Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1898)
mm TO THB QIVKS THI CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD -BCENIC LINE OF THB WORLD OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Weekly Excursions to the EAST, Id through tourist cars without change MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced couduotors and porters. Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha A WTW. AND Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS nRjmONV GEO. W. ELDER WAV-' V -r " f AND CITY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS Mnn(?oo To Kansas City and Chicago, without MODOayS, change via Bait Lake, Missouri Fact- Ac and Chicago and Alton ttys. T...1.... To Omaha. Chicago. Buffalo and lUlSUdyS, Boston without change via Bait Lake and Chicago, Kocx isiana ot raciuc ivy. nr..i..J To fit. Josenh. Kansas City and Ueuiiesudys, Ht. Louis without change via Bait Lake and Burlington ttoute. TV... .J To Kansas Cltv and Bt. Louis with' llllliisUayS, out change via Bait Lake and Mis souri racinc railway. A day stop-over arranged a Salt Lake and Denver. nnonn steamers Leave Portland VVVW" Every 4 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. oi...i. Hfnnthlv from Portland to vtnmi nna Horn KoDfl id oon- nectlon with O. B. & N. vn. n HntAili nail on 0. R. N. Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBUBT, Qen.Fass. Agt. Portland. Obmom. Dodwell, Carllll, Co., Gcn'l. Agts.,Nor. Pac, 8. B. Co., Fortlaua, ure. If so, be sure and see that your tioket reads via TUB inttyKStEIH' Uhj ....THB.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS is THB Great Short Lif)e BETWEEN DULUTFT, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND BOUTU. n..i. Munificent Track, Peerloea Veatlbuled Dlulii ami Weeping Car Trains, and Motto: . "ALWAYS ON TIME" , es wltiim.l eltr. charge. Hhlp your "'J ml tr.vpl over this famous Hub. All agonts have tickets. ... .. .... r. r C R4VAQB. W ..7 Var-Jit Trav.K.AP.Agt. UUt Washington Ht., Portland, Ur. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery BAILKOAD CHANUE8. ELY'S CREAM BALM Is a positive cure. Apply 'Dto the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 80 cent at Drneglste or by mail ; samples 10c by mail. I.T BROTH run. 6 warren bl. new sora vm. ftRLIlHGTOlH-FOSSIL STA6ELINE ?: a ooilvie ( p'Pfie,or'- FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles). ..o00. Round trip 1900 May ville (53 miler) . 4 00 Round trip 7 00 Condon (39 miles). . 8 00 Round trip 6 00 Clem (28 miles) .... 2 00 Round trip 3 60 Olex (19 miles) 150 Round trip 8 50 Stace leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'olock; is due at Condon at 6 p. m. ana arrives at roe ail at 7 p. m. Oomfortable covered coaobes ana oare (ul, experienced drivers. Keep Stt anfl del Bid. 8. B. Beeves la Preaideet of Ut Baker and Eal Valley U. B. From the Baker Republican: At a recent meeting a number ot changes were made in tbe directorship ot tbe Baker and Eagle Valley Railway oompaoy. Mr. S. R. Reeves, ot tbe Sagamore hotel, was chosen president. Messrs. P. Basobe end John Waterman were added to tbe board ot directors. Tbe formation ot tbe above mentioned incorporated company baa excited inter est in a railroad to tbe Seven Devils oonntry. Whether Baker City will be the terminus as a connecting point with the O. R. & N. system remains to be seen. There are already four surveying parties in the field sizing up tba situa tion and endeavoring to disoover the moet feasible route. It tbe business men of this oity are anxious for tbe road they will have to stir themselves. Another meeting of the direotors of tbe oompany will be held at 7:30 Friday evening at tbe Sagamore hotel. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Fbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or do pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by Slooum Drug Co., E. J. Slocum, manager. THE WOOL RECORD Telia You How to Do It. Family. For rates and all all information, Inquire of O. R. & N. and 8. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, uen. rats. s ixt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland. Oregon. J. C. Hakt, Local Agt., Hcppner.Or. NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1609.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. 8TJB8CRIPTION: S3 00 PER YEAR. Sample oopies free. Rural Spirit and Gazette both tor 13.00, oath, at this offloe. CHICAGO Ilwate & 31. Paul B'a By a speoial arrangement we offer to our readers The Wool Record and Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year for 83.00. Tbe Wool Reoord is the only national wool organ and oovers the wool industry from the raising of tbe sheep to tbe sell ing of tbe manufactured article, it is published weekly at New York and tbe regular prioe is $2.00 a year. He market reports are full and oomp e and its Sheep Breeders' Talks alone are worth 10 times tbe prioe of the paper. Sample oopies on application. We heartily recommend this combi nation to onr subscribers. SPOKANE FALLS S NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SI1EPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS .8:40 P. M. , Bomland B:40 f. H. . Nelson o:45 P. M. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE V I IN i i i r si .1 Till sV-J Trade Marks DtsioNa Copyrights o. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our iMMiumi iree wnetner mu llivetllion in iruimii,y iminiMw. . ..iiiihihimw tiinliirtlyninnliiillal. lUmllMmkon I'mxiils nl tree. Olilwit aiiency fur iurl pslenu. I'alenia Uken tliruuKh Muua A Co. reoalve tptrUti iwiclu, without eliarve, mine Scientific American. A hanilsnmolr lllnrtrnted welr. Lamest elr. rnlsllon uf anr clcnlino lounisL Terms. SI f'.nr ninntu., L BoiaDfail newsnmien. & Co.S9,Br- New YprK Uffliie, 06 F Ht, Wasblulua, D. C. The Only All-Rail Route Without Change ot Oars Between Spokane, Rossland and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Rossland, daily except Sunday: Leave. ' Arrive. Hit) A. M HpoVane lint a. M .. :10 A.M.... Close eonneetions at Nelson with steamers for Kaslo, and all Kootenai lke point. Pamwniiera fur 'Kettle lllver anJ Potuidary Creek cuuuect at Marcus witb sttute dailv. Karnrd to Death. Harry Booker, the 2-Tear old son of Chaa. Booker, of Dayton, Wash., met ritb a terrible aooident Thursday morn- ... a . a aa? W" . t lug which proved ratal. lurs. uooaer, bile at one of tbe neighbors, was at- tranted by tbe aoreame of her little son. Ou opening tbe door she beheld tbe little one enveloped in flames. She extin- trulahed the fl tines at soon as possible, but (bey bad spread entirely over the body making deep barns. Tbe child died about noon. The DeMoss From theMoro Observer: 'The DeMoss Family Lyrio Bards are off this week on tbeir 2Gtb annual tour. They play in Condon to-night and in Heppner next week. Before leaving borne tbey gave a grand entertainment to their old time friends, neighbors and associates, in tbe DeMoss school bouse a small room for a big orowd wbicb was very greatly enjoyed. As reorganized, tbe concert oompany con sists of Miss Lizzie DeMoss, soprano; Miss Amelia Davis, oontralto; George DeMoss, tenor; Henry DeMoss, bass; Waldo Davis, pianist. Miss Lizzie has completely reoovered from tbe frightful gunshot wound accidentally inflicted last fall, and tbe oompany started out in the very best of spirits upon what we hope may prove to be a satiofaotory tour. Dreadfully Mervons. Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Carl's Clover Root Tea. It qnleted my nerves and strength ened my whole nervous system. I was troubled with oonstipation, kidney and bowel trouble. Tour Tea soon oleansed my system so thoroughly tbat I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. 8. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by Conser & Brook. y BRIEF MENTION. Rev. C E. Crowe, of Pilot Rock, was in'town Wednesday. What is Hop GoldT Beet beer on earth. See ad. elsewhere. Father Tboe. Briody departed on Tnea; day evening for bia borne at Condon. Guinneeee's famous old "Dublin! Stout," imported, at Chris Borobers tf Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front A clean, fresh stock ot goods leave your orders. tf. Painless remedy for extracting teeth. If not as stated, no charges. Try Dr. Vaugban's new plan. 604-tf. It you need something tor yonr system oall at the 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tf A. Sprowls, of Lone Rook, oame over Tuesday remaining until Friday on bus iness and to visit old friends. Uoole Jaok Morrow went down to Portland Toesday evening to attend tbe democratic state convention. Telegram: H. T. Bag ley and wife, tbe deputy prosecuting attorney, ot Hillsboro, are at the St. Charles. Mrs. Bemis, of Spokane, mother of Mrs. P. M. Howard, is visiting at tbe home of ber daughter in this city. Wanted; redheaded girl and white horse to distribute tbe premiums given away witb Hoe Cake soap. Apply "nit." a-30 W. P. Snyder's family baa moved to town from tbe oonntry and are now dom iciled in tbe Mrs. N S. Whetstone's resi dence in South Heppner. Miss Mary Barker, teaober in the Heppner sohool, returned on Sunday morning from Echo where sbe went to attend the funeral ot ber father. I THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LONG TBOUBLKS AND CON80kUlI0N CAN BE CUBED. Aa Eminent New York Chemist aad Hclratist Hakes a Free Offer to Our Headers. Be not deoeived 1 A cough, boarsness or croup are not to be trifled witb. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save you much trouble. Sold by Conser & Brock. 7 Rev. W. T. Koonlz, one of the pioneer M. E. preachers of tbe Northwest, died at his borne in Athena on Tuesday, aged 65 years. He was well known in East ern Oregon and Washington. A report comes from Hillsboro tbat John Gates, son ot H. V. Gotes, is lying at tbe point ot death with Bright's dis ease, at bis borne in tbat oity. Bis tather is at present in tbe East. Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo onm, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronobial, long and chest troubles, stubborn ooughs, catarrhal affections, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions ' of wasting away, will send THREE FtfEU BOT TLES (all different) of his New Die ooveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scientific Treatment" has onred thousands permanently by its timely use, and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible onre. . Science daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently expert menting for years, bas produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion tbat lung troubles and oon snmptiob are ourable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those onred in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving poet- office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell tbe Doctor tbat you saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp oer, Oregon. July 9-7-1 jr. FOKYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away , 'Till You Get the Gazette's , Estimates Heretofore the Gazette' job depart-; s meat baa tried to do no work other that) plain printing. However, this ehop is -now prepared to tackle anything In any, line and will meet prices of any person ' under tbe sun in the line of droggietq.-, supplies, blank books, bank . workj t? county work, or any sort of book bind' :-, ing work that you have heretofore sent . away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a oharity-'-ooncern but if yon will give us a ohauoe J we will see tbat you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at borne. Remember- , tbat Abe Linouln. said that ..when one j bought, gooda away-from-borne-tbe-foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. But wnen . tne . goods .- were,.. bought at home we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. - W are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call np 'phone No. 3. 560-tf "The Regulator Line" The .Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. Cordray, tbe pioneer theatre man ot Portland in tbe line of "popular prices," has refitted tbe Wastington St. theatre, formerly known as tbe " "New Park" Cordray always has something new, and our people, when below, can spend a nleasant evening at his place. tt HENI2M Conldn't Fuse. The Sherman eounty populist, silver republican and democratio oonventian met at Moro Saturday. A joint confer ence committee was appointed to ar range for a fusion, and, so tar as the di vision of spoils wus oonoerned, tbe two conventions bad no trouble in agreeing. Tbe popnlists, however, instated upon tbe adoption of resolutions by the three conventions in wbioh their entire plat form was embodied, and tbis prevented a fusion being , effeoted. The Da'.lee Chroniole. Don't bolt your food, it irritates your stomaob. Choose digestible food and ohew it. Indigestion Is a dangerous sick ness. Proper oare preventsjt. Shaker Di gestive Cordial cures it. That is tbe long and short of indigestion. Now, tbe question is: Have you got ioaigestion? Yes, it you have pain or diBOomfort af ter eating, beadaobe, dizziness, nausea, offensive breath, heartburn, langoni, weakness, teever, jiundice, flatulence, loss ot appetite, irritability, oonstipa tion, etc Yes, you have indigestion. To oure it, tske Shaker Digestive Cordial Tbe medicinal herbs and plants of wbicb Shaker Digestive Cordial is oomposed, help to digest tbe food In your stomaob; help to strengthen your stomach. When yonr stomach is strong, oare will keep it so. Shaker Digestive Cordial is for sale by druggists, price 10 oents to $1-00 per bottle. Branca! This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the tamoni blook system; I junta lis trains by eleotrlolty through nnl: Usee the oelebraled eleotrio berth read ina lam oi linns speedily equipped passenger trains ..... ,. ul niiiht between Ht. 1 aui and Chloago, and Omaha and Cbioego; the Chicaflo, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-hsaUd veatibnled traina, carrying the latest private aomnartmeot ears, library bofTst amok- in. vara, aad natace drawing mora --- - -alee per. Parlor ears, free recllulng chair oare. it. .r haat dining ouelr oar M. ."W ' ' ' aurvare. inataat raUs to any polM in e Untied Plat or Canada, apply to agent or eddrea O. J. KDDT. General Agent, Portland, Or. NEW NAME I Win. (lordon has re-named hi ntaiul the ohl Jones livery ntahlo 'JMio Central.- Baltxl hay for sale, diaries reasonalile. Call on l I us ami kave tour nor msii rarea lor. Fr 3. W. CAHKT, Trav. Tee. Agent. S THUOl'OH CAKS Mr. PAUL MlNNKA.rOL18 lit'! I'l ll et J " TO 1 IT A IKK) nrrrK UKLtNA Tu krt leenad ki all pmnta In the United Hi ale ana inue. QUICK TIME TO. CniisiM Y4ap)liTn ULTIMO Ma Toai UvmLo All other p.. late I lb I'.aal and hoattitaal (AHA kADBA ClTf nr. Jir r-ri Vpcirc ) TMI Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition I Ml Ml Kxrarsloaa la Thruach Cars to th Another through tourist car to tba East bas been arranged to run out ot Portland, giving four eaoh week. Her, after tbe oar Isrving Monday will run through without obange to Kansas City and Chicago, over th O. R. k N., Ore goo Short Line, Rio Grande Western, Denver k Rio Orande, Missouri Paoiflo and Chicago k Alton. Tbat oar baa just been arranged tor, and tbe on previous ly eobeduled for Monday la been changed to Thursday. It roes through to 8t. Loots, via th Missouri PiolQo Una. Th ear leaving Portland Toesday go tbroogb to Boston, and t promoted by tbe Cnloago, Rook Island and PeoirJo. Wednesday' oar ran to St Joseph, Kansas City and SI. Louis, over the Borlington. All these speoial through cat r receiving a gratifying patronage. Consult O. K. k N. Ageut before buying tickets to the East. If voa suffer from any of the W tus ot men, come to me oioest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN & CO., 1 0B I Market St Est'd 1852. YonnK men and middle from the effects c? youthful indiscretions or ex cesaes in maturer years. Nervous and Physical UebllllT,Impuleac)r,LMl NaahiMid in all its complications; Mpermfttorrhoea, Prestatorrhira, Jnorrlie, jl I , I'requrucy of ITriuaUiis;, eie. By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to bo a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-enunent in his specialty Dlaeasen of lien. NTSSIIIS inorouKll'venwirateuuvu. ,u. systim without using Mercury. ' KVKKY MAM applying to tw will re- , cei-eour Aonei( opinion of hisronrplnlnt. A ' will Guarantee a POSITI VE CURB n f every cam we undertake, or forfeit One ' 'i'lionxand Dollars. Consti tat on FREE and strictly private. "DALLES Cm" AND , "REGULATOR' Leave The Dalles daily (exoept Sunday) . at 7:30 a. m. Leave Portland at 7 AO a. m. . When you go to Portland, stop off at , The Dalles and take a trip down the v Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save , money. W. O. ALLAWAY, General Agent. QUICK TIMXJ I San Froncisoo And all points In California, via the Ht Bhaata , route of the Southern Pacific Co fhe (rreat hitthway tbrongh California to all point Kant and South. Urand Boenie Honte of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Beoond-olasa Sleepers Attached to exDresa traina. aflordina anpanor . . accommodations for second-class paesenaera. rut rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations, , eto, caU npon or address R. KOKHUKB, Manager,-C. a. makhuam, Hen. F. A P. agt, Portlajid, Oregon CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. Treat- ror oy letter. Send lor book, oHophy of Hurlace, ible book tor men.) inent perefcnally "Ills Thill A bee. (A valuable f TINIT DR. JORDAN I G reat Museum of Anatomy . the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you . made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We ra curtinuiliv adding new specimens. .'li fltEF. Call or write. ! 11 1 Karatt S!r;et. San Francises, Cl. SFerrv'a. The beat ' seeds sown are Kerry's. . The beat seeds known are I Kerry's. It pays to plant FERRY'S Famous Seeds . . . . i .i . . ABB. tne aeaier iur mivui. tohh mm rtnuv seen nwual-71 I and getall tout's gooa sua STV i test au ',,fmZ new the latest ana . gm, tbe best 05.'t iSI Ru0- FERRY c0-'i(t!ltsri Not a Campalga Lie If you are nslng lbs common brands of lys yon are paying for a large percent age ot common salt witb whiob it is adulterated in many instances to the Cl ient ot one-balf. When you bny Red Seal Lye or Potash you gel an absolutely pore eanstio, granulated like sngar and paoked in large aimxa top carb. a 30 Deliberate. Flo (proudly) Our minister doesn't jump at conclusions. Jaok (sadly) I sbonld say be doesn't I never knew kirn to reaob conclusion in leas than an hour. A TIMELY W1UMNU. Pendleton papers report that tbe re-1 oent frosts have not damaged th Urns tills froit and wheat orops. As yet no reports have reaohed this office of the Morrow county crops being injured in tbe lesst, but some tesr is entertained that tbe peaoh crop may be effeoted to some extent. At a meatiog of tbe Heppner orobeatra on Wednesday evening, 0. E. Hicks was ohosen as temporary leader. This or chestra I getting np soms tioellent muslo and tba Osiette hope tbat it may be one ot th permanent fixtures in Heppner' musioal oirolea. (irala Saved at Moaey Made. To save tbe grata as Fry' Conoeo- rated Squirrel PoienB. Ibi prepara tion Is lb cheapest and most eoonorn ioal for the farmers. On graia kill. Onaraatead. Prioe 3! per ee or IV60 per oss ot two doteo. r"r sale by Slooum Drag Co., Heppner, Or. tf Two Mlllloas a Year. When nennle Imv. trv. and buy again, it means they're aatiafied. The people ot the I'mti-d State ara now buvinc Caarareta Caiwly Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a veer and it win ne tnrre minion tie- fore New ear a. It means ment provel. that Caarareta ara the moat delightful bowel reirulatnr for evervloU the vear round. All druggiats 10c, 3jr, 50c s bos, cure guaranteed. A TKRRIBLt TRAUKDV. I I nor eases Yield of Wool. Knbance Value n! Fhtck. Cheap, Hale, Han dy, Clean, WIioImooj, Odoricee. CMAS. G. nOBEUTS. OtNtRtt. AOCNT, .'17 Ash atrret, PoHland, Urrgoa. Soltl hy Minor & Co., Heppner, Or. Arbor pay. April Hth baa been set aside a Arbor Jav throughout tbe stats ot Oregon. It I laid down in th school law Ibat teacher will obeerve the afternoon ol this dav ty appropriate ieroiee-i planting tree, beautifying school uroooila. and inculcating leeeon of lieanly and order Into tbe minds of tbe children. Circulars and Instroelkwt bav bee mailed lo every district, aad it l hoped thai every teaober will re port the result of tbe dav' work. as Tbea The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET It the plac to K to gel your Cne ork dJ lamb chop, steak anJ roasts. A Bare Tlila fee Te. A transaction lo wbuh youianuot loaetsa sue) Uiltig. lilUouanea. al'h twaawtie, lu red tongue, levrc, pile aed a Uioueaatl oil er II a are casid by vuneupatioa and aluggistt livrr Caw-aiT-a Candy t ihartlr, lb taoa d"tful new liver BtiBinlant and luma hud ktuie are by all drtisru guaraase4 1 eur or aiouev rafundnd. V- C. .'. are a aura thing. Try a B vi7 iw-. . ttauule aui bo-.kiot Ina. Is eur Ug ad. s Itepot enai I', Mias at Ht. I'snl, Miaafapnlia, Kansas IMr. Omaha, nu jnule and clUer proar aeat xmU ttaatf at etteeked tbro)b deellaettow ol Ik let. ft, ma go lt kels lo ispse end rbln, ti and WonnaiS) I arioe riin btpOotnpaar's line. for fall lafit eaettne, lima earda, mar a. llrketa, wit. Call ew or writ ,C. UAr, A. I. l'aiatti, Act X V. Ky. A set 0. .'. Aa Tb Dai lee, ( FortlanJ, Of FISH EVERY FRI DA fine 1'ifarenred and Unw, l-.iie Ir.l laid, krllie old nyie. Highret raa ffU I4 l'-r lal sUa k. I.KSJ. MATHEWS. TltlO IIAULKH NU11SK1UES, R. M. WKBCN. rVe. TItat SALLCI, 0eM, . 1nmrt and lalef la f fwit, tasde e Ormt Treee, Grape Vine d Imall rmlta. Our Trt't' nro drown With out Irrigation. INO fOM CATtiOaWC- PenJIeton Tnbon: Prtifeeeor F. J Van Winkle, of Weston, baa resigned the chair ot analheeoalice at the, East Ort ortnal school, II baa aeaoclaled with the oraal chof4 ta? tbe last tevea lee's, and bee woa asaf trienda at VTeeto la eial way. Evening Telegram: rrelaeeof . U. BtauWy, wbo baa charge ot tbe Ht Pan! pohlic rbo l ' nt en lb petiiMal, Ihera are oer 1K) paptl I ttedaee la the beat sebeolroom. Bl. Faal, be saya, baa beeome a very popular suberb ef ri-rtlaad, aad real beteg ebear, exkft la lb tly cae afford to pay tbe fee teats wbleh give tbea lb elgbt aalle ride there. Uala Oebhardl Kills Uls Wife, hoots Hia(4f. From Tbe Dalle Chronicle: News was received bare to-day ot shooting trsgedy ahlch ocflarred at Cae- cad Locks laat night. Loots Oebbardt, of Ibat plar. m ordered ble aged wife and tbea blew oat bt owo braine, Oebhardl bad tbe reputation of being a man of bad disposition and violent temper, anJ at various time b Is said to have ottered threats agaioat bia wife. Ot let b be aot been feeling well, and II la Ibengbl tbat b became mentally anbalaneed. A bed soar wa round on kJra, Oebbardt' bead, whiob Baigbl have boew sad with elob, aad lb euppoaltino la thai be struck her e lb bead aed eUoaed ber, aed then, f raring tbat ber lejartoe night prove fatal, be tatted tbe terrible deed by tb.-x.img ber tbrotigbtbe breast, and tber. placing Ibe gee to bt mooih, ceded hi m bl eilaUaee by blowing eol hi bralaa. I both caae death e4 to bavtboe at meet kastataoeoe. Oebbardt wa aboal 71 year of ( bile bie wife wa several yeare yongr, At time be eeted ea If be were Jealoas ol ble tf aad showed In antay way Ibat be we aot ot soood talnd. Mr. Oebhardl wa kow lo all I be woman el goad braete ai tnhli rewpeoied ht all wb tee toe. I'omaer llalU loft ' lb sneeM el Ibe tragedy le-daf. aad wUI, la all prebabaW llv. rvlare lbs evoeleg, wbeei taaore eevraie teeeaal eaa be & Eugene Register: Jobnal Keeoey ... i went to tbe Jooclwn tbi moroiog.i where b goes to establish an agency for bis toilet aoapa and perfumsrie. and to canvas lb town. Jobnni baa bnill ap onlU a trad in this lin of good nd deeerve th patronage ot tb publio. Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon !:" ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON Located on the O. R. k N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Wall Well. Stadent admitted at all time of lb year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental Mnsio taught by eonipeleot instructors. A gradu ate of tb Boston Conservatory baa ebarg ot tb instruataUl department. Ilio Xcicllcs.' Boarcllnc; Hall It thoroughly equipped and offers ei oellent arcomraodaiiona at reason able rate. Bend for catalogue. Adds M. G. ROYAL, Prealrfeeit ef Feeelty e P. A." WORTHING TON, Secretary Bee re) ef Regent, Wston, Or. a r.4eeee mm stowoea With rooe. I ea-lr fbrtK wvn mwetipa' !. DytMpela enred. Phtlob't Vrtalbaer itaeaedlately relieve oor eloraack, eota 1st ap ot ld dtelreee, aad la tbe greet kidney aad liver reeaedy. Bold by One or a Frisk. y OHEGON SIIORTLlNEUy. qriCKRirr AND MOeT tlRRCT USE TO f UTAH, COLORADO, XE BR ASK A, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER ami all roinlt EASI and SOUTH. LOOK AT THE TIME. I' NEW YORK, 4 J days CHICAGO, 3J -ST. LOUIS, 3 J -OMAHA. 3 liSALT LAKE.1J Free Reelislng Cbair Cer rpboletoeed T -nriet Bleepieg Or Fallaaa Taieee Bleeping Cer For fall peritealer rogardlag rate ; lime el traiae, , eall ea er add j. a ninr, igett UMiM. Co nrp. Oregoa. O. aTaaar, W. E. Cohan, Trav. Paae. Alt. O.a'l At U Third r-U. Tuft la ad. Ore. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All throe can t procured at Tbompsna A 13ioDa, Lower Main Street, llpppner, Oregon. Thaas MBtlMiea are veil aeaaalnted with Oraat, Harney, rrnnk. nitltaa aad ether eocattes and oaa sere money and ttaae la BuUluf tbeeo etctlot ell traveling asea. PrWe la keeping with tb times. THOMPSON fc BTisrisrs, U'wrn-rivcxar. Bt Tliat U-Ycar Old Stuff, 'Kohn's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon iiamic noona a a a Kw SiaaJ, City Us4 Baiidiaf , I0V TIIIvIO, Prop. lua, lICU C. fatL 4ra s-e.