloa twenty eight n In tnwn.hlp fonr (4 south rang twenty e () I, V I II Mi row eonatr. Oregnn. Taken and levied noon the pmpeny M the said Adclloe Howell, Henry Howell. Mil w m morn inenni ae wiay be neceeeary to the a. Id ludsmenl In lava ot m, f Ixvd. M ft, Klnrald and I'hll Meterban and against eatd Adeline Howell, Hear Howell el al. together with all msi and dls- barseeMtals that have or may accrue t.L MATUtcK. abeflC Dated at B.ppner April 71. !. aal SHERIFFS SALE. VOTtrl 18 HIKfBY OIVIX THAT TW iv rl.r and by virtue of an evecnitnei and ordrt of sale, duly and regularly teetwel ont Ihe Circuit Conn nf the euie of irregna t-l Mnrvnw eoenty and to n direrte4, on tha l dar ot Mairh. Ia. nrnn ) I ao4 d rreedulr rendere-t and entered la sai4 eoor. on IS. 1Mb day ot M.n-b, ina. In a SU Ihe and prndlnf Iheratn. wberet Tha Aaiertron Mortgaga 1 nmnenr IJmlied. mllanit. a lovpnvaitnn. was el.lnug, and Janiee Thonioa Itownlng. and MUeuej Mla I wo alng a heirs at law ot ehen g Pnwn- log. and MarU Kowmng. eaeed, werodelen dealesn4 romnianding at. fee sell toe hereto alter drthod reoj t.r..1r. I did on the 1Mb day ot kink, Is, duly levy apnonnd will. 00. T.ooway, tn 10th at May, 1898 at the boor nl t or lark In th irwrnM ot 00M dev. at lb fmnt 4ww ot tha eooaly ennrt tmo In Heppner Morrow ennnly tegnt etj m tn bighi bt t lrr b eab In band, ail tba Mltiwlrtg 4avnid real eetaM ewt lb kNlk eol quarter of serttoa twentf atgbt. tn tnonanip t.u, enotn of rang toentv-lnur. W. M ail etinato. and being In M.irmw tonntt iw.gtn. onreinev wtin me leeeieen berli. aaeisao4 aeemriiiaaea nerno betaog Ingo? in any wie rt"4ui.g o so sot Ueront ae will astt.'v said IvWiseo'e In loo aa. on t twotfte 'i 1 trnea Ike VHh d.f of M.rd lajs. at tl e rto kioreel Iberne, S ret eeol M. ae n tar e't anoi k toe fiHte om bttMv leo. and tie for Sat S mis snd g!Mir!eaaa iMnniMn a u ! (, m-m ebnt4 Martww ominty tTeor-m. eighty 4tH IK.r C0NSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling of prescriptions. 1 When you hear dem bells!" TOC SHOULD KNOW THAT THK HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coining. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone oflice. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! HOOTS AND SHOES D e aoeO T.veV THE tLACC TO OCT THCM 18 Of CO. They have anything this lino that yon way deal re and yon cm d.pend a It row got a good ortkl when they guarantee) It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST ST LES. 011 &Um, Male) Strwot Ptaaalrlna tartw The Best Bargains- AWE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY nl r Utoo of groatees valne la aoonvtlnn k If yo oaat b got four Ooe; ourlh of booeel gant la Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Wcctionery' OR MACHINEnY, CALL ON--. s or lorresoing onr emrh M tall ao4 trtatof. Call and tea m. A.. ABRAHAMSICK, Merchant Tailoring! Mr. Abrabamiick it tho pioneer tailor ot Hepp ner. HUwork is always firt clas and Katiafac- tion guaranteed. CALL AND BEK ME. ON MAY BTHKKT