Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 08, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette:
Friday, April 8, 1898.
For Representative,
of Heppner.
For Sheriff,
ol Heppner.
For Clerk,
of Heppner.
For Treasurer,
of Heppner.
For Asseuor,
of Lexington.
For Co. 8chool Superintendent,
of Heppner.
For Co. Commissioner,
of Pine City.
For Coroner,
of Heppner.
President McKinley, haviDg
I shown the world that the U. S.
was not seeking a quarre with
Spain, and Spain haviDg declined
its last opportunity to give up
Cuba peacefully, and having added
insult to injury by treating the
loss of the Maine as a trivial mat
ter and suggesting that it might
be referred to international arbi
tration, there is no honorable
course left to this country except
to use force in driving Spain out
of Cuba and in establishing the
independence of Cuba. Congress
will next week, upon President
McKinley's recommendation, an
thorize that course and then there
will be war. This war has not
been sought by the administration,
but every preparation has been
made to fiprht it to a speedy and
victorious close. low that it is
almost upon ns, there is no doubt
or hesitation in any quarter. Steps
nave already been taken that will
result in the necessary legislation
by congress to provide the money
Washington, April 6. It can be stated authoritatively that after a
conference with the members of the foreign affairs committee of both
houses the president has decided not to send in his message nntil
The cause of this decision was a dispatch from Consul-General Lee,
received at the state department this morning, saying that it would be
impossible to get all the Americans out of Cuba before Sunday.
The tiokel nominated by the repablt
can oounty convention on laet Saturday needed to carry on war on a scale
appears at the bead of this oolomn. By large enough to make sure that it
lookirj? it over yon will be oonvinced will be short. There is but one
that it ia oompoeed ot good men from feeling in Washington, and that is,
lop to bottom, and as a whole it will be to give Spain a thorough licking,
a hard one to down at the oomirjg June regardless of any attempt that
election . It i early yet to begin any may be made by European powers
active campaign work, for 4he opposing to prevent it, either by diplomacy
foroes have not pnt np their men, bnt at or by force.
this time it appears fitting only to give a That hostilities are not on at
abort personal mention of each oandi- present is owing to the fact that
date on the ticket. the president, for purely humane
The first name on the tioket ia that of reasons, delayed sending his mes
E. L. Freeland, for representative. To sage to congress until Monday.
the people ot Morrow county and the This was done at the request of
state of Oregon as well, this is an office Consul-General Lee, who pleads
of great importance at this time. Mr. for more time to get Americans
Freeland ia the man for the plaoe. He away from Cuba before war be
is native Oregonian, well versed in all gins. The patience of the Ameri
the needs and requirements of tbie can people is being taxed almost
county, and will make a winning race beyond endurance, and the tension
regardless of who may be bit opponent must be lightened soon.
on the C 'on tioket. The Gazette sympathizes with
For sheriff, "Long" Dave Hamilton Is tne president and we Lave no
the nominee. He is an old resident of hesitancy in stating that his course
the oounty and long identified with its has been just and right. Now that
best interests. Tbete seems to be but war is to come there is no doubt
little doubt that he will be opposed by but that the same cool and calcu
as strong a mnn as the opposition oan lating head that has thus far di
put np, but Dave Is a sound republican, rected matters, will push the war
well liked by all who know him, emi- with a vigor that will soon put an
nently fitted for the duties and require- end to the butchery in Cuba and
ments of the offioe, both by eduoation forever settle the hash of spam
and business expHrlenoe, and be will be Let the war begin.
a hard man to down. The oflloe of
sheriff is one of tbe most important In y?E predict a hot time in the
luo ooonty ana u. a. u.mmon n. C(mrt hou9fl tomorrow
man tnat will nil 11 10 tne entire sbhs.
fnpfinn nf the nennle.
Vawter Crawford is the nominee for The demo-pops' grin is not so
clerk, ia a native Oregonian and has broad since last Saturday.
been a resident ot Morrow county for
nine years, during the greater portion of
wbiob tune ha baa held the position ol
foreman on tbe Qszette, Being better
known to the writer than anyone else we
refrain from giving him an extended
pofT at this time, desiring, rather, that he
may make himself known to tbe people
nf the oounty at large by personal Inter
onurse rather than through the oolomns
ol the press. Huffloe it to say, however,
Washington, April 6. At the request of the president, Represent
tive Hopkins (111.) took Representative Berry, (Ky.) a member of the
foreign affairs committee; Mr. Sayers, (Tex.) the ranking minority
member of the appropriations committee; Mr. Dinsmore, democrat,
Ark. the ranking member of the foreign affairs committee; and Mr.
Newlands,- silver republican, Nev. to the White .House this after
noon, and showed them General Lee's cablegram. '"
The cablegram said that General Lee was loading 2500 Americans
and that it would be impossible to get them out of the island before
Sunday. He said that the condition of affairs was inflamed, and the
transmittal of the message might cause trouble.
The president frankly explained' the situation. He said the message
would have gone today had it not been for General Lee's cablegram.
The safety of the Americans at Havana, and especially Genera!
Lee s personal safety made the delay imperative. The .democrats all
expressed themselves as satisfied.;
f Last"
We simply knocked our
competitors silly with our
display of
Boys I Youths' Clothing
the finest ever shown in
this city. Our prices are
as low as the lowest, if not
a little lower.
This e
We'ask you to examine
our display of
Being complete and up-to-date,
in all the latest blocks and
styles, in Mens' Youths' and
Boys' hats.
Prices guaranteed to be as low as the lowest.
Watch this Space. Something New will
Appear Each Week.
Our show window will contain a different line ef goods each week or ten
days, and our advertisement will call attention to each line we put forward.
Space does not permit us to mention all our extensive lines' at one time.
London, April 6. On the highest authority the. associated press can
announce that the British government has assured the United States
of its fullest and most cordial sympathy in carrying out its Cuban pol
icy. This assurance wan given with the most complete knowledge of
the late developments in the negotiations between the United States
and Spain, and on the understanding that events are tending strongly
towards armed intervention in Cuba.
Notice of Intention..
tiAND Office at LaObandk, Oregon,
March 10, 1898.
followine-named settler haa filed notice of
hi intention to make final proof in support of
lila claim, and that said oroof will be made be
fore J. W. Morrow County Clerk, Morrow
The Very Latest.
A special bulletin reoeived from The Dalles at 10 o'clock todav. savs
that Gen. Lee has been recalled from Havana and all relations of the ?gon' at Heppner' Oregon, on April
U. S. with Spain will be Bsvered Saturday. Spain will not yield and
only war will satisfy her.
vengeance upon Spain. Up to the
present time I have been opposed
to any intervention by force in
Cuba and I was one of the few
republicans who voted against the
recognition of Cuban belligerency markable cures of all blood diseases.
mnrA thnn iftnr nan . when thA ,ne One True B.ood Puriflt-r.
question was presented to the
house. Now I am ready to use
our army and navy to drive the
Spanish flag from the island of
Cuba, and I will not only follow,
but 1 am prepared to lead in a
movement to authorize the presi
Pre-Emptlon D 8 10540, for the V14 NW SEi
NWU and NW!8W(8eo 15. To 4 8. R 29. W M.
He namei the following witnesses to prove
Mi continuoua residence upon and cultivation
nf aalH lfltiri viz: Anriv J. Cook. Hexpkiiih
April Wisdom. TlnDett. of Heooner. Oresron. Robert 8. Clark.
T). ... .. li ji of nurdane, Oregon, and Abraham B. Chapman,
Be sure that your blood Is pure, yonr 0 Vinson, Oregon.
appetite good, your digestion perfect. . ..
iopuriry your blood and build np
your health, take Hood's Saraapnrilla.
This medioine bus accomplished re-
E. W. Babtlitt,
Land Office at La Gbindk, Orkoon,
following-named settler has riled notice
Hood's Sars.parill. has power to make i"'' ASSi
enrichinff I before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Ore-
I gun, v uauuuei, vsickuii. uu niit ioo, vast
E. W. Babtmtt,
No 1, vol. 1 of Arlington Re
view, arrived with our. excliauges
this week. It is a bright little
weekly and we winli it success.
The republican ticket, nomi
nated laHt Saturday, is growing in
favor with tRe people. They rec
that this is an offloe 0! Importaooe tothe pgnie a good thiug when they
taxpayers ot tbe oounty and one, should see it
tbe above named gentleman have the
honor ol filling, it will be ooodooted in I KVEUYTRINU UOW poiula to the
a way that will prove satisfactory to tbs noininatinu of Ti T. (opr for gov,
isxpayere, regardless ui r.rV ..u.,.- fl . ...
tioos. . ,
Mat Liobtentbal will handle tbs coon- mike a strong lac ana a goou
ly's money for tbe omnlng two years, at governor,
least, and to say that tbs office ot good
you well by purifying and
Wnill Klafift rrininn lintl an n a- n S At A
u H""iw,.uu JOHN T. OALI.OWAY.
nerve, menial and digestive strength. Hd E NoM53tor the BE of See 5 Tp28R27
E W M.
One or tne big greys belonging to tbe hit continuous residence upon and cultivation
Hennnnr (ran. far .nmn.n. rnt hi. ,. of said land, Tin: A i. Btamp, M. J. Devln. W.
rr - , u o. McCarty and Foster Adaon, all of Heppner,
laamnea in some manner wuiie crossing uregon,
tbs railroad traok near tbe depot yes
ilAnf tn toufli thn RnRninh Dovern. terdav. and in atroiriilina to frne him-
I I 1 1 a : x li a.
ment that she cannot insult this lof hoof off. (I J mitnuun.
natim, with imnnnitv and hidfl be. U tb00hUnal b' 0l,re,a' ",not it r AND OFFICE AT T-E DALLES. OREGON
m, OBSy again grow out. This is DOS ot lb 1' Marc h a. W. Notice is herel.T given that
. , Hie loiiowuil nftmm Kuier iiu mru iu,i- ui
In tbe OOQotf hia Intention to make Anal nroof In snriDort of
hla claim, and that said proof win be made
beiorai. w. Morrow, uounty Diem. at neppuer,
(Jregon, on Saturday, April in, rm, via
acetxLenb gas. ?2' M"!Ji Vu tm ,or u,e
He namet the followint wltnowtet to prove
kl. ...I.I ...4 1 4 I ..linn
toina la an niLli tionftl railHA for 1 he light Ot tbf future. WbT not bs of. Mid land, vli: Jainra V. Khea. Halnh L.
1. ... 1 - , 1111 f
an immediate resort to force. It ,naeen""D "a 1 own little L)r.,iitn,oregoi..,.nd3oph M.on. of ioue, I
... . , . . . lk .1 : piant wnico win give lonr times un-gon.
win uuv uu ill trunk iuo uiuwiu ujj
hiud the cloak of diplomacy. The m(Ml . ... ' ,
American people are inflamed be- RDd will prove quite a loss to tbe outn-
ond endurance by the method she paoy.
has employed in dealing with the
Cubans, and the destruction of the
Ui'R political opponents are
. . a a
aware tnat tney nave , a popular
ticket opposed to them, and to
beat a mau on it will take the very
bout efforts of their combined
y treasurer will be filled by a strictly
honest and capabla man is onnsoessary
as Mat is too well knowo all over tbs
onnnty tor tbe Oscetts to add anything
that would atreogtben bis staoding
among all ol asses ot people,
J.W. Hhipley, lbs present Incom-
bfiilof the oounty sobool superloten-
u. M..Hinnl.vi..oonm.n who Os wry hand and from al
possesses svery qualification neoessary over the fitate come reports that
for tbs duties ot this important ofllos. iuhiod should be pronounced con
Mr. Hhipley Is well known In all parts tm'loa, tot that ia its ultimate end.
of tbs county and will bavs lbs booor of How u wU work jn Morrow
fi ng tbta on os tor two ysars mors. . , . .
way ol tbiuklng.ls ons of the most im
portent io tbs county. J. r. Vtlllis. HoMEidoaofthefeolinRinGm
having served two years in Ibis capacity . . .11
. " ., 1.1 .u Cess may be gamed from the ful
..I llw.rn.iuhl nuilaralanilinor lha '
dalles end reairements of lbs oluo., ,owio8 w)rili of Hprecntatire
will make a hoi rare against any mao Orout, of Vermont, one of the most
thai eomes np against him. conservative men in the honxe:
J. L. llowarJ is reoomlnaled lor eonn. Lm in favor of swift and terrible
ty commissioner. Us bas served funr
years faithfully and wall, which oom
msmls Mm to lbs peopls lo 0 way that
Ihsy onlJ out olberwiee bs rssohml.
Mr. Uoward will bs fleeted
Dr. K. It Uuoloek, of Heppner, was
the nuanimnns choiee of lbs onoventioa
for ooroner. Us will make o good oln
oer, and d iu'I overlook lbs faol that be
Is goiog to ! there with both feet, It
is probatile that hs will bare Do oppoel
tkio, and Id lhal eass bs will doohtl
bs sleeted.
As slated above, lbs Osteite will rsv
fraio from farther eulogy at the prsweul
time, bat II Is onr inlrtition stand by
lbs lirkot a am J and do all ia our pow
r to brlp elt It, tCvsty othar re pub-
lies ebooi.l dn iimvib. ibis la do
lims lor aotimnt, but a lime fur work
OB IliS part til lbse whl twliese lo tbe
principle ot lb republics part?. Tb
way to sineeil is to stand l lb repnh-
llcaa Dot
Who wouU prtKribe only
tonici and bitten (or a wcak
puny chili ? Its muscles and
i nerves arc to thoroughly ex
J hiuitei that they cannot be
whipped Into activity. The
chili needs food a llood
? making, nervc-strcngthening
m and muscle -building food.
way lo aonesti is 10 siami o in report- a
Oz:JTn'tt"m ,b 10 ,b I Scott's Emulsion
Ibe mUMI-ii-tue-road Kpa
lints-thoae who are fighting for
principle bare botuinatl tbe ful
lowing ticket:
(lownor John C l.ui
Hfy. of nUti Ira Wakefield.
!'Uti troamtrer- J. K. Ktr,
hUL uU iuat J. 11 lloeuer.
Ktate printer D. It. (lrev
t'oiiK. lt I'ihL -J t Hill.
Otbrr ullj-s wrro Irft prn for
atitiiS, but will ytut wbljr l filllJ
la 4oi tlni.
of Cod Uvcr at Is all of this,
and you still have tonic ia
the hypophotphltes of lime
rvl soda to act with the food.
For thin ni delicate children
there Is no remedy superior
to It In the world. It means
growth strength, plumpness
and comfort to them. Be sure
you get SCOTT'S EmuUion.
more lishl than ordinarv mi nr al.nfriji
1 ... . i i . t:ii: f ' " "
Ol our Dauienn.p anu me niwiug ui ,ghts at one balf the ooet? Applioable
our gallant sailors as simply a for ass io churches, stores factories,
distressing incident of the Cuban hotels, resideooee and country homes;
ituation. The destruction of the "f8r ,b, ord,Df M or kMOW,n
uia.u no uuuo 1Uu, w u.wauw DDderwrUer, lhrongbool tb
American uean man an iua uug States. Wawaolafirat olaes aseol in
ist of cruelties practiced upon the every towo. Writs for eatalogas sod ' "pp0"' 0ron-on onAi Prtl "lw"
sufferinir iu Cuba." prices. TOE ACETYLENE (US MA- charles p. barsett.
w , oaoru. wuio. ,d ,,,,,1 ...a 2(w. TdJ R AS E W M.
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
LAMOOrrics at Thb Pau.ss. Orkuon,
February , I1.
fnllowlnf named srttier haa filed nnllrs
of hla Intention to make final proof In
anpport of hla rlalm. and that said proof will
In mads hrlnr J. W. Mnrrnw, t ouniy uirri,
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
Is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
i ,.
Heppner, Oregon.
(i Eli si ANY baa ofliciatly an-
The It? f. W. E. Potwine will hoi J ao
, . ! easier servico as ins u- E. cuarou oo
... . . , . .. TaesJay eveolrg of neit week, beglo
wsnuonio remain neuiroi ia uisj BiD( 7a) o'clock. Appropriate ao
war between the U. 8. and Spain, thema will bs reoJered by the choir, and
bat recent diplomatic occurrences I ao off.riog lakso for Oeoeral Uisaioos.
have aronaeil a suspicion that the 0. T. Mai lory has closed tbs bowling
U. a may be op agaiott Germany ".owing to tbs liones Impoeed by
lfr thn Kn.nih war haa nro. ,n' co",m- ' p'euy
, , r. . Steep. Wo bear that there Will bs SO- lfrl. W, torr..w,CointTCI-ra.el HeppMr,
ceaoa very ur. 1 ne auapicion. olbr pot , by 00 mtQ ,,y ur... on
nt tlB(n: Hd Ko tl tot tbs XW, Bk t,
II namva lha fllnln ltnmia In prms
hi rnnllniioiia raaldrnr upon and rulmaUnn
I ald land, Tli ; I harl P. Barnrlt, John
MrMlllan, Rdaard I. I'aldivr and Char I
Mnallatar, ail ot tsalnctusi, rn.
J A, r. StoOBl
T. is, , PKur,
of Uxlnaton: ltd K No i for the fl1, NEI4
in hit 1 and 1 w i,ipiiiiiiwx,
Ha names lha folloolu itnwa tn prors
hla rontlnuona raldm- uimn and cultivation
of aald land. ! John T. McMillan, Edward 1.
Calmer. Charlr K, MrAll.ir and Thomas a.
Nkhols, all of Uxlngum, Orrtun.
at-t iulair.
Laid Ornra at Tms Dai-ls. Oatornt.
11 lolloolnf nanad attlr has Olad nntloa
of hla Inlvntinn tn mat Bnal proof in support
nf hla rlalm, and that aald proof will he mads
oircumatancea U ft claim made by thai bs ceo make it osaceese, Ikeoa or
Germany open Fnaia for prop- ooliceos.
w m m - -
erty dostroyed in Cuba by tbe in
urgent This property wm only
lee troy ed about three wke ago
and yet Germany ia talking about
using force to compel a settlement.
It wilt Dot greatly surprise diplo
mat if Btain aettlea that Ger
man claim by ceding to Germany
a portion of Cuba or I'orto Rioo,
solely with the intention to de
feat the plana of this government
Are tslnlng to ramuiy.
ttnainras mm a ad trsnt.
Irrs rarry Uwta la 4
pva. U4l- wrf IhMa
-11M, ImrtuKu, tf
skwta, Irta4a riniimS la aa tnaaaa. W
rill a t t lie or snosmoa gla
lltctict Ot ConttBt Timber Culture.
Laso Or, h a at Tss D.ua.. Aimaa
Marrh IV 1-aS.
( IhHi ofhra ht lha dnlf rlS4 and r.rfn
raixl am.latll BUiWt mn, allvtrtnc that
JuhnC Si,ra..hn ! UmM ruilr. .utrr
r4. ( iha r',i4M Mp 1 MM R, at
lha land 4Rr al 1 b lalla. the PIS) daf M
.,.mhr, im;. ami hla hlra ha hoii,
iB.I.,i.d aald tract, a d ha falla and ttra
t. id al all liBwa aiivra tn mm ar aitr
to make Cuba ao Independent re- ,. Ui II staod twe.i,.foo, boor.; T":'. iXttfSTJrZi
public. If Germany agreod to ae-Htlmeotorsltliog laJieste ao oo- S J'',rH" ,,M;'i
ucheplan, it would U deliber. h'h .aiii. 0rths kMoeys. Wbe
ately done for the purpose ot pro. , . .. . .
voking a acrap with ua, ao the ,,,, w . ..... ta ftW
Monroe doctrine eiprrssly forbids hBg pmf lhal tbe ktdoeys aed blaJJ-e
the aotuirioff of aldiUonal terrt- ar ooi ! ord.
1 ... nn .U k.M anal W0ATTO1K
t Vu .u.- Tbslseooifor. fa, tbe koowl-lgeso
hurotean government and the U. 1 mtpttmmit lbt4 1)r, K.iow.
8. 1)M too otlen retteiatisl Its In- narnr.Ko. ibe great kidoey rwt
li'tilion to tnalutain that d.ctrioe toiSIs every wtab lo Mlevtsg pia lo tbe
at all haiaitlo for ant doubt to ei- . '. Noddf and My
ist ao to what our jaioitioa
le in am h a rasrv
Itaav-twdy , Ska.
ramrs Cant falr'arilr. Ue Srcvat mom-
dr.1,1 amlx-mi U,-r el US) s-. p
a,l and r'rah, In th uu. a-
and ixiaiUToly mm ai-lnma. Ilf mm4 Wi4,
ik-anams lha rUrl i . s1Url lda,
Cur hnt.la, t , haHtual r-malpl
a.t h, I, aa llar IxiT ad ITT
walo4 ie ewre by ail arUa.
Dt of Ibe onoary ts)agV It sf.
reels Mial.iMy 1 4 bold arias and s aid
is pals la paeateg 1, of bad ffls 1.4
towieg a as f liinf, wise or I, aad
e?msaS Ibal oapleaeaal sjaswawily
beieg rosapelled lo gat op so ny Homo
daring Ibe oigbl t ortoale. Tbe salld
aed the titiantdiaarf efft f Rwmob
nml M Oiieo iwsii'isad. It stands Ibe
btgbl tot Hs waeJ.ffal ooeaoiajlbe
ovwt dsdrawaiag saaas. If to
raarvltalUMi M aald antrf . lb aald part m a r
f-r maaaxwl and rinlrd aa h and
Mt Man J M . nmnii rlf tH M,.r
n, rnuiilr. at a l at Kti'twi, oa
Ik lath d.f ml April lav at h orl.-a a a ,o
ahi da. tha ami tnf la pn-lwa awh ttl
m.nv. aa th-f aa ha. a cnrtntn lt aatd
ailrf 'a h St,al a-artn la bl nl,n
iK. aaiMr ana awtr. ai ia ijua. u
lh xa Ut 4 AfH. I" al lh km) n( u
ri,a.a. JS siill, Mwl,
ui j Wf. M Bl'tua, Im.iiu.
v'oti. t is Mtarov UlVIN TNSTI'O
i at aa.1 lt ' 4 aa rtiMi and
mutrt mi !, 4lf "d rHlfl l" d Ml 4
t t trrwll l tha ! nf rna, An
and a ipw mm in l'ia
MM.if and
da, 4 Mar l S "tf m and -
.taiiii mdml ad nid la aald r ft.
mm Ik ink mt M." fc. ! la a anil IK.a
ih.ra4.- N.'I'M lWB, ' 1.
A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al
ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling
of prescriptions.
When you hear dem bells!"
Belled exprens is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
"'I OF I0NE awv
e Ee.p. A General Slock of Merckniise
llltd ol
,.in II
.!!!. . K.IU.R J,m-W , . 1 .
. ! - ,,.,-. it. ,. wa litts. iM
J.a TV.. I..ii. "4 Mnum "
k.aIKf fcllla mt art P
n aad Ma'ta ! I " dai mm t srd.
aaniaasd wmMiki saa mi l lha '
ito 4-vnwd i .! Mid th
4f mt Bmfh. a.dit a a.. aad wtlt. mm
TeeealSf, t0 1 tS stay o( April, 10,
.. .w. mt t rbl la taa inraM mi
0 aad o .) a, at r d 4 awn
- I.. . in. .. . . . , . k..- i. N.ri..' a .? i",,., w i
mww - f -n mm in man , . i i- A, ,, . al th
a 'l wmmt W w.. ,n
a ,a aa 4 mta .-, -,?,t. t
InS ssaf fear a moamo awlite i-- -m mi ' i.
by drafftala. ffe lh oaoto ad e
I t.ss is I op a as'ly faeMy la dnlter,
Il,anlsj . r IbetMy boildleg al i-Mr,l batk s-al fra t y mmt,
SB I will keep t t.and 0 fraeb eUrl fl Ofa teoanit nl Ibrsw lee swot stewr to a-aaM arr." .kwM. j.-.,
. I ilata a tt'ai-lta ' -
rofacllocixy ood fesx-y gfnt. M I mnnt e i4 f sawlage e the b,!a ' .m a al l a ' d i,.a ia ti
M ., mm. 4 a I . .if
rwr t.tk )tta " . i
cmawfclCikMHMa,iVa. w
Including all the Staple, Hardware, Tin
ware, Harnett, Stockmen' Supplies,
Wood and Willowware.
First Class Goods and Low Prices
is his motto.
ioni, oiu:qon.
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....1.... .Ill t mIi u ami " H'lrV I la i,4 atd l i a . ,
, tbMaa a..,t. a'""" I .,lo.f 1, 'lt I t, ua --a N
. I " 1 psnitlnsi, ?.. I . I . f"ti-m ft V ft ',("" fc "
alts Olll we SO sWal tmr Ibe siai t.mm gMl tsaoitteoaS of sw " a fV' V
otstset w glso. ;.. .!.. "mVZ""UmZi si Mitel 4 Wta 1
IVlerchant Tailoring!
trahamMck it the pmnvcr tailor of Jfppp
llt wrk 1 lwaytfirt Hsm an 1 rtjsfac-
Mr. Ahrahanmick
tion fpjmnutd.