Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 19, 1898, Image 1

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    . : : - - . roi
Seml-WeeKly Gazette
At S2.00 A YEAR.
IF THE ...
Semi-Weekly Gazette
NO. 641
Semi weekly gazette.
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man.
Al IS.Oi per year, (1.00 tor air months, BO oti.
forthree moncos, strictly in advano
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Fostoffice at Heppner, Oregon,
. At second-class matter,' -. .
THI8 PAPtiB is kept on file at E. C. Dake'e
Advertising Agenoy,A4 and 85 Merchants
Exehatags, Ban Francisco, California, where oou
raota for advertising can be made for it.
J-', ing agent, al Merohants Exohengi 1
ins, Baa Pranoieeo, Is our authorized agent.
This papar is kept on file at his office. '
0. R. & N. --Local card.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p m, daily except
Sunday arriving at Heppner Jnnction 12:05 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a. m. and ar
rives at Heppner 800 a, m
Bpokane Express No, I leaves Portland at 8:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner J ".notion 5:50 p. m.
and TJma1 ilia 8 JW p. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 810 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
.m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner J auction 1:25 a, m. and at
Umatilla 1:80 a. m. . .
Fast Mail No. 1 leave UmatiUa 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at -leppner Junction 12:25 a, m, and at
Portland 7 :2t a.m.
For further information inquire of J, G. Hart,
Agent O. B 4 N., Heppner, Ore.
United States Officials.
President.;' William HcKiuley
Vtea-Vresldent Garret A. Uubart
Secretary of Btate f John Sherman
tteoretaryof Treasory Lyman J. Oage
"Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Unwell ; Alger
Heoretary of Navy John D. Long
Poituuuter-fteneral James A. Oary
Attorney-General... .'...John W Hrigga
Secretary ( Agrioultore James Wilson
. State of Orea-on.
. . w
P. Lord
Seoretaryof Btate
Treasurer ,
Bapt. Publio instruction.
Attorney General
,.H. R. Kinoaid
Phil. Metsohan
..... M. Irwin
C. M. Idleman
0. W. McBride
Supreme Judges..
1 Thos.
1 W. B. EUle
W. H. Leeds
!R. B. Bean,
F. A. Moore,
C. E. Wolverton
Sixth JidleUl District. ( .
Cirenlt Judge Stephen .Lowell
Praseeuting Attorney -II. J. Bean
Morrow County Officiate.
Joint Senator... ... -.. A, W. fie wan
Ueprceentative, J. Brown
(ioanty Judge A. G. Bartholomew
'' Commiaeiooen J. B. Howard
J. W. HnbU.
" Clerk .J.W.Morrow
' Sheriff B. U Matlock
' TiMmnt Frank Gilliam
" Awwir .... .... C. prtuiifS
M Surveyor.- J. J. Mcttee
School Bup't Jy W. Shipley
-' Coroner ... U. F. Vaugnao
srrxii tow ornocaa.
Mayor Ihos. Morgan
Coiintlrnen..., E. J. Hlooom, M.
Mohtenthal. J. K. Simons, J. J. Roberto, J. W.
Baamus and fc. G. Sparry.
Hwimr W.A. Wchardaon
Treasurer I W. IJgge
atarehal John Haawr
Jostle, of the Peace W. K. KieharHao
Constable. N. 8. Whetatooe
Uslted States Labs OaTeera.
na situs, oa.
I. . Moor .. rUa-lsUw
A.B. Biui BaoMVW
.. W CUrtl-M Bftr
... u.ifia OL
J. H. Kuatnna Receiver
aosxT ejocxjcxrx.a.
G. A. B.
Meets at VmngUm. Or- the last rUrnrday of
re month. All votaress art lovttad In a
i. W Mitiith. C (). Fcuca.
AdJolaat, tt Commandar.
D. J. McFaul, M. Ds
' OfflM boar. 6 to 10 . m., oJ 12 to
9k.BI .t4 teeldetct. W. A Kirk't protv
trtT, east of SL E eh arch. Hnatb. id 10
lo 12. , m . to 3 to 5 p. m., ! efflo In
lb rear ol Borfg jewel rj ttort.
Brown 8c Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
Offlo la Ibt Firal National Bank
lLsrmM, t : Omaok.
Ellis & Phelps,
MTORNEYS at law.
. AH WIbms slk44
Skil'farl'iVT kiaiiaef.
t tk t ameirt an 4
liotart rublle east
flick Ik kattef MIMIk.
Neatf. Of.
i0. E. GILMAN,
General Collector
nl yen I4 hank a4 anti't la He
hawie al F' kwy mil W
-Ui.f, Mates k ( lalif at utrt
0C.c ia J. K. rrowu'k IloiUin
Justice of the Peict
and City Pecorder.
cowncit CHatJktk
Mil aa4 wave real eataiw. raW ft
af sr la la Uaa. ta I
. Ssa
First National Bank
or iicrrscn
C. A.MmCA.
T.A. ttMa.
Cto. W coMatf),
a PrwaifCBt
Vt rWesat
Akt't Caaklte
Tntwii 1 6ffal ttUt tiwsa
, . 4k e3 mnrm mi tm4 w-rt4
Bought and Sold.'
FJ ,
rHtiwe 4 aw ait wi mm
Mn si'-'S tt,
Krp 14 U4Ml ft I lift
I ". - I - ' ; m
I I I- I - -
When Going
Ecist . . . .
Use a first-class line in traveling
between Minneapolis, St Paul
and Chicago, and the principal
towns in Central Wisconsin.
Pullman Palace Sleeping and
; Chair Cars in Service.
The Dining Oars are operated in
the interests of " its patrons, the
most elegant service ever inau-
4 gurated. Meals : are Berved a la
To obtain first-class service your
ticket should read via.
The Wisconsin Central
Direot connection at Chicago and
Milwaukee for all Eastern points.
For full information call on your
nearest ticket agent, or write
Joe, C. Pond,
linn D 1 ...
, or Jas. . Clock,
General Agent,
246 Stark St.,
Portland Or.
Milwaukee, wis.
H, W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Ball block west of the Union Depot of C. B.
vt., u. m. s HI r., c. A., r. Ft. W. & C
and the C. St. L. 4 P. Railroads.
rates aa,oo rBK dat
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bts.,
Published Every Saturday ' kV
13 Astor Place New York
The Outlook will be In 1897, hi it bat
been dnriog tstoh of 1U twenty itveo
yean, History of Oar Own Time. Ia
ttt Various tditorial departmeott Tbe
Outlook Kites oompaot review ot tbe
world'i progretn: it follow! witb care
U tbe Important pbilantbropio toil id
dostrlal movement ot tbe day; bee
complete department ot religiou oews;
devotee mooh epaoe to tbe interested
tbe borne; reviewt earrtat liter at are;
farolsbee cberfal tablt-lelk eboat mee
end tblnge: end, In abort, alma to give
treeb Information, original Obeervatioo,
aod reasonable entertainment.
BegioDioi with tbe fifty fliftb volume,
tbe ptper will eat a me tbe regal ar m-
line lite, wbiob will add greatly to lie
eoDTeDieooe and ettrarttveoree. . Tbe
Outlook la pablUbeJ every Hatarday
fifty two laeaas a year. Tbe first itsoe
Id eaeb mootb ia ao Illoetrated Magaaioe
If amber, aoaUiolog aboatlwlceu stay
pee as Iba ordinary iaeoee, tagetber
lib a large aamber of ptctnree.
Tbe pneeof Tbe Outlook ie Ibre
dollare a year lo advaoee, or late tbaa a
cent a day.
Seed for a epoima epy and illaetraW
u pretoeotoa to Tbe Ootktok, IS Astor
Ptkoe, New Tor k Ottv,
TtK 1 imps,
Wklle ywe ak yo. ewbaeHkUaa ai4 kk rt
aaakase) rewknsl Ik fiwsaf saarte.
M. f O.. Iiwur, nr-n.wmm, t . left
tank. A flM&tlv-HflFaak.WJMHslMAakt
w, i naw rif'tt mtpi mm ant
e mi pn a4 evui la rtkki.
MMiHk. w Wbw. fr-laHla, ID.
eWM M,aww4w4wk Ik 4 awi kmtm, H I)
a wi sn mv, swum ssm aw tuxhtm
nor, U A- tlmt', O.-'aHle, Uf sw
Mk fee
taSiw mi rVsM
JaSMk, Rawv. Kknaw. tJ 9mw4 tuta4
ltlwyM Maat.l! mmni hrM4 i aw
rtM htm. ate. aailavlMt ka iaA a. Kwatw as
J aw. ratfe. Laa. It W mn eteaWT aw
hwi mtmrn ui auae aw rlM alk, mdm
wn la fM a4 auM m Ml aav
I war. a, Kawsjas, S R
KM mm k.t MWH4
m sstav mhm mm law rtsM
I, a4 a e Un m mu4mr tmtim mmmm mm ll
! J f
W(aM. aa. f rw,-4 wtMa, O aa
fM kn t a iwmi annwllw.
'M. J W, IWM lw knUM M
elwNkipn awiti. saapa n.ai kip.
rka A Ulaws. BaMaMk.tkr.lMWM I V wa
'"". - kMa4 tr 4
' 4 aw l s",, ra... tisfci Mi.
ftpw.J H, UltfM fit -
la ak par.
t $ W , It m paaa. n-t
10 as
I aaava, i aw ftM aa
9, II , Mm. IW - r.iu W n aa
a . av. aw ' t a aai p prt aa
. pi.i mTi , A . k.. - tl awuwx Pk
Wk WM M paa aa.
t na a mm mi
w, I ,
a . If Ma ,
s w pa rail a .
I a. I I
H SBfi
4enaaMKMaia, k II B I aw
iiiiummititmt ifi
AVegetablcPrcparationfor As
similating tbeToodandRegula
ting UieStomachs aodBoweh of
ness andRcst.Contains neither
Opium.Morphlne nor Woztal.
Not Narcotic.
Pmrnfim SU'
ArUM Stmd
Jhrnmimt -mVCmimmmJUm
fAroW Jiw .
ADcrfcct Remedy forOonstiDa-
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,!
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
oess and LOSS OF SLEEP.
' fkkwajaBBkkkMpwsapWaBwwBBWkBWWw
Tax Simile Signature of
ixact copy. or wrapper.,
1 1
(Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL. )
MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. 2
Now Open. New Methods. New Manage-
mcnt. strictly
Rates, $i.oo Per
8kp?A EreUclasa feed barn run
and from all Iraina. We solicit vonr
For more than fifty-six
in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S.
IT Mae lalihfully Wbnra4 M thalr arnarwrlly
buatnaa. au4 kn.Hi Intcrvata, M mAm
rum SM.ulH.il
tT HAS al u,a SMaiita, laureetlnf and Instructive atortaeof tilt dulo(S of the world, Wit
him a4 mtmim.
IT MM a4.laa4 lha laripav aa la Ute Pioal arlrtwvp4 wtelhnda of rulll.atlnf and tiarvaellne his
rf"t an4 th. lima laant.rl
IT HA Inl In atl atallat. bariainlnt lo the P.ilara M lartaar. and lliaaars, end lur eta
a eealMry kaa aald UmII emMeeea and
xt za rnn,
New York Weekly Tribune,
Aeswt fkfwitmt with the
$2.78, eeelt In astvawwa.
Addrwss ai. OrAer, U,
Write faf kaaae aa4 p44rM aw a anatal rar4,
17. im a ) wcy w m. ... imi
Columbia Kivcr and Pusct Sound Navigation Co
mmn iaiut
Ipkvtag AU Mtet Uwk, I'ortlaaJ,
I'm k aaa V.tveiia, IMeawt pviwkaattyia with Ilweew eUamart aad rett
rok.t, ate at Yeatst'e Hay lib bere Reilrow.1
Uas Nr:aM t A. W iHny. T4 a4.y . Arva 1 1. M Dwilr. tff aaaj.ts
M Ki:. asapl I .-af
i a. a
eate S.pSaf a4
....4 a4 v
at.-, w I mm.-, f
paP l.
MSaa. a4 I'tUf
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
You Have
Always Bought.
tms atwT.ua .aaiaawv, ncwv.m.itv.
rirst lass.
Day and Upwards.
in conrjentinn.
Free 'Rub 'ran to
years it has never failed
and hapf.lnaaa, for the ltn fi.intil nf their
alluo. lor U.a tievalloa of A math aa Manhood and
liia Ini. IIm larfal alll anxnut of .Htaav.
a hail
GAZETTE, ana year far
SaM M pjOaw. ft. Ra4, THhiim rMkew, k.w
waaaiy I ribuaa win be muutm. to ymi.
i q v ii mvuiiu a i "a i Q
citoit m octix wivl
ftar Aatofla. II weak, lmf Daeeh, Orwa
a.r4af klM. It f R. tr AHwrla ta
Ma.tar. apmay kit'4, 1 I'.
a4 1 a-var pi I i, f
lllsi, Va a4 a .1 as t t U.
al s a. w ,.". ,
ays Bought
the v
ature ;Xwi v
tV The
rS Kind
Portland, Or., April 19. (Bpeoial oor
reapondenoe of tbe Oazetta.) Corres
pondence ie beginning to pour in from
alt' parte of tbe state, touching the ar
rangements for a oomprebeneive Oregon
display at tbe international fair at Oma
ha. Feet ae praotioable enquiries are
beioir answered by Secretary Batcbel-
der, and tbe oommiesioners are doing
all they oan to intones! the people and
eeoure their hearty co-operation.
Tbe press of tbe state is taking np the
matter of an Oregon display in a way
that shows rapidly spreading interest.
All seotions seem to be deeiroos of hav
ing representation, and if the scheme for
raising funds or a popular loan, as tbey
are pleased to call it, until the legisla
ture is induced to reimburse tbe sub
icribers goes . through half so well ,
there will be no cause to complain. The
absurd idea that tbe Traos-Mlssisafppi
fair is a "real estate boom, witb brass
bcd and baloon aeoension trimmings"
Bs a press agent fastidiously terms it
is fading away, and the business men
are coming to the front witb guarantees
to make it a "go."
The Willamette valley towns are now
being visited by representativea ot tbe
Oorvallis, "Salem, Eugene, Albany,
(Trent's Pass, Jacksonville and other
oities are aroused and in most of them
bonds are being taken and funds nob
scribed. Linn county ptople want a
publio loan from the oouoty for the pur
pose. Corvallis business men bsve Inter
ested county Judge W. 8. Hufford in a
similar plan for Benton oouoty. Eu
gene, Salem, Albany, and Grant's Pass
are entbnssd, and meetings will be be)d
this week, at wbiob Superintendent 11.
E. Doiob, E.J. Fresier, O. J. Olsen,
Hon. Hi B. Miller, 0. W. Tweedala abd
other representativea will detail ' tbe
plant for a state display sod show what
has already b en accomplished. Other
parts of tbe state are being heard from.
Southern Oregon counties will do fully
their share.
A lively discussion Is bow going on over
the plane whlob bave been suggested
tor tbe Oregon cabin at Omaha. There
is a keen rivalry among a number of the
great western states to bave costly and
showy buildings erected. These will be
abandoned at the close of the fair neit
autumn. In view ot this the idea sug
gested for a typical log cabin baa met
witb general approval. Some desint bave
been submitted, bnt no deoislon bat been
reached except ae to tbe seleotion of
lamber wbiob is offered by tbe mills of
the Inman, fs alien A Co., ot Portland,
convenient lo shipping. In the boild-
ing ottbe Oregon oabio headquarters our
timbers are tola displayed to the best
Tbe moral lesson to be drawn from a
characteristic imitation log oabio will
be beneficial and will be a mark of hon
or to tbe breve hearted men aad women
ot tbe pioneer days, wba biased tba way
Into the new world. Over tba trackless
mountains and burning desert tbey
trsilsd tbeir wty to foood Ibis wonder
ful empire of fresh, almost Inexhaustible
rlonss. Tba Oregon aabla will oertaln
ly be a restore of whlob every Webfooter
may well be prood.
A great many years ago wheo General
Joseph Laos was a delegate to con grass
from Oregoa tba Carper's Weekly,
ao Illustrated alar opon tbe Oregonlsns
and their backwoods simplicity and
crodeaess, bad a plotora mad of the
log esbio residence of Oregon's repre
sentative at Washington. II would It
bat a fit rwtribotloo to make this cabin
tbe model for the Oregon cabin at tlw
Omsbt tipoaltioo.
rises fr Iba edooatlonal exhibit
ware pal lo effect Ibis week. Heparin
tendeot Dech vteited tbe agrlooltursl
experiment station al Corvallis and
inttrviewed tbe faculty in regard lo pre
paring a feew exhibit greater la extent
tbaa wtt seen al Chicago. Tba fsrtile
rile of Oregon witb Ibeir oorrsot an sly
sis, lbs grlie and greases, photos aad
other material txblblts showing lbs
soger beet salt ore; tbe traits sod vsg
stsbUe ot different parts of the state
bsrbsrl m eaaee, Inelddlog everything
thai will mteresl tboee IosHimnI lo soUo-
liDe solt, and an exhibit prepared by
tbs professor of lbs etymologist deptrt-
neot. Diretlor Oakb, of tba sxperl
meal etatioo, le oaa of Iboe who are
eager to Oregon gi a display of
blob every restdeot may bm Justly
aroad sad wbten will make tba otbar
eokststaias eavioas.
Tbe esperiaieol statlos bs mad
saggaetifM whlob will very likely be
adopted. It a tbal oor dairy InUrests
be repreeeeted by giving awsy al tbe
Oregon booth free esmpa ut eheeea aad
batter for lbs aaetemera to tickle Ibtlr
it1 palates with. A "wwkleg" exhibit
like Ibl bee aetet been known to leek
filth Wslherred, a progvewsrva
looni Mi ot Ore-gea, wbo Is aow In
Omsl.s, baa sierted I bright Mil Mags
ties, tailed tba Traae llieelaelppiao,
tsb Halted la tb laUresi ef iLt Wee tar a
awftbtry. flbe has taken ev-kttdarsble
Iktttaet la Ibe ,roae-1lgt vf lb Irel
lfilS Ski ttl$ Sttea ieftM l llakef
Cl'fi ill II fii4 K Gftfvt't fllf'tf
at Omaha she ia very enthusiastic. She
Writes this significant note :
: "The gold excitement has not been
so 'great in ' years, and "all eyes are
turned westward. I bave been travel
ing through ' tbe east 'and ' south and
there is much inquiry concerning mines
ofthePsoiflc slope, and I have often
been asked if there are gold mine in
Oregon. Naturally, being interested in
my native state, I feet as if tbe mining
men should not let tbe chance ot giving
tbe thousands of people who' will visit
tba exposition this summer so. encyclo
pedia in the way ot a grand display of
the minerals of Oregon, through whioh
many Wpitaliets will : bs; 'guided ' west
Ward with tbe objeot ot investing."
' The chamber of commeroe has favors
bly received the propositi id to finan
cially1 assist- tbe Oregon display upon
the ebowln that the interior cities are
readily doing tbeir share. The follow
ing ; resolutions , were unanimously
Whereas, the Portland 'chamber of
commerce is heartily in sympathy with
any means that will be Instrumental in
ad vaoolng the Interests of this oity and
state, and
! Whereas, Oregon's exhibit, at the
Omabs exposition is believed to be of
much ultimate financial and commer
cial benefit to this state and Portland
in particular; therefore, ba it
Kesolved, To at the Portland obsm
ber of oommeroe extend lo tbe commis
sion having the matter in oharge its
xaqral support, "entire approval of their
wort, ana lurtber , reoommends that its
members and publie io genenral lend
tbeir financial assistance to tbe cause.
Most people of the state - are not
aware of tbe fact that the Oregon com
missioners for the Oolombien fair were
tbe only ones of all the stale oommissin
ers that relumed a surplus to tbe treas
ury from the appropriation. This . was
msde poesible by caret ol . and judicial
management. Tbe same polioy will
be follwed this time, abd it is hoped
this one may be kept under tbe limit of
$18,260 the surplus remaining in the
Over 85 states will show at the Omaha
fair, of which tbe majority will have
buildings. There are 23 great depart-'
tnent buildings prSotioally oompleted.
Two hundred sores of ground ara used
and ths sits is attractive. Transporta
tion facilities ara good and many ot the
buildings and displsyt are international
in obaraoter.
Mr. F. J. Perkins, wbo is now in Jaok-
sonville, writes that tba miners ara giv
ing valuable assistance hi collecting ore
specimens. Tbey ara not waiting to ; be
asked, but ara sending in ascks of as-
leoted ore tor tba mineral exhibit. Ore
of all kinds from every eection of tbe
ttste will be fnoloded in tba displsy at
An Oregooiao wbo is Bow trsveling
in tba fast baa written concerning a visit
ba made to tba Omaha international
lair grounas, preparsuon for which are
rushing forward witb all possibls bsste.
Tba t rounds bra being trsosformed Into
attractive plots, and ba says they are
easily rssobad from Iba oily. Most of
ths buildings are on a larger scale, and
many ot them outrival Iba Columbian
exposition in bAuly. Tba amusements
and aovel attractions will ba tba best
aval seen in Amarios so opinion based
oo those already listed. Eigbly-five
national conventions bsv dates made
at Omaha. Tbs resources ot tbs wee1
have never bad a better opportunity (or
display. Tba enterprise of Oregon in
driving to abow at lha Trans-Missis
sippi fsir la rsokivlog moon commsada-
tlon. ' D. 0. F.
Kobbtd Ike Urave.
A stsrlllng incident of wbiob Mr. John
Oliver of Pbiledslpbls, wsa tbt subject,
is asrrsUd by bim as follows; M was io
a most drasdfu! cood.lloo. My skin was
almost yellow, ays sonkso, tongue
Coated, pain eontlooally io back and
sides, no appetite grsduslly, growing
weaker day by day. Three physicians
bsd gtvso ma Op. Kortonately, I friend
advised lrltg 'Elamrte Litters,' tod to
my greet joy ' end aorprlee, tba first
bottls mads s decided Improvement,
eoolmuad tbeir ot to three weeks, and
Bow I sm wall man. I ktio tbe saved
my life aad robbed the grave of Another
victim " No one aboold tsH to try them
Voir ouceots per bottls at K. i. Hlo
oum's frog I tor.
fateer C"sra4y.
Pendleton f".aat Oregon lea:
L L. Coorady, formerly of Ibe rawer v a
tion, and bow of Portland, I visiting
smoeg old frieeds. Father Coora-ly
worked amoag Ibe lodlaaa of eatlera
Ortgon for 18 f tars, lis bss ilaea de
voted several veer to Iba leper of Iba
Ssadwlcb Islands, CLias and Japan, bat
as fortaosl eeeogb lo eecepa tbe
dreed diets. For Hire years ba has
bee slodyluf Bjedieloe at tbe Perllsod
meueai eoiieg aaa neti year will ora-
plett tbs eoors. lit will tbsw retora to
lb taper lo Spend lbs reoialsder at bis
til llfs b bain aa barol ao, aad
tbnogb ba baa maay year of ofa)t)ae
before him, b Said today tbs!
is bed Ibel bit time eo earth Balgbl b
lotiser, Ibal b might do more good. I!
I fieg losBorroW to lb raw eh ot Jatuet
M.lso, vk liotttf Cftek, Wbtft bs es
kM(lflllt ff igtli Mlf.l
If flit 11.
Absolutely Pure
Wilt Kaise a Begimest in Case of War
Salaries of Employes to be Continued and
Jonta Will Go With the Hen for Bervice.
1 Philade'phis, April 15. Ex-Postm'ast-er-Genersl
John Wsnamaker has sent
this telegram to Washington :
"To the Honorable tba Seoretary
of War: Though opposed to war
unless honorably unavoidable, in the
event ot its coming I will, under
jour instructions, raise a regimenl
of Penneylvanians for military duty '
and go with them for service.
Jobo Wanamaker."
After lending his offer to the seoretary ,
of war, Mr. Wanamaker posted in his'
store two notices, one for the manager's
offloe and the other for the timekeeper's
desk, as follows: ,
. "In order that our men may have easy
minds in considering and arranging tbeir
affairs in the event of being called upon
for military services, this notioe is post
ed to say:
'Fint That all the positions Ihua
vaoated will be re opened to return when
tbe military servloe is over.
! ''Seoond That all salaries wlll oon.
tfnne in full in suoh absenoe for aotaal
servioe and to bs paid to the authorized
representative ot tbeir respective fami
lies. "Third An insursnoe to tbe amount
of 91000 will be paid by ths firm in case
of eaoh death while any of our people
are actually engaged in military aervioe."
Mr. Wanamaker io a apeeoh at Ash-
born lsst night said: ,
"Wa know not to what we shall awake
with the morning light. Thick shadows
ot Impending strife ot arms bave settled
dowo upon tbe lend, notwithstanding
tbe hope against hope that lawful costs
of war in blood and treasure might ba
saved witb jmtios to both countries and
with dignity and bonor. The roll ot
drums and the signal ot the flying
squadron is calling ns lo war. Each ot
us most consider bis relations to ths
nation and adjust our affairs aooord
iogly." Not Trosbled Now.
From my childhood I have teen In
poor health and my akin wsa yellow.
When I was 10 year., old I bad salt
rbsiim on one ot my hands. I got a
bottls of llood'a RarBenarilla and hefnra
I bsd taken all of it my band wae well.
bave never been troubled with call
rbeum eiooe." Mrs. Bertha Beld, Baker
Oity, Oregon.
Hood' Pill are easy to take, easy to
operate, Onra indigestion, headache.
Tber can ba but one ending to tba
war wbiob looms darkly In ths immedi
ate future. Spain must ba driven from
the western hemisphere. Tba freedom
ot Cobs will ba lha first objective point;
but tba war moat not stop nntil every
vestige ot Spsoisb rule is arssed from
tba map of Iba Amerioas.
II has fallen to lbs United Htstss, aa
tba guardian ot freedom in tba western
bsotspbsra, to bava tba duty ot oom
plsting tba evolution wbiob began when
tba first of Spain's misgoverned Ameri
can colonies revolted, and which must
and with bsr expolsitn from both Coba
and Porto Rico,
Bpalo baa been a troobleeom nsigh-
bor, Bourbon by otto re "never learn
ing and never forgetting scything"
Bsr iosoffjtrsbls errogauoe bs but fsd
oa oor forbearance. We wers very close
opon wsr witb bet in 1H73, beeane ot
tbs lofsmoos Vlrginloa sffslr; wa were
nearer agsia io 1870. Kvsr since lha
iDsorrsotioa In Cuba began, ths Hptn
tarda bare ttll towarJ ut at attassios,
sod tbsr wsr Inrsstsnlngs ot trouble
ia 1HU6 over Iba Competitor cat.
MeKlnlt)' word of grsvs warning in
bis mssssga of last Uwotmbor woold
bar been carelolly weighed by soy
other astioo in tbs world boi Hnalo.
Hhe did not heed tbe Intimation ot iottr.
vwolioa then, end now it Invention la at
band, and when Iba united mates ia
through with ber, Kpein will bare for.
aver lost ibe mighty empire in America
wbinb wae bert leas than a century ago.
No fault aaa be found witb Ibe United
Htal, Wa bsva bate forbearing in tba
extreme lb tba lung list ot oor laUroa
lioaal diffiooltie with ber. Bba bsa
been aowardly trsachsroos ysllow ear,
barking st tba basis of Code Ham. For.
beereoce baa eeeaed lo bs i virtu.
Tiers aa be ao paaoe a ioBff as lb baa
a tsolbold bar, ftb most now be chat
tiaed properly, toed lo koow ber place
as a Bfib-rals Batioo. 8 be ia no loager
in tbs first rsok. Bba ia do iuagsr pro
peeaiva. Hbe i a deesylog nattooalily,
aviliig llowly 14 ber iotvitable downfall,
bni Itviai la the past aad ooeoateiooe
Of la daoadaacw.
Dnva bat and bar treeoLeront fe. la
bial fr( OJ Auisilfs I ftalM op Ibt Cflba
r.pni'ns io IM ttaltrtnftj af f(t
rse wae
M hi
reef aet saite eiew ls