Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 29, 1898, Image 1

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    Portland Libra ry
OFFICIAL aj-w1!. y
Seml-WeeKly Gazette
IF THE ....
; Seml-WeeKly Gazette
H AT $2.00 A YEAR.
NO. 635
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $2.0) par yoar. (1.00 for six months, 50 ota.
tor throe moncos, striotly in adrano .
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postoflice at Heppner, Oregon,
as Becond-class matter,
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. G. Dake's
Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants
Exohangs, Ban Franoisoo, California, where oou
raote for advertising can be made for it.
lug agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build
ing, San Franoicoo, is our authorized agent.
This papar is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N.-L0CAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p m. daily except
Snnday arriving at Heppner Junction 12.03 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junoiioa 3:30 a, m. and ar
rives at Heppner 6:00 a. in
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
and Uma ilia 8:50 p. m.
Portland Express No 3, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 0:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7.00
.m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
East Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:30 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. aod
arrives at H eppner Juaotion 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :2t a. m.
For further information irquire of J. G, Hart,
Agent O. K & N., Heppner, Ore.
United States Officials.
Piesident. William McKinley
V'oe-l'renldent Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Sherman
Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. (June
Seorntary of Interior Cornelias N. Miss
Seoretary of War Russell 4. Alger
Seoretaryof Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-Qeneral James A. ttary
Attorney-General John W. Griggs
Bioretary f Agrioultare... James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Hovornor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. K. Kincald
Treasurer Phil. Metsohao
Hnpt. Puhlio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
u .. ( G, W. MoBride
Senators j
(Thos. H. Tongue
Congrosamen W. K. Ellis
Printer W. H. Leeds
( R. 8. Bean,
Supreme Judges i V. A. Moore,
( C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
! "enit Judge Stephen . Lowell
Pco .touting Attorney H. J. bean
' Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator A, W. Gowan
Lepmsontativ. J. Brown
CountyJudge A. G. Bartholomew
' Commissioners J. It. Howard
J. W. Beckett. ,
" Clerk ;,-y2?7l,w
' Sheriff K. L.Mat lock
'-Treasure. Frank illiam
Assessor A. C. Petteys
" Surveyor.- J,J:'?olm
Sohool Bup't Jay W. Shipley
' Coroner B. I . Vaoghan
BxrpxiB towm ornoiRB.
Mayor ... -Thoa. Morgan
Councilman . J. Hlocum. M.
Iiiohtenthal, J. R. Simons, J. J. Roborts, J. W.
Rumus and E. G. Sperry.
H morder W. A. K charclimn
T-eaearer If W. Bnggs
Marshal John Uaner
Justice of the Peace W. K. Hichar-lsou
Constable N. 8. WbaUton
tJulted Statee Land Officer.
J. . Moon KeaHst-r
A. B. Burgs Kaoaivar
LA OUAMDB, OB. .. , .
E. W. Bartlett Register
J.H. Robbine Receiver
. . .
aomarr bociitibb.
G. A. B.
Meet at Lexington. Or., the last flaturrlay of
aeh month. Alf vaienaa are invited to Join.
U. W.Hmith, CO. KuvtiA.
Adlatant, tf Commander.
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
Offlo in tbe Cily Drog 8tor, near
Citv Motel. f
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Offloe boor, 8 to 10 a. m. And 12 to
2 p. m.. at reeideoca, W. A. Kirk' prop
arty, eaal of M. K chnrrb. 8oatb, nod 10
to 12, , m , to 2 to 5 p, m. , t offloe io
lb reaf of Borg't Jewelry etoro.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
OfTloe In tbe First National Bank
IIirmiB, : : Oiww.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
met at
Hells end burs real hIi. ranta kmiw. tr
taa. dors tiy.iwlnt ami III r juu in
any af In bia Hiie.al riiial.teBgir. tl
First National Bank
C. A. Rett. frUe)t
T. A. RMCA, Vo PVeeHeeit
ftto. W. COMtin. Ceehier
S. W. SPCNCCr. M'tCMil
Tni-'J I Ceaenl Buli Imtx
- . On all trM al tb wot 14
Bought and Sold.
' CntlaHtM all antekl ea
riaiiiaiato T ".
atrpta awl tiMm lt f'. 4.0 0".
Tb Oa4ie will take pr.UW-a, at tS,
egg Of batter ea otBttWaj aooania.
Aoy oae owing lb efSaaraa a-ttt lbif
ceoaeU la Ibi ! aaa't 4o it
tuO 0l tO M't
When Going
t3.S t . . . .
Dbb a first-class line in traveling
between Minneapolis, St. Paul
and Chicago, and tbe principal
towns in Central Wisconsin.
Pullman Palace Sleeping and
Chair Cars in Service.
The Dining Cars are operated in
the interests of its patrons, the
most elegant service ever in.au
gurated. Meals are served a la
To obtain first-class service your
ticket should read via.
The Wisconsin Central
Direct connection at Chioago and
Milwaukee for all Eastern points.
For full information call on your
nearest ticket agent, or write
Jas. C. Pond,
or Jas. A. Clock,
General Agent,
2-Hi Stark St.,
Portland Or.
Gen. Pas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
Q., C. M. & St. P., C. t A., P. Ft. W. & C.
and the C. St. L. fc P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta.,
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
Tbe Outlook will be io 1897, at it ban
been during eaoh of itt twenty ieren
yean, History of Oar Own Time. Io
its various' editorial departments Tbe
Outlook givei a oompaot review ot tbe
world'e progress j it follow a witb care
all (be importsot philanthropic) and id
dua trial movementa of tbe day; baa a
complete department of religion! oewt;
devote mnob apace to tbe intereat of
tbe borne; review current literatore;
faroiabe cbeerfai table-talk about meo
and tblos: and, io abort, aim to give
frrab information, original observation,
aod reaaooable eotertaiomeot.
Beginning witb tbe fifty fiiftb volome,
tbe paper will enanme tbe regular maga-
cine aiae, wbiob will add greatly to it
oooveoieone aod attractiveoeae. Tbe
Oatlook i pablklied every Saturday
fifty two iaaaea a year. Tb flrct ieaae
In eaob mootb ia ao llluatraled alagaaioe
Somber, containing about twine a ma ay
page a tbe ordinary issuef, together
witb large oomber ot pictnre.
Tb prioeof Tb Oatlook I tbre
dollar a year Io advance, or lea Ibao a
cent a day.
Send for a (avrimen epy aod Minstrel-
i prnepeotoa to Tb Ootlook, 13 Aator
Plane, New Yotk Oltv.
STtM t BRA Mm.
While warn MS rmf aabserintlua tld are
aa kp four bfaai la trnf ahar.
Bnr. P. O.. Hrtn. Or -!, PBiaUft
shooliWt earilla, mus. ott Urt hip.
lar, i'la, .am. rlablbipi ear miV snaan
arra bo laii aaa at.ui ta ruhL
ll-. W M .iMWsrnr Or.-Taitla. R ta
rlct.i 'la. asmibtw Jurb Is mrk avi burial. H ll
an t.i i nip.
ft Mm VWI f w II 1 j A a t a
oa mtt ahmtUat, eauia aaaaa ea lartfaiB. kail
l nhl aaf .
Fbiraaaa. L. A ftannfia. IWWuiu I I
nam n ni ana a aiu Mf aa 11 .i mm M.k
Jonaa, Hwn'H-f ptww. f - ft.aax hrnHt
r..,., nip, waaw, la nm aar. km !
aiiafw ani,
JaM. P.tia I... i a
lafl anHa, ratttla aaH aw Hal,, Mb, aW bail
amp is mmn mm m tan Bar
(attar. , Hafbaav. Mr.-lt'M'Bas lMtviM
aari aavtav abaB a tna riM
taaihor. W HnMr (lr - H.na bra44
I. an K "a tal eh.auWl asllts aana. a lafl
kli, waul war ri()il mf, U.mj al,la a rakl
Minne. tarar, h.bi aar rw - atlia, H O ta)
nanii aip. autaa. m am wi Mai4at.
Maji m M . Htn aa,, f - ft. rata. M )
na ran awatxtat aim aiai. na an aia.
'-a. I W.. ta-U- t l btaaUM laf
absalrfatt aalltaaMMiaa fl.hl kip.
Vtar Ulaaaaw. Hrimm.tH,mm IT am
an MMMiAaf.
rtaranti, O'lttt b"ta braMa War an4
hl.i. on lf1 shmii'l.r. rang. (Igbl Miia,
airv?w twtnir
fir-r.J. M . l.lnr.ai.Or -M.wa- It m
eaMa a.. la1 .fc.il.tari BBMay Milal taf kip.
atuiar M la KB aaf .
Ka i . W . Uinta, r- ft iraai, 10 m
laft aaiailitBT. CatUa, I) aa HM aipk
Oraavf g. Q, Mm,4m, ito, - f ! I' ta)
a k. p. iaaf i4 V 4 anttaM l af aa
a.ri hiaas I a Ul aaaaat
. ?Mpaai. t A. llaMMta. 't - M I -1 a), I M
aala I aa Ul
Taraa t naaa ttt -ajl aarltaJ t
lafl aaW. tut int., aWM a.a a ,,
a-.i ar4 I ta taaa aw
Wttla..B-t. W, , la!Ut j
iawa. a (i aa r .v, a.M
.aXMXMtJ a ri I , at4 U.
t. a4
t a4 ata w Ml aai , ttar m "M a4
. a.
V SM.i4a aa.ai
Vegetable Preparationfor As
similating theToodatidRegula
ting theStomadis andBoweis of
.IMwawMfr .-llUHUktf, I
ness and Rest.Con tains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Fbmrkm Sl'
Anin Jams'
Jimwminl -MOwiimaliStJm
Clarifud Sugar
tUtfyrma t'tnwn
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness andLoss OF SLEEP.
Toe Simile Signature of
rxACT copy or wrappeb,
Motel H3iirB.or'
(Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MRS. L. SMALL, Manager.
Now Open. New Methods. New Manage-
menc. strictly
Rates, $1.00 Per
Ey A first-clans fd burn rnn in onnnontlnn v.- n..
nJ from all traina. e solicit your
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed
in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S.
IT HAiMeliMnllv llift f..r Ih.ir t.f.irlif sn1 h.(.tHhra.. the Impmramam nt their
l.i.Uira ani l,.,m. inu-fMia, fur jiloa, U Ue alavalloa of Am.rM.u inetihwal ami
Inia Bi,m.nl,.
IT HAi'.H.t lha arMia, liilaraailng an-t liislrurUt slnrtre of the doltif ot II. s rl4. the
li.ll. . ami slalaa. '
IT HA ertUaxi Id. I.,...rr .. In lha nwart i.r..H inalliol. of rnlllt.llti( end harvMlin his
.irf"' " lh "l-r Ilia. lan.utr., li..m lnlo ui. Itiinl (ali.i. emnutil i.l nionry.
IT B I1 In all .iiiijiun,ih Ui lha ariiaraui Urtncf. aut ,llwara aii'l lof otf a naif
a rai.lufj has b-Ml lli.ir euttA'Wnoa snl allaaai,
New York Weekly Tribune,
Ag furniaNIt with the GAZETTE, an year far
$2.78, h In advene.
A.Wra- .U txl.r. V. THE GAZETTE.
Wrila ra.if Mat an4 a-Meas mi a pnat.l rat., ,a4 II InOan W Ibai, Tnhtina OHIiw, Kew
tma I itf, anla.i.tc... i. l. ..it Wwkr 1 IUnh a ill h a.aiwl Ut ym.
Columbia River and Pusct Sound Navigation Co
Laatiea Al.laf HIobI Ufk. 1'i.fllaaJ, Aatnrta, llwaen, iWaeb, (Va.p
I'Mk aaJ Naticaita. Jhrtat pnaaiKa wrth llwaA ! sax .trail
fr., lae ai Tea' Hay witb fWarhore hllravL
laeta, niav4 1 A. M. 1-at.f , .a.H aa4.f mi) AtttM I f, (huit .nl4aaa4eta
xywxr.iiv cavA.T&&Bir
terai rVn:n4 W fwrlf . .,rt ata-ii r'.M II f w .. ttb.o. v
.Ml1. M , .iai4 (anfiar a4 W-Mt'tay. Pvwatf j .
Nl 1 tM I'wi In I tm Tw.liH'M lii'.U' i af Pi.u. el I f , M
U') llaaa Hval. ,M ftW'-.r al i m M, (, Pah4. paM at t f M.
-uLial Cwia fA-irt ffff if .
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
You Have
m ecNT.ua eomxfiY. miwto.k oitv.
rirst lass.
Day and Upwards.
patronage. 587.nov.12
the .
Always Bought.
by Ld Virnon,
Author of "The Old Minstrell," "A Romance
of Butte, Montana," and other short stories.
"Hignor Navonia, Signor Navonia."
The Damn ot the great virtuoso was
repeated on posters all over the to wo,
and old Qankey, shuffling along on some
business whioh had taken bim ont of
doors, could not belp reading it He
paused orjoe or twice, gBzing absently
through bis spectacles at tbe announce
ment of that night's performance, then
ebook bis head, and walked on.
Still this name pursued bis fancy: . It
seemed to be written on tbe pavement
at bis feet, to twist itself around lamp
posts, to be scrawled across bouses, and
be hurried borne to his dingy shop,
hoping to esoape it among bis miscel
laneous oolleotion of musioal instru
ments and ancient soores, snob as only
the artist or genuine amateur oared to
There wbs a cab M tbe shop door, and
a distinguished-looking, middle-aged
man rose npon bis eotranoe. A boy bad
been left in charge, who knew nothing
save where a few strings or -lumps of
reBin were kept, and tbe stranger had
evidently been awaiting tbe owner's re
turn with some impatience..
"Monsieur Uankey, I believe," be said
in Italian-Frenob, as be laid a car J up
on tbe narrow counter between them.
Tbe old man looked down and started.
Were bis senses deoeiving him? The
name had followed bim here. "Signor
Navonia," be murmured, t-isting tbe
oard between bis Augers in a vacant
"Yes. My name may not be unfa
miliar to you, monsieur. I am to play
in this town tonight, but an unfortunate
accident has injured my violin. In my
despair I have been diroted to you,
They any you bave an instrument almost
equal in tone to the one I brought with
me. Is it possible, monsieur, to beg tbe
loan of it for a few hours? Any terms
iron like to mention will be agreeable to
me," added tbe celebrity, with a oourte
oua bow, aa if apologizing for auoh ao
Qaokey hesitated, a faint flush stole
into hi withered faoe, and be frowned
behind bis spectacles.
"The Hignor is weloome to choose,"
he aaid at last, bringing out several vio
lin and laying them on tbe counter.
"I aball be bappy to oblige bim it be
Soda any instrument worthy."
Navonia glanced at them aearoblngly,
bandied one or two, then made a grim
aoe. "Ah, bah 1 Monsieur, you might Bell
thoa to an amateur; do not offer Ibem
to a virtuoso," be exclaimed, turning
away witb a gesture ot sorrowful dis
dain. Then snddeoly h leaned both
band on tbe oounter and whispered in
a ton of almost traeia intensity
"Where i tbe Ouaderiu?"
"You yon cannot bave that, Bignor,"
answered lh old man. "The 'Quad-
sriua' belonged to my aoo, my poor boy.
No on will ever play on ft again."
Tbe Irritable vanity of tbe artist
seemed roused. He drew bimself op
and exclaimed witb excitement, "It,
member, it is I Navonia who aek to
play on it, Hurly, Mooaiear, if your
oa wa a born musician he would be
proud to think tb greatest living vio
linist bad begged the loan of hi Quad
riu.' Abl lend m this instrument
and I will call your son's spirit from the
dead, so that he aball b witb you to
oigbt while I play."
"It you could do that if you oould
do that." mnrmorad tb old man, witb
quivering lip, while a hungry longing
cam iuto bis pinohtd fao.
"I caol I am Novanta. Tell m about
tlx poor lad. Is it loug aioo you bav
1'iat bim, ino be left you and tb
'OnadVluar aakej tha Itallao, aoftly
"Alaal 1 1 i many yar ago, tbey tall
m. many year ago. To m It ia alway
"Aod l.e w a violinist?"
"Ye, ye., . baaulifnl aonl. a geoiua.
Ui fam would bav bean equal to
foora, Hignor, bad b lived,"
"Abl Urn play-d Io publlo, tba?"
"II wa to bava mad bis debut that
Bigbt," cried Oaukey; "Ibal night that
b rasbfd off to Italy to Joia (janbaldi,
with my car Id hi ear. II waa
Italian oa bl toolbar' aid. II wa
ma4 for liberty. For tha eauae be
hand mad to and trampled oa bla art,
fat ba loved o both. That oigbt I near-
ly broke tha Oaadariua."
Mavoula start 1 and caught Llia by
tha wrll fji-rrply.
"Fool! Would that bring mrk yoor
Tb old iiiao looked at bin timidly
"It ta af. I pat tb ioatrumaot
iwsy, and-waiUd. Uut b ar aame.
My potir b-.y wa k Iliad -shot to tba
bearl ia tba trchr. Iialy wa a ira
thai lora4 bim to bl daalh. Ub,ara
wart Cure III Curaall!"
II shook lik a wilbarad leaf, aad a
Iblek ab auaogUJ iUaif la hia throat.
A loaf, wblta band tul (oolbiogly to
bla boo Mar,
"lift tba Unedarin pak to yoq-
rnaaaag of autaf irt from bits."
Vlata.1 by na a)tl iufiaaana ba
otitl not witl.ataad, lt,e oi l maa al laet
; I tbl rati.f' Iwhaat. Hi bant
fliar diaiira4 into a batik room,
aba ba oafga. earryiag an imi
with Ii'bm eiai aad bao'lla. Tbi
tmra atitua faao.b aiirw Ut a small culTta
M b laid II lbs mmaUr. Tba teaid
aaa J ailb ajulta-J iia ut glsautiag
wbite, and the corpse of a tiny child
might bave reposed beneath the cover
let lifted witb so muob reverence. In
stead of any snoh . objeot, however,
Navonia's eyes flashed at recognition of
a perfeot violin from the bands ot
one of the great makers. There, browned
with age and use, lay the interpreter of
by-gone tears aod laughter, silent now,
but only awaiting another human soul
to call forth its vibrations.
Navonia made an impulsive movement,
but tbe oase dosed with a snap before
be oould seize tbe treasure.
"Not here tonight, tonight. Your
promise remember 1" oried Qaokey
bnrshly, aa be pushed the oase towards
tbe player.
"Monsieur," said the artist, making a
low bow aa he withdrew towards the
door, "there will be a great Budience.
The publio bave to thank your gener
osity that they are not to be dissn-
pointed. Will you make use of my
name if you desire a oomtorlable seat?"
He pointed ta the card. "Abl yea, and
if you ask for me in tbe artists' room
after the performance, I shall have muob
pleasure in restoring your Quaderius,
witb eternal acknowledgment of mv in
debtedness for tbe favor you have con
ferred upon me."
He bowed again, with grace, and went
out to the oab awaiting him, tbe ebony
case in band.
Left alone, the old man passed his
hours in a dream till it waa time for bim
to make his way to the concert ball.
He arrived just aa tbe doora were
opened, and on presentation of tb pass
port was respeotfully shown into a seat.
Suddenly the building seemed to fill
witb. i a mass of human faoea. Tbey
floated ceiling-warda and overflowed the
baloonies. The sight made bis bead
swim. He shivered with long unaccus
tomed exoitement In tbe oonfusion of
bla mind it seemed to him the years had
rolled back, and this waa asaib tha
igbt on whioh his dead boy waa to bave
made bia first appearance. Surely it
waa Luigt who would step upon tbe
platform, and for wboae eotranoe all this
humming altitude waited. He bid hia
face in hia hands, not daring to look np,
as a sudden bush told bim that the mo
ment bad arrived. The air quivered
witb expectation, aod then a bow was
rawa aorosa the strings.
None heeded tbe old man aa he aat
huddled up, living onoe mora throush
tbosa scenes of his son's childhood and
youth, wbiob bad dropped lik a glowing
torcn into tbe waters of oblivion.
lie am not know that there were
pauses In tbe programme, filled mostly
wiid deafening applause, aa one nleoe of
muMo after another waa played by Na
vonia to ao entbusiaatia audienoe. To
Qaokey it seemed only that sometimes
the violin spoka to bim ot bia boy witb
an angel' aweetnes. and anmatimaa
waa interrupted by tba olamor of fiends.
againat which he stopped bis ears. But
at laat ba waa pushed almost from bis
seat. He woke to find tba platform
empty and peopl dreaming from tbe
nan. lnen he remembered bis 'Quad
erim,' nd hastened around to tba
artiata' room
"What do you want bre?" asked a
(uspioiou individual, eyeiog bim keen
ly. "Bignor Navonia do on after
bis performance."
"Ha will sea ma," replied tba old man-
fumbling for tba eard.
"And wby yon?"
"Iiecaus ba appointed ma to ooma
ber to redaara my 'OnaiWina.' nrmn
which b played.
"Excuse ma, wa know ootblng of
'Ooadario.' I am Navonia' agent, and
am vary well awar that tb Bignor
plyd oo bi own instrument. You bed
better go."
"I will not move from ber till my
dead boy 'a violin is restored to ma."
oried Uankey, eioitedly. "He, ber is
my card tbsl ba gsv me. Wbera I
"Her I am."
There waa a palir cadence ia tba
voir, wbiob wa not that of tb maa li
bad spokea witb in tba morning, but
Iher. laaolng wearily io lh doorway,
waa lb iro Agar Io evening . dre,
Hanker torod a troabb-d face io bl
direotbm, and something io lhaold mao
aspect touched lb great artist
"I know nothing uf I hi violin, but
Com Io bar and Ml ma your tela,'
said kindly.
"Uut, Higoor, you are tired, aod thia
fallow ia mad." expostulated lh aiati
"Ya, ye," aobbad Oankey. all i
onoa, aa ha drop! lh oard aad B lea pad
bia baed wiib botb hand. "I am mad
I moat ba mad. I lau I my dd aoii'i
fluaderlna' to Navooia, aad oow ba da
aiee it, not In bis oo voioe, bat
navnoia a prang forward with a
and pulled Oaaky within, tluaing tba
door on tba af sot
Wbat pasaej io lh InUrvlaw was
knowa noly to thoa two, who foaoJ
tbpmaalv ao strsogalf ra-a oiled.
Kaiher aod o bad moaraad each
other a dad, tbroagb tela report, tor
year, aod meeowotl. ondar lh Dsn of
N'tvoal tba laltar bad fulfilled bl early
Nailhar flanker bur bl celebrated arm
vf aeedd la trselng tb '(load
arlo ' It bad vatilaha I with lb el.rar
adrenlarcr, whas trti k In pers mallng
Itt VtrltKisvt le t l tba mt of a Valuable
itfalrat, bat Io tb rvry i4 erk
Absolutely Pure
Detraction of tbe Battle-Ship Maine Canned
by the Explosion of a Submarine Mine
Beneath the Battle-Shlp'a Botton-Evldence
on Which this Conclusion is Baaed.
"The loss of the Maine waa oot m any
respect due to the fault of or negligenoe
on tbe part of any officer or member of
her crew.
"That tbe ship was destroyed by the
explosion of . a submarine mine whioh
caused a partial explosion of two nrmnpa
of her forward magazines, and that no
evidence has been obtained fixing tba
reBpouBiomtv ror the destruction at tba
Maine upon any person or persons"
Conclusions of the Maine oourt of en
quiry, "At frame 17 the outer nhpli nr ik..
ahip, from a point 11U feet from the
iddle Hoe of the shin and air for.
abovs the kael when in normal miHnn
had been foroed to about four feet above
me aurfHoeof tbe water, therefore about
rest a Dove where it would have h
had sh sunk uninjured. The outside
bottom plating is bent into a reversed '
shape, tbe after winir of whir-h
about 15 feet broad and 82 feet lonr
rom frame 17 to frame 2TOi
baok upon itself against a continuation
the same plating extending fnrrrl
"At frame 18 the keel is broken in ton
and bent into a singular angle formed
tne outside plates. Thia hr.w ..
about six feet below the anrfan. nr k. .
water aod about 30 feet above ita normal
"Io the opinion of the court, HilaW.n.
oould bave been produced onlv h tl..
explosion of a mine situated nnder tb
bottom of the ahip at about frame IS.
omewhat on the port aid of tba ebip"
rinuiuga of tbe oourt of enquiry upoo
tne eviaenoe of external oause.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Cos.
tala Mercury,
as meroury will surely destroy th sens
of smell and completely derangs tb
wnoie system when entering it through
the muoous surfaces. Such artialea
should never be used except oo presorip.
iuub irum repuiaoi poysioiBos, a tba
damage they will rin ia tan inu ,.
good yon can possibly derive from them.
nan uaiarrn uore, manoiaotared by
F. J. Cheney A- Co., Toledo, O., oontalus
oo merenr. and ia (.ban n..n.
acting directly upoo tbe blood and
luumma surraoes oi me system. Io buy
log Hall' Catarrh flnra ha anra n.l
th genuine. It I taken internally aod
man id loieno, umo, by r. J. Cheney
AOa Testimonials frea.
alTHold by druggists, 75a per bottle.
E W. Kbea k Co. positively guarantee
to meet any prloe on wool bag. Tbey
will not be undersold and tbelr custo
mer may depend oo tbi proposition, a
they ar io it to stay to th finish. 28-tf
Not a faajpalge Lle-I.ya.
It you ara osiog tb eommoo brand
of ly you ara paying for a larg percent
age of commoo ealt witb wbiob It ia
adulterated io many luataoors to tb ex
tent ot oo half. When yon boy Itd
Beat Lys or Potash you gel aa absolutely
pore eaoatio, granulated lik sugar sod
packed Io large aimifa tup cam. a-C0
(Had They Waran'l ClarlraL
A Wfll-knwi V"onitrr clergyman
tells atory at ItU own rriiae. In
hia young dura he waa tramping
through the Whit nioiintalna with a
rnriimriloM, who was aUo a rlerg.vmnn.
One day thry mounleil the driver' mwt
of a atage conch. Tlu- driver wa an in
teresting cliarurler, Inuilcd ytaal
atirii. The thrtti atienlily Ix-cntiir
frlcmlly.aiwl It waa with reluctance thai
I hey mrtm at tha rnd of the jmirnry.
"I'm gliid ir ht-v met jer, fi-llera," aaid
the driver, in farewell. "Ver I
heven't aeen a man thia aummcr, ex
ceitin mlnlatera."
Kvarvaaxly Sas ao.
rsvretaCaiw1('aUiarlir, tlieenoal wnn-
derful ni.iiual ilis.'overv cf Ilia ave, ( raa
aul and ra(r.-hin t.i the taste, art ymitiy
ami ilUvly oa sMiicva, liver and lK.wt-1.,
i'i-aiisiii( III" eniira sv.i. m, dl.ie rolils,
cura lii'a.laulitl, luv r, lialMtiml i nn.tlpaltiin
anil bnloiiane.. I'li a.n tiny and try a Imi
of !.:. WmIst; in. , raiit nia, riuitlaiid
g iaraulot'd to cur by all drui.gii.
r araln(t .f I nII.N lyara.
It a nlau-rtiil ill Kiiglnml ItiAt tno.l
young men fre.h from th- tin i vim 1 lira
are almndoiiitig the eludy of law fur
llH-illcinr. I'l l I hia ia Iml mi klraii(?i'
i bell Ilie l.indoii Trb graph rnlriilalr.
that "If the liioliey earned l,y prat'lio.
lug barrintere Mere r.unlly dnall
Niiiting nil riniiiM I, prai'tiriiig and li'in
ornry, there wniild lemal.l the rtiu
liiflient nni f 12 ivini'i-t a year for
Heaaly nimta) Heap.
n Ml iiian. a elr.n .km N.i
W.uiy withmil ll. I .rr)., I .n., I aili.r
lie iU.ii ).nir I.J. ami m.. I kn i i ti.m,, .(
.! ring up Ui lav livrt n l i i t itat all mi
. mill. a In. in ll. .gni l.i.Ur !
latiii.aj .nii.l., l.iS 1,1,1.1.... ,l. a U,
si.. I I Iml snklv IiiIiimm itiiiiil.i.in l l.k,i.
i -.r.l..- Iauir f t. . AIMmi,
wa, aata(atiiia giMianlaad, pjr,