- tMMMMMM tla"". IB JB A. ?xkiit'm .irCT.tif.a-. OFFICIAL PAPER ADVERTISING WILL PAY YOI It) MONEY'S WORTH IF THE THE ' Ssml-V6Gklu Gazette i k t..s I ..' Gazette I IS YOUR MEDIUM AT $2.00 A YEAR. w -J HEP,PNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1898. NO. 643 FIFTEENTH YEAR iVWsT 1 11 1 1 A li imp v 'L. i iV III V'XJ r V f SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON PUBUSHINS COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus." Man. Al I8.0J per year. $1.00 for six months, 50 ota. tor three moo ais, strictly in advano . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application, ? ; r Entered at the Fostoffice at Heppner, Oregon, "'- as second-class matter.' - THIB PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants Exohangs, San Franoisoo, California, where oou raots for advsrtisina can be made for it. , , LP. FISHER. NEW8PAPEB' ADVEBTI8- ing agent, 21 Merchant' Exohang i Build ing, San Franoisoo, Is our authorised agent. This paper is kept on file at his office. Wisconsin Central Line, GENERAL PASSENGER r. DEPARTMENT. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:80 p . m.. dally exoept Hnnrlav arriving at Heppner Junotion 12:05 a. ni. Leaves Heppner Jnnoiioa 8:30 a. m. and ar. Hmnnin R-flll A. 1(1 Spokane Express No. leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at neppner rfunouua i:ou p. m, -A Ilm. ill. Bfrl n. m. Portland Express No. S, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla tiJJOa. m. and Heppner Junotion 7:00 ,m. and arrives at Portland W:50 a. m. t'..t Mail Nn. 2 InnvM Portland 0:25 d. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 1:25 a. m. and at J Umatilla l:au a. m. . Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7:20 a.m. . ' ,i . .. For further information inquire of J. O. Hart, AgentU. B A N., Heppner, Ore. ' , M ilwaukee, Nov. 5,: 1897. . PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through .Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage , taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re sped in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They .will be in waiting at all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort. i a rt nnvn u n.k. v. a v1 vt t Gen'l Passr. Agt. OmCI-Xi SIBECTOBT. t-lnvsruor. .. Beoroturyof Btat, Treasnrer 6upt. Publio lnstraction. United States Offloial. President William McKinley Vice-President Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State ...John Sherman Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Oage Secretary of Interior Cornelias N. Bliss Secretary of War.. Russell J. Alger , Secretary of Navy -John D. Long Pnstinaster-tteneral, . , James A. Oary Attorney-General John W. Griggs Secretary Agriculture James Wilson Hint rf llmuron. W. P. Lord H. h. Kinoald , Phil. Metaohan u. m. irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman aworney wen. C Q. W. MoBrid, Senators . , iThos. H.Tonga. W. K Ellis Prin VR.-Mn 3aprn, Judge. j&fcw3Srto. r Sixth Judicial District.: O-ooit Judge Stephen Lowell P.oieouting Attorney H. J. Bean , Borrow Conntj Officials. a.n.ti. A, W. Oowan Beprnwntauva...., .... County Jadg, " Commissioners. . inJi" J. W. Morrow mlSwrjcrr.r:::::; u - t " A. C. rttys J. J. H, W. Fall, PROPRIETOR 01 the Old Reliable AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WQRD "CASTORIA," AND p. PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. , , . . ' I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eymnis, MaachuseSs was the originator, of MCASTPRiA,'',0 has borne. ani, does now honi" y jfl J," ' J oil every the ;K facsimile signature ofC&t&jfjy : Xhi ,js Jfie original "CASTORIA" which has been,. used in i the horries of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. i sT pM)9$j CAILtj the wrapper and see that Jt is the kin4-m ialwl8lmght ynt? ' on the and has the signature of Ouyffi&cJ&te wrap- per. No one has authority from me to use my name except , The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is "President. March 24, 1898'Q ' ' , ; Do Not Be Deceived. . , Do not endanger the life of iyour child by accepting.. a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more, pennies on . it), the in-' gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind, You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF WAR NEWS! New York, April 26. The vessel brought in by the Mangrove is supposed to be , the transport, Monsterrat. The gunboat, Newport, has also captured two prizes. Honj Kong, April 26.--The Phillipine island insurgents are sur- j: vv :n Havana, April 26. Gen. Blanco cables Madrid that he can Havana without the Spanish warships. Gault House . - - a. - - CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 41 Q., C. M. Si 8t. P., C. 4 A , P. Ft. W. 4 C, and the C. Bt. L. 4 P. Railroads. HATKH .oo PKH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bta., ciiio-A.a-o. iiii Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. thi esNvaua sommnv, tt Biuaaav erairr, nswvomh city. defend Mi Washington, April 25. So far tbe.U. Si has captured nine Spanish boats. The U. S. has cut the Havana cable, ten miles, out. The end of the cable is now on the cruiser Mangrove. This cuts Blanco off rpm Spain. The war department has called on , the . states, pr their auota of volunteers. It took the house 1 minute and 41 seoonds to pass a declaration of war. The flying squadron is still at t Hampton Roads, except the Minneapolis and Colombia which are out at sea on a secret mission. The Oregon ; and: Marietta are ( expected at ,J.iio Janerio in a few days, The government is preparing to land in Cuba 30,000 Springfield rifles, artillery guns and ammunition. .' ! ' Orari- VJWashinqtoit, April 25. Lient. ' -.. i aa..l : n farniab oar iUte regiment ot infaotry. awpft, the Dlgnl bttore leaving nere xnev win aaaemoie at xaooma next ohaUDged (Jen. Lee and .Capt. HlgBbee week. - Both Spokane cotnpaniea will duel because they testified that the respond. Both will bold their present I Maine was wrecked by Bpaniardis. ,He , poaitiona. Idaho will fornish two troop I aid that he would wait eight daya for f cavalry end 170 trained men. Oen. them at Toronto. Roaenfelt bai been commissioned by the ;,' ' '' preaidenl to raiae a regiment of trained T0oma, April 25.-Wheat went up to men weet ot the Rooky mountains. $1 and oloeed at 97 oecta. i ' " ')-"!;.. j Cj , x t ,, hyvabhinoton, apni ao. joon jbood i iuis aeouon. . . . A :I 11K I. HAM ... . ... m .. .. I . . u .. . .. m t wisuiMnon, ajiiii xuo lor-. ABior preeentea ui yaont, oriuwan, to I nr. Lannon eaya tna parties irom enuetaiei "long distanoe" telephoree. tfc8 government and Ihey have tranapor- Spokane, Baker Oity and i other point! 'i r ; -,' ;'. ;' ;;;( tatjon ove all hia railroad for troopa, I are only awaiting the going off of the ' Spokane, April 26. Gov. Rogera tialta anppliea and equipment of artillery tor 1 enow to go into the Qranite oountry and for volunteers from tbia state. Will battle at bis own expense. I Doom tbtnga in tt.e mining line. .inii ufj FDVDEn Absolutely Pure GRANITE NEW8. J. K. rannon, of tbe S access Mine, la In Baker t City. From the Baker City Republican: , Mr. J. E. Cannon, who owns interests in the Suocees, Prosperity Bnd many other claims near Qranite, Grant oounty, baa been In Baker Oity for a few da a, and will return to bis mines early next week, acoompanied by his wife. i Sinoe Mr. Cannon's arrival bere be re. oeived tbe news that Charles Rollins, his partner in the Prosperity mine1, bad died. Mr. Rollins became overheated while re moving a wheelbarrow from one mine to another. Be fell and expired almost im mediately. His funeral look , plaoe at Granite on Tuesday, the large attend ance giving evideooe of the esteem in which be was held. Mr. Rollins was a native ot Maine and had no relatives in The Danger of Bprng WEEKLY The Hotel Heppner MONTHLY It;, J. N. Brown .A. Q. Bartholomew J. U. Howard I SSSnsi't..-::: " 13 AstorPlace lnrnv " " Outlook Plfblliaaa try oturway - New York Treasurer ktarshai.. u m m nmnVRfl. . lirw" u,. I Jnril'mim"" " V '.V.V.'.Vr?.' Hlom.m, M. Tn, Outlook will be III 1887.. S it baB Wfe'-'lkN. during each ol it. Iw.nty.ev.n M..r:. .r..V.'...W. ,nr . Uitory of Our Own Time. I. John Uaserl,,, TBrious editorial departmenta The PreciaetOffleer. I Outlook gives a oompaot reyiew of tbe jnstiesof ths Tsaos WN KB wtoutun. world'a progreasj it follows with care t un'tablfc"V;" Vtl'uai Tom era. . , the ImporUDt, philanthropic and in- tii dalles, oa. t,li., I dostrial movemenla of tbo day; bas a x r-r'' i ... ...... . .. I ''''.""" iiaovsriM,mri nta derjarimeni 01 reiiiuu , Vk oaAua, oa. ,.. mnnh a Dace to the interests of W. nafxieu " I . ...nt lljtnr!l I IDS DDD rwvww. va."-w II (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager,) . ,i , Now Open. New Methods.,, New Manage ment. btrictly ri'rsfUass. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. A. 8- biots . K. ' I.H. Kubbia.. axe aajcx aoc7XXTis. h month. All vstetmns ar mvij-a ""- 11 Ml Hmllk. 'Adlotsnt. the borne; foraisbe cheerful table-talk about met aod thing: and, in abort, aim to give freab Inlormaiwn, ongi a now"' aod reasonable entertainment. ritb the fifty flifth volome, t3"A firBt-class feed barn run in connection, and from all trains. We solioit your patronage. .... .1 Free 'Bui fun to 587-no.12 , , J I Hit . PORTLAND. Aoril 25. (Tribune Soeoial.) Seoy. Sherman's ree- iJ.f,v t,o u oart aA .ln,l. TJaw will likMw tftk th BUtA Which arise from impurities in the blood ,rru.DUT ---. and depleted condition of thie vital department portfolio. The resolution , of the senate committee pro- floM m.y b9 entireIy .verted by Hood's vided that a state of war existed between the United States and 8pain 8araaparilla. , This great medicine cures when tbe Spanish government handed. Woodford his passports, April all spring humor, boils, eruptions and 21st. ' The United States gives the Spanish vessels five days to leave ,0,M-Mi 7 enriching and vitalising American ports, in compliance with international law. John Jacob he "B0"jmM0,.h s?l. red ,eel" Astor offers to equip out a regiment, free of cost to the government n" " 'f T ' ' 1 n , "gor" John A. Logan jr. will raise a regiment ; Hood's Pills ours nansea, sick bead. The Surgeon General issued orders calculated to prevent yellow aohe, biliouanes and all liver ills. Price f t . nn r. ka nJnnUa.a . Tho nraanlani nulla nn f Via nv. OeniS. ernor of Oregtm iar one regiment of voluoteers to rendezvous at Portland. nminunn fAr. v AoniwvjAvr, April -au. xnouuo ; : ,qi. Iia introduced in cod cress today. Spain has many uouistiu ... - - made a formal reply to our nltimatum which is a virtual declaration of -r Th war deoartment is making arrangements to transport troops ThA inaurrents will be Riven transports to Cuba, and M soon Roy Boggs, on Slide oreek, leal week UanoBsible made fit to co-operate rith our fleet They will not be and will embark in to. i oattu bn. nees, w?en;u a, a Q,fSn nnr r.tantear. read. U-t band of T. D. William.. Boyd, who spent several the tneobeoioal department of I.?"" mnA nrWll. blsf.mil,jonr..l,bMaoe.pUdipo.v. oppose privaieenng wuou ouui , r Hon on the r-nl County News. Msrk made a formal declaration that war exists. (i , grgt-oitM competent printer. Dr. E. N. Crook ett retaroed by Tues day's alage from St Lonia. where be bad' been during tbe past winter attend GRANT COUNT! NKWS. i ' rfnamcaaiey was in lbs oily from Monnment Toeedsy. He reports a good lamb crop in bis looality, but grass is very short. , , Clate Ilioton purohaaed the ranob ot 8 TOBSIUIB, UJnuo " ' , . . lr- v- ftTnfi0ted to do any fichtinff while we are getting our volunteers ready. -w-f - Rates, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards. p 8 tk t 1. ' MADRID, April 25. (Tribune Speoial.) The government will vwssin ibe. UAWLINS POST, NO. tl. . O.A.B. , MmIi mt LAXintftMi. Or the lass Baaixnaf - ... I, - . 7- i..ii n wtia. a . 7..,';: Beginning CManuuidar. I tbe paper will smuim tbe regular mage- line else, wbiob will add greatly to ua ...... .. . . l-nnvanlanee and atlractiveoeas. Tbe D.J. IvlCraUl, IVI. outlooklepubliahed every BatBrd-y- 11EPPNER, OBEOON. fifty t ieeoea a year. .Tbe fret leeoe Offlo.bore.8tol0a... W In .Mb month i. an Illo.tr.fdMNrMin. Id m-. at realdenoe, W. A. Ktrs's prop- Nomb,r .eonUining about Iwtoeae many . . as U U mIK San I 111 . erty. east ol ox. r. cnrv, - pue M tbe ordinary laeuee, togemei 1J IV tfaS tttir 1 w?b a Ur- aumber of I Ti, n,m. ol Tha Outlook I three fSd R ed field . I lllr in vlvae, or lees then a cenieoay. , Read for a eravrimea eopy end lllustrat- Brown Attorneys at Law, Office tn tbe FU.l National Buildiog. Hsrraa, i i Oaaoon BORN SEPTEMBER r . 18; 1841. HAVANA April 25. ("Tribune Special Bulletins declaring the sLrmiatiftft ended have been! posted f-" several days. . , . .... , I Troops are being concentrated at the ea' coast town and the interior MifloiJ.8,IBBJi mrMiiMi oollege, 1I towns have been ordereel burned. The island will be devastated be- Uiurtsa full fledged kt D., snd will i. . I ail I- 1 l i- ..J laaaallaa fore the Americans arrire. vlTaliTtava .nnfrnotnr appointed colonel of tbe First Beat, Washington volunteers. ON BOA ttn TM IIBW. YvuB. ' ,VrAVANA, April 2.;4Trtbaoe Srlal.)-Last night Moro Castle fi?ed ten shots at the battleship New Tork without effick ot a shot till remain o this plaos and practice lasaa S a f Asa alstwt SPOKANE, Aprit 25. Tribune SoeciaL)--Lteut. '7i pi e,tlt!' )ir. and Mri. J. fii B.'yd .rrtv'1 lut ilitarv instructor for the state of I Wash.ngton, wui , prooaoiy r- , J Sw Vtltl mj. iivsai wav j w-v v eooepted a position to tbeoffloe'of tbU meet eieellaot family Journal.! Mr. Boyd and wife are well aod favorably knows bare end their many friends will be pleased to bave them locals with as gain. ', B. r. Colt her, wbe bas bald tbe po' elan of fureeaea of the Eagle effioe for the past eight tnootb. departed last from wblob piere Washloitoa. He was returned. Th tornedo boat Porter, is doing great work. If she continues, the crew will have a large amount of prizq money. Bank If a.? nrnsDMtu SO Th Ootlook, 13 AetOf Plaoe, New Joik Cttv. , , .Ellis & Phelps, gTOCl BsUWPS. TT0RNEYS AT . LAW. t- sji-ir-o.- - All btidnaa. tM .. a f a4 1 J-lm s-Ua. -mmWI ate. . a Mnlsariasl Bruialafl SaAJU I . . aiWHuiTMiw. .- i QJk, a..Ia.Or-rlnfMs. bms tiat Collar Uirs. , li., i.ukMWM MiMpi W SWi I Off tee a Miter Snlld'M. WpaoT. ssr. (rv( j B1,( U rtsha, . - Doaa-tMB. WW. ItalhraM. wr. mmm. m i-m UM -.u.rawWwJwa la aaaa sari awnss. il KEY WEST, April 23,-Tbe Spanish steamer Pedro was captured K Iha I n td Statea cruiset PiSW ion. wiween n.cy . ,. : I""'.u"' ' AT. ZZ 7- !.,, .11 n.i Ika ITnitA.1 RtatAB (hat I SOOB IOI v,B.u..-. ... ' . . . r ' 1 ana Havana. mP""w,,2 m , eiperteneed newepepee me aad For more than fifty-six years it has never tailed the vessel captured as the Aipbonao xui. .ip.Bi.to.mbMk .ti. . ...:. r f " ' " 1 vt 1 . .:i 01 tl.i I.ava antnrAil thai American 1 w tbal state If be finds a suitable loea in its weekly visits to the homes ot larmers ufSKC : . ' " ' - T I . . and villagers throughout the U. . D. E. GILMAN, General Collector alSmwiSBBB . m Mak B STlalr " Mnl BOl lcUotB. 0 Office in J. N. Brown's PuiUiBg. THt PAK1S EVIDairruT Bar. I BBBBJaaa Araw BaJve. The report that the Spanish had capturea we oig American ner I , luet BaJw ! the worM fo Cnte, Pans ia not credited bere. Tbe Paris wae od ol lit ImUmI owl .1;, Fbetiaa, . - I .... . .1 .1 ... II.. .nuiil w . a 117 B-fi.la ft. I : A... v 1 1 . . ,4 . the rsprormnt of raaij lgfee,merS that DieU IUB MUBUWO. ul sf.i.,. .jww. " llfva Hur-B, iir, Bapj-w riuteiy ears. rn Il Is guaranteed to five BlU'aetloa or money reTOrtrt. eaalB tft bet. ret bbib cy Drug Co., . J. Woe urn, maeafsr. W. A.H1CHARDSON.I Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. r-icc ar eegajci. caieiae S3. Bms. IVse-laa, Os.-Boa W4a4 III a Jart ahoBite, bbsUb aaas a katuae. Bote lanablaw. . I fMBidaS'. " d Jib laft muu saniB a.4 i a nM Bat, ata- BSwfcwtBi It mmmmm as .KM Hll. t ' J ' ' arft .,, aai.a..--B WM BlB, asySaf Uif we ib n a rt as s .a, a-x Hsw-a-. - JT1 tir kvft Wb nuasxMkw sru ial . ... . ... . .. . .k.i. Mar(t and bstnHnaaa, ar " n"",LY.;-: t,um.liuru. ro4ucailoB,iofUiBisvauoBoi hnnr. and there is HO Vessel in ineopaniBB navy sub owui aeeu wiiu. caubMiM. i B a'a'aS ZTnCi.! tBUMllag ana InstracUv. .torts, of th. detng. o. th. world, th. of b,r ; mtam I riti" ...a... . a,sw, MxhAria of tftjitWftUnf and hrtunf bit . A-" a. . . 1 .ti S I I I a .aa aw . . . i ., a fsarniflrP rn Wiay niSWi BSI'l""' , - ....a inniiaif. I vriffflr a T f at II II '1 I Ti kMsta III anal h ' ' L'k t m 1 K V lIS-ABT . I iw - sW" III SB BilVIBWI , . . . . k. . laaafasaal VWIBBflll 1111 BillUUli VI " . . 1 B-fl IW I I Brill nril r . a fl I IIIIUUbI AVII 1 WWII ., tl .Bu LM aVbslB I A BHwa? auainiKB I ... . a " -.. ik. .frkiks.r tlruBi tOMjtiTtri in maw r - . . , - v-is i ivi.li.n w . . ...... -r ' r- r - - - - wysM ..4a'i37.a.i .'. ftf nnhan rortB is dow complete, The Ul for oocqptlotr tbe ;, "m I.. . i . k i .. .. . . ai.r. . Mil , ww v i arsolur; aas nsiu rxorta t.i.nrl swiiH trnnna ia now beioiz raDkirr.DOrrecteO. ibe trunboBt, ........ "-r-.- i i . ft. i.l Naahville, captured the lMuna v eniur yrawuaj morning ana wqi hi IT Tm rfar'w fp 'Uiitin to Kft West Two shots were fired bt the NMhville. Venture imme. York WCCKIV lriOUIHJ, diatelrsorrendered. Tbe rtlvl at Key Wt of tb fifitpriwcaosej h. ,.-B-w . rreat tlcnioQBUtrton. Aw.ther HpanUh stMmer m caogbt laU ye- see. AmsI fumiBB It wrtrt the CAZiTTl, year ve torpedo boaU was UkeO to KJ West ' , ! , , Cb C4MAS ITIMB. $2.76. Baa In advene. A4trMB all Ofl.r. to THE GAZETTE. B.ttt a bbt. fl -. r HT M. .. 11 il IMtMBU. IM, L . . . , w., .. i at M.. u. -Hnrm aBan t,B7tt-Bv-l rW .r. iana a.iB ! r..W Abm, Mar- rw - wua. DM . . BStf Bfee TaHavrtt.aB I tRlPBl. Wf 'TJI r.ra--l- " Itaak'ytttlraMwlllUBieBaaywB. WHITE COLLAR LINE. If. IfcfUyBold baa moved duwa Cklan. Cbae. tllat I M moved 6te pieoB esar Cable errnk. Tbe eebool at Three i'tn. eeb.4 boaae 111 begta ktuaday with C S. McleUh Mleerk.r. J. IiekafaM and f.mUy bave tea vtaitlag rlaiifB aad Meed at Atbeaa First National or HF.tTSEn- ii w.., n . Utmm .. rssrraar rw -sanaa, si u mm Columbia River ani Pu'gBt Sound Navigation Co l$g MlakMihw. .mrvmrnrnf ivB WCItf BTIVlf DBVt UB B C. A. MCA. T.A. FlMfA. GIO. W. CONStN. . V. flUCIH, BVeetdent Vtew rrBu.sl Ceahter Ae. t Ceitie Tnaadi I Gt.?nl U&aI U-l , all Bar el Ik. ' Bought and Sold. CotlBHtm Bfta4 alt - b rwsiM T'a Krai. aad al"vaa4 w ,wi4 mm l swm"iv. at kn,wtt tf aM raaf. ' I sit Tormosr; biuv gitzebt and ocas wivt I-T't ... - if . J .1. . fa-k Prtlan4. hw Astoria, Ilwa, 11 V0', ti" r.trt. -.-. iO - roeJ ; ale. at Tobos1. Hay wllb Beaahor. Ballroed. iBftaftMtM. tisioOBarWMfc'w. TXliIIIPXXONZl T-V. . r Tf ilT . 1 A. M. Uilr. Maday. I AHnrt. 1 P. M. Dallf. Nf. TiAii,irr oATaunT Tl, IlnitWl RtaUw baa virtually A6BtirJ Hawaii TLIs aq re la made for advantage in the preseut conflict Tbe FpaoieU can secure do coal there. i-i ' ' ... - , The McKinley cabinet will rnorKanlze imaa.liaUJy..,i3LarBi, bae resignwl aod is soeoeded by Jodge Day. Uage, ecrsUry oft tt tre- :n ...'. . . ..it.. The president e proclamation cans ior iw,uw vwiubmujib i ,1 v,a. ri 1 . ti'k- '1. -i .We bave Ua e)ytM eWlgbt- wivbui. uuw w .VI en mate from KoutlaraptoD, may bave bQ Cajddred UK Uia la LrMtilntl with tnanitioDS 01 u - -1 n-i mssvvss of MictiiiMn. MartUOil. New Jarev. MajtwbnAwAt have mu swiigoed, respectively, to tbe Yob.eu.U, Dine, Ytukee end Prairie. - . . - I ' aaara. Mocn aniiety u eipreeBfu ur iub um fJ sal hr la Cera, tbe tt Tbe ft as la gattieg good aad etoek are IbritlBf. Tbe farsaav. are baey eUwlsg a4 Bowleg grata. Iwsd-lL'klBh, Aerd l, t". A. liatua. ahtf sa.Tsrieg e fceg tU- VI ..I .... from Havana states tint so ocoarrl in Uatana barbor betweeo land batUrine end Am.ricao warship-. f r rItf;.- Ia ,,1a. u , CsBae lJaa. Game I'lBUt, Aptll 14. I. tw... 1 A. M'i -H.BB.Ba Twm-, a w.i-.- -aa uAZ.-a-.. W bsk SBsae ee srfl ai via w ist aa bbsb. WMfcWM W, 1 . 1 a-' " IM Ml ass. fcaaws H WvB Bad J a iAutMtli IHHf.w - Bawirtey aiM. rn. TT Astorwi Be Py 'phone it is learned that the Nw York captured tbe 8 pan is b flotilla, Na 12, taking 10.000 prieoDfiev - . . . Awotber UUpbo repmtr wtwn u eipuorv vsnnsvi inva ai. Urnoon, aaye that ad American war.bip capiat., wiay, the Big rpar. et a. Laava. fo'.xl a r-s V"C TM1.faM4tMUral 4. W tit Ckie4 li W Ktl Fret II Up. U" we Banae 01 w - " rJlaZU" U4 rrtar al.4A. - OB a-Bda, B..M - ak .r.hin A1r.hot.ao XIII. The rarliculare r,f tbe eegagerneet tB H.y'at l F. M j tot U giveti at free-nt, bat several !. were Cred befuie tbe K,b. r lards sarreod-rBtl. If this is trae, all tbe plaj,eV4,tbe) rpBardi are , fe Cu..KprioB lake Kel i CUvee Tbb, 11). t'eet M'4 ranA.r, ersj ft.,laAl.a. H,..BaS-. LHa la lb. I B,.ld bf Obsbb. WarwB. .. ....... -i . ilka lay. el lea-ail