1M1 TO TBB OITI8 THK CH0IC1 Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. ' W. ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKA Leave Poriland every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS COMMENCING APRIL 2d ncann Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. uioamara Mnnthlv from Portland to Yokohoma and House Kong in oon section with O. R. & N. For (nil details oall on 0. R. A N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBTJRT, . , . Gen. Pass. Agt. PoBTLAND. OBEOOII. Dorlwell, Carllll, ft Co., Gon'l. Agti., Nor. Pac. B. 8. Co., Portland, Ore. Denver : & Rio Grande UMATILLA COUNTY NOJUNE&. RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OP THE WORLD 1 Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist oars without change MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST In charge of experienced couduotors and porters. Wnn'oi-i! To Kansas City and Chicago, without JlUUUilJ S, change via Bait Lake, Missouri Paci fic and Chicago and Alton Kya. Tnocil'ii'o To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and i UxSUil) !, Boston without change via Salt Lake and Chicago, Kock island & Pacific Ky, IVoiInooiUva To 8t. Joseph, Kansas City and If eUuCMUt) 3, gt. Louis without change via Salt Lake and Burlington Kotite. Thnoflra To Kansas City and 8t. Louis with luUrMlaJS, out change via Halt Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. The following is tbe repob'ioaa ticket pat ap in Umatilla county last Wednes day: For Stale Delegates J. M. Fergnsoo, Pendleton; M. G. Royal, Wee too; A, Miller. Alta; F. W. Vincent, Pendleton; John E. Bean, Pendleton; N. A. Davis, Milton; G. A. Cowl, Milton; L. M. Wat roas, Adams; B. H. Decker, Jumper; T. C. Taylor, Pendleton; T.J. Kirk, Athena. For State Senator George W. Proeb- slel, Weston. For State Representatives J. E. Smith, Pilot Rock; J. K Wilsoo, Gotton- SLE EPERSl W00' 8r' Rnldook. r or vouniy tJiera u. a. currougoe, Pendleton. For Reoorder of Conveyances Harry E. Biokers, Pendleton. For Sheriff H. A." Faxon, Pendleton. For Assessor George Bnzan, Helix. For Treasurer W. C. Kern, Helix. For School Superintendent John F. Nowlin, Weeton. For County Commissioner T.T. Gil lilaod, Ukiah. For County Surveyor John W. Kim brell, MoKay. For Coroner Ralph Folsom, Pendleton. 8T. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY, PENDLETON, OB., BOLL Of HONOR. The past term was one of the most successful of the school year. The students have in every way acquitted themselves in a satisfaotoy manner. The academy was raised to the ranks of a college, thus giving its graduates the privilege of entering the examination for state diploma. AVBBAGES. Mary Rieeh, 98 3; Katie Qoaid, 95 6; Lola Burroughs, 99 3; Julia Rieeh, 90.8; Lesley Carroll, 90 4; Daisy Bowlsby, 85 2; Mary Maddock, 89 3; Luoy Moseie, 86 7 ; Henry Uierliob, 91; Nellie Hardman, 90; Emma Renner, 875; Ella Blake, 87; beer on I i Willov LOCAL BQTJ1B8. J. 8. Boothby, of Lexington, is in town today. What is Hop Gold? Best sarin, bee ad. elsewhere. Thos MoCullougb, of Upper oreek, come in this morning. Liohtentbal Co. for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. , Handles the best. ' 83tf ' Guinnesee's famous r old . "Dublin Stout," imported, at Chris Borehers tf Fine home-made taffy at the Orange Front. A clean, fresh stock of goods leave your orders, tf. If yon need something for yonr system THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG ThOUBLKS AND CONSUMPTION CAN HE CURED. " Aa Emineat New York Chemist and (Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. Annie DeLatenr, 86; Sarah Cunningham, oall at the 'Phone The Telephone sa- 83': T.onvlne Hale. 81 : Anna Caldwell, loon. City hotel building. ' tf A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. AJ ride through the Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Braises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, bog all 8 kin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or Bo nun rannirerl. Ti in 0-nnrantped to ffive . t- ir- i famOUS VOIOraOO scenery. Dereot Batiefaotioo or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Slooum Drug Co., E. J. Sloonm, manager. For rates and all all Information, Inquire of O. R. & N. and S. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 351 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. (!. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. MANY CItuOK COUNTY SHEEP BALES. HUE TOD WIS EflST? If bo, be aore and see that your ticket reads via THe Mwesteni Hub ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIB IS TBB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTn, Sr. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dining ana meeiniia; ui NORTH PACIPIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1669.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82 00 PER YEAR. Sample copies free.) Rural Spirit and Gazette both for 13.00, oash, at this office. ii Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIMt has given this road a national reputation. All i.u.i iii ..niu-n rarrtuil oil tna vestlnulwl trains without antra charge, whip your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. u ti uiih F. C. RAVAGE. ' Uen. Agent. Tray. K. P. Aft. 2 la WiuMngtou St., Portland, Or, OIIIOAOO HiiwauKes & SI. Paul R'ij This Railway Co. - 0erates its trains on the famous block system; Light lis traiua by electricity through oat; Uses the eelebrated elootrio berth read tug lamp; Hons Speedily equipped passenger trains every dav and oiifhl Itetseen HI. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha end Chicago the Chicago. Ailwaukec St. Paul Also operates Bteam-hsated vaatlbuled trains, carrying the latent private eomnartuent ears, library buffet amok Ing rare, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor ears, tree reolimng chair ears, and the very beat dimug obatr oar service. For lowMt rate to any Mlot is the Untied HI alee or Canada, apply to agent or a. Id re C. J. EDDY, J. W. UAHKT, General Ageol, Trav. 1'aa. Agent. rortlaod, Or. Twenty-Five Thousand Head Change Hands During the Last Week. Pendleton Tribune. Immense sales of yearling sheep have taken plaoe in Crook oounty during the last week or ten days. As many as 25,- 000 bead are said to have changed hands The purohaser was J. W. Blake, repre senting Dr. Wilson, of Wyoming. The prices have not been given out, but the Prioeville Journal is assured that they were in. the neighborhood of . vz.bU a bend, after shearing. Of the gross n timber' sold, R. E. Fort ner sold 7,000 Williampon & Sicbel, 6,000; Meyer & Brown, 2,500; William Brown, 2,000; Joi Meyer, 500, and C, Syne, 500. .'. Two years ago the highest price paid for suoh sheep after shearing was $1.15, and very few brought that price. Oordray, the pioneer theatre man of Portland in the line of "popular prioee," has refitted the Westington St. theatre, formerly known as the "New Park. Cordray always has something new, and our people, when below, can spend a pleasant evening at bis plaoe. tf f t I whom Mr, I D riJJR J withappen Trade Marks AAt.. Dismiss Ask V' kA44. BO YEARS' "V EXPERIENCE W. A. Goodwin, formerly of Heppner, but now a resident of Condon, was in the city yesterday on his way to Port land itb his son, a lad 12 years of age, Goodwin says is afflicted ippendecitis. It will be neoeesary operation performed on the 86.6, AmeKa Robinnovitz, 90; Maggie Hardman, 83: Esther Sommerville, 81; Francis Fitz Gerald, 79; Willie Peters, 78; Julia Doroney, 75; Katie Walker,63; Sophia Robinnovitz, 95; Helen Sum mers, 93; Georgie Anderson, 92; Ethel Snafer, 91; Louise Gierliob, 91; Amy Anderson, 89; Maggie Damain, 86; Zita Rieeh, 85; Irene MoCarthy, 84; Dora Laohella, 77; Mary Yey, 89; Frieda Krassig, 91 ; Madeline Scharff, 88; Agnes Peters, 87; Theresa ' Amen, 84; Etna Kopettki, 83; Maud Driecoll.83; Maggie Soharff, 78; Minnie Driscoll, 77; Martha Vinson, 79; Gertrude Fitz Gerald, 72; Lula Nelson, 71; Arthur Wilson. 94; Paul Aman, 93; Ottg Martin, 87; Rossie Carroll. 87; Edwin Gambee, 88 5; John Kenney , 88 3; James Peters, 84.6; Albert Walters, 83 5; Samuel Nulsoo, 82.1; Joseph Walters, 80.5; Leo Krassig, 77.1; Ralph Sbafer, 76; Frauk Hardman, 89; Oswald Gierliob, 85. i; John Carroll, 85 3; Cbas. Nelson, 79; Lawrence An- mon, 72; Frank Stroble, 72; David Robinnovitz, 86; Geo. La Fontaine, 85; Herbert MoGino, 74; John Driscoll, 68; Chas. Jeger, 78; Jas. Kugel, 70; Walter Eggertb, 68; John Smith, 65; Maggie DeLatenr, 95; Josie Stroble, 94; Lizzie Riesh, 89; Rosa Vey. 85; Eva Robin novitz, 78; Bessie Betteobender, 83; Pauline La Fontaine, 76; Lena Aman, 65; Laurentia Pinson, 75; Leo Lent, 74. MEDALS. Medals for highest averages in eaob division were awarded to Misses Mary Rush, Lola Burroughs, Sophia Robin novitz, Frieda Krassig, Master Henry Gierliob, Edwin Gambee, Frank Hard- man. For Good Cond not Miss Mary Riesh and Lola Burroughs. For Neatness Miss Mary Riesh, Katie Quaid, Lola Burroughs, Ella Bluke, Emma Renner, Sarah Cunningham, Anna Caldwell, Louvina Hale, Louise Gierliob and Josie Stroble. ' For Application in Mnsio Misses Mary Maddock, Georgia Folsom, Sophia RobbinnoviU, Amy Anderson, Maggie Damain, Master Henry Gierlish, George La Fontaine. For Caleobism Miss Mary Riesb, Katie Quaid, Lola Burroughs, Julia Riesb, Josie Stroble, Maggie DeLateur, Mary Maddock, Bessie Betteobender, L zzte Riesb, Master Edwin Gambee. Ccpvriohts Ac. Anrnn senium a sketrh and ilennrtntlnn mar quickly aA-triniii our opiriinn rrea wh-th-r an tnrmitton I iirohatily imlenlatile. Cnntmuiitr tlinairltlT ninrlilniiiliU. lUntllxxik on l'itt-nu pent fr. 4l.t.it nir-m-y for ourtng ptnt. I'aieiits taken tlinnmh Munu A Co. raualve IprrUU w4k4, wllliout elmriia, lu tli Scientific Jimcrican, Ask your Druggist for a gonroas 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH IS A hundwitmolr Plntrtmtrvl wwk1f. mlnlton ut mnf (eniltlo iurntl. jia by an Lartrmrt Hr 1rtna. 3 m nw(lmleni. fimr nmntlu. 8L 8ul PQseiBr..d.,.NpWY0rV Hrauch urnw, tat t Ct, Washiuai I). U NEW NAME I Win. (lonJon has ri'-named his stand the old Joiu'h livery stable '.Flio Centrals Ralvd hav for talr. Chargoa reaaobahU. Call nu him and hav Vour Imiim wall i-arml for. wrecoma EijCraamBalm conia.ns no cocaine. nicmirjr n"r any other Injurluusdrug. (iivos Hnlef atonra, im Nai pa-g. rnin (n H EAD AlUra Inflammation. VVtM a saas 11...1. nrl Mmtaria Hi Mcmliran. ltrvtiim th- of Ta.' aait Mnrll. Full ! auc. Trial Sia loe J at iwtfcreialenr hrmill. . . i.l.Y DUO I'll Kit-, M Viamo ritwt. New ork. An Enterprising Druggist. There are tew men more wide awake and enterprising than E. J. Slocom, who spares no pains to seoure the best of everything in bis line tor bis maov customers. Us now has the valuable agenoy tor Dr. King's New Discovery or Consumption, Uougbs and fJolas. This is the wonderful remedy that is prodnoiog snoh s furor all over the country by its many startling cures. It absolutely ourea Asthma, Bronobitis, Hoarseueaa and all BfTVotions of the Throat. Cheat and Lnngs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free nr a regular aizs for 50 oeuts and S1.00. Guaranteed to ours or pries refunded. Pbil Gobn is paying the highest price for sheep pelts, beef hides green or dry, fare, etc Don't forget Phil. 5tt Hyle Corbin went to Castle Rock Tuesday evening where be will begin work with a crew o(,sheepshearers. Wanted ; red headed girl ' and wbite horse to distribute the premiums given Aman nritli TTi n Oolra anart A rtnlu "nit " a tt o y nri.u uu. vone owbj, " - a-30 The ladies' band and the aid society of the Christian ohuroh give a social at the obnrob this evening whioh promises to be a Bacoess from every point of view. Engineer Patterson is . taking a ten day's lay off to visit at Portland and Ellensbarg. Daring bis absence Ed Reese ' has charge of the branch line engine. Be not deceived I A cough, boarsnese or cronp are not to be trifled with. A dnse in time of Shiloh's Cure will save yon much trouble. Sold by Conser 4 Brock. v Dr. J. E. Adkius arrived from Browns ville yesterday morning to remain for some time.' He was aocompanied by two of bis children, Miss Mabel atid Master Arthur. O. G. Fuqna oarae up from The Dalles yesterday morning where be had been tor a couple of days before tbe board of pension examiners for an increase of pension. Care that congb with Shiloh's Cure. Tbe best oongb oore. Relieves oroup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25ots. Sold by Con ser & Brock . v Mart Smith and wife were in from tbe ranch yesterday. Mart ia getting to be one of Morrow county's large sheep owners and this paper wishes him abun dant sucoees. Ladies, take tbe best. If you are troubled with constipation, sallow skin, and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by Conser & Brook. v One kindly disposed gentleman brought the Gazette a load of wood this week. Others owing tbe sbop who have promised wood, should oome to tbe front without further delay. Karl's Clover Rxt Tea ia a pleasant laxative. Regulates the bowels, purines tbe blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts. Sold by Conser & Brock. v RbrepebeariDg is now in full blast and many of tbe idle men who have been about town for the past few weeks are now able to get employment at leat as many of tbem as desire to work. The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo cum, of New Tork City, demonstrating bis disoovery of s reliable ours for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, long and chest troubles, stubborn ooaghs, catarrhal affeotions, general decline and weakness, loss of flesb, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES fall different) of his New Dis ooveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scientific Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely nse, and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of bis infallible care. Soienoe daily develops new wonders. and tbis great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity aa can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," tiled in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in tnousanaa irom those cured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Sloonm, M. 0., 98 Pine Btreet, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that yon saw this In tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. Joly 9-7-1 yr. FOEjYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing -Don't Send Your Orders Away Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work othsr than plain printing. ' However, this shop ia now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prices of any person under tbe sun in the line of druggists supplies,1 blank books, bank work county work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that you have heretofore sent away to get done. The Gazette shop is not a charity concern bat it you will give us a chance we will see that you are satisfied in every particular. Bay your goods at home!' Remember that Abe' Lincoln said that when, one bought goods away from boms the foreigner got the money 'and we got tbe goods. But when . the goods ...were bought at home we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We sre willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and cell up 'phone No. 8. ' 560-tf llie Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. .STEAMEE3, Not a Campaign Lie Lye. If yon are using the common brands of lye you are paying for a large percent age of common salt with whioh it is adulterated in many instances to the ex tent of one-half. When yon buy Red Seal LyeorPotaeb you get an absolutely pore oaustio, granulated like sugar and packed iu large sifting top cans, a-30 trill N 2 i VI fl W MEN!bsM can cured If you suffer from any of th ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, I DR. J0RBAI4 K CO.. .1061 MarketSt, Est'd 1852. Vounrr men and middle i Bared men ho are suffering from the effects of youthful indincretionsor ex- ceflses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical Debility, iraoiency.s.oii Husnuoe in all its compl irnt ions; ti lie r m aior r Ii a, rresinmrrniPB, v.ttfliurrnurn, uirvt, j I'rrauruejr of wrinnliiis, etc. By a ' combination of remedies, of great curativepow- , er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but . Dermanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to I perform miracles, but Is well-known to b a fair t and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his xneeiaitv bp ineaMen or jrsen. nyfimiia tnoroiiKniy prnnimieu iruui "v v.ti.m wllhnn ii.lnv H.PI-lir,. VVI'RV 11 AM fLnnlvlnir in na will re-I , Celveour none onrnfwn of hifl complaint. We win uuaraiuct a rum i i i-u.k k n i every eat I vie tindertoJte, or forcit One inoasana jronara- l Consultation FREE and strictly private. UHAJCOKlt VKki KKAoUsiAISljKa Ireat- ment personally or oy letter. Send for book. The, lhiloaoiihv of litvn-iiure.'' free. (A valuable book for men.) visit ih. joitnAjrm Great Museum of Anatomy i V the finest and largest Museum of its kind in tlie ? world. Coma and learn how wonderfully you I Wa are continually adding new specimens. 'DALLES CITY" AND " ''REGULATOR' Leave Tbe Dalles daily (except Sunday) at 730 a. m. Leave Portland at 70 a. m. When you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. i W O. ALLAWAT, General Agent. QUICK TI1VTE I V San. Fronolsoo AVnd all points in California, via the Mt. Shasta rout of the Southern' Pacific' Co sra made; how to avoid sickness and disease. v are continually admng new spec C.i TA I.OH CS i 7. An Call or wrl lu. ICSt Msrkcf Slrctf. San Francisco, Ct', The great highway throturh California (jrand boenio Hoote ta all Doints East and Sooth. or the i-aoino uuast. rnuman Bonet Hleepera. Beoond-olaae Hleepers Attached to expreaa trains, atfordina aotwrior acooiDBiodationa for aeoonri-claM paaaenawra. For rates, tioketa. eleoDina oar reaeryationa. sto, oall upon or address B. KOEHLER. Manaxer. C. H. MARKHAM. Oen. F. A P. Agt, Portland, Oregon grow paying crops because they're fresh and always tbe best. For sale every where. Refuse substitute. Stlok to Ferry's Seeds and prosper. 1898 Seed Annual free. Writs for It D. M. FERRY a. CO., Detroit. Mich. ' ANUKV HOtl.SK. klrkS Hid MASTER. nRLINGTOfl-FOSSlL STAGE LINE II. HEKD I Vrnntiatnf. A. O. OGILVIE Pr,,Pr,etor- 50 Years.... IN TNI THkOUOU CAttS TG Mr. PAUL MINNK.APOLlSl I l' I. V III lU'TIK. UKLKNA Tu kr-ts Usuwl to all points Is the vailnl hlaU and Cssada. (JCICK TIME TO. CHH-AiVt HasaiaiiTiis lUtnsoaa Nas Toss HrrrsLo All stlier psilats a the r.aet au.l rmatbeaet fOWARA KAMaaa ('iTt Hr. Jier Hf. Iiit'ia ,tSruM Coo; FARC FROM ARLINGTON TO I Small (numllea).. S00 Round trip tO0 Msyyllle (M miles). 1 00 Round trip J 00 I Condon (;) mllre) . 100 Roaad trip a 00 Clem (M inllr.) ... J 00 Round trip l llttHUniit Cnnromuu I Olft UV Billc.) I W Round trip ISO Ptajie leaves Arlington every morning (Hnnday eioepted) at ft o'clock; Is das at Onncloo at 3 p. and anlvee st roe el I at 7 P. b. Comfortable covered oosohes and sars- ful, iperlsocexl dHvera. World's Competition 1 Mt m I n uips Inorsaees Yield nf WimiI. Knbances Value oi Flock . Cbeap. Hale, Has dy, Oleaa, Vll(llroro Odoriees. CHAS. G. HO BE UTS. OtNCMAl AOCNT, .'17 Asli mtrrt, 1-erUaihl, Ot.g.iB. S.U1 liv Minor & Co., ' Ht'ppnor, Or. Keep Siieep and Gel Bid. TI1H WOO I j ItKCOItl) Tells Yes Hewts Ds It. W. H Babb Terribly Inlered by aa Aalmal He Wee Harnesalag-Hls Jaw Brokea aad Tongae Nearly Hevertd. Pendleton Tribune. W. H. Babb, 00s of tbs most popular horsemen of tbis diatriot, met with s painful and shocking accident yesterday forenoon. Be was harnessing a boras at bis 'each oearXflho .ytbes tbesnimal kicked blin in tbs laoet Us was potting tbeorop per aoder the beaut's tail' and was in s tootling position. who tbs toras kicked. Tbs foroe of tbs blow koooked bim down, sod when be, waa picked np bis face was covered ,wtt blood. Tbe lower jaw was Iraotared at tbs aogls and s gash was out Is bis cbrek. Ilistongus was almost est to two. Tbs eat extends diagonally somes tbe yieoaber. B. F. McCnllough brought tbs injured man from Eobo sod bs is sow at tbs Goldeo Role hotel. Dr. W. O. die, bo is iu attendees, etitehet) Ih wnncda. It was s psinful operation, but Mr, Ilatib did not Hidob. While tbs Injnriea sustained are eevers and very painful there is no danger of say serious reeulls from tbe eoouli-nl. Ileaaty le Blood Deep. Clrun bltMMl means a clean skin. No lieautv without it. Cast-arete. Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, b stimuli up the lazy liver and driving all im Iiuntiea irom the lioUy. Hegin to-(lny to lanish pimples, lioila, lilotehca, blackheads, and that au kly bilious coinilexion by takum I aarareta, lienuty lor ten rents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. The Hwagsart Property Sold. Ths gwaggart property whioh was sold yesterday at sheriff's sals, was bid in by tbs following persons: Saloon and ground, 13 feet front, was bid is by Henry Heppner for $700; the restaurant property, 22 feet front, was knocked down to J. W. Morrow for $700. Ooe- bslf section ot deeded lend, situated io Black Horse, was purchased by W. O. Miuor for $560. Tbs Tab Springs plaoe, near the 8end, was bid Is by Jas. Jones I for 8. W. Spenoer for fboO. Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON - The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET Il tlis) lilacrt to go Li get your Cos pork snj lamb chops, steaks srnl rortats. I'elos Depot ennssetiims at HU Pan I. Mlsseapulia, Kaaass City, llmal.a, HI. Iasss an I other pnniit seat putst tletftfost eherkeJ thnrngh to dVet I Bating t.l tKAets. Tlrusk Ikkels lo Japes and ('bins, via resonia and Mnrt hers I'ef.llr. hlei bip Uvuipsny'S lilt. FISH EVERY FRIDAY fine rureit bams and lin. I'm. b l larl, aMie ret.4e.l. i4 . Mlabnl raM I'tM l lor lal '. a. iu:nj. mathkws. Hysspestal srrargenieut ws ofler to our reedtrs The Wool Record as I 8etui-Wetly Gssotie, one year fr $3 00. Tbs Waul Ilesord Is tbt only sational e4 rrf as sod stivers tbs wool Industry from tbs raising of tbs sheep ts ths sell ing of ths BBssufettared srtlels. It is published weekly si New Turk sod tbs regtila priee Is I'iUO a year. Itssttaiket M-tMirts are full and emp s snd Its Hheep UteedeVe' Talks sloss are wottb 10 limes tbs pries ot Ids paper, Hanpls sopses on epplieatios. Msbeartily retvmintesd this eoruH. Satins to oar ssbeenliers. 'line lAI. Ibices NURSKK1ES, R. M WtiCR. Pees. Tit tALui, oruoriT. ieei sixl ! Is t rit, Vbeds ) Oeesrwsesl Trees, rr full isfUisatl.Hi. time CsfJe,.eiA , Orsss Viisss ssd Smstl rrwils. t,rkeis, sto, sail Ml w wnts lU'trTlni tiro ("nwn.Vii!- ;niiuu. A.t M f Hr. Isel O.B ra-S. A,l L - ft' mane Falls i northers NELSOS 4 FORT SHtrPARD nUMtOTAIUULWlVS Tl,e Only All ltall lU.ute Wilhool Cbsngs of Csra Hetweea Hjxkaoe, iLieales.l SoJ Helens. Ales twtwess Sle..n ee Knealaul, daily eii-ei-t Husduy , a M ,...,,. . ai r v IHSl 4 w ... ... . ILmmM ttmP tl il IMM e I M. ( - i "!. suk etaeasswe S 1 a. 1 a.-....i 1 . M,s (HaS fMI t aVIrtl ti'fe Weekly r.tesraeiws Is Throe Can te Us Mat. Asotber through tooriel ear 10 tbe Eaal has been arranged to ma sot of Portland, glvisg foor each week, lie rs- arter ths ear lerving Monday will ros Ihroenb witbonl sbanss to Kaoaas City ssd CMreft,sver lbs O. ft. k H., Urs- rs hhort liss.IUs Orasds W eaters, leaver k Ills Urasds, MiatxisH l'aeitte aed Chk-ago k Altos. That car has set bee srtssged for, snd ths eos prev lone ly ehedule.l for Mooilay lias bees ckanged to Thursday, It rose thronih to 8t. tinols, vis ths sliaaouri I'lOiflo lies. Tbs ssr leaving PtUad Toee-lay goes Ibrosgb to Bnetos, sod is pry-eaoted by tbs Cbleago, Iturk lalasd and feet Be. Wedneedat's ssr (sos to Hi. Joseph, Kaoees City snd 81. Ioula, ever lbs bsfllngtoa. All theoe special Ibroagb reus ere ixeivif sgrstifylag pelrosae. liaU O H A H. Agesl le(ore bay lag tickets to Ids t-ast. A Til ELY WAKMNU. Orals Moved ts Mosey Made. To save ths grln nse Fry's Concen trated Hqmrrsl Poison. Tbis prepars tu it is tbs ebeapeel snd most soooorn leal for lbs farmers. One grain kills. Gasrasteed. Frloe 2Ro per cao or $50 per ease) ot two doeo. Fr sals by Slocura Vtng Co., Qeppner, Or. tf Jeesis Hhellev. sos of Paetor IL L. Shelley, baa taken s posiiioa ia ths drag store of E. J. Hlncom. nnpnnvT onnirni ivtiii).. unriUUsi Located on the O. R. k N. Railway midway between Pendleton snd Walls Walla. Students admitted st all times of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Voesl snd Instrumental Mosio taoght by competent instructors. A gradu. sts of tbs Boston Cooaervatory bas ebsrgs of tbs Instrumental depart ment. Tlio Icidles' Bocircllntr I loll Is thorongbly eqnioped snd offers ex. eellsnt Moommodstions al reasonable rates. Bsnd for estslogus. Addaeas M. C. ROYAL, President sf Fsoulty sr P. A. WORTHING TON, SeereUry Bosrd sf Regents, Wsstsn, Ore. I 'flierf K W. Kbes k On. poeilively tserastes to pieel any priie on wool bags, Tbey h i )( l sndereu'd snd their ruslo tuere nay detnd ea tbis pf"lxeitlwo, as Ibey are Is It lo stsr ts tbs Helen, JH if Jhs (J Wila.10 eans Sp fr ru aleta yesterday saorelng Is Im I sflet III lo tlreitl Ii Ib'S vHrtttf, Ql'ICKKHT AND M0rT MRECT UNE TO UTAH. COLORADO. NE BRASKA, KANSAS. MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points E AS! and SOUTH- WOK AT THK TIME. NEW YORK. 1 days CHICAGO. 3J - ST. LOUIS. 31 " OMAHA. 3 SALT LAKE. 1 1 " fre ttewlising Chair Cars l'( bolstered T 'Qrtet Hlsepleg Csra rsllmaa Taiaes Bleeping Cars Fur full partlenlars regardtag rales 1 1 iuts si IrsiSS, eto., rail on sr s-IJreee j. a ninr, Agesl U. Ii A K. Ox, Metpeer, Hreeos C. O. Taast, W. E. tis, Trav. rose. Ait. CKsl Agt 114 ir.ii It , retllesd, Of. HHT.NEH Hi Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Morse ? AH Ihesa co be procured t Thompson Ilinos, lxwer Mtio Btreet, tieppner, urpgon. tsmlletaea are veil aeqnalnled srtth Orvnt. Harney. Cmnk. Ollllasi aad ether aattatlaa and raa smra aaoney and Ume la aukln Uwee aacUotM eltb traveling aw a. frtree la keepln( a 1th Us time. THOM PSOIST Sz BT.NNS, .lll.l e3a That 14-Ycar Old Stuff, 'Kohn's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon s s s IT lew MAHit noona s s s Wsw Btaad, C.ty Ilutel Balldiag, I. Si