I 1 V i Those Dreadful Sores They Continued to Spread In Spite or Treatment but Now They are Healed -A Wonderful Work. "For many years I have been a great sufferer with varicose veins on one of my limbs. My foot and limb became dread fully swollen. 'When I stood np I could feel the blood rushing down the veins of this limb. One day I accidentally hit my foot againbt some object and a sore broke out which continued to spread and was exceedingly painful. I concluded I needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me SO much suffering, began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and in a short time my limb was completely healed and the sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful lor the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, has done for me." Mas. A. E. Gilson, Hartland, Vermont. Hood's SapraMna Iirtlib best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. flood's PIII3 cure all liver ills. 25 cents. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following olnbbinK rates: The GAZETTE f 2.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, 1.50 $3.00 " 8. F. Examiner, f1.50 8.25 ' N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 2.7 5 " Inter-Ocean, 1.00 2. 50 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50 Rural Spirit, $2.00 3.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 MoCall'i Magazine $1.00 1,80 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can get clubbing rates witn any paper on earth. METH. EPISC. CHUBCH. services. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Kpworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. 'The Spirit and the bridu say. Come." The pafttor may be found at the paraonage ad. Joining the oharoh, where he will be glad to meet any w''o may desire to consult Turn on religions, sobial, civic, philosophio, educational, or any other subjects. J, W. FLESHER, Minister. . M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, 3 p. m. Kpworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves tognther." Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to ! cnurcn. u. n. Howard, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 8eTvlo.es each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even 1 lug at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening I at the church. K. L. 8hki.lv. Pastor. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church , will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock. Take Notice. What ia Hop Gold? Best beer on earth, bee ad. elsewhere. Politics and salt salmon at $1.50 per kit at P. 0. Thompson & Co'i. 36 2. Lichteotbal k Oo. for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf Onionesse's famous old "Dublin Stout," imported, at Obrie Borchers' tf Fine home-made taffy at the Orange Front. A olean, fresh stook of (foods leave yonr orders. If. If you need something for yonr system oall at the 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tt Phil Oohn is paying the highest price for sheep pelts, beef hides green or dry, furs, eto. Don't forget Phil. 5tf Wanted ; red headed girl and white horse to distribute the premiums given away with Hoe Cake soap. Apply "nit." a-30 Another lot of Boss washing machines just received by P. C. Thompson Co. Tbe best washer ever introduced. 36-2. We presume yon use soap and if so the best is cheapest. Hoe Cake ia strictly pure with no free alkali, Rhea & Co. a 30 Anyone in need of good sheep range, three sections fenced and outside range, can get particulars of same by oalliog at thisoffioe. al-lm Uncle Tom Soott, of Galloway, oame in Saturday to attend the convention. Unole Tom takes great interest in poli tics and says tbe boys put np a eood ticket Saturday. He left for home yesterday. Wanted A position as foreman of sheep outfit. Twenty years trailing ex perience. Enow all rontes east and to Montana. Best of references. Address, Chas. H. Wheeler, Pendleton, Or. Dr. J. Jennings, of Newport, Or., ar rived Suoday morning and can be found at tbe Hotel Heppner notil Monday even ing, April 1st. The dootor comes well recommended, and persons desiring dental work should oall on bim at onoe. 134.5 Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red light," ever on tbe alert for something new, oan furnish yon the finest cock tails in tbe land Manhatten, Jersey, Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in tbe business. Drop in and take tbe taste out of your mouth. tf WOMAN'S DRAWBACK. BUSINESS If FN CANNOT DEPEND ON WOMEN FOR HELP. URPLUS NURSERY TOC. 1. The sum ot five cents per line will be for Easter wear. charged for "cards 01 tnanas," "resolutions 01 raapeot," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than tnose ineemv t f will rBmi ,ha remainder of I have opened np a candy faotory in the sonth room of tbe City Hotel boildlog and will keep on hand a fresh stook of cofeotionery and fanoy groceries. My ioe oream parlors will be ready si soon as the season opens. Delicicions soda water will be on draugt before tbe warm weather begins. J as. Hart. Mrs. Ella Wilson, ot Campbell & Wil son , ot rendleton , Uregon , oan be found at tbe sample room ot tbe City Hotel with a fine line ot spring and sum mer millinery. All the latest novelties Remember tbe plaoe; sample room old City Hotel, Main or shall himself Rive as notices 01 special meetings lor w naiever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall -be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. the week. Save Them. The wrappers ot Hoe Cake soap are worth oent apiece. Ask Rbe & Co. for premium book. a 30 Ho! Ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up a tlvelv tuna For the candidate, I'm froe to state, will stay vita us till June, They are 111 Too Often Because Negligent of Tbelr Health-A Business Woman's Telling Words. From the Free Press, Detroit, Mich. The greatest drawback today with women that work in tbe stores and fac tories ie that they do not take the right care of their health. Business men fre quently say they oan't depend on women beoanee they are ill too often. If every woman would take the right care of her self this complaint wonld never be beard. Many thousands ot young women are working, suffering agonies that would force a man to a sick bed. Tbey bear their fortunes in silence because of their iuborn modesty and blame their mothers for not advising them, Mrs. G. W. Mansfield, of 58 Farrar street, Detroit, Mich,, is a business woman, and a successful one too. Em ploying many yonng women and having years of experience in the business world she is in position to speak of women who earn a livlihood. "For years," sh1 says, "I suffered in silence and was so worn out at night that I could not sleep. 1 visited a fe male specialist who said I had a compli cation of ailments peculiar to women. I oould not find relief from ber remedies and bad tried so many kinds of medioine that I bad given up all hope of ever get ting better, "I was given a bottle of Dr. William's Piuk Pills for Pale People, by a young lady in my employ. The first box gave me mu oh relief and 1 was able to rest at oikfht for tbe first time in many months "I then bought more pills and think I must have used a dozen boxeB in my own oase, but have given awav to nuf- , f. riug women double that amount. With out a doubt these pills are a eond medi cine for they cured me, and have cured several people to my knowledge. "I think that if you ebon d ask any o' the druggists ot Detroit wbo are tbe best buyers of Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale People, they would say that tbe young women. "These pills oertainly build up tbe nervous system and many a )onos woman owes her life to them. "As a business woman I am pleased to reoommeod tbem as tbey did more for me than any physician and I oan give Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale People oredit for my geuerul good health to day." No discovery of modern times has proved sunh a boon to women as Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale People, Acting directly on the1 blood and nerves, invigorating tbe body, regulating the functions, they restore the strength and huallh to tbe exhausted woman when every effort ot tbe physioiun proves unavailing. For the growing girl they are ot tbe utmost benefit, for tbe mother indispen- sible, for every womac iovaluBble. Everywhere Dr. William's 'Pink Pill for Pale People are reoognlzed ss a spe cific for the blood and nerves. For par alysis, locomotor, atsxia, and other die eases long supposed iuoorable, tbey have proved their efficacy in tbonssnds of oases. Tbey are ooe of tbe greatest bleisiDgs ever bestowed upon mankind, 1898 SPRING PLANTING. iiintiiif Clean, Thrifty Trees, Two and Three Tear Old, Carefully Grown ot tbe Best Varieties for this Climate Fully Guaranteed. Apples, Crabs and Prunes, 60 kinds, 5 to 8 ft Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaobes, Aprioots, Nectarines, Quinces, Almonds, SomoaiE Blackberries and Raspberries Currants and Gooseberries Strawberries Grape Vines and Pie Plant W. Aeb, Elm, Walnut, Maple, Box Alder Bard Maple, Mt. Ash, English Walnut, peb 100. FEB 1000. 1 $ 5.00 S 30.00 t 8.00 60.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 20.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 30.00 5.00 30.00 ! 10.00 30.00 15 00 100.00 8.00 50.00 Rosea, two year blooming age, out door. Lilac, White and Purple, 2 year, xx Our collection ot Roses, Sbrnba, Bulbs, Climers, Flowering trees, Evergreens, Weeping trees, eto, comprises tbe best selection and shall be pleased to mare you prioes on application. 50 at 100 rates, 500 at 1000 rates. Prioes are net, packing added at coat. Cash with order, or Bank Referenoe. Order early before stock is broken and you will get Just what you want. Address, Payette Nursery, Payette, Idaho. Ratification Meeting. A large crowd gathered at tbe opei Dr. B. E. Ward will remain at the Palace for a short time yet, and will be pleased to show Then let hlin treat his voting friends to Sperry's hr umnlna nf mtirni.tlr and hvulenlc ar- n.'ii .th nnrnrW if h u et. our throat monts, and to use her own power when neces bouse Saturday evening to attend th for the votlm men are dry. sery to effect cure. Her patients are all lm I -(,,.. mtino hM hv the Mnr. u.U , . . 1. ,1 . t i .. I I tl QnA.. I ... I """ - - num imiij v mo ouuu, i proving rapidly, ana tne isci mat sna uses no ..... il k PP. medlclna. and advise, th. use of none, should ruw """"'J -..- be proof that she st least can do you no harm, music furnisbed'by tbe ladies band was Uajiq and. There. I Consultation free. Office la Palace hotel until I excellent and after eaob piece they were lunner nonce. rnundlv aoolauded. ttcace does not J. B. Hperry, a former well known resident of n.rmt msntinn nf mora than the names Biatementf ror me ramoni Dim pie neppnsr wu in wwn i iw qji ineiaai wea. , mh V. T. Aooonnt ill. prmiea a. .n.u.ae.teot- "'""J"- D. A. Hamilton, Vawter n tf 1 " - " ' 1 . . in OraiFnti la Inr tha nnrnnaA nf hlltilne ihwD for I I a w f,irl Mai TilflhlAnthal. J. W. PthlD Teotsl Wall tents, wedge tents, wag- shipment east. He finds that through this part i. j p Willi- J. L. HowarJ. Dr, on oovers; good stock, low prioes, ,t p. 0. in. country tn. mutton. .r.n.,a.llou nig Bartholomew, G. W. 0. Thompson Go's. ' . Phelps, J. T. Hoskins, H. F. Hynd and "Co'o jnioe" is all right but tow Til- the ,llop to tbe effect that th. Orant county re- C N. 1'eck, each of whom was greeted lard has a brand of 14 year-old ffnnds publicans, lu convention at Canyon City today, I with ureal applause. Everybody s.yi it A NEW FIRM ! E. G. Noble & Successors to Noble & Co., Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Saddles. Whips, Spurs, and an endleBS lof of everything in their line. E. G. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise the new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm as well as collect what is due. K. O. NORM & CO. Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. CLOTHING A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam 4 Bisbee's And by the way they have anything you can call for In the line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. 60 WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. The Best Bargains ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are those of greatest value In proportion to cost. If you want to get your . .. . . money.', worth of honest goods In Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery OR MACHINERY, CALL ON - O. THOMPSON OO We are Increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and see 11s. Frank McFrlaoJ bus been appointed speoial agent ot Tbe Eqnitable Lite At aranoe Co., ot New York, tbe troDtreat in tbe world. Caab surplus to policy bolden of over SO millioc dollars. Don't take Insurance without seeing the new plana ot the Eqnitable, lnanree botb eiea at tame ratea. 77tf tbat li bard lo beat. It do! as stated, 00 charges. Vangbao'i new plao. was grand good time. Tbe meeting tbe male quartet consisting ot Akere, II art, Oalloway and Hbipley. 603 -tt. passed resolutions endorsing W. R. Ellis and elected the following delegates: Joe jonnson, , , . , . Palnlese remedy for extracting teeth. Oeorg, K.t.ch, C. W. Dart, Martin Bailey and '",e1 wUh ,be lor America by Try Dr. O. L. ratterson. C04-tf. Mrs. C. 8. Van Duyn and daughter, Edna, do 1 . .1... v ti a 1 - 1 - ixid 1 lorirn iuh icw uviui uu 1 , ... .1 . . (in W 1 1 V II tl.'Bini. BUU W UEII IIKI UIWI MJI . mw . . nt Glimai eewing machinee are guaranteed reside permanently. For Uonst.pat.00 take aeri 1 uiover P.O. Thompson Co. bare new lippl?. Registered at the Hotel Heppner this morn- . ,be rel Ulooa ra,int'' M,e' nine ars I. CI Williams, Halem, V. W. Miller, headaobee, JSl-tTOOBOesS, trupllODS on E. O. Noble & Co. are rostleri after ortlsna,B. u. nncn, naaer my, nicnaru im Bce, ana DJSies IUJ ueau as oiear a Dtisteeu, uran, u . Ko it b Conaer ft Brook. Z i, T. Ktrlnger, general sgeiit for tht Western Loan naving v.o 01 mu ... i. ,,hi i th. .,., n.t. sud will sn.le.vor to org.ul.e a branch ofllcs In . iimil.r turd.v af. Ili'ppnrr. I Urm wh,t .h(,. Mred uoon svems. at At tht Ministerial meeting, Monday, April DrMcn, w a mere matter of eoniet'ture, Ism, It. I pneiiey prrsume.1 a very unxiiniiui and Interesting paper on the subject "Bwlolo. IT." T. I. Allya, of lone, was a visitor to Hrppner Haturday and attended th republican county I convention, an interested spectator. Mr. Earl Mcfarland was gtvso a very pleasant party at bis home oa Saturday evening la bon busineee. Tbe finest rddle and har ness to be fimnd io Ueppner. He their new ad io tbie tssoe, tf. Lost-A la.ly'i gold watch, Haturdar, between the resi.1eDOe ot J. W. Hblpley end J. C. Ball. Finder will receive lib eral reward by leaving tame at thii offioe. C. A. Rhea began hearing on Mon ti u down at bit lower rancb. Tbe Timber Culture-Final Proof. Lamo Orrica at The Dalles, Oekoon, March t'i(h IH.M XTOTICB IH HEREBY GIVEN THAT I'AT- il rick Hplllane, ol Heppner, has filed notice of Intention to make Dual proof before i. W. Morrow, county clerk, at his oltlco In Heppner, tlmher culture application No. 'Ml for the H Orpinn, on Monday the ' (lay of April, Inih, on Iwr culture application no. zmi lormen't NK), H HKU rWilou 14, III township No. II a We have an immense line of ready made clothing in the latest Spring Styles. The only Really Well Assorted and Up-to-Date Stock of Clothing in Heppner. HOT LflSTSPRING OR FflLL.BUTTHlS SPR1HG- There's big and little suits for old and young; t There's short and stout suits and slim and long. Don't be persuaded into buying your Spring suit until you have looked our goods and prices over. You'll be repaid. They are new goods received two months earlier this spring than ever before. Our ' Prices 'make Competition Green With Envy. For instance, there's a $10 Suit of Oregon Wool, for men, made by Salem Woolen Mills, guaranteed all wool. Can't be duplicated in town. Then that $1.00 Suit, of two pieces, for boys. Considering the price they are elegant goods. A person would naturally think that we sold these goods for less than cost. We don't. We make a little profit on all these goods not very much but some. We do business In just this (way. SHREWD BUYING AND CLOSE SELLING. First, we buy right, then sell close and quick. Be Sure and See Our Clothing. THE ART OF BREWING Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP GrOIvD And now the entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewery beer On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. See M. Liulitentbul & Oo. for shoee. Bring your bides, pelts aod furl to Ben. Metnews, at tbe Liberty Meat Market. He paya highest market prior. 619-tf. Best aooommoilation and oonrUoas treatment al tbe Imperial Hotel, Beventh aod Wash. Hta., Portland, Oregon, Gibson & Berger, At Chas Jones' Old Maud. Shaving. 15 Ctf. lluir OuttinK. - 25 " Hatha 2oc. Everything Strict ly tirst Class. ratine No. iA It. W. M. Ha names as wit mows: John Woodwsrd, Dennis Knlliatie, W illiam H. loftier, ami eainuel Lelller, all ol Hepnner, urrgnii. 32-4.1 JAK. F. MfMIKK. itrk'laler. weatber at preaeot ia very good or tha "elippara" aod tbey will do doobt make or of bis loth birthday. raulJ nroa-rasf. Curtis Hhea returned this morning from ..... . ti , . westoo waara ns Das mi tiwaaioi koow io, . . r during the wlnur, monroinf ooia, Borrr.K""- i-Mi. ,bh arrtvl fit.s Wla Walla 4" OTutaaftnda ar TrrlsB It. In order to prote tha great merit of Ely's Cree'ii Ualin. thi not el!ictive c ira for Catanli a-id ( ol 1 in Ml. have prn nirrMt a i"'iiir.i.i tr.al Me fr 1U r . ts O.-t it of )iur diufjUt t send 10 ei-U to ELY BU 00 N.'arrua tit., :.. 1 . Cilj. 1 salared from crtUtrh of 0i wort k nd aver niwM a hoy. an-1 1 BO.er hJIwd for cure, but LIt's Cream I'alm seen.s to do STen that ilanr ac'iaaiutunci a Lava o J CITATION. IN THft COI'NTY COI'RT OK THK HTATK nf Orrxun. for the Comity nf Morrow. In Ilia matter of the estate of Jul) it M . U. Hjh-m-rer, a minor, To i. H. Hperry, guardian of the estate of said minor, greeting: In the name of the Male of Ori'itun, Yon ars hereby rllel ami required lo avar lu the County Court of the ht.lo of Ori'ifoii, fur the ( niiiilr of Morrow, at the Court riHim thi'rnnf, at tlf ppiif r. In the County of Morrow, on Mom. nay. tha swaiim any oi May, , ai iu o rioi s, lu the lori-noon nl that day, then and tliirt to W'tlie your afrounts suapllali nl I. M t(, H4nrer, a minor, and show raum, n any eii.t, why he should not iiay ovrr to lh said John M, (). Hornier, tha sums of mtiy now In his hsnill Im iilisllil Ut m i John M il. Hlwnrrf. W lturae. Ilia Hon. A. II. Harlliolouiew, Jmlis of the County Court of the Htata of orra;iin, fur Ilia on ii t y ol Morrow, wiui ins ! ol aali otirt amied, nils nsy oi Harm. a. V lifja. Altist: it W, MOKKiiW, 61141. Clark. - ' - vncle Hal wta arnveo iross nana "ia ., ... ...n-.i "...(,.. Oalruiu with eondnpee to match. Th deeirin. mornoi , iouk , hta ,lUMl ,he.p ' w'1 ' . ruTlL neb stationery eao ba their "a Ure.u bar 43 Wama A, CUloago, III. applied at thla omca. tf. Ely'a Crarn Balm la the afknowh-dtfrd etirn fir oalxrra anil oouuuna no cohiiia, marrmry fcor an lnnrions Aru ' 1'rn a, t0 oeuta. At driipMls or ly in" !. 1. 1 lor Shut! and family saovad Into UiS M Bride property, la Kast Uappoef, yasUrday. Joha Inirahara left on last evsnlnt's train Tbers'a more clothing destroyed by for Ml Vsrnon, Wash., where bssipecU to re uoor aosD tbao by actoal wear. 'Uoo ain. ,ni,aina so free alkali and Mat HalTorseo. the lone merchant, came op I a tt .... -m a.. . it . a w4 aa 1 ti as kitnia aT aialt ss I" li a af !. ... I.I-.. It.. .U I.m Tr it I '"VV" ' Will BUI H'JII. w-. - -- aod ootlee the differrnee io qnahty . . . in Kbra W " (Muiaia and una alaht boras load of frelabt will arrive at tbe lintel The Harney Ooouly repoblleaa eoo- I lfi bar Sunday saorulng lof the Interior. morning. . a a V lll, I.. . I M a a . - A .l.t I A let I eolloo MJoro.i . iv r.ii- i-r .sr.w. 4. i- K , . . - , p.-,.!... I ..a,,. . UJt I - - ' - I - r- . a....... J 1. ... ....-i. . . ...... t.u. ka.a a.rl for "" " ""T ... "" ' r - , . . Portland 17' "'" -' v lt.n tl.k..n ram us Irora Portlau-I this sT jour Blotiey. Bold by dooaer Mr I R. Hie bas baea spending a law days la Csaatlll and Portland this week looking aflat his lenHn suwk eoata and plikrta. H Heppner tomorrow I res. Tha delegatee lo tha atate onveoUoo are iVmegao, Buckley and Fila. A. W. Oomao was renonioaled fur J ilot senator. Tba Hotel Heppner It reeiinf a coat of pelot from I be brash of Jobo Keraa, wblob la addied no- to ba appear- aaea of iha booea. Tht hotel le proa- perlog aa it e la bfa in the crtty beode of tba t'elal boeteea, klolb'f Hmsll. aas - vm morning. Brork. ; ! o V rlrwff et -J O iri jiiiwtlrrs. gfoJ rtvlicir.r hut La I foJ. AU )our doctor. Condurtof Bryant I visiting borne folks at Portland this wk. J. O. Onffltbs basrharf of th eraiM-b train and rra4 Hart Is "bras ay I during lb eodurUif al-nre. SHERIFFS SALK. VOT1CI I HEREBY 01VE THAT BY 11 virtu nf an irutnn and order of sal duly Issued by th Clrrk of th Circuit Court ot th datixi D. A. CURRAY, Formerly of Pendleton Tonsorial Artist. THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J. C. BORCHERS Who baa secure" I the service of AIRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W As manager. It will he run in first class haje in every department. Hates reasonahlo SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. mm " - rr.O T-7i' ' !. Shaving, -Hair Cutting, Hlmp. MatliK-k Corner, IS Cantc 25 " Heppner, Oregon. Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS Shaving 15 THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOUCHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars Cents. Khnp two iliKim Houth nf I'ostiifnoe, 1 Coiintv of Morrow, atata if reon, th ill nay of March, m. In a erlaln Office) la Nailer uliaing, Heppner, Or. hi!:- M mi m.ik Cetarrb eureJ. A etar daj soJ taeet brealb ftird wilb Hrillitfia Catarrb lUrj); Sold oa a gusrsnla. I Nasal Inj-i4-.r fr. Kill lif C nar k Hroek. Ta (ere laMiiaaiwii ra.r. Tk Ctv.i.ia lu..riir fk ur V. If C- C C lail Ui .uf . artU i.fi4 awuty D. E. GILMAN, 6cncral Collector Put yonr old hooks and note In Ills halms and et your money out of them. Make a specially of hard collacUoua Office ia J. N. Urown's HaiUiDg. Ellis & Phelps; aitlon In th Circuit Court for aald County and I fLTTAnWCVC IT I A1JU ea Julirt J I I lUllltUlw II I Ltl lilt mm vtmiiil.i'.u'i .'i ilia ' .,1 .,i,rv , ..... ... . . . j. 1 . . 1.,.. I All hu.limaa attended Is In I liromnt and i.. w aa....n.'Mlhlred I ...,.rl M H I aatl.la. U.ry manner. hoUrlas I'uhlle aiul hl.lioo aaalane of t.eo W. Raaaaart. Inaolvanl I woiiei u'ra. drhtor, J , Morrow, th lireann Kallaaf and Navlrattnn rmny, a eoreirall.ti, and I'al guald. defetidanu . f"r th sma of lo Ibous and Four Hundrad Ninety t0 tMillar, with Intereal 1 hereon al tha rats nf 10 per rent per annum from tin eth dar of February, lv. and tha lunner sum ut 1mm Hundred Forty (Millar attorneys fee, and cKia and dlal.uraementa taiad at Twenly dol'ars, on tha ltn day of Fehmary, l. Nolle I herehy sln thai I elll on Wednea day, Uiaalslh day rt April, la-at, at 1 o clock, f m A aald daf. at lha front floor of tht court bona In Heppner, Mnrrna eotinty 'remi, aell al buliilc aucllon In th hlhat l,ll ler lor oaah In hand, t ha Mlnwln dearrltd property, Pe wit; Mouth half of ma north Keel onarler and lot one. two. three and four nl aertlna una tit In tnwnehlp two ID aoulh rna twenty alt (JS east, and th south half of tha tmnhiK ,nar ler nf eectloa on (I) In Inwnahlp two Hi wHith ransa twenty ais a w M . In north quarter ol Section leu (IO) n township nl north ranse twenty ( J.i I W M, and forty fe off in north Md of lot elaht 11 In hl k lour III of lha nrl(lnal plat nf tha bits nf Heppner a nt rwri in in onreoi thtcnintr clerk uf eald WMinty, all In Morrow c.nnt itr.r,n. Taken and levied upon at th property of the aald iren to awavsart, Mli-lred J arl. tt al. ' to much ihera.il at may ha nerwt tary to talir the taid Vi'limenl in la..r ot itnte ionea and Jame one a adinliiittratnr nf I twlaf of ftettoo Johet letMwl, and attlntt aaul tieo m. Sea.ttrt Mtiitred i, etrt et al. t..eihef with all cotta an. I dla httrenht lltat ha.eot n. y accrna. F. 1. M tTMa h Kt.erirt, Ut f W. Mtllo K. iJepnty lialtd al lit ppuer. Mtr.k i, l ,7 H QOL GltOWERS ' 1 u II If you have not yet realized that the " 'aiil e-alil llltts.u" flfaa I 1 ItJ tt tilt iiFH uiM linn n ui; nun j win lIod is out of order. Get rid of that "tired feeling" and awake to the fact that the Wool Growers' Warehouse 'tf Is the tilaee to atore vour wool thin pennon. Whv? lie cause we do a strictly warehouse !usineK, and not Winn in the field buying wool oursclvm, wo encourago ciuietitioii amongst the huyers and secure you the highest rici i wool asrks srnt lwn at et. patahl eha waul Is told, Send la yonr rlr Made andnr United Htatea 0'ev'prih hisheat rath prtra for tiie-t. pen snd hide. . , .....,l. e are aetit lor Llllle'a Dip ad IIhS leal Tkae tlp, tlie enly rtllahle prrd iatnfit, It tnaat nrcfaaarily itir.n tn. market r . , n . f II it to a y frelihl to leamtler whan riieted tnds an hr awaer n( !. Ittl UlllereUl Irorn all OtUer toahatafull.ipplyof a I furl., an-l to heat, . to au.ll-l U.ir f' teanttera. inraa't your lMtmirs la th lower rehnM. a i iaiantwa yaw (at dwal, ft. F. HYND. AUnagcr. loc-Cake Soap as K Eiiiial GiDtaiog do atarch, frwn alkali I or wortLIaa filling. CASTOR I A for Infanta in& Cbilirtn. Hi Kin. Yea Han Aivau Ecurht Beera th Ulguatay BOOTS AND SHOES': THI rLCI TO OCT THtM It Of Ar. ricii'riCTC'rirv aV co. 1by kaet aaythlhl la thl line thai ynw sear deeira aad ?nw eea 4epM4 II fw a pood artk I when laey fvarantew It, SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Olw SUM, Male) tlreel Plepelrlea fpiail