! V PAPER OFFICIAL YO ,T wamfy's WORTH THE ' Seml-Weeklfl Gazette AT $2.00 A YEAR. ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF THE v Sei-Weeklo Gazette IS YOUR MEDIUM. t C-'O' ,- J I. FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY; OREGON; FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1898. NO. 642 r"or v. SEUIWEEKLY GAZETTE. FDBLIBHID k Tuesdays and Fridays TEE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $2.03 per year. $1.00 for aix months, 50 ota. :or three monins, strictly in advsno . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Poatofiice at Heppner, Oregon, ai Becond-claas matter. THIB PAPKR is kept on tile at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, M and 65 Merchant Exchange, Ban Franoisoo, California, where oou raots for advertising can be made for it. LP. FIBBER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIB- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, Ban Franeisoo, Is our authorized agent. This papar is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N.--L0CAL CARD. Wisconsin Central Links GENERAL "'; PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Jnnotion 12:06 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junoiioa 8:30 a, m. and ar rives at Heppner 8:0Oa. m - . Spokane Express No. 1 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p.m. and TJma'illa 8:80 p. m. , Portland Express No. S, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla tfiUOa. m. and Heppner Junction 7 HO .m. aod arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No, 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 8:25 a. m, and at Umatilla 1:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a.m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. K A N-, Heppner, Ore. OX-JFIOX-AVX LIBEOTOST. United States Officials. . ..William McKinley ....Garret A. Hobart John Sherman Lyman J. Gage ...Cornelius N. Bliss , Russell A. Alger John D. Long James A. Gary ....John W. Griggs James Wilson Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ' ways,11 and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the UBhers at i the Grand Central : Passenger Station, who have recently been , - uniformed with brown suit and red cap. J. bey will De in waiting at I all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it ia hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort. JAS. C. POND, . Gen'l Passr.' Agt. AVeeetablePreparationfor As similating tteToodartf Regula ting theo tamacns anaixweis ct Pieeident. V'mt-Presldent (Secretary of Btate Heoratary of Treasury Secretary of Interior ...... ' Beoretary of War Secretary of Navy Postmaster-General . Attorney-General u . . Secretary f. Agrioaltnre.. . . Stats of Oregon. Governor ...W. T-WtA Beoretary of State H. R. Kmoaid Treasurer. Phil. Metsohan Bapt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General ..O. M. Idleman i G. W. MoBnde Senators. ) J Thos. H. Tongue Congressmen W. R. EUis Printer , W. H. Leeds ( R. B. Bean, Hnneama lii.tra. ' 4 F. A. MooTO. r C. E. Wolverton 81xth Judicial District. Circuit Judas Stephen .Lowell ProMontinn Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator - A. W. Gowan Reprasentati vs. (lonntv Jadjre A. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable PromotesTcsUon,Ciaerful ness and RestCofltains neither Ojmtm,Morptiirie norHineral. Not Narcotic. FumpJiU Sml MxJennm Srmd ; JrppttTKKnt JHCarianakSUm Chritud Sugtr . Awifect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stotnach.Diarrnoea, Worms onvulsKns,Fevenslv oess and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEWYOHK. Gault House CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 41 Q., C. M. & 8L P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATB8 $U.OO DAY I Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CHICA0O, XX1X1. EXACT COPY" OF WRAPFEB, For Infants and Children. The Kind You7 Have Always Bought Bears Sign? the , iture I A ir The Kind You Have s Bought. 1 P 111 Army and Navy to Co-Ope rate at Once. Washington, April 21. The cabinet at a meeting this afternoon discussed a number of questions all of which involve immediate hostil ities. The question of war was considered, but it is understood it is unlikely that any formal declaration will be made at once. The North Atlantic squadron is officially stated to have sailed for Havana, which harbor:- will be : blockaded immediately. J-Nothing is ascertainable regarding the flying squadroii. The troops will co-operate with the navy hs Boon as consentrated. Ten days, it is expected, will be necessary to oonsentrate the troops at Key West ' As soon as congress passes the army - bill the president will call for 100,000 men. : Eighty thousand will aid 1 the regulars in the Cuban operations, and 20,000 men will man the sea cost artilery. ; The navy department is advised that an official note issued at Mad rid says the Spanish squadron has left the Cape ' Verdes to meet the American fleet in Cnban waters. Both the United States and Spanish governments consider that although war has not been officially declared by either, a state of war exists, and the opening of hostilities will occur as soon as the hostile fleets and armies can be brought together. ' The Text of the President's Ultimatum. Washington, April 21. Following is the text ol the President's ultimatum to Spain, as given out this morning i ' '-'April 20, 1898. Woodford, minister of the United States, Madrid:' You have been furnished with the text of the joint resolution voted by the congress of the United States on the 19th lnst., and approved today In relation to the pacification of the Island of Cuba. In obedience to that act, the president directs you to immediately communi cate to the government of Spain said resolution with a formal demand upon the govern ' ment of Spain to at once relinquish its authority and government in the island of Cuba . and withdraw Its land and naval forces from Cuba and Cuban waters. In taking this step the United States hereby disclaims any disposition or intention to exercise sover eignty, jurisdiction or control over the Island, except for the pacification thereof, and asserts its determination that when that is accomplished to leave the government and control of the island to its people under such free and Independent government as they may establish. "If by the hour of noon on Saturday next, the 23d day of April, Instant, there be not communicated to this government by the government of Spain, full and satisfactory re sponse to this demand and resolution, whereby the ends of peace In Cuba shall be assured, the president will proceed without further notice to use the power and authori ty enjoyed and conferred upon him by said joint resolution to such extent as may be necessary to carry the same into effect. (Signed) ... SHERMAN.".'.' ill ' ' " POWDER Absolutely Pure V TMC eCNTAUN COM FA NT, NEWVOM OtTV. WEEKLY The Hotel HLoxpinL03P Minister Woodford Receives Passports. the MONTHLY J. N. Brown ft. Bartholomew I .... J. K. Howard I J. W. Morrow K. L. Matlock Frank Uilliam A. C. Putteys .. i.... J. J. MoGee ....Jay W. Shipley u. F. Vaughan Commissioners,,.. J. W. Beckett. " Clerk Sheriff 't Treasurer V Burveyor.. School Bap't Coroner Bvnnwwtt nwM nvvrrrcaft. u..or Thos. Morgan I Smn'iimen.. H. J- Uohtenthal. j. B. Bimons, J. J. Boberts, J. W. Humus and t G. B perry. . , , i, : i W. A. Richardson Marshal JnB HHl8 Preeiaet OfBoer. i t:. . k. sim W. K. Kichanlson Citahl... N. B.WbtatoM TJalted States Land Officers. mi i .a nl. . . I. . Moors SZl'lZ A.B. Biggs OMnrtr LA OKAHDS, OS. E. W. Bartlett, x&.'fcl l.n. Hi,bbiM..- lUoeiver XORXT BOCiaTIB RAWLINS P08T, NO. IL . G. A. B. MwU at Uiington. Or., ths Ut Saturday of sen month. AU vsursns are Inviua to join. Q. W. Bmlth. CO. royUA. Adjutant. Outlook (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. Washington, April 21. The following statement regarding sending of the ultimatum to Spain was issued to day: On yesterday, April 20, 1898, at 11 o'clock, the department of state tended visit of several months it their served notce of the purposes of this government, by delivering to.Min- oW bom1 uemvj. Tuey were so J. W. Morrow returned on Wednesday morning from a few days' abeeooe in the metropolis. Attorney Gourley, of Arlington, was in Heppner on Wednesday looking after some legal matters before the oirouit oonrt. H. 8. MoEwan, a nheepbayer, ia here from Lander, Wyoming, wants to buy up a lot of sheep. He arrived Wednes day morning. Be not deoeivedl A cough, boarsnesi or oroup are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Hhiloh's Cure will safe you much trouble. Sold by Oonser & Warren. ! A. M. Bunce, rf presenting a Chicago oommission bouse, arriped in Heppner on Sunda morning. He wants stook and suetp and ia soliciting consign ments, f Wanted By two Japanese young men, work aa i cooks on ranch, In hotel or private families. Experience in the business 1 and satisfaction . guaranteed. Inquire at onoe at tbia effloe. Fossil Journal: Mrs. Andrew Tlllard and her little boy, and Mra. W. 0. Brown arrived the first of the week to visit their mother, Mra. M. A. Donaldson, who baa been very poorly of late. Mrs. M. Liobtentbal and daughter and Henry Blabm, wife and daughter arrived borne yesterday morning from an ex- ister Polo a copy of the instructions to Minister Woodford and also a oompanied by Henry Blabm and wife Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York anil torn Ahi 14 rati a.n.1 tlsntna tit.. Km I ... . . . 11 . t S , YT . r. . I w vususFH ut VIVIW VIBUUI copy ot trie resolutions pasaeu Dy me congress oi me unitea Btates on ,0a oon.in Adam, Blllhm Mr Henr, Itbeiyth. immediately after tne receipt ot tnis notioe tne epanub Blabm is a brother of Mrs. H. Blabm. minister fcrwarded to the state department a request for his passports I0' Heppner which were furnished him yesterday afternoon. A copy of the instruc tions to Woodford are herewith civen out. The United States minister NoV"Op6n. New Methods.- New lYIanacre- a' Madrid was, at the same time, instructed to make a like communioa- liou to tut) guvoruiueui ui oijuiu. ment. Strictly First Class. This morning the department received from Minister Woodford the' The Outlook will be In 1897, aa it baa been during eaob of its twenty-seven years, a History of Our Own Times. In its varioua editorial departments The Outlook gives a oompaot review ot the world's progress ; it follows witb care all the important philanthropic and in- dost rial movements ot the day; has a complete department of religious news; devotes muoh space to the interests of the home; reviews current literature; I famishes cheerful table-talk about men aod things: and, in abort, aims to live fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Rates, $1.00 Per Day1 and Upwards. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. Bobbed ths Grave. A atartllng incident ot wbioh Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject. is narrated by blm as follows: Ml was ia a most dreadlul condition. My akin was almn.1 Una. i.u innka. Innnit. following telegram, stating that the Spanish government had broken off L,,ted. Min ooniinaalu in back and diplomatic relations with this government, i This course on the part of sides, ne appetits-graduaily growing Spam renders unnecessary any further diplomatic action on the part ' dJ tr day. Three physicians of the Uuited States: bd lYeD IM Fortunately, a friend "Madbid, April 21,-Early tbi. (Thursday) morning immediately CT.Kf .,5aTta! after receipt of your telegram, and before I had communicated the same bottle made a decided improvement. I to the Spanish government, the Spanish minister of foreign affairs no- i am well man. I know 7bev a'.'sd 8o?A first-class feed barn run in connection, and from all trains. We solicit your patronage. ' Commaridar. Beginning witb the fifty fliftb volume, the paper will assume tbe regular rostra cine siae, wbioh will add greatly to its convenience and attractiveness. - The Outlook is published every Saturday I fifty-two issues year. Tbe first issoe In eaob month is an Illustrated Magasiae N amber, containing about twioeas many pages as tbe ordinary issue?, together witb large number of picture. . r It til . U V "IVf VI Ul VW.IUVB fl . U I WW I OL neQlieiQdollare eyear lnedTauoe,or less than a I cent a day. Send for a specimen oopy and illustrat ed prospectus to Tba Ootlook, 13 Astor Place, New Toik Oltv. D.J. McFaul, M. D. UEPPKEB, OREGON. Offioe boors, 8 to 10 a. m., aod 12 to n m ai rMidsDoa. W. A. Kirk's prop- arty, east of M. it cbnrcb, South, and 10 to li, a. m , w w o p. m., omu- iu tbe rear of Bonfe ewelry atore. Brown Attorneys at Law, Offioe to tbe BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. tififid ma that dinlomatio relations had been broken between the two my life and robbed the grave ot another .n I I .a: M V7 . I .it a. .L rree r7a8 "i 0 C0UDtrie8 Rnd thBt a11 official "nunications between their respective Sli M cen ts pr Mt ! at E. J. Wo- vwi-uvi.-i i. t: U . ..n I nnl. ..11 ..r i I .m'. Amnm Mint repi CBOUiOvivco uatc tcoicu. a auuutviiuij Htm iui ssio msn-jiva. I shall turn the legation over to the British embassy, and leave for Paris this afternoon. I have notified the consuls. ' (Signed) W00DFOBD. VELVET AND BAGS. First National Building. Hirraia, i t Obcook Bank tf Ellis & Phelps, XTTORNEYS AT LAW. Alt bnsltwas attiut4 satl.lM-tnry ssau ur Collar tors. Offke 1st Hattef SnlMlag. i la a Bromnt sn4 Notarise Public su4 STOCK BRANDS. Wails yos) as row smbaevipttaa paid fv aaaesv yor brand la fr of ehars. I Bora, P. O., ReptMMr. Or. Hnrsaa, P B c left I tMakimt eauis, saioe us vm nip. in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. Heppaer, Or. Conk. A. J.,L-ti-0.-Hor-s, 90 oa rfcntanoal dar; ( ttla, sam oa riabt hipi sat saark square srov on wn aod split in nsnc. Dautaaa. W. M . (Hlloway. Or.-Oattla. RDss ris-ht it,swailow-furk ia saok sari koreae, B I) on tart kip. tf m m I sna. inaiua ur-aorMS nraoaaa t.L.1 hnriAr'SlI t CfT fV o simaktar, smuta aaata oa Uftaip. bale UVHVl Ul Wlivwkvi llanBiar Floraai D. E. GILMAN, IT HAS falUifully labored for their prnsrwrlty snrl happiness, for tha Improvement of tbslr ni . nrosoeritr bifjjols hiislnrsa and home Interesu, for ediiratlon, for the tlevatlon ot Amrruan manhuod and I w" true womanhood. IT HAS told at the amide, Intereatluf and Instructive stories of thedolnicsol ths world, the nation and sum. .... IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methoils of rnltlvatlns and harvestlnc bis rrons. and the proper time lo convert I IT HAS led s century vised the larmer as 10 ine mosi spproven ropinoii. it, riiiiivauiia mihi niiTmni, ui. ps. and the proper time to convert them Into the largest possible amount of money. I In all mailers pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for Over s bslf entury has held their confidence and esteem. IT IS TXID. a,i nlA Itfvifcs and nova IA his hands and 84 1" " ?" them. M.SrS eultecUona. Offioe ia J. S spectaiiy Of sara N. Brown's DoiUiDg. 'ittiS'Z&Jte New York Weekly Tribune, W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. council. "- alls and fcnvs real aetata, rents koiMM, pats tesa. to rnnvevsoelnt and lll wne y In . .t In kla llrM.at roaannebta Scatva. tf I First National Bank OF II EITHER ea, L. a. riaht ktpi aarssa. abuoldar. Jonas, Harry, Happaar, Or Harass braadad d J oa Um tan stunlitart eattta bra ided i oa right kip. aleu aadarbtt ia left sat. Une ia Momnt eoaaty. Jnhnana, rails. Leas. Or. Hnraaa. el re In T a tart eiine; settle, anmaoa rtakt kip, aatda bail op la rx and euiit taft ear laaar. Mika, Heepeee, 0r Horaas brnndMt KM a tart kla aatttaaaakeaad snip ofl tafl anri aaitar akipa oa UM rtaikt Lanbrt. I. W. Mantio Or Horaoa branded Land A o ("t abonbtari rattle aanM oa left kip, wuta arar nkt eta, laraa aliis la nM C. A. rlMCA. T. A. PHt. GEO. W. COMStR. S. W. INCCR, Prssldsftt Viae Prasldsat CesMer Aaa't Cashier Truactt I SrscnJ lull;; Biaa. EXGHANOl! i all part at Us f4- Bought and Sold.UJ tinar. Oenar. nepnaar ttr.t aftia. rtakt kip. bursa Haa taft atsaaldar. Btorsan, H. I, Hapaaar. Or.-Horaas, aa tah abaaUVn aauta aaaas oa taft tap. rWhr-ra. I. W.. Duaa-taa. Ilr. borsns O us sboataen aatltaaaawaa Dabt kip. rarbar A Htaama. H irdiaa.Ov.-Hor s lPoa tanaaoaldar. Pr.rwm, OIrr: borers branded bar and hirld on tan sbooldat; rang, Klghl Mile, SfirriW ronrity. i. H LMtafVM. Ita.-IUraaa. Jl ana mmm$ m. taft etaltari sallta.aaaaai taf kip. awtar bn la enok nw. tartar . W.. Ilfpaar. Or.-Hirasa, 40 as taftsLeaUar. ai Ua. Qaa rtajitblp. . aw. PL O Manuiar. Or. - Cttta W aa tart kiss amp 4f iM and andWtnt la tafl rear, savtaan taaiaj AT niWt ananktar. Tkaatpaaa, t. A., HaBPr, I HaraaS. a laWj aatua, I aa lan waiuiar. P.. W H-vmt (h.-il eapttaj T ias aa tart kip Collai s ias steds aa all paints aa itk aplit la an) a aara. Wanaajba'aar. W. I fiinrtar eierM 1W aa Oaltaanf . '.! r-t,l al'nldari aaiiia arptas a4 adl.tdad fv-Sta oa. artr r.reta 1 W aa rtaM kip and niMa" a l taaa I left ear. tUr. ia MxivW Tbe pale girl should visit tha printing offioe and get some oolor. All butcbers ars not barbers, but moat barbers are generally botobers. That's my experience. If you lose your "obapeaa" wbile out biking, call at tbe Gasette offioe, tbsy have plenty of caps. Wbere yon never see "Itoyal Baking Powder." Pains's Celery Oomoound.ele. For more than fiftv-six vears it has never failed Mtb,"w"0r7-" ' " I Tkl. las ails.Mrb Ynk ffsAWMhaft laMfasl A 1UH sal Biisiuaa wuv bw - (act tbat tba more soflTs yon give a laoo drymao tba better be likes you. If tba republican candidate for gover nor ot Orrgoo ia elected, tbe people oaa oongratolsls Ibemselvss on tbe fact tbsy itb p- Wbat paper baa the largest elrcala tionf A t aper ot tobaoro. Wbo la lb editor? Tbe one who chews. Too want a plug" li tba mootb, said lbs "Fine Cot." "Dsro tbe people," said tba adIUr of tba Ilobo Baaeer, "bow oaa tbsy eipeet me, out bare fifty mllaa from a river, millions of milra from beavee, tea test from lb dsvil and about two t loess Write roar name and sddreaa on s postal rard, send It to Geo, W, Seat, Trlbuna Office, (sw I . . ajLlsksf shoo, to get Oot a lively tori City, and s aampiseopf oi uie hew York weekly T ribiins will ps mauea to yoa. ' etieai. On tbs blks sbs was s grareful rblar. Could danes libs soqaeo tbs "rye ' Wauld slas "O" hs Wabash" so plalbUva That lbs ladles tO--1 blras thel waaM rry j Would embfutdef surb pfettf WansU-a, And paint shams, alU) such taata, I'rf Uie bed hut ahaanuldB't Iry s disk at potatoes - 1 navaf batfnad.doB'l f bar Skew," see said. Two newspsper rspottera wb lived Is ao attic I beg tba reporters' psrd s, hat I tall tba trotb-wera oaa algbt sroasadby a barglsr satsvljig tba lay- do w. "faoey a barglas avmlog to as,'' asld on. "Uusb," wbtaparsd trtw otnsr wait till be'a well lusi.U and Ibett we'll boiler. ad fyrrbapa keU drop Ibieg." "So. sir:" said tba bieg of tba Robot. 9 -. a Sta il . S. tha fat woniao or r.aroasj u raiisy s stress, bow nbrt.lttsg m Ia toa, U aot la It lot nomeat. tb U w r-t. Tba toaag lady tbat I epaek ! k.-a to avnrr OSS of 0f BBSOllaWS I as v ' good staodiog. I tell you sba la advsr- tised mora tbaa any other womao I know of." We told him tbat according to tbe New York Clipper, tba lidy with Bar- sum A Bailey, was tba largest womta Tba report waa current in lleppner Wednaeday tbat J. N. Brown, formerly of tbia place, but bow a resident of Bills bore, had dlssppesred mysteriously - sad bis wuereaboote eoald aot be told. Ao item lo this effect also appeared la one of tba I'ortlsod paper, but It proved to ba uotrae. Mr. Brown was lo Port land at tha time altaa liog to some bosi and friends at Uillsboro on earth. "I beg lo differ with you gents, said king. Corns with ma to tba railroad yards and I will prove my aaeertioe." We went with bio, aod euro anengb, on tba side of sit Hat ears we read aa follows : Mian a A Poms, weight, 40Ai length, 83 feel; oepedly, 80.000. belog unable to Bad bias for some res son, were Isd to lbs beety oonolueioB that Mr. Browa bad been fooly dealt itb, beaoa ths report "Aa if a briok were lying lo my stout sob-' ia tbe dsscrlp loa by a dyspeptic) of kk feeling alter eating. This is oaa of the commonest simp- looi of Indigastloo. If yoo bate it, take Great Ood," said one of tba party, Hbaker Dlgssllva Cordial "I plly tba maa wbo baa lo work to fill tiiatespaeitv," we took a fAomssI to think. Ihaa we took oar bete off to the k Ing eed lo U esse tbat waa palaftil, wa meaelersd oor way to tbs osarsst gla tasill. LCB YBRWOK. And wo furnish It with the GAZETTE, on year for $2.79, oash In advanoe. Addr-s all Order, lo THE GAZETTE. WHITE COLLAR LINE. taf' Pnlnmliin Rirovnn PiifPfti SJnnnrl ISJovifpaiinn Stoeri THEI'UONr; LUHEV 6ATZIRT AND OCEAS WAVE. Leaving AUsr Hlreet Dt-ck, Portlsad, for Astoria. Ilwsoo, Losg Bsseb, Ooaee Park aed Nahcotta. litrrcl oonnrclrQB witb Ilwsoo steamers and rail road ; also at Young's Bay with Beer bore Heilroe!. TnrjiiPnoND Leaves Pen land 1 A. U. Daily, eierpt banday, Lsavas Aftnrta ft.tL Dally, Slept Sanlas Lsavas Sartlaod i t bj t,y. nrt nundsy. SatnHsf elat-t. It P . taarx Astoria Da at 16 A. M.,sacept Sunday and Monday. a.auay aiglrt-ir. M OODAN WAVE Leaves rtlnd and runs dtrert to I! warn. Tneadsy and Thareday at A A. bf. fjarardar St I P. M kaattay stsbt at P. At. Iasa I! aero WediMotay snd Friday at 7 Si A. M, Un baattay stalit at ( Eav;e CiVrlti li hhd Ddiiilloi Bulb Mn Frf, Eipew. hot Tree bird Raw. "From my childhood I have Usa la poor health aod ay skin waa yspew. Wbea I was 10 years old I bad sail a A a rosnm ao one ot my Deode. I got a bottle ef Hood s Harespanlla aod before I bad taken all of It my band was well. I bsva DSVaf base Dmabled witb Sell rheam slsos." Mra. Itartha Rsld, Baker uity, urrgoB. Hood a nils era easy to take, assy to Operate. Lore isd taalloa, bradaeba. kkTiNTAlbPiar. Uraad t arslval ai Opefa Rasa. Tsredat veaisg, A aril t Ona of Ibe most dallgbtfttl and la taf eating etitsrUiomaole of tba aassr will bo gtvsa el Ibe opera hoaae oa Tarsdst algbl, April an, Boder tha sospU-ai of Haaeooel f. No. 13. I. O. O. f. Daogblsrs af llebaaee, of RsppMp, Tbe program tW lb erselag wOl waste af a caraival bf tba Tar load a mnaa Bkts ellbe oily, with Revel as J ast(usav taasea to ba wera ty Ilappaet'a sbarss log foaeg UJirs, slao faa drill by 13 yoweg Ia4ta, ee ravel rbataa rrdllaWoae aod aonta airallest assata by tbe (l.pp oar atcbeatts. Care tbat eaash tkltsj flbltsb'l Cora. The beat ens b eara. lUltavre eteay protsiptly, Om kllliuO b4ll4 aald leal ysa. 4ldoaarr JVta. fi-A l by Oa eat A Wsrtra. f Not ooly tbia symptom, bat all tho symptoms of Mltgipio) ore tared by Hhtker Digestive Cordial. bo many esedkinee to core Ibis ooa disorder, Ooly ooa tbat oan ba tailed eoorwtafot, beoao.es ooly oat that acts In a slrnpla, Baloral, aod yet soieotlfla wsy, Hhaksf Digsslivo Cordial. Porely vsgnUbla, sod Oootsioiag 04 dangerous Ingredieots, Hbaker Dfgssa tlva Cordial toe as Bp, slrsagtbens, sad ras tores to bealtb Bit tbt d!gtstlvt arises. Hold by draggle, price 10 aeaU to tOO B bottle. Jadft Iwsll was over from Pen J I e- t-a o WeJoaa.lt and held aa ad fen rard Ursa of sireail coart. Tbe saae of E. P. Orsaae vs. J rose Uraeee, askiag thai the eart great Jeorrs of dlvoreo to plalol.fr, K. F. (Ifaaoa, was laksa Bp aod tba J alga erdrl drsraa in b ft an ta4. fioma kirtar orl at si tars ware sl' sett led, attar wbioh ourt a4 Jtnreed. Jadgs Iiowsll retarael borne Ihesvrsisg traio. Bsbtase Aran Oalvs. TVs Bast Halve lo the world fi Cot. IW staaa, Home, L'tore. "sit "bruM, revar rVava, let tar. Oappal llaaU, t'hlltlataa, LWna, au all HI a trap bona, knd prantlrsiy rarae fllee of BO pay re-i'ttrrit It to gaaraatrad lo fia ttaffafi saltafasUuO or auaprr rafoadad. fftrolo aaala Br twt. rof eel by Ulsewpj rnog fW., f4 i. Waowsj, toaaagse, t)yepepai taied. fbllob't Yllaltasf I aioiad lately rslietee sar aiotoaro, oi. tag Bp of diatrraa, and ta Ibe graat kl lory aa l liter roity. UJ by Cua r A Wsitea. t