Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 15, 1898, Image 1

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IF THE ....
Seml-WeeKly Gazette
Semi-Weekly Gazette
AT $2.00 A YEAR.
NO. 640
When Goim
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $3.0) per year, $1.00 for six months, SO ots.
tor three mon ens, atriotly in advano .
Aduerti8lng Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake'a
Advertising Agenoy. 64 and 65 Merchants
Exchange, Ban Franoieoo, California, where oou.
raota for advertising can be made for it.
ins aaent. 21 Merchants Exchange Build
ing, Han rrancisoo, la our aamnrizea agent.
This papar is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
m. daily except
ua a. m.
8:30 a. m, and sr-
Troin leaves Heppner 9:80 p.
Bandar arriving at Heppner Janotion 12:05 a. m,
Leaves Heppner Junction
rivna At HenDner 6:00 a. m
Bpokane Express No, 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Juncuon ,:ou p. m.
and limn.' ilia U1D.E
Portland ExDreas No. 8. from Sookane. arrives
at Umatilla SjUO a. m. and Heppner Junction 7 0
.m. and arrives at rortiana 1-.WJ a. m.
Vnnt Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 8:25 D. m. and
arrives at Heppner Janotion 8:25 a. m. and at
Tlmntillft 1:80 a. m.
Vast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at leppner Janotion 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 1: a.m.
For farther information irqnire of J. C, Hart,
Agent O. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore.
TjB..ed States Officials.
Pienirtr.nt William McKinlev
V ice-President Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Sherman
Heoretaryof Treasury... Lyman J. Huge
RAftratjirv nf Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Russell . Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General James A. Gary
Aft.irnnv-ftnnaml John W. GrlKKS
Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson
Stat of Oregon.
Governor ...W. P. Lord
Secretary ot State H. It. Kinoald
Treasurer Phil. Metschan
flnpt. Publio Instruction O. M. Irwin
A ttarn. Hanaro! G. M. 1(11 Oman
' i G. W. MoBride
Use a first-clflsa line in traveling
between Minneapolis, St. Paul
and Chicago, and the principal
towns in Central Wisconsin.
Pullman Palace Sleeping and!
Chair Cars in Service.
The Dining Cars are operated in
the interests of its patrons, the
most elegant service ever in au
gur a ted. Meals are served a la
lo obtain fire t-cl ass service your
ticket should read via,
The Wisconsin Central
Direct connection at Chicago and
Milwaukee for all Eastern points.
For full information call on your
nearest ticket agent, or write
AVeCetablcPreparationfor As
similating theToodandRegula-tiiigiheStcanachsandJBowelsof
ness and Rest. Con tains neither
OpiuoT.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Pumpkut Sml
JVppermuit -
Ja. C. Pond,
Uen. fas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, wis.
or Jan. A. Clock,
General Agent,
246 Stark St..
Portland Or.
IG. W. a
t Thos. H . Tongue
VOUgruuuucu... J yy u. jjuu
Printer W. H. Leeds
( R. B. Bean,
nnmm Jnitoaa K. A. M(Hre.
( C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District,
f, rcnit Judae Btephen .Lowell
P.-ovmnfina Attorney H. J. Uean
Borrow County Officials.
Joint Senator... ...
llonnty Judge A
' CommlMinttars
J. W. Beckett.
. Sheriff
' Tnmnr
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B.
, C. M. it 8t. P., C. A , P. Ft. W. & C,
and the 0. 8t. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
Ancrfect Remedy for Constipa
tion. Sour Stoniach.Diarrhoea.
Worms .Convulsions .Feverisiv
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Toe Sitnite Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
The One Orders the Expulsion of Spanish from Cuba.
Other Favors Interventisn and Establishment
of a Republic.
Absolutely Pure
You Have
Always Bought.
Each House Draws Up a Minority Report Also Naval and
Military Forces are Placed at the Service of
the President.
Washington, April 13. The senate foreign relations committee has
reported to the senate a resolution for immediate armed intervention
in Cuba. Contrary to expectation, there was a minority report from
the committee, recognizing the independence of the republio of Cuba,
signed by Foraker rep. and Morgan, Turpie, Mills and Daniels.
The following is the majority resolution, which was reported to the
senate by Chairman Davis at the convening of the senate:
"Whereas, the abhorrent conditions which have existed for more than three years In the is
land of Cuba, so near our own borders, have shocked the moral sense of the people of the United
States, have been a disgrace to Christian civilization, culminating as they have In the destrna
tton of a United States battle-ship, with 266 of its otllcers and crew, while on a friendly visit to
the harbor of Havana, and cannot longer be indured, as has been let forth by the president of
the United States in his message to congress of April 11, 1898, upon which action of the congress
I was invited ; be it resolved :
'1 hat it is the duty of the government of the United States to demand, and the government of
the United States does hereby demand, that the government ol Spain at onoe relinquish its au
thority and government of the Island of Cuba, and withdraw its laud and naval forces from Cuba
and Cuban waters.
"That the president of the United States be and he is hereby directed and empowered to use
the entire land and naval forces of the United States, and to call into the actual service of the
Big House Witnesses Miss Waldrof Per
formance in the "Hunchback. '
There were tew vacant chairs on the
lower floor of the Yo Semite last night
-en the curtain was lifted on the first
sot of "The Hunchback." The bis-
hones drawn by the Elki' benefit was a
fitting testimonial of the regard in
whiob the order is held.
The and.eooe, while doubtless appre
ciative, was not so demonstrative as il
should have been. Stockton ' does not
often have the opportunity ot witness
ing snoh genius as was shown by the
young lady who portrayed the leading
role, and the critical coldness of the
spectators was lament ably ont of pro
portion to the slowing warmth and
flashes of dramatio fire wbioh oame from
the heroine. Applause oame at irrego-
iar intervals, and wbat did come was
United States the militia of the several states to such
this resolution into effect."
.. A, W. Oowaa
... J. N. Brown
Q. Bartholomew
... J. B, Howard
...J.W. Morrow
..E. L. Matlock
Frank Uilliam
Published Every Saturday &v
New York
CTsuV:::".: Astor Place
' Coroner..... H. F. Veuliau
M..n, Thos. Monran
Cmdimwi ?-AB1n,j S- .The Outlook will be in 1897, as it has
Liohtenthal.J. H. Simons, J. J. Boberu, J. W. '
Hasinas ami K. O. Sparry. been during eaob of Ha twenty-seven
"Z; .V.:..L wTria years, a History of Our Own Times. In
kUrahal John its various editorial departments The
"misetOffl-erP. Outlook gives compact review of the
"""" world's proarews-il follows w.tb care
Ciltad suu Uad Offleer. I j ID Important pbilentbropio and in
1 F Moor Waft dustrial movements of the day; has
sCB.,Bl.V.VV""".""..' Receiver complete department ot religious news;
Hotel Heppner
Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MRS. L. SMALL, Manager.
Now Open. New Methods. New Manage
ment. Strictly First Class.
seemingly foroed ont ot them by the
an extent as may be necessary to carry magnetic influence of the aotreas. This
is not said with any intention to soold,
No demonstration ocourred, either upon the floor or in the galleries but Pr' ' the ability of Mies Wal-
J J IV. Jll . t (Ua AnAil TUa Ar.rifr tyioHa a tinan itvtnvancilAn I UUrla
UUIlUg kilt? loUUlUg JL Vila lupuils X UD icui iudud o uuuli u-isa ugiwm
It is regarded as a powerful and almost bitter arraignment of Spain.
Turpie presented the report of the minority of the committee as follows:
"The undersigned members of the committee on foreign relations concur In the report made
upon the Cuban resolutions, but we favor the immediate recognition of the republio of Cuba as
organized in that island as a free, independent and sovereign power among the nations of
i the world."
Miss Waldorf fulfilled all the promises
so lavishly made ia the notioes which
preoedtd her ooming. She shows won
derful powers for one so young, and the
writer, though not endowed with the
ift ot prophecy, ventures the prediction
that those who saw the passionate,
womanly and loveable Janet last night
saw an artist who will some day rank
Waehincton. ADril 13. 'At 1:30 a majority of the house committee I M best sotress in legitimate draroe
on foreign affairs agreed on the following joint resolution, which will 00 tbe 'American stage. Tbi. is . very
her expression and her intelligent read
ing she gives ample material tor snob a
vaticination. The oold artifldiality thai
was so marktd in the early period of
Mary Anderson's career and fallowed her
to the end of her dramatio life, is absent
in Miss Waldorf. The deep, intense sod
I be reported to the bouse this afternoon:
"Resolved, that the president is hereby authorized and directed to intervene at once to stop the-
war in Cuba, to the end and with the purpose of securing permanent peace and order there, and
establishing by free action of the people there a suitable and independent government of their
own in the island of Cuba; and the protident Is hereby authorised and empowered to use the
land and naval forces of the United States to execute the purpose of this resolution."
The democratio members of the house foreign affairs committee, in
a report signed by five democrats and Newlauds silver rep., agreed magnetto foroe whioh gives Fanny Dav-
Rates, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards.
on the following resolution as a substitute for a majority report:
"Resolved, that the United States government hereby recognizes the Independence of tits re
public of Cuba,
"That, moved thereto by many considerations 01 numanuy, 01 interest ana 01 provocation,
among which are the deliberate mooring of our battle-ship, the Uatue, over a sub-marina mine
and its destructloa in the harbor of Havana, the president be and Is hereby directed to employ
immediately the land and naval forces oi the United Slates in aiding the republio ot Cuba to
maintain the independence hereby recognised.
"That the president of the United States la hereby Authorized and directed to extend Immedi
ate relief to the starving Cubans."
E. W. BertleU..
J. 11. Kubtnas.,
devotes much specs to the interests of
tbe home; reviews ourrent literature;
famishes cheerful table-talk about men
end things: and, in short, aims to give
fresh information, original observation,
and reason abl s entertainment.
Beginning with the fifty fliftb volume,
tbe paper will assume tbe regular mage-
tine site, wbiob will add greatly to its
eonrenlenee end ettrsctivooass. Tbt I
Outlook Is published every Saturday-
fifty two issues year. Tbe first issue I
nma hnnra. B to 10 a, m.. and 13 to I In eeob mootn is an Illustrated mag asms
3 p. at "M; WVA JFjliAflTin Number, oootainlog about twioe as many
pages as tbe ordinary issues, together
with a large Bomber of pictures.
n.. ...... -t Tv,. rw.ilwtb U tk..u
- . ... A U BB Ul IU. u. ..IB. WU.IW. Wm B. I V.
BrOWn & Red II e Id, I dollars a year lu advenes, or less than a
sxoxxt sjooiamsj.
O. LB.
HU at Latin. Ortba UM fUtwday ot
nh moot. Ail veterans are Uivum tn join.
,1 ui u.,k C (. rrurja.
'Adintaai. tf (xmbbuuhW,
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
rty, east ot M. church. Booth, and 10
nil a. m . to 2 to 5 D. ta . at offios in
Ibe rear of Borg's Jewelry store.
CeTA first-class feed barn run in connection.
and from all trains. We solicit your patronaee.
Free 'Bus rnn to
Attorneys at Law,
Offiae la tb First National Back
I!irrsa I i OsiOOH.
Ellis & Phelps,
an tHMiiMM atiwlwt to la a " and
cent a day.
Bead for a spedmeo copy
enport tbe right to be oalled a great so.
trees hss been given to this young star,
snd she hss all tbe daintiness, tbe fe
male timidity and obarmlng mannerisms ,
tbst made Julia Marlowe tbe atage favo
rite ahs Is today. And above all, she
possesses the most valuable attribute ot
a I that makes an actress, naturalness
tbe laok ot whiob baa been the rocky
barrier that has prevented so many
Washington, April 13.-The majority report was made by Adams, J9" '' "l""""'" '' f'm reaching
at 3 p.m. There was great excitement w the house when tbe mem- There are some things m Miss Wal
bers ascertained that tb report was ready. Expressions of approval dorf 's styls that era dlsplsaslog, but as
were beard when it was known the resolutions were to be passed with I she will doubtless gloss them over la
little or no debate. The demooratio members of the committee are ,imt " would ba nyp'orl"ot toaeU-
inclined to accept the suggestion for a vote without debate. They be- ""J" J"
i lieve it would strengthen the position of the United State. uh on 00i 0, lu UIt . lb
beautiful whiteness of tbe lily because
Washington, April 13. The house republican Cuban resolution will speck of soft tool bad stalosd Its
be passed today by special rule, allowing sone or little debate.
taP WslllA tJtilh IclPAA SlSAl A hfAata inn
Washington, April 13. Tbe senate will not aot on the) Cuban roso-Lnj, Mrti 0urrltl WM peMingy B,Mg
as Qeleo.
Up"n the whole tbe performsoce was
ereditabls, and tbe local Elks are to be
ooogrslolsled for tbe eioellenoe of tbe
satertslomsot H took ton (Cel.) Mall.
lutioDS today. Conservative senators are urging delay.
Washington, April 13. All the Cuban resolutions have gone over
in the senate, but the talk on Cuba continues, nevertheless. Senator
Lodge, in a speech declared that Lee hid advised the foreign relations
Office I Rait- I1SIS.
nppr. or.
General Collector
fitl tiwf aid
ttaa-ts M t
la ais
a .(m. Uay ol baM
Ua M.S
OfScw la J. N. Ilrowo'a KallJing.
Joitlce of the Peace
and City Recorder.
cusik CMSsiaiee
SMts a4 Wmt . s imm. ear
af la S II m. el HsunHs ar II
C pros peotos to Tbs Ootlook, IS Astor
riaoa, New Toik Cltv.
Tora fUNDa.
Whlla r wa) rM ntjori(Uua paid a yra
eaa eaaa) rv brand la rraeaf ahaiwa.
Ibmr. P.O.. Hmw. Or . Hntaa. P B S ksft
aSniWi miU, sua oa Uft bip.
Cnnh. A. L.tM-IM-ftntMi. SDoa rlahtsbnad
( itl mtmaam rWb aipi ear aaark aqaaf
8 Ml aad aplll la.nht.
IWm. W. M .riallawar. O.. Tlll, I Dm
rvM hI. wwmlxm-tmk la aaeh aari Surssa. H U
avian bip.
Kit Hnw.rinaeWOr. RorM braiuM ttt
o ahmUlar, eattU hM Ml lafttilp. ImlS
la rtajhl ear.
mans-oa, U A., Hn '
M lit, a mil, t wit
J.mm, 1vt, lll't", Or - Bums kfwtHad
H i mi ! raMla W,H1 J mi
rti kit. mim. aaalartMt la Ml aw. Hunt la
Hum SMMt.
ink, f.llt. Laaa. Or If ima. rttiT n
left vuaw mmiw aw mm W Kip, m4m salt
la fM aM suiit a Uh ear
tan,. Ma, tU tnm. . Homi lnwM
tkf m a. IBHI.SUMSB4 wrap ad Ml
al aaaWr ab Ml Um) Herat
il.rs, I W. Hnm Ur -MonM WaaitMl
. w4 S M W1 aamktan MNUl mim am Ml
Kip. wmU trrm nM t, Vkrm atiia la rt(M
aodlllustrat. For more than fifty-Six years it has never failed committee against recognition of the insurgent government
in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S.
IT HAS faithfully labored for
biwIiirsB and home lnUrnU, I
Ivtia aaj nniaafiltiaaafl
IT HAS (let the AtMitde, Inlcrestlng and Instructive stories of the doings of the world, the
IT HAS alvtMl the Urmcr as U the mnal approved methods of rultlvatlnt and harveatlne bis
rf tha un.Mt itnta Lf, mitvart thaia Inln the larml nowllii amotiitt of motirv.
IT HAS lad iii all mstu-ia i-ruthln Ui lha wvllara tit farmers aud villagers, and for over a halt I
aeeetury has held their eoiiDdeuce aul esteem.
Am we furnish It with the GAZETTE, one year for
$2.78, oeah In advenoe.
Add,-, all Order, lo THE GAZETTE.
First National Bank
or iirirsr.ri
C. A. "mi, "
T.A. nana.
Geo. w coisasa.
. W. (MCCN.
Vle PVaaiSeat
Aee'l Cesniee
rwai a.r
TruAli i lfnl UX:j Uzm
a4 pmrm. mi Ifct tU
13 ought and Sold.
C4 m ail ai wm
niim i f raa
eSSa4avrfliAWS. XZ
li ... Hat-
MS M Ml Ml I
Mmmi. . Wnmi. Ov.-R'
as) Ml A"' aaMla muwmm Ml hip.
Hmwn, t. W . tVUa l i anraas O Ml M
aWtri aatlla aaaaa mi riaM kia.
raW (llsaaMa. Ra4aa.llv,---Raraas IPee
ll a ii el ilar.
rvawas. 't MM Waadad lair and
IUM mm Wfl hmtit raaa. rtfkt Mil.
r.- J M . ll1HJ 'II I'll. IS mmm.
aXM) a.' MS aaMaa aaltM, auaa Ml M aia.
lax M aa av.
Ka.4aa I W . II.IIM. n-n.
I aiua. u mi rtaas at.
artS aM at "a aaaa,
SaiiaiWf, W,
Kobbad lbs Grays.
A startling Incident ot whiob Mr. Joba
niiaa. r.f It.lU.l.lnMa mmm Ik. ..KI.I
VVashingtoi), April 13. At 3:30 the speaker reoognizod Adams, act- Mrr.tj b him as follows: "1 was in
ing chairman of the foreign affairs committee. lie asked unanimous a moat dreadful coodiiim. My skin was
consent for oousideratioD of the Cuban resolutions. Absolute silence almost yellow, eyts sonke, toogne
prevailed as the resolutions were read. A thunderous outburst of ap. . " ''aiiy M bark ami
thai, prosperity and happing for the improvement of thai, Diana. from the floor and calleneB greeted the report Great excite- J ; mvv""w Br"','"' .B
tnu, for aU.tlou, for tbe elevation of Amrun manhood and P,8UBB iruiu lue uwr sun iiniw ,is iih.iv v.. a,aksr dsy by day. Three pbstriaoS
meni anu coniusiou ronoweu. DUimy uujbcwi w ius wnsmersnuu i g!,,,, Bl ,p, rottOBately, friend
tie resolutions. Charges and couuter-oharges wore bandied across Ulvisej trying 'Electric Hitters,' sod to
the floor. A fiat tight on the floor of the house almost followed. The 7 feat Joy end sarprtse, the first
speaker ordered the sargenUUrma to use the silver mace, the emblem u,l,' aJ- -.Je4 l.i.prov.m.ot I
.... . .. n.. i i4i-i it i eBtiaosd thslr ose for three weeks, eo4
of the house's authority. 1 he men fought like they were mad. . mxx , k b
..at .... 1 I II .-I -11 J I.I : 1 1. I - ! J ,. I ... '
-r ! it- a ysv -1 "ijiar, "soounurei, auu oiuor uonuociaiorj eyuueie were euuou. m. Wu ,Dj robbJ tbe g rsve of aeotber
INCW X OrR V CCKIV lriDUIlC, Myers (dem. Ind.) and Pieraon (rep. N. C.) almost came to blows, victim. Ne ons should f.il lo try tb.m.
ibere were bait a qotwd personal ooiiibiods. ai iasi uenucrson v" """ - r-.w-
(rep. Ia.) a one-legged veteran, staoding in tbe jostling, fighting ' " ""' "
crowd, in clear, ringing tones called for order, reminding the members
that it was a disgrace to the American congress. Men rushed op and
down the isles like madmen.
A few mlnutea later, after order was restored, Dailey and Qalgg
exchanged personalties. Exoitetnent was at fever heat Books were
thrown, llartlett, of Georgia, letting fly a heavy oloth-ooveroJ volame
at lirumm, of Pennsylvania, which just grazed bU btad and spent fotmsj soJ sppaared the sry pietere ol
itself io tbe aisle Iwyond where he sat. The trouble arose because of ,,01 "',"- M
.L..t :..: i- i.- n.n A n.l.l H,. ,.,lniift. .iiKrt a aorsebo.io--eolMr.J.U.Keisy,aow
m,uuj;....u.uT - ,-l.., If.DpBst. Mr. Ka-aeet was
propor undsrstanding as to the length of time allowed to each aide, ft,. lboCi(K O0 rtw,ei ib4 sa l
Angry words were bandied back and forth between tbe members, each ln.s ot Mr. I'oppUw.li's d.ib. Tbe
ida chardns that the otbinr was trying to plar politica, and all In a ietaa ol ths yoeoc nsa were lBbrrJ
W WW .-IaB.eie mm B
A..K . w.lll.inn V,lnn Msera and t'earaon occurred in tbe Itft of M 'UMIi M0"ari
tv.a I, .11 Tl,ora was an immatliatii rush in that direction, and In a
uv urn... m - " . ' I i. . . . M .,
... t a .....a. i .t- ,. ,-aw-a-iMjwM,
moment the conteaUnt. were surrounasa w m ngming, acr.moiag f m mat
members. Tbe house wu to such ao ugly vtoious temper trial sotas ibe attacks of daa. Yuai bixvt ast
member, counseled aljournment onUl tomorrow, but tb. leavlai. .LT.VV, ytTi'
declined. Unl S rlarsai'srilla la lha sutialae n
-tl'.-ll i IL!- I ..I...- Il....,,r,l. tru.lnt.lt" !! ilnnlaaiwt I1 P'lfy BS)J SB r lab fotlf
nsiipisi-i..ai ......' -. blood sod ils yon Mr.nta. Ileraat.s
At 3.43 p.m. Ilenderaon brougbt in a special ruie agreed w oy nei,t sppiL end d'fsti-s tow'.
committee. No time is fised for closing tbe debate la tbe run
sgrtsd epon.
Writ your Bam and addraas Ml a pnatal rard, Sand It In -Ian. W, Raat, Trllmne Office, New
Vote City, and a sample enpy of the York Weakly T r I buna will he niaUwl U) you.
Mad Very addaly.
W. IL Pop(lswell, a realise! of I'ort-
land, dla4 et Fuesil on Hoedsy sight
from an opsrslloa peifrmad oo tbe I'll
day prsftous tut apnea Ileitis. Mr.
poppUwell bsl bais ie tleppuar a few
days osiers Ibe operation was per
am. H D as
Columbia Uivev and Puset
Sound Navigation to
40 as
Loafing Al.Uf Hlfa-t Di-ck. I'ortlsod, f.iv A'torla. Ilwsoo, Ieg Iteaeb, Oeas
I'ark bb4 i she. ul a. Ihraol eorntion with llwsoo alaamars and rail
r'wvl; ale at Toast's Hey with Beesbore ballrosd.
M aM m - mm -aa a a.v -an
Iai a..a-ja' m4 e-Wai m Ml raar, ta.a rnflland t A. M. felly, asrar Siiaday. Iava A,lrta 1 T. M. I)all V, airap) Saaday.
la aaHl aa .T m Usivaa fu tlt.d S P M fiaUy. S'H Snndsy. a,i.irrlay atgl.t. II t V. l-a AsUile a
. I' " 1 . i I ai J A, M , .soul Sunday and X"i1, Kt.wmy eight, I f . M
rtaiUHrav i
I a ttM .a ..ii Lla. i aaaua
aa lifM aa a4 MM .",
ti aa. Save at Umrmw mm
Uaa.aS N-snd s4 ff dlm-l tn I ', Tuaaday and iTjurUr at S A, M, lUtnr l.T at I f. H
la.as li.ae Wa-laaaday a4 frlday atl.WA. Us Baatlay Bigat air. si.
kt7;t CUM U l&.d tVilk-Usi Bttda Frtt if
Bond's I'Uls are tb fsot1t fl!y
sibartls, saty t tsks, sssy U stsieis