Mo Denver S Rio Grants RAILROAD -SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD TO THE OTTE8 TBI OHOIC1 Of Two Transcontinental CRFAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA. Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AMD Chicago -Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON. GEO: WILDER , CITY, OF, TOPE KA Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA : POINTS COMMENCING APRIL 2d nnoan steamers Leave Portland V v V Mf w - fr-erj 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO Mrmthlv from Portland to v-i..i.nm. an1 Hnnu KODd ID OOn nection with O. K. & For full details oall on 0. K. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBUBT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obkoos. Dodwell. Carlllt, 4 Co., Gen'l. Agts.,Nor. Pac. 8. 8. Co., Portland, Ore. .Weekly Excursions TO THE EASTj In through tourist cart withoot change MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced conductors and porters. To Kansas City and Chicago, without change via salt Lake. Missouri fact Be and Chicago and Alton By a. , To Omaha. Chicago. Buffalo and i Boston without change via Halt Lake and Chicago, Bock Island dc Pacific By. vitl Kansas City and thout change via Salt To St. Jose St. Louts Lake and Burlington Koute, Tl,...nJ., To Kansas City and St. Louis with lliUTMiajS, out change via Bait Lake and Mia- oun racino railway, A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery For ratei and all all information, inquire of 0. H, & N. and 8. P. agents, or address, B. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner.Or. LOCAL 8QC1BS. What is Hop Gold I Bee. beer on arlh. : Bee a& elsewhere. Liobtentbal & Co. for eboee. Exclusive hoe store. Handles the beet. 83tf ' Guinnesee's famous old "Dublin Stoat," imported, at Ch..-, Borohers' U Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front. A clean, fresh stock of goods leave your orders. tf. - If you need something for your system oall at the 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tf Lots of dust I Wbal'a the matter with tbe street sprinkler? Time it was be ing started np, "don't it?" Phil Oobn is paying . the highest price for sheep pelts, beef hides green or dry, far, etc. Don't forget Phil. 5tt W so ted; red headed girl and white horse to distribute the premiums, given away with Hoe Cake soap. Apply "nit." a-30 The Odd Fellows of Heppner, lone and Herdman will have a grand time at Heppner on the 26tb. See. acnounoe ment elsewhere. Jack Livingstone retnrned Sunday from tbe sheep range where be has been engaged daring the past r month. He will probably go over the trail tbe first of the month with a band of sheep. Bbilob s Consumption Dure on res where others fail. It is the " leading Cough On re, and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to tbe spot. ' Sold by Oonser ft Warren. x "Jimmy" Hicks went down tbe line Saturday on a Columbia, headed for Arlington. The bead-wind proved too exasperating for oar tourist and the trip was celled f ff at lone, from whence be returned, tbe wiser, the following morning. The nomination of T. T. Geer for tbe gubernatorial chair by tbe republican tate convention means thai he will be tbe next governor of Oregon. Mr. Geer not a politician as that term is em ployed now a days. ' He is a thinker of high order; a worker of unusual energy , and a man against whose personal char acter not a word oan be said. His popu- larity with tbe. people has been demon-' strated repeatedly by his election to tbe legislature for successive terms, his seleotion as speaker of that body, and tbe fact that among tbe republican elec tors at tbe last presidential election he polled tbe largest vote of any on the ticket , When Mr. Geer shall assume tbe duties of governor, the people may be sure he will give an administration of wbiob tbe state shall feel proud. He ill not be controlled by politioisl mo tives, a statement which cannot be said concerning the present incumbent of this offioe. Tbe Dalles Chronicle. NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO bre mm eest ? If bo, be sure and see that your , tioket reads via TUB KOItHWBSt&m me ....THE.... ' CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTFT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO 3-00, oash, at this office. AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. at Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock. and Turf. Worth Its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00 PER YEAR, Sample copies tree.) Rural Spirit and Gaisette both for 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Thu Munificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dliiiiia; a'" v-' dot to: Trains, and 1 "ALWAYS ON TIME" has given this road a national reputation. All "isaies of passengers carried on the vestlbuled ,.....,. Hhlo your freight .,,,1 travel over this famous line. All ageuts have tickets. ... .. ... . r n. SAVAGE. Airent, TraV. f. A P. Agt. '245 Washington St., Portland, Or, CHICAGO Iiwai66&5(.PaiiiB ' Tm MaBKat Trade Mark DceiaNS Copvriohts Ac. Racklen'a Arnica Halve. Tbe Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sorps. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, ant all Skin Erup tions, and positively cares Files or n pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisiaotion or money rerunaeo. Price 25 oecte per box. For sale by Slooum Drug Co.; E. J. Slooum, manager, Tomorrow night at tbe Heppner opera bouse will be presented one of tbe beet plays ever pnt on the histrionic boards in this city. Miss Janet Waldorf is tbe leading attraction. It is needless to say (hat all the available seats for Ibis per formance have been taken. PRK8S COMMENT. In nominating T. T. Geer for governor of Oregon tbe oonvention at Astoria acceded to tbe wishes of every republi can in the state, i Mr. Geer is pre emi nently the man for the place, and there is no question that be will be leoted by a great majority. Pendleton Tribune. A .democratic exobange says that it's a pity we have not today a Lincoln or a Grant in tbe presidential chair. Well, when we bad them you fellows treated them even worse tban you now do Mo- Kinley. But you are of tbe generation that garnish the touibs of the prophets whom your fathers have slain. Crook County Journal. f TYPICAL. AMERICAN STUDENTS Two CnldealUed Statues on Exhibition la Boston The Dimensions of Each. Two interesting' statues, the result of much hard work, were put on ex hibition in Boston recently. One waa that of a young1 man and the other that of a girL They were designed to represent the American college stu dent, not the ideal American student of either sex, but the actual, typical student, the measurements used hav ing been the average, or mean, of de velopment of students from various parts of the country. The statues are described by the Rochester Post and Express as representing "fairly well built young persons, symmetrically ae veloped, and without serious physical defects." The figures have an easy pose, standing firmly and gracefully. The faces, which were modeled after composite photographs made from' the students from whom the measurements were taken, are handsome and thought ful, with a marked air of refinement. The face of the young man is the hand somer of the two, hut that of the voune woman is nearest the classic standard. . In the former's figure there are some marked departures from the standard. "The hands and knees are large, while the wrists are small. The height of the male is five feet eight inches and of the female five feet three inches. The male represents a weight of one hundred and thirty-eight and one-half pounds and the female one hundred and fifteen pounds. Each figure represents measurements taker, from forty-two leading parts of the body and these show the average de velopment of each sex at the age oi twenty-one years. It is worthy of note that the typical American student has a better physical development than that of the British or German, as it shown by comparison with measure ments made recently u. those coun THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LCNG TROUBLES ADD IXMiSOtUTION CAN BE CURED. Aa Kmiaaat New York Cheatiet ami eeientbt Hake a Free Offer to Oar Headers. FOB 0U Remarkable Rescue. Mrs.. Miobael Curtain, Plainfiald, III., makes the statement that she caught oold, whioh settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by ber family physician, bat grew worse. ' He told her she was a hopeless victim of consump tion and that no medicine oonld cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption; she bought bottle and to ber delight found herself benefitted from the first dose. She continued its use sod after taking six bottles, found herself sonnd and well, now doei ber own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at E. J. Slo cum's drugstore, large bottles 50 cents and SI. 00 Everybody Says Bo. Cascarets Candv Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box ol 0. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cent, gold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. THE LABOR OF ACTING. The distinguished chemist, T. A. 81o- oum, of New York City, demonstrating bis disoovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, lung and obest troubles, stubborn Doughs, catarrhal ' affections, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will Bend THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New ' ScibDtiflo Treatment" has cured thousands permanently by its timely use, and he considers It a simple professional doty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of bia infallible cure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting tor years, has produoed results as beneficial to . humanity as can be ol aimed by any; modern, genius. His assertion! that lung troubles- and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parte of the world. : - The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. . ' Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direot from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 jr. Now Prepared' to 'do Any. Kind of Printing- Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore tbe Gstette's job depart ment has tried to do no work Other than , plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to taokle anything in ehy line and will meet prices of any person under the snn in the line of druggists . supplies, blank books, bank work oonnty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that you have heretofore sent away to get done. The Gssette shop ' is hot a oharity, concern but it yon will give ns a ohauoe we will see that you are satisfied-in every particular. Bay your goods at home. -Remember, that Abe Lincoln said that when one bought goods away, from' borne 'tbe foreigner got the money and we got tbe gooas. cut wnen toe goods were bought at heme we had' hdth" money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by' it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. - ' 560-tf A Bora Thing to Too. A transaction In which you cannot loselsa su re tulug. Biliousness, sick headache, fur- tea tongue, lever, piles ana a iuoubuuu uiner ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cascorets Candy Cathartic, the won derful now liver stimulant and intesiiual touio are by all druggists guarnuteea to cure or money refunded. C. 0. C. are a sure thing. Try d tjiimi'le and a box to-uuyj we., c.. ouu. book lot free, tiee our big ad. UTKKAKY NOTES. Cordray, the pioneer theatre man of Portland in the line of "popular prioes,' has refitted the Wastington Ht. theatre, formerly known as tbe "New Park." Cordray alwsys has something new, and our people, when below, can spend a pleassnt evening at bis place. tf qntokly asoertatit our opinion free whether aa tnvmitlnn ! pmhatiir paumlmhla. Communion. tlotiiHtrtctlvomindeiitta!. llannbnnkon Patents sent free. OMent avenny fur seoui-lng- patetiu. Patent taken tlimugh Munn A Co. reoelva tpfctal aufKt, w It hout chary, la Uie Scientific American, 1 handsomely lllnatrated weekly. Larceat rtr. 'illation of any olentldo journal. Terms. s a 'ear 1 fonr month. tL Sold by all newsdealer. MUNN&Co.",Bf-w'NewTorl Branch Offloa, 836 J At, Washington, V. C NEW NAME I Wm, Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones Tli Control. Baled hay for aala. Charge reasonable. Call on mm ana nav your norttw wu -areu inr, This Railway, Co. Operates its trains on the famous block system; Lights Its trsins by eleotriotty through- oat; Usee the oelebrated eleotrio berth read Run's .pSy sqoippea passenger train, livery Btable- everv day and eight between-01. rani and Ouloago, sod Omibs and Chicago; the fhlonn. Milwaukee & Vlisvvsij f St. Paul At.rt nrjoratea steam-heated vestibnled trains, carrying the latest private nartmant cars, library buffet smok ing care, end palace drawing room else pars. Parlor ears, free reoimlng chair oars. n.i i ha varv best dining chair oar service. For loweet rate, to any point the iTnttud Htat or Canada, apply to egeut or ad drees 0. J. EDDY, J. W. CARET, General Agent, 50 Years.... IN TNI Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. ITAn n 0 It U A' PACIFIC- III. Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition .sfr's Si::; Dip! InoraasM Yield of Wool. Enhances Value oi Flnok. Cheap, Hale, Han dy, Clean, Wholesome, Odorless. CHAS. G. R0BEHTS. OChtftAL AOCNT, 347 Ash Street, Portland, Orefon, Hold hy Minor A, Co., Heppner, Or. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STA6ELINE " RSlLVIE l""1'""- FARC FROM ARLINGTON TO roasll (ao nttl),..l.-U0 Konnd trip SftO Mayvllla (M mile). 1 00 Round trie 7 Condon (M mil)., loo Round trip ISO Clem (' mile.).... 100 Round trip I.VJ 01I (1 mile) 160 Round trip IW (Hags leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday sieepled) at 6 o'olock; is do t Condon at 3 p. ea. and ertlvee al roe ell at 7 p. m. Comfortable eovared eoeenee ana s ire ful, experteeced drivers. TUROUGH CARS-e-seerr f8r. PACI. MINNKA1"0LIS DULCTU I" ' FAU(K) nnrrK 1 HELENA TidkeU IssntJ to ell points In the United Hlates sod LansdS. The Old Shop ! LIBERTY MARKET QUICK TIME TO. All other points la the Eaot and Southeast Ie tbe place to go get your fine pork anil lamb chore, steaks end roasts. Chkuuo WaH KOTOS HaLTnioai New Toss llTfrAlX) 0AB4 KaNa.S ClTT Ht. Joatrri Ht. Ludib LtOSTUII Celoe Iett eoeewtirtoe al Ht, Pent, Mlontspolia, Kansas ISty, Omaha. Ht tnule and other promi nent pwale Dstfgsie ehtcksi tbroagh to dtetlnetloe ol tkkste. Throng b Mekats to fsr-ee en4 Cblue, vie tbip Oompaoy'l line. for full leforasllon, tints eetds. Mi as. llkU, et44 eall cm or write vi v a v m m - FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fin aorar rtirt ham and Karon, fur leef lard, krtll remlered old atrle, Mlgbeel eaan prlco paut lor fat Block. HEN J. MATHEWS. itU, to. eau tro m wi .C.Atui, i-D. Tlllt DAI.LICH NU11SE1UES R. H. WCICR. rVee. ntm Tve, x.x.. esaieir, Krrwef and tMlr la Frelt, hed asttl Oratmaaitl Troee Orope Vine eM Smell Frwite. Oar Tree. ar Orown With out Irrigation. HOI flMlTitllVti Tor fwwa- W'IV5 1 M 1 n Tne Beat Novels or 1897. At a reoeot meeting of tbe New York Library Association and lbs New York Library Club a committee was appoint ed to go csrefolly over tbe works of fiction published in 1897, and make a list of those deemed worthy of perms neat shelf room in public libraries. The books published were many, but those that came np to tbe committee's itand- sr I were few enough. They were on'y seven, snd were the following: On tbe Faos of lbs Waters, by Mrs. F, A. Steel; St. Ives, by Robert Louis Stevenson; TbsQajfly, by E. L. Voyolch; School tor Saints, by John Oliver Dobbea; Cap tains Courageous, by Rndysrd Kipling; Hugh Wyne, and Free Q iaker, by Dr. Weir Mitohelt; and The Choir In- isible, by James Lane Allen. Of these seveo first-rate novels, three were first published serially; and of the three, two and tbey tnuob ths most notable ones In tba satire list, being Kipllog's Cap tsins Courageous end Stevenaon's HI. Ives were published in McUlore's Usuioe. 8. ELY'S CREAM TULM Isa positive rnr AduIt Into Um nostril. It la quickly ahmhed. to tenia at DnugUt nf hr awll 1 amptt lor. by rnaU. l.r HKOl'lim. M Warn ku. New lorb Clir. Keep n it est i Till! WOOL HECOUD Telia Vew Hew te Do It. By e speeial arrac(mao we eflat to our raeUrs The Wool Record and Besal-Weekly Oasette, eve year 1 4 13 00. Tbe Wool IUeord Ie tbe only sstloeal wool erf ae and eovere tbe wool Udnetvy frooi I be raising of the eeeop te tbe aolt- in ot the fBaeufeetered ertlele. tl te pobllshaj waelly al Nw Toa end lha rejolar prtee 4a 12 00 e ar. I ie saar a reports are fall end 0nmp e Sod He Hlirep Hreotlare' Talks slows ere wotk 10 lima) tee prtee 4 the pane . Mattple erpM oil arpl'CalKte , We tvartly raoncBtawad this eotbUI ea I ma to oar eaboertbote. Beaaty la Blood Dee. rtoan blond nnni a clean akin. No beauty without it. t aacareU, Candy Cathar tic clran your blood and keep it clean, l stirring- up the lagy liver and driving all im punti Iroro the noajr. iirgin to-aay ui banish niinnlea. boila. Llotrbea. blacklieaila. and that su kly bilimi completion by taking lascareta, Ix-auty lor ten rente. All drug fista, gatiaficlioa guaranteed, 1 Jr. 2ic, 6f . Nswberg Orspblc: J. W. Tsughse, of Bspposr, etme op en the traia from rortlsod Taesdej etseloc end esede short vtiit with the UoJeoe boys. lis wee very fsvorebly I pre J with New berg eod there U probsbillly of bis locating bare. Wkat Or. k. t. Mailer Rays. Buffalo, N. Y. Oeole: From say pereoDsl koowledge, gaiaod In observing Ibe tflVot ot yoer Sbiloh's Cure is eae ot advanced eoosaoiptloe, I em prep red to say it is lbs too I remarkable remeJy that baa evor twee) broogbl Ie say sitae lion. It bss eerlaialy eaved many from eoneuBpliott. Sold by Ooaser k Warree. i W. W. Rmsad. O. W. ruipe end J. W, MbifVey reloreed from Ike etele sad diatrtcl coDteetioee Sslerday. Bo lar se Ibe state Itekel (oe tbooe gestleaaa ere well sstiafiod, bet tky we eccee- bal dtaappuseled te Ibe tatiere to ee eore tbe eomtoatkoa el Mr. KlUi egaie. Oreat Result Obtolnetl Only by the Host - Ezaot Discipline. . On first visiting a French theater aa American will be struck by its small ness, says a writer in the Atlantic'i contributor's club. True, the edifict holds a good many people, but somehow the architectural conformation enable! the eager audience to cluster about the stage, tier above tier, at no great die tance therefrom. Then can one note bow important is the finish of the actor, the nuances coming into play admira bly; not a shade of expression, not a single modulation in quality of tone failing to deliver its message. Is it strange that in France the art ot acting should attain a polish unknown else where? When Sergeant Talfourd'a play of Ion was in rcheirrnal the production was entrusted to the skillful hands oi Macready, at once the ablest actor and most exacting manager on the British stage, lie insisted upon having the "curtain scenes," or picturesque group ing at the close of an act, care fully chalked, the position of each char acter accurately designated, and ' the last few effective movements clearly in dicated by chalk lines drawn upon tbe flooring of the stae. So patiently and so painstakingly was the piece re hearsed that the leading lady, Mias Ellen Tree (afterwards Mrs. Charles Keen), was found, before the perform ance, to have contracted a serious dis ease of the knee-joint, cauaed by fre auently falling upon her kneea during rehearsala under the tutelage of the martinet manager. Young and undisciplined actors, ac customed to rely upon the "beautiful spontaneities" of an artistic nature, were wont to regard Mr. Macready with something akin to terror, and to stig matise as artificial his relentleas accu racy and precision In details. There is undoubtedly something perilously fas cinating about the effortteaa productive ness which we are accustomed to regard ae genius, and which, as it vouchsafes no hint of toiL la seemingly the gift of heaven, but 1 fear tbe more we examine the matter, the more we shall be Inclined to accept the homely assurance of Wirt that "there ie bo excellence without great labor." Not a Campaign Lie Lye. : If yon are using the common brands of lye yon are paying for a large percent age ot common salt with which it is adulterated in many instances to the ex tent ot one-half. When yon buy Bed Seal Lye or Potash you get an absolutely pure oaustio, grannlated like sugar and packed in large sifting top cans, a-30 The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. 'DALLES . CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Leave The Dalles daily (except Sunday) et 7:30 a.m. Leave Portland at 7:00 a. m. When you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a' trip down the : Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. C ALLAWAY, . General Agent, can cured MEN! bel If von suffer from anv of the I ills of men, come to the oldest Special ut on the facinc Uxut, DR. JORDAN A CO.. ,1061 Market St Est'd 1852. 1 ' Yon n at men and middle , SUfed men who areiufferinx I nom the ffecta of youthful mdiicreuonj o ea- i ce in maturer years, werrom ana rnyaicai Dklllt;,lBiriae)r,Miiii naaueoa in all it complications; MperiliatorrllOPH, rrnwsw of tlrlnailnc, eie. By a i combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor ha ao arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate rehel out nermanont rare. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair , and square rnyMdan ana surgeon, in his specially llea)e) of II ajyptiills thoroughly ayntrm wltboutiinlng 9li quzos rxx&xi i San Franolsoo And all point In California, via tha Mt, Bhaata route of the Southern Pacific Co the (treat highway through California to all point Eaat and South. Grand Hoanlo Koute of the Paoifto Coast. Pullman Bnffet hUeepera. Baoond-olaaa Sleeper Attached to exnraas trains, aftorduie en Deri or accommodations for aeoond-elaa passengers. For rate, ticket, deepiiia oar .reservations, eto, oall npon or adores a. jluehljik, Manager, v. a. makkuam, Hen. r. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon fen. ernoVntedlromth ' lerettrje . m KVKRT MAN applylna to oa will re- W . Celvaonraoneelointonnf hisonmplalnt, A Wi will Uuarautee a rvsi I I Yi. uukb fa V Kfry ens M undertone, or lorfett waie A Thoamaad Dollars, W ConMiltaiion FRtK and strictly pnvata. A CBAHQE3 VKRY JtKASOKALLE. Treat- V ment pcnnnally or by letter. Send for book, A "The Philosophy of Harrta f free. (A Taluabl book lor men.) A IMIT DB. JOKDAlCa T Great Museum of Anatomy 4 the finest and largest Muaeumof In kind in tha world. Coma and learn how wonderfully you ft are audai how to avoid sicknns and diteaM. W are continually saline new specimens. CAT A LOU VJt MA. Call or writ. 1061 Market Street San Francltee, CaJ. "25 The heat kwJi? seed grown are VaZrVwlFerry'a. Tbe beet' seeds sown are Ferry'i VTh bed eed known ara I AWL' ' 1. r.,1 In tilu,ll FERRY'S Famous Scads Aak tbe dealer tor them, fiend tor l .t ,r.t. r. " " "i" 5 r new the latest ana VTkMiTo. CO., Detroit, Mich. 1 Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY ajTATf SCHOOL IN (ASTERN OHtOON i - A TI1ILT WSRXIIM. Urate Saved to Mawey Had. To seve tbe r do see fry's Ooooeo-I tretod fAaeirrel Poleoa. This prepare- Uoa Is the ebeanewl end most eeoooro utal for tba farmer. One (rela Hiie. Oearaateed. Prlo V per oas of IJiO P eaao of two dotes, r-r eaie oy bloeam Drag Co., Uppnsr, Or. tl Foe Coeatipetloe take Karl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Pariflcr, cures 1 beskleehee, Nrvooe, Kropliooe om Ibe faos, ead easkee tbe head m clear ae a ball. Hold of Onfiee m I arroo. eloa Ibaleoagbl Tale waraing. It may lead to vMesspia. A S3e bot II s of Hbilob's Cora ty eve your life. rWid by OaMkaf A Wame. I Weekly tteaiasxwe ks Tkrvaat Care Ike SWUM riLLS I XOETEEKS KL150S FQHT SHUT1KD CCD KOCSTiC. UHWATS The Only All lUil RoU Wtikoet Cbante et Cere Pet wee a Ppckeae, lUiaelaad ead laa. Alee bet ve NeUos aal Roeelsad, dally eieepl taedsy : !. Srvfv A M ?-! . San f inn a VI ... U --4 ........ I r I l A.M he ...., , . f. M. rinee ' el !) ! Wiifati t Aeolber llroegs) toerial ear te Ike East kas iwos reaat4 U res eat el Portlaed, givtag foar eark week, liar a art ths ear lervtaf wtu ree Ibroeik wiibewt ebaeee to Kaeeae Qiy at j lkrte.ever Ike O. H. A ., Ore- r ftbort !, IUa Oraade Weetera, Deevet A tUe Oraade, UbeH 1'aeiO eed Clikago A Ailo. leal er see Ie! bea arraag 4 toe, ad lb oe prevkrue- ly eehedakad lor kf.wxlay ekeated Ie Tkaealay. It ree tkftMek I M. Lnaia, vie Ibe MtswoaH ftei&e ttee, Tbe ear loaetag Iwtlaa4 Teelj foae tkroek Ie !!, ead to pernaoted by tbe Ckets IWk lalaed ead rstfte. VT.)eJy'a e raae te Mi e ; k. Kaaeee Ctf el 1 !. ever ta gtetiiaetosb All tkeee Stutl Ikeweak ail et, ftn'i yateeeaea I ri et) .MIi Wwe HiiaaH M , i ay revs areat'tleg fea la .eM A t.J eta.4 Wr?illlHI M III Mtt Located on Ibe O. R. N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Btadeste admitted at all times of tbe year. 4 First-Class Training School for Teachers. Voeal and Instrumental Matte taught by eo nip toot inatmclors. A ir ado ale of tbe Boetoo Conservatory baa ebarge ot tbe lostromtntel depart ment. OClio Intlics Uonrctlnc: Ilnll Is tborougbly equloped and offers ex eel lo I ecftovAraodettone el reason sble ratee. Bead tor eefalogBe. A tooee M. O. ROYAL, Proeldent ef er r. A. WORTHING TOM Seereteey Besre) ef Rsfjeeita, Wot ton, Ore. OREGON SHORT LINE lis JL1 QCICIMT A0 hKWT lllirt Ut TO I VTA II. COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI MY Ell and nil Vml$ EAST, ami S0UT1L WOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK. 4 J days CHICAGO, 3J -ST. LOUIS, 3J " OMAHA. 3 SALT LAKE.!. Free lu!lalaf Ckair Cae l'( W teiered Tert ttieepleg CWe Fellsiaa Faiaee Hleta Cere Foe tall pariiealare rsferdiag ratee, llaae ef If alee, ae, sail es er add rata J. c ntnr, A leaf HUH, Co ttetfwart Oeeg" C. UTassr, W. . Un, Ttae. taaa. Aei. Set I mrvfiiiihiiiiii.Ofa, Vi Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All lite eta Ls procured al TLxa),on k Bicna, Lower Miln 8 tree!, Heppner, Orrgon. tVeaa fmUeeaea are well raaina4 wltk Oraet. rf, Tntek. DtlHaaj aad tike aweaUed tad aewe aseney a-4 bae la tM4B late aeoUaw traveiiat aaaa. rrteaetabawtdat wiraitMMa. THOMPSON & mlSTISrS. am aw. , " That 14-YcarOItl Stuff. 'Kolin's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon e e a it mam uoons e e e Itskii C.ty Betel tatlliaf,