The Gazette. OF HARTFORD. Friday, April 22, 1898. MAYO This REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Congressman, Second District, MALCOLM A. MOODY, oi The Dalles. Governor, T. T. GEER, of. McCleay. Justice of the Supreme Court, FRANK A. MOORE, of St, Helens. Secretary of State, FRANK I. DUNBAR, of Astoria. State Treasurer, C. 8. MOORE, of Klamath Falls. Superintendent Public Instruction, J. H. ACKERMAN, of Portland. State Printer, W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland, Attorney General, D. R, N. BLACKBURN, of Albany. Prosecuting Attorney, Sixth District, HENRY J. BEAN, of Pendleton. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, E. L. FREELAND, of Heppner, For Sheriff, D. A. HAMILTON, of Heppner, For Clerk, VAWTER CRAWFORD, of Heppner. For Treasurer, MAT LICHTENTHAL, of Heppner. For Assessor, J. F. WILLIS, of Lexington, For Co. School Superintendent, J. W. SHIPLEY, of Hoppner, For Co. Commissioner, J. L. HOWARD, of Pine City. For Coroner, E. R. HUNLOCK, of Heppner. SOME FIGURES. Has Experienced Wonderful benefits from Paine's Celery Compound. I Last n i Week The Gazette ia for the republi can ticket in its entirety. That is to say, it intends to work for and support every man nominated by the republican conventions. This paper proposes to forget that there was ever a factional fight in onr ranks, so far as it is concerned. And while most republicans will accept the verdict, yet we caunot disguise the fact that there are some who will cot consider them selves bound by party Uob, in view of the open and flagrant vio- We simply knocked our competitors silly with our display of Boys' I Us Clothing the finest ever shown in this city. Our prices are as low as the lowest, if not a little lower. o o o o o o Week... We'ask you to examine our display of ...HATS! Being complete and up-to-date, in all the latest blocks and stylei, in Mens' Youths' and Boys' hats. Prices guaranteed to be as low as tbe lowest. Watch this Space. Something New will Appear Each Week. Our show window will contain a different line ef goods each week or ten days, and our advertisement will call attention to each line we put forward. Space does not permit us to mention all our extensive lines at one time. U. :';, f in if ilL"" (X Mayor Milea B. Trenton bus been lations of party ethics in the past Hartford's obiof exsoutive for two years, by those claiming to be republi- Aa a result of bis economio, wiBe aamir. , ... Istratlon. the m nicipality has pros- cans, and now participating in pj, d ,0d,.un.U high among Ih. yany uuuuuua. xuu usmiio uir leading cities of America. alii 1 1 i l i I Jieves mat 10 oppoHe me UCKOl on Mayor Preston is lie first obief mania this account is wrong, because Urate of Hartford under tbe consolidated there are principles that deserve ,orm ' gowoiueui, Iie.inoiun a new Bnnrtnri mnra linn mnn period in the mnniolpality history of H.,t ..4- ... l.. .l !,.. u i.a.0 tav-to, ouu luwr He bpoan at tbe bottom round of tbe must Dot be overlooked. It Will Udder lesa tbao twenty-five years ao, take the closest kind of work to doming to Llartford ithout a busiuen nlflnl nnr ainta ktu nnnornHairtnal acquaintance or friend io the city. As IIaW in vip r,f tlA inlArn.l ""an of tbe opl. but aUo a tbimgbt- , , ... .. ,, , . ful conservative ofilcinl, fully oouseiotis turbances that cannot be quelled m o( h reponilbihty of llif LlKh p0Hiti()11 the short apace of a few weoki. i0j 0f bis reoommendationa Mayor Particularly does this apply to tbe Preston's statement of tbe decided ben candidacy of Mr. Moody, the re. derived from Paine's celery nnMinim nnminnA fnr nnnrrna- oompoooa must oerry more man oral . , .(, I nary weiuQt in every boms, where tbere xjnn yonr mr. .... ..,, of re00u(ir,tioni iml of , rpm,d, 58J votes and Dir. JNortbup, Mr. I (hit is beyond any reasonable doubt re- oimon independent sound money liable. This is what Mayor Preston republican, 8800, or a total of 21,- "1,: 383. Mr. Quinn, the populist, was MATOll'B OFFICE, Hartford, Can. the recinient of 12.239 votes and Tbe modern man of boinse, beds Mr. Rennett, the free silver demo. ""r 10 n,,ljr' fiD,u of, ,b,t ,b- C0D- crat,7255, or 19,4'Jl votes. Ths difference in favor of sound to be the fate prepared for Mr. money, if the Elhs-NorthuD vote Moody. All true republicans tinned pressure of effiirs has caused tbe nerves, to remonstrate and fall in tone. At eiioli a time Paine's oelery oompound beoomes of value, MILES B. PRESTON. Tbe skin and the eyes are two good thermometers of health. It the akin baa spots, eruptions, an unhealthy pal lor or a yellow appearance, and the eyes a glazed look, with yellowish whites, it is hitjU time to purify the blood and reg ulate the liver and kidneys. Paine's oelery compound makes bright red blood and relieves the liver and kidneys ol the strain that is brought upon Ibem whenever impure blood ia eonatantly pouring through tbeir subitanoe. There is every reason in the world why Paine's oelery oompound abould build op siokly people, tuoresM tbeir appetite and nourish every tissue io tbeir body. As even oLildten are aware, tbere blood all over tbe body. It la this blood which builds up tbe tissues tbat Dave been worn nut. It carries all the ma terial for restoring wasted anil worn parte. To ths muscles It gives certain particular material for making muscle to tbe bones it givea op tbs material for Tbe Waldorf Company, Never before has Heppner been given ssob a treat as tbat afforded our people on Wednesday and Thursday evenings in the appearance at tbe opera house of Miss Janet Waldorf and ber superb oom pany of players. On Wednesday even ing Miss Waldorf took the leading part of Parthenia in that beautiful and ro- mnntio play entitled "Ingomar, the Barbarian" and was strongly supported by Mr. MoNey in tbe character of logo mar, and while Miss Waldorf read ber lines in a a anner tbat was faultless, Mr MoNey was also greatly admired for tbe excellent and masterly manner in wbiob ba presented bis part. Tbe ctber obar aotera in the play were also well sus tained and tbe performance of tbe com' pany on Wednesday evening was highly appreciated by tbe large audienoe pres ent. On last evenina "Tbe Hunchbaok" was presented, but the audienoe was not so large aa tbe night previous. Tbe company were oompelled to rneb through the differeut acta in order to reach tbe cars by 9:30, being billed for Peodletou tonight. This baste necessarily de tracted somewhat from tbe interest and eOeotiveoess of tbe performance, how ever, all who attended were highly making bone; in the brain and nerves H ploJ, and were loud in their praises , .. , , , , . ot manager uarriguea tor tne enoris ne . .i " put forth to induce this exoellent troupe to visit Hbd iD6Fa Theater aoers of But it takes riob, pure, highly vital- other 0itiei need bave no besitanov in iaed blood to do all this, and this is the patronizing Mies Waldorf and her troupe poweriui lever wuion I'aine s celery tot they are sure to reoeive full value oompoond takes advantage ol to make (or tbe Dl0ney iTested I lie weak body strong, and to drive out aisesse irom me svsiem. gave Them. Paine's oelery compound supplies just Tbe wrappers ot Hoe Cake sosp are tbat needed, appropriate food tbat tbe worth a oent apiece. Ask Rhea & Co. overworked nervea are often loo feeble I for premium book. a 30 to extract, nnaided, from tbe mass ot food taken Into tbe stomach. Paine's Notice Of Mention. oelery oompound looreaaei tne appetite nil nnta th tiii npirina lnA ak.n LKD OWl B AT LA GRANDS. R00 to pans the food over to the blood in VOTH'K ia HKREBY given that the W vi i vi i( i vi it) viz iHf iv it it P wT P The Leader Of Course! The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S to m to rn to to to to to to to to to it it to to to to to The Beginning of this New Year 1898. it viz 0 it it A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, w to to T. to 1 Heppner, Oregon you'll find at R. HOWARD'S it it it i to f..ii..i... . . k i a,. ai.j SUOO a perfectly prepsred OODdltlOO tbat of hli Intention to mk tln.l prool In mpport tbs change into o.rye. brain and tissue j ' STi, substanoe la easily and fully broogbt "" at Hipnr, Oregon, ou vr -ss, about, without waste of nerve energy or jobs p. brown, wear upon tbe liver, kidneys, heart or Hi No Mil, lor ths E) BW54 and w BEV See .l,m.K JTp28HJKWM. SlomaOU. I if. tinmra iha Inllowlni wlttiMxv to ntnvi Ia this sclenlifle. aeanrat. fashion . .:.,,V:r;wl,,Pu', "lif ul!.li'-n Palne'a oelery oompound permanently JS." cures sKtmacn rrouoiee, oisoraerea uver, kidaey disease, indigestioa and all un- baaltby condilioue that grow oot of I overworked, underfed nerves and or gans. I. W. BAETI.KTT, Keg later. can be kept intact, i. 183 Totca. ihVy .T l!U muu.uiuuu,u.iui "m":u" quaiuted with tli truth o the ait 751, and it ia more than likolv uatiou, and then to work accord- The was that fully aa many votoa will be jngly. cast tbis year for tuoir Domiuco, (J. V. Iogalla. The gold demo- Notiuno but pramo ia attu in crata, too, Lave decided to put up H the atate paper, inor-pwtivH of . ,,r,r,rn.u;..Bl n.n.U.l.t ..,.1 II,. P"ty ftlVll iatlOUa COIICOruiDC Uotl. .. . . .... , ., . ... .11. T. (Jeer, ropul'licau tioiuiuie writer ia afraid that tbw will Dot f() r OVPf Dor j- etron with liolp our candidate lhen one the tHJopIe aUo, and will recive must know that Mr. Lllia received a majority in Juie that will ear. a great number of ailvcr vote and prtae bit nunit anient ndmtrerH. the aupport of personal friends who are democrat that cannot be Kveuvhody rocigui.ea in T. T. mustered for Mr. Moody. Id Oepf "T atronn ramlidatn for Multnomah county alone, where "oor, but if he ehould be elec- ... ..... . . tetl, be will prove a very weak much diaaatisfaction eu.ta, the re- cbipf p,Pculi J of ut (J(M,r publican nominee wtll all far I will tm under the iftluonco of the behind the combined vote of June, laarae old clique that ha been in two veara aco. real for Kllia ami power for year puat (Iwr will Northup. aimply !) the tool of the Portland I IxMtaca alionKl bit atett into (lovi-r. The Gazette baa heretofore tf aot Lord'a ahoea on January 1st of pressed the aanguiue opinion that neityear. Should King Ixt clecU Mr. Moo.1 would I electad. The l be will Ik) governor, lie does -bt...1u.inirt.U;K Dt wear the roller of any lxa, .' ... . , clique or faction. Tiuiea-Motin klianiBis aa aw atlinlA AlAeuinn al 1 ti I . . " acDlimenu, cannoi agree mai iur. It wi u hj to Wllk tLj mart! MtKxiyiiM a waiaver. ne naa i of 0 Mk . tv the bardeat kiud of a f.ght, Willi Lt atv. iu reference ta l ariuer ill a f I a I ouaa largely gatnsi mm, ana w 0wr Ue ia a man too well known eipreaa any other opinion would for ,uch ft flinj, to Uv fty U atatiog that which ia contrary mi ht He repreat-nta no fachon t.t at. a)e.(Aaa to exiaUDg lact. JI Nr. till uad o! 1L, ri-i.ublican oart and the the worst of thioi? for aahile, Lave boon nominated inatead of above can only U eooaidered as think we are now about ready and Mr. Moody, in the faco of a deter- rot. Aa b Mr. King, w cd givo an ai-eouct of our.W" UllUl'U UUHIU VI BIHUI lUllTi HUUI through the knifing, which TllEHIDENT McKlN'LEY did no fretting becautie congress took a whole week to act upon hia mea ange ou armed intervention in Cu ba, while the general expectation waa that the buaiuera would be done in two day at the outside; he knows what responsibility ia. That the delay baa been beneficial to thi government may be aeen from the following language, used hy a member of the cabinet to an impatient friend who waa rejeat iug the argumeut used on all aide against the apparent tardineea both of congress and the presi dent : "Nobody baa the remotest idea bow unpiepared we were when congress mad the arpropri ation of fCiO,Q0O,0Oa At matter of fact, there waa not five round of ammunition in a fortified place in the coubtty and the ahipa did not have ammunition enough to fight anything. We were aimply ready in au amateurish manner. The president waa allocked when he learned the full facta. A know. ledge of these facta liaa a much to do with making him cautiou at a desire to avoid war. Had this country Wen forced Into war three wtH'k ago, we might have gotten 1 Timber Culture-Final Proof. Land Orrirs at Ths Dallsi. Ostnno. Murrh l'th I. XTOTICg IS HKRF.RY GIVKN THAT PAT il rlrk HiillUn. ol Hvppnrr, hu fllrd Dotlre ( Intuition to nik Bnai pnl hrlor J. W. vnrmw, rtiiinty rim, ! nil Mm in Huppnvr, A few country atateamen are trying to aay that Preaident Mo- Ktnlev baa been vacillating in bia n. v it. w. m . a, s ne iibmiiw mm wiiik course on Cuban auair. Iheae niiniioi.tun. wiuum. umr, niemue llllrr. all ol llrppocr, t)r imi Orffon, on Muiidny tti IS j ol April, Ikm, on timtirr rnitnra uppitiMitiiin no. 9i for tn et mi, er,'. em tion it, m uiniiip no. s a John Woodward amcteur diplomat will learn be fore long that trouble baa legun even too soon for our condition. Notlce Ot Contest Preeidnt McKinley baa proven himself to ho a master of the itu- ativm. J AH. F. MOORK. Krclitcr. Timber Culture. Lass Or ru a at Tnb Dau , Oasoon. M.rrh IV tovrt.AtNT MAViNti arKM maib at 1 t.i I... ,,! ntvan tin tba .' "mr ,h ' and r.,ff..t ..v. .......... -i- i mii m.ti ol Huivrt h karrrn, allntl"! that nation t.t tbo Iwil. Lira nf f'titian '' "I""- ho "r rnllnravnirv nauoii io me uouiera oi tunto kn m , lh, mi. w u i . h h t. bond. Neither ha be li.tened V,.r,tB,;lm'lVr, hn,:,,';rh:r.,,.i;,, ..',,7; to the jingoiat who baa ln bowl. rr-lrr.'l'Sn'lAte . . 1 . it.. ...Ii:it . f nlrr. to rotnhlT "lih lh limlirr-riiltiira Una, -iriBO iui iuuiuiuuis r,,,., ru,ial pfwlanT part of th. uurpreeideut uaa oeen wiee, pru- lllw,,,,TUw, lh, ana tn. ir-u. in. dent and brave and time will prove T.r'rl.rXT'ir.'.p ! A - I I 1 L!. iwarltflnraJ. Morrn. roimtr rlvrk Nnr lb A IUU VUUMB IMUU UJ UIS l,w Va t UrvpnM. Ofa..n. on rvmrirti.wia in Ida f.wi nt what Viaa ,h ladr ot April. Km, at o orlurk a m . M oonvicuoua in me lace oi woai na miA ,Ur ,hn ln,M to pr.,1, ,1K., rvtnfmnt,l tiim mmA mnntba ""r. aa thr mmf ha mnrvrnlnt Ih aald comionieti uuu ior aome monma, iirf,nr.a. m sai fcrttrt t aa,t i,.r tha Hrfl.l.linil tba Iwllra. Otvvnn. on th At a daf "I AP'll. at Iha hour o 10 it a man. ow let tne tiowiing jiogoiet color up hi "yaller streak' and do some of th figbtiog. "t imMwaV In th I rl!lkM l:. lrw hit RkhaN Hall ack-n. Iliat .i.- la not txmttd Iraa, Int I i.ito. "It ran ! ttenma atratnl." I "that all kn farla aU.nt ) c It h thn u;'-lti-n tliAt If OM f"l i e attat.-lit I im t! routh apae a rl.w ua Ml W. II H Hi. Kr,r. siiERirrs SALE. OTK la Mtasay ttiviw THAT fu a-t and ! tlrtiia m aa arailoa a no I nrlr, ol aaia. duly and rvcntarly ia,i,d out of Iha I'lrrnil t'ourt of Iha aiaia of iHrnn N II tw.fl a ).! , and da- idl rn.1r.t and mrl la aald rwirt. naf id Marra if aa taa of Hr. a. la a anil tha ....II.LI. I tharafcora prndiMf Iharata. aharalo era rrcnrllaMt 1h. ,wrt, ('map.,,, ilaniad. o a4iand a i--tu..n. a a aiamnA. and Jaaa tb.Maaa tmaKlie and ktliloa (hi lioaaiag aa hlra at laa vf awphaa a pna iiiif I. r the wm l t a ghi the del ii. u.( S.nt iMeini.tawat. rnl.i.a hlll.m a 1.-. li a,.-. 1 -a aluiaiai hr... Idalaad rawadlt aw fc a.11 taa hrta , . , , r aiw driit raal anwrtf, IUI aa ll. tMh rriy to i ... . .. i; ,,r t 'nrit, euar s 4a, nt Mar. a. I, 4ui( at-aad alii. )..i.ri.M! i, . . . . I ,i , mi laiatigta I Taaa. the tOttt av el Mas. tilt It tl fr.l i rr ix I 4 h t Xbt I at tha kuaf ft t arlort ta Iha alteraaoa ,d was I Deed bave no fears, for hi la, Thee Word ibould i fUld' laid nu for him in event of nomi. lVnnoyer, cannot ruall. v.t.a rrrd l v th hair tricger Individ ... a ail aat.a . a a a . . I a aal . t .1 nation, be would bave aaiely auf. enough for the 17 to land biui io ferad defeat, just a It appear bow I tL governor' chair. ual who blame the president for Dot lushing into war week gv jx'int fn m :ii linn lrto.t .' lata ifarfarna. had Baaaa at at l ta tl a-.ia. mih raa ill eW .-... , ta ti avaaav-lt. III S r aa am aaaw lataaif I w4 W laaa awe BaadS aid da,, al tha Itwil itM of Iba aoonif asT1 )ia la N.vrwi Mnrm maaif lt..n, aril tn tha a!ah.4 hi I trr I. rah ta MM. ail ihi hu:..alM 4niJ ral alata moil Iha aMiia a m4 'i.r 4 an tl.'a lat.t, aitat, la fc.atoaaia la aimlh of rai tawaty ti..,,. aaal a m ail aii'iat. ad Wit la Iftwynw i.m.,.. nara. ik(i aita Iha a hara.iii. r4 aipurtat.ahra lhaaaata) a. f IriH la aav aa i iiIai 1 1 m4 aa aiw. a .rm aa a ill aa'r a4 f1gaw la tha h.lalf tmM $1 'i a. aMh Inlart tharara l.a Iha wah da, ,4 tm !, al a rata al rr .-t ra' an.-a I. Iba ! at f hit rf"ii.a ,i..wa a at rf tha f i th. aia al S w avt 4 eiaharvwaaav I tad an lataf rwta a I. lit. a al Aaatif al Matfav aaaair vtaeaa. C0NSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling of prescriptions. "When you hear dem bells!" YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THS HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone oflice. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! HOOTS AND SHOESi.. D ! THC PLACE TO OCT THCM It OF ai. xaciiximariiAhr, co. Tarr hart injlhlna In this Una that jrou mar drilrs and yon rao depend on It Ton set a ftiod artk'ta baa tliej luarantaalU SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Ol1 Buss, Mala Street ReealHaf Specialty The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY Bat Sfe too of f raalaat f alii In mnrtan u roat If too want to cat ,M, aiort; a rth of feonpat gooilt In ' Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, ConfcctioDery OR MACHINERY, CALLON--- W era Inrraaalns avr iUirl l..r fall n4 wintar. fill and aa na. -A.. AB.UAHAMSICK, IVlerchant Tailoring! Mr. AbrahamMck 11 the pioneer tailor of Hepp ner. Ilia work U always first class anl satisfac tion guaranteed. CALL. AND BEE ML ON MAY 8TUEET 1