Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 25, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Friday, March 25, 1898.
Candidates' Announcements
X hereby announce to the pnolio of Morrow
county, that I will be a candidate before the
next republican county convention for nomi
nation to the office of county assessor.
w. B. McAmsteb.
Lexington, Or., March 7, '98.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for the
office of county assessor, subject to the will of
the republican county convention.
I hereby announce to my friends and the
public of Morrow county that I will be a can
didate before the republican county conven
tion for the nomination to the office of assessor
of Moirow county. C. N. Vkck.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for the
office of county 8upt of Schools, subject to the
will of the Republican county convention.
Having striven to do my whole duty for two
years, I trust that the people will approve my
ell'orts. J- W. Bhifley.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate for
the office of County Superintendent of Schools,
subject to the decision of the Republican con
vention 01 jnorrow cuumj. """"""p
In response to the earncstsolicitation of num
erous friends, I hereby announce myself a can
dldate for the office of County Clerk of Morrow
county, subject to the will of the Republican
county convention. Vawter Crawkohd.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for the
office of Representative, subject to the will of
the Morrow county Republican convention.
E. I Fbkkland.
By solicitation of my friends, I hereby an
nounce myself a candidate for state representa
tive, subject to the will of the republican
convention of Morrow county.
0. E. Farnsworth.
I horeby announce myself as a candidate for
ennntv commissioner, subject to the will of the
republican county convention
Joe Luckman.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
county commissioner of Morrow county, sub
ject to the will of the republican county cont
ventlon. K Cay.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for the
office of sheritl of Morrow county, subject to
the decision of the republican county con
vention. D. A. Hamilton.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for the
office of county cleric, subject to the decision of
the republican county convention.
N. 0. Maris.
Republican primaries to-morrow.
Nothing but complete harmony
should prevail at the republican
primaries to-morrow.
From henceforth there should
be no clash among the republicans
of Morrow county. All indica
tions point now to complete har
mony. If this sentiment prevails
until June, a oomplete republican
ticket will be elected.
Anti-Simon people in Portland
are pushing W. 8. Mason to the
front as candidate for mayor of
thatoity. Mr. Mason was such a
candidate a few years ago and beat
this faotion in the eleotion, making
' one of the best mayors the city of
Portland ever had.
Qooi) men are boing talked of
for plaoes on the republican ticket
and the Gazette can offer no ad
vice in any direction. Our only
Interest in the mattor is to see
Rood republicans put up and then
elected. We believe the result of
the labor of the county convention
will be in this direction, and the
Gazotta will labor to the end that
such a ticket may be successful
from top to bottom.
There is some fun down at
Portland and fusion is not as near
cousumatioo us some people would
bo pleased to see it The demo-
crats ami silver republicans, who
cm ex poet to get nothiug at all, if
they are forcel to go it alone, have
come together, but what about
theao populists? They are hang
ing out, and all the overtures of
their dear and sacrifioing(?)
friends seem to be of no avail
Fusion on the state ticket scorns to
1 away off.
The ouo member of the (Maple's
party national committee from In
diana who held that the oople's
party could do greatoct service to
the people by sinking his individ
uality iu the dotuocratio party has
been deposed aud in Lis place a
populist elected who belier that
the pooplti's party lias a ruiion
that it can only fulfill j living.
Indiana's three rcprect)tativps on
the national oomiuttton of the peo
ple's party are all now optxwed to
fusion, and this sontimpnt is rap.
idly gaining ground among the
populists in all parts of the
The gtin-shop m the Washing
ton navy yard retain.! old-timers
of the war tiru activity in the
same yard, but on a different class
of woik. Paring the war this was
strictly a navy yard; now it is oidy
a navy yard in name, its principal
work luMtig tha making of guns
oro of tl finest io ths world
Lave Imod and are Immdr mads
Lera-mountings aud atnunitioo
for the tiavy. Not a niinuU is bow
lx-iog lost io th yard, ons f tha
Hiiro t'llt LoUf shifts of tM
being cog Una illy rt mm
The New York "Commercial", a
financial publication, sustains the
assertion made in these columns
that the sugar trust gained no per
manent advantajz e through the
enactment of the Dingley law, by
saying in a recent issue that:
"Refiners who knew the profits of
the business and who had been
long on stock for years, and sold
it, do not dream of buying it
back." Considering that this
statement is made when sugar
trust stock has fallen from 160 to
120, it is apparent that those most
familiar with the real facts of the
case do not consider that the trust
occupies an advantageous position
under the new law.
Those "debt-ridden" and "mortgage-eaten"
farmers of Nebraska
must have found a very rapid im
provement in their condition since
the rejection of free silver and free
trade, and the adoption of a pro
tective tariff with a sound money
system. Late reports from that
state show that a movement is on
foot for the organization of co-operative
beet sugar factories in dif
ferent parts of the state and that
the area to be planted to beets this
year will be ten thousand acres in
excess of that of last, and this, too,
in the face of the threat by the
factories now existing of a reduc
tion in the price to be paid for
beets in case of the annexation of
jno president was ever more
highly complimented or received
greater evidence of the confidence
of the whole people than was Pres.
ident McKinley when a congress
composed of representatives o
three great parties voted unani
mously to place in his hands with
out restriction $50,000,000 to be
used iu the national defences aod
to be used in carrying on whatever
policy his judgment might dictate,
as events should call for action
It not infrequenty happens that
men for purely partisan reasons
and for advancement of the inter
esta of their own organization crit
iciae, sometimes harshly, a repre
sentative of the party to which
they are opposed, but when in a
crisis such as this, members of al
parties unite in unanimously
placing in the hands of the cbie
executive of the nation a vast sum
of money to be expended in fur
theranoe of the policy which he is
cautiously and conscientiously fo
lowing out, it shows how little is
moaut by such criticism!) and how
oomplete after all is the confidence
of the citizens, irrespective of par
ty, in the man in wIkmo hands the
destinies of the union have thus
been p'aced.
The executive committee of th
Morrow county republican club
acting under an agreement of th
various candidates for office in the
threo lieppner precincts, met last
evening aud listed delegates to the
oounty convoution. The agree
ment being: that the delegate
chosen by this committee sba
have tho support of all the cand
dates at the primaries toiuor.o ,
and the names of the delegates
chosen by the committee shall be
made known tomorrow noon. Iti
believed that the selection of de
egates in this manner will put
down any factional fight at the
primaries, and give the party a
harmonious convention.
Coooailtuao K. (). Htrr was s tut
sung on Tuasda etln ' train (or
Iin, whar. lis Is rMi.tii f lernwrarll
illi bit family.
1 Consumption I
curt consumption? Yci and y
1T'lt I. W
no, v iu ii curt every cam c
No. Whit camj will it curt
then? Those in thtir earlier
I stages, especially in young
people We rruke no eiif-
gcrated culms, but we have
positive evidence that the
early stu of
i Scott's Emulsion I
of Gxi livsr oil with Hypo
phot phltes of Lime anJ Soda
In these cams results In a
positive curt to a large rtunv J
Ut. In advanced cams, how jj
lie, this
well-known rtm.Jy X '' & " wMTris,ktr V.T;rdt5
. . ' . w ! , - . m aywo, ir.a mm a, atooay im,w In .u
Lit lurfr lain fir. il L'.'.? .IT ?j w " , " -'o ... ka" U fc-.r.,tr.a w. a4 i w r-nr
ail. swrpTtMniij, y "" J - ih.l,ow a ii p.Mh.ao.V.. jtw
" " . w ltS Wltpl'S of ll.as I aa. S-.tW a, u , Sl...Z I. .V , . '- -I - WHH th. l a) tal l
KUfTaywkl.cw-wa, b..rw I .Jli.,,;i ..tti., 10... . O XwV"r' U " 4
Hvitvt w i M f faun Nr ,lw I riiiiV-tuW1 lll:-, I .nc
Blarkman'i 8aeeMor Traaaft r Hade oi
Monday The Deputies.
From Portland Tribune.
David M. Dodos was installed loto the
office of oolleotor of internal revenue
Monday morning, Henry Blaokman re
tiring. The change took plaoe at 9
o'olock, the attaches of tbe offioe wit
Dessiog tbe ceremonies Speoial later
al Revenue Agent L A. Thrasher has
been here several dava ohecking up the
offioe, and every thing being to his satis
faction, the transfer was made. -
United States Jndge Bellinger was
present ami administered tbe oath of offioe
to tbe new oolleotor and bis chief deputy,
Frank Davis.
After tbese ceremonies were over, Ool
leotor Dunne announced his offioe foroe.
Tbere will be no change eioeptiog the
bief olerk. John E. Bellioger, who
has beeo obief deputy under Mr. Black-
man, will go to his ranoh in ' Clark
county, Wash.
Just before tbe transfer cf tbe offioe
was made, tbe offioe foroe waited upon
Mr. Blaokman and presented bim with
wo handsome pieces of furniture. This
was followed by a little srjeeobmaking,
wbicb indioated tbe high esteem in
wbioh Mr. Blaokman was held by those
associated with bim.
Collector Dunne yesterday made the
appointment of all his otber deputies
uoder the emergency prerogatives
granted tbe offioe. All of tbese appoint
ments with tbe exoeption of that of the
deputy at Cirole City, Alaska, wbiob
holds for 60 days, are 30 days' appoint'
ments. This is done to enable the col
leotor to familiarize himself with tbe
duties of hii office and to determine tbe
fitness of his temporary appointees. If,
the expiration tf 30 days tbe servioe
oan be improved by making obaoges
they will be made.
Tbe oomplete roster of appointees fol
lows, all of tbe Oregon appointments
with tbe exoeption of one being re
appointments of present incumbents:
W. 8. Lotan, keeper of bonded dis
tillery aooounts; offioe made vaoant by
tbe promotion of J. Frank Davis to tbe
obief clerkship; salary, 91,200.
John M. Rogers, assistant oashier and
keeper of seals and reoords; salary,
Miss Oeorgia I. Brazil, clerk io stamp
department and keener of reoords o
brewery department; salary, $1,000.
Frank Paul, Seattle, olerk of stamp
department; salary, $600.
James B. Mollay, pnlioiDg division
deputy, headqnarters in Portland and
operating In Benton, Claokamaa, Clat
sop, Columbia, Lino, Linoolo, Lane
Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Yam bill
Washington and Tillamook counties
salary, $1,41)0; expenses, $750.
Edward L. Mims, policing division
deputy, headqnarters at Pendleton, for
Baker, Grant, Gilliam, Harney, Morrow
Malbuer, Sherman, Union, Umatilla
Wallowa and Wasoo oouoties; salary
$1,400; expenses, $700.
Andrew J. Barlow, polioiog divisio
deputy, headquarters at Grant's Pass,
for the counties of Curry, Coos, Doug'
las, Jaokson, Josephine, Klamath and
Lake; salary, $1,000; expenses, $400.
Lawrenoe O'Brien, policing division
deputy, headquarters at Tacoma, Waab
fur the enmities of Chebalis, Clark
Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, Lewis, M
son, Fierce, Paoiflo, Skamania, Thors
ton aud Wahkiakum; salary, $1,200; ex
penseg, $760.
D. W. Bowes, pnlioingdlvisloa deputy,
betidqnarters at Seattle, Wash., for tbe
ooonties of Island, King, Han Joan
Skagit, Snohomish and Wbaloom; sal
ary, $1,400; expenses, $5(10.
Joseph 8. Wilson, policing division
deputy , headquarters at Spokane. Wash,
tor ths counties of Adams, Douglas
Lincoln, Okanogan, Stevena, Spokane
and Whitman; salary, $1,400; sinenses
Uerlrt O. Gregg, policing division
deputy, headquarters at Walla Walls,
for tbe ooooties of Aaotlo, Colombia,
Franklin, Garfield. Klickitat, Kittitas
Walls Walla and Yakima; salary, $1,000
rx penars, $700.
William C. I'sdlar, polking division
drpnly, headquarters at Kitia, Alaak
for all thai portion of Alaska sooth of
ths fiOt h parallel ot Borih latitude; sal
ary, $000; I peases, MOO.
Jobs 11 IXnIsob. policing division
deputy, headquarters at Circle
City, Alaska, for all thai ponton
of Alaska north of lbs fiOlh parallel nf
oorth latitude; salary, $1,000; sxpeosns,
tUiMfty lUraaata.
"for twenty years 1 was a snrfrrsr
from dyspepsia, sod received osly Urn
porary relief, hot I have bn had
asy Iron !! witb df specie sines taking
S f,w bottles t( Hood's Haraaparills. I
stmsslr reoonron. Hood's Haraapa
rills to anyone tn(Trlog from dyspep
sia." Jons 11 1ULL, Fsirbaves, Vmq
IngloB. Hood's 1M la sis lbs lbs only ('ills to
lake witb Hood's saparillarill.
I'nels Ilea i 'arker sad M H. Maiwell
rrs down fiom Hatdmao yesterday.
Mllllens Clvsw Asy.
It U srtUitily gratifying to Ihs pob
lie to kaow of on c- srfs In Ihs land
bo sr r4 afraid to bs stima t the
n.1y and sanVriBS. Tb rnprttMt
of lr. King's Nw Inf fur IW
samptiifi.t'jsstis asd (VMs, hate gi.
en sway over tnilllios trial bottles
ol Ibis great BedirtttS sod tiavs Ihs sal
Is'trlx ol know tug II ttas aUoluUly
eared llxtstaed if bopela .
Astma, KrenetiMt. Hareeee sad all
Aim as ol Ihe Threat, Ctel aa l Ia
are ssrely ss'ed by tt tll os J.
tr, ninr ft-m -r - mi leHiMa-vti .ai a iba ... a M j al MerMaae la lb I .amy wf M.enw. aw Mow.
Umatilla Backs Take Fifteea or Cos Rioes's
Bteers From Depala Galefc-Posse of Ea
ragtd Mrs la Paraait or the Thieves.
From Pendleton Tribune.
Fifteen head of two-year-old steera
are reported stolen from Gas Ring, of
Despain golob, by tbe Indians.
Tbe cattle were missed Sundoy, and a
posse, oonsisting of Jonas Watler, ot
Elimers, and Mike Koekie, started in
pursuit. Tbey followed on tbeir trail as
far as tbe Columbia river, and it is
tbongbl tbe thieves swam the river and
probably reached tbe Yakima reservation.
Upon the return of the party io pur
suit all the Norwegians in that section
equipped themselves and started scour
ing the country for tbe thieves.
It is supposed it was a party of Uma-
lla Indians tbatdid the stealing. Every
effort is being. made to head tbem off.
That section is thoroughly aroused, and
they are caught they will be dealt witb
io a very unceremonious manner.
To Care Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Cand v Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
II C. O. C. tall to cure, drut'giBts refund money.
Major Marshall, of tbe Salvation army,
ill arrive from Walla Walla tomorrow
and will bold services at tbe barracks
on Sunday. During bis stay here
number of reoruits will be sworn into
service in tbe army.
uure sick neadacne, bad a
taste In the mouth, coated H-A I I a
tongue, gas In the stomach, III Is
distress and Indigestion. Do " "
not weaken, but have tonic effect. 2i cents.
The only Fills to taks with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Fill a bottle or oommon glass witb
urine and let it stand twenty-four hours
a sediment or settling indioates an un
healthy condition ot the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidenoe of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri
nate or pain in tbe baok, is also oonvino-
og proof thai the kidneys and bludder
are ont of order.
WHAT TO 1)0.
Tbers is comfort in tbe knowledgs so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer
Swamp-Root, tbe great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish io relieving pain in the
baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of the urinary passages. It oor
reots inability to bold urine and scald'
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use ot liquor, wine or beer, and
overoomet tbal unpleasant neoessity of
being compelled to get up many times
during tbe night Io urinate. Tbe mild
and the extraordinary effect of 8 warn p.
root is soon realized. It stands tbe
highest for its' wonderful on res of tbe
most distressing oases. If you need
medicine you should have the best. Sold
by druggists, trice fifty cents and one
dollar. You may bavs a sample bottle
and pamphlet' both sent free by mail
npon reoeipl of three two cent stamps to
oover cost of , postage on the bottle
Mention the Heppoer Gazetts sod send
your sddress to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Bing
bampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this
paper guarantee lbs geouioeness ot this
offer. '
Timber Culture-Final Proof.
Lino Orrirs arTin Dai i.h, Orxoon.
Min n 1'ilh IikiM.
1 1 rirk Hlllane, ol lli-mmer, has Sled notice
in imrmiim lo mas final iirimi before 1. W
Morrow, comitv rlerk. at his olhro In Hrnnner.
Oregon, on Monday th Hi day ol April, Ihw, on
iimiwrenlitiro application No. XI lor the H
jr,V WLj K', fei'tlou 14,ln township No. 3
raiilta No. 2A K. W. M
H naino as it
John WnndwAr.1
Prnnla HpllUu. William S. U-tller, and (Samuel
Ix-nirr, all ol lieppner, Orvfroii.
S M Kfslslcr,
(Iff anil by virtue of an esnriillnn an
nr.u r ol sale, duly and mularly IhuinI out
Ihe Ctn uli Court ol the Male ol Orrann, for
Murriiw rtiumy. and Io me dlrwlrd. on lh Ai
day of March, 1. llp.nl a )imIiimiiiI snct d-
rrrenuly rrn.lrml and enlored In said tuiirt,
on lb loth dy ol Marrh, 1M. In a anil thi-n
ana inrrelolore ponilliig lhrln. hi-rel
1 ne aini-rican Mnrlgage Company l imited,
aroiiaiin. a I orporaium, wu pisiniin, an
jamre Ihnmu liowiiliif. and Hi I inn litis
iH.enms as nlra at law or HU-phaii S. flow
Ins. aud Maria Imwnlne. draarl. raiti.li.
danlaand rommandlna ana lo sell tha hin
alter rirarffid mil pmiwrty, 1 did on the IMh
day ot Man h, !, duly levy upoaaml Mill, oa
TwesSsy, ths 10th stay sf April, 1898
at tha hour ol 1 o'rlork In tbe afternoon
aid day, at Ihe Iron! done ol the county court
house In lieppner Morrow dimly Hmcon aell
in tne nihrl bl.l.ler lor eeeh In band, ail tha
following ate -rib.! real ealate tow It the
aoiin aeat quarier ot m iiiin twenty eight. I
township two, amith ol rang twenty lour, eesl
w. m an annate, an. I being in Morrow I nun
nrvgon, tM-lher with the lenementa heredu
amenta aud apputtenaiMva iherennin be I cm
Ing or in any wiae appvrtalning. or an mu
therenl aa will aaiiely aald In Ismeuta In tbe
loiiowing auma: fc wilh lutemi ll.ere.
Imot th imli .lay of Marrd le, al tha rale ol
per rem net annnm. br tbe further sum of
aighty dollars aitorneya lee, and lof lb tur
Iher aunt ol I i iu cuata and dltlmraementa.
aii'i an ruing e.wia a, U MAMNK.
tl ehatiS et Morrow rvnnty urrgnn.
sitsRirrs sale.
VITUI l Hltli7"oiVf THAT HT
I' I rt lie of an iianUos and oM.r pf
duly Ian by Hie tint ,l id. rierull lourl
w Ihe to.inty nf Morrow, aial of rr..n.
dai Ihe ..I rtay of Man h. I. In a i.ium
a. ll..a In tha t I trull t.irt l"f aald loom; a,H
Male. h.tla Jtmra J.tntm and Jamra J:i
aa a-lmliilrirat.w n Iba awtalw of b.ia J.mrt
d- -t. plalntllt, MenMM fmltaient aeainal
" S.satfniVMlMeM J aaaavart, g SI
Hiahow . aaaig -o ol liao t li.aoitant
d't.b.r, J w Mrwntw, lb lvr,..n Hallaay ami
a.l(ilon rminv, a euailon. and I at
Woal l delnutanta b't lb sum l tae lam,,
M ft lluMn.1 u4y Two IhUiaia, wnb
lotmel than- al tha ml ol Hi par ,,,)
annua. It.oa lh( IMh da? ol rt.f.,s,r va ,,
lha lurtbav tmm ot I aa HuMtH yMf '. ara
I'Wiwf s IWa, and mee and dia..irmt,ia
tal al Ta.utj 1.4 tri, aa tha iia day M
gebroarv l
bull. la karaby gt.aw thai w on Wadoa.
day, iba enH 4ay Ae'tl. laaa, al I arl.at
P as MHI'Mtl lilt, inwl A'Mntlh,
Ma ta Mat , M.enw eot,lv i
rawnlv imaoa, aail
bl.l In I. ra.N
l It ... (1.. a I It bl(h
la Itaixl. lha b-llowta 4aa rtll hf.Hafti
wu aia ballot ll.an.rfia waat u iaita, a... I
IoWmm iw a ih ail h.r ol ail-.a ill
la tHWhahia Ian I . .,ik fanga la. mi alt t wi
aH an. lha ai-ith Ka I of lha aatk aaal t ar
a l la Sna wablp laa a kmlb
iwna la.-l, ait I , I W M taa wavth awa,
t'a'a M arlla laa f tm a t..a hl. (a a ;
MMtb laar.iv .a IH t M, and Mi
a ol lha nax ik st.ta ol L alahl ,tt la h,.. ,
f-ar I , m ik at;
We simply knocked
competitors silly with
display of
k: I mm Mm
the finest ever shown in
this city. Our prices are
as low as the lowest, if not
a little lower.
Watch this Space. Something New will
Appear Each' Week.
Our show window will contain a different line ef goods each week or ten
days, and our advertisement will call attention to each line we put forward.
Space does not permit us to mention all our extensive lines at one time.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at LaGbandk, Oregon,
March 10. 189R.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore J. W. Morrow County Clerk, Morrow
county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April
23, 1898, viz:
Pre-Emption D 8 10540, for the Y4 NWli, SEli
N W!4 and N W! BW Sec 15, Tp 4 8, R 29, E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Andy J, Cook. Hezekiah
Tippett. of Hennner. Oregon. Robert B. Clark.
of durdane, Oregon, and Abraham B. Chapman,
of Vinson, Oregon.
30-41 Register
Land Offici at La Gbandk, Oreoon,
March 1. 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice.
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Ore
gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 23, 1898, viz:
Hd E No S353 for the 8E4 of Bee & Tp 2 8 R 27
He names the following witnesses to nrove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: A. J. Stamp, M. J. Devln, W.
O. McCarty and Foster Adams, all of Heppner,
29-40 Register.
Notice of Intention.
I J March 2. 1898. Notice Is herehv ctven that
the following named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final Droof In sunnortof
his claim, and that said proof will be made
oeiorej. w. .Morrow, uniiuty Clerk, at Heppner,
vsregon, on oaiuruay, April in, in'j, vis;
of Heppner; Hd ft No 2909 for the NE!4 of Bee
u, i p z o Hwiwn,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence unon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: James P. Khea. Kalnh L.
Henge, of Heppner, Oregon, Robert J. Hill, of
Lexington, Oregon, and Joseph Mason, of lone,
28-S9. Register.
Land Office at Ths Dai.i.ss. Orruon,
Keliruary 20, Ihsir.
following. named settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final Droof In
support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Monday April 11,1898,
of Islington; Hd K No tin for the Wi NEU
and lots 1 ami 2 fee II. Tp 2 8 R 25 K W M,
He names tha following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of aald land, vis: John T. McMillan. Edward U
Calmer, Charles K, McAltater and Thomas H.
Nichols, all of Lexington, Oregon.
JH.t Register.
Lard Orrics at Ths Dai.i.is. Oasnox.
Krbruary2S. 18l.
11 following nsmed seliler has fllod notice
of his tnUMiMoii lo make final proof In support
of his rial in, and thai said prtnil will he made
brfor J. W. Morrow, County Cl.rk. at Heppuer,
"rrin,os isnniiay, April II, vis:
of Lrtingion: H I I No 1 for ths i W' Bee I,
Ha name lb. following witnesses lo prove
nis continuous resilience upon ana cultivation
ol said land, vis: Charles P. Harnett, John T
MrMlllan, Rdward L Palmer and Charles R.
McAllster, all oi Lexington. Oregon.
TT-S. Register.
11 umlersignnl hasnietin duly amailnlMl hv
Ilia Connly ourl ol tha Htatanf Oregon, for
Morrow oiinty, a.linlnl.irat"r of the rataUof
KelMin Jonea. dueil All persons having
rlalme aaalnal aald Mat am hereby nollflr1 to
prrwrnl aania, proi.fiy vcrlf r,. bi me, al the
omcvor aula ril, al Henioier. On-con.
within sit rootiihs In.m the data of IMS notice.
IMM4 IBIS l.'IB day nl rebruarv. I
jAMra joxr.
Admlulslralnrof th Esiat.of Nelson
.'4 H Jones, l aasxt.
Hotlct Ot Contest Timber Culture.
Lasd Orrn at Ths DaU aa, Oatuo
March IV lust.
t tbi omrw by lb duly varlBad and eorrobo
rated alodavlt of kolrt wrrn, allaclng lhal
John I' ai'tar. who mad timber enllur an ley
No rn. for th :, ol m AXlpls KM R. at
lb land oftt-a at 1 h. Kllra. on th day ol
bixerabar, IwT, and bis hair htt wholly
andonil aald Irart, a-d bate (allad and ;
laatadal all Itnu) sin.- th third fear altar
ntry, tneiimply wllh lb II m bar rullur lawa,
o. In plaai. ruiilval ot poHt any pari of th
taid Irart lo Irea. Mlint ot rulUnt. a rw
tnlra.1 hy law, thendor with tb view to lb.
raiw-aliallon nl aald anlry. th aald part law ar
bant.y uwiwine. and rauirad toWandan
twa haMor J M"fenw, eonnly elert of M ir
row room? al bla nrbrw at Happnar, ttmroQ, on
lha lath day ml April aa t lo o rba-t a , of
aald day, than and that In frnatoea awh baalt
", aa ihay oay bae eiorwriiint lha aald
a Irvallon lb Sl baartng to b had bab.e
tha h' 'n and Haalar at tb l;i. Irraron
oa lha i lk day of Ar"l, la al lha hour of 10
r I-. M N Miaibg. Matlalay.
Ml W, II Hl'.i.a. Marat, ar.
In THI I'ltflTT CiifllT Of THI STAII
of fftaoo. b4lbroiaiy of Morrow,
la lb mum 4 tba aauia at Job a M O. Spaa-
rwf a mlnoe,
Taj irry. ,rdtaof tbsttwf aald
mitf ffawllnf
la Ik aama a4 lb aa ol Otawoai, Tot) am
Kara i. , riw-t and Fa.ilrad in apr la lb
I maiy t onrt nl lb ai.l fw lb
t o n i , m Mnrenw.! Ikat oort rwow tbara4
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads
people like to buy.
stand aside for him.
reason why so many
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, V
(f Is a "joy forever." That's what jS
Heppner, Oregon-
"When you hear dem bells T
.Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it
or at "Central" telephone office. '
g Keeps A Beneral Slock of Morchaiiii
Including all tho Staples, Hardware, Tin
ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies,
Wood and Willow ware.
First Class Goods and Low Prices
is his motto.
Merchant Tailoring!
Mr. Ahrahanifjick i the pioneer tailor of Hem
ner. hu work is always first class and Mti?ae
tion guaranteetl. v
They Are The Mustard
M Hin I Eiiin ti SiEcniiwi
We ask you to examine
' our display of
Being complete and up-to-date,
in all the latest blocks and
styles, in Mens' Youths' and
Boys' hats.
Prices guaranteed to be as low as Ihe lowest.
is the one from whom
The slow, plodders all
That suggests a good
customers are being
find at
Trj tsi Etf; i:i UiUi,