Tot OFFICIAL slvWfV YOUR MONEY'S WORTH . THE Seml-Wefekly Gazette AT $2.00 A YEAR. PAP E It ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF THE Semi-Weekly Gazette IS YOUR MEDIUM. FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 8, 1898. NO. 638 SEM1WEEKLY GAZETTE POBLISHID Tuesdays and Fridays ' THE' PATTERSON ' PUBLISH!! COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON Editor; and Bus. Mart. At 3.0J par year, 11.00 for nix months, SO ot. lor three manias, strictly in advaao . , Advertising Rates Made Known on : i Application. ..-.; -, Entered at the Postonlce at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. THIH PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Ageney, 84 and 85 Merchants ISxohnngs, Ban Franoiaco, California, where con tact for advertising can be mode for it. L P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVEBTI8- ing agent, 21 Merohants' Exchange Build ing, Ban Francisco, Is our authorized agent. This papar is kept on file at bis office. - 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 8:30 p in. daily except Junction 12:05 a. in. 8:30 a. m, and ar- Sunday arriving at Hi eppner Xieaves ueppner J unouou rives at HeDDner 8:00 a Hpokanfl Express No. leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Dmt1 ilia 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No. S, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 8:00 a. m and Heppner Junction 7110 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portlttnd B.25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnction 8:Z5 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:80 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:2S a, m, and at Portland 7 :2t a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. K A N., Heppner, Ore. OFFICIAJj BIBECTORT. . ; - United States Officials. P'eirtent William McKinley ifiiw-Preeldent Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State John Sherman Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Uage Secretary of Interior .. . . . . Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War ltusHoll . Alitor Secretary of Navy John D. Long Postmaster-General ,...JamesA. Gary Altorney-Goneral John W. Griggs Sucretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Horernor W. P. Lord Bneretaryof State H. K. Kincald Tmssnrer Phil. Metsohan Hupt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. ldlcman Senators McBrid. Congressmen Printer..... .., JThos. H. Tongne Ellis W. 11. Leeds ( R. S. .IF. A. ?C. E. Bean, Supreme Judges.. Mixire. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. V rcnit Judge Stephen . Lowell P.oxHjuMng Attorney H. J. Ueitn Morrow County OBlcials. joint Senator A, W. Gowan lUnauniiiln J. N. Hrown CimntyJnrlge A. G. Bartholomew ' Commissioners J. it. Howard Clerk ,,y'fo.7ow ' Sheriff K. L. Matlock ' Treasurer P'anlt Gilliam MMor - ' " Hormror.T-.., m '...4 ... an flwrts School Sup't....- Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner I. F. Vauglian Mill mwil OVFIOXftH. Ma.or Thiie. Morgan Councllmen.... E. J. Hloeum. M I anh ten thai. J. R. Simons, J. J. Robert, J. W ll..n. ....I It 11. Mtrrv. . . . IK.!,. -.!, Treasurer 1 w- "P"" Marshal John Hearer Precise! Ofleeit. JntianMha Fmm W. K. Kichardiion Constable M. 8. Whetstone Belted States La4 091 Cera. i.t. Moore RneHsr A.fL Hiaaa Heoetver K. W. Itartlett. Hegli" J.H. Itubbina ... Receiver sjjbchjbx iociacxix. KAWUNS POST, NO. IL G. A. B. Uli ml bmiutng. Or. the last fUtordar of arh month. All Tstarans are lnvltrf In Jmo. .a u; uifh II. (). Ktiuti. - ' - 'Arfiataat. tl t oimnUr. D. J. McFaul, M.D. HEPPNER, OREOON. Offlae bnnrs, 8 to 10 . m., and 12 to 9 . m.. at reai.le bo. W. A. Kirk'l prop. rtr. rut of M. K chorcb. Booth, and 10 lo 12. . m . to 2 to & P. m. . at ofllot lo lb rsar ol Borg'i jewelry itrtr. Brown' & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offlo to tb Kirs I Nstiooal BniUlog. Uirrma, : : Omoon, Bank If . Ellis & Phelps, ATTORNEYS AT LAW All business eltn1l Is Is i fromrt ai4 ailsiarury Mowr, tiutertet l ulolc and Collator. Offks) la Hatter IMIof. Hpper. Or -D. E. OILMAN, GcncralColIcctor Pnl rir I4 "t aa4 In tils yoeff Snntwy old nl Uie Mikis eperieiir m nani ultarUoB. Office ia J, N. Urown' Ituildioa, W. A. RICHARDSON Justice of the Peace and City Decorder. ornet COUNCIL CMasJMft Salt and bnts rml MU'. rvnta a'tnM, mi aM draa entiTvra'x-Inf act fe J ) In Mr af In at lln. at nmI.Iiw U First National Bank v or nrri NKR C. A. PtHCA. - T. A. siMia. OtO. W. CONtCN, . W. l-.irCCl, a rVeelt View pVweideM Cashier Asa t Cwekiwr Trxli t tkl-t B;i:'TA EXCHANG1 - Om ail ( W ! Bought and Sold. tut" a!l Pta rann.t'.e lr U fedMi( rvds tit - When! Going Ess t . . . . Use a first-class line in traveling between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, and the principal. towns in Central Wisconsin. Pullman Palace ; Sleeping Chair Cars in Service. and The Dining Cars' are operated in the interests of its patrons, the most elegant service ever inau-j gurated. Meals are served a la Carte. To obtain first-class service ticket should read via. your The Central Direct connection at Chicago and Milwaukee for all Eastern points. tor tun information call on your nearest ticket agent, or write ' Ja; C. Pond, or Jus. A, clock, . General Agent, - 246 Stark St. (ien. Fas. Agt Milwaukee, wis. Portland Or. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable ault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Repot of C. B, & I H., M. dt HI. I-., V. ill A., Y . f t. W. dt (J., and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. l-i A.T l M OU.OO PBR 13 AY I Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts., WEEKLY 1 lltf MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York The Outlook will be la 1897, as it bas been during taob of its twenty-seven years, History of Our Owo Times. Io its various editorial departments The Outlook gives compact review ot the orld'i progress: it follows with care all lbs important pbilantbropio and in dustrial movements or tbe day; bas complete department ot religions osws; devotes moob space to the interests ot tbe borne; reviews current literature; farnishs cheerful table-talk about meo sud things: and, io short, aims to give freah Information, original observation, aod reasonable entertainment. Beginniog with the fifty fiiflh volume, tbe paper will assume the' regular maga sins sift wbiob will add greatly lo its onnenirDoe aod at tractive) . Tb Outlook U pabtUbed every Saturday 6tjy two issues year. Tba first issue la each month ia aa Illustrated MsgaaiDS Number, eostainlag about twice as tnaay pages as tbe ordinary Us tie, together with large somber of ptchtree. Tbe pries of Tbe Outlook Is three dollars ysar In adr aooe, or lees Ibaa cent day. Head tor Diea epy aajiiiusirat- e prospectus to Tbe Oat look, 11 Astor rtaaa, New York Cltv. ftTot ft BsUaPH. While ftm MS foar Mbaavlntisei ymi4 up fr I aakes rr Wa4 ta free f atiswu. rWa. P. O . Inew, OrH.irase. PIli Ufl aril wr; svut. shh asi tan klsu (Vm . . Jna.Or. Harmm. mum to l .iil.; Manfki Mpi SMuk sh m eSJ toft sod olit ta nakl. tomilmm. W St ,IMbiu. 0.- .(U. R lie rWki swb.utl la aak mt kimm, M U yn kip. rir PlM.rvlaa.t.-tt.mBj M ltt,l M Uri alMisktaf, sMUs Sasie Ml hKtlaip la nii ear. w Flnnaaa, l. aw Hilt. rlat k'ti aim r vimi JiaMM ftarrr. B-rrHHW. Is? - tl.irM buiM SJm U Ml !. UWi na'tla W i M nM kip. mum mmUrti ka Umt as. tUnfa la Hum aat. i. 4. f.lli. Iaa. TV W mil, pifvleT an lafl auftnt aaitia. am aa nM kip, asai kail wm la ftaM aa4 auttl Ian mt laaar. kn, !. .-. Hnaaat ktM tkl aj hat kip aiiKimul arw ad laft sari ajHtar ! aa ia rtaM taakaf, J W Wt ioap IV Mi l i pvaadal I. and mII aV-i.ri wim auaa aa Ml kip, vMiia avar t.M r. Mir aliw la rM M,nn. riaa. nwea rt a'ua. rihl kip, kaa aa laft aVaiMar, Sow, m , Naaaaa. o .-aaaa. aw kaft atmaktai aatila m-w aa Ian kip. rw.a J. W tVataa. I i k.aa (I aa swaiVtan aliUaWM raM kip. Pwkar 4 tl mm a. Hsrdaiaa.llv Wan Ifaa lfi anoaiVsr. Praran. ""la k.aa krn4a4 kar and HUu aa kM aan.taf . raut. t.sai Miia, wm.J W . tlaai. i -Umm. It mm. Ma4 aataW aVa.tavt a', aaajsaa laf Imp. r Ml la ait aa. . W , ll.,ta. Ov - Haraa JQ aj ( altia. O aa rW kip. I i - I Smm r ! . tlapaa', fW - f .Ml S aj j kei kip ans a aad aadVaat m kaft pr, lari li.aj m .aj lai at.aaaj. Ika4a, A . tt.ii.awaa, . m Pi mal. a at au llr WIU ai W1aala I a) lift Srtlk aa4 H. kpafe athata.ia.. W. , a! anar-a. mi I aa '", a t 1 aa Mn,i k.r , . , k . . ,m Mi a SW pa lett.wd lasai' r9 t m pad Vegetable Prep arationfor As similating theTood and Regula ting theStomachs andBowels of PrombtesT)igesUoT,ChEiful- rtess andRest.Contalns neither Opium.MorphinC nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. fycy (HdUrSAMVELFircma Pumpla Sml' . AUCJtnnm Setft Jtmwmatf - fHrmSad - ftmifnd Sugar . hnhyrmHrm ' Aberfcct Remedy forConstioa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh ness and Loss OF SLEEP. . saansasasjspiaiassBsasw Toe Simile Signature of NEWVOHK. faiM- (Formeihj the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER. OREGON. MRS: L. SMALL, Manager." Now Open. New Methods. New' ment. Strictly First Class. Rates, $1.00 Per SPECIAL KATES BY ffiFA first-clans food barn rnn and from all trains. We solicit your For more than fifty-six years it has never failed I . '.. .it re in us wceKiy visus to inc nomes 01 farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT II A" M'tilultr la)fl f'ir Ihrtr tr tr.tfirr btitnts rwl fam liitvfwsta, IT MAS I. .list Ih. sr!.l., nlm(ln( and MH'iii and ni IT HAS a lanl In Ui.l ss In the m-H tff'"" nwtWIs nl rull,siln( and asrvnatlnf his rrofts anil lh liftiir tlm tnnnvr1 IT HAS W-l In all ln. ivrtalulnf tn th atri'araal latawrsaiid llifi. siid lur ef a hall a eeaturj nas Uwif enftietr sti - it iB tna, Ncw York Weekly Tribune, And we fwrviieh H HN the CAZCTTC.ene yeef fee (2.78, eaah In adveeee. adir-..i ,d.r, a. THE GAZETTE. Will o.i na and ad lnas M s (X'l IkiIUI;, e4 a '-yj ol U htm WHITE COLLAR LINE. 1111 I IS f liver find i) iumn TOJJUONi, EtIUl Uavaa A Mar Hiraat lki-1. I,rlUn.1, loliimijia I ak aa4 Neferaxia. trf aeaniiaw wMb llwaew aa4 rail- rnvl; alaw al Yowaa'e l ay wit a kat,Bia kailrot, Laa'aa Pamead I A 1 I f m 4 lM fot'f "a, S-af si a. S ,...rl4.M1 I OOHAIv laa.X ad sd M. w In I T a. ' I wiaiiKMuinnn,li m m kuaaj a 4 at r W l ;;t CUAii u titii tif t ; For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears SigriE The Kind You Have Always Bought. ' THt eCKTSUM SeMMNV, Mrwvoes eirv. M anage- Day and Upwards. THE WEEK OR MONTH. in connection. Free 'Bus tun to C87.nor.12 natron ace. BOllN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. IM tipin.. fr the Imprm'Swuiot Bf rhvlr the . . iture Aft J. i w a, for .uiua. lor elevatlua el Am.rxaa BisiihuM and liMtrurllira XotU n( ,t d Hhfl ol the nrM, the tbe.m Into lit lmrwmi H.rHlut ol mm.rv. i tmitmm. ' en4 II kidaj W al. Trtb'tna lifllf a, Vew Iwk Katklf T rMiaM l,l fca aasliad U r iiscl Sound Navigation Co a v w i . va a.'a-sa JiniET 1N0 OCtAX HiVL Astovla, llwaaa. Ltwif iVaeh. (Wti Ttitinrnown W laj.iv. eeat aavUv. M fxilt ett4 aaades IIAILHY OarVTIrtaTJftT Sataktf plaa It f aara tm M-Uf. M .,M. I r M WAVH ' l4 VanaT . Paia.U al I l. I tt l: lata 1m if PKESS COMMENT. That was fine eadoreemeot T. T. Geer's own county cave him, when it declared almost unanimously for him aDd against Gov. Lord through its pri manes. The trouble with Mr. Lord can best be illustrated by a little anecdote: Ad Indian was sailiug down stream in a boat, using a small fir tree for a sail. The strong wind was oerryiug him past his landing place, when some friends ashore asked bim why be didn't stop. "Too d n muoh bush," was bis reply. Our governor has been afflicted the same way. Oregon wants a governor in fsot as well as In name and not quite so ''d n muoh Bush" and other side Issues. Valley Transoripl. Reuben P. Boise, ex-whig, ex-republi- oan, ex-demoorat. . ex reDublioan. ex- greenbacker, ex republican, ex granger, ex-populist, anything for bflice, is a fine specimen of etceteras to place be fore the people for their suffrages, Had the republicans continued the old fossil in offioe, he would be shouting today for the gold standard; but becoming too in firm to- attend to the duties of the office of judge, the republicans put a man ic his plaoe capable of filling the offioe and hence be falls over into the demo pop oamp to be set up ns a god in that taitb. It is extrenioly ridiculous. Valley Transcript. . , The slowness ot the president creates great impatience in congress and through out the country. And yet lima be wise. Tims yet may be wanted to complete preparations vitally necessary for offen sive and defensive -war, and even a day or two may make a great diffeienoe in supplying ships with prpjotiles, or in bringing them into favorable positions or attack or defense. Of all ' these tuings, and many more, the president and members of his cabinet are in better position to Judge tbao members of oon gress oan be. Impatienoe therefore, honld not be unreasonable. The day of waiting, is, however, praotoally at an end, and new eoeDes will be set on the publio stage. Oregooiao. , uemnorais are gooui ropoiists are good I Repnblioans are goodl Demo- TP, . . . . . n . . pops are1 bad. Silver-pops are bad. Demo-siWer pops are bad. Democrats are good, becansa they ara In favor of soaod money. Populists, middle-of-tbe loaders, are good, because they stick to tbeif principles. Bepabhoans are good, are tbe salt of tbe earth, because they Stick to tbelf principles and stand for sound money. Demo pops are bad. Tbey are mongrels. Tbey are mleoegenatioD ists. Ditto, silver pops. Ditto, demo- silver-pops. Tbey ara all N. O. T ara oot lika Causer's wife.' Nor bis oi. Nor bia sas. Nor anything tbat belongs to Ceaaert Tbey ara like Esau, wbo fooled bis old fstber Isaac. Eeaa sold bis birthright for a mesa of nottaae. These Derao-iilvdr-popa bsve sold tbslr birtbrfgbt for tbe hopes ot so or Us, Tbey sre bigger fools tbt.n Esau. Hs got tbe pottage. Aod be got bis fatbsr's bless ing. Tbey bavs got do orfli, nor are tbey likely to. Hut luatead of tbe peo ple's bleaeioff, lbs ara getting tba peo ple's conalug. Wbo ara ouT Wbo am I? Yes, what's jonr name? I ara I am I am. Damfiool I'm uitsdl Have yon any priueiplesT Wei, I Dead ta bsve. Let's es. I nsad to be a democrat. Tbao I sbaogeil to a pop. Then to a demo-pop. What ara yoo Dow? What am I oowT I am ao an in lel ll si bil l-lr! A batT Aa lo-aom-pre-heo-sl-bll-i tyl Fi- plaln yoorself. Well. I'm a val.e ta di-aa-ri-aat That is my prinololes ara aolealthy. Cbangiog ao suddenly my principles bsve takea cold. I've got tba la flo-end-wiaw. Ah I sef The earaaolloals bavs dropped duwq into tba picorieektam. Ily bead enatlneally foes t'urer ri.ter l r.ier rlMerl Yoo ara ia a bad ill. Take some of MeKlnlrj'i aurfativa pellets. Ott Soma of tbat initial it ieferadura ant of yoa. Then a beavy dnaa ot salts will relieve yon ot the Imperative toamlaU. No wundar you're skkl By gnra! I Iboag M I bad S tape worm! Do yoa think Ms tbem Ureal things that's lamploa- roood la sty alidnmidal regioosf No dootl of it, new playtag there fe ail moatba. I'll li'asa. Ceo yoa gM me some of Kla- e'S palltlS? To be ears. Kifht awsr. aolok t,(t1 Bat say. friend: If ton.! Uke kfdCioUy's will kei ek sll of tba dm"ptpKf err owl of yoa 'iierr ibaa ya aaa aay wJark ll.Llo anr Will it kill ll.amath.1 Ja4 (aUd glratet lrsirs thai ara ruiolbg my Inaard? Yee, It will pulverise Ibaia, Tt.a If a tote tba UeKiaUy llekei la Jaaa ysa will be a maa among mew. tiaa Co. lupobltaee. It waa a great bluff tbat lbs Hiraoa riag made, abial prlollug tba names af lbs Voters at tba repablksaa prliasraaa, but, ataa It was aalla-t, aat iba (will books were c II. red f ,f flllag, It sppaarad tbat tba slerfe bad already reMited ale iMlraetloM frtm tba vm aal to file then. The ft.lratlHi of I be a a ma woal.1 bavs pruVad tbs f bareMef at lbs falee at sU m a is Ike enUid sa. argaa of tbe nag baa b stak lag sorKHMkicf ih lsili aud ike ei.sraelaf uf Iba Vjte al Ue k h. a 4 tl.ertf.yre lb of!ar weal turtb Ital lb bo le ebnwld ad be repaired by the !sik 1 1 td ! aeeart Ibat Ike tote wee liaht, sad tbat lit I KM V. tars aM el flOl t IUS SlNtllfl lit Sfbll. cation of the lists would disclose the fact' that the largest vote was Cast at that election that was ever oast at so uncontested primary eleotion Id the oity of Portland. It is easy to assert that the voters were jail-birds and hobos, but the lists would show what base lies "and libels such assertions arei The faot Is, that the eleotion was attended bt the best oitiZ9ns, and the 'vote was spontaneous and not bought and paid for, as will be the case' with' tt greBt part 6f tLe Vote in the Simon primaries. , ' ' No, the threat to print ' the names was ft "weak and childish piece of bravado, and was never made with an intention of keeping the promise. And, as for the number of voters,' the Simoa primaries will be s travesty add a laughing stook. The overwhelming defeat of the Simon ticket in the republican primaries in dearly every county in the state insures strong anti-Simon convention , at Astoria next week. Simon will not be able to name a Candidate tor any plaoe 6h the stste tiokel. Geer will be nomi nated by aoolamation,' and 8 imon's can didate; Governor Lord who has not even carried bid own county! will be an Dbidentifisd relio ot the 'pasl.' ' And in the1 congressional conventions 'the great threats of the Simon ring to defeat Ellis and Tongas will be ft sabjeot bt amuse ment and jest, for both congressmen will be renomitaUd Without opposition. 1 So it transpires that the boss Is not omnipo tent in Oregon after all, arid that eveti with the use of unlimited ' money, and backed by a hired ' newspaper organ, be cannot hold up the legislature, as ha did last ' Winter, with ' impunity.) Morning Tribune. ii i . I. ; Could Not Wear Shoes. "I was troubled with sorofula. I had sores on my feet so that I was unable to wear shoes. ' I saw Hood's 1 Sarsaparilla advertised and read many testimonials of cures of sorofula, and I procured two bottles. By the time I had taken them my feet were well. " Thomas A. Colb mai , Davidson, Oregon. Hood's Pills ours all liver ilia, for 25a, by C. I. Hood k Co.; Mass. POSTSCRIPTS. Mailed Lo well Bx Lea Vebnom. After tbe dust Tbe street sweepers. It is the sign of aga io a woman whan aba begins to get out of a buggy back wards. Every woman has a pretty paper-cut ter bat continues to open QpSgsiioes with a hairpin. A man wbo really enjoys a ohorob social will raiss oblu whiskers if given a ebanoe. When soma people get on their 8uo day clotbea, tba people who sea tbem on tba street begin to enquire wbo ia dead. Cleverly bandied, a blufr ia a great thing, but there ara so many bunglers Soooees seldom tlrea a man; it is fail ure tbat overworks him. fit Petsr-"Did yon read tba 'Yellow Journals wban on earth?" Pilgrim-"No, sir; I ' read only tbs people's paper, wblob oootaioed all tbe local news, called 'Tbe Province,' pub liahed ia Vancouver, B. C." fit. Peter-" 'Tie well; make this maa leader of tba Golden Band." A lacy man can't help it any more tbao ao Indostrloos maa oao. MIIa baa broken my beart" wailed tbe beaatlfal Vancouver girl. "There, don't take oa so," said bar friend lo tones of pity, "It might bavs been yoor bicycle." "?io, said tbs anxious mother, "yoa do boI want to marry tbat reporter Iblnfe of bavlng a basbeod wbo never g4a borne aotil 2 or S to tba snoralng." "Hut," aaid tba maideo, "arsa'l all boa- banda tbat war? Papa U not a reporter and yet be Dot tbs aeilous motber deollned to lUUn. "Tboae aew shoes of yours sqoeak awfally." "perhaps they ara not paid for let," aaid bis Mead, Harry Oweell.- "Tbat'e all aoostiss. If there's soy thing io tbat, why don't my tost sod my pants sad my bat eja-ek too," Wbo a maa gels la tba praeeonaof fteaotiral weraaa Da Bever baa sesea eaongb left to .sow whether she is la telllgeat or aot. ONI kvr.ui no." I bold be bsods. The lama's ray l4urr la Irldaaranl ilaf. A atone bar Innaj' atildan ptrands, t'ha.f4 Pin lt kanr iaas asads Willi a hi. k u4 Tims aattt to itMintf. I Bold kf hanl s er (ale Is plMlii, laf aar, la sll.noa there eontanl In elray, Uke one a kn palta but l"f aotamaDd. I ho4 kar kaa-U. 1 lial Is the p4 litre thai esfRla As aeMry spfllal lift S lhaU Wea ls II I M r-UM WuUl k aay. Oa the kiane tbs Will plaf theaa knpae ah Iwaai trots the Wraat kahda. I bold kef heads. liraadlallf (teryaaa. iate:-I was dreajfolly rvoaa.aa for relief tixik yowr Carl's Outer Row! Tea. It qal.Ud ar aetvee aadsirtsfib e4 ay wbla bi'ms system. I ass (rootled wllb SVMiStlpatroa, klloey lad bstwet Irwwbte. foal Tea Boas staeeaed any system tbomag bly thai I rapidly raa:lbed health, sad etrwag'b. Mrs. a, A Seest, llartftft4 IVwai tint 4 b CMf Klesb. POWDER Absolutely Pure STATE ENCAMPMENT. Grand Army or the Republic, Woinaa's Keller Corps and Sons or Veterans. The seventeenth annual enoampment of tbe G. A. R.. W. K. 0. and 8. of V. will be held in Tbe Dalles May 17', 18 and 19. Tbe members of the looal posts, Tbe Dalles Oommarcial and Athletio Club and the citizens generally are tak ing a lively interest in tbe gathering and are giving unstinted aid to its suc cess. Kedaoed rates have been Beonred from tbe transportation companies and hotels, end the people generally will do all in their power to make the affair a buoobbs and pleasare to those In attend anoe. It is expected that there will be at tbe enoampment the largest number of veterans and their friends ever before H ,.1 . . .. noBBuiuieu ingeioer on any aim liar occa sion In the state. How to Look Good. Qood looks are really more tbao skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy oondition ot all the vital orgnns. It tba ver be Inactive, yon have a billions look, it your stomach be disordered you ave a dyspeptio look; if your kidoeya be affooted, you have a pinched look Secure good health, and you will surely ave good looks. "Eleotrio Bitters" is good alternative and touio. Anta Hi. redly on the stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotohes aud boils, and sivea a onorl oomplexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Bold by Hlooum Drug Co., E. J. Blooum. K ..... uiauHKer. uu oenia per Dome. EASTKtt PIKK1BAM. Following is the program for tbe anion services of the Christian and M. E., South, cburobes, April 10, 1898. Morning, at the Chtistian oburcb. Organ voluntary. Opening bymn, bv eougregatioo, Responsive scripture reading. Prayer, Voluntary collection. Song. Recitation by Eva Bartholomew, Anthem. Address by 0. R Howard. Anthem. Evening, at tba M. E. oburcb, Sooth, Organ voluntary. Opening hymn by congregation. Scripture reading. Prayer. Voluntary oolleotinn. Recitation by Lorena Meadows. Bong. ltacllstioo by Miss Mabel Herrlo. Antbem. Address by IL L. Hbelley. Antbem. A Bare Thief rap To. A transaction lowliitta youi-annot loaelaa Sure tiling, llllioiistinas, alrk liwailai'iie, lur- rnti tongue, fever, illt-s and a Uiouaaml oUier Ilia aiw t auatl by itnitiiuiinu ami bIuitkIbu bmr. Can an'U Candy I ulliarUc. the won. drrftil lint liver stimulant and InUtailiial Uiuui are by all Unionists f uaranuaxl to euro or moiifv rafmnlua. C. V. V.. ar a sure Uilng. Try a Imi to-tlny; IUc., t'e , 60c it ... bttuiylaaud bookie free. bus our big i Ha at (iter s Klei'llua. Al tba election held ia Sampler Moo day to vots oo the sabjeot of In oor Mi ration, aod tba aleolioo of muoicipal offioers, io coaforrnlly with a permlaaioo to tbat ilTml iaaued by Baker oounty court, 100 volee wera oaal io favor of in- oorporatino and 21 against. Tba f .l- lowing named wara elected to tba re apentive ciffliwe : J.N. Bellows, mayor: r. J. Hallock, rooorderj W. II Hawley, treasurer; Peter Carpmiter, marabal; A. W. Ellis, Wm. Hiiusiio, W. II. Olea- ana, W. W. IvHiney, 8. H. Horner and E. A. Caen, coaDOlImeo, We will pereon ally gaaraetew tbat HampUr bas a first- olaee reoordar. F. J. Uallock waa raw corder here for two or three terms aod gave peiftot sali.faoliia. Hberroso will make Humpter a good oonarilmaa, having aerved onr city la tbat rapacity vry Satitlactorily. We koow whereof we speak, Tbe Hbakers at Mount Labaaoe, a aommaoily of simple, boaeet, ()d ftar lag bmo aod woroee. bate prepared tba rlbaker Dlgpatlvs Oirdial f-n many years, ead It lo always tba same, simple, boaeet, euretive mlloios that baa helped ta taaka the Mhekere Iba healthy, twig lived people Ibst they are.' TbeHbakera awver have Indlgaatuio. Tbts U partly owiag H then simple ale ol life, paitly to Ibo Wondarful properties lf rlbaker Digaatlve Onr lial soppliew what's want lag, hbakar Digeetivs t'onlial lavlgor- atea Iba atomarb an I all lis gtaade at - ('bat after awbila tbey dun'! aew.1 kelp Aa avhlaaxa of tbe honesty of Bbaktr IKgeetive Cordial, the f.rrotls ke ptiaU. low every bottle. Hold by drasihHs, i pnre 10 eala ti 1 fi per bottle. Bt4eaaa tart tkavaks Wnk eaepareta, H Ii C t C l.i ii. ii i t ft! itt ri-i