ft 1 A LITTLE SUFFERER Face, Handa and Arm Covered With Scrofulous Humors How a Cur Was Effected. "When five years old my little boy had scrofula i lls lace, bands and arms. It was wont on his chin, although the sores on his cheeks and hands were very bad. It appeared In the lorm of red pimples which would fester, break open and run and then scab over. After disappearing they would break out again. They caused Intense itching and the little sufferer had to be watched continually to keep him from scratching the sores. We became greatly alarmed at his condition. My wife's mother had had scrofula and the Only medicine whioh had helpd her was food's Sarsaparilla. Wo decided to give It to our boy and we noted an improve ment in his case very soon. After giving him four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla the humor had all been driven out of his blood and It ha never since returned." Wttxriji ftajftz, 416 South Williams St., feoutn Send, Indiana. tGu can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. HnnH'a Dillc eo'e Liver Ill:eay to take, SlUUU rlllS easy to operate. & ceuU. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following dabbing rates: The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, Kl.SO. 13.00 ' 8. F. Examiner, $1,50 3.B5 " N Y, Tribune, $1.00 2.75 " tnter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 S. t. Chronicle, 11.50 3.25 " 8. P. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, U.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c 8.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50 Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 McCall's Magazine $1.00 1.30 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can get clubbing rates witn any paper on earth. METH. EPISC. CBUKCH. SERVICES. Banday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Glasses No, 1 and 2 at 12:10 p, m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at T p. to. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p, m. 'The Spibit and the bride say. Come." The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad Joining the ohnroh, where he Will be glad to meet any wo may desire to consult hiin on religious, social, civic, philosophic, educational, or any ether subjects, - j is W. FLESHER. Minister. Hi. E CHURCH, SOCTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. 11 a. m..7 n. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, 3 p. in. upwortn league, t n - day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves together." Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to church. C. R. Howard, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m, and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even lug at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. , R. L. Bhei.ly. Pastor. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock. Take Notice. Miss I. M. Sigsbee, the young lady employed by the direolors of Heppner sob io I to fill out the term of Miss Hast ings, resigned, is a Cousin of Captain Sigsbee of the Maine. Miss Sigsbee is a resident of Florida, but baa been attend ing the normal foqooI at Monmouth for the past year. She is a niece of Mrp, Wm. Letter, of this oily. E. 0.: W. H. Daughtrey, buyer for the Paoifio Meat Co., came np from The Dalles this morning. Two carloads of cattle from Caldwell, ldBbo, he will transfer at Pendleton for shipment to the Sound. He also expects to receive next Monday three carloads fromWm. Radio, of Long Creek. Jos. Filz, who was the viotitn of a gna shot wound gome two months sinoe, is rapidly i proving nnder the care and treatment of physicians at Portland. Tbey eipeot to locate and remove the ballet lodged io Jim's anatomy, soon aften which it is exoeoted his. entire re covery will be rapid. The direotors of the Heppner school met on lest Saturday and Chose the fol lowing oorps of teaohere tor the ensiling sohool year! Prof. W. 0. Howard, Miss Annie Baleiger, Misa Snell, of The Dalles, MiBB t. M. Sigsbee, of Mon mouth, Mies Mary Barker , Mrs. Mollie Johnson and Misa Ada Jones. Bro. Richardson, who keeps the bicycle rental Bgenoy here very indie oretely rode on the eidewnlk with his wheel this morning and the little error oost bim 85. All "bike" riders moat re member that there is an ordinance against riding on sidewalks. Marriel At the parlors of the Hotel Heppner, on last eveninu, Rev. J. W. Flesher officiating, Miss Birdie Rossi, of Boise, Idaho, to Mr. Frank Calloway , of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Calloway ex. pect to make their home at Weiser, Idaho, in the near future Mr. Steeves, a sheepshearer, is quite sick down at the Hotel Heppner. He is a member of the A. O. U. W. at Pendle ton, and the members of the order In Heppner are looking after the needs of the young men, If you are going to Cut a to fight the Spaniards, fortify yonr system and strenathen yonr atomaoh by eating Queen olives, the finest pickle extant For sale in bulk by P. O. Thompson Co John F eming, a Montana sheepman, arrived yesterday morning and wants to buy 10,000 bead of etook sheep. The Gazette hoDes he may be able to aecure the sheep he wants in Morrow oounty. A. T. Von Ettinger, of Portland, rep reseuting as special agent the Commer cial Union Assurauoe Co., of London, ia in onr city today for the purpose of es tabliehing an Bgenoy. Mrs. Annie Creighton, danghter of Mrs. Julius Keitbley, arrived from Port land on Sunday morning to visit ber relatives and frieuds in this city for a short time. fl. A. Rhea has nurobased ol 1. W, WAR NEWS Portland, April 22 Tri bune Dispatch, 3:25 p. m. The blockade of Havana will begin tonight. The Ameri can cruiser, Nashville, cap tured, today, a Spanish troop ship with 15,00 soldiers aboard. The report of same has been confirmed. The battleship Oregon has been ordered to the Atlantic station. The president has signed he bill calling for 100,000 volunteers. PRKSS COMMENT. WAR! WARM WAR 1 1 1 Io esse of the success of fusion io As yet war bae not been deoiarea oy Oregon, where would the pcpoliets be the United States, but it ia momentarily as to national legislation aa to the prin- expeoted. Unole Sam is In need of oiples whioh ti.ey advocate? They would Cavalrymen. In ease war ia deolared, a bave a democrat in congress from the call will be made on Oregon. All sound, First district, a eo-oalled "free silver temperate yonng men, good horsemen, republican" from the Seoond dlstriot, who desire to enter the service, should and a democrat in the United States oommnnioate at once with Thos. Booth senate ; for it ia said Judge Bennett, of by, at Lexington, Oregon, who baa or The Dalles, ia slated tor the latter plaoe. dera to enlist men for this purpose from The populists bave given up both their Capt. H. MoFarland, nnder whom a oom- prinoiplee. and. in oase of success, they pany is to be formed. bave have also forfeited the offioes and honors. Salem Statesman. The rapid ringing of the fire bell about i o'olook yesteiday afternoon u - . i. . L. .-j V., th.t oili tit. h. ornmun OrOUgDl OU1 OBt VeuyiB 1U a UUWJ auu has been resolved npon there should be the fire appartua was rushed out at breakneck speed. The fire proved to be This lit lour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, chsh or stands cenerous snmple will be mailed of tin most populnr Caturrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strata the grent merits of the remedy. ELY mtOTIIUUS, 66 Warren St., Kew York City. nn nacliifan iirloirtn in nnn O rajta ill? among the people. It is no time to nothing more serious, however than the make party oapital when tbe flag has hPAii nnfnrlftrt to AVPnt7A thfl MflinA and free an nnnre sed oeoole.-E. O. PPle Kood 80are- 00 dam8"e WM burning out of a flue down at Jay Ship ley e residenoe and aside from giving done. When once the power of the people asserts itself, tbe politicians bave to give way. This was demonstrated In the Domination of T. T. fteer for gov ernor. Tbe Dalles Ohroniole. Rev. John Reid, Jr. , of Great Falls, Mont. , recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me, can emphasize his statement, "it s a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Rev-. Francis W. Poole. Pastor Central JPrea. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any oase of Catarrh that cannot be oared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Propa. Toledo, Ohio, It Is a very eatisfaotory flht where We tbe undersigned, bave known t . J, both sides claim the victory. One fao- Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe tiou of Multnomah republicans got tbe him perfeotly honorable in all business i organiaotion and the other claim, it got TlTll TJlZ" the offioes; and so both are enthusiasts Wbst & tkt,ax wholesale Druggists, for tbe state ticket, and as united in its Toledo, Ohio. support as though they loved one an- Waldkq, Kinnan & Mabvin, Wholesale ATTEMPTED BUIC1DE. Ber other like brothers. Salem Statesman. Republican euooees in Oregon must be eoured next June in order to maintain the good name o the state. Tbe com ing election vw ill be watobed with great interest in all parts of tbe oonntry, be cause it is the first to ooour, and will be taken by many as a forernnner of what shall follow next November, when gen eral elections are to be held. A weighty duty rests upon the republicans of Ore gon this spring, and not one should be Drncaiats. Toledo. Ohio Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally, nctinc direotlv uDon the blood and ma cuons surfaoes of the system. Prioe75o, per bottle. Hold by all druggista. Tee timonials free. Hiss Birdie Kosl Attempts to Take Life With Cnloroform. On last Wednesday evening Miss Birdie Rossi, of Boise City, Idaho, was discovered in me City hotel in an insensible condition. Investi gation proved that she had inhaled chloroform with suicidal intent. In a letter to her motner she said she felt that she had disgraced her .nia.ii.Aa he nnminv in Hp.nnner as she did and .tavinir so long, but it is stated beyond the found faltering in bis plaoe. question of a doubt that her conduct, ooin nere and at home, has been of the most exemplary sort, Bometlme ago Frank Calloway resided with his parents at Coldwell, Idaho. Miss Rossi lived in a suburb known as Washoe and the families were very intimate. Miss Rossi and young Calloway became friends, and Anally lovers, though Miss Rossi is some years tne sen ior of Mr. Calloway. This disparagement caused an objection on the part oi the young S TOCK- 1898 SPRING PLANTING. "uwffj'jr Clean, Thrifty Trees, Two and Three Tear Old, Carefully Orown of the Beat Varieties tor this Climate Fully Guaranteed. pes 1000. $ 30.00 8.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 5.00 60.00 5.00 20.00 3.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 100.00 50.00 l The sum of Ave cents per line will be rhnrrari fnr "nariia of thanks." "resolutions of l&&it&ffiil Ayers the beautiful fell property, corner li:?"1 !?. May and Chase streets, which w.ii here a. Notices of church and society and allother ... ina clty residence of Mr. lihea entertainments irom wnion reveuuu vu m mr , rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five and family. cents a una. inese ruies win uo ivriuujr uunr ladle's parents, but Miss Rossi was firm in her love for Mr. Calloway. Since last fall Calloway has been in Heppner, and about six weeks ago MUs Rossi very indiscreetly came to Heppner for the purpose of marrying Mr. Calloway. This had been postponed on the account oi the financial condition of the young man. A few days sgo Mrs. Rossi came over from Boise, their home at present, to dissuade Miss Birdie from her course and to take her home, but It appears that rather than do this she preferred to die. However, the attempt could not have been suc cessful with chloroform and perhaps to this she today owes her life, for her purpose was clear, and with a more deadly drug would bave succeeded. The whole affair was happily ended last even ing by the marriage of Mr. Calloway and Hiss Rossi. This bit of sensation has caused much comment, but in Heppner, It appears, H does not ever reaulre facts to make talk. As indis creet as the young lady has been In this, let It be understood that there has been uoimng worse than an opportunity given to the town gossips to whisper scandal. The great drawback to assured suo obps is tbe faotional difficulty in Mult nomah County. Tbia we do not believe to bave been wisely bandied by tbe state convention, and instead of being made better, baa grown worse. It should be the espeolal charge of tbe republican leaders to see that some sort of a recon ciliation is iffeoted whereby tbe feeling nA tn In avat InatannA. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Mrs. Ada Cortis, who is at present in Good Samaritan hospital, at Portland, receiving medioal treatment, is improv- iog and will be able to return borne io a tew days. W. A. Goodwin returned from Port land this morning and will leave for bis home at Condon tomorrow. He left bis Hoi Ye voting men of Morrow, whistle np a lively tune For the candidate, I'm free to state, will stay with us till June, Then let him treat his voting friends to Sperry's l.lnwnnd Rve. He'll catch our votes if he wets our throats Bold only at the Belvadere Baloon, E. G. Sperry, boy, Frank, at the hospital in Portland Alien HiVHUB, VI ucIWM""t leave soon tor Baker oounty where be ill reside in tbe future with bis family. He will range bis sheep io Idaho. Jne Banister, of Hardman, it in town tndav on his way to Weston where bis Here and There. Eatray Notice. One bay horse, white spot in forehead. One grey mare, both bind leel wnne; each 4 years old. Braoded on rigni stine with tbe following deaonoea onaraoinr: inverted "l" froeen with the letter "P" on its stem. Will pay 91 W eacn for their delivery to U. Fadberg or informa tion leading Io their recovery. Addreea A. H. WwDflOB, Lexington, ur. for ber home on last tbree sections fenced and outside range, can set particulars of same by calling at thiaoffloe. al-lm Dr. E. B. Hunlock was called to Bard- man the first of tbe week to see Mra. Levi Sbaner whom be reports as very seriously ill. We presume yon use soap and if ao tbe beet ia cheapest. Hoe Cake ia itriotly pure with no free aUalL Rhea ft Go. Statements for the Famous Simple Acoount File printed at tbe Gazette of-floe. "Oo'n juice" ia all right but Low Til- family are living. Joe expeoti to be ls1 haa a hranri of 14-vear-old ffoodl that la bard to beat. 603-tf. Mrs. A. Roael, of Boise, Idaho, who .v , tr.ni,n t.th. has been fiaiting in Heppner tbe past T . ...uh. nn ahartrea. Tr Dr. week, departed Vatican's new olan. 604-tf. enlng, tw amndatlnn and courteous Anyone io need of good abeep range, treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sti., Portland, Oregon. E. O. Noble ft Co. are mailers after business. Tbe" flues! aaddlea and bar neaa to be found to Heppner. See tbeir new ad io this issue. tf. The Gazette earnea a full stock of mourning note, oorrespondenoe style, with envelopes to matob. Those desiring auob stationery can h bud plied at tbis offloe. E W. Rbea ft Co. positively guarantee How meoy looal warriors are going to . . -.i. -i hma Th th front, now that tbe nation is about mi iiirni u v uisvva vu " ' trill not be ooderaold and their cnslo- to get iolo trouble? mere may depend on tbia proposition, aa Bring your bides, mile and furs to bey are in it to atay to the tf 28 tf Bo. Matbews, at tbe Liberty Meat ' Th.ra'a more clothing destroyed by Markt. He pays bigbeet market prioe. utn ihss b actual wear. "Hoe 619-tf. fUk.- aoan contains no free alkali and Tbe stare and atripee are waving Io- ... th. An.. I I.im- TrvilMav nn the big flag pole oo the baok and notice tbe difference in quality, corner. Rhea A Co. Fine lot of oraog bought at apeclal Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red- prices for sale cheap by P. 0. Tborop- lirht.H ever en the alarl for eomethiog sod Co, new. oao furnish you tbe finest cock- Born-To the wife of Jaa. Thompson tails In Ibe lend Manhattan, Jersey, h0 tjoppoer, last night a 10 pound girl Termoolb or Om made by ao artist In rjjggfit aeaortmeot ol eyrope in Ilepp- tbe bueineee. Drop In ana late me D(, fof til by p q, Thompson Co, .a al I taste out of your mouin. R ni.,,ion and wife were vwitore Frank MoFarland baa beo appointed (b ej,r lrom Eigo Mil f "atefdaj special ageol of The Equitable Life As M Lichteotbal 4 Co. for ehc. soraooe Co, of New Tork, tbe etroogeei in tha world. Cash eurplua to policy T. Miinas Tar, . holders of over 60 milllot dollar. Don't wllfB try, and buy again. It taka Insurance witboot eeeiog f 1 mm Mil 1 1 Now ia the time every om d take a Bpnue; tonio 10 of soreness may be allayed and the re publioHUS made to forget their personal and political grievances. Tbe oempaigo tbia year is ooe of prin ci pie, and so it will be iewod through out the oonntry, Oregon has committed herself to sound money in tbe past, and nothing baa arisen (o justify a recon sideration of the vote of November lBIMi. The silver issue is being foroed again to tbe front, and tbe republican party must defend tbe ataudard it won a year and a halt ago. Tbe men who hav been honored with leadership must see tbeir duty plain be fore Ibem, and make every honorable effort Io allay tbia unfortunate faotiooal feeling. It is not a time for abuse or unkind words. Boob treatment never did, nor never will, win a vole. But let sooh spirit of conciliation be abown that every voter wilt be made to feel that be ia still republican, and not an onto ast The Dellee Chronicle. Secretary Kiocald refused to allow tbe popolist nominee for elector to appear simply aa tbe populist nominee, on tbe tioket, two years ago, but instated in putting after bie name alao a designa tion branding bim aa el.-o a democrat aod silver republican. Tbia year ha at tempt to keep off of lb ticket by ar bilary action (eetliog himself np a jodiolal Instead of ministerial officer) the popoliate, and to bave lh ticket bar only Ibe fuaion namea, designated W. O.Thompson returned on Tuesday from Canyon City where he had been looking after business matters. Walt has decided to go into the drug business over there and expsota to leave Heppner with bis family shortly. Tbe Gazette is eorry to bave these good people leave the town, but Walt deserves to auooeed and tbia paper bopea bia new venture will prove ao exceedingly successful one. ACETYLENE OAS. Tbe light of tbe future. Why not be independent and own your own little gas plant which will give four times more light than ordinary gaa or electrio ligbta at one bait the ooat? Applicable for use in churches, stores factories, hotels, residences and country bomea ; safer Iban ordinary gas or kerosene lamps. Approved by all tbe Boards of Underwriters throughout tbe united peb 100. Apples, Crabs and Prunes, 60 kinds,' 6 to 8 ft $ 5.00 Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaches, Aprioota, Nectarines, Quinces, Almonds, Somoni BtoSft Blackberries and Raepberrie Currants and Gooseberries Strawberries Grape Vines and Pie Plant W. Aab. Elm. Walnut. Maple. Box Alder Poplar 5.00 Hard Maple, Mt. Ash, English Walnut, Butternut 10.00 Roses, two year blooming age, out door. . . . 15.00 LiUo, White and Purple, 2 year, xx 8.00 Our collection of Roses. Shrnba. Bulbs, Olimeri, Flowering trees, Evergreens, Weeping trees, etc, comprises tbe beat aeleotion and shall be pleased to make you prioes on application. 50 at 100 rates, 500 at 1000 rates. Prioea are net, packing added at ooet. Cash with order, or Bank Reterenoe. Order early before (took is broken and you will get just what yon want. Address, Payette Nursery, Payette, Idaho. A NEW FIRM E G. Noble & Successors to Noble & Co., Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Saddles. Whips, Spurs, and an endless lof of everything in their line. E. G. Noble and Mrs. ,Qeo. Noble comprise the new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm as well as collect what la due. NOB1VB CO. Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. THE fRT OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP GOUD And now the entire world Knows this verject product stBtea. We want a first class agent m as trie ocar urewery oeer..... every town. Write for catalogue and prioes. THE ACETYLENE GAS MA CHINE CO , Akom. Ohio. On draught at all popular saloons The Maiqtiam Grand, ou Morrison street in tbe Marquam building, ia under exoelleol management and tbe puMio will be royally entertained tbie winter. New onmpaniea and new faoea will ap pear from time Io time at tbia popular, Crst olass theatre of Portland, and when io Portlanifour denizena should ool fail to take In eome of the floe dramaa that will be presented. tf Wanted A poaitioo aa foreman of I abeep outfit. Twenty year trailing ex perience. Know all route east and to I Montana. Beat of referencea. Addreea, Cbah. U Wiiielxb, Pendletoo, Or. STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. Ad Matleaon and another yonng man engaged in a aorap down town on Wednesday in which Ad' adversary oame out aeoood beat. Judge Riohaid eon settled the account with lb regn- I a wm. THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, ThePalace strengthen tbe Bytera nd pre- M pop.dmo ailfr-rfpub" or m- pare for the extra thing akin thereto. Mr. Kincald Is do- demand of Nature. Every "pring log bis best to kill tbe popolist organi se yatem it thoroughly orer- I would look better if be blm- 1 I, .1 . ,. 1 i.nnia. aelt were not seeking Io profil by ttis haulod-there 1 a goneral houae- v ' , rrL - I uii wwan aa vs i a,iiuu wu w w w cleaning going on within. impuritie that bave been accumu- 1 bf pllclllJ oppo,iu bl, Bim M lating for a year must be got Landidai for rlry lb legend dea. ten rid of, and the ayatera reuo- pop silver ropob, or something similar Vated and prepared for the aiege I tbarelo. What will the popolitl of lb ht ummer. Uulea Nature 1 aa- lt think of this bold appropriation of iated in this tak, the straiu ou hbm nmT-Hal. m Htateaman. the avHtera ia too severe, and a k.l,nn ia the rfault. aoms . " iTVmm v- peo aiata nee . a overcome ty an euerraiinn, proaaod feeling, their Mu-rgi-e re- lax, appetiw mw, " - -totally diaalb-d f'r a mu. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. Till Kind Yon Hate Always Ecugbt ...Has been leased by... V J.C.BORCIIERS Who has sarurwt the senrlce of ARS. MARGARET VON CAD0W As manager. It will bo run in lirnt clann fhajio in every department. Hateu reasonable.. SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. Bears the of w7 THE PALACE HOTEL BAlt, J. O. BOROII33IIS. Prop. NONKY TO L.OAN. I-, , .... . . r' tt.1 Tioon" varm ti,! tvceps the iMncst vvmcs. Liquors ana Cigars. plans of the Eqmtabl. lneure rxtb ,..,, c,hrtir at tH rat .l to T7tf li a r and it will H'" n vravw m RmMm keeDiog tbe largeat aaeort- MBt ol eaodie. frolt. cigar aod aotiooa to be foond anywber in tbe ell. Jaa. Hart I now abl to opply yon with tb Portland daille Bad all the magat'oae n Irindlcala. both ff- sigs asd domaailc lag saatur, gl Jim a call at tb vO'PP r MINT A 1 AtnounU ol Imm II an tn l'.i.o al lht trt r.lil. InU-fMl Miralila aniiiiallr. April- r.ttMi.i nri.Mird only (mm Urmrra Brtiiallr I Mi.lit, tin In larms. KoaiiU rt1ra . tirlirTn. TV aiata ., ChaiHt ol tmniniffS, PorilaiHi, Oroo. a soTicr. of nusa vlats. ,orle iifgleot to Bupplr this aa- dlJaUf-v governor of Org..n,i a mas i.Uuce, and aa a result hey are Uglonlog of hi. entry into polities! Iifa, an earat advneale of Ibe penpls's right. After reviewing bia character and wbat b has do II I only the nttaentpolone poliliniane who Everybody luat uow iihU a touic, eill speak of bim In lerme of dlfMpet. o:.- u.iA I Thf baa bo o moott snaetlv Hard SOU owm fc"- 1 . , , . . . , wuri in um im.., iu, 11 m wuuvwi i. mntle it all. Any man of aense will adeslr bla eoorage and abllMr, and is logically tbe bat tonio on the will edmll that be poeew taaey e,oll- t TV-hnalth iiKfd tilti m.i mm di ir in i-aoev , .... . . ...uit,..lrl Mp el man. Hut graal a are lb liuilJuiffUP. notice a unie iani, .... . , uuuuiuH ut; qolntia, they are orha.lod by I that l entirely barml. H. H. n. ff-rto it,4 t(HTt ,b, aJ.ane.. t'niTtn ai.Ts. I.ti o. ri a. Tha Ixiim. or-en. April ih, ! 'OTKaii. IIVkKHV I.IVKH THAT IMS 1 i.i.f..rH .il aurT-r "I Itiwnahlp II MHilh, rant Jl tt ol Iha lllm-ll M.n.l Ian. tw"B, ha in rl1 this nltirm an4 ll m im lallr aim In Ihia im nn naiumar. Ilia JU itaj ol Mar, l. al 10 o . ! k a m. M. H. r.Mi...., Gibson &c Berger, At ( Has lirW Oi l Sl4. Hhnviitir. - If Ct. I!itlrCuttln. UK Hatlmll-V. r.verylliingSlrlcl- Iv Virl (la. w OOL GltOWEltS If you liavo not yet realized that th "HOIK I Mood "tired feeling" and nwukv to the fact that the 'old time are with u, your i out of order, (let rid of that Wool Growers' Warehouse in it mtaaftftf atit ..it. ..J!, it. ,.i,1if I . ... ipuriy V'gn"il " of eeotWMny and proUeli. aaa riabui f all the people of t)ria. w bat be bae done fur ibe rpab:i risi Iii the lan to More your wm.1 ihU eiton. Whv? I catiM! wo do a tri tly warehotiMj lui.inen, and not 1 in in the field huyiiip wind ouri lve, wo enroiirago coiiih titioii . .. . . ... :.' .' :.J 1 L. U nf Ihi I niinl Miitra ere now rni)in Ilxill l f.,r N War a. It miria n-rti pr. that ( a-arrta ar ! wn-t ilrlithlful bow r-riltr ft rm-ily n rwn. drum .rta Or. IV. SOr a fuarantrt. UTKHAMY KUtM. 1 JMi'iM. "- T 1 aj f 4SL A war pm by lUtai 4 Klpliag. -Mially BPPoaiU to tb praeeol eriai, will prar tn MoClore' Mi for vr.. ti u A.MH,ihd aa treaties', with I all of Kiollt.- WoBdstffol fP asd oblMf. "f tO'Pd". ' J "etrerg'h ' f e th' bund" i t wae" . ... a . . . k . u f,M.M . aw a - ----- -- drizzau bA renv-dy that U nuarant4 to coutain no potaah, mercury, or other harmful mineral Ingredient. It is Nature' remdy, made from roots and bert-s g,athrI from Nature's great torehous. It thoroughly clen the W ff all impurities, tm. up the gen eral health, rne. th- app-' and impart new life and ig r in the entire ytm. Dang-rou typhoid fer at.d uthr prefaleut summer (iiMaa- a-ldom attara a pern h" arstern i thoroughly cleansed and toned tip with S. P. H. in the apriitg. 8. g. 8. and re pre pared. tVild by all D. A. CURRAY, f wftMflt ol rdlie Tonsoricial Artistrrnon"1 t',c' ',i,ycr an' ,,'curu )u 'iKht price thsvlef, Hale CeOln . shf.p, Mita i IS CU as plea aod lb repqbliraa parly alll be rm'Bitre4, Ibereseed M M , il ia iiiai i,m nie r r e'nri er(mr 1 . . O O 4 at aii ii.i ptain 10 ibe uet law. Mathews oi ucniry, eataotlbe e'aie an. bete as ebviiag faith la the aslnd of lb filer, sad In (('. Ibe dnoiriae of luliiiWo )! tff.ifte f i tie -aiitaey will be W aslils 94 aatasaM I'lMtl fmttH lae.14 1 l a ff tX alf axes lot r-'x -4 Ii4m siw amia liiim's Vim see Biaaa 4lp nm IM m-lM mb4 I yf elf laal teaaaae tils, U ealf rliaki t.frM Shaving lUiel sod pfe4. It I doisg ae lajeatiA to s larg ebe of 4- tiagaMbed aJ r rapihltnaae la It.i etale ebes Ibe people eleet Oeer governor of Ot llepatilM ta. BAHBERS n rv Cenlt. Mt trtM Imm- nt-l 4 t I f at ert W a I'm , t nt 4 ai-t ! Mai, tm mw K..11M a,t-t n mmn. 1l finr IMMI.N IMi WeM '-h"- . wttlM fum a !' 4M. U. F. IIYND, AUnagcr. av-f lee m" BiMlk ef fti.t' l.ej. Use lb beat. If are Irosbled aMb eMtiplte, eeJio ekia. 4 a liM feeliag, lake Karl' CWeet Tea, It t pleaeeal le lake. Hell ty Ceaatf A W art). T noiieae in it i r-ts-V; lloe-Cake Soap is No Eaual S4Me Im Bi.e.ta M M k f I f t'fcru .tot eeieaKi f et U 6 W laJ. e4eae. Ma-1. outer raited Hi at a palef.l, H tuoat 6eNMia1 tie di!Tertit ff"to allotlrrs Obtains b) Utl, ffp alkali Of woftllaee t'.'Atg. -A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chlnawaro & Quccnswaro At Gilliam & Bisbee s SeSef Ifce ear fca M. e. e a4a'a. r.s Tiee a: M la IM ll4 4 a CO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. Tb ale IBM cpttt IB I