Those Dreadful Sores They Continued to Spread In Spite ot Treatment but Now They are Healed -A Wonderful Work. "For many years I have been a great sufferer with varicose veins on one of my limbs. My foot and limb became dread fully swollen. When I stood np I could feel the blood rushing down the veins of this limb. One day I accidentally hit my loot against some object and a sore broke out which continued to spread and was exceedingly painful. I concluded I needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me so much suffering, began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and in a short time my limb was completely healed and the sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, hae done for me." Mas. A. E. Gilson, Hartland, Vermont. , Sarsa- Barilla Iythfc best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. food's PHI3 cure all liver ills, Hood 25 cents. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following clubbing rates: The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, J1.50 13.00 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25 N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 2.7 5 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2 00. . : 3.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50 Rural 6pirit, $2.00 8.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 3.00 McCall' Magazine $1.00 1.30 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette oan get clubbing rates -witn any paper on earth. METH. EPISC. CHUKCH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. ra. Sunday school 10 a. m. Clares No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. ftp worth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. '"The Spirit and the bride gay. Come." The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any wko may desire to consnlt him on religious, social, civic, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. KLKBHER, Minister. ,' ' M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SEBVICE8. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m., 7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, S p. m. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves together." Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to church. C. K. Howard, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even lug at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. R. L. Shelly. Pastor. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at it o'clock, p. in., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs. T. . Matlock. Take Notice. 1. The sum of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of rwipect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Here and There. Old Song Get a bottle of good whiskey and a bottle of good wine, And you can drink to your true love, and I will think on mine. New Bong Where shall we get the whiskey, where shall we get the wine? We'll buy them from Ush Bperry, whose goods are extra fine At the Belvadore Saloon, Heppner, Oregon. Ohai. Barnett and Ohas. Johnson were up from Lexington yesterday. J. W. Rasnins returned on Sunday morning from Portland and the demo cratic state convention. Dr. J. Jennings, the dentist, arrived from Newport, Or., Sunday morning and is looated al the Hotel Heppner. We presume you use soap and if eo the best is cheapest. Hoe Cake is strictly pare with no free alkali. Rhea A Co. s30 C. W. Pitoher, of Rock Creek, re turned Ibis morning from Cottage Qrove where he has been visiting daring the past ten days. Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa tion It's the best and it after oaing it you don't say eo, return package and get your money. Sold by Conser & Brock. x Shiloh'a Consumption Care oares wbere others fail. It is the leading Cough Core, and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold by Couser & Brook. x Dr. J, Jennings, of Newport,. Or., ar rived Suuday morning and oan be found at the parlors of tbe Hotel Heppner tor this week only. Tbe doctor comes well recommended, and persons desiring dental work'sboald call on bim at onoe. t34-5 Mrs. Wilson, of Campbell & Wilson, of Pendleton, Oregon, will be in Heppner on Tuesday, April 5th, nod will remain during the week, with a f nil line ol spring and summer millinery, inoluding imported patterns and a fine line ol ohilrden's goods. t34-5 Jake Wattenberger, ot tbe Hotel Washington, of Portland, arrived in our city this morning accompanied by hie wife, and are stopping at the Hotel Heppner. Mrs. Wattenberger is a daughter of O. C. Sargent, tbe former host of the Hotel Heppner. Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red light," ever on tbe alerl for something new, oan famish yoa tbe finest cock tails in tbe land Manbatten, Jersey, Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in tbe business. Drop in and take the taste out of your raoutb. If Frank McFarlnnd has been appointed special agent ot The Equitable Life As sarauoe Co., of New York, the strongest in tbe world. Casb earplug to policy holders of over 50 milliot dollars. Don't take insurance without seeing the new plans of the Equitable. Insures both sexes at Bame rates. 77tf Dr. H. E. Ward, tbe magnetic bealer, was called to tbe bedside of ber sister, Mrs. J. A. MoLaugblin, who lives in what is oalled tbe Pols neighborhood, out near the Eagle sawmill. Tbe Dr. went oat on Tbnrsdiy and returned yesterday. She Cfn sgnin be found at her ('ffioe in the Palaoe botel, where ebe is ready to treat the siok and disabled. Sbe uses no medicine and obarges noth ing for consultation. She cares through tbe use of magnetic garments and ber own magoetio powers. Sbe baa the highest endorsements and refers to tbe luoal physioian any one who is in doubt as to ber ability to perform what sbe claims, end also her many patients. If siok go and tee ber, she will treat yon rigbt. 19 It is true wisdom for every body to take a thorough course of Swift's Specific just at this season of the year. The blood is sluggish and impoverished, and the system is full of impurities which should be eliminated. In addition to thoroughly cleansing the blood, and toning up the system so as to avoid loss of appetite and a gen eral run-down feeling in the spring, S. S. S. so strengthens and builds up as to fortify against the many forms of dangerous illness that abound during the hot sum mer season. It is a very small matter to take this precaution but it insures health and strength all summer. Swift's Specific A. for 9 I IIS is far ahead of all other remedies for this purpose. It is a real blood remedy which promptly purifies the blood and thoroughly renovates the entire system, tones and strengthens the stomach, and renews the appetite. It is the only safe tonic, being purely vege table, and the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no arsenic, sulphur, mercury, potash or other mineral substance, which is of so much importance to all who know the injurious effects of these drugs. Nature should be assisted by na ture's remedy, S. 3. S. Take S. S. S. and be well all summer. W OOL GROWERS -: - If you have not yet realized that the "good old times" are with us, your blood is out of order. Get rid of that "tired feeling" and awake to the fact that the Wool Growers' Warehouse..... i 1 Is the place to store your wool this season. Why? Be cause we do a strictly warehouse business, and not being in the field buying wool ourselves, we encourage competition amongst the buyers and secure you the highest price. We are selling wool sacks and twine at cost, payable when wool is sold. Send in your order at once. We pay the highest cash price for sheep pelts and hides. We are agents for Little's Dip and Black Leaf Tobacco Dip, the only reliable prepared dips on the market. We pay freight to teamsters when requested to do bo by owners of wool. We have a full supply of Seed Barley and Wheat, also Steam Rolled Barley for teamsters. Direct your teamsters to the lower warehosse. We guarantee you a square deal. R. F. HYND, Manager. S.S.Sa Bloods IN o 1898 SPRING PLANTING. iiiitiiiiifj Clean, Thrifty Trees, Two and Three Tear Old, Carefully Grown of tbe Best Varieties for this Climate Fully Guaranteed. Apples, Crabs and Prunes, 60 kinds, 5 to 8 ft Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaobes, Aprioots, Blackberries and Raspberries.., Currants and Gooseberries Strawberries Grape Vines and Pie Plant W. Asb, Elm, Walnut, Maple, poplar Hard Maple, Mt. Ash, English Box Alder Walnut, l'EB 100. PER 1000. 1 5.00 $ 30.00 I 8.00 60.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 20.00 1.00 3.0o 5.00 30.00 5.00 30.00 ! 1000 30.00 1500 100.00 8.00 50.00 CLOTHING ro Men and Boys 4 Roses, two year blooming age, out door, Liluo, White and Purple, 2 year, xz Our collection ot Roses, 8hrubs, Bulbs. Climer. Flowering trees. Evernreens. Weeping trees, etc, 00m prises the best selection and shall be pleased to mae von prints on application. 50 at 100 rates, 500 at 1000 rates. Prioes are net, packing adilf d at oost. Cash with order, or Bank Referenoe. Order early before stock is broken and yon will get Joel what you want. Address, 4b 4 4 4 We have an immense line of ready made clothing in the latest Spring Styles. The only Really Well Assorted and Up-to-Date Stock of Clothing in Heppner. HOT LHST SPRING OR FHLL.BUTTHIS SPRING. There's big and little suits for old and young; There's short and stout suits and slim and long. Don't be persuaded into buying your Spring suit until you have looked our goods and prices over. You'll be repaid. They are new goods received two months earlier this spring than ever before. Our Prices make Competition Green With Envy. For instance, there's a $10 Suit of Oregon Wool, for men, made by Salem Woolen Mills, guaranteed all wool. Can't be duplicated in town. Then that $1.00 Suit, of two pieces, for boys. Considering the price they are elegant goods. A person would naturally think that we sold these goods for less than cost. We don't. We make a little profit on all these goods not very much but some. We do business in Just this way. SHREWD BUYING AND CliOSK BELLING. First, we buy right, then sell close and quick. Be Sure and See Our Clothing. Impure Blond In Hprlng. . Tbis is tbe most universal experience Diminished prespiration during- winter rioh foods and otase oonflaemnot in doors are some of the causes. A good spring medicine, like Hood's SarssDS rilla, is absolutely necessary to porify tbe blood and pnt the system in healthy oonditinn at tbis season. Liohtentbal & Co. for shoes. Exolneive shoe store. Handles the b?st. 83tf Phil Cobo is payinu the highest price for sheep pelts, beef hidos green or dry, turs, etc. uont forget f till. 5tt Come lo tbe Gazette offloe aud get a decent lot of envelops printed. liovernment envelope look obeap, and besides you cannot get your business oard printed tberoon. tf Tbe Gazette will club with the Oregon senator, tbe great Phtbian paper of Ore gon, Washinijtoo and Idcho, published at Portland, for 82.75 for tbe two. Tbe Senator is all rigbt. No Knight of Pythias should be without it. If. I have opened op candy faotory in tbe south room of tbe City Hotel building and will keep on band a fresh stook of cofeotionery and fancy grooerieg. My loe cream parlors will be ready as soon as the season opens. Delicioioos soda water will be on draugt before tbe warm weather bt gins. Jas. Dakt. Mai Smith was in tbe city today. Luther Huston, of Eight Mile, is in Iowa today. Jimmie Johnson, of Butter creek, is io town for a day or two's reorestion. Statement for tbe Famont Simple Aooonot File printed at tbe Gazette of floe. tf. "Oo'n juioe" is all ritfbt but l"w Til- lard baa a brand ot 14-year old goods that il bard to beat. 6u3 if Aot one desiring to build eitber v I bouse or bare will make money by call ing oo tbe Oseette offloe. 67t( Low Tillard bss been fixing op tbe front of bis place ot business making it one of tue most attractive io Ibat block Don't forget tbe mnsieale aud literary Wedoeeday evening, March 30th. Tickets for reserved eeale at Cooeer k WsrrwTe drag etare. E. O. Noble k Co. are roetlers after business. The finest sa.ldl.-e ami bar. DOM to be fonod io Upi nr. See tbrir sew ad io tbta iseoe. tf. Htop tbat ooogbl Take warning. It nay lead to oonsaaptioo. A 23c bot tle of Sbilob'e Care may save your life. Bold by Cooser k Brock. I Lost -A lady's gold wstcb. rleturdav, between tbe resiboo-e ( J. W. HblpUy ad J. C. Ball. Fio.W will receive lib .r.l reward bv leavior. tame at this offloe. Tbe Oaiette ear nra fall stock of Booming Bote, correspondence style, with nvlope toontob. Tbnee desirine soob stationery ean bsve applied at this office. Holder Bnm. buee succeeded Millie Bttwart la the livery bnelneee, orit don to Ibe O.fMie offls, and will do a general ltv eol feed bneioeee. Bigs, addle lioreee and atall room at reason able rates. 611-lf. Tb women' relM eorp met Halor dey. Siuoe moving from LeiiugkiB to Beppoer the corpe Us tko i tart. Ho far there baa beo bsstHi'l" "' order the feetive !. Hood's Pille are Ibe tbartio and liver touic. and sore. beet family os Oentlo, reliable, their wants tf. The Mai qua m Ursnd, on Morrison street In Ibe Marqusm building, is nnder excellent management and the pnHhe win re royally entertained tbie winter New companies and new faces will ar pear from limn to time at tbie pnpnlar nrst ola theatre of Portland, and when io Portland onr denizens sbnnld not fall to take In some of tbe fine dramas that will be presented. if An eichanga says: The following rule should be followed by persons who enter newspaper omc: "tnter softly, ill down qulrtly, subscribe for the paper and pay In ad vanre; keep all fwt away from the devil, hands and eyes on tha manuscript; don't carry away the exchanges; don t read the tuw on tha gal leys: don't lean on ths stone: keep shy ol the towel and by all means don't handle, ype nor talk to ths typo. F. M. Blxliy. of the rolls, t'malllla county ram in last night on a hualneM trip. While here h mxl this offlrs a pleasant visit. M Blxby was formerly on the staff of th Waaro Oterver and I an old newspaper man. PmeecMlng Attorney If. J, Bean arrived from renaieion in is Burning. II ram over to reprewnt th lUU In ths reea of Dr. Oamaey, wno isrhargeo wim practicing medietas with out a llrans. W. T. Hum, one of Portland brightest at torneys, and lormerly lsunt attorney therm. ram np this morning to delend Dr. Garntey at her preliminary examination today. County Jii'ls A. O. Bartholomew Is now com pelled to us rrnti hes owing to stepping on (mall blork which turned tinder his foot wranchltig his leg near th knee. Any of our reader desiring a not bonk ran erure a On on by tending their nam and t. O. address to Wlllro . Cooper A Nihs, Ual festoa. Texas. Th Guette I booming no man for efhr hut will fir Its bet soppott to th nominee, who rr they may b, that ar rhiaen neilKatnr day. Johnnie Fisher down In to I.U muntilain ranrb todsy. flan MrKentle wasdnwa from lite mountains today. Andr lUney m up from Islington belay, were Ibree eb-J ew mem-Hat- rode the LJ a .-( re Tt. .. vsrj f T e. fc. . f1 . Payette Nursery, Payette, Idaho. THE MtT OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... A NEW FIRM E. G. Noble & 1 HOP GOI;D Successors to Noble & Co., And now the entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewery beer Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Baddies, Whips, Spurt, and an endless 1 lot of everything in their line. E. O. Noble and Mrs. Oeo. Noble comprise the new Arm who will pay all bills of the old Arm a well as collect what la due. CO. Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. 4 On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. '1 he Coast Defences. One-balf tbe comber of improved can non, mortars and emplacements will be looatnd and placed io suitable position I ere the expiration of 18!3. Tbe artillery ! board are oonstattly making practioat sorveys, so far as these relate to tbe army, and tbe establishment of adequate military protertioo of onr sea board is recwvinn strong endorsement Mean- wuiie there Is means of defence from greater pbyeioal calamity, and that is lloaielter'e Ntomacb Hitters, wbich by res'nting the tone of Ibe nerves and atom-en, Invigorate the entirs system. is sih) prevents malarial, kiilne and rbenmatio eilme-nta. and onrea hiliona ores and constipation. Those who have beeo onred by It apeak io oo onoertalo ierm as to lie rfrecuveoese. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queenswarc At Gilliam & Bisbee's And by tha way they have anything you ran call for iu th Hue of Hardware, Stove and Tinware, GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. Co fort la Tryellsg. r , . ... icTBoneiiy conducted tourist eioor iooe ar no the fad. Hie are partico larly adapted for ladies (ravelin.! alooe. or with children, for oo change of rare is necessary between tbe I'eolfJo and At lectio, rorlhermore, eah car Is io charge of special conductor, wboee sole dutt-e are to look after ibe welfare sod comfort of bis passengers. The rare are operated by the Tollmen I'alaoe Car company, tiitia ensuriog lo Laseenuers all Ibe comforts af modrro day travel al iree man ball Ibe Osnal I'ullroao rate. These eirorsious too via ''The Great Halt Lake ronle," and leave Portland via Ibe O. K. a N. at H p. m. Moodav. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. Tbe Kind Yon Hare Always Bought Bears tha Signature Beet Moommodation and oonrteons trealment si tbe Imperial MoUl.Heventb I and W ash. HI., Portland, Oregon. hee H. Ltchtentbal t Uo. for ahoee. Bring )otir bidea, polls and for to Heo. Meihewe, at the Liberty Meat Market, lie pays bigheet market price. CliMf. Wanted Milk cows for summer raege. Will be kept eo J cared for io good shape for privilege of milking. Oood aature forolshed for calves. Apply at ()jtle office. It There' mora clothing deelmyed by poor soap Ibao by actoal wear. "Ho Cake" soap contain bo frt alkali and Gibson & Berger, At diss Jones' Old stand. Bhnvintf, - . IS Ctn. Hair Cuttinir. - 'J 5 'liaths 2."c. .everything Strict ly r irnt LlasH. ill Dot Injur tb finest I so. Try it Toeaday, Wednesday and Thoraday of ""1 ' tb differeoo in qoalily. each week. The car Uavlna Mor.,1.. I Kba A Oo. -;) ronstbrotigb without obaog lo K ansae I Yellow Jauniee Crd City and Chicago, ys the Miaeonri Hoffriog bomko.ty should b Pan II o and Chicago k Allou east of oppled with every mean poeeibo Pueblo; Mm ear leaviug Toe. day run fcJf il ''' It i With l'eor w through to It eton. via the rk I.I. .l P'lib tb following: "Tbi I lo lke Mil or Mlrhlgao Hoathero, New York Onlral nod ton A A ban v. and . - . r ' in ear leaving Wednesday through lo Kanaae City and Hi. Li.ul. via Ibe llor lingtoo eat of nver. rar leaving Thorsilay rone through lo M fjni. da Miiur Pacific eaat of Pnebl.i. Pr rate, pamtihlei and lt.( irmatmn. 1 1- i ..1...1. (leo'l Agt , liio Orshd Aestern ky., I ortlatiil, Uregoo. Ask Your Doctor what ctTcct alum has upon the stomach Then rv 1 A t Vk IIAIISI sm! J . . t A t . ' I u.t ujj jvui liunu wncincr you win put any more low-price baking powder into your husband's or children's food. Schilling's Best is pure cream of tartar and soda. Nothing else. M certily thai I we a terrible solTrrer from Tllow Jaoodtc for over sli month sod was treated by some of tb bee I pbjsioiao io our ity tad all to no avail. Dr. Dell, our droggiet, reeotn Bended Eleolno IlitUre aad after taking I kow take great pleasor io reoommeoding Ibem to aoy peraoo (offering from this lerribl Balady. I a gfalefully your, M. A. Uogtriy, Unsgtoo, Ky." Hold by IL i. hlooaro, draggi!. lATiriCATtdN imivi Tb Morrow eoocty iiablico elab will bold g'd rati Qret loo meeiief HaturJ.y eveolag. Aprd 2 1, at tbe opera bone. fJo.J onr, vorel eitd loetta . toentat, siemeilf prepared for t la oe , aioo. RveryUxly loviUd. D. A. CURRAY, Formerly of I'tiidlrton Tonsorial Artist. THE BIG BRICK MOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J. C. BORCIIERS Who has secured tho service of MRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W As manager. It will he run in first clan nhapo in every department. Hate reasonable SAMPLC ROOMS IN CONNECTION. THE PALACE HOTEL UAH. J. aBOROHERS,Pi'op. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigr r mm igars The Best Bargains- Shoving, Hair Cutting, Miou, Corner, IS Cent 29 " llr.iiirr, Oren. Mathews 8c Gentry, BARBERS Shaving eve 15 Cents. Kh.p o U..r South of f(n,m.e. D. E. GILMAN, GcncralCoIlcctor 1'iit your nld remks and nee In hi hand and tt your snmiey mil f.( Uiem Make a rlaliy of bard eul iartluu. Office) ia J. N. Iirowo's ItuiUica. AWE NOT THO GOODS BOtOIIT FOH THE LEAST MONtY Hot ar those ol greatest vain In proportion t e.t If you anl Ui et your money a worth of honvet mls In woeencs, Iiaruware, Tinware, OR MACHINERY, CALL ON- & Oe THOMPSON CO,, W are Inrreasins our etr tall and winter fall and e us. y SELF-HEATING FLAT IRON THE CHEAT ITU AND LABOR SAVCIt Frank Enoelman r" 1 1 ft r i i H I lie M. Mhr. nf V 1 I 1 1 KM I i irii r w V w m W I 0 a J ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All biwlneaa attended Is In I emmnt end i.rj manner. Dutarle futile ai4 l, Uitl Office la eialler lldla, Heepaer, Or. Hoc-Cake Soap Has No Eiia Or loeic, Is arenl nr this ueful hiH.e.1,,,1.1 nn ie ana elll lhi.,uM. eativue ti e n.nnir o, the same, lie la aixi me '! ! the euieuf lrri .n, lerrlliify lor eai. JOHN F. CASEY A CO SL Umls. Maniifarturers. Triet-H Il ttmittble. i ejrt'jA I I 1 I .g fce.-a-- W 1V ! Ta fere ( HMilMlti, taxeeer, I Tt '' i.1f I ad, art r lw l,t il V. b. w. lati u , f iae Me noler LoilexJ B(te patent, it tnuat leoeaarilf HOOTS AND SHOES::: TMI f LCt TO OCT THCM It Of CnUios bo atarch, frm alkali! SHOES IN ALL TUP I ATPCT CTVI TC " s I " sBia 9 sWIwtMP nevairiv; Fisl