Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 15, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Friday, April 15, 1898.
For Representative,
of Heppner.
For BherltT,
of Heppner.
For Clerk,
of Heppner.
For Treasurer,
of Heppner.
For Assessor,
of Lexington.
For Co. School Superintendent,
of Heppner.
For Co. Commissioner,
of Pine City.
For Coroner,
of Heppner.
bring about active operations be- J
fore preparations can be completed
would be to court disaster to onr
seacoast cities and perhaps defeat
for the navy. Besides this, there
mast be taken into consideration
the fact that a war which wonld
necessitate the sending of troops
to Cuba and a constant communi
cation between this country and
that island would be almost cer
tain to introduce yellow fever in
the South, and thus endanger mil
lions of lives in this country. It
is not because of unwillingness on
the part of the president to main
tain the honor and dignity of the
nation or to protect those in Cuba
who are suffering, but because he
realizes the danger of entering up
on a war before proper preparation
has been made, and the import
ance of averting hostilities if this
can be done in a manner consistent
with the facts.
The renomination of Hon. Thos.
Tongue by the republicans of the
first congressional district was a
fitting reward for faithful services
rendered. Mr. Tongue will be
elected and continue to represent
Oregon in the halls of congress.
The press dispatches this morn
ing state that the presidebt will
oppose all measures looking to the
government interferring to estab
lish the independence of Cuba,
However, congress seems deter
mined on taking this course. It
is time Spain was punished and
driven from the Western hemis
phere. Her insolence should be
tolerated no longer.
According to b celebrated anatomist
there are upwards of 5,000,000 little
glands in the human stomach. These
glands ponr out toe digestive juices
which dissolve or digest the food, Indi
gestion is want of jnice, weakness of
glands, need of help to restore the health
of these organs. The best and most
natural help is that given by Shaker
Digestive Cordial. Natural, because it
supplies the materials needed by the
glands to prepare the digestive jmoes
Because it strengthens and invigorates
the glands Bnd the stomach, until they
are able to do their work alone. Shaker
Digestive Cordial cures indigestion oer
tainly and permanently. It does so by
natural means, and therein lies the seo
ret of its wonderful and unvaried suooess,
At druggists, prioe 10 cents to 81.00
per bottle.
Wife of President Wright Thankful to
Labi .
I Week
We simply knocked our
competitors silly with our
display of
Wejjask you to examine
our display of
Being complete and up-to-date,
in all the latest blocks and
styles, in Mens' Youths' and
Boys' hats.
Prices guaranteed to be as low as the lowest.
Watch this Space. Something New will
Appear Each Week.
Our show window will contain a different line ef goods each week or ten
days, and our advertisement will call attention to each line we put forward.
Space does not permit us to mention all our extensive lines at one time.
Boys I Us' Clothing
the finest ever shown in
this city. Our prices are
as low as the lowest, if not
a little lower.
Mb. Ellis baa been turned
down, but we venture the assertion
that the people of the second con
gressional district will have cause
to regret tbat such baa been the
case before bis successor is elected.
The Gazette will do all in its
power to elect Mr. Moody, but at
tbia particular time in our history
it would have been wise to return
to congreBB from this district a
man who has proved by experience
his eminent fitness for the place.
Toe state convention at Astoria
proceeded to' business yesterday
in a harmonious manner and will
put up a ticket that will be elected,
The republicans of the state are
getting together and will stand
united in the impending conflict,
preparod to down the fusion com
bination completely. Oregon has
no desire to bo plncod ia the con
dition of her sister on the north,
who ia now suffering the conse
quences of her folly in having
turuod the state over to the re.
form(?) forces at her last election
Knock 'em out now and it will not
be necessary to repudiate them
In intervening in Cuba this gov,
eminent baa no intention of mak
ing a war of conquest, but in the
language at President McKinley
ia merely endeavoring "to fulfill a
duty to humanity by ending a sit
uation the indefinate prolongation
of which has become insufferable."
Therefore whether the war will go
farther than ia neceasary to drive
the Spanish out of Cuba will de
pend upon theHpaniah themselves,
wuiieine oliicial plan oi opera
tions ia not known outaido of thowe
who aro intrusted with the duty o!
carrying it out, it ia understood
that the initial naval demonstra
tions of thia government will
made agaiuit Cuba alone, and tha
no Lotttile moveineuts against the
Spanish coloniea ia the l'hillipine
iflandft, the Canary island,
Porto Itieo will be made union
the apportion of the Spanish navy
to our taking poosion of Cub
shall make such steps necessary,
Great bb bave been tbe viotories of
war the victories of peace bave been
greater. Mr. McKinley, president of
this great peaoeful notion, bas shown
commendable sagacity and statesman
ship by exhausting every peaceful
method of tbe solution of tbe Maine dis
aster and the Cuban question before
possibly resorting to tbe arbitrament of
war. The hot beads that burned him in
effigy in Virginia recently and tbe im
patient rabble tbnt oougregutes on street
oorners and denoonoe bis "weakness,"
give evidence that tbey bave but lightly
weighed tbo responsibility that rests
upon the ram Btisweruble to the whole
oountry and to the wide world. Moro
The middle of the roaders are gaining
strength every day. Upon sober, around
thought, and reflection there are many
populists who begin to understand
where they are at. They do not relish
tbe idea of having it throwu at them for
years to ootne, tbat tbey forsook their
party and abandoned their priuoiples to
eleot s few men to olnoe. Linn County
At Ta lor college Upland, Indiana
one cf the buildings, "Tbe Maria Wright
Hall," bears the name of the donor on
tbe ocrner etone. Maria Wright is the
wifj of Key. John R Wright, tbe presi
dent of the college, i.s well as president
of the "National Association of Local
Preachers," a familiar name, etpeoially
to Methodists, all oyer tbe country.
It anyone bBs known tbe luxury of
oiug good tbe beloved wife Bnd co
worker of tbe president of Taylor college
bas enjoyed her share. In the eame
helpful spirit with v biob she bas helped
many a poor struggling student by some
thing more substantial than good advice,
Mrs. Wright writes to tbe proprietors of
Paine's celery compound hoping some,
one may be benefited by Paine's celery
compound, as ber letter shows that she
has been:
Washington, D. O., May 24, 1897.
1337 10th St., N. W.
Wells Riobardson & Co.: '
Dear Sirs: I find your Paine's celery
oompnnnd of much benefit as a touio.
Since taking it I feel stronger. I take
pleasure In recommending it.
Mrs. a. Maria Wright,
Every person who bas ever taken
P ine's celery compound baa observed
bow soon it regula ea tbe bowels and
dears be whites of tbe eyes of tbat
yellow jaundice look. Another witness
of its invigorating capacity that may
eeoape tbe notice of persons not accus
tomed to ordinarily employing this test
is its effects upon the pulse. Observe
tbe firm, regular, full pulse that was be
fore nnoertain, fluttering and eeble.
The great eusoeptibility of women to
worry is heightened by tbe faot tbat she
leads b more confined, monotonous life,
Notice of Intention.
Land Offici at LaGrandk, Oregon,
March 10, 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice ol
his Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore J. W. Morrow County Clerk, Morrow
county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April
23, 1898, viz:
Pre-Emption D S 10540, for the WW NWJi, SVM
S W)4 and N V! 8WH Sec 15, Tp 4 8. R 29, E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Andy J. Cook, Hezekiah
Tippett, of Heppner, Oregon, Robert 8. Clark,
of uurdane, Oregon, and Abraham B. Chapman,
of Vinson, Oregon.
E. W. Baf.ti.itt,
30-41 Register
Land Offici at La Gbandr, Oregon,
March 7, 1K98.
1' following-named settler has filed notice
. . . , i . . m i oi n in uiieimuu w iii&jte mitu pruoi 111 support
narrowed down to tbe four walls oi home hl. uim. and that .m nmnf win h mad
the greater part of the day. Paine's before the County Clerk of Morrow county, ore-
' I imn fit Rannnsr flrofynn nti Anrtl ' t 1HUQ v,f
celery oompound is just what such nerv- JOHN T. galloway
ons, depressed persons need to restore Hd E No 6353 for the sek of Sec 5 Tp 2 3 R 27
their nerveB to energy Bnd to lift them He name, the following witnesses to prove
out of their constipated, dyspeptic habit his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: A. J. Stamp, M. J. Devln, W.
of body. G. McCarty and Foster Adams, all of Heppner,
Paine's celery oompound counteracts e. w. Bartlett,
the exhausting strain of work by its
strong inducement to the delioate tissues
to take more food. It plainly indnoes
the nerves end brain to feed themselves 1
more liberally, and has thus saved
countless men and. women from obronio
neuralgia, rheumatism, sleeplessness
and failing mental power.
No remedy bas been discovered so
rioh In flesh forming and energy-pro.
dooing constituents as Paine's celery
The London Spectator bus seen a new
light. It has been contemplating De
mocracy as exemplified by President
MoKiuley and the American people
since the Maine disaster. Not long ago
It expressed its disdain of governments
where the people rule, but it ia con
strained to admit that the aelfpniM ol
the American president snd people bas
given it new ideas. About the greatest
advantage that the war, if It eomes, can
bring to o, m wa look upon It, will be
tbat when it shall be over, tbe light of
this republic will have a new glory m
the nation turns to it. It will be show
that it only scoepls war wbrn war could
bs do longer postponed in honor; that
then as one roao the people sorspted it
with s unaoimity whlob was never be
fore seeo; tbat from sea to sea they re
ponded; tbat tbs rail of states was, is
its tone, like tbe summons of the judg
ment angel, auj tbs response was aa
though tbe nnWeree was sounding tbe
assembly. When the work shall be
finished the world will look on and tee
the armies disband snd merge back into
tbe ranks of peace, and that will I mors
iiupreeaive to men in tbe lauds of
Ibrooee and standing smiles than even
the mighty awakening. There will lw
ablim sunk at sea, there will bs bait ee
fought on laod, but no one will I
doubtful about the final result. In the
seotion against seotion. In this war tbe
local question, whioh will oot be much
last war it was state against state, and
discussed but much thought of, will be,
"Wbiob state can bear sway the most
honor?" And there will be bo faltering.
The world will watch the progress of
the war, will note wbat they io tbe front
do and will reflect that behind tbera are
ten million more men of tbe same strain,
and then a little comprehension of bow
a free people can expand will bs bad,
and from tbs war tbs nation will emerge
in s way to make tbe mlghtieet nations
of anolent or modern times teem, com
pared with ours, second . class. Salt
Lake Tribune.
Tbe demoorats snd populists have
fo md another man tbey can not exoite
with their noise, besides big Tom Reed.
It is President MiKlnley. He stands
like s stone wall while tbe bell of party
il ragea and seel bee in affected frenzy.
Halein Htateemao.
rcort.8 who MprcHS the opinion
that rrreblctit McKinley shoulj
make greater hat iu action in
the Cuban-Hpatiiah matter prohah
Ij do not take into coneiilnration
all the diflicultiea which are ap
parent to the ruan who realizes the
immopart rr-H.uiliility- ftttacbrnl
to lis intlmJual action In the
matter. There has Wen a con
stant ctj for years that the I'oitM
Htatt was atmnlutrl aud tolort.
ulj uuprrparoj for war, yet Jxhv
!e are L-iiimlIiou that the preel.
dent shall jump Into a war with
rnerrlr a few da) a' preparation,
atJ that loo, war in which a
navy and coast Je fonaes woulJ I
the tnoet Itnpnttatit feature, and
for the lack of which we should
aufff-r mnat Every day of delay
is precious to those who ate mak.
leg preparations for war; and lo
Modern Treatment of
The latest work on the
treatment of diseases, written
by forty eminent American
physicians, tayst "Cod-liver
oil has done more for the con
sumptive than all other remc
diet put together. It aUo
sayi I " The hy pophosphites
oi lime and soda arc retarded
fey many English observers as
specifics for consumption,"
Scott's Emulsion
contains the best cod-liver oil
In a partially digested form,
combined with the Ifypofhi$'
phitts of Ltmt snJ SoJi. This
remedy, A standard for a
quarter of A century, is In
ciact accord with the latcit
views oi the medical profession.
Be sure you ftt SCOTTS
trnTT a a. . at i - - v.- v.-k a
role was taken by Mr. Wm. MoVey and
tbe star, Miss Janet Waldrof, played Par
thenla. While the support was excel
lent, especially tbat rendered by Mr.
Murdnck as Polydor, the success of tbe
production was due mainly to tbe splen
did work of tbe two leading characters.
Iogoroar, tbe barbarian, leader of
mountain banditti, the strong hearted,
the soul of honor, toe lover f Partbeoia,
was brought down from ancient Greeoe
to the modern world a living, breath
ing presence.
Misa Janet Waldrof la in truth a star,
though not yet risen far above tbs hori
roo this being her first season tbe star
promiees to become an orb of the first
magnitude. In passiog it nay be men
tlontd tbat ber instructor, Mrs. Ada Dow
Carrier, who is with tbs company snd
who "brought out" Julia Marlowe, is of
tbe opinion tbat Misa Waldrof 'a career
before tbe foot Ugh s promises fairer tbas
eveo the great Marlowe's
Thb fleet of America and Hpain are
getting ready for action. It seems to be
the geoerad Impression tbat the two
navies) are preilv evenly matched, but
we of tbe U. H. bave little tears as to
wbat will be tbe result ot the conflict
Hpain will be licked ami that promptly,
Manager Oarrigns is fortunate in terur
ing the clever artist, Miss Janet Waldrof
aad ber I run a tapportlng company, for
ons night. Wednesday, April 30ih. Tbe
company comes very highly reonmmeod
sd by both lbs preee sod the pnblio.
They have Jol eloeed a very soeceesful
eat merit at the Markham, Portland,
and mad a moat toccv seful tour of
laliforola. The meoafetseat guaran
tees II to lie the very beet tbat bas ever
appeared ta Ile per er money will be
refaaded. Tbe following la a elfppieg
from the Oregoelea :
Portland theatre goers I peeled to see
s fairly good play Tuarsday eveainsr bat
Ihey were disappointed -llial is, tbey
ere sreret)ly dtetppolated.
Tlx drama Ingnar is a ermnej hot
tp drowsy, heroic, I 'til not of the "A
vauall base vl'laaP type, ioalrartlvs
but at weartevinte, entertaining bat Sot
trivial, Ineplrteg but sol artifletal, being
true to Batore ta every lite.
Ia Mary IoT,r drenattsttiow the
bvealifal Derate Und f lUllealaa
eettiag baa let aoae vf I He araodear of
tbs ovtgtea! tongue. Owa need bo
kawlede cf tbe lata to follow tbe plot
of lbs plev. It atiMde with great loci J
My wilboat latallteg lha Bearers' leWl
ligeee by lte asaal bat aboaBiaabie
kag -drewa-anl esplanaiioaa.
Tbs rJitiee of Ibia rlT Ihnrtlat
traalnf waa tucn a trmmtbef bletrtoeie
art M loaf ta t ieMtire4 lv lane
aa Innaaeie fc t trel. Tbe tills
Notice of Intention.
1 J March 2. 1H9H. Notice Is hereby given that
the following named settler has filed notice ol
his Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will tie made
Deiore J. w. Morrow, county (Jlera.at Heppner,
Oregon, on Saturday, April 16, 1H98, vis:
of Heppner; Hd K No 2909 for the NEX of Sec
12, Tp IU K '24 E W M.
He names the following; witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: James P. Khea, Kalph L.
Denge, oi tieppner, urcKon, itooeri j. tiui.ox
Lexington, Oregon, and Joseph Mason, of lone,
28-39. Register.
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
Notice of Intention.
Land Ornrs at La Grandi. Orsoon.
April , lMia.
1 following named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk ol Morrow county,
Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Vay 20,
UfJe, vU:
Hd No Mil, for the EW BWta and WU 8EU Bee
He name the following wttnease to prove
his continuous residence upon and eultlvallnn
of said land, vli: wllllam Harton, John K.
Barton. William C. Scott and frauds M.Osutrr.
all ol Heppner, Oregon.
!49 Register.
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
Is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner, Oregon.
Timber Culture-Final Proof.
Land Orrica at Thb Dali.es, 0ioo.
March lMh
ii rick Hnlllane. of Henmier. has filed notice
oi imenuon to mas Dual prooi naiore J. w,
Morrow, rounly clerk, at his efTlee In Heppner,
Oregon, on Monday the AS day of April, lien, on
tlmlier culture applli-atlnn No. Zxtl. for the S
pb'i lax-iiuu 11, in uw uanip iiu. s o
rang no. v a. w. m.
He name as wilneases: John wnotlward,
Dennis eplllana, W illiam B. Irller, and Bamuel
Lettler, all ol Heppner, Oregon.
J Art, F. MOORE.
U Refiater.
Heat In take after dinner;
prevent dutren. aid digrs
Hon. cure t onstipatlon.
far.lr .acatablai 4n Mil flpa
w i paia. a,, la hr all era(1.la. SV renta,
tpar4 snly h C. 1. Hoot is Lowell, Maas,
Fill a bottle or eoesmoa glees with
urine aej lei It stand" tweoty fnnr hours;
eexllmeDl or settling Indleatee bb no
healltif eoDihlmo of the kidoeye. Wheo
urloe stains llneo il la evl.leoee ol klj
uey trouble. Too fre)nent deeire lo ori.
eate or pais in tbe back, to also eoovl Do
ing proof that tbe kfJoeye od tlaJJrr
are oot ol order.
Ttiere Is oomtnrt In tbe knowledge so
of Wo etpreeewl, tbat Dr. Kilmer's
Hwamp-Root, tbe great kidney remedy
fulfils every wieb la relieving pain la tbe
back, kidney e, liver, bladder and every
part of tbe ttriaery :BMage. It eor
reele mattllity to bold nrlne and eeald.
Ing paia in passing It, of tad effects uL
lowing Bee tt liqqor, wlee or beer, aad
evereoroee tbat anpleaeaat tieoeeeity of
Iwlof com pell! to gel ap esany tiaiee
daring the aigbl to artoate. Tbe mild
and the titrawrdiaary effect of Baamp.
htnt is anoo real' sad. It Btaade tbe
Higbel for Us woalerful f area of the
aanet dutreeeiag tisst, If yea aeed a
Bedwiae J"Q ebeald bave tbe beet. 80IJ
by drogg late, priea Cfiy eeate aad oae
dollar. Ta nay bare a earn pie bottle
aad pamphlet both eet tree t y esail,
pm reewipl nf tbrve two cool Stars p. lo
over et ef powlag ea the bnllle.
Ue Ho tbe Iteptaw Oasatu and &
tour addrmte Kilmer Co, IHa.
batnptoa, N, T. Tle pf"pf telore of tbie
rir guar as We tbe ttaaiaeaeee af lie
Notice Of Contest Timber Culture,
1.ako Orru a at Tns Dai i . OatNoti
March IV ImM.
I this office l,j the duly Termed and corrobo
rated afltitavll of Itulwrt Warn-n, allartng thai
John '. Spta. who made Umhrr cullura entry
No. r4 fur the h K', r,lar Ju, tp S H. KM R. at
the land oeV at 1 he Italire. on the I7ih day of
Novrmbrr, !";. and his belra have holly
alndnet said tract, and have fallfvl and neg
Irriwl at all llmra slnr the third yar altar
enlry, lneitnplr with the timlwr-enlture laws.
of lo plant, cultivate or pemari auv part of the
a I.I Iran to irrva, SMxiing or euttlnrs. as
qulrwl by law, tlirfvlnre with tne tlrwUithe
raiH-allatlun 01 said entry, ine sain parilra art
hverhr aiimmottr! and retiirvit to W atxl ap
pwr Iwlora i W Morrow, eouniy clvrk of Mor
row enmity, at his nirn-a al Hrppnrr. Oregon, on
the lath day of April, law. at 10 'rl.a-k a m , ol
aid 1a, then and titer to er,.lnca such ir.11.
wony, as lhy may have eiH-rnlng Iheaald
allrgatlona, the final hrarlna to h had Ivlore
he Ki.iff an.l Rmvlvar. at 1 he lallra. Orvwnn
on the Ath day uf Al'H. I. at tha hour of 0
Orl. a. sa. JAN. II MiHiKg. Krglatar,
Mi tg W. H. BI'.HM, Harlvr.
i a tr and h vlrtua ef aa aiarm,,a and
order of aala, duly and regularly laiuad out f
tha Irvtiit I'nad of tha atale of OtegiHi l,t
M,wrw r.Hinty and la as dlrart4. 00 tha letk
tar of Marrh. laaa. a l.dgmnl and t
rraednlv ramlara.1 and atrd la aald rmurt.
an tha pah rta, nf Marrh, lM, In a eull than
and lhflli.fw pamllng Ihatwla wharata,
lha Amariraai Mortf.aa Citmpwnr Llmitavt. of
ar.Hiand. a of i-.ru,,n. was blalntlS, and
J tna thorn. Imwnlng. and Mtltam Otis
iwlng aa MCa at law of aiaphan a Down.
log. and Maria iiiwnliig. earaaaat, Waredatert,
danta and eiwMlnf an fc aril the haraln.
altar daarrttaM raal .r,.rt,. I ,114 lha IMh
day of Marrh, law, duly levy upnaand will, ea
T.eee-ey, the 1HK .ay af May, 1898
at the hour of I a ri.w lha aftaramHi of
aid !. al the femtt itonr of tha enr eoiirl
to (he hlghaai to.ldae for rwaa la Band all the
rnUnwInf eaarrtha4 eaal eatat. o a It lha
anath a a !' nf a tloa Iwantf ,ht. la
W-wnahla laa amith M rang laanlv-lour. aaat
a. M ail ettoaUK and fcrtt.g la Mnemw lr,.ii
Ora-.A, Wwthr wilh tha latMaanM haratt
aiwanaiand app'irtaiiaa.a Iharawal. Wlmif
log of Is aev a iulnn of aa ain. k
II aranf will aaiiy aald j igaaia la tee
hlit,wtg nai ) a l AV with tntaraal lharaua
rtaaa the lh a, M Marnd ta, at the rata l
ef f" raw anawai f-f lha fnrlhar saai M
aiihtr 4,ti afcf nave aa, aad the Ne
lha. anm o4 tsi ca.te "4 st- iwmna
m rwlag f U M Alias,.
a w) IsmII ) Melfn smsty gnrt
A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al
ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling
of prescriptions.
"When you hear dem bells!"
Belled express is coming. Docs delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
Keeps A General Stock of Msrckndi.6
Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin
ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies,
Wood and Willowware.
First Class Goods and Low Prices
is his motto.
A.. .33Ri.I-IVMSICK,
IVlerchant Tailoring!
Mr. Abrahtmnck it the pionwr tailor of Hepp
ner. Uiwork ii alwayn ftrnt cIam and Batifac-
tion guaranUtnl.