Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 12, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, April 12, 1898.
For Representative,
of Heppner,
For Sheriff.
of Heppner.
For Clerk,
of Heppner.
For Treasurer,
of Heppner.
For Assessor,
of Lexington.
For Co. School Superintendent,
of Heppner.
For Co. Commissioner,
of Pine City.
For Coroner,
of Heppner.
future, discuss the populist plat
form. I propose to show the en
tire record of the populist party in
the legislature of Oregon. If that
of itself is not sufficient to defeat
that nartv in this state, then the
people are blind to all reason and Congress Asked
loye of justice and principle. As'
toria Herald.
In a speech recently delivered
at Crawfordsville, Ind., Gen. Lew
Wallace used the following lang
uage in regard to the president
The populist party held their
convention in Portland last week
and nominated a state ticket. The
democrats and free silver republi
cans also met at the same time,
They did not do anything. They
were simply the tail of the popu
list kite. The first thing the pop
ulists did was to notify these two
remnants of a lost cause, that this
was a populist convention and
they proposed to run it. They
wanted the democrats and free sil
ver republicans to indorse their
platform. Then they wanted all
the best paying offices. The dem
ocrats and free silver republicans
took their medicine. They in
dorsed a platform that is diamet
rically opposite to anything advo
cated by either the democratic or
the free silver wing of the repub
lican party. In other words, the
populists pwallowed the democrats
and free silver republicans, boots,
breeches, principles and all. Both
of these organizations are wiped
out of existence, lhey have no
party; no organization. The pop
ulists will now rule the roost.
They nominated all the best pay
ing offices and dictated to the dom
ocrats Bnd free silver republicans
who they should nominate. The
contest next June is now squarely
botweon the republicans and the
pupulintn. Nine-tenths of the
democrats in Clatsop county that
are democrats from principle will
not vote this mongrel ticket. If
the same holds good throughout
the state, the populist party will
be composud of anarchists, office
seekers, renegade politicians, of
fico seeking democrats and rattle
brained free silver republicans.
There is not an honest democrat
in the state of Oregon who could
indorse the populist platform. The
ticket nominated in Tortland is
composed of renegade politicians
who have been driven out of the
other two parties for incompeten
cv. boodlrrism, chicanery, and
chronio offico seeking. If the re
publican party Dominate a gooc
ticket, which they no doubt will
they will swoop the state by an
overwhelming majority The pop
nlisU mongrels hope to succeed by
reason of what they call split in
the republican party. When it Is
considered that split exists only in
Multnomah county, and will not
affect the state ticket, and that
every republican in the state wil
be united on the same ticket, it
knocks the only prop from under
the populist ticket.
Talking about tho populiat par
ty, we have to go no further than
oar sinter atato of Watthiogton
where the populists are in control
of the slate. Were an election
held in the state of Washington
today, the republicans woul
i a r a a
weep ius state, me jtoopie o
Washington have hail an opporta
nilr to know I lie results ol a pop.
uliat administration. They have
seen their industries paralysed by
reaiion of the withdrawal of al
eastern capital from the state,
Hundreds of men Lave left tl
atata and gin to other Mates for
investment. The city of Seattle i
ft striking illustration of opinion
entertained of populist rule. At
the election held io NovemWr
the presidential election the pn
ulists carried Seattle by over f,()00
majority. At the election held on
March this year, the republicans
carried the city by 4.000 majority
against ft combination of populists,
democrats and fres silver republ
ran. The people of SeattU Lav
had all they want of populist a.
ministration. Tho action of the
poputisU in th !( legislature o!
till stt alon U sufficient to coo
duss tlcj la ttfl tytt of iter;
bestilBia t will la tb mr
to Authorize the Administration
Take measures to Secure the Termination of Hos
tilities in Cuba The Maine Incident a Fea
tureRecognition of Cuba's Inde
pendence Opposed.
Washington, April 11. The president's message asks congress to
authorize the administration to take measures to secure the termina
tion of hostilities in Cuba, to secure the establishment of a stable gov-
... ,. ., .... , , . . tt-:
and his position on the Spanish- eruuious luer BUU ' UB0 lUB "y IUIUBB Ui luo "u"cu
Cuban question: -President Mo States' if cessary, for this purpose.
KinWn nn,M ha boon wi and Tbe president says the only hope for relief from a condition which
arAtoanmnHW Tt TfinrpHer,fa ih J no longer be indured is the enforced pacification of the island-
loftiest type of patriotism and The is8Ue ia now with congre88 and he await8 lta action standing pre-
fearlessness, for it requires both Parea cari7 ou ery oongauon imposea on mm oy uiw mwy.
to stand as he has stood, for the Spain's decree for a suspension of hostilities is submitted to con
right, while around him have gress for just and careful attention, with the observation that if the
raged the impatient people and measure attains a successful result, "then our aspirations as a peace
scheming politicians. Ten days loving people will be satisfied. If it fails, it will be only another just
ago we were not prepared for war, ification of our contemplated action."
and had congress at that time Tbe Maine incident figures prominently in the message. ' The pres.
forced the issue, the result would ideot argues that the wreck of the Maine in Havana harbor shows that
hAVA bPfin most diHftatrnnn And SDain is not able to guarantee security to foreign vessels. Spain haB
offered to submit to arbitration all tbe differences which may arise from
the affair.
The president expresses the view that recognition of the inde
pendence of Cuba at this time would be ill-advised and unwarranted
and unjustified, and cites precedents to sustain his attitude, calling
attention particularly to President Jackson's refusal to recognize
Texas when that state was struggling to throw off the Mexican yoke,
I j t: t l ii iut
cerning Umatilla county and East- " uuuu "uu"BOU uneiMUW "u MHW "uolu"
em Oregon. May the Tribune
The 'J8-page special edition of
the Tendleton Tribuue comes to
hand this week. It is a "peach,"
full of good meat and contains
mucn valuable information con
I Last
We simply knocked our
competitors silly with our
display of
Bays 8 Top. Clin?
the finest ever shown in
this city. Our prices are
as low as the lowest, if not
a little lower.
We"ask you to examine
our display of .
Being complete and up-to-date,
in all the latest blocks and
styles, in Mens' Youths' and
Boys' hats.
Prices guaranteed to be as low a tbe lowest.
Watch this Space. Something New will
Appear Each Week.
Our show window will contain a different line ef goods each week or ten
days, and our advertisement will call attention to each line we put forward.
Space does not permit us to mention all our extensive lines at one time.
continue to
prosper is our beet
American Becuritifs Abroad.
Tbe sales ot American securities bave
been, aooordiDff to London advioet, very
large abroad ot late. If this state ot
things bolda, tbere will be ao increasing
influx of British gold into this market.
Tbie demonstrates the faith abroad in
tbe stability ot our oredit. Tbere is ao
other point ot faith for wbiob tbe people
not only of this but foreign ooantries
have good grounds for credence, and
that is belief in the eflioaoy of Hoetot
ter's Stomach Bitters for inorganic mal
adies whioh effect the stomach, liver,
bowels, kidneys and nerves. Dyspepsia,
biliousness, oonstipatinn and rheuma
tism are conquered by it. It hastens
oonvslesoenoe, and diffuses a generous
warmth nnd sensation of physical oom
fort through the system.
Some Comparisons That Afford a Concep
tlon of the Orb' Immensity.
Tonder also upon the stupendous size
of that orb, which glows at every point
of its surface with the astonishing fer
vor I have indicated, writes Sir Rob
ert Ball in McClure's Magazine. The
earth on which we stand is no doubt a
mighty globe, measuring as it does
8,000 mlies in diameter; yet what are I safer than
its dimensions in
Tbe light of the future. Why not be
Independent and own your own little
gas plant which will give four times
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon,
March 10, 1H98.
following-named settler has filed notice of
hie Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be-
more light than ordinary gas or electrio county j Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April
lights at one balf the cost? Applicable : ,,.
- . , , e l I WILLIAM 11. uLAKiv,
for nee in churches, stores lactone.. Pm WmHrt n fl 1(Vjn ho wi i vwi ams
r re-Km mi mi ua lunw. ior i ih ta nnvi
hotels, residences and country homes: NwandNW8W!48eci5,Tp48,R29,EWM.
ordinary gas or kerosene
of Vinson, Oregon.
E. W. Bartlett,
He names the following witnesses to Drove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
comparison with lamps. Approved by all tbe Boards of "?. v ta: Andy J.
those of the sun? If the earth be rep- rjnderwriters thronohont the United of wurd'ane, Oregon, and Abraham B. Chapman,
resented by a gram or. mustard seea, mBte8
inen on me bcu.c . -u. tow Write f oatal0gae sod
l". r""":;'' prices'. THE ACETYLENE OAS MA
ception of the dimensions of the great UHINE CO , Akorn. Ohio
orb of day may be obtained in this way.
Think of the moon, the queen of the
1 1 -. 1 1 1 . ..ALU
mgut, wn.cu circ.ee mwuLu.j .uuu . . d with Qh;oh..
oiir neavens,
Catarrh oured. A clear head and
Land Orrici at La Gbanoi, Orxoon,
March 7. 18(W.
1 followim-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Ore-
nurtmi n rr nu llA HnPfi. SL I
T,,Wi trnnV lit. n. distnnoe of 240.-1"""'" -
noo miles from the earth. Yet the sun Nasal injector free. Sold by Gonser & gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 23, 1898, viz:
!d !,. ( if wo a i,nnr,w ball. Brook. x John t. galloway,
revolve on its orbit
Now that tbe primary election for tbe
olionsing of delegates Is a thing ot the
past we are renrlv for reflection upon the
snbjnot of possible candidates before the
state convention which meets at Astoria
on April lltb. All are nnited in the de
ra lor the fieleotion of the very best
men lor the several positions, although
e may not ull he ready, at this moment,
to name the same men for esoh place.
There is one plane, however, about
which there seems to be great unani
mity of opinion, Judging from onr ex
changes, and that is the position of state
superintendent of public instrnntton.
Tbe nnanimons verdict seems to be that
I. Aokerman, principal of the Harri
son street school, Portland, is tbe very
best man for the place. In this opinion
the school Interests of Morrow connty
unite, l'rof. Ackermsn is personally
known to the teachers here as he has
come io contact with them in the oapaol-
ty of instructor at the county Institute,
In selecting a man for the position of
state superintendent of public instroo-
ion, In our hnmble judgment, thsre is
nst one consideration to ha taken into
account, a consideration of great magni
tude as fsr as the school interests are
concerned, and thst la the ability of the
candidate to appreciate the needs of the
public schools of the state and especially
with ns, the needs of Heppner and Mor
row county, anil bis equipment to meet
the situation as it exists.
From all w can learo sbont Trot Ack
ermsn we are led to lbs oonrlnsion that
he Is prepared to serve the people of the
state and incidentally onr own inter,
eels most acceptably, as he Is above
everything else public school man,
having tieen engseed io thai work for
the past twenty-three years, lie is a
graduate of one of the best normal
schools in the United Htstes, andbas had
fonr Tests service ss connty school
superintendent of Multnomah connty.
There are quit a few people living over
in Mnltnomah ponnty, and we knew of
no better rlsce for a school man to ac
quire special training that we may bene-
a & a a i i i n i: I
is 'T n' r m arvi inn w iu ihiiiuiiibj up wus I faf Jj
pnblio school system. t,-.
Ve II.a wmm tteet IhevA im ffur nnrl
pnblio schrwds, particularly onr rnrsl
schools, and the man that has a large
svmpalhy and thornngh nnderstsnding
along those lines la the man to receive
the anppnrt of the Morrow pnnnty dele
gation. Hnch a man we believe J II.
Ackermsn to be, and he Is tmsseesed ol
an energy and rapacity for hard wnrfc
that makes him popnlsr with the people.
the moon could
which it now follows, and still be en
tireiy llicioseu w.iuiu uU - Mr. O-brtrn i. .till .endino
For every acre on the surface of our Urain is looking one for euoh dry
globe there are more than 10,000 acres weather.
on the surface ol tne great, luminary. T,rnbinff is io full blast and some
Every portion 01 this linmiiaoie ues-. ..,
ert. of ilivme is nourinc forth torrents
of heat. It has indeed been estimated The little squirrels are ont and lots of
hat if the heat which is inccs- 'em, too. Now for the poison csn
. . . , . i i
santly flowing tnrougn nny mu.o Thpre WM prpaohing at Dooglss on
square m vur, .. 8undBv. ADrii 3; .ai lb.rl wiI1 u
could tie collected ami appnea ........ - .D
tbe filers of an At- P'hing at this point the first Bunday
Inntic liner it would sufflce to produce H every month.'
steam enough to sustain in contiuuous Mrs. Nels Swenson, sister ot tbe Troed
Hd E No 5353 for the BE of Sec 5 Tp 2 8 R 27
E W M.
He names the followlnir witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said Hurt, viz: A J. Htamp, M. J. Devin, W.
G. MnCarty and Foster Adams, all of Heppner,
Xj. w. uarti.btt,
29-40 Register.
Notice of Intention.
1 i March 2. Ik'.. Notice is herehv elven that
the following named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
Defer J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Saturday, April Ifl, 1H'J8, vis:
w. hjui ti,
of Heppner; Hd K No 2009 for the NE!4 of Bee
12, Tp i H R 24 K W M.
no names me louowing witnesses w prove
. i , iiiH i;,tiiiiiiiii,iib ri'Riiiuiii-n iii.iiu u 1:11 vi vniiff ii
movement thoHe engines ol o.oou norse gon brothers, Is up from California mak- said land, vli: James p. Rhea, Ralph L. i
power wincn eniime a sujieru buijj
to brenk the record between Ireland
and America,
Desertions from I'nrle Sam's Ships Are
Few sad far Between.
Hie report from Washington to the
effect thnt 4,000 bluejacket are needed
to nma the new veaw-Jsof the American
ns.vy aliout to go into commlasiou re
cti!! a, remark made by Admiral Itunce
(me day lost auuinier, nays tlie New
York Mail and Express. The North
Atlantic squadron lnv at anchor olT
Ktnfcen Island ojhI Father Knickerbock
er end his foundry visitors were go
ing down Io quarantine daily to look
at the splendid fighting ships. A re
wrUT wrtit alxiard Uie flagship one
moruing nnd rujoywi a pleasant rhat
with the giillntit admiral. Said he:
"The ty e of nuui-of-war's-man of
te-dnv ia far different from the old-
time blwjacket. Desertions are almost
unknown from th navy now. Here Is
a vessel which cost in round numlrrs
12,000,000. The men eosisidnr it ther
tome ami they take an Immwise
amount of pride in it. How many men
ere there ashore who ran sleep and
Imii whioh cost a much
Ixiok about vou and note the
faces of the bluejsckets here."
The sailoriurn in sight wrecertinly
a flne-)akrnff lot. The aalmiral sur
veted Uiem admiringly and flie.n said:
"Ho far us the iwsonnel of the crew
goes the vessels In the. American navy
sre away ahead ol U ot any foreign
ing them a pleasant visit. It bas been
ten years since tbey last met. Miss H
Swenson, sister ot Mrs. Tsui Troedson,
is also visiting booobgrass. She is from
Boys, it yoo want a good hair cot and
shsve, call oo Fred Filkios at Douglas.
Fred ia a rustler. A. J. C.
Douglas, Or., April 9, 08.
Lexington, Oregon, and Joseph Mason, ef lone,
Bengo, of Heppner, Oregon, Robert J. Hill, of
The Leader
Of Course!
A Plrassat Rcsslos.
Oo Monday evening, at tb Fslscs
hotel, there was a clesssnt renoion of 7 Tp 2 s R .1 K W M
on i m w - rr, - - I . t's
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrn i at La Obanos, Orsook.
April e, w.m.
il following-named settler has filed notice
of hit intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
balnrs the County Clerk ol U or row countr,
Oregon, st Heppner, Oregon, on Pay 20,
lK.w, vis :
Hd No MI4, for the E' BWH and W' 8Ei Bee
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good -reason
why so many customers are being
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures.
Is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner, Oregon-
General Debility
and LOSS of Flesh
Scott's Emulsion hu hun the
itanJird ttmtdf lot ntxrf a
quarter of a ccnturv. Phytidani
rcAdtlv admit thit Xhtr obtain rt-
tultt from it that thr cannot ff t
82d degree Masons. The partiea were
Flenry Ulaokman and Teter O Bnrg, ot
Heppner, W. C. Bedwell, of Omaha,
Neb., and James P. Moffett, ot Portland,
Oregon. All tbeat gentlemen art mem
Den ot tbe Ancient Arahio Order ol
Noble ot tbe Mjstic Bbrioe. Mr. Mar
garet Von Oadow, of the Palace, pre
pared ao elegant dinner for tbe gentle
men aod they report batiog bad a very
pleasant time together.
KMinre lull, remilar artioa nav fl
ot the bowels, do Dot IrrV m I I s
Ute or Inflame, but trave Lf Ilia
all U Ullri 4i(Mm mr- m 0
tranum In ytilm romtUUnm. Try xhrm t mis.
I'r.rd eolgr b C. L Hou4 a l, Loasil, Maaa,
Pill a bottle or oommoa glass witb
orina aod let It stand Iweotj four honrs;
a aedimeot or frslthog lodioatea ao oo
Mvnhme, Pmnre, la tu tted on the healthf eonditloo ot th kidoejt. When
names the (ollowlns wltnessna to prove
his continuous mlilenre upon anil cultivation
of said laml, vie. Mllllam Harton. John T.
Barton, William V. Koott ana rrancli M.Ueutrv,
all of Heppner, Oregon.
a. n. bab i i.r. ii,
Timber Culture-Final Proof.
Lahd Orrin at Tin Dam.is, Ossoow.
March I .th lMt
rlrk Hplllan. ol Hcppnrr, has filed nollf
01 inirntlon 10 mass Dual prooi oeior i. n.
Morrow, roiintv clerk, at his ofhr In Heppner.
Orrsnn, on Monday Iris to dr of April. Iwm, on
tlmlter culture, application no, 9141 lorinsx
NK, W"4 HK't rtrrtlon 14,10 township MO. I
ranite No. K. W. M
He namM as itn
John Woodward,
Dennis splllane, William M. littler, and Baroue,
Lclller, all ol Heppner, Oregon,
Ilacllll of TuHreMltu llaa Iwpregaalnl
Ut Koll Mealaa.
hore ( I)m MriliU-rrtinran, IS milrs
irthraj.l ( Nice. Ilie t-liuiivlc, aa)i
(he Jiturttul of .MIk Iiic anil St'irm,
m tcry niual.U and t ry mild. Tlia
ineaii is almul CI ih Kuhreulicit.
I'he r'ttM;n laalimwt trpioal; Urn-
mi tw oln trwn and piiiea, rla.n-i
alime each oUMt in cceive larra.
orina ttaioi lloea it It tfideoeo of kid
ney trouble. Too freqnent deairo to ori
oata or paio ia tba baok, ia also ooovlno
log proof that tba kidoeyi and bladder
are oat of order.
Ttiero Is ore fori la tbe knowledge ao
ofUo eipreaswd, that Dr. K timer'
Notice Ot Contest-Timber Culture.
Lard Orru a at Tmi Dauis. Ossnon
March 1. IX
J this orllre hr the duly verified and cormlm
rated affidavit of Robert Warren, alleging that
John ('. epray, who nia1 timber culture entry
No. 2TM, luf the H ri of SMI 1 tn t H, R n E. al
the land ortW at 1 he Italics, on ths l?th day nf
November Iw;, and hli heirs have wholly
abandoned said tract, at d have tailed and neg
lected at all tlmee slur the third year alter
entry. uc.Miitly wllh the timiier cailurw laws,
or In plant, cultivate: or protect any part of the
aid tract to tree. ee.luga or cutting, aa re
quired ty law, therefore with the view In the
cancellation nl said entry, the aeld parties are
hereby summoned and reqiiire-1 M he and ap
Kear belore J. W Morrow, eonulv cirrg ol Mof.
tuv county, at hie office at Heppner, Oregon, on
the lath day of April. Ixei. at Io o clock a m , of
aid day. then and there to produce such teetl
tnnny, ae they may have concerning the eald
alleeatlona, the Boal hearing tn he had hero
the Reel.teramt Receiver, at the tiallee. tlregnn
on the Alb day ot April. 1" at the hour of Ml
n.l.irn Ih. iLre,utntlnif al, ta. thc
from any Other lklh-lormlng; food. i,ran, whU-h haa a population of aixut 18 warn p. Root, tba great kidney reme1y
1 hen r nuny Other prcpari- r.iw. ri-a lke an ampliiijieater on a fo'.fll every wi.h la relienog pain to Ibe
tloni on th mxriut thlt prtUni I rmmmtory ty hk-h iu aenii. IrewUr U,, kldnera, iw, bladder and eter;
tO do Wht '') dialed. Of late .ara Mcut.M.e. of ,t 6(f.
icxu but thcr f a1 to perform It.
The pure NorweclAn Cod-liver Oil
nude into A deUgntful cream, ikiU
fully blended with the Hrpophoa
ot. actHititit of its mild ami evrn rllmat.
has brent the Mmi of Invalula, u n1
ctiwially f rvHiaiimplltra. forty
curs itiro the Indnl'itm,! of Mrtit.iti
iml ttip nci;hUwhKil vrrt a healthy,
l.appy r i. f 'l mini hj a,tiw, to
Iiimh rtinaunipiMtii m m) dmrly un
hen Mcut.mc l-cmtie nottsl Mire
treat f tlmej sick vtlth ronatittiMtiwi
phlttl Of LimC And Soda, Which I the eauita Irfl their farms and their
Arc luCh VAiUabK tonict, ncM'hy nannrrm living wait on the
makei this prtpAration an tnai;d.. Th.-.ti.u .f
Ideal one and checks th ,inii,4,d'pd b,. iinprctnaiieeth'
wAitintUndencT.andth ihm wv"r "'kh T.lH
., . . ' ,, , tlwir rf.eraw, a a rvaull th earth.
patient almott Immediate ,ir ,m, wMrr ( Mrt,,or,r Rr, tntird
Iv commeneet to put on i.m f iuirvuitia, and th
f Lflh aod gain A Strength ot-e fb i,l and healthy .tr'a has
Which lurprtMt them. I'fli n-wwuniptite eJnxml t a titan
U v-. im ft, niTt l-ewi-e I tfcet nd wou.an. Nomura emp:i t
m a-4 sh ere the wncve. slart'iJ prf of tb tWB of the
fee. aed i , all niveta, frm tUaorf i tb tlMH 90. U
dork a.
til !
U. ViMiKg. Reglater.
W. H. BI'tOK. RereKer.
siiERirrs SALE.
V'OTIt l t IttREBY (ilVl THAT T!
It dec and hy virtue of an etecniton and
nrdcf of sale, duly and regularly taxied nut M
Ihe I ircult t ourt ol Ihe stele nf or.rti, tor
Morrow county and to ate dlrerted. oo Ihe 1Mb
,Wt nf March. opno a Judgment and de
recta loabllitr to bold oris and scald
ing pala Io passing II, or bad effects fo.
loving ns of liquor, viae or br, aad
eteroiiraeg that onpleasaat ceonaaity of
being tompelled to gat op raany tinea
dnrlng Ibe tight to orlaale. Tba tnllj
and Ihe ritraordlnarr effft of H warn p.
ront it aoaa rMllitvl. It aiaodi lb
Bigbet for tti wonderful cored ot Ihe
ajoat dutreaaiag aaaea. If yo Dee J a
MA.ttj.tee M.iM ekjtnl.t k . lt,e Km I fl1.l
I ho.iee in Men-net Morrow eMiniy nwenn,
bt drotfgtstg. or ra Brit eeeU aad oaa i tn ihe ti.h.t t.t.tdet aw ce.h ia hand, alt '
,, . . . . , . ... toll-wlng d.wrrihet nal eatoia twll lb
oouar. goo gsaj osvw a eampig ocuie fc,,h mmM ,,,.,,, n,, twenty .nht. la
a.d pamphlet both aenl free ),
ttcrg--a. ttweth. With the tpnetneeta here-fit
amenta and ar-f-urtenaaeea theeenntA belong
ti jof la anv w tee t-reitalniue
t! .,.4 as eati-v aatd .l1ona la the
n. , .owing .. l.'l AK with tillered thereea
ttnntll,. i"a rt.i nl M.ml !-.. et ll.e rale ot
Slee-t pi iitnai lot the I'ich ef aura nf
ig S .ti.erfi aiMn.ii tee, and '- the fur-
rrr inttMUf tk a,i.Mt t tkit ,rt,wtl?;V
f'i eval mwasy t'.
duly rendered and entered la said court.
an tbe loth Uy nf Man-h, !. In a 'II thea
and IhenMotore pending therein. Wherein
The American MoHoae lotanany I Imlied. m
ainlland. a t rporaiioa, waa plaintiff, and
Jtraee Tttomaa fniwnlrig and Mulon !
th.walng eehelraailaw of atmihen a Vwn.
lug. and Maria Ikiwning. derwee.1, ware defen
dants end com mending me fas eel I the herein
Her deerr1t. real property, did on the tMh
day et Man a. law, duly levy p and w III, oa
Ttteedey, t to till way May, 1896
at Ihe knur nf I w'rlnrk la the alternant)
I atl I day, al the front done of the connty
apna feoeipt ol threw too cent etatapa Io
eoter ).t of pueUg oa tbe bottle,
Msalkoa tba tleppaer Oatelte aal eod
nor address io IV. Kilmer I Co, I'leg
bttBi tun, N. T. Tbt proprietor of tbia
A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al
ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling
of prescriptions.
'When you hear dem bells !"
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
t Keeps I U U ot Ibid::
Including all tho Staples, Hardware, Tin
ware, Harness, Stockmcns' Supplies,
Wood and Willowware. .
First Class Goods and Low Prices
is his motto.
IVlerchant Tailoring!
Mr. Abrahamtck is tho pioneer tailor of, Hepp
ner. Hi work ii always firtt clait and tatiiuo
tioa gutrtntctd.
1' "