BABY'S SMOOTH, FAIR SKIN A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter Telia all about Her Trouble when Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sore. M At the age of two months, my baby began to have sores break out on his right cheek. We used all the external ap plications that we could think or hear of, to no avail. The Bores spread all over one side of his face. We consulted a physi cian and tried his medicine, and in a week the sore was gone. But to my surprise in two weeks more another scrofulous look ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It grew worse and worse, and when he was three months old, I began giving him Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's Barsaparilla, and before the first bottle was finished, the sores were well and have never returned . He is no w four years old, but he has never had any sign of those scrofulous sores since he was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very grateful. My boy owes his good health and smooth, fair skin to this great med icine." Mrs. S. S. Weotbn, Farming ton, Delaware. Get only Hood's. i nil l are prompt, efficient and llOOa S PHIS easy in effect 26 cents. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following dabbing rates: The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, $1.60 18.00 " 8. F. Examiner, $1,50 8.25 ' N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 a. 7 5 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " a F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c : 2 00 Leslie's Weekly $4.00 4.50 Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 McCall's Magazine fl.00 1.30 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can get clubbing rates witn any paper on earth. METH. EPISC. CHUKCH. SERVICES. Bonday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth LeaRue Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. 'The Spirit and the brids say. Come." The pastor may be fonnd at tlie parsonage ad joining the cliurch, where he will be glad to meet any wvo may desire to consult hiui on reliuious, squhI, civic, philosophio, educational, Or any other subjects. J. W. FLEHUKR. Minister. M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m., 7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, S p. m. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves together." Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to cnurcn. u. k. Howard, Pastor. CHRI8TIAN CHURCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. ra. and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even- lng at 7.00. Choir practice Hat n relay evening at the church. R. L. Pastor. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock. ,. Take Notice. L The sum of Ave cents per line will be Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of raaDnct." lists of weddlne Dresents and donors. had obituary notices, (other than those the edit or snail mmseii give as a matter oi news.) ana notices of SDeclal meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line, inose rules wiu ne sincuy aanor el to In everv Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown ,npoQ application. Here and There. Old Bong Get a bottle of good whiskey and a bottle of good wine. And you can drink to your true love, and I will think on mine. New Bong Where shall we get the whiskey, where shall we get the wine? We'll buy them from Llsh Bperry, whose goods are extra flue At the Belvedere Saloon, Heppner, Oregon. 1. a Boothby, of Lexington, Is in town today. M. Bwearingen was over from Eight Mils today. W . H. Daugherty, the Tacome cattle buyer, is in town. Edward L. Carson, bank Inspector, was In the city a couple of days this week looking into ths affairs of ths First National Bank. It goes without saying tbat ha found everything O. K. At ths H. E. church, South, next Sunday, the rth, Major Gen. Stephen Marshall, Com. of the Salvation aimy In Oregon and Washington, will bold services In ths evening. Bpeclal music will be rendered. Marian Evans was in town Betardajr. M. Kelly, was io (rom Qooeeberr yesterday. "Lyric Bards of America" si tba o pa ra bones Saturday evening. DeMoaa family, Ueppner at era boose, Saturday evening, Ibe 25tb. Statements for ibe Famoos Hirople Aooooot File printed el tbe Uaeetto of floe. Born oo Eight Mil', March 20, 1WW, to Ibe wife of L P. Jooee, 12 pound eon. Finest display of fresh candies io Beppoer. Hee window dowe el Jaa. Hart'e eeody factory. "Oo'o juloe" is ell right bnt Low Til lard bee e brand of 14-yesr-old atonde Ibat Is bard U beat. Cu3 If. Aoy ooe desiring Io boild either e booee or bare will make 10007 by eall- lof oe Ibe OatMte offioe. 67U Waote-1. Mao and teene Io plow by Ibe eorw. Apply el onoe Io i. C WU sod, oa Jordoa Fork of Eigbl Mile. If E. O. Noble Co. e'e roelWe after baslneae. Tbsfli-t ee.MI.-e aed naea to be (mod Io Ueptocr. He Ibslf sew aJ in tbw (mo. If. Tbe Oatle earrve a fall stock of fsoarelnf bote, eorrrspoJnee sljU. with eevlnpe Io match. Tboee deeiriof Snob stationer ee bate Ibelr applied el Ibis flleo. Boydef Dro. bate earM Willie Blew art la Ihe livery busings, eit door to Ibe O.aMie em, end will de a (serai livery aed fee-1 NKteeae. saddle loree and stall bis rata. Liohtentbal k Oo. for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf N. O. Maris anoonoces himself as a caadidate for olerk on Ibe republican tloket. Phil Ooho is paying tbe highest price for sbeep pelts, beef hides green or dry, furs, eto. Don't forget Phil. 5tf Ed. Day, one of tbe solid men of Mor row coanty, and a staunch republican, baa been brongbt ont by bis friends for tbe offioe of oonnty commissioner. Jake Young was in from Eight Mile Wednesday. Jaks has been "batching it" for some time, his better halt being absent from borne on a visit to relatives. Floods in tbe East are doing immense damage to property and causing tbe loss of many lives. According to latest re ports, however, tbe floods are receding- Cure that congh witb Shiloh's Cure Tbe best oongb onre. Relieves oronp promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25ots. Sold by Con ser & Brock. y Ladies, take the beet. If yon .are troubled with constipation, sallow skin, and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by Oonser & Brook. y Come to the Gazette offioe and get a decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelops look obeap, and besides you cannot get yonr business card printed tbereon. tt Karl's Clover Boot Tea is a pleasent laxative. Regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to make acid pleasant to take. 25 eta. Sold hy Conser k Brock. y W. O. Gentry has- decided to looate permanently at Weiser, Idaho, wbeie tbe Gazette will hereafter reaob him. This paper wishes Mr. Gentry abundant success for be richly deserves it. Married At Lexington, Or., on Wed nesday evening, March 23, William P, MoMillno and Miss Delia Wilmott, Rev. J. M. Beauobamp officiating. The Ga zette extends its congratulations to tbe hapry young couple. Jojin Curtis, a young man who bas been working about the Gazette premises for a few days, is desirous of getting steady employment.' He is not particular about the work and will make a good band. Apply at this office. Tbe Gazette will club with tbe Oregon Senator, tbe great Phthian paper of Ore goo, Washington and Idfho, published at Portland, for $2 75 for tbe two. Tbe Senator is all right. No Knigbt of Pythias should be without it. tt. Mrs. J. V. Crawford, who has been visiting at the home of ber son, Vawter Crawford, for tbe past two months, de parted for ber home at Waitsburg, Wash., 00 Tuesday evening. She was accom panied by ber little srandaughler, Janet. TJnole John Gurdane come over from tbe Pots oouutry on Wednesday 00 a business trip. He was a member of tbe last legislature nod was among tbe thirty who were ready to do their duty by the people, viz, organize and legislate. In tbis issue of tbe Gtzette trbpeari tbe name of Joe Luokmnu, wbo an nounces himself as a csndidate for oonnty commissioner. Joe Is one of Morrow oouuty'i old residents and would doubtless serve tbe county well in tbia oapacily. One hundred and three obildren, stu derjts of IheOregoo City public schools, are quareotined with tbe measles. At Caoemeb, a euberb of Oregon City, the gobnol baa been temporarily closed ou acoouot of the prevalence of tbe measles snd diphtheria. Condon Globe: D. P. Ketcbnm, of Tbe Dalles, who bat for sometime been purchasing agent for the Union Meat Co., of Portland, on last Satorday closed a deal with 8. B. Barker for between 5000 and 6000 bead of sheep. The price paid bas not been made public O. E. Faraswortb anooncoes himself as a candidate for representative 00 Ibe repnblioso ticket, Mr. Ferniwortb bas been a resident of the oonnty a long ouroberof years, is well soqnsinted witb all onr needs, aed should he be oonn nated, will make a winning race. An Ashland lady asked a tramp wbo applied for aaslstaoee why he did t work at enms trade, and was Indignantly Informed tbat ne was a profewiooaloian Further qnestloolog developed thai be was eo after-dlDDer speaker, aed would like to bave an opportooity Io practice bis profession. I have opeaed op a eandy factory la Ihe eootb room of ibe City Hot I building eod will keepoa band a fresh stock of eofeetlonery and fancy grocer Ira. II; lee erm parlors will be ready as eono as Ibe eas'io opens. Dolirictooa soda water will be on dreogl before Ibe warm weather brgios. Jaa. liter. Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red light," ever on the alert for something new, oan furnish yon tbe finest cock tails in the land Manhatten, Jersey, Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in tbe business. Drop in and take the taste out of your mouth. tt Frank MoFarland bas been appointed special agent of Tbe Equitable Life As suranoe Co., of New York, the etrongest in the world. Cash enrplus to policy holders of over 50 million dollars. Don't take insurance without seeing the new plans of the Equitable. Insures both sexes at same rates. 77tf H, V. Gates, of Hillsboro, ex-member of tbe legislature, has gone to Washington in tbe hope of securing the appointment of surveyor-general of Oregon. There are three applicants for the place of surveyor-general: Henry Meldrum, of Oregon City; J. B. David, of Yamhill county, and B. V. Gatep, of Washington oonnty. Henry Welob, wbo is traveling for Gratton & Knigbt, of Sao Fronoifoo, was in town Thursday. Mr. Welob was an employee of the M. O. L & T. Co, the first season they were in business here, and spent some time yesterday in terviewing old acquaintances, among whom was W. W. 8rnad, of the Gazette foroe. dome again, Henry. Marshal Uager and Billy Conine this week overhauled Heppner's fire appa ratus and put it in ship shape. This is a job long deferred, and tbe G zette is pleased that tbe matter bus been at tended to. The fire apparatus should be in good working order all Ibe time, otherwise it is useless for the purposes for wbiob it is intended. Tbe Gazette had iutended to furnish a very complimentary item, praising tbe delicious oandy manufactured by J as. Hart, tbe new proprietor of The Hepp. oer Candy Faotory, he having promised the for je a sample box. A to this par ticular box, it must bave gone astray, for the peuoil puBher failed to come in contact with any of the tempting morsels. However, Jimmy is making excellent oaodies. ' H. O. Oretfg, of tbe Walla WhIIs Union, bas been appointed deputy col lector of internal revenue for tbe seventh district, over wbiob Jack Leaby bas bad charge, by Oolleotor D. M, Dunne, of Portland. The appoiutmeut of Mr, Gregg is deserved and it will give entis faotion. Pendleton E. O. Mr. Gregg is a brother of Mrs. Olis Patterson, of tbis city, and tbe Gazette extends to him its hearty congratulations. A, S. MoOlure died at bis borne in uugene, Monday morning, from tbe effects of a stroke of paralysis be suffered a few duys ago. He was born in Indians May 3, 1829. He orossed tbe plaint to Oregon io 1855, aud settled io Eugene, where be had ever ginoe made bis home. exoept for a few years. Mr. MoClure wae married Io Eugene io 1859 to Sarah JJiliard, who survives bim. He was Ihe father of 11 obildren, seven of whom are ttill living. Wednesday night eoms person or per- uue robbed tbe Cellar of W. W. 8mead, taking meat, potatoes, eggs, apples and other articles. It it supposed to be the work of bobot as there are a number of the undesirable gentry oamping around lowu. Tbey should be fired at fast as they show up and 00 favors tbown them ueppner it overran witb tbis olese at present and, as tbey won't work aod must live, otbera will flod thin as miss. lug it tbey are not driven out. Our iroeia would be all Ibe better for a few days work at preseol and it tbey won't leave, pui mem to won. w OOL GROWERS If you' have not yet realized that the It J 1 1 1 it . gooa oia limes are witn us. your Get rid of that awake to the fact blood is out of order "tired feeling" and that the Wool Growers' Warehouse..... i 1 Is the place to store your wool , this season. Why? Be cause we do a strictly warehouse business, and not being in the field buying wool ourselves, we encourage competition amongst the buyers and secure you the highest price. We are sellin- wool sacks and twine at cost, payable when wool is sold. Send in your order at once. We Day the hlehest cash nrlce for sheen nUn anil hMo We are agents for Little's Dip and Black Leaf Tobacco Dip, the only reliable prepared dips on the market, We We pay freight to teamsters when requested to do so bv owners nf wnnl - have a full supply of Seed Barley aud Wheat, also Steam Rolled TWW f- tjom.fDM Direct your teamsters to the lower warehoase. We guarantee you a square deal P.. F. HVISD. Manager. URPLUS jjURSERY S TOCK- 1898 SPRING PLANTING. migftf if Clean, Thrifty Trees. Two and Three Tear Old, Carefully Grown of tbe Beet Va'ieties for this Climate Fully Guaranteed. Apples, Grabs and Prunes, 60 kinds, 5 to 8ft Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaohes, Apriools, Nectarines, Quinces, Almonds, Homoai C Blackberries and Raspberries .. .'. Currants and Gooseberries.,. Strawberries Grape Vines aod Pis Plant W. Aeb, Elm, Walnut, Maple, Box Alder ropier , Hard Maple, Mt. Ash, English Walnut, Our collection of Koses, Shrubs, Bulbs. Climers. Flowering treea. FmrorBunn Weeping trees, eto, comprises tbe best seleotion and shall be pleased to mare von prions on applioation. 50 at 100 ratee, 500 at 1000 fates. Prioee are net. packios dot d at cost. Cash with order, or Bank Reference. Order earlv hefnra .tni-w u broken and you will get Just what you want. Address, waote IT. Kit. rnnoa at rti 611 If. Iks loatl Ofeaers. Oae half tbe Bomber of Improved eao 000, mortars ted enplacemeete will be looaUj aed plerl to tollable poeiltoo ere the nirtlo of IHJH. Tbe artillery board are constat lly ataking prariioal torveyt, to far as tbeea relate Io Ibe array, aed rV eelabtisbmeel of edaat military protection of oar ee lrfrd it rwoivmg eodnf uiL Meeo wblle tho'e te a meant erf 'eee frost greats phveieel ealaealty, end lbl ta Hoctetter rltovacb II Iiks, wbkb t restoring the lone ff Ihe aervee and slomerh, loi"r lb entire rslm. Il alo prevents malarial, k.1oy end rheumatic eilfnU. eod nre billona end r '!( 100 Tmmo wbo bave bote eared by II tpk ie to aaoertete terse m Io Ite effmtvae. Coat fiirt la Trrellag. rersooany coauoted tonne I excur sions are now Ihe fed. Tbe are partiou larly adapted fo ladiea traveling alooe, or witb children, for no change of cart it oeoeeiary between tbe Pacific aod At laoito. Furthermore, each ear it In charge of a special conductor, whose sole duties are to look after tbe welfare and comfort of bia passengere. The rare are r.peraled by tbe Pullman Palaoe Car eompaoy, thus astonog to passengers all tbe com forts af modera day travel al less tban half Ibe usual Pulloaa ratee These tiooraione rou via '"Tbe Ure Halt Lake route" aud leave Portland vie Ibe O. It, 4 N. at 8 p. m. Monday Toeeday, Wednesday and Thursday of eaob week. Tbe car leevlutf Monday rant Ibroagb without ebeege Io Kaotee Cily aud Chicago, vie Ibe MUeoori PeoiOe aod Chicago k Alton eaal of Pueblo; the ear leaving Tueaday runs Ibrongb Io Boston, via Ihe IWk Island Lake Hbore Michigan Hoolbero, New York Central to I B istio k Albany, tod the ear Iravtof Wedoeeday Ibroogb Io Kansas City tad ft. Loots, via the nor. Iintioo eaal of lo vr. Tbe ear leeytog 1 ooraaay rant iiirnaga 10 pi. Louis, v Minenart I'seiflc east of Pueblo. Vt ratee, psopliM and Information aaJrM i, ), Mansfield, Oea'l AgL, Rio Oraod Aestera Hy, I'ortlaod. Oregoa. We ark luforme,! tbat folly one nan.irtxi iratnr are 00 lUoir ay 10 neppniT txMDg scattered 40n me main una from 1 malilla to Mftipoer Junction. The o-nntle. meo of tba rrMwl ahoolj I, aod we ate iiiforuiM will I giveo a warm riff pi ion m fast aa tbey arrive. Ilet j.tier baa a numlwr of ilreM that n! retHtlriog ao.l bl ah ml, I juit to work on thra rrompt ao.l deciaiva pvtioo on th larioi ma rny biuc4ra la cicoaaary Wi a quirk ri.l letire of tbia ooIrair al-le rlaae of pontile. Ask Your Doctor what ctlcct alum has Ufon the stnn.ich 'I hen make up your mind whether )ou will jut .my more low-price baking tjoutlcr into your husband's or children's food. Schilling's Ikst is pure crctm of UrUr and soda. Nothing cite. Rones, two year blooming age, nut door... PEB 100. PER 1000. 1 5.00 9 30.00 f t 8.00 60.00 1.00 6.00 3.00 20.00 1.00 8.00 6.00 80.00 5.00 30.00 ' 10 00 30.00 , 15 00 100.00 8.00 50.00 CLOTHING roi Men and Boys Payette Nursery, Payette, Idaho. THE fRT OF BREWING. A NEW FIRM ! E. G. Noble & Successors to Noble & Co., Are In this Held at the old stand with Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, and an endless lot of everything In their Una. - K. Q. Nobis and Mrs. (Jeo. Nobis oomprise the new Arm who will pay all bills of the eld firm as well as collect what la due. K. O. NOBLE Ss CO. Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinawarc & Queensware At Gilliam & Bisbee's And by the way tbey hare anytblni you raa rail for lu the line of Hardware, UUtre and Tinware. CO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. CASTOR I A For Iala-nte and Children. Ths Kind Yon Han Alvajs Bought Beer the Slgaatore Ueel aoeommolatloo end enorteoos trealroeol al lbs Imperial Motel.rkTentb ton eao. Hie., I'ortland, Orrgoo. Fee li. Licliteotbal k Co. for elioao. e Urioi jour bidet, pUe eod fun to Maitievt, at tbe LlWriy Meat Ue pare big heel narkst prtoe. Reo Uarkel. Cl'J-tf. U'so'el Ifilk 0"wfuf lummer reegt. Will be lept eo Jeered for lo good eliape for prltltege of mllkieg. flood paalure roreUbwl for calree. App' al Oatetle tifBoe. t Tbere'e more clothing dslroJ by poor eoap Ibae be erleal wsar. ' II, t si . m sail m weae- eoep rootatoe oo rree tuaii tea 111 col In jar tbe finrel I so. Try II eod Dot lee tbe difference la quality. Rkte k Co. t30 IH. II. K. Ward, tbe nagoelie UW, ill rem le little Ut ie lUppoer, Hbt drelrrt Ibe people of Harrow moots to eoeealt with tboe ehe be trwelei, tlllng Ibeir leaHimooy Io be betler end BBre reieeie( lbeo any of f of bre eon 11 pMililr m. tier kim 10 e to M eileeiale paia aa five ei1 to Ihe atfl en 4 sarT-fla. All of Hue ebe pfneaie lo do wttaxHil tbe 0e ef tAedwtr., (V.bIiII fret i ib i eie ooui eatil leniMr to. lies). Tkir etMwif Maiwt hmm mm s4 No Imtm Imi ait ai 4m a m' im eUwoktve smm Hs lf.sif Ims Ifc Ml f ( W W. Uh4 TM rM sMa im,4 at Hi tmmt a4 ' Nlanf yMhM4ay iHms, 1a snf ae smia4,a4 la m tin Mr em IKt sH eswa mm IM u tK yrm e lt twimrtH tM fw) Is alt Sw., al la pnMiMlMfy siMila, ft4 rl;ia4 (ik.x Irvm sr I fiWtt, a ik. tht mi ! rnmA. The Utter oae ': l-r4 Ummm M k4 vtf f I e to lafe.ll skMl.till :f .H a-.tu at tut l,mt im., imit ii t jlIKlNW,tM lba SMf ,M it.lnatMIINMM IM aa H, tf mi mt ef f'i laressr. Gibson & Berger, At ( has Janes' Old SUHd. KliavittfX. - IS CU Ilnir Cuttinir. - l5 l5at!i2.H'. KvcrythingStrict Iv I'lrnt ( lawn. D. A. CURRAY, rortnarly uf rndlluo Tonsorial Artist. Shevlno, . IS CeoU Hole Cottlefl, 28 lb, MaUok l.rtif, Htwf, Oratmi, Mathews &t Gentry ISAHIiLltS Shaving 15 Cenli. tee " two d'i sVik oi rNao.An. D. E. GILMAN, General Collccto rl pi n!4 tmt 4 tnlAj la kl "' fi ! W.mtf M nl t.i t iU'.m a af kart 0(TiOi io J, N. l!rus'g lioiKIipg Ellis & Phelps. ATTORNEYS AT LAW atl kMiua I S k4a,(4 m4 wto rbW m4 O'lkie ta ftsttaf IMlM. tP9f, Of lloc-Calic Soap Has m Kjual ft t . I , M lfeist, it matt trraanl I dilTof ei, ff,ira tIIjtJ,ri CVcUlte bQ itarclt, fiee elks W oftL!4i i !Je. We have an immense line of ready made clothing in the latest Spring Styles. The only Really Well Assorted and Up-to-Date Stock of Clothing in Heppner. HOT LRSTSPR1HG OR FflLL.BUTTnIS SPRIKG. There's big and little suits for old and young; There's short and stout suits and slim and long. Don't be persuaded into buying your Spring suit until you have looked our goods and prices over. You'll be repaid. They are new goods received two months earlier this spring than ever before. Our Prices make Competition Green With Envy. For instance, there's a $10 Suit of Oregon Wool, for men, made , by Salem Woolen Mills, guaranteed all wool. Can't be duplicated in town. Then that $1.00 Suit, of two pieces, for boys. Considering the price they are elegant goods. A person would naturally think that we sold these goods for less than cost. We don't. We make a little profit on all theaa goodi-not very much but some. We do business In Just this way. SHREWD BUYING AND CL08K BELLING. First, we buy right, then sell close and quick. Be Sure and See Our Clothing. .4 Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOI GOID And now the entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewery beer On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. mm - '-3.-' ' J e "we THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace .Has been leased by... joiciiisre Who lias swtirrd tbt at rvlrrs of AIRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W Ai liiantiicr. It will bo run in firnt oIuhh in every tlfpartmcnt. KuU-h rcnsuiiuhlu SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. THE PALACE HOTEL 1JAK, J. O. J3OHCTTJ0RS,Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Li(iuors .and Cfc iars The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT t OU THE LEAST M01SLV ill art !! iA g r,.M alnc In p'.-t-'HI.-n to t If ym aant In M your mmutf nfih uf hohMl la II 1 mi arc, J inware, 0W MACHINERY, CALL ON - an InrnaMliif mif Vir Ull at.4 olaWr. Call snd t-m a. Confectioners SELF-HEATING FLAT IRON THE GREAT TILL AND LABOR SAVLH Frank Enoelman or ionc. Is ne thts mm-4., k'Mt..M ani..aMali ihw.nih mum It. WMintf M IK mm II. klM )(. fw.l ai In lh ttmt mt in. fa. 1ftt.f lutaat JOHN F. CASEY A CO St Uwla, MaatartirMa. HOOTS AND SHOES TWf k..a.ftl,li la tM if- it..i .r 4.4 mm u . fH t '" MtlHtlMfl It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. 014 , Men toot RiMlHef I IfitH e. tmc nci to oit tmim i or McirmNTiiAr4 s? CO.