Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 15, 1898, Image 3

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    Oil, How Thankful
Pain. Was Maddening and Hope
Had Been Abandoned -Wonderful
Results or Purifying the Elood.
" A very severe pain came in my left
knee, which grew worse and worse, and
finally a sore broke out above the knee.
It discharged a great deal and the pain
from my thigh down was maddening.
Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my
leg. I suffered in this way for years,
and gave up all hope of ever being cured.
My wife was reading of a case like mine
cured by Hood's Saraaparilla, and she
advised me to try it. I began taking it
and when I had used a few bottles I
found relief from my suffering. Oh,
how thankful I am for this relief I I am
stronger than I have ever been In my life.
I am In the best of health, have a good
appetite and am a new man altogether."
J. P. Moobs, Lisbon Falls, Maine.
Hood's sDaaS
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ilia, ascents.
The Gazette can offer the following
clubbing rates:
The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, 11.60 13.00
" B. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25
' N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 ; 2.75
" Inter-Ocean, 11.00.... i 2.50
" B. F. Chronicle, $1.50 &25
" 8. F. Chronicle and map $2 00... 3.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 a.75
Webfoot Planter, 50o , 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50
Rural Spirit, $2.00 3.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 3.00
MeCall's Magaaine $1.00 1,30
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can
get clubbing rates witn any paper on
Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m.
"The Sfibit aod the brida say. Come."
The pastor may be fonq,d at the paraonage ad.
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may desire to consult Tiiin on
reUnions. social, oivio, philosophic, educational,
or any other subjects.
, ' J. W. FLESHES, Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class
meeting following morning service. '
Sunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth league, Fri
day, 7 p. m.
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our
selves toenther."
Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to '
cnurcn. u. K. HOWARD,
Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a.m.
and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. K. L. bhki.lv.
The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the flrst
Wednesday o( each month, at the home of Mrs.
T. 1. Matlock.
Take Notice.
X. The sum 01 five cents per line will be
Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolnttoni of
raspect," lists of wedding presents ana donors,
ana obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue Is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rata of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising rate reasonable and made known
upon application.
Hoi Ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up a
lively tune
For the candidate, I'm free to state, will stay
with us till June,
Then let him treat his voting friends to Pperry's
Lluwood Rye,
He'll catch our votes if he wets our throats
lor the voting men are dry.
Bold only at the Belvadere saloon, E. 0. fiperry,
Here and There.
Statements for the Famoni 8impls
AoooddI File printed si tba Qeiatte of
fice, tf.
"Oo'n jaloe" is all right bat Low Til
lard baa a bread of Hyeerold goods
that ia bard to beat. 603 If.
Painless remedy for attracting teeth.
If Dot aa staled, 00 obargea. Try Dr.
yaogbao'a new plao. C0-f.
Best aoootn modal Ion and courteous
treatment a tba Imperial Hotel, Seventh
aod Weeb. Bta., Portland, Oregon.
E. O.' Noble A Co. ars raellere after
baiineea. Tba finest ealdlre aod bar
oeee to be found lo Heppner. Sea tbrlr
saw ad lo this lesoa. tf.
Tba Ooietle ear nee a fall stack of
Beaming Bole, correspondence style,
frith envelop to match. Those desiring
anob stationery nan bare their wants
aupplied at tbls offloe. If.
E W. Rbea k Co. positively toaraotea
to meet ear price on wool bag. They
trill not be nndereold and their custo
mers may depend 00 tbia proposition
tbey'ara io It to atay to tba tf 3 If
Tbera'a mora clothing destroyed by
fnr aoao tbaa by artoal ear. '"Hoe
Cake" aoap contains no free alkali and
will not injure tba Cool lace. Try it
and notice the differeoca in quality
Rhea A Co
Dr. John W. Reomqa. of tba -Red'
llirht" ever an tba aUrt fot aooetblog
aav. ean famish yon tba finest mrk
laila ia the laoJ-ManbatUa, Jersey
Vtrmftdth of Oie-mada by aa artiel to
the boetaeee. Droo lo and take the
taste oat of year mouth. tf
Frank McFarlsnd baa bees appealed j
tpeoial Meat of The Editable Ufa As
aaraoee Co of Nw York, ib etroogwt
ia tba world. Cash enrplue lo polby
holder of 0ef tO snlllsot dollars. IWt
Uke Insarseos enthoot eeetog tba Be
plana of the F-iiiUtil. tosnrea twb
aeiea at seme retea. TTtf
Deeld keeping the Urgel aeeort
Bteel of aaedie. f rolls, ctgsre aal
sKitlooa to be foaad anywhere In the
ally, Jsa. llert la al ia to aepply
yea wt:k the rw (I and 4eile aad ail
Ihe tr.s, and pe'tnd eJe, btb f
ee aad daeti If f-n at ree4
nt seH. f ia Jim a re'J si Ihe fttp-
( Ceeey reesory. '
Win Radio is over from Long Greek
J. W. 8hipley is at Astoria this week
attending the state convention.
. a. Jjeugbtrey, the stock buyer,
arrived from Tacoma this morning.
Matt Mosgroverepresenting Fleiah
mer, Meyer &Cd.,of Portland, is io
town today.
Geo. MiHer, of Arlington, wag opto
Heppner yesterday looking after some
business matters,
Rogers A Roberts this week built a
ueat picket fenoe around the property
of Dr. B. F. Vaughn.
Bring your hides, pelts and furs to
Ben. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat
Market . He pays highest market prioe.
Anyone io need of good sheep range,
three sections fenced and outside range,
can get particulars of same by calling at
thisoffioe. al-lm
W, J. Wattenberger spent a few days
this week at hie ranoh on Butter oreek.
He reports the fruit in that seotion un
injured by the late frosts.
Surveyor McQee has been busy ar
ranging gome bids on government sur
veys and the Gazette hopes he may be
successful in seouriog a contraot or two.
Judge Bartholomew is now the proud
possessor of a cew No. 6, Remington
typewriter and will soon be able to ma
nipulate it in a rapid and satisfuotury
Be not deoeivedl A cough, boarsoess
or croup are not to be trifled with. A
dose in time of Shiloh's Oure will save
you much trouble. Bold by Conser &
Warren, v
Messrs. Q. Reed and E. Ward, Iwo
hotel men from Oorvallis, have pur
chased Cubs. Ttffi'a restaurant business
and are now conducting the same at the
old stand.
Tom Mathews was over from Butter
oreek on Wednesday. He baa met with
splendid suooesa lambing and will raise
a large per cent of the lambs dropped
this season.
Ladies, take the best, It yon are
troubled with constipation, sallow ekin.
and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover
Tea, it is pleasant to take. Bold by
Conser A Warren. v
The new wool clips are beginning to
come in and soon the wool hauling
setson wsll be open full blast, Morrow
oounty will produce a large amount of
exoellent wool this year.
Regular preaohing services at the
Christian church on Sunday by the
pastor, R L. Shelley. Good music will
be furnished by the choir. You will be
made welcome at tbese services.
Dr. J. E. Adkfns, dentist, ia located at
the Paleoe hotel for a short time. All
those in need of first-olaes, reliable der-
tnl work, should call on Dr. Adkfns
while the opportunity la afforded. 89-2t
Eli Keenoy returned Tuesday morning
from Athena, where ha went to see
Grandpa Swaggart. Mr. Keeney reports
that Mr. Swa gart ia very seriously ill
od grave doubts ara entertained for bia
Service both morning and evening at
the Christian church next Sunday. The
topioa discussed will be of an Interesting
cba'aoter. Good musio will be rendered
by the choir, A general iovitatiun is
Attention is called to tha advertise
ment of Thoa. Bnnthby, it Lexington,
in another column. Mr. Boothby baa
authority lo enlist men for a cavalry
company and all who desire to enter tba
servioe abould commonloal with bim
at once.
A. Andrews ia In from Alploe today.
Ha baa been very busy of lata with bia
lamb band. Tha Brat few days of tha
aeaeoD tha weather waa quite Cold and
unfavorable, bat Mi. Andrews says ba
waa able to take cara of tba lambs, and
baa a large iocreasa.
Tba eoperinteodeot of Bcodey school
ork for tba W, a T. U- Mrs. Alios Me-
Key, baa made a eanvese of Iba oily and
found two hundred and three eblldreo at
tending Baodey achool. Tbera ara ooly
eight families ant rpreecotd lo soma
Sunday achool of tha oily.
B. F. Miller, tba mall oootraotor, la at
preaoot finishing oat the last quarter of
W. C. Tbompeoo'i contract. Mr. Miller
beglna work rta bia owa contract the
fleet of July. He has tba roots belwa
Utppoer aod Caoyoa City and also tba
Una belweso Long Creek aad Caleb.
Heppner Light A Water company de
sire 10 call Ihe atUotioa nt all patrons
tt tba fact Ibat they will U charged for
all water nd for irrigating pnrpnere
from Iba first lima water ia ao od
Tba palrooa ara asked to remember tbla
aad oveto Ihtmeelfae OAeordiogty.
Dr. E. R. Swiabsree rtawlred wordj
from W. A. (ltodala Ibis mora lug that
ba reached Portland with bta eon Freak
and that Iba boy would bava lo go
through tba ordeal uf ao operation for
eppeeJVttis. Eterythlag emae lo
point lo ettoooesfal opperailoo twiog
Isaac Eaate ia "or from Csatoa City
for f.w days. He eya tha work oa
Iba WUpboao liaa to Baraa la being
pushel at a rapid rata aod be look for
Ita entntWltoa at aa eorly data. Mr.
Koala will oavo b f sally to Coaion
City Beit week wlere tky will iJe
dartag tba eame.
W A OoiJeie dspsMel f forllaed
o Wiia"iay -"i nm r-m,
free, waooi M la rfcw to ee aa
opwatioa pltm-i It apaaiaiiia.
II was b'p'l iq r"pr i'mwi bi
lha bao ts of btateiaoe bra weald save
Ib or ttM o"ll " t Ihroogli
ta'gvftl op-faHi. bM It Bw
Malcolm Moody, of The
Dalles, Nominated for
They have anything In this line that you may desire and you ean depend on it you get a
good article when they guarantee it.
Old Stand, Main Street Repairing a Specialty
State Convention Called to Order By Chair
man Hiisch A Kinging Message to
President M'Klnley.
The 2d congressional distriot conven
tion met at Astoria on Wednesday and
it was evident from the beginning that
the friends of Hon. W . R. Ellis, of this
city, were unable to secure his re-nomination
for congress. There were the
two contending faotions from Multno
mah county, and when the convention
was called to order, eaoh of these fac
tions attempted to set control of the
organization. This resulted m the elec
tion of two chairmen and the temporary
organization of the convention under
two heads. Otis Patterson was ohoseo
by the friends of Mr. Ellis, and he pro
ceeded to temporary organization by
appointing committers on credentials
and order of business. The opposing
forces chose as chairman, T. O. Taylor,
of Pendltton. Mr. Taylor also ap
pointed committees on credentiaia and
order of business.
The part of the convention under Ihe
leadership of Patterson, after some dis
cussion on matters of harmony, ad
journed until Friday, in order lo give
the state convention a ohaooe to settle
the difficulty and bring about peace.
while the Taylor people prooeeded as the
"regulars." After preliminary organi
sation, they adjourned until 2 p. m.
When the congressional convention
re-assembled in the afternoon, Mr. Ful
ton explained that the absentees had
not been gotten together, and asked for
further time A motion that the con
vention adjourn till 5 was carried. It
reconvened at 5 40. Speaking of the
absonters, Fulton, stated that be bad
conferred with all the Mitchell men be
bad been able to meet, but all were not
present. These present, he said, were
willing to take whatever steps were nec
essary to bring about barmonloua ac
tion, and suggested that the qaestion of
the legality of the two organizations be
submitted to the delegates outside of
Multnomah oounty and that the right of
the contesting faotions from that connty
to recognition ba settled in the same
manner. This oonrse finally prevailed.
the Simon delegation being seated by a
vote of 47 to 33.
Malcolm A. Moody waa then placed in
nomination by Smith, of Wasoo, who
made an eloquent speech. The nomi
nation waa ssoonded by Judge Pipes.
Selling, of Multnomah, moved that the
nominations be olosed. Moody's nomi
nation was unanimous. Moody was
called to the platform and said:
I deeply appreciate tba honor yon
have just conferred upon me. I am not
the nomination of any faction or clique
of persons, but accept tha Domination
fiora tbia republican congressional con
vention. If eleottd I will use my earnest
effort to aerva tba atata which I rep
A congressional committee was ap
pointed as follows:
Baker David Wilcox.
(Jlstsop W. F. MoGregor.
Columbia-0. W.Barne.
Orook-Dr.V. O. Esner.
Grant Geo. B. Oattaoack.
Gilliam Jay P. Lucas.
Harney J. J. Dunegan.
Malheur W. A Sissona.
Morrow Otia Palteraoo.
Mullnomab Wallaoa MoCammaot.
Hhermao J. K. Wiloox.
Umatilla J. E. Beao.
Union J. M. Church.
Wallowa-F. D. MoOally.
Wasco-M. T. Nolan.
The ootnmitte met 00 tba adjonro
oiaot of tha convention aod aleotad
McC4tnmaot chairman aod Luoaa aeo
The Best Bargains-
But are those of greatest value In proportion to cost If you want to get your
money's worth of honest goods In
J 111MU1I UIVJ 11UI1 UllVj
We are increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and see us.
Spanish nation from the Western hem
isphere." The resolution waa adopted with loud
and continued applause.
M. L. Chamberlain moved that three
obeers be given for the president of the
United States. Aa Chairman Tooze put
the motion the convention rose to its
feet and gave three rousing obeers for
A recess was then tftken till 1 o'olook.
Afternoon Session.
Pursuant to adjournment the conven
tion met at 1 o'olock.
A telegram was read from Mrs- Abi
gail Scott Duniway, president, of the
woman's oongrees, asking the conven
tion to reoognizs woman's suffrage. The
applause was scattering.
Committeeman Alley reported that the
com? ittee on credentials oould not re
port inside of 40 minutes. A motion
was carried to adjourn until 2 o'olook.
Bow's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any esse of Catarrh that cannot be
oured by Hall's Catarrh Oure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props.
Toledo, Ohio.
We the undersigned, have kuown F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to oarry
out any obligation made by their firm.
Wbst&Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, Ohio.
Walding, Kinnak A Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
aoting direotly upon tba blood and mu-
ouons aurfaoea of the system. Prioe 75o.
per bottle. Hold by all druggist. Tes
timonials free.
Cure that cough with Shilob'a Cure
The best oougb oure. Kelieves oroup
promptly. One million bottles sold las
year. 40 doses for 25ota. Sold by Con-
er & Warren. v
Wanted A position aa foreman of I
sheep outfit. Twenty years trailing ex
perience, Enow all routes east and to
Montana. Beet of references. AddresB,
Chas. H. Wheeler,
Pendleton, Or.
Tk UU Coavt atloa.
lt iiia, Or., April It. Tba rr pub
lisao atata onoveotlon waa called to
order promptly at II o'clock Ihia morn
lag by Sol Ulreob, chairman of Iba state
Central oommlltae. Tba chair aoooooeed
that oomloatlooa for temporary chair
men were la ordor. ChsmWI
Marion, oomioateJ W. L. Tx
Woodboro, wbtoh waa eC'ndt
W. Fulton. Mr. Tang waa elected by
acclamation. Charles E. Cochrane
Domiciled fur secretary aod tleoUd by
Committee 00 eredeotiate, orW of
bono, aod organ iislloe wsre ap
pointed aa follows
CraJotlala-Uyat, of Uielille;
Eakla, of Laos; Hissoos, of Malheor;
Staiwer, of Gilliam; aod McCorma k,
of Coca.
Oo org eaiattioo Moora, of Hhermao;
It is impossible for the system
to withstand the demands made
upon it just at this season, with
out the assistance of a good puri
fying and strengthening tonic.
The changes which Nature decrees
shall take place each spring are
so severe tnat a DreaKaown is
almost sure to come. It is wise
that all possible assistance be
given during this period, m upon
this purifying process depends the
health for the entire summer.
Everybody just now should take a
thorough course of Swift's Specifio
which thoroughly cleanses the
blood of all the accumulated im
purities, tones up and strengthens
the entire system, and aids rvaturo
in renovating and renewing the
body so as to render it healthy and
strong. Those who purify their
blood with H. o. a. at this season
are well fortified against the many
forms of disease so prevalent dur
ing the dreaded heated term, for
it has beeu demonstrated that the
system that is thoroughly purified
in the spnng is well prepared to
resist disease all summer.
No other remedy on the market
u equal to swift ppocifJo as
spring medicine, because it is the
only purely vegetable blood rem
edy and is guaranteed absolutely
free from potaan, mercury and all
other minerals. It cleanaes. puri-
fiof builds up and strengthens.
Insist ou S. S. 8., for there is noth
ing half as good.
Clean, Thrifty Trees, Two and Three Tear Old, Carefully Grown of the Beat
Varietiea for this Climate Fully Guaranteed .
per 100. peb 1000.
Apples, Grabs and Prunea, 60 kinds, 5 to 8 ft $5.00 $30.00
Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaobea, Apricots,
Neotarinea, Quinces, Almonds, 8omoai5to8ft 8.00 60.00
Blaokberries aod Raspberries 1.00 6.00
Currants and Gooseberries 8.00 20.00
Strawberries 1.00 8.00
Grape Tines and Pie Plant 5.00 30.00
W. Ash, m, Walnut, Maple, Box Alder
Poplar 5.00 30.00
Hard Maple, Mt. Ash, English Walnut,
Butternut 10100 30.00 -
Roses, two year blooming age, out door. . . . 15 00 100.00
Lilao, White and Purple, 2 year, xx 8.00 . 50.00
Our collection of Roses, 8brubs, Bulbs, Olimers, Flowering trees, Evergreens,
Weeping trees, eto, comprises the best seleolion and shall be pleased to mare von
prioes on application. 50 at 100 rates, 500 at 1000 rates. Prioes are net, packing
added at cost. Cash with order, or Bank Reterenoe. Order early before stock is
broken and you will get Just what you want. Address,
Payette Nursery,
Payette, Idaho.
E. G. Noble &
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, and an endless
lot of everything In their line. E. O. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise the
new firm who will pay all bills of the old Srm as well as collect what la due.
K. O. NOJ3XE & CO.
Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't
. overlook this. Repair work a specialty.
The light of the future. Why not be I
independent and own your own little
as plant which will give four times
more light than ordinary gas or electric I
lights at one bait the cost? Applicable
for use in churches, stores faotoriea,
hotels, residences and country homes;
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
And now the entire world
I TV 11 L 7 . J.
afer than ordinary gaa or kerosene I Jx nOWS IMS perjeuv fjruauvb
lamps. Approved by all the Boards of H.S loe oiur urvwvry ucvr.
Underwriters throughout the United
States. We want a first class agent in
very town. Write for catalogue and
CHINE CO , Akorn. Ohio.
On draught at
all popular saloons
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
I A moil tits ol fmra 1 1. 000 to f.r,noo at elulit I
per cent, interest payable annually. A11-
rations cniialilenHl only from larnivra actual Ir I
n-slillna on tne larms. No agents. Address M.
O. (irltlln, J75, Htark tit., Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, OreR-ou.
The Iisllcs, Oregon. April Hth, lffM.
'Ron, April nm. 1
approve"! iilst nl surrey of township 12 I
South, rings Rant of the Willamette Merld-1
Isn. Orrgon, hat own rerrlved at t.'ils nfllre and
will he omclally Died In this omre on Haturday,
the vita any 01 May, MVS, ai 10 o tiwi a. m.
JAB. r. MK)KK,
Dysptpal enred. Hbilob't Vitallaer
immediately relievee tour atomacb, oom-
lag up of food distress, and ia tha great
kidney and liver remedy. Hold by Con
ser A Warreu. f
Wall WARM Halt!!!
1 of Oregon, for the County of Morrow,
In Ihe nmttitr of the estate of John li. O. Bpen-
err, a minor,
To 1. B. Hrry, tuardlan of the estate of said
minor, arreting:
In the name of the HUU of Oregon Ynn are
hereby rtlrd and required to appear In Ilia
County Court nl tha Plata of Orrgon, for the
Comity of Mnrmw, at the Court room themol,
st Hci.pnar. In I ha Couiiiy of Morrow, on Moiu
day, thr SM-ond day of May, m, at 10 o'elork,
In the birrtmon of that day. thrn end Ihrre lo
slti your ennuis as goanllan of J. M. O,
mnrt, a minor, slid show rauaa, 11 any smat,
whr he ahould not imt over to Ihe said John M.
O. Hinrr, tha s s of money now In his
hands hvlui'gliig to sold John M. O. Hm r
Wllnras, the Hon, A, II. Parlholomrw, Judge
of U ounly Court of Ihe hi( of Orrgon, lor
tha County of Morrow, with Ihe Ml nl said
Court aBUrd, IMS IJIti day of March, A. l.
AtUal: i. W, MORROW,
atl 41. Clark.
203 Waahlngton St., Portland, Or.
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
Who has socured the services of
As manager. It will bo run in first class ehapo
in every department. Rates reasonable)
.a. nVii f'afisSiM' ISWihii
w.-r a
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
If you have not yet realized that the
"good old times" are with us, your
blood is out of order. Get rid of that
"tired feeling" and awake to the fact
that the
As yet war baa not to drelarad by
Iba Called Htaiee, bat it la momentarily
avrwjttrt- PaaIa lim I In ,ud tt i
iianeoa. 01 Mai lo a Aakray. or Jack..; c,f, ,, , (,M . u d,eUr,A, ,
IKag.n, of (Jar nay; Moore, of Kleaetb. ... u
onflraaoa. AllaiiUbil.
Ot.Wof twaloaaa-Charcb, of UnliiLM.u ,aR. .f-1,i
U,x.rb.aJ of Uaej T.Ua, -f ls.la; . b a a ,oU, ,b. .f(, tho0d
Nolao,of waa, aad Irttua, of MwioB.L ,mrnBR. u 1U Tlif- .K.
mv ! if ) 1 hi I k n S(kiUig'i
tnt iMking r.ilT it dn
the mct work to the cent.
Your monr-y bck if )WJ
Uon't 1ae it.
tWlalo, of Lau, wa4 aptroialed M
Uol sworvtary.
A nalloa waa aaniod to apooiat
auiaaiilws) oa ilatfura, robai.linf of oae
o tutor frota eh d'(iioa, tba r
rt lo be made afir tba aree4aaee of
tba toitiite oa rrsM)atala.
. fa Wit fir f
A mMtofi to laka t"t till 1 o'elmk
a kK who M. I Pip-a took lb
floor aad offered tba f llowii r4t-
iW.lrsd. That tha fotlowlor
ae be at anae wir4 M r'MiJa M
"Tm rapvfciifatte of fj' a. la
alio aaaatnbl.4, U lea rrMldeal f
tha t'aiu.i Hiataa, rwia(i
"With Iba atsanat i ti" la lb
wiadiea of i.-ar a lialkidrslwie aad
oUda-tac y tha ejppf I of Iba a'eU of
0rwa, m it.ws var a ?i
tioa tit Ma.ra a dlr-id by
ill of r'lmtaal rf Uel of fiar.lali
itttmrt, a.l Ihei VM oira ta J1I
aaaa f t iba I aitad atttaa t tfrlva ie
by, at InmgiHi, Otgn, who baa o
Ura to aoliat ma for tbia pirp from
Capl H. MaCarlaod, ttodtf wb"m a am-
pany IiIdIh forml.
Mr lavas
Tha vraprra of IIk Cake aap ara
worth a eenl aptera. Ask IUia A G.
fr prmltim b-.k. a
Gibson &c Berger,
AI Chas JunM' OI4 eta ml.
Hlmvinir. - lo Cfx.
Baths 2.V. Hverything Strict
ly Firnt Claas.
dT a. curray,
formarlr of 'stiII.Ua
TvrA!i I AffSrf Ia the placo to Rtoro vour wool this seanon. Why? ISc
l UII3UI iui i ll Hole lCJU,WJ wo ,j0 a strictly warehouso busineHS, and notiMjincin
mu im'iii i;tij iii iMimrnrri, w nit iiii hu r mu jiriiii'di
arnongHt tho buyers and secure you tho higheht jince.
Knl la jour eHtr
Wool Growers'
Half CuHlnf,
Shop, Hallos lotr.
Hppnr, Own.
Mathews &. Gentry,
a ft
! lir Holilh of P'arti.Wrt,
Wa art salllna wo. J sw ks and twin sleosl, paralila whsn wool la sll.
as otM",
W fmf lha htcnaas mad prlr for shp palts enl M1a.
a fa uanta for Llllla'a bis aal Blaca Last Tofeecce Dla. the onlr reliable rrtra1
dtp Ilia tnartpf.
w 1 1.1 r ') I aft Mmatr wnm rviiHn wnoaipr nwnara m wwn,
La s loll sopi.lj ul km.1 Hanrj aixt H h.al, also HUni Hollal Hlf for IramaWrt,
Jilrarl your iMiuaiors lollit loar warrhoaM. 1 fuarantM u a siiar Uaal,
R. F. IIY1ND. Manaacr.
tMT$ lal.
Ooa bay b'ira, wLHa apl la frl.ad.
On fray faara, tmlb blrtd ft abtU:
eaeb 4 yaara ol I. Rraadd oa f lbt (lifla
Mb the Mlowief daarlti tharartaf:
Utrtd"x" ff ailh tb Utlaf 'P
nn ita i.n. Will pay 12 M aarh for
lUir dtirry In 11. Tadtwrf ar Irtforasa-
Itnsi UadiKa! their faaweary. Ad
A. II. Wiiaia, liiaaw, (r,
M, LWI Ub'lial ft IV,. tat ,. a
M a praaa yisj aa sp aad If M
IU Ust ia rl.sp.i. If Take la alrlr
para wtib fr ajaait, Kb.a A Cm.
Hoc-Cakc Soap
Iks h hgual
MtvU ooilor Ufiita! Biatt
I'alctit, it tnuat tr-ca)ari!j
Im difT.-retit from a!) btlnrt
Cciotaina Do atarch, frc alk
or oflLlft filling.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chlnawaro & Quccnsware At
Gilliam & Bisbee's
Ta Car t m i p 1 Wm, tmfn,
Tiks I MW. ( alf I ik.ni I' at IS I
II t C C fail M far, 4ri S rf 4 mvf
AMtiyltia wsy lr aaf nftaiaf ri 'a rail Im la Ika Ilea of
Hardware, foy sal Iltwatw.