The Gazette. Tuesday, April 5, 1898. SmjSUC&N COfNTY TICKET. For Representative, E. L. FREELAND, of Heppner. For Sheriff, D. A. HAMILTON, of Heppner. For Clerk, VAWTER CRAWFORD, of Heppner. For Treasurer, MAT LICHTENTHAL, of Heppner. For Assessor, J. V. WILLI8, of Lexington. For Co. 8chool Superintendent, i. W. BHIPLEY, of Heppner. For Co. Commissioner, J. L. HOWARD, of Pine City. For Coroner, E. R. HUNLOCK, of Heppner. THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION The Morrow county republican convention held Saturday was without special incident, there be ing no contention whatever, other than a sharp contest in voting on different candidates naturally would give rise to. There were more unpleged delegates in the convention than usual which gave an uncertainty to the proceedings, which made it very interesting to both participants and spectators. A good, strong ticket has been placed before the people of Mor row county and one we believe which will be bard to beat; in fact we believe the ticket nominated Saturday will be elected without exception. We do not believe there will be a dozen republicans in the county who will not support this tickwt next June. Every man who believes in sound money, protection and fair prices for both labor and the productions of our country is in duty bound to support the entire ticket nominated, both state and county. good and efficient fire companies. The absence of the latter makes the former almost an absolute ne cessity at the present, and as a suitable man for the place can be had at a very reasonable figure, it would prove a good investment for the town and property owners. By all means good fire companies should be organized at once and put in shape to handle our fire apparatus effectually in case of a conflagration. As the matter now stands we have protection that does not protect. How'g Thin! We offer Ooe Hundred Dollars Reward (or any esse of Catarrh that cannot be oared by Bull's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo, Ohio. We tbe undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfeotly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to oarry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Tisuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. Waldino, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale DniKSiata, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. aoting directly upon the blood and ma onous surfaces of the system. Prioe75o. per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Tes timonials free. Stain seems to be an adept at playing "boss." One of these days the U. 8. will be Borry that she did not adjust the bits sooner. There was no discord in the convention held last Saturday Our three-cornered friends are re quested to remember this fact T. T. Geeb will, according to reports, have a solid delegation for him from Marion county. This settles Mr. Lord. A man who can not carry his own oountv surely cannot eipect the people of.anotu er county to support mm. Iheiie is no question as to where every republican candidate named I ant Saturday stands. If you want to know read the resold Hons adopted. They will tell you neuueuon or. expenses, sound money, protection that protects, ireodom and liberty. Theiie cevor has boon such per feet harmony in the ranks of the republican party in Morrow coun toateiisUat piesent If th re publicans do their duty next June there will not be a sidcIa man elected by the thteo-headrtd, one- tailou, opposition conglomeration e believe they will do their duty, "How do you like the tickot." i a quMion frequently aitkett on our fttreeu id merence to the repub lican norolnrw-, "UouMo t hav suited me bettor," invariably oome tno answer. I Ins i as it annul 1m. IVriVct harmony prevails and the iihiodihU recognize that they Utnl a very poor show for plum crop in June. . A l-ETITIOS WM INMOC ClfCU lattvl bore Haturday Baking for change in the mail route Mwim bore and Koho, it .wing the doe ire of the petitioner to have the route from llippnor via lna, theuce down liuttor crook to (lal loway, theuce to KcImk Hit woul aupply a great many ionile who now have to go twenty to twonty five milo for thir mail. We hop the Htitioa will !h grautod at ouco. Till city council, at its mo tin la I evening, t.A action on mmi matUrs of imrortance to the city One of the wu the iuatrurtion of the mmrntttoe on health an txilicA to hire an attorney for th loan at a ealary of f l0 tor jir thia action of the council ie made ij.xvasarr from the fact that ai luauy quoctiona aria ilurum the year requiring logal advioa. If an attorney ia tvur! at thia pric, it will no doubt l-rove a aavirig in iiwniert to Mm town, boide tir. log the Maureoo that all work of a legal nature will tie rightly at tended to. The (laxette vtnroTi.! the action of the couoal in thia I matter. ENUULt'ED BV A FLOOD. THAT SPAIN WILL , PROPOSE AN ARMISTICE. The Pope Urges the Adoption of Such a Course and the President Expects It-Cubans Will Not Consent Unless Independence Is Recognized. Rome, April 4. It is stated in Vatican circles today that the pope has not formally offered to mediate between Spain and the United States. It is true, however, that the pontiff conveyed to Madrid his ardent wish for avoiding a conflict, and haB asked Spain to arrange for a suspension of warlike measures or decisions. i Week We simply knocked our competitors silly with our display of Washington, April 4 President McKinley announced today to a leading member of congress that there was no truth in the reported mediation of the pope in the Cuban incident. He also announced that he was hourly expecting a telegram from the Sagasta government noti fying this government of a formal proposition of armistice to the in surgents. Boys I m Ming the finest ever shown in this city. Our prices are as low as the lowest, if not a little lower. o o o o o o This - Week... We ask you to examine our display of ....HATS! were wo Hundred Liven Lout at BbawneetowD, Ky. Lievee Broke Under Pressure of the Flood and the Tidal Wave Swept All Before It. Louisville, April 3. A special to the Courier-Journal, from Evanevill, Ind., Bays: Ibis eveuiog the levee at Sbawnee- towo, Ky., broke a mile above town and from information rained it is learned that a greater part of the place ia des troyed and perhaps a large number of oitlzens have been drowned. Bbawneetown is 75 moles below Evansville, on the Ohio river. It is sit- ated in a valley of extremely low land with bills skirting it in the rear and with a 25-foot levee running from bill to bill. The town is very mnoh in the po sition of a fortified city, and when the levee Rave way a mile above town under the pressure of very high water, the wa ter shot tbrcngh a 20-foot opening and track the plane like a harrioaoe, sweep- Da everything before it. Bouses were turned and tossed abont ke boxes. The people were not warned, and for that reason many were caught, TboBe at borne sought refuse in sooond stories and on bouse tops. Those in tbe streets were oarried before tbe avalanche ater and probably a majority drowned. Citi.eni oame from the place by skiffs to a telephone several miles away and ked for aid from Evansville. They aid mat mora tnan zou people were drowned, and they had reason to believe that the number would reaoh 500, or even KX)0. The water stnnds from 20 to 30 feet all over tbt town. There are nf o iiirse, u Area or lights in the place and total darkness envel opes tbe dnsolale city. Cnne'iently impossible for them le have any thing like di finite information. toe men immediately it ri toe tele phone and no further comtntinicatioo has been bud. No telegraph or lei poue wires are working and outnlde onmmnnioittidii appears Impoiitible. At lOo'olixk two lesmboaia started for Nlmwiieetowo tltiilxr a full heal of steam, ami it ia tbouuht they will ariive there before morning. Tbey oarried large supplies nf food and blanket uuioklf onllooted by city ullloial. I,le nt8 from Mount Carmen taya th. disaster is notably worse lhao at first supposed, and the loss of life will be over 2IK). The survivors will be itbnnt food or fir end will euff.r con siderably. Ooratnnnloatioa with the ill- latrxl place will not be bad for several hour. Washington, April 4 Senor Queseda, representing the Cuban junta in Washington, said to the Associated Press today: "The Cub ans will never consent to an armistice until their independence is recognized. Until that time they will not cease fighting. When in dependence is recognized the CubanB will consent to armistice for set tlement of conditions on the island. Being complete and up-to-date, in all the latest blocks and styles, in Mens' Youths' and Boys' hats. Prices guaranteed to be as low ai the lowest. Watch this Space. Something New will Appear Each Week. Our show window will contain a different line ef goods each week or ten days, and our advertisement will call attention to each line we put forward. Space does not permit us to mention all our extensive lines at one time. Washington, April 4. The senate committee on foreign relations resumed its sittings today. The committee has arrived at a definite conclusion as to the resolutions it will recommend. The report accom panying the resolutions will deal with the situation in vigorous lan guage, and it is understood much will be made in it of the Maine disaster. Evansville, Ind., April 4 Mayor Caroey, of Hbawnxetown, appeal! to oopiirrM for ai l tins morning, for lh. dealitnt peopla of bis sin. ketied city, lie ssy the toao la abulully d. strayed, and that there t not enonitb food in the Iowsj for one nieal. He also saye SUV pePle were drowned. All th. goods In lha city are m, and tbe situation te in the Tut. eity eent two steamboat load of provuMiina I out oiiiht. All tel egraph and Mrphooe wirre l rthaw Oertoea era down. CONVENTION AFTKHMATH. Peter Brenner, a solid republican of Eight Mile preoinot, was a delegate to tbe convention on Saturday and remained in town over Sunday. It oan be de pended on that Peter will do all in bis power tor tbe success of tbe ticket be helped to put np. N. R. McVey, Geo. Parman and T. W. Morgan represented Dry Fork on Satur day. Mr. McVey was accompanied by hie wife and daughter and tbey returned to their home on Sunday. The Dry Fork delegation expect to oarry their precinct solid for the republican ticket and tbey are tbe boye to do tbe work. Postmaster Filkins, of Douglas, oame np Saturday moruiog as a delegate to tbe ooovention. He was assisted by Prof. G. O. Morey, and the Gazette ac knowledges having formed a pleasant acquaintance with these gentlemen. lone was represented by Ed Kellar, raul Ruitman and E. T. Perkins, all leading republicans of that precinct who will earnestly labor for tbe snooess of tbe ticket In Jnne. Mr. Perkins is an o'd friend of the Gazette's and a repub lican in whom there ii no guile. Messrs. Kellar and Iteitman are also "straight liuers," and gentlemen whom it is a pleasure to know. Jake Young and J. W. Uraddick, were a two-thirds of the Eight Mile dele gation, who labored with no other pur- pone than to put op a winning ticket Tbey expect to oootioue their labors for tin sticorss of tbe party in June. John Handy, the faithful republican of Wells Spring, represented that pro duct In the oounoils of the party on Saturday. Mr. Handy Is a man that can always be oonntej as standing Hatfooted npoo tbe principle of tbe grand old party and it would eeem that no con veotioii is oompt.te without hie beiog present and participating in iUdeliber atloDS. "Code" Tom Hoot I, of Tine City, wee a visitor at tbe convention on Patorday Having disposed of bte property inter- Mis over there. Mr. Bool I felt that be should not tie a delegate from that pre- eioot, It beiog hi intention to leave tbe ooooty before tbe .lee I ion comae off. However, be could not retiat tbe deeir to b aod wilnee tbe procd togs. Tbe republican of Mrrow eoonly ill loose a good man bn "t'ocle" Tom leave. That vole on sheriff was a little peeo liar aud ont of tbe ordinary. N. & Wbetetooe was elected on the informal aid Isle, but no en Amerioan citizen whom the county is proud to own as a resident. That these men will earnestly labor for the success of the tioket goes without saying. Cbas. Johnson, Ohas. Barnett and Ooon Boon composed tbe Lexington delegation, and the faot that two of this delegation were elected to attend tbe state and congressional conventions, shows the estimation placed upon them by the partyas representative repulicaus. Mr. Barnett will attend the oongres. sional convention aod Mr. Johoson goes to tbe state convention. Mr. Boone is an old veteran and has also seen a great amount of service in tbe raok of tbe re publican party. Tbe repreeeeentatives from tbe three Heppner preoinots were as follows Heppner Mat Hughes, Jas. Jones. D, Cox, L. Hamilton, Otis Patterson, G. W. Phelps, proxy, Dr. E. R. Hunlook, J. 0. Bombers and B. B. Kelleyj Mt. Vernon . W. Vaughan, W. W.Smead.Ol Justu, Alex Thompson, R. O. Wills and Geo, W. Smith; Gentry M. B. Galloway, W. B. Barralt, Jay Devin and Joe Rector. These delegations were all made np of first olas material. They are pleased itb tbe fioket aod expeot to assist in tbe election of every man named. Among some of tbe gray beads noticed at the oonvention appeared those of A. Mallorj and A. E. Brandage, men who have been republicans since tbe orgat nation of that party and have witnessed it struggle through many bard tougni Dame, rnese geotiemeo are perhaps (be (wo oldest republican in fhe ooonfy. i A large andienoe wifoeseed (be pro- oeedioge of (be convention from begin ning to finish. Nc PprioufUM, III., April 4 floveroor Tanner thi. morning rr)vl a m' sage Iron M.tur I'aro.y, nf IUi!gwey, king awi.Uno fur th. Ilfxl tiffrr. T.narr r pi I'd by eubftirtMng I kiU aod stating that be was prrpariof to send a train with lot. fr ikl xmI., with .1M Maok.le aod lil roarg.orv ration.. Tiir nljr (Siutu'il tin uu-h't cit el lffalion at th rent tint the matter -f tuttitu t'O a Mi,lit watchman f r a fw tn ml ha. I l-y j are ! eri.idntg the tineilin ? of cticouf aicg tLeork-afciialM I t w4 SCROFULA. One of America's most moui phytlciara uyu "Scrof uU U ci tern aI ooniumption.' Scrofubwt chiUrcn arc often beautiful chiUrtrw but they Uck nerve lorce, strong bonci, itout muKlel anJ power to) reiiit diuAM. For delicate chiUrtn there U no remedy cual to Scott's Emulsion of CoJ L'vcr O.I with Hrpo- ... . - . j phosphite oi Lime ana ma, It fills out the skin lr rvttinr ftxxl flesh beneath It It makes the cheeks tti by making rkh bkwJ. It creates an appetite f r fooi srvi gives the bodf oowcr enough to Iftit It. Be sure jom get SCOTT'S LVnul ilon. - on a ". tmrt ta lmH4HM4tHHvH .allot, but Ml short on tbe t.t and m Ufeatod on tbe 31 by 13 v..t-s It aaldom that each a veto ovur In onvetkia, and Ibie, so far as lb writer ken.s, t lb flfl leslaoeecif tbi. kind ia tbe liitory of Motrow ooaoty politic. Tbe tola on repreaeotalive wae par licalarly cUm and exciting, Mr. free- Led winaug ot.r Mr. Oilliam by one vol end it took Ihrve bsll4e to dwi.le, tb. fleal beih.l standing la 21 . Irm iHitry prwloot tkere we Heed np a dWgli. of elld ild liee caee ee follows: l'.J. 0i, Un Terker, A.1U-I. Milt Matw.ll aaJ Jm. Itoyee. TbM ielUm era w.ll pUeeeJ wilb tbe lol and er eoGS Uct ef Ite el it mat. etieeM tfir. tb pp!. M.lteeHl I'fHiltiel wae rrU. by lUory rVbritlegaf, John lp and lUtrtMa UaU, all olJ tlUi of Ib.l Uxali'y lU.ry e Miu wilt lama p wile a bigfr repebltree mirt ib.n r el the eig end tbi dlral(o will blp U make II en. Ita et kt J"be U Avere, 4. (Wh aod John w.Mrll. Mr. CW le tenJt.y fr.xn a viU) 1 lota nl I tbal b te t elite, er. I m i..lie M a ri bl,.. ciim4 be Hetlot MlSMMdt lake l.ttf utmnl pflM i tit otb.r d.igte,, eej Ik; .tfcn4 aeM Il l.rsH nmltd. tnm tie. I' l; eesae liv J. T. II e kieee4v)m. Waiteb'i. jM ae 4reg rrMie, ei4 M ee eikwf rfe lka le ! aotnieat alwll U.t wl I win la Jeee, d tbey are it eiifl4 ita te4r lb.e la tkit tt Mr tlkie te a H' t,eke -f a-' el.Ut, m I.hmimiM el Ibe flab atwti.g ! Iy seaie A. Aa tea. ee M raUwee Ut, renM Hi fra Vf e4 wee t- IW4 It J C'Miy, IMUi km Notice of Intention. Land Officii at LaQbandr, Oreoon, Murph 10. 1K9S. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler ha filed notice of hit Intention to make final proof in support of hia claim, and that aald proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 23, 1898, vtz: WILLIAM H. CLARK, Pre-Emption D 8 10540, for the WU NWJ, 8EW NWKandNW!4 8Wi4 8ec 15, Tp 4 8, R 29, E W M. He names the following witnencs to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation of said land, viz: Andy J. Cook, Hczeklah Tippett, of Heppner, Oregon, Robert 8, Clark, of (mrdane, Oregon, and Abraham B. Chapman, of Vinson, Oregon. JS. W. BARTMtTT. 80-41 Register NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Obandk, Oreoon, March 7. WW. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Ore gon, at neppuer, Oregon, on Apru Si, isaH, viz: JOHN T. GALLOWAY, Hd E No 5353 lor the 8E of Sec 5 Tp 2 8 R 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A.J.Htamp, M. J. Devin, W. O. McCarty and Foster Adams, all of Heppner, Oregon. E. w. babtlktt, 29-40 Register. Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLE8, OREGON, March 2. Ih'jm. Notice la hereby given that the following named settler has filed notlcaof his Intention to make final proof In support of nis claim, ana inai said prooi wm De made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, April Id, 1H8, viz: GEO. W. 8MITH, nf Heppner; Hd K No 2909 for the NE!4 of Bee 12, Tp 2 t) R 24 K W M. He names th. following witnesses to prove his continuous residence noon and cultivation of, said laud, viz: James F. Rhea, Ralph L. Hen go, oi Heppner, Oregon, Robert J. Hill, of Lexington, Oregon, and Joseph Mason, of lone, Oregon. JAS. r. MOORE, 2X-.19. Register. Katrsy Nolle. Uoe bay horse, white opot to forehead. One grey mare, both bind feet white: each 4 year old. Jlraodml on right stifle itb the followiog dfecribed oharaclor: inverted "J," frown with tbe Mtr "P1 on lie (tem. Will pay S3 M eaoh for Ibeir delivery to B. Palbf rg or Inform lion leadiog to Ibeir recovery. Address A. II. Wijtpeua. Leilogtoo, Or. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LANDOrru a at Ths Dalms. Orkoon, February , WK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fi.llnwing.natned wttler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will I mad. belora J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Monday April 11, WM, vtz: CHARLES P. BARNETT, of Islington; Hd E No 4.VM for the HU NEU and U.U 1 and 2 Per ft, Tp 2 8 R 25 E W M. II. name. th. following witnesses to prove i Hi The Leader Of Course! The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, Is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at T. R. HOWARD'S Heppner, Oregon- Mar or Morgaa has dlmvrd som. cold tMrln rork on his premise la th. north aid. oltnwa. A Mmiil wnl to th aasa oftlr. In 1'i.nlsnd tl a to lh. ton. Tb. ore 1 fr BillllKf and onld workl. Tb. M. C. L. T. Ca are building an addi tion to Ihi-lr lrlbl boua. InloOd' nn-nihl m in rvrry lamiiy awtwtn. rhl and rrry yM m I I ba'rlirr t trip. TUry am III S all N( UMkWc MiM a4 awul. his rnntliiiioiii mldenr. upon and cultivation of said land, tli- John T. McMillan. Kdward L. I'ahnvr. I harli-a K. MrAllstvr and Thomas II. Mi liola, all of lxlngton, On goii. jas. r. aiiHiKE, 2S-1S Krslswr. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I.AHDOrnrs at Ths Di ti. Osioon. Ki-bruary , l'. X.OTirg l HKRKBY OIVEN THAT THE il lollnwlm naml svttlrr has Bird notlr. nf his tnlrntion to mak. final proof In suptKirl nf his claim, and that aald will ha mad twl..rJ. W. Morrow, CoiintjrCI.'rk. at Hrppu.r, urpRon, on Monnar, April 11, iw, vis: THOMAS H MCHOM, of Uilnaton: Hd K No mt tut th. NW, Sec 3, 1 n I a n c n M 11 natnM lh. follnwln wltrimr. In tirnv. hla mniinooiis rMldptxt. upon and cultivation ol aald laud. vU: hart. P. KariM-lt, John T Mrwillan. R.tard I. fal.nvr and tharlc. R. M. A litter, all ol UttliMfUin. Orcfon, VAa. r. MHIHK, 77 n. Kcfisu-r, Nottct Ot Contest Timber Culture. m and KM HOW TO FIND OCT. Kill bottle or onseroo glae ilb rioe eaj t II staoj Iwcal; funr boure; a eliui.til or swilling la.l.o.lM ae oo tilll.y e..o.lik.o of the hl.le.r. Wbo aria etaine lio.e II to Tl.lo. of tti J. o.t trouble. Toe fron dire to art. ale or faia in tbe beek, to alen oe ?i no lo ( proof thai tb kiJie end bUJ.Icr ar oat al otit. nr TO K. There Is Is tb kDoU.I o ofwei eicriss.J, tbal Ik. Kiim' H.anjp-koot. tbe f rl al io.. ree.t f:flis 9ttf ub te relkanet pain le lb. Ws, M.lna.. Ilt.r, bla4 Icf aa4 of.ry fH el tbe arte.' (-. It r reeie ibalUHf to b)4 artee an J MalJ. Ie ( ae ia It, or be I fT.U 1.4 lui. of liao. alee er bf, aeJ IMrl Ibat pi t avCMMllV of twief roepH4 U tt ap ao tieM 4rtei tbe eight tt Tbe sail -I e l tbe itre4ttart (frl f tteeaiB t te vi re! sJ. It etead tb bi-bl f.r i .Wrfl earaatiftb avwt dwtrw.g a-t, If . a4 Mjinee a .boat I bat. b beat. FMJ by tir(wi, -ice ti eate eel oae 4)ter. Toe east bae et bottle eel iaafkM b.iN ea l if (aa.l, Ud Orrns at Ths Pali s. Oaoft. Mar. h IMW. lOMH.AINT IUVIS.I Hf K N Mlft AT this nfhr. hf lha d.ilr wflfiwl and rornlv raid anVlavll of HolwH a arran. alK-alti. thai Jhfl I mad entrf Ho rs4. for lha hr". l arc v.. In I H i K. at lh land flV at lh Ur. on lh l"ll day of V.irmhrr w;, an4 hi hlrt hav hoi If al.i.inr-l aald tract. "d nar lallnl and nr. I, ir-1 at all llmr In. a th third trat aftrr nltr tnr.Hnl.lf allh tlx ll.nlf r.iltnr la a a. i.f I., f.ant riiimat or f nrtr, i a" narl of lh aald tract to trrr. a-iM.a nt ruttioaa. aa rv tlr-t ht la. lhrr.H lth th tiratnth. ranrvllailoa nl aald anirf. lh aald nanlr ar hrrl.r .amor.r.l a.Ml r.irt to n and aa-tw,rhf-rtJ a Morro. roiintf rlrrk i4 at.r- r,, cminit at hla ..rrtr at H ri.pi.rr, i rrnn, on th lata 4a, at iwa, at id o rl. a m . ..f aald da, thca and lhr to aitrb Iratt aa-nv, aa they mar ha cncernln lh aald L(att.- lh Soal hranll.( to tw ka-l It. Hrl..r W ar.r l I o Iklllra. I.rr,,n on lh tali daf .4 Ap'H. I'M at th hour of lu Jaa it iutttr, tul 1 V-. H H '.., Hr.l.f. sittRirrs SALE. mrrt eW , 4 y ! f M tr I ltw ii it 1 t,wi pTt i ts ttrttray oivt tH4Tf 4 and fcf lrt at rruii..a and and raajnkarlf mi I at d lh a.alr .4 tr-.a, tn, a.arHnli and a aa swM th aa da, M Sak aM a .n . fudanwat and d. rraafdulf rendrrr-t and .ntrtaat I a aald f-mirt. n th .ak M Man a. ! In fill Ihea a-d Nrr..., ti .1 1 1. a iKervta hrratn t Ke IkiI, Mtt( l.mnan, llmlird ol a.,od f.fali.H.. aa a.aintl. and inaa T '" aa k,al,.a nd Mi.U.a HI l'.l. a. a. al ia nt atenhaa a !. I". ad Ma-ta a.n.n daraaa. V aeradalafll d-taand '"win. I a an aril la herein arte, dMrHSnt rral I r...flT did lh IM da, al Man a. law, dwil ? anna and atil, Taeeeef. the tOtn stey af AHI.18t at iMraf 4 I ,rlie la lh. aCaaeaana al aa'd dat a U f"t don. ad lh rit sanrt krt. .aa a .t K . r a r.ny tvaa aa: n h aiakeat n M raan la hand. a.l lb ni ..!" drrtha.! raai w'.a kna.t T he jlk aaat aua.ta, ad aw tu-a lent, tkL la et m MitM bfe.twaa tbe t rt- (taeit aal aJ C0NSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling of prescriptions. "When you hear dem bells!" YOU BUOt'LD KNOW THAT THI HEPPNER TRANSFER GO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! a) C J MAT HALVORSEN, LEADING MERCHANT OF I0NE ,wv o o Including all the Staph-, Hardware, Tin ware, Harness Stockmens' upplief, Wood and Willowware. First Class Goods and Low Prices is his motto. YlfJT HALVORSEN, IONK, OHKOON. ' ltt la -, mI teftfeff lttv y4t ""p f tufa- tv mmm. fc-r iw-tatmekfd ftofW-ttl o. al l' n Ir. .!)( 1 t , ri.f. Mrt taiata lb t'airee af Ibat ad r.,n-ni ' a. , -..-a 1, Malta a I at a Mxrea teaai, ve A. ABRAHAMSICK, Merchant Tailoring! Mr. .Uraliamick i the pionwr tailor of Hepp ner. L'ii work ii always firt class and atifac tion guarantctnl. CALL AND Wi;i; Ml" ON MAY HTHEKT m m t t o o 9 C C 9