Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 12, 1898, Image 3

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bhip Woman Suffered Great Agony
From a Terrible Sore Her Story of
. the Case) and Her Cure.
u For many years I was afflicted with a
milk leg, and a few years ago it broke oat
in a sore and spread from my foot to my
knee. I suffered great agony. It would
burn and itch all the time and discharge
t great deal. My health wag good with
the exception of this sore. I tried a great
many kinds of salve, but some would
irritate the sore so that I could hardly
stand the pain. I could not go near the
fire without suffering intensely. Some one
sent me papers containing testimonials of
cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I told
my husband I would like to try this med
icine. He got me a bottle and I found it
helped me. I kept on taking it until my
limb was completely healed. I cannot
praise Hood's Sarsaparilla enough for the
great benefit it has been to me. It
cleanses the blood of all impurities and
leaves it rich and pure." Mbs. Anna E.
Eaken, Whittlesey, Ohioi
You can buy Hood's Barsaparilla of ail
druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's.
11UUU S r-IIIS cathartic. Price 25c.
The Gazette can offer the following
clubbing rates:
The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, ai.eo aa.oo
' 8. F. Examiner, $1.60 8.H5
' N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 : a. 78
" Inter-Ocean, n.00 2.60
" 8. F. Chronicle, 11.50 8.25
" S. F. Chronicle and map tiOO. . . 8.75
Thrloe-a-Week N. Y. World, 1.00 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50
Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00
McCall's Magazine $1.00 1,30
Yearly subscribers to the Oazstte can
got clubbing rates witn any paper on
Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
U) a. m. Classes No. 1 and t at 12:10 p. m,
Kp worth League Devotional meeting att p. ni.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, T p. tn.
'The Bmbit and the bride say. Come. " ,
The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad
Joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may desire to consult him on
reliKioas, aoual, oivio. philosophic, educational,
or any other subjects.
J. W. FLEHuER, Minister.
11 a. m
7 p. m class
meeting following morning service.
Hunaay school, 3 p. m,
day. 7 p. m.
Epworth league, Frl-
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our
selves tounther."
Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to '
vuuivil. u, A. HOWARD,
Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. K. L. uhei.lv.
The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church
Will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock.
Take Notice.
1. The sum 01 Ave cents per line will be
Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
ranpect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
fcud obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Ave
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Hoi Ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up a
lively tune
For the candidate. I'm free to state, will stay
with us till June,
Then let him treat his voting friends to Bperry'i
I,ln wood Kye,
He'U catch our votes If he wet our throats
for the voting men are dry.
Bold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. G. Bperry,
Here and There.
E. B. Maybee is in oar oily today from
hit home to Dayton, Yamhill ooonty.
Statements for tbe Famous Simple
Aoooaol File printed at tbe Osistte of
fioe. tf.
Bora In Heppner, April 11,1898, to
tbe wife ot P. M. Coward, to 11-pound
"Oo'o jaioe" Is all right bat Low Til
lard baa a brand ot 14-year-old goods
tbat la bard to beat. Go3-lf.
Painless remedy for extracting taeth.
If not as atated, no obargea. Try Dr.
Vaogbao'a new plan. 604-tf.
Joe Woolery, tbe lone mere bant, was
Id town Saturday and helped Id tbe de
liberations of tba democratic convention.
E. 0. Noble & Co. are rustlers after
basioeaa. Tba flossi eeddlea and har
ness to be found io Heppner. Sea tbeir
new ad lo tbta Issna. tf.
Oeorga aod Beo 8eggart departed oa
Saturday eveolog for Atbeoa, in answer
lo dis patoh announcing the eerlooe ill
nets of tbeir father.
Tba Osteite earnea a fall slock of
mourning note, oorrespondsnee tyie,
with oovetopaa to match. Tbne desiring
sacb stationery nan beta tbeir wants
aappliad el this offlo. tf.
Dr. J. E. Adklne, dentist, la located at
tba Palace botel for abort time. All
tbose tn need of first class, reliable den
tal wori.aboolJ eall 00 Dr. Adklos
while tba cpportooliy la afforded. 39 21
Tbera'a mora clothing destroyed by
poor soap than by art 0 el wear. ''Una
Cake" aoap contains no frsa alkali and
will not Icjore tba float lac. Try it
and notice tba differeooe in qnalily.
Rhea Oa a 30
Besides keeping IS largo! assort
Bat of sodiee, froHs, Hears and
polinae to be fonnd anywhere la tbe
It, Jan. nrt le new able to eapply
yoo with tbe Portland dei!W and ail
the mf iIb and periodicals, both for
ga aad dxntlv If yon wast read.
tag metur, aire Jim a tall at tbe llrp-
ar 1 aod r eetory. xi- If.
K. W. Rbea A Oo. pfwitiv.ly toaranl
to re I any prices on wool bags. Tby
trill not be ,ndreotd aad tbeir rosto
Btera may dpbd en tbta propaattUin, aa
tbey are lo II to stay to tba tf 3Mf
IJ Baa 1 -. T ... t .-. la ff
f j ui 11 1 e 1
k4 -4
Cbas Beymer is In from Eight Mile today.
Peter Bauernfiend was up from Douglas to
day. Robt. Foster, the sheep buyer, arrived at
Heppner this morning.
, R. B. May, a knight of the grip, was registered
it the Palace on Sunday.
Sam Hale Is over from gumpter looking after
some business affairs in this locality.
Peter Brenner and wife were visitors to
Heppner from Eight Mile on Monday.
Qene Slocum Is confined to bis home at the
present with a serious attack of the la gnppe.
Fred Rockwell, a cattleman from Denver, Is
in the city and will buy cattle in this vicinity.
A. E. Brundage is reported to be seriously ill
at his home two miles above Heppner, on Balm
Mrs. J. A. Patterson returned home on Satur
day morning after a visit of a lew days in Port
land. Mrs. Wilson, the milliner, leaves tonight for
lone with her stock-of goods, and will remain
there couple of days.
Wilson Brock was in from C. A. Rhea's sheep
headquarters on Sunday. He seems to be en
joying the outdoor Work fine.
R. B. Wilson, traveling freight agent Of the
Burlington route, II in Hoppner today looking
after business for his Company.
Bert Mason and Cbas Anderson arrived fadme
from Portland, whore they have been attending
school during the past winter, on Saturday
John Kern, the painter who has been work,
ing In town for some time past, hat decided to
return to the country, and will take his old Job
with Price Florence, up Willow creek.
G. W. Phelps departed Saturdav evening for
The Dalles. After spending Sunday at his old
home he goes on to Astoria to attend the state
convention which meets tomorrow.
Mr. Miller, the new stage man on the Hepp-ner-Canyon
City route, commenced business
yesterday, relieving Walt Thompson, the old
contractor, Walt has retired to private liie for
a time, at least.
Geo. Perry and 8. M.-Filter, two of Gilliam
county's solid republicans, came in Sunday and
departed on last evening for Astoria to attend
the state convention. Mr. Pliter is the present
county commissioner of Gilliam county.
Otis Patterson, editor of the Gazette, arrived
home from the East on Saturday morning, and
departed on the Same evening for Astoria,
where he goes as a delegate to the congression
al convention. Ho was accompanied by Mrs,
C. A. Rhea was In from the ranch over Sun-1
day. He Is busy limbing and shearing at the
present. The weather has been fine for lamb
ing and Mr. Rhea will save at least 93 per cent
of lambs this season. Other sheep men are
meeting with similar success.
At the M. E. Church, on Sundy, special Easter
services were held. In the evening a mission
ary program was rendered by the Sunday
school and a collection taken up for foreign
missions. The attendance at the services was
large and the exercises were greatly ap
preciated. The Ole Olson Jr. company of players arrived
from Arlington on Sunday morning, and last
evening gave a fine performance of that comical
and laughable play at the Opera house.
which was well received. Tonight the
company will appear again in an Irish comedy,
entitled Mavourneen.
Apropriate exercises were held In observance
of Arbor day, by the Heppner public school on
Friday afternoon. Besides a fitting program
and the planting of trees on the school house
grounds there were some field-day exercises
and spoita, engaged tn by the boys, which were
quite Interesting and exciting.
Low's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any oitse of Culurrh that cauuot be
oared by Ball's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Props.
Toledo, Ohio.
We tbe nndersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and believe
him perfeotly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to oarry
ont any obligation made by tbeir firm.
Wist A Troax, Wholesale Droggista,
Toledo, Ohio.
Wilding, Kinn an A Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken Internally,
aoting direotly upon tbe blood and rou
ouons surf sees ot tba system. Prioe 75o.
per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Tes
timonials free.
The I'sloa Services. .
On Sunday a united Easter servios
waa entered into by tbe M. E. oburcb,
South, and Cbriatian congregations of
tbia place. Tba morning service was
held in tbe Christian oburcb, wsa large
ly attended and tuefieroises throughout
were very interesting. At tbia service
Rev. 0. II. Howard preached a abort, bnt
very impressive discourse, wbicb wsa
well received. A special feature was
tba music. In tba evening tba two
congregations gathered at tba M. K.
church, Hootb, wbera musio, recitations
aod a sermon by Ret. R. L. Hhrlly waa
the order. Tba bouse waa crowded, tba
program Interesting and instructive aod
tba sermon cioeilenl. Tba services
throughout tbe dsy proved very profit
able to all wbo attended.
Thousand are Trying It,
In order to prove the great merit ol
Dy's Crra.o llulm, tbe mmt effective er
for Catarrh and Cold In Head, we have pre
pared a arnero-i tmi sis for 10 rents.
lli'l it of your drnt;gUt or send 10 rents to
ELY MOS., 60 Warren Bt., N. Y. City
I suffered from catarrh of the wort k'.nd
ever since a Uijr, and I nsvr liotxd for
cure, bnt Kly'a Cream llaliu swams lo do
even that. Many eciueiuUtne have B J
It with eioellenl reaiills. car Uttrum,
43 Warren Ave., iblcago, lil.
fly's Cream Balm la tbe acknowledged
enr for catarrn an 1 contain no corains,
mercury nor anv iniurlous drug. 1'rtce,
oeuta. At drugqinis or 17 tnaO.
erlea aeeldeal,
from Arlington Review.
C. W. Peter waa belly injured by a
bore last Friday. Tbe Wee atrurk
bins knocking bis down, when be struck
biros five or ail time more, breaking
bis Jew la horrible meaner and brow
ing biS about the bead ovaiilsesM.
Mr. Hmytbe and R. T. fi were retire
Ing from trip to Klickitat, and they
wre reqoewted to karri Into Arlington
aad eod tbe doetor. Tbey vers driv
tog a en It, and it raa awar, opaettlrig
tbe baggy, ibmwiag Mr, fi and Mr.
Hmyibeoul. Mr. Ht)th bld to tbe
Knee aad wa dragfed quite a dtetaoe,
brotdnf bins considerable about tba
cheat. Tbe Lag t wsa mas bed ap
iretly wall.
Itt. John W. Umbos, of tba "Ued-Ha-at,"
ever aa tb aUI f. eooveibteg
sew, s f ore itb yii lb fioeel rmk
tail la lha l1-MnUtt.., Jereey,
i Yermnalh "t Ota H ty aa ft la
Iks kosiaess. V'op act take lbs
tests vst ft fstf !!. If
BY Itt tlBftCfH,
The sunlight was warming' tbe moun
tain alopea onoe more after the long
Idaho winter, and a young, litbe-limbed
boy waa climbing bia way up from the
village of Wallace with bia sheep.
Tbey were a tuneful band of climbers,
for tbe small brocfc bells tinkled, mak
ing the air rioh witb soft melloir strand,
and tbe little sheep-herder was singing
joyously, obeying the impulse of the
hour, whioh seemed to say to all created
things: "Ktjaice, tbe snows of winter
are gone, blithe summer oomes.
Pedro sang as the birds sing, witb the
same happy spontaneity.
Far away a party of mountaineers
might have been seen crossing tbe snow
fields near the summit ot the highest
peak in the Coear D'Alene range, mov
ing downwards, but looking .only like
tiny black epeoa against the white back
ground. Soon they came to a email
plateau, where a few stunted, wind
blown firs proclaimed a promise of veg
etation lower down. Tbe wind seemed
to blow up gusts of music, and oneot
the ladies said":
"There must be some one singing down
"It must be a village lad, Mrs. Dar-
veau, replied a tell, statelydooking man.
"What a view it is, the houses in Wal
lace look like toys, and tbe lake like a
bit of bine torn away from the skies, and
fastened in tbe valley, answered Mrs.
Darvean, tbe wife ot tbe wealthy French
gentleman, who wag at tbe bead of tbe
Lower and lower came the moun
taineering groupe.
Pedro sang 00, and tbe tourists
listened until they came to where tbe
boy was. Then be became alien t. For
he saw that it was the lady and gentle
man who bad lately arrived in Wallaoe,
and who, as tbe busy tongues had it
was immensely wealthy.
Pedro doffed bia cap to them.
"Will yon not sing to us again? asked
Mrs. Darvead.
"Si, si, it tbe lady wishes."
He began singing again, playing the
aooorr.paniment on his loved guitar, and
heeding bia admirers as little as any
skylark might.
There waa a note of passion in bis
voioe as he sang the lovea ot Roberto
and Bianoo, whloh lent just the dramatio
coloring the ballad required. His listener
was amazed. She bad beard great sing
ers in their prime, had no mean talent
herself, and now guessed tbat tbe young
lad bad a valuab'e voioe. When be
stopped, she begged him to aing again,
and be did so. She was thinking.
Shall I tell him what a voioe be has?
Will he not be happier singing up here
among the grand fir trees and tbe flow
ers to bis little band of sheep? Bnt
such a voioe, is it fair that only tbe peo
ple of the small town of Wallace should
bear it? With this thoughts of what
the world calls fame trinmphed.
"Do you know yon have a wonderful
voioe, tny boy? What does your mother
oall yoo?"
"I haveno mother, lady, they call me
Pedro Navonia."
If you went to Paris, Pedro, they
would rain gold upon you when yoo
Pedro looked at tbia stranger with a
questioning gaze.
Paris, what was Paris? He knew there
were other towns bigger than Wallace;
but no, be bad never beard any one apeak
of Paria until now.
And what did tbia beautiful "dama"
mean when aba talked of gold? Ha
shook bia bead, and tbe musing gszs of
his brown eyea betrayed bis perplexity.
Ah, Yea, I aee you know nothing
about Paris. It is a big city, great num
bers ot men and women live there. If
yon will go witb me, you shall have aing-
ing lessons aid learn musio." Now aba
bad struck a sympathetic note. He
knew very well tbat there were other in
struments besides tba guitar, and be
loved bia art above all things.
"Corns with me, you shall be well
taught, I promise yoo."
"I lova to sing."
"You would like lo com, I know yoo
would. You bava 00 motbsr whom do
you livs with?"
Usra the guide, or moontaia crnsier,
wbo lived in Wallace and knew little
Pedro, ei plaint d that tbe boy's mother
waa dead, aod bis aunt bad brought him
op. "Ah, well. I oaooot sipeclyoa to
make np yoor mind at 000a. bnt von
moil thick it over. Wa shall not leave
for efw days. Good day to yuu now."
"Boon Uiobno, lady," eeidFedro, doff,
ing bia cap again.
Tba parly went on, leaving Pedro
surprised and ponied. In bia twelve
years ba bad never known any aoeb
amksement as this.
As ba called bia little bead of sheep
together at sundown, ba wondered
whether ba should tell bis anal or not.
rsrbspo lbs foreign lady would go
away aod forget all abool blm, aad thee
nothing would eume of It, w bile bis aottl
and bt souina woolj augb at blm.
Hj ba deoided to bo,. I bia peaoa. He
earns to this ooolaloa aa ba walked
duwa the Tillage afreet behind Ins
Here, two sl.ep wonld torn tS In.
ting .eimrely totXr boa. .
oaly a aay ba nan belr. . ' , at I
there another w'a d turn, aw - it .ft
btl cist gin af'i s - B ' . ka
rVj t ii 1. dw ad llll . . te
set wit.. Prdrot. la lot beau.',
nro, a ba tier I ni ...i-e nd
i down I bU v bid n eM
Neither that mthr n-r the aeit day
C u,, ,.t
tuo tcaspoonfuls to a quart of flour.
Use only cm heaping
00TS AND SH0ES!.,.
jx. iionxiivarjEiAiv & co.
They have anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on It yon get a
good article when they guarantee Ik
Old Stand, Main Street Repairing swSpaolalty
The Best Bargains-
But are those of greatest value in proportion to cost, if you want to get your
money's worth of
We are increasing our stock for fall
did Pedro bear anything more from the
rich French lady. On tbe following
evening when be went into tbe house
Mr. Darveaa was there aod be was talk
ing about him, Pedro. Ab, wbat was be
saying? "Wants to take tbe boy with
ber to Paris have him trained
for a singer bia voioe will
make him lioh."
After all the projeot was no idle dream.
Wbat would bis aunt any? He turned a
searching g'anoe at ber sunburnt face
with its many wrinkles, ita determined
Concluded on fourth page.
The populist and democratic conven
tions met in Heppner on Saturday to
take up the work of nominating aooanty
tioket. Tbe former bold forth at tbe
oourt bouse and tbe latter at the opera
house. The report ot the conference
oommittees being beard and adopted,
nothing was left to do bat to prooeed to
nominate a tioket according to the plan
laid down in the agreement. This gave
tbe democrats the offloes ot sheriff, clerk
and treasurer and the following nomi
nations were made by acclamation) For
sheriff, E. L. Matlock; clerk, A. E.
Binne; treasurer, Waldron Bbea. There
was no bitch in tbe proceedings of tbe
convention, so far as the demoorats were
oonceroed, and all passed off very
smoothly with them , aa all those who
desired any place on the ticket, other
than the men named above, withdrew,
and there was no opposition whatever.
At the populist convention, things did
not pass io such an unruffled manner, as
tbe report of the conference committee
met witb strong opposition, and when it
waa finally passed, four of tbe leading
delegates got up and wnlked out, and
spared no pains in letting the people
know that tbey were dissatisfied with
the way matters termiuafod. The popu
late' share ot the tioket is representative,
E. B. Stanton: tioliool sopcrititendetit
Edward Tibbett; ass-eor, J. M. White;
oonuty commissioner, Charles Long.
Tbe above named gentlemen oousti
lute tba fusion tioket in Morrow county,
Many view tbe ticket as being a strong
one but it remains to be seen whether or
not tbe people of tbe oounty think so,
Tba Gazette has no fault to find with tbe
nominations, and it tba tioket suits tbe
fusionists, ws ars satisfied.
Everybody Bay Bo.
Caacarets Cam! v Cathartic, the moat won
derful medical discovery of the atre, pleas
ant and refreshing to tbe taste, act gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dlsel cold,
cure neaiiaolie. lover, iiaollual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of C. C. C. to-day; 10, &", Ml cent. Hold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Bav Thrss.
Tba wrappers ot Hoe Caka sosp ars
worth a oent apiece. Ask Ithea A Co.
for premium book. a 30
Estray Notice.
One bay horse, white spot io forehead.
One grey mare, both hind feet wbite:
each 4 years old. Branded on right stifle
with tba Mlowiog deeoribed character:
inverted "x" frown with tba letter "PM
00 ita stem. Will pay 12 U) aaob for
tbeir delivery to H. Padbr rg or informa
tion leading to tbeir recovery. Address
A. U. Wmijffoa, Lexlngloo, Or.
T far Constipation Farevvr,
Take CaarareU CanUv (alhatiia loeortta.
If C C. ft fait to aura, druggiku refund atone y.
rm at. LicMfDihsi uo. for shoes, a
Wa prenme yon oa aoap and if so
tba bet is cheapest. Hoe Cake Is strictly
purs witb no free alkali. Bbea A Go.
a 30
titop tbateoogbl Take warning. It
nay lead to ooosomption. A 2Sc bot
tie of Bbllob's Car may save your life.
Sold by Corner A Brock. 1
rjDiiooe consumption "Jure eores
wbera others fail. It is tba leading
Ooogb Cure, aod no boms should be
without it. Pleasant to take and goes
right to tba spot. Bold by Co user A
Brock. 1
Tarfclah War ladvaaalty KomI.
Iiunaia has again allowed lit sultan
to er-aJe tlimn the atinunl H)mrnt of
the Turfcinh war Indemnity. In llTS It
' trini.d that Tuikry should pay
:. 4 'tr fur 100 jart In iJl
n i'-'-I to a-r.t L r '.', and
tity ...,. r'nHpl iif 1,1 1 . lil t )(il
f 1 '.frea ! ; ; t I. t
-t ' f .. iil thl! 1 1 1 "
t ('- 1 , 1 riit irr . ( ;f
in mil m, u
Tilfl " ' four rrrttn: V ivif hut
fliftC .? . ( ' I rou I let! mt. lien
tbr !;: .' f ;,i .il li.j ii.lHKHi miix-a tr Ui
Ottoman trii'ir l!u.i will tm tl.rr
with a long funding 1 1 aim.
i,.i.: i
tcaspoonful of Schilling $
is in
and winter. Call and see us.
Aa yet war has not been deolared by
tbe United States, but it is momentarily
expeoted. Unole Sam is in need of
Cavalrymen. In casa war is deolared, a
oall will be madeon Oregon. All sound,
temperate young men, good horsemen,
wbo desire to enter tbe service, should
oommunioate al onoe with Thos. Booth
by, at Lexington, Oregon, wbo has or
ders to enlist men for this purpose from
Capt. H. MoFarland, under whom a com
pany is to be formed.
Frank MoFarland has been appointed
speoial agenl ot The Equitable Life As
snranoe Co., ot New York, the strongest
in tbe world. Cash surplus to polioy
holders of over 50 million dollars. Don't
take insurance without seeing tba new
plans ot the Equitable, Insures both
sexes at same rates. 77 tf
Wanted A position as foreman ot
sheep outfit. Twenty years trailing ex
perience. Know all routea east and to
Montana. Best of references. Address,
Chas. H. Wheblkb,
Pendleton, Or.
Bring your bides, pelts and furs to
Ben. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat
Market . He pays highest market price.
Best accommodation and courteous
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sta Portland, Oregon.
Anyone in need ot good abeep range,
three sections fenced and outside range,
can get particulars of aame by oalliog at
thia offloe. al-lm
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
1 Amounts of from tl.OOU to .'i,(O0 at elxliC
per cent, muirrst payahle annually, Appll
nations considered only from larmers actual I v
residing on tne farms. No agents. Address M.
U. (irlnln, 27ft, Mark Bt., Chamber of Commerce,
roruanu, ureiiou.
U or., April 11, ltius.
Anderson, E. H,
(Icntry, Charles
Haner, Hilly
Bro.ddus. Willie
Haramp, Frank
free, A. M.
Ktnlcy, Jue
ooir, i. m.
tunny, iewu
KItrKS, H. (.
Hmltli, M. K.
Trohlsch, Herman
Wren, Mrs Mary
Winlwricer, Mrs Albert
When calling for these letters plat; say
annum. . r. Williams, r, H
Tkitsd Rtatks Land Orric s.
The fiallen, Oregon. April Kill. 1H0R,
1 ai'iiroved plat of survey of tnwnsliln li
Hoiith, rauge A Eaat of the Willamette Merid
ian, Oregon, has wen reeelvad at this office and
will he officially nlel In thlsomc on Halurday,
nit in aay 01 nay, at iuo e iix s a. m.
a ol Oregon, fur Ihe (unity ol Morrow.
In the matter of the wlats of John M. O. Hpen
eer. a minor.
To J. H Hparry, guardian of the aut of said
minor, greeting;
In lha name of fhs State of Oregon, You ars
hereby cited and required to appear In the
Comity Court of the mat of Oregon, for the
Comity of Morrow, at th Court room thereof,
at Heppner, In th County of Murrow, on Moiu
day, the aenind dar nt May. Im. at 10 o'clock.
In th fnrenoon of that day, then and thers lo
settia your accounts a guardian of J. M. O.
Hfieticer, a minor, and show riiiM, If any tilat,
aby ha should not pay nrar U lha ald John M
(I. Htiencer, tba tiim of money now In bis
hands belonging lo Hid John M. O. HMiirer.
Wltneaa, the Hon. A l, ftartholomew, Judgs
of ilia I oiinly I nun of lb Htate ol Oregon, l
the Comity of M'trmw, with th teal ol aald
Curt affiled, this Uih day ol March, A. I)
Attest: J. W. MORROW,
HI 41. Clark,
Gibson &c Bergcr,
At Chas loW Old Stand.
Bliavincr. IS Ctn.
IluirOuttlnir. 0 '
UatliH 2"fc. Kverything Strict
ly rim Uanfl.
Formarly of rsodletoa
Tonsorial Artist
Hair Cuttlnf ,
Shop, Mallnrk Corner,
18 Cta
28 "
fleppnaf, Oregon.
Mathews &. Gentry
V f t
Shop two 4rs South of foatoffir,.
Ioc-Gakc Soap
h No Equal
M'l; uolcr UoltrJ Bttr
patent, It tnuat DfcssMil
ho dilTerr ot fruts alt otbrrt
CcctiUl to itareb, frta alkali
ct wettkloi t'.lif ,
honest goods I
Bears the
Clean, Thrifty Trees, Two and Three
Varieties for this Climate
Apples, Grabs and Prunes, 60 kinds, 5 to 8 ft
Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaohes,
Nectarines, Qnincee, Almonds,
Blackberries aod Raspberries
Currants and Gooseberries
Grape Vines and Pie Plant
W. Asb, Elm, Walnut, Maple,
Hard Maple, Mt. Ash, English
Roses, two year blooming age, out door.
Lilao, White and Purple, 2 year, xx
Our collection ot Roses. Shrubs. Bulbs.
Weeping trees, etc, 00m prises tbe best selection and shall be Dleased to mare vnn
prioes on application. 60 at 100 rates, 600 at 1000 rates. Prioes are net, packing
added at oost. Cash with order, or Bank Reterenoe. Order early before stock is
broken and you will get Just what you want. Address,
E. G. Noble &
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, and an endless
lof of everything in their line. E. O. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise the
new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm aa well as collect what Is due.
Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't
overtook this. . Hepair work a specialty.
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
As the Star Brewery beer.....
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Who has secured the services of
As manager. It will be run in first class shapo
in every department. Hates reasonable
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Wool Growers'
U tho placo to storo your wool this wason. Why?
causo we do a strictly warehouse business, and not Ixdngin
tbe field buying wool ourselves, wo encourago competition
amongst tho buyers ami secure you the highest price.
Wa ars srlllnf wool av is and twins st enst, ixraMs wbaa wool U sold. Btn4 la your ardar
SI Otte.
Wa fay lha Maeet ra.h prr tt shceii imIk and hides.
ai J V "' K''B ttp aod Bletk Ual Tka bio, the enly rallahla ti.Mitl
OlM on the B.arfeet, ' ' '
wa Mf freight lo
retaht lo Uamater when r ield
a ha
va a lull SiiMiIv l wed atari, and ta
r"u" " mi www mwiiH, wa f uaranlea low a ueni deal,
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinawaro & Quccnswaro At
Gilliam d Bisbee's
aa4 fc tha wif r r s-rrvir tinnn : tm la ths Usi si
isrs, i'N Isa Ilfewars.
Year Old, Carefully Grown of the Best
Fully Guaranteed.
PKB 100. PER 1000.
I $ 5,00 $ 80.00
t 8.00 60.00
1.00 5.00
3.00 20.00
1.00 3.00
5.00 30.00
5.00 30.00
10.00 30.00
1500 100.00
8.00 50.00
Somoni G
Box Alder
Climers. Flowering trees. Evergreen.
Payette, Idaho.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
On draught at
all popular saloons
If you bavo not yet realizol tbat tho
"gofxl old t imeH" aro witb us, your
blood is out of order. Get rid of tbat
"tired feeling" ami awake to tbe fact
tbat tbe
toAo ao hr owner ol nl.
hi mi b..u a..i f iu ...
R. F. IIYND, Manager.