Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 19, 1898, Image 3

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    Poor and Weak
Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble -Had
no Appetite-Now Better In
Every Way-A Delicate Child.
'8ome tima since I took a sudden cold
and oould not get rid of it. Being subject
to catarrh and bronchial trou ble I coughed
terribly. I lost my appetite and grew
poor and weak and I did not feel like
work. I began taking Hood's Sursapa
rilla. In a short tima the cough disap
peared, I slept well, had a good appetite
and I was better in every -way. Last
pring I was not feeling well, I had no ap
petite and no strength. I resorted to
Hood'a SarsapariUa and soon felt more
' like work. My little nephew was a deli
cate child and had a humor which trou
bled him so he could not rest at night.
He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar
sapariUa and now he has a good appetite
and is able to sleep." Miss Abbih J.
Fbeeman, South Duibury, Mass.
HOOd'S SapaHUa
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. L
Hond'5 PU1 a the best after-diuner
aiUUU b mis pill3( ttld agert,
The' Gazette can offer tbe following
dubbing rates:
The GAZETTE 1 2.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregdntan, U0. . . 8.00
" 8. F. Examiner, l.So . B.2S
N, ?. Tribune, $1.00 2.75
" ' Inter-Ocean, $1.00.. ......... 8 50
' 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60...... 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2. 75
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50
Rural 6plrit, $2.00 8.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 '. 8.00
McCall's Magazine $1.00 J.80
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can
get clubbing rate witn any paper on
Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
, Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m.
'The Spirit and the bnda say. Come."
Ihe pastor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad.
joining the church, where he
be glad to
meet any wo mav dpnirn to nonm-ilt
him on
reliaious, soual, oivic, philosopbio, educational,
ur auy uuier BODjecis.
'y J, W. FLEBHEB, Minister.
Sunday, pi
preaching 11 a. m., 7 p.
m., class
meeting following morning service.
Sunday school, 3 p, m. Epworth league, Fri
day, 7 p. m.
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our
elves toeether."
Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to '
;.. Pastor.
Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturdav evening
at (he church. K. L. bHEi.LY.
: Pastor.
The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., on the first
Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock.
Take Notice.
L The sum of Ave cents per line will be
Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
raspeot," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the adit
oaahall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meeting for whatever duidom.
. X Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue la to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. 1 nese rules wiu te strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Hoi Ye voting men of Morrow,. whistle up
lively tune
. For the candidate, I'm free to state, will stay
with us till June.
Then let hire treat his voting friends to Bperry's
Lin wood Kye,
He'll catch our votes if he wets our throats
for the voting men are dry.
Sold only at the Belvader Baloon, E. Q. Rperry,
Here and There.
Statement (or tbe Famous Simple
AoooQot File printed at the -Gags tte of
floe. If.
"Oo'o jaioe" is ail right bat Low Til-
lard bu brand of 14-year-old goods
that it bard to beat. 603 -If,
Painless remedy for extracting teeth
If not as listed, do oliarge. Try Dr.
Vangbao'a tew plan. 604-tf.
Best aooommodatlon and eoarleooi
treatment at tbt Imperial Hotel. Seventh
and Waeb. bts., Fortleod, Oregon.
E. O. Noble &, Co. are r nailer after
batioeet. Tbe finest saddles) and bar
Dees to be fonnd lo Heppner. Bee tbeir
Dew ad in tb (sane. if.
Tbe Gate tie carries a fall stock of
mourning cote, oorrespoodenee style,
with envelops to match. Tboe desiring
nob stationery ean bsve their wants
supplied at tbis office. If.
E. W. Kbes k Co. positively t oarante
to meet any prices on wool bait. Tb
will not be undersold and tbeir custo
mers may drprod 00 Ibis proposition, as
thsy are in it to stay lo the If 2a If
There's more clothing destroyed by
poor soap tbao by act a a! wear. 'Hoe
Cake" toap contains do free alkali and
will Dot Injur tbe 4nesl laee. Try it
and Dotioe tbe different lo quality
Rhea k Co. a 30
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe MRJ-
light," ever 00 tbt alerl fur something
Dew, can furnish yon tbe Corel cork
tails io lb land Msobatlee, Jtrsey
Vsrmoolh or O10 msd by a arlial io
tbe bosiaea. Drop lo and lake tbr
taste oot of yoor moatb. If
Frank MoParUnd bs be appointed
special ageol of The Equitable Wt As
araoee Co of New York, tbe strong
la lb world. Cb tarplu lo policy
bolder of over SO mllliot dollars. tW
last insoraeee without aaeiag lb Dw
plsos of Ihe EqniUbl, Insure both
ie at same rato. 77if
Beeida keepiog lb largsel ort
DM I of eaadif, fro 1 Is, cigars aad
Dotioee to be foend aoy where t th
eltr, Jsa. Hart I dow able to snpf l)
yo with tbe lVllaod dailt. aad all
lb mag asloa and parlodlral. both f.
elge aet docs!!'. If yoej wsal rl
tag saattar, art Jim a call at It lirrp
r UJr raotory. J '.
I n " m Myiv a,
Tbe Maiqnam Grand, 00 Morrison
street in the Marqnam building, is under
excellent management and tbe pnbho
will be royally entertained this winter.
New companies and new faoes will ap
pear from time to time at this popnlar,
first-olass theatre of Portland, and when
in Portland onr denizens should not fail
to take in some of the fine dramas tbat
will be presented. tt
. W.I Hill, for a number of years a
resident of tbe Eight Mile section,
passed through town Saturday with his
family and effeots, bound for Umatilla
county where be expects to reside in the
future. Mr. Hill is interested in tbe
cattle business and is making the move
for better range wbiob he has seoured
in our neighboring oounty.
A. H Akers was in from bis Goose
berry ranch yesterday. Crops look well
out tbat way, but the ground is getting
pretty dry and rain must come soon.
Mr. Akers was accompanied borne by
bis son, Leonard, who will visit at the
farm for a few days.
The Heppner orohestra, 0. E. Hicks,
leuder, is practicing up some excellent
musio and will soon be prepared lo ap
pear before the public- They have been
engaged to famish some musio for tbe
carnival on the evening of April 26.
D. Cox was down from bis Hinton
creek ranch Saturday. Tbe weather has
been pretty cold up tbat way . and tbe
growth of vegetation is' somewhat re
tarded, bnt prospects are improving
with the aproaob of warm weather.
In another oolnmn referenoe is made
to tbe coming attraoticn of tbe season,
tbe merchant's carnival. Elaborate ar
rangements are being made for tbis en
tertainment, aud it will prove a grand
success. '
Frank MoFarland returned on Sunday
morning from a short, visit - to Sumpter,
which plaoe, Frank says, is flourishing
greatly. Tbe Heppner people over
tbere are right io the lead aod prosper
J. J. Adkins is preparing lo leave in a
few days for Baltimore, Maryland, to
attend tbe general oonfereuoe of tbe
M. . oburob, South, as delegate from
tbe Columbia river conference.
Tbere will be do preaobiog services at
tbe Christian church on next Sunday,
owing lo tbe abseooe of . the pastor.
Cboir prao'ioe as usual on Saturday
evening at 7 o'olook sharp.
R. F. Hynd, manager of tbe M. 0. L.
& T. Co. warehouse, returned tbis 1 or-
ning trt-m Portland. Mr. Hynd was a
delegate to tbe congressional conven
tion from Morrow oounty.
Tbe Dalles T. M : Q. W. Phelps, who
has been in attendance at tbe state con
vention, came up 00 tbe Spokane flyer
last evening. He took tbe 11:45 train
for bis home at Heppner.
Geo. W. Smltb, of Sooial Ridge,
proved up 00 bis homestead last Satur
day before Clerk Morrow. J. P. Rbea
and Jos. Mason acted as witnesses tor
Mr. Smith.
Athena Press: B. F. Swagger! . it
baok from Heppner. He reports tbat
place very lively. While away be
leased 600 acres of bis lajd to responsi
ble parties. ,
Karl's Clover Root Tea, f ir Constipa
tion It's Ibe best and if after using it
yon don't eay so, return package and
get yoor money. Sold by Conger A
Warren. - x
E. O. : W. F. Mstlock weot to Athe
oa Sooday to visit bis fatber-ia-law,
N.Swaggarl. Mr. 8waggart baa been
dangerously ill, but it now mending
8am Donaldson, a former resident of
Heppner, earn over from Condon on
Hatorday and i renewing old acquain
tances io Ibi oily, all being glad to tee
Mrs. A. T. MoNey departed ll Thurs
day evening for Ha Jo, Calif., to visit
sistsr tbat is very seriously ill. 6b
will be'abaeot for several trass.
J. F. Willi waa io from Social Ridg
00 Saturday . Mr. Will it will mak a
aotir caavat for tb office of aattaaot
aod riprct to win io Jooa.
Peodletoo Republican: W. F. Mat
lock bas ret timed lo Peodletoo from
Skaguay, aod I bos shaking baods
with old friend.
Aoyon io tid of good sbep range,
three section feoced aod oolsld range,
eao get particular of asm by calling at
this 0 Bio, el-la
F. Alspangb, rtpreotiog lb Port
land braooh of lb mercaatil agency ol
R. U. Duo A Co., tu Id Uepporr
Prinevill Joorael: J. B. Sparry,
tbp buyer from wyoniog 1 la lb
ally aod weot to boy COuO y sealing
Bring yoor bide, pall aad far lo
Be. Mibw, at lb LlUrty Meat
Msrket . II pays blgbesl narksl priea.
Elder R. L. Hb.ll.y departed lt
tvMlog r r liillsb.tr t mat arraag
mrata for moving bl family to Uppof
Wanted Aa spprenik I ra
drnwetaklag, by a lady of yr of tt
pri-e. Apply at at lb' offio.
Use only one heap
ing teaspoonful of
Schilling's Best Bak
ing Powder to a
quart of flour.
Ya muit tui utipvont ( ttfcr ktki" ; awwir
J. P. Rbea was io from Rhea creek
on Saturday.
Billy Ross oame io from Atbena Sun
day morning.
Os Mitchell was up from Lower Rbea
creek on Saturday. -
Press Cresswell is up from tbe Mat
look sheep ranch.
John Elwarda was a visitor from
Sand Hollow on Saturdy.
Green Mathews and wife are in from
Upper Rbea creek today.
Tunis Swiok, a prominent Grant ooud
ty sheepman, is over from Monument
W. R. Mnnkers and wife, of Eight
Mile, were visitors to Heppner yester
day. E. P. Jarmin osme in vesteiday from
Lodo Rock where he has been en
gaged during the past week.
Jos. Mason, one of the substantial
farmers of tbe Rhea creek country, was
doing business io Heppner Saturday.
R. O. Wills oame up from Portland on
Saturday morning. While below Mr.
Wills attended the republican conven
tions at Astoria t
The ladies' band bave recently re
ceived a lot of new musio and are busi
ly engaged in preparing it for presenta
tion to the public
Ibe ladies of the Episcopal oburob
of this place are preparing a
which will be given at tbe opera
house oo tbe evening of May 6th.
. David Baker, a substantial farmer of
tbe lone neighborhood, was in Heppner
on Saturday. He ssyt the orop outlook
i good down that way but rain is
Catarrh cured. A dear bead and
sweet breath secured with Sbilob's
Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee.
Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser &
Warren. x
W, F.. Prnyo, foreman of tbe Hepp
ner Light A Water Co. 'a plant, left for
Hillaboro 00 last Wednesday night at
wbioh plaoe be is to be married on
torn morrow evening.
Dr. E. R. Swinburne was 0 ailed out
lo Ed Rood's on Sunday. Mr. Rood,
wife and ohild are all dowo sick, bat
tbe doctor let! then) on tbe road to
recovery wbeu be ome away.
Americas Beearitlrs Abroad.
, Tba sales of American seouritiet bave
beeo, aooording to London advioea, very
large abroad of late. If this state of
things holds, there will be an increasing
influx of British gold into this market.
This demonstrates the faith abroad in
the stability of onr credit. There is an
other point of faith for wbiob the people
not only of tbis but foreign oountries
have good grounds for oredence, and
tbat is belief in tbe efficaoy of Hostet-
ter's Stomach Bitters for inorganic mal
adies wbioh affect tbe stomach, liver,
bowels, kidneys and nerve. Dyspepsia,
biliousness, oonstipatino and rheuma
tism era oooqnered by il. II hastens
oonvalesoenoe, aod diffuses a generoos
warmth and sensation of physical om
tori through the system.
Death of Mrs 1. O, Large.
- On Sunday alternoon, at I o'clock, Mrs. L111U
M. Laige, wile of lsaao C. Large, died at her
home in this eity. For th past three yean
Mrs. Large had been a sufferer from that dread
destroyer, consumption, and for several
mouths past hsr vitality had been rapidly pass-
lug away. When the end cam th was pre
pared for it and pawed away peacefully. Hh
leaves a husband and two children to mourn
th loss ot so affectionate wife and mother.
nut uios wno are lert nenina reaiis to a
certainty that all is well with ber. sirs. Largs
was a faithful and devoted christian, and died
In th full bop of ber religion. 1 0 th sorrow
ing relatives and friends th community ex
tend Its sympathies la this their bour of grief.
Tbe funeral occurred from th M. K. church,
South, yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. i,
W, rieaher conducting th services.
Thousands at 1'ry lsg lu
Tu order to prov th great merit of
Ely sCroa 11 Habit, the moit flocUv our
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, w bar pr
parvd a gnuormu trial ail for 10 cent.
Uut it ot yur d -ujlst or send 1U cents to
. T.LY IU03., CO V.'4rr..o fit., X. I. City.
I auTs.ol f .om caUrrh of tli worst kind
ver siuoo a Uy, and I nr bpd for
corn, but Llv's Cream IlaJia teem to do
svs.i tli-.t Many acquaintances hav oacd
it wiiU torent result. Oaoar Oslrtuu,
45 Wurrsu Ave., Chicago, 11L
Ely' Crem Balm Is the acknowledged
euro for oalana ana contain no oomin,
mercury nor anv Injurious drug. l'tu
eOcaota. At dntffilal or ry rua.L
U lUlga.
According to the ' Hotlia Almanac,"
which baa Jut I wen iasm-d for 1M4, th
queen of England ha reigned longer
than any other rulrr in tha world, hav
ing awruded the throne la 137. StxX
to brr In point of time are Emperor
rrancia Jowph of Austria and Fred
erirh, the grand duk of 1 laten. Tb
monarch wbo hav reigned tha abort-
eat time are Prlnc Ftlederlch of Wal
deck and Imke Alfred of Haae-C'obnrg
(itlia- The oMet monarch, accord
Ing to th "AlmaoM, ta th rxp
who ta mor than rlghly-thr year of
sg. Tit grand duk of Luirmtxrvrf
and the king of iVnmark, respectively
vmty-l and vDly-flv year of
eg, eland neit to bim in tbia regard.
Orand thik Karl Aleiander, wbo
lives la Weimar, I fourth to point of
eg, and Quwn Victoria, with her sev
enty four year, la tb fifth oldoat moo
arch. Th youngest erownad hada
I ar tb Jiltl qnecn of th Net nor-
I landa, who la thlrWo. aod to king of
I Vpaiu. wbo laaa and a half year
l old.
They have anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on It you get a
good article when they guarantee It.
Old Stand, Main Strat Repairing a Specialty
The Best Bargains-
But are those of greatest value In proportion to cost If you want to get your
money's worth of honest goods in
TT - 1
We are Increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and see us.
Grand Carnival at Opera House, Taesdav
Evening, April 26.
One of tbe most delightful and inter
esting entertainment of tbe season will
be given at Ibe opera house on Tuesday
night, April 26, under the auspices of
Saosouci lodge, No. 33, I.. O. O- P.,
8nfithter o( Rebecoa, of Heppner. The
program for tbe evening will consist of
a carnival of tbe various business firms
of tbe city, with novel and unique cos
tumes to be worii by Heppner's obarm
ing young ladies, els a fan drill by 22
young ladies, several choice reoitations
and some excellent musio by tbe Hepp
ner orohestra.
I. O.. O. F. Anniversary.
The 79th anniversary of the Indepen
dent Urder of Odd Fellows will be ob
served at Heppner on Tuesday, April 26,
1898, by a joint assembly of Lone Balm
lodge, of Hardmao, lone lodge and Wil
low lodge, of Heppner. At 10 a. m.
there will be a grand street parade,' to
be followed by a suitable program at
the opera bouse to which all are cor
dially iovitei. Hon. Geo. H. Burnett,
of Salem, Oregon, will be tbe speaker of
the day and mnBio will be furnished by
the Heppner Ladies' Band. By order
of committee. J. L. Ykaokb,
Hillsboro Argus: Cards are oul an-
nnonciug the engagement of Mr. W. E,
Proyn, now interested io tbe Heppner
Water A Light plant, and Miss Ruth
Hare, daughter of Hon. W. D. Hare, of
thia oily. The wedding will ocoor at
tbe Hare residence, on Maio street.
Wednesday, April 20. Both are promi
nent in Hillsboro's sooial oiroles, Miss
Hare having lived here ail ber life and
Mr. Prnyo having been oonneoled with
tbe Water A Light plant of Ibis eity
prior lo going lo Heppner. v
WAR I WAR I t WAttlll
At yet war bas not been deolared by
tbe Coiled States, but it la momentarily
expeoted. Unole 6am Is In Deed of
Cavalrymen. In oase war is deolared, a
call will be made on Oregon, All sound,
lemperata yoong men, good horsemen,
who desir to enter tbe servtoe, should
oommunioate at oooe with Tho. Bootb-
by, at Lexington, Oregon, wbo bas or
der to aolist meo for thia purpose from
I Ctpl. H. MoFarland, under whom a com
pany it to be formed.
J. J. Harris, Gilliam A Biabee'a gen
ial tiosmtth, returned Ibis morning from
a visit to Astoria, Portland and other
point op tb Willamatt. While at
Astoria Mr. Harris bad lb plessur of
witnessing lb deliberations ot lb
republican state convention aod o-
joyed tb pei form tnc very rnnob.
ftavt Thess.
Tba wrapper of Oo Cak tosp are
worth a cent apiece. Ask' Bbea A Co.
for premium book. a 30
Tb aad ew was received at Hpp-
aar yterday aonoooeing tb death at
Tb Dalle, of ltl Eddie, tb yooogr!
soo of Mr. aad Mr. W. A. Joboatoo, for
merly rrtiJenU of tbit oity. Tbeir maoy
friend ber itnd rmpalhy lo Mr.
aod Mr. Johnston lo their sad berttv
mect. btray Katie.
Oo bay borne, wbil spot (a forehead.
Oo grey mar, bulb blod feel wbil;
esob 4 year old. Branded 00 right ttlfi
Mb tb following dferibd eharaeler:
iuvtrted "x" frt.en wilh tb letUr 'P"
on ito stem. Will pay 11 jO aaob for
lblr delivery to 0. Padbtrg or Informa
tion leading io Ibair renvry. Addre
A. U. WfDoi, lilngioo, Or.
Mi tlMtinga, oo of lb tfTlolal
tebrt of lb Uppor school, bat f
ttgead ber pocltloo. 11 is tlaatisgt la
la yoof ballb aad will riro lo br
bom at Waaloa, wbr tb Ostt
bop tb may Bod red end rMoptra-
Two Mlllla tf.
Wken 4pl bnr. try, snd bujr sgain, H
rwait ihrf r aalulml. 1 h pn,ile of (be
I Httd Hate are rvw I'MVing C mmmrvim
f andy Ctharti at th rat ttt two millint,
hoar year a tui it will thrv inilltoa !
for N Year'. It mean mrit proveil.
Ihat ( avarvta r lh v-t deiightfal Ikiw.I
rnro'alnr ! ytl tlrf Ini round. All
I druggist It-, X, iota bos, ur guaraatMd,
Mr. A. ioi. of Boi Oily, arrived
I la IbU city Ibi moraiag, aad will
viait bar fw dayt Mutt r4araiag
lo kf bo. Oa Nlaraiag tb toct
lo Iob c(T al Walla Walla. If aid
bom, tor fw dtv vialt.
N Is. LttLlmtbai a Vo. lot tboa.
W prewoai yoa op aad if
IU bwt to btat. If aw Cak I ttrlotlf
par with BO Ir alktll. KUa A Go,
Mr. W. J. Lt?;tiio. a Ui't of
fa k IJvIr Oast la Ibi BMirt
htf tmm l Ag.l, Clif . wbtt k
tfl fwt toSkttlaj, pt, rttd4 Imt III
ktla Ut U Myi.
is or
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
foe any oase of Catarrh tbat cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props.
- Toledo, Ohio.
We Ibe undersigned, bave known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and Slieve
him perfeotly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to oarry
out any obligation made by tbeir firm.
Wbst & Tbtjax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, Ohio.
Waldmo, Rinnan A Mabvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
aoting direotly upon tbe blood and ma-
caoas surfaces of tbe system. Price 75o.
per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Tes
timonials free.
Wanted A position as foreman of
sheep outfit. Twenty years trailing ex
perience. Enow all routes eatl and to
Montana. Best of references. Address,
Ceas. H. Wheels,
Pendleton, Or.
The light of the future. Why not be
independent and own your own little
gas plant which will give four times
more light than ordinary gas or electrio
lights at one bait the oost? Applicable
for use in cburohes, stores faotoriet,
hotel, retidenoet and country homes;
safer than ordinary gas or kerosene
lamp. Approved by all tbe Boards of
Underwriters throughout the United
State. Wa wanl a first class agent in
every towo. Write for catalogue aod
CHINE CO., Akorn. Ohio.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
J Or., April 18, mm.
Baok man, Mrs Len Howard
Carpenter, Win b lons II
Harris, L L Koyell, C K
When calling for those letter please say
uveruaeu. j. r. n ii.i.iahn, r. si
1 Amount of from II.0UO 10 $.(l at elitht
per rent, inierrat payaine annuaiir. Appll
cations considered only from farmer ac.nallv
rrsldl n on tne farms. NnairnnU. AdcirM U
. (IrliHn, 77S, Htark ttt., Chamber of Commeroe,
roruauo, urrgon. sb-sh.
I'mitso Btatss I,wn Orrirt,
The Iiallra, Oregon. April nth, I If.
i.v pprove1 plat of survey of township u
Houth, range 'M East of the WillametU Merid
ian, Oregon, has on rerrlvol at this nflln end
will ha officially fllml in this nffic on Hatunlay,
me tnu uaj ui Mar, iiws, mi iu o nioc a. m.
WM. H. IlKK.Urt,
1 of Or(on, for thtt'ountr of Morrow.
In th mailer ot tt) aUI of John M. O. Rpen
cer, minor,
To J. B. Hrwrry, guarilsn ot tb UU of said
minor, arvvtlii:
In th nam of Ihe Rlat of Oreon, Yna are
herehjr riled and rwiiilrad to a,pr In th
Couutr fonrt ol th Hut ol Oregon, fif tha
Coinitrol Morrow, at tha (Hurt iwi th,l,
at Heppner, In Ihe Couniy of Mnrmw.o Moiu
day , Ilia second day ot Maf, Imm, at ID o'cWu-t.
In the fomnuon of that day, then and tli.raln
n-ma your tfciunu a guardian of I. m. .
Hpenrer, a mlnnr. and show rauw. If anv adst.
why he should not pay over to the said John M.
0. Hiwn-rr, th sums of money now In bl
hand, belonging tn said Jnhn M O. Hnencrr
Willi, th Hon. A. . RaHholomw,dg
of Ui oiinly foort ol th wtat of (irefun. for
in oniity ni Morrow, ariin lh Ml of said
ro.irt aBlied, this UUt day ol Mart h, A. V
' Attest: i. W, MORROW.
ai-41. Clerk.
Gibson & Berger,
At Chu ion OM ("taml.
HhaviriK. - . 15 Ct
Hair Cult intr. - 0 "
Hatha 2'c. Kverything Strict
ly rimt CloMrt.
y or mar If of rodlWMs
Tonsorial Artist
Hair Cutting,
Mhnp, alio k t at art.
19 Cta
25 "
H nr, Oren.
Mathews & Gentry,
C k 1 1 t M rt
VVV 1.1 VtlllS,
Mio two Vrt Sfiuta arf f rariolRm
oc-Cake Soap
Has No Equal
Ma.1 under lolled HtatM
fatobl, it tuott broraaaii!
ti difffrrtit from all otbera
Cootaina do ttarch, fro) alkali
or worlllo Ellirtg.
Tjkf ( ..n t t iun. 'm r.
it t tv t ii , tti rM
Clean, Thrifty Trees, Two and Three Year Old, Carefully Grown of tbe Best
Varieties for this Climate Fully Guaranteed.
peb 100. FEB 1000.
Apples, Crab and Prunes, 60 kinds, 5 to 8 tt $ 5.00 9 30.00
Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaobes, Aprioots,
Nectarines, Qainoee, Almonds, Bomoni 5to8f t 8.00 60.00
Blackberries and Raspberries 1.00 6.00
Currants and Gooseberries 3.00 20.00
Strawberries 1.00 3.00
Grape Vines and Pie Plant 6.00 30 00
W. Asb, Elm, Walnut, Maple, Box Alder N
Poplar 6.00 30.00-
Hard Maple, Mt. Ash, English Walnut,
Butternut 10.00 80.00
Roses, two year blooming age, out door.... 15.00 100.00
Lilao, White and Purple, 2 year, xx 8.00 60.00
Our collection of Roses, Shrubs, Bulbs, Climers, Flowering trees, Evergreens,
Weeping trees, etc, com prises tbe best selection and sball be pleased to make yon
prioes on application. 50 at 100 rates, 500 at 1000 rates. Prices are net, packing
added at ooet. Cash with order, or Bank Referenoe. Order early before stock i
broken and you will get Just what you want. Address,
Payette Nursery,
Payette. Idaho.
E. G. Noble &
Successors to
Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Baddies, Whips, Spurs, and an endless
lot ot everything in their line. E. O.
new firm who will pay all bills of the
Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't
overlook this. Repair work a specialty.
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
As the Star Brewery beer.....
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
"mt2P J .
Who has secured th services ol
As manager. It will bo run in first class bliapo
in every department. Hates reasonable
J. O. BOROI-rERS. Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Wool Growers'
It the place to itoro your wool this ncaon. Whv? I5e-
cauno we do a itrictly warehouno buninesn, and not Wing in
tho helii liuying wool ourselves, wo ctiruurago cornp'tition
amongut tho buyers and iccuro you tho highit prii o.
Wrotu wol sacks n4 twin at eL
fmf Ik kltiMi ah ptif tm th. atM
' -. 1. LlttM'a Ola ! ai
41ps oa I. HH
Wa rt lrtM In tMt whan mim44
w aata lull snuvit m ami ! aad
ltrH ymtr I IM ! wai.l,uaM.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Ouccnswaro At
Gilliam & Bisbee s
i4t tt war fif h
Noble & Co.,
Noble and Mrs. Oeo. Noble comprise the
old firm as well as collect what is due.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
On draught at
all popular saloons
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
If you havo not yet realized that tho
"good old times" oro with us, your
blood is out of order. Oct rid of that
"tired feeding" and awako to tho fact
that tho
Miabla k.a inl li.xl a.n.1 i. .A.t
a4 KI4.
Ual ? til, IM l r.!tal,l m4
Inianki mmm nt mn.jt
IImi ain fe
W . t'i.iil ) ,nai 4a4.
R. F. HYISD. AUnaocr.
.! !) tot I lk Um af
ta 4 lib'.