The Gazette. Tuesday, April 19, 1898. REPUBLICAN BTATE TICKET. Congressman, Second District, MALCOLM A. MOODY, of The Dalles. Governor, T. T. GEER, oIMcCleay. Justice of the Supreme Court, FRANK A. MOOBK, - of St, Helens. Secretary oi State, FRANK I. DUNBAR, of Astoria. State Treasurer, C. 8. MOORE, of Klamath Falls. Superintendent Public Instruction, J. H. ACKERMAN, of Portland. State Printer, W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland. Attorney General, D. R, N. BLACKBURN, of Albany. Prosecuting Attorney, Sixth District, HENRY J. BEAN, of Pendleton. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, E. L. FRE ELAND, of Heppner. For 8herifr, D. A. HAMILTON, of Heppner, For Clerk, VAWTER CRAWFORD, of Heppner. For Treasurer, MAT LICHTENTHAL, of Heppner. For Assessor, J. F. WILLIS, of Lexington. For Co. School Superintendent, J. W. SHIPLEY, of Heppner, For Co. Commissioner, J. I HOWARD, of Pine City. For Coroner, E. R. HUNLOCK, of Heppner. MALCOLM A. MOODY. 1 Malcolm A. Moody, of The Dalles, is a member of the execu tive committee of the republican league of the United States and of the republican league of Oregon. He is a son of ex-Governor Z. F. Moody, and was born at Browns ville, this state, in 1851 The Moody family returned to New England in 1856, but came to Ore- I gon m 1862, locating at The Dalles, Mr. Moody was educated at the public schools and the state uni versity at Berkeley, Cal. After leaving school he entered the gen eral merchandise, grain and wool business with his father, at The Dalles. In 1887 their business A FARMER'S MISHAP. J CUPS FROM Hid WAGON AND IS BADLY INJURED. Injorles which Gilbert Updtrraff SotUittd Much Suffering: Endured How Be Obtained Helieff From the Democrat, Goshen, Ind. Gilbert TJpdegraffj a prosperous farmer living near Goshen, Ind , io jumping from bit wagon onto a board, few days ago, met with a Berions accident. It was feared at first that this aooideot was aggravated by rheumatism, whiob ailment Mr. Updegraff was troubled with some time ago in an DDsnally severe form. In speaking of it be says: "About two years ago I was strioken witb rheumatism, and for a year was severely troubled witb it It oame on me suddenly daring the winter, I don't know what oaased it, unless it was ex Dosare. about the farm. It was tbe old was merged into The Dalles Na- fashioned rheumatism and began in my tional bank, of which he has since lower limbs, gradually working op until ViAfin ftnntinnftllo tliA f.naWinr TTa ny arms, bands and fingers beoame is manager or tne extensive grain and wool business of his father, said to be tbe largest in tbe state. from 1880 to 18bU ne was a affeoted. My body aobed all over, ee peoially my limbs, whioh were swollen and these by tbe following spring were almost entirely useless. I bad to hire all my worke done that spring and sum member of the citv counoil of The met' but did B little work in harvest rolla, onH ?n IRAQ oa cAanA time. I must have done too mnoh, for soon after tbat I was confined to my bed mayor. Berviug two terms. . no una for some time. I had the family doctor been continuously a delegate to but be didn't do me any good. He state and county conventions, and finally said be oould not help me and member of the state and county republicau central committees, be ing one of the foremost leaders in republican politics in Eastern Ore gon and "Wasco county. He at tended the National league con vention, at Cleveland, 0., in 1894, as delegate from Oregon. He was the candidate of the Bound money delegates for tbe nomination in the advised me to try the baths, but oouldn't afford tbe expense. Neither oould I afford to be an invalid all my life. Inquiries were made at the drug store for something that would be help ful io my case. "The druggist reoommended several things, and I tried some of them, but was not benefitted until I used Dr. Williams Pink Fills for Pale People. I gave this remedy & fair trial as I did tbe others congressional and soon discovered that it was different j j- 1 iroui auytuiug i iihu trieu. seoona ais- ..j. f0UD(1 that this was a medicine that trict in 1896. receiving 53 votes, did what was claimed for it, and when I c l ii . i i had taken about a dozen doses of the UUI 11VC 1CDB LliaU a XllOIUl JLV, UC- nilla T that than mora h.lninn m I I'D A ftVUUU lurafc IUBI IT lit U VDlllUK WD. ing defeated by Hon. W. R. Ellis, I continued taking them, and I am glad of Heppner. Mr. Moody will make OUR NOMINEE FOR GOVERNOR. Theodore T. Geer, nominated for governor by the republican a thorough canvas of tbe district and will be elected as Mr. Ellie' successor on the Gth day of June. The republicans of Douglas state convention, is a native Bon of oounty nave fused. Uoseburg lie Oregon, and now forty-Beyen years view. Ditto, the republicans of of ace. He was born in Marion Morrow county, and they expect to county, and brought up to the elect their entire ticket, too. business of a farmer. His educa- J 11 L - IV . ,J J . I m , i ... i . lion was mat nuurueu iu mo uuiu- ihe republican state ticket is mon schools of the county, supple- made up of good men and is con mented by the industrious habit sidered as a very strong ticket all it of reading the best literature of the way through. The nomination tha day, and instructing himself 0f Hon. T. T. (Jeer for governor, in the political history or the gives universal satisfaction and it country. Mr. Qeer is, and always lis conceded on all sides that he has been a diligent reader of news- will be elected. However, there i uoai is out lmie aoutit oi the suocess imp,. u uuw . f the entire state ticket Keimb posieuoi our yuuwo iiCflDB expect to stand Bolidly to- rent political questions. This is gether tbia year. one thing that givoB such effective- nesB to bis addresses ueioie tne MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS I i' PUbllC. The hardest varieties of wood, audi In bis younger days Mr. Qeer as mahogany, rlmny uml lignum-vltue, lived in Eastern Oregon, and than grow In tropical climate, but tnolr ti-nsul itiui. iii.i fa.tiiunn ii u unll flint i9 returned to the WaldO lllUS, in in ,).,, uriim-rnle .ones Marion county, where be has since resided, engaged in farming. In 1880 be was elected at a republi can to tbe bouse of representatives of tbe state legislature, in which body be was soon noted as a rising young man. He was chairman of the committee on counties, and was prominent in other commit tees. Afterwards be was elected two or three times to the same body, and was chosen speaker of the bouse one term, io which poai tion be won praise from all sides for bis ability and fairness as a presiding officer. For many years Mr. Qeer has been conspicuous in the political arena of Oregon, both as a correspondent of tbe news papers aud as a public: speaker, and no man in tbe state is better known as a writer for tbe press than he, outside of the editorial prof (Vision. His articles were often full and complete, and so exact, mnr time, as to serve as a "vade today tbat I did. Why tbat medicine actually cured me and 1 didn't take more than six or seven boxes either.' "It was in Jaouary. 1897, that I began taking tbe medicine, and I was com pletely oured by the first of Maroh. I began early in the spring to do my work, and I kept it up all summer, not missing a day. I have never bad any rbeumatio troable with my limbs from tbat day to tbis. "And ore you positive that it was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People that cured you?" asked tbe reporter. "Positive, why of course I am. Noth ing else did it. I did not take any other medicine at tbe time, and I was never better until I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People I have taken nothing elee sinoe, and of course tbey are what did tbe work." Mrs. Updegraff agreed with ber husband that "be was cured of a very severe oese of rheama- turn by these pills." Wbat better proof oould a person want than ti e above faots. Tbis plainly shows that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are unrivaled as a tonio tor the blood. The secret of perfect bealtb, strength and beauty is pure blood, and impure blood is the foundation ot most diseases. One of the first to disoover this fact as Dr. Williams, who years ago form nlated a oombination of vegetable reme dies whioh acts on tbe Impure and Im poverished blond, imparting those ale ments tbat purify, vitalise and enrich it, thus aiding bodily fnnotlons, arousing every organ into healthful action, and in tlitn way restoring the entire system to health anl vigor, at ease and began to show in earnest what she eonld do. From this point on she manifested no weakness and acted with tbe apparent ease ard self posses sion of a well-trained and experienced actress, securing eurtain calls at tbe end of eaoh act and the evident sympa thy of ber audience. Miss Waldorf has personal attractions whioh will be of tbe greatest value to ber in ber obosen career. Her figure is sufficiently tall and well moulded to make ber assumption of a classio cos tume not only perfectly justifiable, but an artistio delight to the eye. She wears the trying costume ot the Qreek girl as if she were native to it and moves about tbe stage with a grace and dignity that shows but little traoea of tbe oovioe. A atrikiog feature of ber acting was the ability shown to assume a pose that was always artistio without appearing studied, and this was observable wheth er she was prominent in tbe soene at tbe time or not. . Tbe chief charm in the personation of Partbenia was its girlish innocenoe and frank directness. Tbe fresh touoh of spring appeared to have found visible form in tbe lightness of ber voice and tbe brightness ot ber smile. It was only in tbe later soenes, when tbe passion of love is supposed to have been aroused in tbe breast of the Greek maiden tbat tbe fair aotresa showed a lack ot warmth. Her response to tbe fiery pleadings of Ingomar was but a weak one and even ber determination in tbe last scene to follow him out into the world was oon veyed in tones whiob, while they were clear and decided, did not indioate tbat they weie founded in the passion of love after tbe manner in wbicb it bad been so ably disonssed in tbe earlier soenes. Miss Waldorf's voioe is musioal and strong, . ber enunciation , sometimes clouded, but mostly dear and oorreot, while her rendering of b'onk verse is good enough to entitle her to place among tbe best aotresses upon tbe stage today. Her faoial expression is mobile and attractive, the more so because, al though she is pretty and has large, lus trous eves, she does not use the baby stare so oomaon among women who are pretty and notbiDg else. When Mies Waldorf has been seen in tbe character of Julia, in "Tbe Hunch back," it will be possible to arrive at closer estimation of ber powers than oan be made after seeing her but once in snob a part as that ot Partbenia. Io the meantime, however, it is safe to assert tbat an actress has arrived upon tbe stage wbo will in due time be heard from. The cast was greatly helped by Wm. MoVay, whose statuesque, one might almost say colossal, proportions made bitn en ideal Ingoma. particularly when, in addition, he' was found to be tbe possessor of a floe, sonorous voice of tbe Louis James order and an ability to use it effectively. His acting was highly intelligent, forcible and effective. I Week r fe0 We simply knocked our competitors silly with our display of Sajnwb'llliii the finest ever shown in this city. Our prices are as low as the lowest, if not a little lower. id O o o o I This Week... WeTask you to examine our display of ...HATS! Being complete and up-to-date, in all the latest blocks and styles, in Mens' Youths' and Boys' hats. Prices guaranteed to be as low as the lowest. Watch this Space. Something New will Appear Each Week. Our show window will contain-a different line ef goods each week or ten days,, and our advertisement will call attention to each line we put forward. Space does not permit us to mention all our extensive lines at one time. Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGeandk, Oregon, March 10, 1898. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 23, 1898, viz: . WILLIAM H. CLARK, Pre-Emption D S 10540, for the WU NWU, SEW N and N W) 8WJ4 Sec 15, Tp 4 8. R29, E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Andy J. Cook, Hezekiiih Tlppett, of Bcppner, Oregon, Robort 8. Clark, of Murdane, Oregon, and Abraham B. Chapman, ot Vinson, Oregon, E. W. Babtlktt, 30-11 UeglBter NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Orrics at La Obandk, Orioon, March 7. 1898. OTICE Id HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler Has Bled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Ore. gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 23, 1898, viz: JOHN T. GALLOWAY, Hd E No 5353 for the BE ofSeo6Tp28R27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A. i. Stamp, M. J. Devln, W. u. Mccarty and rosier Adams, an oi neppner, Oregon. E. W. Babtlrtt, 29-40 Register. CAB.D Of THANKS.. Notice of Intention. f AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON. x.4 March 2, 1K9H. Notice is hereby given that We take Ihle. method, ot thanking all those friends, aud neighbors who so patiently aud lovingly aided and assisted us during tbe Illness, death and burial of our loved one, I.lllle II. Large. Words cannot express to you our heartfelt thanks. Ma. add Mas. H C. Rush. ISAAI C. LARUS. The "Kra of Jiillua CenMr" Ix-gnn with the reformation of tlu rnlcndnr lu 40 11. C. It prevnilt-d lu Cnglum for clvh iirMH4-s until 1762, then Ix-ing suiM-nu'disl by the (In-tforinn. Several suhatantxa, whone odor is to r-eatcrn noatrlls execodinifly re- tiiienant, are highly ratrrmrd In the ent jwrfuiupa. In 1'crala and AfirhmiiNtnn, aaafoetldst is considered a di'liiate iM-rfume, and runny luxurious jx'raons rarry a quantity of it in their pockets or in a ig suNpcndcd from the neck. rhedoornnll In earlier timra.aayi an ntliinrlnn, mi the piste of the door UKn which the old fnahloiied Knocker truck to ar-oiia the Innmtca ot the Iiouht. As the plnte or unit was struck many more times then any other nail It M .aaumed to lw mure dead than other nitila. Hence the phi one; "Dead ita a door unit Eugene Dctnarr wu brought ix'fore J untie IltcharJaon today on a charge o burglary, luing ac cused of breaking into tbe house of Prank Van Clevr, of Wells npttnga on nnnlay. 1 he young man wavM examination anil was boutitl over in the aura of $.(X), to ilefult of which he waa sent to jail to await the action of the luecuia" foi the ordinary politician, grand jury. Geo. F. Roberta, representing Zan ltroe., of Portland, is looking That Dr. Williams' I'lnk Fills for Pale up business in our City today. I'enple do this has been atieereti in ny the following named settler baa filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made oeforeJ, W. Morrow, County Heppner, Oregon, on aaiurnay, aprii in, mm, vis: GEO. W. SMITH. of Heppner; Hd R No 29o for the NEU of Bee 12, Tp 2 8 R 24 E W M. He names the following witnesses toprove his continuous residence UDon and cultivation of, said land, viz: James V. Khea, Ralph L. I Henge, of Heppner, Oregon, Hoberl J. Hill, oi Lexington, Oregou, and Joseph Mason, of lone, Oregon. J AS. F. MOORE, 2H-39. Register. viz l it The Leader Of Course! The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being -added to the list at - T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. m m (tv m m to rn VI At t viz A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, Is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at r - Heppner, Oregon- it it vi it it it thousands alt over onr land sod io for eign olimee. These marvelous health restorers are prescribed by pbyslolans. endorsed bv druggists sod need by peo ple every where. AT THETHtATrlt A roaiJent of Kalom, bo kne Abraham Litnooln acveral years before be waa mentioned for trtalil(ney, rrgarJn Mr. Goer remarkable man, ami singular!) like tbe great war irreilont in many qualilioa. lie baa Lincoln's admirable aolfjxiUo m an orator Iwfore a promiscuous crowd, tbe awe di wtucme of statement, and CAn overcome In almost all cams an f.inall bai!i? faculty of Urn- 1T the UK Ol ScOtt'l EmuUion Ol in Intn ridicule tbe arcutnenU of Oji-Uref Od And the Hypo. - - l addtnl i ...... an .,pon.n,. a 7 ' j, u 4 adtntdic lact that cod-UTcr tbat be is rnilowM iid tne earns lh 4igaufcU oil Uk ti . . . tel. eetise of jastice ana uonoraiiis uuno. la Lus Aegeles Theatre. The adveol of a oew aspirant for stellar honors Io tbe person of Mies Janet Waldorf, wbo is already fortified r msoy smd eipree sioos ot admiration from tbe interior press, is an event tbat demaods some thing mots than a passing nollos, Miss Waldorf baa been ooder tbs tntelsge ot Mrs Ada Pow Curris', aod baa beeo stodjing bard for tbe past tbres years. Frlnflipel smno Urs. Carrier's olsiess to deetioi'tion is tbs fact tbat she laoooheJ Jolia Marlowe open lbs stage, as she is wow attempting to bring Janet WeMorf befurs the public. Tbe pieee cboaeo for Mist Waldotrs appearanre before a Los Angelas soJl- eoee was "Ingomar," a play tbat baa for many years been a great favorite witb bnddieg Iregwlteeeee. Mary Aadereoa won fame In the character of fat than I a. Minna tiale. Kngoeia ltlair and last, bat nt teaat, Jolta Marlowe, without mea mentioning others leas well known, have eeayd la with toots or lees soeeeea. It le in faot a reegalJ test ebaraelet for a girl aeptrlsg to b roasl.lareJ . titled M a poeiltoa la the front rank of art r . It deo ends abiHly, both for comedy and tregady, raaeisg. as it dw, from the deliaatia of Hgbt bearted simplis ity to tbe ebaraeteftsatioa of pawlnwaU aeorn aa4 evlastaatiag la tbs etbibukxi rf the devoted lvs ol s pars sad tieel teg net or. Tbe feet that lbs lines are la blank vets make an added deaan4 phita ol Lime and Soda. WhiW knJ i.jwe n t.t .j sowadseM of br training Is shiealinwary art. F. M. Colthar, foreman of the XionK trees: Kagle, la taking a abort rest and vieiting friends in Heppner. Tbe Gazette acknow ledges a pleasant call from tbe gentleman. The two cases set to be heard nn iriA 10 inat tmfora Jnrlpe Ilirh. I Mscontlmiona mldpnra upon and cultivation on me oj inst, ueiore Juage iucu- i ( Ml(1 n(1 . niiam Harmn. John r. ardson, in which Mrs. (Jarnsey is "anon,,u and rraDctM.oentrr, charged with violating tne laws of Notice of Intention. Land Orrics at La Osakdi. Orkoon. April , 1MI. ajOTICB 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE 11 lollowlnf namrd settler has died notii s of his liiUtitton Io mas flnal proof In support of hlsrlalm, and that said proof will be made hafore tha County Clerk ol Morrow comity, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on fay ), W, vU: JOHN P. BROWN, Hd No Mil, (or tha EU UW! end W 8K4 See ITpllKfllWM. Ha names the following witnesses Io prove Urecon, by practicing medicine without a licence, have been dis missed by District Attorney Ltaan. It is presumed by tbis tbat Jura. Oarnsey will be allowed to con tinue ber work in tbia city without further interruption, there being no other charges of this nature pending agtinat ber. all ol Heppner, Oregon. M-49 B. W. BARTI.ETT. Keslsur. rui inJ Timber Culture-Final Proof. LiXD Orrics AT Tms, Oatnnit. March lMh IhM. XTOTICt IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT PAT i v rick Hplllane, of Heppner, has filed notice of Intention to make Bnal pmf before J. W. Mormw, county clerk, at his elfice In Heppner, Ortton, on Monday tha IS day of April, IKW, on llmtier culture application no. w4l lortheH'i NESa, (is ctoa H. In township No. 1 i rai.e Ha. V K. W. M. He nemea a witnmii s: iann woodward ood's Pills (tennis Hplllane, WlllUia S. Lelller, and Bainucl l-enier, all ot Heppner, otcgon. JAM. P. MOORE. Keclsur, Are anuch la Inliei ala)S ready, efflcienl, satxfae- Uxy . pec rent a eoM ov lever, eare all ) UK rk k-4 a.b, a4b-, iMMivait-e., etc. rrtre W mit la eaiy rill, k. lake wit Hoa i aafMiartlia. Notice Ot ContestTimber Culture. 1 Wasting in Children BOW TO FIND OCT. dealing io uo'.itica, as io erery other calling, tbat characterixoti the life of Litclo, and as evidence of tbis it is sufficient to refer to Mr. G eer's refusal of tbe apfoint. went as reuistor of tbe Oregon City land flie, under tbe circora. stance in which it was proffered to hltn. Tbat Mr. Gwr will l elecM goternor by a larg- majority, without eating. He is in perfect axioord with the rr publican part? onalltlta! quettua, arid, as bis eareer has aban lantly sbowu, be U v.r war uualified to N its staodard-bstrsr la this Inpottaitl siap!.xs"Ita SUUimii 'let"'1 'iHa by the Oee- maa voa Maeii iieuingbawaew aaa waa tr arreted aad ixlaptod by Maria lell, wbo le (u ilvta sredil k tbe antteatilp, Tbe fi'et art elfle a very poor eppnr. taaliv fr tbw e.-tre. and It was wot alrtdy AZiUl and mad rxidf earprlaieg Ikal Mas vtablatl failed to lor ImrrxJiAtt aUorptioo hf lbs ewt n ak4 aiplaoae tot U aeiiag lyitcm. It U alio ComNrxd WIlhjtwlt tU wee aataialtv eMWbat irtypophop nita,wrilcn l,i,alaJ se did s4 earewl Is wotkieg lurplf A food not only lor Ihctiuufioi th NJf,bul SCOTT'S EMULSION It It not only oaUtaVW, tut it it Pills bnttls or eostmna glaaa witb orloe ssd let it stand tweety-fonr boars; a eeJImeol or settling iadieaUe it is healthy osditloa of tbs kidneys. When nrtoe stains lines It la evUeoee of kid ney trotibl. Too frequent deeire ko art. sale or pais IB tbs baek. is slax ooavloo Ing proof tbsl tbs kiJneys aad bladder are sat sf orJe. WBATTW OO. There le soeafort la tbs knowledge so oft egpisisil. tbat Dr. kiitser't H warn p-Boot, tbs geMl kidney remedy fnlSts tvwry wieb Is relieving pain Is the baek, kidneys, liver, btadJer and every part of tbe arisary -Ttaeeagwa. It Soe- reeie suability ts bold nrlee and aeald- leg pale la naawiag It, sr bad tfferts foL lawiag see of bsor, wise or beet, and t4as roes pel !e. le gel ap asaey tiwtew i-waiea a.i Lavs Orrit at Tas Oauva, Oaeooo. March l. liaat. OMM.AIHT H AVISO BKr.M MADK AT tins oFAce by Ihe duly verined and enrrnhn- raled am.laTll of Holwrt Warren, al led ne that John ('. Ki.raT. who made Umber enlture entry Na TM. U't the h K of see a Ip I a H it K. at Ihe land pV at 1 he tiallre. nn the llh day of No-ember l7. and his heirs hare wholly ahandimed aald tract, ai.d have felled and new. Ierie, at all time elnrw the third year after entry, to comply with Ilia linile-r eulturw lawa, or m plant, rultl.ale or prnleei any part ol tha a Id trad In tree, eeedlua of enltlnsw, as re tHlred by law, therefore with the view to tha compilation of amid entry. Ihe eid part Ire are hereby eaaaexaned end required to tie and ap pear belor J. W Morrow, county clerk ol Mor mw comity, at hie nffioe al Heppner, Oreeno, on Ihe lath day of April, lew. at le o clock a . of amid day. thea an4 triere m pflme enrh tee II emit, aa Ihey may have eoncwrnlng Ihe eald alleemtloeja, Ihe Snal hearing to be bait before Ihe fceeletef aud Mecel.ef , al The tWllee. treen, on Ihe ta dej ul April, leva, at the hour ol le rinrae.aa. n. "in, eieeie. ail it W. M. Bl'iua, Keceuee. ft for the feorxt rvd rxrvrt, and will bu.y up I Kg chill vbai. ill ordinary lood does not supply frtjr nowrubrmnte MMtnpi t. ntt 1.4m le,eie Al sWtew iptealtex KTI SI. Caawaew, Bew Yacfc. ap lbs taaiuaiis eiiaei t4 tbe saaa, for mWl(t bave tbe beat. fUld a bleb tbe taibof Ml St le soiree ai to t ). Her eenta wf ri;l wa ii fepdete t, ibowteg laUal pnwaes taf . laleewe iwdirt, aad waa owly lajare-l I s iba arttftelalMy ef lb teeth witb wkwb be e1e We etit freea tbe eeee. tbe reel tateeewt ef tea plaf d'e St begts Skill tbe el ewwe Is lbs see! tt aai base MkM) vTeUH tas far Store SHERIFF 8 ALE. VOTK B IS HEa-VSY 1VB THAT t'B 4 V ae aad by virtue nl aa eieruiloa and ordee ot eaie, duly and rilarly leeued out ol tbe t It. oil I ourt ol Ihe Mete of tre"a, fnr Mnreow roenty. aitd to ane dtrerted. a tbe lath dey of Maerk. 1, ap a udwenl and de cree duly rendered end entered la aald court. en the loth day ol Mecrh, teem. In a aull Ihea e4 thecetHore efillnf Uteeeta. wherein, the Aetrrwan Modaete Company jmitel. of amimnd. a t orpneOon. wee plelntld, and a Ihomee pownliif. and Ml I ton (tie teal law al eiephea a Pnwa- oanna sow aif bi so nriwntw. in sbii.1 i,t.u end nemiMiti e.e aa Ihe hereto andtbsesuwioarrefforl of Iwaap. Wi; rM M) sow raalisa.1. It stands lbs Twaaway, tbs lit Say af May, 189S ilUI f,.f tie araaJeefal ssns Jlks tkekonr o( erl-k In the aftentoaei e ! tmi,l A. h hn.1 A,m of I ha mo.nile Meri dwtreawieg eaaea. If y need a ! bwMxe u rteppeer WorrnW Co nil tregon eelt a tbe kiea-e M.M-t b eae In need, all tb Miowlea deerrthed real eetele to t n be dfwaalaia. brkw Bftf Seats aad oaa i e"ik ae, twenty etahi. I . ail ett-.t. and beina la Morrow l ien i IHegcea. Mlwf with tbe here.lit leeM-.ieeud apfrteneiw-w uecevaae belong ( e la any alee an-rnlnig. of aw earn h I ti ae will esiieiy aeht 'i Igmenta la It. a I t. ...-wieg ...e,a . i i av witit luweet theceoa Imno the V'"k ae, M l-t. el the reie ol ii-i pi ),.,. t,,t tme eni e;eHt, 'M.e- e-w.e tee. aud 9e tbe rne. e- el S-b 01 eeaw a4 g'.e-e---eata, a-e aMvaui e-e I, b Itutl. e-at lM,f sf Mertew eewet Ciea dsllaf. Tow stay baea a eagtple twltle aad paapbM bth eewl Iree I y snail, npnw ree-xpl ef (brew two et tie p e evear sa4 mt wnatege ww tbe buttle, bfeattW tha tepreee (teaette aad met. 4 tw a t tree M !, K'lney A Co, Piif basai . W. f . Tbe t-l rletwrv ef tha ftt Meies lbs VSfatSMlt tbW lir. C0NSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling of prescriptions. "When you hear dem bells!" YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! MAT HALVORSEN, 1 LEADING A1ERCHANT -nl OF I0INE .hxwwwta Keeps i hd M i Merchandise O o O Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin- O f; ware, Harness, Stockmena' Supplies, a Wood and Willowware. p First Class Goods and Low Prices V is his motto. j MflT HALVORSEN, U lONi; OltEOON. A.. ABRAHAMSIOK, Merchant Tailoring! Mr. Abraharasick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp ner. Kt9 work is always first class and satisfac tion guaranteed. CALL AND OEE iMEe ON MAY OTHieET