The Gazette. Tuesday, March 29, 1898. Candidates' Announcements T hereby announce to the ouDlie of Morrow county, tht I will be a candidate before the next republican county convention for nomi nation to the office of county assessor. Kespectfully, W. B. McAUSTEK. Lexington, Or.. March 7. '98. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county assessor, subject to the will of the republican county convention. A. C. Pbtteys. I hereby announce to my friends and the public of Morrow county that I will be a can didate before the reDublican county eonven tion for the nomination to the ottice of assessor of Morrow county. v. n. rcK, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of l ouiity Kupt of Schools, subject to the will of the Republican county convention. Having striven to do my whole duty for two years, I trust that the people will approve my I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the ottice ot oounty mipennienoeiii 01 bciioois, subject to tne decision 01 tne nepuimcau cou vention of Morrow county. A. IionsoN. In response to the earnest solicitation of num erous friends, I hereby announce myself a can dlriate tor the office of Countv Clerk of Morrow county, subject to the will of the Republican county convention. vawtbb i,Mrou, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Representative, subject to the will of the Morrow county tiepuDiican convenuuu. E. L. Frkkland Bv solicitation of my friends, I hereby an. nounce myself a candidate for state representa tive, subject to the will of the republican convention ol Morrow county. O. E. Faknsworth. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for county commissioner, subject to the will of the republican county convention Joe Luck man. I hereby announce myself a candidate for county commissioner 01 morrow county, suu- THE FUSION TICKET. After four days ot labor the "silvei" force got together down at Portland the paat week and pnl op the following tate ticket: GOVERNOR-WM R. King, populist, of Baker county. SECRETARY OF STATE-Harriaon B.Kincaid, silver-republican, of Lane county. TREASURER J. 0. Booth, democrat, of Joseph ine county. SUPREME JUDGE-W. M. Ramsey, democrat, Yamhill county. ATTORNEY-GENERAL J. L. Story, populist. of W asco county. PRINTER C. A. Fitch, populist, of Clackamas county. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUO TION H. 8. Lyman, populist, of Clatsop county. CONGRESSMEN -First District: Robert M, V catch, democrat, of Douglas county; Sec ond District, C. M. Donaldson, silver-repub lican, of Baker county. Firet jndloinl district For judges, John A. Jeffrey, populist, of Jaokeon, Rod E. C. Wade, silver-republican, of Josephine; for district attorney, A. N Soliss, democrat, of Jackson; for mem ber of the board of equalization, Chae. E. Worden, democrat, of Jackson Seoond judicial district For judge, J. W. Hamilton democrat, of Douglas; for district attorney, Henry Denlinger, jr., populist, of Linooln Third district For judges, R. P. Boise, populist, of Marion, and P. H. D'Aroy, demoorat, of Marion; for district attor ney, Samuel N. Hayden, demoorat, ot Marion; for member of the board ot equalization, J. P. Robinson, populist, of Marion Fourth district, Multnomah oounty nominations not ratified. Fifth district--For judge, W. D. Hare ot Washington; for district attorney PRESS COMMENT. ere of the democrat!-, eonntr corn-an- I tion, prescribed . a dose ot strychnine One of the most insistent and moat lwhioh the patient swallowed all too read- aggravating of all political nuisance is lily, and died in slight oonvulsions in the the self-styled "original gold-standard oounty court room the following after- republican ." He is very moon in evi- noon. Friends of the deoeased threat- denoe just now, and bis prayer, "I thank en vengeBnoe on the murderous populist thee that I am not as other men," booms dootors and a hot old time is expeoted and roars above all other noises of the at the interment of the remains. Crook political warfare. Oounty Journal, He is usually the veriest humbug since the days ot Oane. Hs is altcgetber too Accident to Pomp, numerous. In very rare instances is I Heppner Light & Water Co. have been unable there the slightest foundation for his to pump any water this week In consequence of aelf-ffrantpd till A few veara aro a accldent whlcn occurred to their pumping seir-granted mm. a. tew years ago a apparatug a few daT, w They expected to strictly gold standard republican oocld have all repairs made today, but the necessary hardly be found, and when one was die- material for making the pump whole again oovered it was usually seen that be was ,alled to arrlve ,rom Portland. Fortunate for , . ,, ! the company, they had both reservoirs well for gold simply because the great major- fil)ed anPd water iupply sufflclent for ity of bis party associates were not. It several days yet. No use will be permitted of was contrariness, not reason, that put the water in the fire protection reservoir, which bim on the right road. ' al ed at Pre,ent to its utmost capacity. Pa trons oi tne company are asxea to use water BDarinfflv for a Iaw rinva lnneer and evervthinff l -ta i i i a I - ' ure biwhs goiu standard men trom will be in ship shape again. oonviotion, but these men are not the self-praisiug, "original gold standard Officers Elected republicans," who now disturb ourslum- At the regular session of the B. P. 0. Elks bers. The genuine original is modest. held last evening the following officers were I Week ' We simply knocked our competitors silly with our display of The humbug prototype ot lattei day elected: Exalted Ruler, E. L. Freeland; El- teemed Lending Knltrht. tf. W. Rnenner: Fa- republicanism struts before tbe public teemed Loyal Knight, R. F. Hynd; Esteemed and poses as tbe guiding angel of the Lecturing Knight, Henry Blackman; Secretary, party. He demands (be has no milder Jl w- Hornor; Treasurer, Frank Gilliam; TTui- words in his dictionary) that tbe party tee, J. A. Patterson; Tyler, J. C. Borchers; Eb -in faot be is nothing uire. W. E. Rrnek: 'lmnldln J. J. Harris: nominations and party maopinery b inner Guard, A. M. Slocum; Organist, W. A. under bis dictation and control. He Richardson. rages as a ayclorje but wind, He is not a pleasing picture and it is relief to turn our glasses toward the loyal and earnest republicans, who, not riven to eelf-itintifinatinr. or nelf-olnrifl .. , .1 Cure all liver ills, bilious- oation, are working for the sucoess of nesS( heaUachei 10ur 8tom. tbe party, and who are wise enough to ach, indigestion, constlpa- gKloodl' This Week... We ask you to examine our display of ...HATS! Being complete and up-to-date, in all the latest blocks and styles, in Mens' Youths' and Boys' hats. Prices guaranteed to be as low as the lowest. Watch this Space. Something New will Appear Each Week. Our show window will contain a different line ef goods each week or ten days, and our advertisement will call attention to each line we put forward. Space does not permit us to mention all our extensive lines at one time. Boys I Youths ttiiig the finest ever shown in this city. Our prices are as low as the lowest, if not a little lower. . o o o o o o COUnly commissioner UI morrow county, auu- -ktij i . . . - I tlnn Tliav ant Aa.ll ith Si I I. .A the ,111 tha rori,Kll.on nmintv unn. GBOIBH MolBD . democrat (if nifttnrin: for k-nni thai annnau iinnana nnnn until. I .""7 ' eamy, Wlin- i-mtin,. En Day I . ...... .. . - ""i1"""" out pain or fcrlpe. Sold by all druwrlits. 25 cents. wDuiuoi wnn uudiu vi cijuuiiaBtiuu , i xuese arc lue repuUUDnuB toai maae f v w,w ruu hi uko wiui auwit sarBapariiia, vention. r herebv announce mvsell a candidate for the William Barlow, silver-republican, of the rerinblioan nartv what it is. Cor. ?FL .!."e. ,f "k,?'"";"' Olackamae. vallis Qazatte, vention. D.A.Hamilton. Sixth districtFor district attorney. Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaObandk, Oregon, March 10, 1898. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TBE followine-named settler has filed notice of bis Intention to make final proof in support of htnplaim. and that. SRid nrnof will hn maria he- Fill a bottle or oommon glass with fore J. W. Morrow County Clerk, Morrow BOW TO FIND OCT, IT Tt tt:i.ia. i.. J U 1 .1 i. . -s . . .. . T Wfthv unnounoe mvielf ft candidate for the uvw. . a BmBU Wttr WOUia D6 iniereflllDff U8t office of countv clerk. Bubject to tne decision oil a iu j.a: j.j m t I oA rnr ni u. u . - l ih v Mil ii ii it iNi nil a n ii r Mill uh. vw . i. vu Bcoiun iiiaii i if a v lid bju vn viuu upiyd i i , . tne republican county convention. .7 . ' V , ... , . .. .. . ,:. i : i j . i,... county, uregon, at ueppner, uregon, on April rt. is, aiarih. itjradshaw, silver republican ; for district Deen -wnoopind ner up" wouia sena """"''v'"' """'"t p, viz: tu...K.. u 0,n,,tf,ti, atfnmnv. A Van Vantrr nnnnli.. fn. Droiiea to the front. Oreiron Hoont. a semmeni or settling indioates an UU- WILLIAM H. CLARK, SF'S "Uth:..SS "rff: 8,D X, member of tbe board of equalization. O. healthy oondU.on of the kidneys. When "j ' BMru Tp iW.tM4 V1 v"u..j, -"..jw. .w ..... l i . . . . 1 a.lA afalna linnn ia AniHnAA nl Yr , A I Tl a nmua fnllnoritKi ivltnaas frt nrnvn Kcpubiican county convention. f Kiofir, popaliflt. or Hherman. juae uraaanaw win De nominatea, ir U4,4J" 11UCU v, UALbUrYAi, I n i j.. i..a, InflW trnnhlft. Tun froniiant duoiro tn nn. 1 i i t r i.i .1. r.ii7DiD aiBwioi ror aiBirioi Biiorney, u, uu yuuuio-umu-repo hckhs. w- UI HHm muU( yiCt AuUy . uok, nezcKinn Hamnal Whifa i1mnnrat nf HaItap ThlB wil make it imnnHaihlA for RftV I OT paiu ID 1D6 DaOK IB BIBO CODVIDO I Vlp,;m. anil T r.h m n T1n JAU..u.a.!MKnMiMn.narl.A-l ' I ll IlL.i iL. L!l t.1 A ..." ' xuj uouiumuu ytuiv woo uire- Ma(iHe holds over. sound money man to'support bim.-Ex leyized in 1872 SDiI liryanized in Ninth distriot For judge, Morton D. Married In this oily, Maroh 15th inst, The Leader Of Course! E. W, Bartlktt, Kegister 189G and BOmethmg with it ized Clifford, democrat, of Grant; for distriot will happen to it in 1900. Do you UttwDoyi Erret Hicks, populist, of Grant; Old Unole Democracy led to the altar for member of tbe board ot equalisation, the young and bluebiua dam-sel Miss J. It GregK, populist, of Malheur. Sixteen-to-one or Bust. Rev, Imperative Tbe joint senators and rearesentatives Mandate assisted by Rev. Any Old are as follows: Thins offioialed at the nuptials. Ex. it- .ii i . IHE repuDlican pnmaneB ceia Clackamas and Marion For joint sen- know what it is? No(?) Paral- ized. Linn County Republican. throughout Morrow county passed ator, Rev. H. L. Berkley, silver repnbli- iog proof that the kidneys and bladder of Vinson, Oregon. are out of order. 30.41 WHAT TO DO. There is oomfort in the knowledae so NOTICE OF INTENTION. "u Land Omci At La Gbandb. Obkoon Swamn-Root. the sreat kidnnv remerlv I March T. 1M, . ... ..... .. .. VTOTICE Id HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE minis every wisn in relieving pain in tne following-named settler has filed notice hunk kldnevs liver bladdnr and everv ' n1' intention to make final proof in support oboe, aiaDeys, liver, oiaaaer ana every 0( his claim, and that said proof will be made part of tbe urinary passages. It Oor- before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Ore- reots inability to bold urine and so aid Notice of Intention. gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 23, ltW8, viz: rnuM T niTiniriv Pi... ..:. i i t. . .. . . . . . . I A. u,,v, n . , . ill, IKIUIKI llltiM .11 KMI.I1 II II II IH. 1 1 r ,n( . n .naa. m . m n n.nn. I I I ... . . .. .. .. . . . - nfMttrinn ' r iu nm iu Vwiu 11, ui vnu ruwil IW Ha I SO WHIOr IH Miji OI bM 0'1'pitKH off verv auietlv so far as we have 0BD 01 Marion. . yatinna iih hir-Vi ir. ha.i n. nnt ! : m i j ewm. i x r, , , , , ... i " . iuwiuk ubo ui uuuur. wiuo ur ucer. sou u u- ,.n ...i - . i .i.i. l . i tu. .! i oHser ana mniiieur ror loini sen a- I m 4 u. .i j i ... . .. . . " "'"" uueu auio w iohiu. iud pittu ,, , , . . ui mo uura siouui ue auHuuuueu auy overoomes tnal UUDlsasant necessity ot nis contimioiis residence upon aim cultivation ..... .i tor, William Hmitb, populist, of Bilker. I . ,u .,!:, , . I , . ..... .. of said land, vis: A. 1. Htamp, M. J. Devln, w. adopted in Heppner seems to nave n,.t ,.,, Q . na,. , W,DU" ,UD 'U,D'",'UU' oein? compeuea 10 set up many limes o. Mccarty and Foster Adams, all of Heppner, rnven General satisfaction : more so ..'.... M ' jl 0l bo6e eD'age'1 10 no Bn .erfort- " dn n'ht ' n8'- Tbe mild - tAmm 13 " ' . l"u' " I Will Clllminfttfl a dPBPrVAd nil dlUVrAflA tKa rFanrrima.. nffunt r.9 I 9Q.1A RA.t, Al t P mi. .1.1 L . . w I ' F I UM VI auiuiuni W LAAVV VI WW Ull' 1 w. , man ever oetore. Ana ueiogates era . or morrow. ful failure. Portland Dispatoh. r0(t is soon realised. It stand, the are eacu and all representative - -"r jom hibest for its wonderful cures of the Li; .j i: I reDrcHentative. T. J, Luoie. democrat, of ti,. -:i. ui: i .it. I .... .. . repuoiicans anu uu quobtiuu vau "w lopuuiionus iu iuaiueur most distressing oases. It you needs r ani be raised as to their party fealty. wB ' and Hherman-For j ,lt,t rena- - medicine you should have the best. Sold ihMtU'oi Itianow an almost assured fact . ' n , . .... , bscau.e tbe other two fact.on. re- b, druggist., price fifty cent, and on. hi. intention j !iXSi il l 1 i." :i 1 V, I . , . .... . I - - j i uiuau M. 1 a wiuuiun uuat uo '1ID "Urcs.ii.aiive, tintimm, of WMted. yel Bom ppl. tell us that knJ p,mph,et Mh Mnt free by m8i,, Oregon, on Saturday, APrlM 1, vU liHUJHU auu a uhiiuuuiuub cuuvtiu-i "". fusion I. notbioa but or no n a and an n, ,.ini i n,.M of Hnnner: H,i k No2uo i..r the neu of Sec Lake and Kkuiath-For ioi,,t rer.rp- ... " ....u 12. Tp'Js R 24 w M. - .-- luiiui iu iuuiii, iuiusuu L'luuaicu. I iviiaf suit nr nnataira nn tha hnltla I u. .v.. t..nin. it.... l..,i(i T 11 i.;ir,ti, ......ii.i t'm -- - ........ .... ......,... -,...,r... , ....... ou.u.,., . 1.. vj ui 1 f.u l. TT.nn... n.i. m.A nis conn n nous resmence upon ana cultivation m... .1 Mention the Ueppner Gaaette and send n( ,.nrt p Uh H.ih r T XV..14 ... . 1. ...1.K I "'"'"w". 1 w. iinlln thai Ih. lvna .l.ntl ah Ih.i. 11 . T Tr ,1 . -n, I li.,,. nl u.nnna D v .... t uitl .,1 ir IU iiiuuuuuiau icuuDiicnuo ... .1 rv- .o.. . yOUr auurrn so ir. ivnmer s jo i)ing- .-. ..v,,,.,, u.r,.,,,, ,.,. . I 1 lia hnliilii.Miiti. nf nipnml in..., .n.l I. I I I j.. (itirtnn Oruirnn .ml J.iutrih Muann nf l.tiiM 1 . n "u aiutiiiv anil rttrnaa in rnaa in inn l.-.i m v t,.. . .1.:. i " r.. i . - - tion held next Saturday. very bampton, N. T. Tu proprietor, of tbi. oreuon. i I. 1 . U & 1. I. .. A. I ... .... I tnHtanf deleft, then the dnl. Lr. .mi ,,.... Li th .,- k. " rruul'.,u.w"'u.u u' " on"ot" Pper guarantee to. genuineness or this d H.. ,..... jeieoi ineir tioiet. They are readv to offer. j i t i i: ii. . I insist on tjeriiBiiHULiK vuo luruo district attorney in Multnotuah oounty iiueltlcd. Til populists have egatfifl irom COUnilOB OUlSlue OI not rauneu uie uemnarauo ncumiaiious fu8(, 00 principle" and large share of JA8. r. MOORE. Register. v vi l i i to agree B ".u.u:au ......noHiiona 01 well b, no ihow to get offj0- ln ,Dy - oiuari, tor circuit juuifP. or nave u,rr,ilunii ni.natM. Multnomab should give a reason- Thoma O'Day and J. V. Ueaoh or the tbe oraoe 0Dy ln ooaDtie, wnere tn able time for them f.:i: . a t Mi a a I mi I Dnwu. ' ""-M- - uirUBy, lur pomuou wuiuii m iiimtsq Tha Wallowa Herald says : Someone, 18 no Bouse or reason lor me party w tu-ra ny me ooiii.renoe oommntcoa , .hort (ime back, who bad mora imagi shouldennji this unnecessary dis 1De' r""He 10 wo,'l't ,ue nommatioo n,tion than (acts to work on, started tbe anntmn in Multnomah countv. " J' lm: lh,, ao.n,,t De,,ee story thai thers are on. tboosaod bnr- IWHanrl. th r-Uif it of (tan ' " B ""T roaming over Wallow, county b.Ua ; r D , ,n 'rruy:rrr of m.. onjlt, lnt0 buuuiu uo au.o w bu .u.w.u.p,,:, union piatiorm, loongu D. has aa wldelv cv.r thrM al.t A A 1 A I . . . a .... I aoil give PDOOUrRgemoni 10 aeconi rwa io una on . eTr.i iuuao- It i jQa DOw txioomg to bw frali .! v l. VT Ilia niemtijara nf Ih. . I t.,n A...r. I . ...... ... . . pontics. laquiDd uay ixewn, , .... ... -r u pjouuuy uu. week received a wi.uur.w ui Ingram from Tortlaod Alaska firm E stato republican convention must so reason ot of Mitchell delegates, ono or Iwtb mpowrred to raiily tha ticket by country wbo owns burn, and you do should be refused soatn. It would ,M ,,M C0D!!0 ",D "n0'8r ,n '- not need all your fingers to eouot bis so be suicide to attempt to aiviae --- .. tlr, b.nd.-Orego. Booot. thorn. It any recognition is gi von either faction, let it bo definite, but don't think to settle the factional fight by seating one-half ot each faction's delegate. Wisdom would suggest that both delegations be refused admission into the con vention. Salem Sentinel. These lor premium book are our sentiments also. AllVtUTlSFO LETTERS. AT IIEI'PNEB NOTICE OF INTENTION. LANDOrrtrs at Tmb Palms. Ohkoom, The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, Is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at T. R. HOWARD'S Heppner, Oregon- IETTERM APVKRT1HKD J Or.. March a. WM Allfii, II II Bnimmrn, Vrixl tnjlcrljr, ilenrv Hair, C 8 Hiirner, nn. Hatua u N Ki-liniarr , lnim. TH m nu of his intention to make final prool In OTirE IB HEREBY 01VKN THAT THE lollowins-naiiiHl svttlrr has IIIkI notice support ol his claim, ami that salil prool will rm man in-iora J. w. Mormw, county t:irrs Whm ralllnc lor h l-tfrs pic... mj MPP". 0'"y Pf" H. ailrertliwl i. P. Williams. r M Timber Culture-Final Proof. Land Orru s at Tns Ohkiox. M.n h I .(h VrOTlCK IH HF.KKRY OIVKN THAT I'AT 11 rick hulllaii. nl HrPtiurr. has tllnl nullc oi inioiituin in mm nnai pnioi twtors j. w Morniw, county clcti, at his ofhp In Heppner, I CHARI.K4 P. BARNETT, nlUlntnn: IME Nn 4IM for th H', NEU anl loU I anil 2 thv S. Tp 1 R W K W M . II name tha lollnwlns wltnemet to prove his cxiiitlniioua rellenri iiihiii atnl cultivation ot Ml.l lanr). vl' J.ihn T. MrMlllan, K.lwar.l L Calmer, Charles K. MrAll.ter and Thomas H. MchoU, all ol Lexington, Oregon. JAS. r. amiKK, 2KJt Kegister. Thk atate republican convention " " i"M,iii0.ooa of ihei, vx, Mkina whtl flot- b, ooolJ farol)lh ri.:.! know no Simon, no Corbett, w m" -wpwui. i my iss am lhm wilb , 0,r M Tb, Blorf WM v jjs -;' a MiiohAll nn ScotL For this 7 o.naiuaf. mr ois.nni auor- OB0, MrawoaW. ,nd ridiouloos, and "'""r " 1",' .'" ru,n,i iUllCUOlI, DO DCOIU ror IU1 bBCati annh malertal ia aamnra ,. , . , . . ... Ieiinls Hi.lllane. V illlam S. Ulller, and ramiici .. .... . i Dec"n n0D m"nai ia soonra id I tbia tut bbaM only mskM II lha mora I Lriiier .li ui nrl,i,. ore.nn. , II iiuunoman Benin ihs Dopulinl ranka Tlis .ifoiisivsn.ra i.,.i.i. u.. i L,J m. F. rk of Simon deleRatCB and a Bet iihIIm of Iba sUU cotral oommiltM ,0 uMB ibers is but on man id Ih.l ' CITATION. N THE ror "TV rfRT or THE ktate I m orefun. Ir In enmity nl Xntniv, In Ih mailer at th aut ol Jha M. U. Hwn- nr. a niiiiiiT. To J. R. aperry, guardian ol Ih cUta of said M Alltf. all ut Usli.gtoo. For CoDstiDBlioa Uka Karl's Clovtrl rUbr,of Iba lUvisw, tas tb rialn- m . ., . a. . i I I - u. . . i minor, speeiiiia 1WI, III Brw llliKa rnriuir, Oil re Jipr uin wirupiltnroi mora D In Ih nam ol th Mat nf Oreaon. Vu in I htmlsnliM, .frTiOn, l'.rtlliluins on isfsrs to II M a nuddla-Ol-tbS-roaa ta h"',y rttr-l and l-Ulrl ! apiar In th Ih lac anil make llu hea.l a nlear a ...... ... . ' "'ty I rt "I Ih aui nl tn, l in id lac), ami mas iuj urmi a oirar a p,r. an4 lo lis aJikir a a mid Jla of lb t ...mty h i n.c..urt r...m n. a 111. hol.l tf (otisera llrook. I . ..r,l,l.n a ,lI ll-. il.. . Meppnr. lnlh.t om..y ol M.irma.nn Mmi. .. It)4 rpuWlC0. A Bl.I.II-o lb road ,'ll,er..nd day nl M.r. I. at I el i. mi Chilean, nt daranaral. or tvnnnlisl 1 l lfn.. nf that day. the and ther Ui ' ..... . . I aetti ynuf rrnuni g uarlian n J NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laud Orru s a? Tns Dm.. Oaiooii, Kelruarv JK. 1km. X'OTUE 1H HERERY OIVKN THAT THE il Inllowln namxl aettler ha Sled tndlc nl his Intention In tnak flnal pmnl In support nl his claim, and that Hid prr. will h nisde hefiir t, W. Mnrrnw, Cmintv t'l.'rk. at lleppuar. un-gon, on xonuay, April ii, i-w, via: innMAt H MCHOIA .1 Utlngton: H 1 E Mo l lor Ih S. Hc 1 1 P I it i t E W M lie name th ltlnliif wltneaae In pmv his enutlnnniia realdenre utin and cultivation taal'l land, U: Cliarle P. Harnett. Jnhn T MrMlllan, RdaaM I Palmer and Charles R, V-M. JA. r. MOORE. Hvgl.ter. Notice Ot Contest Timber Culture. Ma Tkfsa Tha wrappers worth a Peril a s of Uua Oak snap ir on aba bold bis pollllral prioripl apenrer. a a pi.. Ask Uba A Co. aUit lb spoils ot rfflf. wba Ulittra oJi' N,k. a 30 1 1,. i i.ia h..i .i.n.t. f. ii,. t i. h" l. iu.i mlnnr. and shn ranae, II ai,y .lat. ml.l not y In ih aalit ,.hn M O. epanrer, Ih iiai nt nioney nn In hi Han. ! lielntidng In aald .a m II apenref It now looks as if there tnigbt bo war between Spam and tbe United States. While war ia Bme- thing to txi avoiJivl if txihle, vet national diahomir ia something worse, and if Spain has to l taught humane treatment to the starving Cubans, we know of no Just as Good Emulsion ai Scott'i And wc utl It much cheaper," U A itAtrmcnt lomrtirncs one more cmieteiit to undertake EmuWon U Cilkd lor. ThU .hows the ctmtract than I nele Ham. The hhAtthedrojgUtithtmKlvcmgAriJ Aineriran puople are in no humor UU with at the preaent SCOlt G inouiont and we Miee the hour Las armed when this goYernmeiit should stop the war to Cuba. If I cl Cod-Livr r 0.1 with Hirpcpho. Knaiii la not willinit U Ui't tbi phitrt ol Lime AnJ dodA Al th K-ivr-rnment half way iu a pacific lUndAri, And th prchAir who I ll,n alt. ir t 1'uli. T r'""- " -' . . . Ikcauk h know i it hat Utn ol lhn the American nopie ueman.i un, y k,!., lhouti not lor on that this nation atl it, aud mUnt hlnk c ukinf h rUk once witlxiui luai roniuw .-biioh. al tlihouor lies ib the fact that starvation, aai nation and all the horror that mul l U devised by a mini-brlrii pnpli hae m long Ino allownd to In mrpitraU vl so Mtr our slmrM without io lertfnti.m. l-t it t D mm sod Ihia .vol ninrut will Lave th Ibal bis parlf aUoda fur lb ImI intrrt of tb popl, and o btiio( prtr euiHirary uiai ui wwiory , ,, ,mmi, Ultt ,flfc d. Uurttt A al lb SMnOc. of wbal b tr,li.r to b Axl . w Mofc)u,w rlgbl. A loatoBlal Is on Who ttb Mi tt. t)'. baa ao political prlnaipl, or ear so lilll fr Ibvrs Ibal b W rvatljr lo bilr llirm for lb ak of .ffl.; pnlli lr walkat bawki( lbir war brra lb Brkl promt Moat T, Una orrti s at Tns Pu. o..o Uari k ! I". pOMrtlT H A VI VI SrK MU'K AT k this nltlr by th duly aertrled and enrmnn- Calm! nl Hnirt Marten, alleging that John i ai.rav. ajhn ml limiier rultur entry pf' w llnea. th Hon. A I llaMnnlnmr. Judr .. . . j . .. i im . . A . f.i. . , f till i ....m ..... - . - .-l a.J. . ,. tindiMd ld Inaci. d tiv lallol and neg stiERtrrx SALE. Iwled al ail Untea aliw in third year alter entry, larunpir lfA Ih limner euilur I. o. u plant, eu. Urate nf pmtart any tori ol lb aid lrn to leax. llu nr rnlliiis. a rx quired ty la. mriir uh la vte In ih rliuaj nl aald entry the aatd Mrtle r t.rit iiM.a.'ned and rttra.l m l ami ap (ni J m Mntmai. ruoiy rlerk nl Mur 'lfflr l HtltrRY OlVI tsar al hi at Heppner. oren, a vtn.t rJ s tieriithra nd nMe n wi I k4t d Apftl la at id nrl. k a . M duly l.a. M Ih t ink nl Ih I Ireutl I . nf Ih t minty a 1. 1 Uy. Ihea "! Iher In prnlw sih h te.ll mini ff M,.fn elate oi ihMn. I " f inew an, mil ennrernin me mil Ih I'laiaJaatar la B 4J lhama.l 'h M d.r nl ta.rrk, tmm. eeltali, aile,tt.m Ir. .! efteg in t-e h.. Ke,.r io I iiBJair i a nx.i.ii i.r id mad ..,, ,h. ,-...- ,. .. the he,i.i.. d t tfcein. ffpolilioatl papf. Tb IUflW I S (US herein Jm June and lame J me eta d.f ia I t th hour nl I I ia . a . A il . . -At . . a . I a r l.a B a SB ilS H RIKI iaata .n organ I lain ieeier. 1 ,inMr.t pi.imirt. nmimi i., ifme,.i i, I " l W. II Si . h-i.ef. iri. wudied I .'. a a .;a,.rw iran ""Hil l 11 i . . . . . . u 1I...I. t.'ik 1... .1 I i. . D.Mai. J t M.wm. h Oee..n kailaar ai4 I " ' ' ,'V ' iiil (.anil, rnrtaKaiii.n. and b.Mi la Ibis il. lb ilrmwfin" pari v t i.f nl t. ibn... vutl I I nrnrSY oivri TSaT t't ... 1 ... 1 . . "' Hundiad aineiy l iMiiara. auk 4 and ev nt nt an iiniiib nd 1 r"w-y. 'i ' eiev, inieeea. theee.. i ih ia 1 nl K pi . I ,,t H 4n!t iM n.'. I ln.4 out 4 tili ones pvttl tiu! etrlaiatt bnl naam 4 ! i t... 1 t wri , lh in... tn -a.ina( anei "a, urn neri amiy 11 ni lu.M 1 M.n.tia.1 ,.. n. j.. w..- ..... .. . .... v(uL Wild and angri rnrn'ra 1 Ion I 1 lay filld lb atr, bul an uu,bmI ba l la beld and ra lb lunfl ta.eJ al te.t 4t at, aw M ta 4y nl f,i..,a. l a.m.. ta a.tekt ' thai I ill a Wedoe A.. . .. , . .. . . .A . , 1. . . . la tf nmatMgj crieenl ! ilefelted ' a aa 4a.l.l.. at it- Ii.mI t t M it,a l h I . Mef t-ne n- eeMat. Ih lurlhef .lias al It. Matted ,.Mf a(U.I-J t Ine id ri and it tel.., I .1,, ,4 Manrh laaa npna )...!rmeajt w 4n t,!l lha S.n .tt J,.. Ta . "t r"! ii ii it ff a u.i nir sofTar vntrira rrrra 'r ratioo. Th lubititution .Si . a s 01 aorratininf uid to m "jutt At food lor A itsnd Ard rrfrArAtion twenty iivcycArion th markft ylv lb rbttplbip of I'.aaUra Ot. ng, inaay r and aa gt of d pay Hed bt tlar ftaosa anlil ) ot lour jeatg afs aba la aa aa cky lu ar, b k a io of Ik. (1- aad f re Tta.U 1'a'Stlil t'll4lbl imngbl oa a attack ft ehrntt diary baa II al w4 bin la a shadow t f tuf- te.ra.lf. Taiaaywra laUr. la a .WI CU'IT I far ( as llvav k s kkawl laf 4 t tVc4!H Am tn (.f-iwiit, "'. sV -I f IH Mt .r Aa a- srliB 1 rutttckr ba, H')a f.rtb4 moral soptwirt rf eorjr civtliH nation in the wotUL ihouUi not U fkirmitudby j H, , Wm v..a.ta. r., tne inliUigcnt puixhAKr. daal aa U. k ff r'- - aal apaMtf .1 .h""-!'' 7 A,tT f"1' f lie tUl WeHI. la IbM 4llhHI liiat th smm a 1 San at nm ia iiir4 i a. 4 i a I t.,. ! l4 -k.eal B l trial leeeeptl n 1. IMl SCOTT a iHiWhS.lh'!. Vtfc (.,u na i4 ppf-l.! 4.f.ira, UM Ml I!- 1 IV 4'tir rn4eml And tlteed . rntl en k lk -a, 4 ktanli. t la mil the . i A lk.M,J.M . .1 , . . ilh..4M 1l.e keii. W a(i,f I lHll.t nl .4M a eRtiii" ) iftlnllg. liea !!. n.hlg ad Mil. tart I ., t.1 " a. a.,al .a a e e f a fvn. I M M'l l.Hlg .ii".aa. I eea tele 4.lfr4 t M.a'"1si . Im ail la heeal I. IM ...I 11 el..- a ,1. Aavrld raail pn.rif 4u e Ih Mk I neh t I I.mi at I Si I Aal nl Hank. . d.. . L. ihj lll m eaar. aw if. em,n ai ,aj im Ma. a 'If I a. . -. . a a . m I h ..hi, I.. ,,, fca I J), tai iiej mmf efrti,i ! l l ) ISM I ae aialkeiel tha km f ng f . I,. tn ta a 1e -MM eg 4te aa wi.h U o" I leM I , p. at 41. t Ih lent 4waT nl th eematf leM e Oi th lk !-. l W4 ,M . t h..a k tK-t ta rh I fcd it k h-.f Hi eg k ai((nl k al A th b-e ag,hwF. 4rMaa4 eal nu ell V a tt.rr eg ae4 I K. i-W ag la exala i fclh al vnttaai lelr ehl, ik eg 4 .u, .i a, ht.en) eM.l , aMJtllaa awajia eg , ant aal J .i tih. I1 eel .g t a-iaea. I ,l lia... h . lk lha eieaiJ h.tal Sel 1 n l.w.W a al naaa ! ee,1Ml f . rlen naa I kMM.f . a . aa 1 la ttmt eg t t " I ". . M ...., m ft. v d et M ttalxan.M tkaeawg a t I aa".'. !( Ih a e -le-- la A... , . , I ..A . I- !- mm a . ' llae lha (4 n ..t.'V a) .44 J ' l v t tte4 '. at e eg aigal h-lVa. ilh tat 4 1 (.. (l ..) ka Km relkaf fra eg'.an.!. I f.lf ...n.iwwl la A m Ih f... I, Mil.. I u 4 ' 4 .aa I pi I atii'. t, l.fii -4 " " I. ait', a l4 ll.ypb. Man a I, l . a i I M l iMtlilllfliatMH) im. "When you hear dem bells!" YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express ia coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! t 6 t o o (? c MAT HALVORSEN, LEADING MERCHANT OF I0NE xxxxw Kcsps A Beneral Stock of Merchandise Including all the Staph-!., Hardware, Tin ware, Harni'M.n, Stockmen' Supplies, Wood and Willowware. First CI ass Goods and Low Prices is his motto. MflT HALVORSEN, IONK. OHKOON. V. ABItAHAMSICK, Merchant Tailoring! .Mr. AltraliainMck in the pioneer tailor of Ilepp tuT. I. i work in alwny (irKt cla-m ami satiitfac- tion guarantttil. GAtI AND HKi: MM ON MAY 8THKKT Siibscriljc for (lie Gazette ! $2 PER YEAR. m m t j . m m (t m m m m ii v vi vi 1 ii ii vi ii ii ii vi ii ii t ) t o o 9 i