YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OFFICIAL PAPER ADVERTISING WILL PAY ... IF THE .... S6ml-W66kiu Gazette IS YOUR MEDIUM. THE AT $2.00 A YEAR. - ,;5... . Serai-Weekly Gazette W FIFTPENTJ1 .YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. rUBUSHCD . Tuesdays and Fridays - ' ' BY. . THE - PATTERSON PPLISHlNfr-COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man, At 4.0) per year, $1.00 lot six month,, 50 ots. ior three mooou, strictly in advano . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. ' Entered at the Poetofice at Heppner, -Oregon, a, second-class matter. THIS PAPER is kept on We at E. C. Dake'a Advertising Agency, 64 and 85 Merchants Exohangs, Ban Franoisoo, California, where oou-'- racts for advertiainK can be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build in, Ban Franoisoo, is our authorized agent. This pap3r is kept on file at bis office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves HeDDner 9:30 n. m. daily nxnent Snnday arriving at Heppner J miction 1205 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a. m. Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Uma'illa 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No. I, from Spokane, arrives ,t Umatilla 6:00a. m. and Heppner Junction 7110 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 3:25 a- m. and at Umatilla 4:80 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at teppner Junction 12:2!) a, m, and at Portland 7 :2t a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. K A N., Heppner, Ore. OFFICIAL DISEOTOKT. United Btates Officials. Piesjdent William McKinley Vwe-Presldent Garret A. Hobart ..-'oeoretary of State John Sherman ' beoretaryof Treasury Lyman J, iae j Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss r Bnoretary of War Kussell V. Alger cworeuu-y ul navy ...... jono u. Xjong Postinoster-Qeneral James A. Gary Attorney-General John W. Griggs Secretary . f Agrioaltare James Wilson Stat of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Sectary of State H. K. Kincaid 'freaanrer Phil. MeUohan 8apt. Public lnitrnction 6. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Senator. JG.W.McBrid. Congressmen .1 Printer W. H. Leeds !R. S. Rean, F. A. M(Kre, C. U. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. 1 (Vrcuit Judge Stephen : Lowell P.onouting Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. loint Senator - A, W. Oowan Uvpremntative. J. N. Drown a.iuity Judge A. (i. Bartholomew " Commissioners J.U.Howard J. W. Beckett. Clerk J. W. Morrow Bherifl E. L; Matlock . ' Traauwra.,, ...... Frank Uilliam Ansstaor A. O. PelOys Surveyor....... J. J. MoOee Sohooi Bup't Jay W. Shipley " Coroner. B. F, Vanghan bifpnm Town omens. Mayor 'l'hne. Morgan OtiinHlmmi..., K. J. Hloonm, M. I.iohtenthal, J. R. Simons, J. J. Roberts, J. W. Rasmus and K. U. Sparry. Ktoorder W. A, Rlohanlson Treasurer L. W, Briggs Marshal...... John Uager Preeiaet Officer. Jnstioe of tht Feaoe W. K. Hii-hartlsoo Constable. N. 8. Whetstone fatted BUM Lad Officers.' TBI DALLES, 01, J. t. Moor, llHrirtiw A. B. Biggs Heoeivar hi OBABDE, OB. E. W. Bartlett, Reelartar J. H. Robbies heoeivar xoxajrr socxxTxactx. IUWUNB POST, NO. n. G.A.B. MwUatLmnatan. OrUia Uat RetnnUy of arfa month. All veterans are tnvttajd to fun. O. W. Smith, C. O. rPuO. Adtataot. tf Commuular. D. J. McFaul, M. D. UEPrNER, OREQON. Office hours, 8 to 10 . m., n1 13 to 2 p. m., at rraidooca, W. A. Kirk'a prop rif, aaat of M. K cbnrcb, Bootb, aod 10 to 12, a. m , to 2 to S p. m., at offloa in tba raar of Borgi jewelry atora. Brown Sc Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offloa la tba First Natiooal Bank fiaildiof. II ir rata, : t Oaiooa. if Ellis 8c Phelps, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All kodOMsaiUndarf u la a promt ,,t atlsfarinry aiaauer. Volar t fuuita suj Offk la Hatter l(el. Heppaer, Or. D. E. GILMAN, 6cncralCollcctor lnt four 014 Bks,M mm la kis harwU ,r4 vt your wiwy Snil i4 ll,mm Makasi a spartailf l bant Cut Meltons. Offloa ia J, N. Brown's nailJiog. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. met ar coumcil (Mtami Umlkt ta4 wars ral . rwiis fcoma, avs laias. 4owe pavtafirti s4 til 9rm ytr, in ay way la als I In, at rnrwhi tjvrm. U First National Bank or iirrrsEit C. A. Kmc A, T. A. Rmc a,, OtO. W. Con ten. S. W. CHCIM, rVweialeM Viae fSvaiwant CesMer Aaa t Cekir Truadi I Gtiml U'S Ui:r$L JuAUxliXil VJr J'J Oa ! ft t I watU Bought .md Sold. C-lil"ml Mta mm mil rtt. mm MmabaJ Taiia Wmftot 4 aia.llrVti rfie, glliiOOO. , tkWMaajakWjakWJ aakaakaaWWee 1 - WW I . "I When Going Esst .... Use a first-clssB line in traveling between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, and the principal towns in Central Wisconsin. Pall man Palace Sleeping and Chair Oars in Service. The Dining Cars are operated in the interests of its patrons, the most elegant service ever inau gurated. Meals are served a la Carte. To obtain first-class service your ticket should read via. The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connection at Chicago and Milwaukee for all Eastern points. For full information call on your nearest ticket agent, or write Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. or Jas. A. Clock; Geueral Agent, 246 Stark St., Portland Or. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4 Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A , P. Ft. W. & C. and the C. St. L. i P. Railroads. RATB8 HIU.OO PBR DAY Cor. W, Madison and Clinton 8ti., CHICAO-O, ILL. The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday - 13 Astor Place New York The Outlook will be In 1897, la it bai been during eaob of it twentv-terao years, a Iliatory of Oar Own Timea. Io lit varioua editorial dVpartmenta Tba Outlook give a oompaot review of tbe world'a progreM; it follow! witb cara all iba important pbilanthropio and in dustrial movementa of the day; baa a complete department of religious oewi; devotee moob apace to tba intereeta of tba borne; reviews eorrent literature; furniebea cheerful table-talk about men aod tblnga: and, in abort, aims to give freab information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning witb tbe fifty flifth volume, Ibe paper will aaenme tbe regular maga zine else, wbiob will add greatly to its oonvenienee and ettractiveaeaa. . Tbs Outlook is poblfebed every Saturday- fifty two iaauea a year. Tbe first Issue In ssob montn is an Illustrated V agasine Number, containing about twice as many pages as tbe ordinary iaauee, together witb large number of picture. Tbe pnosof The Outlook is three dollars n year In advanee, or lees Ibaa cent a day. ' Heod for n eimen eopy eoJ illaetret e proepeotaetoTbe Outlook, 13 Aetor Dae, New York Cltv. BTO( i gEAHtMt. Wkll toe Ms twar MBMriwUoa paid as tre hsIm, fw Wvadia (re of akara. IVt P. O.. H-Mr. It-Hnrmm, f Ufl W"l mtttm. MM am lmf hip. Cr-HnrM. U) am rWMsSMl , Harht kl si mm mtik , t M U, MM ray pt toft mm4 mUl ia ntt. OmmUm. W M . UIU, Ov.-Tatda. f) Ml rth U. nwlnw-atork la mm avi Mia, B It wm wt aip. Mr, ". TWI. (W.-Roma tl.t a Urt ahmtidw, aula aaasa aa tofUua. htM w nni wv. Ftawi, L. a-, W,ear. rir.-4'auto, U mm ri.M kip, k ihm t wtUt Saw suuUt w riM mwmtttmv. J nrrr. Umppmmr. Or-ltm braaU4 H i mm Urn imf w,Ulwj mmulm aftuM j mm mtm. mlm tl ia Wl SM. Urn mm as awiw. SMwatiy, i Vls. Ua. lk.llM mmmT mm wm, ia naM mm Mil a km w M, k, Hmhm, ar-Hnnaa mrmm44 lh( mm m k., MMi.w4nt.tMMt m, Ml mmr sm mm mi im rtM UIm J W NarrM, Ik-Nim IhmmI I. M4 4 n. mn , rMlla tmmm mm 11 kl,, WM4M m nM wfm, Xmtmm Mil. la r.KI W.fco.. Ommtr. nttmmr rmt 4 Ua, M O aa fWM ki, Mia, awan sawalilM nrmm. SI W . M o .-tlm. M ) a UJ tkemUm a aa Mn mtm. CM.,. W.. tkuKebia. i Wwm o aa W ttmmmUm: MIWMMas r.t kia. PwkM HUwa. RaHMaa.Or.-NoMalPaa mn rnm, rii,M Iim tnwM lr a4 mt,u4 mm Wn aaaat-IMfi ran.. Ii,M till. rirw. Id. l.U - K Jt -. HH M.MI .Ii.i.Im'i aMiM. a. aw W an ta irk m. stWa wtM J W H.n. O. - B-Ma, 0 at Ml rkiailT. ( MUa. o mm rWM klM atwv,. U- O. Kmtmmmr. r. tmukt Ca M.k..aM m&m m4 m-Wi i Ml m, I m -M W t,Ml .!., I 1m.. i Utmmm w-Wwaxa I M a- aatla ! JlMkw i k W, I , IM f vaii m I W aM r-aj.4 l i ajnaM I as Ml tmm nM m- , m4 t -k M tafl aa. IW. I, M-W MM) HEPPNER, MORROW AvegetablePreparationfor As similating theTood and Regula ting theStomachs andBowels of ErotesT)icsUon)Chcciful ness andRest.Contalns neither Optum.Morphirie nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Oofie ofOdUtSAMIZLPUXWl Pmxplm SmJ- ALX.imnm JtmmUU&Jtf AnutStrnt Jifmi'intimt - WrmSttd fltntud Sumtr . hiaVwwMv AArrw) A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP, Toe Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. exact copy or wrapped. Hotel Hopjpatxtsr (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL. ) HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager ! Now Open.' New Methods. New Manage ment, strictly rirst Uass. Rates, $i.oo Per SPECIAL RATES BY 8.88 fond brtrn rnn and from all truinB. We solicit vour For more than fifty-six years it lias never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT HAS lalttifnll Uln4 h lhir BfMrlly ,n haptHnaaa, r Ih. lRimv.mnl n lhartr b-iiiM hom. InKmu, (ut .liw.Ht.u. .h ta. ,lvaUua ol amrrw.a aaiihaoe u4 true aimiih'r IT H Al at Ui. nr-.M., Ini.rMiinf sn4 InMritHlv rtorla, at tb, 44tt. ot lb workl, Ue IT R( axldM.1 Ih. f.Mncr sa lo lb, BH .ri.rr,at MMbnd. nf rnllltallt., ami K.rvMIInf hts rrfta an1 Ih. tr?ttr llm. In m.nt IT B AS ImI In .11 laallri, trtainlii. In Ih. a.J.r. 4 Iuishi hJ lii.r. .ul lut m rr vim. io tin i , canlury lai bll Ulr, kivl it zn Tixn. New York Weekly Tribune, f.raataN It ttieGAZCTTC,! year fef S2.T6, ea,h In atfvanee. THE GAZETTE. Wfli. tnr mtm ,M ,44imm . , mi. i i lly. Mp.. fy al U. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and I'ugctSound Navigafion Co shm- injMr; rum mm a,vd ornx w.t Iaig AUv Mirawl tkk. forllMd. It Atrla. flee, Ig tW,h, (ra, 1'k'k 61 N.honH,. lhrr,t tbnm. wilb tla aBB.r, aad reit ttia4; aUe al Tewet's lUy witb Nstbtfi KtlmL PHXiBPUONB ' ri..M j 4 n, Uiiy. Mt.r. Unttiwair M !... .i..h -U) XIAXXiBT OATlBBnT Unm rrftoa4 f twllf- aM.f a..M.f m'gU, It f U mh, ,snl t oonArr WAvn iM,arwtMiMn' NHU av. T.rit fuf al I ( N M.M, M f, M ,.v.7 COUNTY OREGON, in For Infants and Children. " The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears. Signe The Kind You Have Always Bought. tms eoMMv, am vs.. eirv. Day and Upwards. THE WEEK OR JtOAT. in nnnnnlinn Free 'Rug too to natron hoc. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. Mm IHIO Mi. Mrfaa) Mawllil. ,inollil e mntor. a ball mImhu. M, M.-i II la Om, W ft, TnHan. Imrm, l.w ., a7t rlkwn. al.l Ut la '. . waw lx a-ab-M. (4lllr . the t iture JXV ill TUESDAY, APRIL 12, . 1 I I ' FIVE AGES OF WOMEN. Only a prattling wee baby, Danoing on mamms's knee; A chubby aod dimpled obernb, Pretty as Bhe could be. Laughing and jumping and orowing, Bubbling witb innocent mirth; Mamma just thinks her a treasure, Tbe darlitigest one on earth. Only a laughing schoolgirl, Fair as a budding rose; Gazing with tender glanoes On her young would-be beaux. Never a oloud above her; Never a oare has she; No one oould help but love ber In her simplicity. Only a fair yonng lady, Frond as a queen ot old : Lovers who seek her favor Meet with but glanoes oold. Naught but a prinoe could woo her, A prinoe witb aa honored name: Love to her is but folly, Tbe dream of ber life is fame. Only a serious woman, Charms slowly faiding away. Her prinoe never oame to seek ber; Her bead is threaded with grey. LoDging for love that's denied ber, : Fraying tor some one to woo: Qone are ber queenly ambitions Any old fellow will do. Only a maiden ot fifty Skillfully spreading ber net; Still there is hope in her bosom That someone may gobble ber yet. Paints and ooemetios and powders, Aod olad in tbe briefest ot dress. When seen on her wbeel at a distanoe You'd tbiuk her but twenty, or less. Lou Vbbnon. Remarkable Reaoue. Mrs. Michael Ourtain, Plain&eld. 111.. makes tbe statement that she o&ught cold, whioh settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by ber family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consump tion aod that no medicine oould cure tier. Her druggiet suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption: abe bought a bottle and to ber delight found herself benefitted from the first dose, (ibe oontinued its use and after takins six bottles, found herself sonud and well, now doea ber own bonsework and is as well as she ever waa Free trial bottlea of this Oreat Discovery at E. J. Bio cum's drugstore, large bottles 50 cents and 11.00 VMS COMMENT. It is pretty generally oonoeded that lames A. Fee, wbile not a osodidate. will reoeiva tbs votes ot bis home del egation In the coming state convention for congress. Congressman Ellis will not be without bis ardent supporters in the convention, among whom will be numbered four or five from this oooe!, but it it appears tbst be cannot secure tbs nomination tba break is very likely to oooor in favor ot Judge Fee. Tbs Republican would be well pleased with the nomination of Judge Fee for congress. It may prove a difficult mat ter to di-feat Ellis, however. He bas many warm frieods 10 Eastern Orevun. bas voted right on the money question, ana Is ss .ber, Indnstriou and painstak ing publia servant. Not lornr airo he wrote ons of bis friends In this city to make no fight fcr him, as be did not waal lbs nomination for eooireee If he or bis frieods were compelled to flgbt forit. Judge Fee if nominated would poll t big vote. Wbile Mr. Fee and tbe Iiepublicsa do not belong to the euma "push," the K-pobiioaa asvsrtbeleee bss Ibe hlubest regard for bira and would like very muob to see bin. oa the nett state tloket for congress or attorney gen eral. Jre Is bead and shoulders above some of tbe men be trains with, and al- Ibongh bs does not know it soma of ble beet friends belong to that faetion of the republieaa party known as lbs friends of Jobo it. alilobell. I'emlleUia IUpobli ean. lbs East Oregonlan believes that tba OtlMt men ahonhl be elected lo fill tbs local offloee, and all offloes for tbat mat ler where Otbeee la a candidate can tx datermiaed. From this baDer'a tar.ia of view it is better to elect a fit man It office Iben an aofll nee, no mailer what may be bis polities. Harsty a fit repnb Ikren is prefarsble to an unfit democrat or popallal, er view veree. Tbe btocls elect men te office to eerve tb'tn, dH to preserve I bie er Ibel pnliiioaJ organise Iron, at 4 tbe lodivtdaal voter wbo de al ree to "vote rtgbl" ebonld oeet ble UI- let accord legly. Tble Wkd foil swing oftbepaity Kaebiae is not credit at lo liUllif.f) m.e, etbarwtMtbsnnffles eeekers. It la grod loeel gnvernmet eenftonileally edmialst.f.d, that ws set la t'mslille conaly, aad tbs men thai will give tbe met reliable eeeer aoetl,,l will U provided arc Ibe ewae wo should be alerted to cfB Real Or egos lea. If Yea tti.b to be a. Tow meet fortify yonr system agaieet tbe ailaeks of dateee. Yotjr blood mmmi be kept pare, year etomub and dig live ergees In order, roar appetite good. Ueeg s H,rsp,f(, , ike medicine ta belM yen ep, purify mm 4 cwrteb yenr Ww4 ad le yoat etretf lb. creetec ee appetite sa I elves digiire nr. Hre Tills are tbe favorite family cathartic, easy to take, easy Ic eperete. 1898. WEBF00T STATE'S DISPLAY AT OMAHA Portland, April 12. Special corres pondence to tbe Gazette. Oregon will be much in evidenoe at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition at Omaha this summer. Unless all signs fail and as yet signs of failure so far as Oregon is oonoeroed have not appeared every seotion of tbe state will be properly represented and interested in tbe display which the state board of commission will make at the city on the murky Missouri. Tbe suooess achieved at the Colum bian Exposition is to be repeated on a far more extensive scale, aod the advan tages to be derived from the extensive advertising, it is thought, will be pro portionately greater. Tbe funds for tbe Oregon disnlav are pledged, there is over 6000 feet of soaoe oontraoted for on the ground floor of the department building on wbiob tbe first payment has been made and the public spirited people of the state are respond ing promptly to tbe calls for the money defray expenses. The subsorintion bonds will be floated in all parts of the state and when the legislature meets it expected that the money subscribed will be refunded. Tbe estimated sum necessary for an adequate display ia 820,000. On this it is designed to have ipplied a surplus of $18,000 left over from the state aDnronriatinn for the World's Fair at Obioago. Although the time ia short, everything is being pushed forward by tbe enereetio commissioners and they are determined to be on band at the opening ot the ex position. Tbe exhibits are well in band and superintendent H. E. Dosoh who euooesefully engiueered tbe World's Fair Hsplay promises that he will carry off as many premiums as five years ago. The state aod people are in muob better condition for tbe undertaking and the mining and manufacturing interests are everywhere increased. Mining being the important feature Bmong tbe state displays the larseat paoe, 1430 feet, ia givsn to this. Horti culture oomes next with 1200 feet: for estry 1200; agrioulture 624; educational 640 feet. There will also he an "dream. oabin" for state headquarters built in oharacteristio style end decorated witb bundreda of Oregon views. Orecron Is tbe only ooast state which will be large- represented, Washington's commis sion soting too slowly and falling lo get paoe. Baker, Umatilla. Orant and Union counties bavc tsken tbe initiative In tbe proposition to be folly represented and alao to raise funds. It was for ths uur- pose of awakening tbe people to tbe vast importance of the grand display of Ore gon a mineral resources at the Trans- Mississippi fair that the Oregon oommls. sion sppointed by Oovernor Lord at tended tba mining and Irrigation con gress at Baker City. It was the first of tbe kind and was very successful. Wbile tbe entire state's resources arc to reoelve adequate repreeeota.lon, min ing is ons o( tbe most important. The mining men, wben tbe matter was laid before tbem, scarcely asked what the popular subscription scheme was. but Instes l requested to know "how muahT" The reminder to Baker people tbat over ia Iba begin valley was tbe premium from the World's Oolomhlsn Einoaliinn for tbs finest display of frolt was suffi cient to cause great applause, aod the commissioners predicted as great results from tbe cxbibit to be mada at the Omaha fair. Tbe president of tbe aewlf oreaniiavt mining and irrigation oonsreac at Oelaer contributed 1250 cash to the exposition fund and a valuahls collection of miner- als. Ike Ouker. owner of the nr..i Northern mine, near Canyon Citv. ta second on tbe Hal, with a tl00 contribu tion, and be will also donate for purposes of display about IJOOQ worth of minerals wbiob bsvc been on display In the Bskcr Oily coegreec. Tbic ic regarded aa a very valuable acquisition lo Ibe (Won commies ion's reeonroee for lbs Trsos- Mieeieelppl fair. Tbs commissioners who lei ted Fen dleton mat with an eolbneiaatie f.e.n. tlon and tbe Commercial eaeoclatloa promptly pledged ao lee than 12,500 from the great wheat country, tliaol and Union bavc made sash eonlrihatloat eol Waeno will do a share. A llel of eontriUlnre will be printed Starr moath Tbe Chamber of Commerce of Fort. lead bavc agreed to co-operate with the Oregon eommiaeiooara and the business lasiilallofts aoj banks will rale, about balf the fend If Ibe reel of the elate re sponds. Ic Ibis way, each by doiss share will aeeare seeeece. Moutbera Oregon's mineral Calls are being eiplored bv special represMiletiee Ol Ibe eummUek. for snaclmene. It K. Use ley, la Im Bohemia dMrlot, t. S Ferkms, al Jeekeovillc, A. J. Froelwb Mr. u. 4. Uteaw, one of Ibe commis sioner at Oraal'c fees, aod ethers will visit all see tin a. Tl.e enamleatoa attSeted bv ft.. nor Lord lo W after Ibe stele's later, eels eoneietc of W. ft. Meeoe.; I. R. Hseslliee, Henry F. Uueeb, J. f. Betebelder aad K D. lamao, ef Fort lead, C. C. Beekmaa.of Jacksonville; J. A. Wrlibt, of Hparte; 1. O. ar. of Oilels; iXiilio Meiselea aad i r. Me-Urka-.,U.l.i U. D. kMl aad O. NO 3Q I. ill POWDER Absolutely Pure J. Olsen, of Grant's Pass; B. F. Allev of Baker City; J. O. Hanthorn of As toria; E. J. Frasier, of Eugene; W. E. Hurd, of Corvallis, H. A. Mears. of Gold Hill; J. M. Keene, Medford: Albert Geiser, Baker CityjEmil Schano, The Dalles; J. Seofert, The Dalles: and F. 8. Stanley, LaGrande, have been added to the commission. They organized with W. 8. Mason as president, J. E. Hazletine, vioe-president, Phillip Metaoban, treasurer; Henry E. Dosoh, superintendent, and J. F. Batch elder, secretary. Mr. A. J. Johnson, tbe government forestry expert is now en gaged in collecting rare specimens along we ooast to be used in the display. Superintendent Dosoh bas sent a man lo get a tree out of which a sawmill oom- pany will get a plank 60 feet Ions. 6 inohes thick by 4 feet wide. The for estry exhibit is assured and as before, at the World's Fair, tbe webfool state will get sweepstakes on it. The business men of Portland are deen- ly interested in the Omaha fair nrono- sition and are very anxious to see a good representation made, not especially for tbe purpose ot booming tbe state but simply lo show to tbe world our wealth of natural resources so as to attraot here tbs better olass of home seekers, men who have means aud who wwli to find desirable homes. D. O. F. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident of whioh Mr. John Oliver ot Pbilsdelphla, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "1 was In most dreadful condition. My skin was al most yellow, eyes sunken, tonsus ooated, pan oontinually in back and aides, no appetitc-gradoally growing weaker day by day. Three nhretoiana bsd given me np. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Eleotrio Bitters.' end to my great joy and surprise, tbe first bottle mada a decided improvement. I oontinued their use for three weeks, and now I am well man. I know they saved my Ufa and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle at E. J. Slo- oum's drug store Demw-Pops Usury. Ou Bsturdsy evening the nominees of the two conventions, democratic and populist, held a ratification al lbs opera house which was large and enthusiastic. Previous to gathsnog in the ball, t tiers waa a small prooession on the street headed by tbe ladle,' band. At the ball tberc was music by tbs band, mala quartette ana piano, Mrs. It. W. Bar- moiomswana aims uora Uart presiding at the Instrument in a very pleasing manner. Ths different nominees mult speeches, deelartng their allegiance to IbC united Dlatform ami rirnmiaina k.a faithfully they would perform tbeir re spective duties. If the dear people would only elect tbem tn Jnne, and this tbey all confidently expected would be tbe reenii oi mc nnion or roroes as sfieoWd. Elder Swift rrarh.t a litlla doctrine and told the people bow he loved every man on ths ticket, while E. ta art a . . r. iireene spots ol "genuine" demo, oralis doctrine, sntnethine ha that Ibis "united" platform Intensely endorsee. tins wsa good osws to tbs many popu lists present, no doubt, lion. Ilenry Blacknan, also, took lime lo tell tic people Ibal be was out ot politics, lint tbic wac hardly neeeesary, In feet it was no matter of news to anybody, but be ing called upon, eom.llilng was neoec eery to be said. However, Mr. Black- man e specie lo lake some little pari In Ibe campaign, in order lo belp tbe on lonlets snnneed before tbe people la June. This will prove "loves labor loet." In the bumble opinion ot the Osteite. However, tbe ratification wm frm several pomie of view and proved tbat there are many people and small boys ysl left la this immon lly who arc able on oeoasions ef Ibis kind lo make a treat a far as aolec Ic Concerned. A Bare Tblag fa, fata. A transaction la wbb h jnor.tinnl a Slice Uilng lilliou.nraw, a I. k t-awl at. Iia, f f rvl tuugta, lover, ita ami a Uiouetl .uw II a era eul by coxi.lijNiiMie and tiui.-iahi liver Ci ,rft Canity ( atliarltc, Imi ua oVrful attw livnr stimulant etxl lnireinai toiilu ere ly all , laranu-Ml turure or money refumlixl I'. C era a sure Uim Tiv a On loUy; uc., -. Umx rWau.'le u4 ttfk.kivt Ik, tk cur Ug mi. lmg Creek Eeglei Krrell llicksaad I. II. Hnodgrose arrived in lbs city Thuredsi svenlng f teat week oa return from tbs democratic slate cos eeelloc. d.perticg the fallowing morn ing tor their borne oa the other si Is of Ibceoanly. Mr. links wac cexceaeful ia bie eff rts lo secure Ibe anmieeiioa for dielrkl attorney of tbe ninth jtJtclJ d'.atrlel, bis candidaey being nnssl moasly ea.luread by tbe democrats, p p- alielc ana silver repablieanc. M.eelr le UlaaC teea. (1an kl ,hi a rkac .b', X, WMhiml II t .ar.rarfa. t afHa ( .ibar. If rUmm yr .l,B. ,n4 k ll aia-am, l tiumtj an lb. Ury br ,i. l .. til in. C.iine !, the t., .I.y 14 Hb pia. t, hu-A.htm, l laxkNU. ai. tbat M, kr l..ifin ,.,Ma t, U.n- I .aM.,-f .a a.h. Ali tiu, ,t s.takiatMa Mi.nt.. X,;tl