1M1 Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD -SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD TO THB OTVBS THB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha iwn AKr Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. W- ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS Onean Steamers Leave Portland Every 4 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. 8teamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohoma and Hong Kong in con nection with O. R. & N. For (nil detaile call on 0. R. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HTJRLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. POBTLAND. OBEOON, Dorlwell. Carltll, A Co., Gen'l. Agts., Nor. Pao 8. B. Co., Portland, Ore. RUE TOO G01H& ERST? II so, be anre and nee that yoar ticket reads via Weekly Excursions to the EAST, In through tourist cars witbont change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced conductors and porters. Mntlf'sivs To Kansas City and Chicago, without cnanire via Hi t Lane. Missouri raci- flc and Chicago and Alton Rye. TnncXim To Omaha. Chicago. Buffalo and ucouaju, Boston withoutehanKe via Salt Lake ana tnicago, Kock Island & facinc Ky. To St. Joseph, Kansas City and Ht. Louis without chanee via Bait Lake and Burlington Koute. Tkn.nJi,,, To Kansas City and St. Louis with' lUUfSUOJS, out change via Bait Lake and Mis souri racinc railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, inquire ol O. R. & N. and B. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 2S1 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. COUNCIL MEETING. City council met io regular session on last evening. Present, Mayor Morgan Connoilmen Sperry, Kaamus, Slooum, Simoos, Lichteothal and Roberts, Re corder Richardson aod Marshal Hager Bills allowed : J. W. Matlock, $150; John Hager, $50; W. A. Richardson, $16.63; H. L. A Water Go., $70; Wo. Cowios, $1.50. Motion by Roberts, seconded by Liob- teothal, that committee on "Health and Polioe" be instructed to hire an attorney at $100 per year. Motion by Rasmus, seconded by Lich ten thai, that marshal be instructed to notify all persons to olean np their baok yards. Carried. Lumber sold to C. A. Minor, $3.85; lumber eold by John Hager, 25 cents. Ordinance No. 61, amending liquor or dinance, and requiring applicants to petition oounoil for same, read third time and passed. Ordinance No. 62, licensing bowling alleys at $100 per year, or $25 per quar ter, passed. Ordinance No. 63, prohibiting the ridiog of bioyoles on the sidewalks, and providing penalty for same, read third time and passed. THE UNLUCKY "18' BAYED BY A DOG. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Uloers, Salt Fheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, ana all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfeot satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Slooum Drug Co., E. J. Slooum, manager. NORTH PACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1669.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at Halt an hour before she had been a beautiful fairy, floating about the bril liant ballroom. Now ber hair is flying, and triokling eddies of perspiration ohased each other around ber crimson taoe and bare shoulders. She puffs and blows as she olings to ber partner in the waltz for she comes from the sea level and ber wind is short. They had not spoken, something must be said and ber partner lisped, "I see by DEVOTED TO Lirje ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IB THB Great Short BETWEEN DULUTIT, St. PAUL, CUICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SODTLI. Their Magnificent Track, Pterins Vestibuled Dining and HliMlng Car Train, and Motto: "always on time" bai glvnn this road a national reputation. All nuuinri cHrrlml on the vrntlhulml train without entra eh urge. Hhl your (might ami Iravtil over till lauiou lino. All agent have ticket. W. II. MEAD, F.C.IUVAOIC, lien. Agent Trav. V. A P. Agt. iih Washington St., Portland, Or. Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its weight in gold to every farmer aod breeder in Oregon, SUBSCRIPTION: $2 00 PER YEAR. Sample copies free.) Rdral Spirit and Gttzette both for 13.00, oasb, at this office. CHICAGO drakes & SI. Paul R'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Lights Its trains by electricity through out; Uses the otdebratmi eleotrio berth read lug lamp; Itnns speedily equipped passenger trains vmv dat and Oiht between Ht. Patll and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago; the Chicacio. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates Bleara-heated vestibuled trains, carrying the latest private compartment care, library buffet amok Itisr car, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor ears, free reclining chair cars, aod the very best dining chair car service. Fur lowest rates to any point in the United Steles of Canada, apply to agent or address U. J. F.DDT. J. W. CAHKT. General Agent. Trav. I'm. Agent. Portland, Or, o n x s THROUGH CARS. TO Hr. PAUL MlNNr APOLIH miurti rAIU.i IUT1K UlLfcNA Tickets Issued to all tx.tt.U In lbs Colled HUlee end Csosds. yUICK TIME TO . ('llll lM Want'irt lULramaa Nsw litmus All fiber fOwstu points Ks C'itv la the Hr. Jtra f.et and . lin ts Honlbeeet lUisruS M 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1 " Tradc Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. AnYnnn1ln; sketch and rtrsrrlntlnn maf qutrslr asiwrtiilii our opinion frsa wlithr an tiiriillnn Is prohnlilf patHiitnhlH. Cnntmiinlra tlimaRtrlctlrcinnilAuttnl. Handbook on Patent tent trim. tiMi'st nirmiry fir uncurl!! patni s. I'dtHiiU taken throu-fti Munu A Co. receive iprcUU nocks, without chime, lutlie Scientific American. A hn1inmplr lllnMrntp-i wvklf. rArvMt rlr- riiUltnn of any maliif liln Journal, l -nriim, 'A Tir; fniir nmntbs, L tkilU bjr till nvwadpalora. MUNN & Co.88""0' New York Hreucn (iltttxa, (lii F Kt, WanhliiKluii, D. C. HIS BAD BREAK. Thirteen populists, Standing in a row, All with their grip saoks, Down to Salem go. Little Joe seduced tbem, Took them all in. Wined tbem and dined them, And filled tbem full of gin. Thirteen populists, All able minded (?) men, Led by that Sucker, Whom they oall U'Ren. Jonathan herded them, like a band of goats, Kept them in the Eldridge blook, And fed them fancy oats Right direct from Portland! Oh the fun was fine. Joe had those reformers All in solid lino. Tbey went down to Salem, All for to make new laws, They got into the Hod's paws, And then into bis jaws! They'd never been from home before, The ropes they didn't know, So Jonathan deliberately Delivered them to Joe! They kept them forty days, Aod then they turned tbem out. These thirteen verdant populists Have all gone up the spout! Tbey all oame sneaking home, 'Mid the people's loud ha ba'a, And said: "They'd never go again And leave their dear ma mas!" Moral: Don't aend dem-pops Down to legislate. Tbey oao nothing do To help along the state. Tbey will wine tbem and dine them, And fill tbem full of gin, And then Joe and Jonathan Will surely take tbem inl ronr-Yrar-tlld rhllrt W-miUk n Dom in tho LUNG Rex Allinebam. the i jear-old child of Guv Allicgbam, who was lost in the woods near the residence of Gay Ailing bam, on Fly creek, Crook county, has been found. It seems that the little fellow was playing with a dog and bad a rope around the dog's neck. ' About 2 o'olock a week ago last Saturday afternoon the boy was missed by his aunt, Miss Dollie Allingham, who immediately com menced a search for him. She struok bis track Bnd followed it nearly two miles, and lost the track and was com pelled to return home. The neighbors bad been notified and by dark a search ing party, with lanterns, started on his trail. His traoks followed a trail that leads from the Fly creek ranch over the Matoles for some distance, when it sud denly left the trail wandering in all directions. At one time the tracks came within a mile of the ranch. The search ers took up the trail where it was left by Miss Dollie, and by the aid of their lanterns oould keep on the trail. About 2 o'olock In the morning tbey lost all trsoe of the little wanderer, and a bait was oalled and a fire built, where they remained until daylight oame. After bunting, the trail was again found, and the party sped along the trail as fast as they could go, and about 8 o'olook that morning they oame upon the little fellow, fast asleep, cuddled up by the side of his dog, who bad been doing its best to bring him borne. Little Rex was completely exhausted, but tbey soon reaobed borne with him as he was then only a mile and a half away. The oountry is a timbered one. Rex, from the time he left home until found, must have traveled 12 or 15 miles and be was gone about 20 hours. Sat- An Enterprising Druggist. urday night was very windy and oold, There are fen men more wide awake and grave fears were entertained for his and enterprisiog than E. J. Slocum, who safety. spares no pains to secure the best ot .Hex undoubtedly owes bis life to the everything in his line for his many dog, and no doubt this dog will be gvien customers. He now has the valuable the seat of honor in the bouse Allinz- TKOCBLES AND COHSDMiTION CAN BE CUBED. An Eminent Ntw Tork Chemist and Scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Our Header. The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo oum, ot New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, long Bnd obest troubles, stubborn oougbs, catarrhal affections, eeneral deolice and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Die ooveries to any afflicted reader ot this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntif j Treatment" bss cured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial ot his infallible oure. Scienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi mentmg for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are ourable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in his American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free rued tome will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. J uly 9-7-1 yr. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet prioes of any person under the sun in the lice of druggists supplies, blank books, baok work county work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that you have heretofore sent away to get done. The Gazette shop is not s oharity concern but if you will give us a ohanoe we will see that you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember that Abe Lincoln said that when one bought goods away from home the foreigner got the money and we got the goods. But when the goods were bought at home we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide bv it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 560-tf "Tie Mate Line" agenoy lor Dr. Jung's isew Litsoovery ham. Lin lirande Chroniole, for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, This is the wonderful remedy that is Droduoioff euoh a furor all over the your pants that the altitude affeots you." country bv its many stnrtliug cures. It "Sir 1" absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, And then they danced again, but un- "a"fn? ?Vt aB.eot'on,i .Vbe ... ,, . . ... I tiiivnii v i j ci nuu i-i vi i j k vnn n, ti vj Tr ill ids waiia was over jib uueifiueu uiui- self a oold storage room, though he out no more ice. Malbeur Gazette. drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular sizs for 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to oure or price refunded. Beauty Is Ilload Deep. Clean blood menns a clean skin. No beauty without it. C'ascarets, Candy Catliur- tic clean your blood and keen it clean, bv Htirring up the lazy liver and driving all im lunties irom the body. JSegin to-day to lanixh pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads. and that sickly bilious complexion by taking CascaretH, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satwiaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Not a Campaign Lie Lye. It you are using the oommon brands of lye you are paying for a large percent age of common salt with which it is adulterated in many instances to the ex tent of one-half. When you buy Red Seal Lye or Potash you get an absolutely pure oaustic, granulated like sugar and packed in lame sifting top cans. a-SO What Dr. A. . Halter Says. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents : rrom my personal knowledge, gained in observing the effeot of your Sbilob's Cure in cases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable remedy that has ever been brought to my atten tion. It has oertainly saved many from consumption. Sold by Conser & Brock. SOMEWHAT MIXED. GRANT COUNTY. NEWS. Cordray, the pioneer theatre man of Portland in the line of "popular prioes," has refitted the Wastington St. theatre, formerly known as the "New Park." Cordray always has something new, and our people, wben below, can spend s pleasant evening at his plaoe, tt NEW NAME I Win. (iorriou lifts ro-namod his 8. and the old Jones livery ntahle Tiio Centrnl. Bb'l hay lor sale, f liart'i' reasonable. Tall on hi in aim hat Tour horn well 'rd lor. 50 Years.... IN TMI Ccop Undisputed Supremacy t World's Competition I Ml IV I :: s angel) uu 1 Increases Yield of Wool. Knbanres Value ot FlM'k. Cheap, Hale, Han dy, Clean, Wholesome, Odorless. CHAS. G. ROBEHTS. CCNtRAl AQCNT, :'I7 Ah turret, I'ortlainl, Orva-nit. Sol.l hy Minor A Co., Heppner, Or. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET Is the I'laoa to go to gol your fmn pork sod lamb rlions, stfftAs end roast. at HI. t'aui, Minneapolis, KaatasOlr, Ooiehs, Ht. little and ether pnaui seat P-msM lWt r-hril tbrosf h U destisaligsj ol Ikkele. TVrois th kt Ia Jssas s4 Hi In a, vis 1 teams e l Nf1be I'sHO Heeai. skisdMr-sssy's Use, ft fall Isfntisalimi, tints tsr.ls, was, tickets, fall m ( wMs ,C. ttiivir, A l CiMniiCv. Al 3 r. Ily. Aet.Ow Tee. A(l Jkls!i,0 r.irt!i, Ot FISH EVERY FHIDA Tnm lrtf rn'l ltm M rwsin I'm lrt !, .in ,...r.l . Ml. Itl(hrl r flr t t lor !r.Ni. mat 1 1 i:vs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 v-r.. V CrAJ. "Mister, do you write the 'Answers to Correspondents' for this paper?" asked the stranger with the despondent coun tenanoe as he leaned aoross the desk Bnd beaved a rye tiuged sigh through the atmosphere. "Yes, sir. What oan I do for you?" "Can you answer a little question of relationship?" "Give me the faots, and I'll try." "Here you are: Wben I was a baby, my mother, a widow, married the brother ot my father's first wife. He was my uncle, of course, but that made him my father didn't it?" "Your stepfather, you mean "Yes Well, mother got a divoroe from my tinole-father, and then she mar From the Eagle. Dr. Yaughan, having about fioisnfd bis job with Mr. Lagrippe, started ft r Canyon City last Saturday where he will join Dr. Greenlee. Ben. L. Lelaud, ot Canyon City, and E. E. Thornburg, of Granite, attended the silver republican stale convention at Portland last week. J. B. Boyd, formerly foreman of the Eagle, has aooepted the vosition ot tors- man of the News at Cnnyoo City, and with his wife has looked in Canyon City. Mr. Boyd is an all round newspaper man and will be a valuable baud to Col. Anbury. A phenomenal body of rich gold ore was encountered in the Hky-SoraDer mm SM MEN ! be c: KI.Y'N CRFAM BAT.M I s poalMvernre. Annlr Into the ixmrlla. It I null sir atwnrrml. HO emit at lirtnnrlut nr hr mail : mdioIm Inr. hr mall. tl.Y UltOTIIr.KS. M Warns BU. Nw Yorltl'ILf. iTRLlNGTON-FOSSIL STA6ELINE II. REED p. , . ried the oldest son ot my father's first mlue 00 the 27tli ult. , that promises to wife. He was my bait brother, wasn't rival, if nut ecliptic the famous Great he, and also my stepfather, wasn't he? Northern mine at Canyon City. The 'It looks as if he was" rook literally welded together with "That made mother my half-sister, Bold, and to use mining parlance, the didn't it?" veto "looks liks a jewelry shop." Not- "I I I guess it did." withstanding lbs rich buoobes that will 'That's what I thought. Well, yon be enoonntered, the ledge carries con- see, my uncle-father brd s daughter be- ttnuoualy Its nominal wealth. It has al fore he married mother. She wssmy w7 been aaierted that this would half-sister, too, wasn't she?" prove to bs the greatest free gold prop- "I-I I I guess she was." er, "er stmok io Oregon, snd the 'That's tbs way I put it up. Nut ledge is vindicating the assertion. thing, was my mother got s divorce from W. M. Bniler, who is In Grant county my brother-father, ted be my bait- buying cattle for J. M. Boardmso this can cured If you suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN & CO., 1051 Market St Est d 1652. Yotinsr, men and middle arred men who are suflerinE- from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- v CMses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical J iebillt.Ytliutotency.l.t Jianliood inallitscompiit-.vinris: Mieriiiatorrhoa, fll lroaiHi.ftrrlinn, (JuBiorrtiops, Uleet, t rcqiK-ney or urinating;, eic, ay a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does net claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a f;iir and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent 3 tn his specially IMfteaMfN of Men. V Vihlll thoroiiKtilyenidlcntedlromthe 4 y',t"ni wltho'itinliiKitlcrourjr. f F.YUttY )lt applying to OS will re- Ceivooiirftoiietf(fjnonof hiscomplnitit. ' We will Uituraitisr a POSJTJ VE CUltE in firry cant vie undertake, or forfeit One f I'hnriNanrl Dollars. Consultation FREE and strictly private. CHARGES VERY RKASOSABLE. Treut- 4 m?nt personally or oy letter. Send lor book, , 9 " Tiie IMillnaophy of BlarrlOKe,' 1 )frc. (A valuable book for men.) , TIMT DR. JORDAN'S 1 ) Great Museum of Anatomy 1 V the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the j world. Come and learn how wonderfully you 1 r.ro midet how to avoid sickness and disease. f We nrrt contnnaMv adding; new specimens, w )i Ai iut.it. caaorwriM, 1C3I Mattel Street. San Francisco, Cat f The Dalles, Portland h Astoria Navigation Go. ETEAMEES "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Leave The Dalles daily (ezoept 8unday) at 7:30 a. m. Leave Portland at 7:00 a. m. When you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. QUICK TIIVIE 1 San Franolseo And all point In California, via the lit Shuts route of the Southern Pacific Co The great hishwny through California to all point East and South. Grand Heenio Route Of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Buffet Hleepera. Becond-ohiM Sleeper Attached to express train, affording superior accommodations for seoond-olasa passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, eto, call upon or address R. KOEHLKR, Manager, C. H. MAEKHAM, Ren. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon 11111 Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-1 ent business conducted (or MootssTl r"r.t a. ! Oun Office is Opposite. U.S. Patent Office and we can secure patent u lew tune tbsa those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not. ires of charge. Our fee not due till patent la secured. ! 1 A PAMPHLE.T, " How to Obtain Patents," with cost ui same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent ires. Aoaress, C.A.SNOW&CO. Off. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. 1 brother, you know married my halt- sister. That metis ber s kiod of step mother of mine, didn't it?" "i-i-r "Well, never mind snswering st. My balf-brother stepfather died, aod now my bait sUter-step mother sod I wsot to get married, bat ws can't figure spriog, bought ovsr 2i)0 bead from Geo. llsder, Wedoetdsy, paying 918 for year ling sleers, f'J5 tor two-year-old steers and fM for dry cows, snd $22.50 for cows snd caltes. Us bss bought about 1,500 bead this spring from cattle owner in tbs Beaver creek eooolry sod along the John Day river. lis departed Wrd- Clem l intlM) t)li-1 (19 tnlli'.) 2011 1 u. ...Round trip ...Round trip 1 ranr rnnas ant iNr.rriN Trt Pos.ll (iu mlli-s) . ,oo Round trip $9o oui 11 ws can wtmoot Detog arrested for oesday for Heppner on bnaiosae. MayrtUt (M mile) itn Round trip 7 oo sonis kind of thingamy. Ws doo't wast London (S mllif) . 100 Round trip "0 I io ha nnr tire nnnfilnred Inalaasiso.t . - - to scorching 00 the matilmooial tandem. What I want you to tell ms is what U say relatiooship to my brother, my nnols, my step-fathers, my half sisters, my mother, my half-brother, my step-oiolber snd myself, sod if I cao marry ber with out why, what's the matter f Tbs "Answers to Correspondents" litor bsd besoms nnoooeoioO'. Has Francisco Etamlser, Flags leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday eioepted) st 0 o'clock; is duel st tVmdon si 3 p. m. snd srrlvss st r oe- ell at 7 P. m. Comfortable covered coaches sod care ful, etperleoeed d'lvers. btop that oongbl Taks warning. It may lead to onosomptioo. A 25c U t- tls of Sbilob's Ours may aavs your lifs. Sold by Gmser A Brock. 1 A TK ELY WAHMINU. Keep Sleep ana Get Bleu. ; Till: WOOL HKOOH1) Tslls You Hswts Ds It. Py s special srrar.gement ws "fief to our resders The Wool liccord snd Heml-Weekly Gssetts, one year for HOD, Tbs Wool lleeord is tbs only sational wool orgas sod covers lbs wool industry from lbs raising ot tbs sheep to ths sell' ing ot ths nssnfacisred artists. It is published weekly st New York aod lbs regular priee ta 1100 s year, lis market retMtrta are full and eotnp S snd Its Nheep Hieeder' TH aloe ere worth Id times tbs pries of the paper. Hnile sut'in on atiliealNB . Ws heartily reismmieed this rotubl oat 10a In oar snteeritersv. A Sere Thle( fee Yess, A trnriai-tloti In win, li yotn einiot lose Is a Suits uilug Itlliousnnks, sk a livesleiiie, lnr nd luugutf, le.er, llle eutl a UiuumiiU oll,r II a aie aud by iiiatiHttion and siuvvisb llu r n-U Ceudy I ettlrtl, the vi.. d.'tlul nrw livoe stiinulanl end Intrs mat Ionic are uy all dnifg'Sls guiirauuwd to cure or money rsluu.kol. C v. are s surs Uiiug. Try s bo 1 lo-uy; rur.. Ve . Uax bauifls end booklet free. bus our U4 ad. ine itAt.i.icss NUUS lilt IKS, n. M WCBCI. Pes. TJCBI BA.X.X.KSS. PMBieir, t,rmrt eej leler te frwK. Bess's sesj OenspMsnisI Tress, Crsps Visss SMS) smtll rewlts. j ,'','o t Our Tn fire Jrmvn With out Irrigation. 119 STAVwsWt. 5IMKWE falls i NoanitRS NH50N I FORT SHU'FARD F.H) MOCNTllS R.ULW11S Ths Only All Kail lUtuts W ltboal Cbspe of I'srs tielwees rpkaes, RoMlasd Sttd Neteo. Alss betsses) iNeleosi sst R't!o1, dally Sieet Fuailsf : Weekly Karsrssuea Is Tkrsgb Csrs te lb test. Aootbsr tbrongh tourist ear to tbs East hes bees srrsnted to ras sot ol Portlsod, (Ivlsg fnar esrh week. Hers), after Uis ear lervinf Mtdy will ms through witbont obaets to Ksssas City sod Chk-ago.over ths O. ft. k S., Dre- gow fhort Lme.lUa (Irssds Westers, Desver A ltlo tirasde, MlseoeH PaeiaV ad Chicago A Alios. That car has jat bees srrsege.1 for, end lbs oris previous ly seheluUl or UoSlay bas be rbaased to Thnre-lsy, It rose Ibrosgb t hi. Look, via ths Missouri l'teiSs line. Tbs esr leasing IV I la a 4 Teeedsy goes tbroags In ttoetoa, sad Is pmaotej by tbs Cetesgn, IWk lelssd and Psetlls WedoeeJay's ssr rsss ta Ht Joseps, Kanses Oiy and ftl. Ltmls, ever lbs Hsrlingtoa. All tlvses si-eeisl Ibrengb esis srs reeeiviet s grsliltief pslrweasrs. Dxisalt O R. A M. Aet tefrs bsyisg tickets to the I Ml, Urals Hevett la Move 7 Made. To savs tbs graio ass Fry's Cooceo- I rated Hjnirrel I'oisoo. Ibis prepare-I lit n Is the obeaoest and most eooootn- teel for Ibe farmers. Otis graio kills. Gnaraotesd. I'rlos V per cao or M) per case ol two dogen. ror sals by Hlocum lrng to., Heppner, Ur. tt Eastern Oregon tate Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY STATC SCHOOL IN EASTCRN OREGON Located on tbs O. R. k N. Railway midway between Pendleton sod Walls Walla. Students admitted st all times of tbs year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal snd Instrumental Music taught by competent instructors. A grsdu sts ot tbs Boston Conservatory bas ohsrgs ot tbs instrumental depsrt-ment. 1lio ltitlles' Boardlnc; Ilnll Is thoroughly equipped snd offers n osllsot scoommodations at ressoosbls rates. Send for estslogus. evsssess 11. u. ritJTAL, President ef Fseultv as P. A Ucibtuiiu "i oesrexery ossrs or Hsgsnts, Weston, Ore. OREGON aiORTUNERy. 1e SI t B) , l r. W Mf . I'll .. Hms-M ... t"i,e e..r., i la Maeewn IW ks.., . .i s.t a..-t . ( rs wnel ss Msftws h r ss. K W. Kb S k Co. ivMitivetf soaraottS li m..l k.l . 1 L . j T 'rt. VS,I, ovy ; ri" o te oodsreold snd their rssls lasts easy dtj-ej ts tbts prcpesttlos. as tkf S' tJ It te stay te t ib. l M griCKKsT ASD T HRKlT UXB TO UTAH, COLOhADO, NE 11 It A SKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all IWi EAS7 and SOUTH. WOK AT THK TIMK. NEW YORK, IJ days CHICAGO, -ST. LOUIS, aj -OMAHA. .1 ' SALT LAKE. 1 J Free Reelisleg Chair Cars t'pbnleWred T Msnel Hleepleff Cars rsllosss Talses Hleeplos! Csrs For full psrttsolars regardief rates, time of trsiss, els., tall ea r s.Jrs j. c tunr. Aat tl. HAS. 0., lUrpaer, 0regts C. U. Tasat , W. U. tVsA", Ttsv. r AL 0.alAl. 15 t i's lt. rsttlas, O'S. HUM ni Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All tbww can be procartxl st Thompson A HinDs, Lower Main Street Heppner, Oregon. These rntlma are well eremslnted srtth (Irani. Rama ru.k r.1111 . ... and ra sat HMMMf aad Uss Is eisklng three srtlin eltb trsr.lu,' mu oontles rrUs te kwptnf wits lb Usms. THOMPSON fc 13TNNS That 14-Ycar Old Stuff. Koltn's Best," .... On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon S S S IT Iss IS A 14 13 .OOIe ... Vtw Btas.l, Ciy flu(. BatiJ,.,, 10 W 'TIIvrv.vir. pr0p,