t l'mlland Librarj PA PER OFFICIAL ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF THE .... Seml-WeeKiu Gazette IS YOUR MEDIUM. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH THE SemHMlu Gazette AT $2.00 A YEAR. FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 25. 1898. NO. 634 1 r m --"-aw SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. fUBLIBHSD Tuesdays and Fridays x THE PATreRSON'ISjSIBNB COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor ind Bus. Man. At IS O) per year, $1.00 for six months, 50 Ota. cor three moncns, itriotly In advano . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon, as second-clasi matter. THI8 PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Duke's Advertising Airenoy, 64 and 66 Merchants Eiohangs, Ban Franoisoo, California, where oou raots tor advertising ean be made for it. T P. F18HEB. NEWSPAPER ADVKRTI8- XJt ing agent, 21 MetohanW Exohanjo Build inn, Han Uranoieoo, is our auinuriiou iui Thie papar ia kept on file at hie office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. m. daily except 8:30 a. m. and ar- TratTlMvA. Harinnar 0:80 n Bnndav arriving at Heppner Junction 1205 a. m. LeaTea Heppner JunoUoa -Honnnar A-ftl. m Bpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 20 p. m. and arrives at Heppner ynucuun cou p. m. n Tim. ilia Alfio n. m. prii.n F.inr No i. from SDokane. arrives at Umatilla 610 a. m. and Heppner Junotion 7:00 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. vt Mail Nr. 2 lanvna Portland 9:25 D. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnction a. m. and at Umatilla 4:80 a. m. Fast Hail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Juootiun 1!:25 a, m, and at Portland 7 :2C a.m. For further information inquire of 1. C. Hart, Agent O. H tfc N., Heppner, Ore. . When Going East. ., . Use a first-class Hue in traveling between Minneapolis, St. rani and Chicago, and the principal towns in Central Wisconsin. Pullman Palace. Sleeping and Chair Cars in Service. . The Dining "(3ars are operated in the interests of its patrons, the most elegant service ever man eurated.. Meals are served a la ' Carte, To obtain first-class service your ticket should read via. The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connection at Chicago and Milwaukee for all Eastern points. For full information call on your nearest ticket agent, or write PEES COMMENT. QgICIAL DIBZCTOBT. Te IS Pi evident. William McKinlev YH?e-Presldent Garret A. Hobart y Hanratarv of Htate John Sherman Secretary or Treasury. ...uyiuau uwio Secretary of Interior CorneliuB N. Blias Seoretary of War.. ....KuBeell J. AUrer Senretary of Navy .John I). Long p,atin.uitAF-ftAnArAl James A. Wary Attorney-General John W. Griggs Secretary 1 Agrioulture James Wilson State of Oregon. , .Governor --W- Secretary of State H . R. Kinoald Treasurer Phil. Metsnhan Snpt. f ublio InBtrncUon M . Irwin Attorney General ..C. M H.eman Senators J jThos. H. Tongue Congressmen w. R. Ellis P' wVf&f W Judge. jwiESt- Sixth Judicial District. (1 init Judge Btophen United State Officials. Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. or Jas. A. Clock, General Agent, 246 Stark St, Portland Or. H, W. Fall, PROPRIETOR . Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A I Q., c. M. & St. v., v. a., r. rv w. v., and the C. St. L.4P. Railroads. RATBM a.oo 1ICK DAT Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sti., CXXXC.A.O-0. XX-Xi. JegetablePreparatioafor As sisting tteToodartdRegula ling theStomachs andBowels of PrfMnotesTJigfes&ort,Chcctful- anHRest.Contains neither Ojpwm,Morptdn.e nor Mineral. Not Nahc otic. fya afOlda-SWVIlBlTUBUl Ux.Stnnm JhuM Semi ftirmJvtd- (ImfudSugmr. A neef Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stoinach.Diarrhoca, WonnsjCcrmisions.revensn mess andLoss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of VTEW "YORK. 3 1 EXACT COPY OT WHABPEB. y'-Hr-i 1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You! Have Always Bought : Bears Signati A man on Ibe street the other day who bu always been asapporterof the demo oratio ticket was asked the result of the primaries of "his people." "My people's primaries have not been held yet," was the reply. "My people's primaries are to be belt! tbe 30th; for my people are republicans this year." This is a sample of dozens of votes this year. Republi canism arid prosperity is too potent a faot for tbe farmers of Umatilla county to overlook. Pendleton Tribune. The Kind You Have Always Bought. raw THC OCNTAUR OOMHNT, NIWTONK OITV. WEEKLY The MONTHLY .A. O. J. N. Brown Bartholomew J. It. Howard I Pio rutins Attorney n Morrow County Officials, iuint Senator i W; 0v itepresentative. .'imnty Jmlge '' CommlsaioBers, J. W. BeokeU. " Clerk ' Sheriff ' TreMarar " Surveyor. rlohool ttup't.. ' Coroner . Lowell i. 11 ear Outlook ..I. W. Morrow . E. L. Matlock . Frank Gilliam A I D4miS I ... i. i. MoGee Jay W. HUipley ..11. F. Vanghan Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York MM Thos. Morgan ffife: r B: Hlmoni-. J.' jTRoberU, J. W hu.. w. A. Rlchardn nicoraer i. w Hri Julia llaget PreeiaetOBlaar. W. K. Kichanleon ' N. 8. Whetstone (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager, Now Open, New Methods. New Manage ment. Strictly First Class. From a fusion standpoint tbe three conventions Saturday accomplished their work with bnt little bitch in tbe program. The leaders apportioned the offioes, and though some individuals were disappointed at the allotment yet the division was finally unanimously Hooepted. All who witnessed the vari ous proceedings Saturday oould not but be oonvinoed that the whole affair wag but an arrangement for securing the county offioes and placing iu prominenoe men who bad long aspired to this sort of thing. Principles were lost sight of, and everything made seoondary to tbe claims of certain individuals for offloe. We doubt if this fusion arrangement will appeal to the oommendation ot tbe great body of voters who believe there ia something more in politioe than wimple struggle for office. The allianoe ot the populists and ' demoorats will be dis tasteful to tnauy -members ot each or gamzation, while the aoceptanoe by tbe free silver republicans ot tbe dootrioee whiob onoe tbey so vigorously opposed showa that : surely time worketh won drous changes. History is but repeating itself, and tbe republican party is called upon again to defend the nation's oredit and prevent tbe misery which would result from irresponsible populist misrule. - The campaign in Oregon will be a notabls oue as indicating whether or not its people are able to learn from experi enceThe Dalles Chronicle. States are paying something like 8300,a 000,000 more this year for their mans, taotured goods than tbey paid each year during the "dead and damned" Wilson law. That wonld be an average of about $4 for every man, woman and obild. Tbe good times which followed the enactment ot a trnly American tariff law bave increased the wages and the pnrohr sing power of the wage- earners of tbe United States rather more than i per capita, but it ia safe to say that the aggregate of home manufac tures bought by our own people for the year will be increased at least $300,000, 000. That is the way protection works. But the assertion that prices bave been inoreased $300,000,000 under the Ding ley tariff and that this boge sum has gone into tbe pookets of manufacturers io tbe shape ot additional profits is an absurd and silly He. Exoeptiog in farm prodnots tbere has been but a alight ad vance, if any, in tbe average : values ot articles olassed as "neoessaries." Manu factured products have- as a rule not in creased io price, but the gross volume of tbe ontpnt baa enormously inoreased as tbe result ot tbe greatly augmented ability ot the wage-earning classes to buy and oonsome. , To call - this "Republicanism" ia a grand compliment to tbe party of patri otism and progress. It ia a kind of "rob bery" that tbe people are growing very fond of. They bave now bad something over seven, months of it, aud from the rapidity with whioh mortgages are being paid off and tbe savinga banks deposits are increasing it would appear that tbe oountiy . waa being "robbed" by the Dingley tariff at a mighty profitable rate. Amerioan Economist. . J.OY4I POWDER Absolutely Pure Yankee Doodle,. Tankee Doodle's buying ships, Just to have them bandy; Little Fonsey'a playing horse, And eating sugar candy. Tankee Doodle's arms are long, Tbey reaoh from Maine to Texas; The Don will know that something's wrong , When we bit bis solar plexus. Tankee Doodle bates to scrap, But when he baa to do it He always makes the other chap Remember it and rue it. Tankee Doodle's buying boats. His cartridge mills are bumming; Tankee Doodle feels his oats, And lively times are coming. Cleveland Leader. Treasurer. Marshal... Justice of the Fsaos., '(instable. United States Us Officers. mrmm, ... t M Am. . turtstw a 5- u. . Beoetver - n . ....IHViRvn W. nnrxieni, tllmr Kobbins. xoxxrr uoatwzxm. uwunb ro8-r.vo.ti. 8.A.B. xU at Lenntrtoo. Or., the W Ratardaf The Outlook will be In 1897, aa it baa been during each of ita twenty-seven years, a History of Onr Own Times. In it various editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives a compaot review of the world's progress; it follow! with care all the Important philanthropic sod in dustrial movements ot tbe day; baa el complels department ot religious news;! devotee moon apace to tha interests of tbe borne; reviews correct liteiatore; famishes cheerful table-talk about men and things: and, in abort, aims to give fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with tha fifty Ciftb volarae, tbe paper will a a me tbe regular mega- tine siao, wbiob will add greatly to ita oonvenlpuoe aod attraetiveneaa. Tb I bed every Saturday fifty two issue year. The first issue Io eaob moots ia an Illustrated Hsgaaine N amber, oooteioiog about twioe aa assay pages as tbe ordinary issues, together with a large somber ol picture, Tbe price of The Outlook la three dollars a year to adtanoa, or lees Ibaa ctnt a day. Offlaa boore, 8 to IU a. m. .ana m g . . (rnmea eopy aod illostrat- A A I .4 a. K aLSL W H I r DflVlD I w ' I a p. nv. r"i.:--. " r,. ... In Th. Ontkiok. 13 Aator erty, M Ol a, ts ennrco, oowio, m r ' I ft. D IO A u B P. . , uuius 1 1 IV, iivw ama vi. Ibe raar of Kntfi Jewelry atota. Rates, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards. SPECIAL BATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. CsajTA fiist-claBB feed barn ran in connection, and from all trains. Wo solicit jour patronage. Free 'Baa inn to 587-nov.l2 worth. . All vetetane are lvin s r" - Adjutant. Cowaniisa. Dr. P. B. McSwords, ' PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City Drog Store, Offiae in tbe City Hotel. nar It D. J. McFaul, M.! D. HEPPNER, OREGON. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offlaa ia tb rirst NeWooal BailJlef. Oaaaoa. Bank Hsrraaa, : 1 rroct imwua. While foe aa- pal tnbtariptUm flA e ra aaa keeat roar btwaj la fraaof Wt. Hnra. r. O., amptmm. OrRonM, f Bet WO Mid Mlk, mum M mt kli. For more than fifty-six years it lias never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. Tbere are a good deal of exertions go ing to waste by parties who want to go to ' tbe republiosn state convention. Every other consideration ia being left t'J that end. Tbe delegation to tbe state convention will take oare of itself, and what we want is work done for tbe se lection aod nomination ot a good oonnty tioket. Get yourselves into tbe republi can barnesa at homel Work for tbe suc cess of a county tioket, and wben you do something to bring Baker county out of the grasp of Bryanism, then there will be room for a dozen state delegates in. stead of aix, and you can all go. Tbe first doty an bonegt man and politician abonld perform, is attention to honor able soooess tor bis principles t home. To be bonest about it, tbere baa been too muoh neglect in tbia oonnty io se lecting a oounty ticket. Men bave been nomioated in republican conventions at the behest of demoorats, for tbe avowed purposed slaughtering them, and tha mea who helped plaoe them io Domi nation voted for demooreU or popollale. That kind of business will not do tbia year, for tbia paper will fearlessly ex. pose any attempt of that kind. Nona need flatter themselves that we are ig norant of tha fact that two years ago men rooning on the republican ticket put np a good sum of money to a demo oratio paper for lufluenoe. Nothing waa aaid by os al Ibe time, because we war new to tbe oonnty, and we bad not per manently established ooreeltee. II la different now. Tbe Republican is firmly established, baa mora money behind it than any other paper in tbe oounty, and a better circulation. II is thoroughly repoblioan io Ita principles, baa bo po litical dictators controlling It, stands reedy Io do honorable battle for republi cans who are snob both io name and. ac tions, end will advocate sound money. protcottoo aod as bonest government by tbe people and for tbe people. Tbe road to sooeeee leads op to hon est political work for wbal wa believe a- a party to be right, and any trend io the Beware ef Ointments for. Catarrh that Con tain Mercury,- aa meronry will surely destroy tbe sense ot smell and completely derange tbe whole system wben entering it through the mucous surfaoea. Suoh artioles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable pbysioiaos, as tbe damage tbey will do is ten fold to tbe good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Core, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., ooctains no meronry, slid is taken internally, acting direotly npoo tbo blood aud mucous surface of the system. Iu buy ing Hall's Catarrh Core be sore you get tbe genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & On. Testimonials free. ClTSold by druggists, 76o per bottle. A Clever Trlok. It cerlainly looks like it, but tbere ia really no trick about it. Anybody oan , try it who bas lame baok and weak kid neys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean be oan cure himself right away by taking Eleotrio Bitters. Tbia medicine tonea up the whole system, aots as a stimolentto the liver and kidneys, 11 a ' blood purifier and nerve tonic It oures ooostipatioo headache, fainting spells, sleeplessuess and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores tbe system to its natural vigor. Try Eleotrio Bitters and be oonvinoed ' tbat tbey are a miraole worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 oenls a bottle at Bloonm Drug Co', E. Slo oum, manager. UFB IN POKTbAND. If W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. Assies are e e e e e cownctkCMAMStaa Conk, A- J ..Ie.(v Hnfwa, (Oaa ritt aWial n.u..ii i-l iui ,..,,. t,,. Am i xti. mmm rtahi hipi aas auk umi, IT HAS alttwl larmaf sa In the mt approved Bwthnds of eulllvstln and eryUn bis wwwuiwfc fUI tn.,,..t,..i-.rui..l..t U. lb. .H.r. ul UfiMts aud lu. aud lof a hall Dotal aa Ml hit tr. Hera, rfc-afta. Or- Ml l nM ear. 1. a rttlil kit., km f wii bat atwakVw, wa Wandad WfUiia. run r&ttite New York Weekly Tribune, UMa.Mm.minrlint .ill "M. w ay ay la k IM a rmm iwa Hwt, Ntt4. Of - B'w. hrA-4 4 t mt Om tmh fc..i.Ur; Mt-.te NhU4 j a iM ki. tim. axWIal la Ml aar. IUa ta IrrtaT a First National Bank lurrNEB . Preside)! VIM prweide"! CasWef Ase'l Cseiiier C.A.atMCA, T. A. ftHCA. Oio. w. coatata, S. W. rCMCta, Tmwts 1 G'Kfil Imm. EXCHANGE all el U U Bought and Sold. Cotlet-ae Ba4a all p-Matt e KrataS sad adl'M rM, Itl onOOn. I nM hie, aailwtat Sm eat. tm. tmHt. Or - M Mt attBai MU44. M rtabl hlpk, an la rM smI ul m Ml aa (war. M s. tUewMv. 0r.-HaM WaMl tkl Wlhl, MWBMSrf mn aatisr atntaaa IM rtM J W MOr-HwM WwM Lw4imM mt-mti tmuia mm Wl kia. rulM naM 1. tana elite la neM Im, OM. ttmpm- n,--4 mm, M O m I rWkl k, ka.i ItWia-slikr, ar, , . f.-W-ai. Ml a Ml al eaHta m, aa Ml k. r .-... I W tkMftaa. t i I. mm U as) laf baaWWi Mll mm mm fM k,. fwtM 4 HI 1 1 . HmMmmm AH -It anmir m tal iSh mi itav r.rHi, tHl.vf, tin mrm4tA W and hi.m mi Mt ahMtxtM, rau., Ilekl Mita, M-...u M-nalT i N . iMtatMl. -H-M. It . mtmM .irfl-MUriauKwMasM Mat. be MiMb ae. im. Wuw. O -B mm, tO as (, oaa rWM kts IT II Al faithfully lwrd tr th.lr lnMrlty and hstn.ltiaM. tut the lm.ro. of thelf i t,ln. sad b-ime lutorasl. fur eduuiiloa, Urn the sletaUon ol Ainrku atauhood aud '"r''h.'"".J.. . , 1 k-i ,4 ..ut ik. I lane of repoyioaoUoa ia a tor-CMl ol n.ii.n s'i-i wui ...ifa lore Wa hone Ibe ma sea will atteod Ibe irlmariea and nd delegates to Ibe eoooty eootentlnn who bavsao"Joban to work. Nominate mea ot sterling worth aa rrpablinaaa aad eitiasaa, and than bep too have somlaated them, Jos your political enargiaa aod work for I hair eleetlnn. Any otbet roarae will prove a (allure both to tbe party aod to yoor selvM. Baker City rrpoblicaa. IT XB TIX13 . Anal wo furnienlt with the CAZCTTC, ene yeer for ta.75, eaaiilaedvenee. Addr-wiofdio THE GAZETTE. Wr1 MM aod S.MrM. a a tal fM, ad M ". W S-. TrlH-a KW tuts I Mr. a4 a .. eBpy el i. Yk Waakiy T rttwue U1 be Bali4 to Jwa. V a. W...M,. Or -fV.il. W ! mm Mi k.. we ? s aM la Ml fm. kl kaMB ( Ml MM Jkiaav. 1m-.m. i A , Hew. .Hs.s t U I mm M ,k-l4. ajtnakaajt (I 'sV Maaa)axsjiHr t n aTgansJI OTkwSasf y The 0HI will lalpoaWT, atUe, Ui w----. 1, mmtm mm a Mi t WitMWa.M. W. $ , Clt ( a,a'1., IW a, f.,M mif W v4 mmm, .m Mi mmti L awu.la m.i I'-av WHITE COLLAR LINE. umbia Ilivcr and Pucct Sound Navigation Co Slrurn mmH EAIIXT GmiiT iNO OCLU WiVL Letn Al.l- ntrswl I fk. I'oHlaaJ. f.ir Att-Kla, llweao, I Beb, (hm I'ark sad M ia. Ihrt mimIm with llweeo '! aad rail rtd; alst al Toaag's lie with Katete KailroaL Imrnm rwiiaM t A M. tmf. tfk Madaf. Ua Astsvla 1 P. M. f . tf4 taadars Laarta rniaMl I f V ri;t. timt l-tf. kal.M.T II f tam Aanrla Pa Tolay ia Ike first eoetvereary of Mo- Klnley'a losofur.l, end what is tbe etla- at Ins? Onr mills are boey, onr labor la ployed, an' mine are rushed with orders, debts are twlng paid, new enter- prieee are bW( established, rleapalr has glrea pleee li bop. Ibe eberltf's ery bas tieeo silenced by Ibe busy musle of In dostry aod the folore ie bright wltb promU. Fori Wayne "OimIU," March 4tb. ete t "' a eiWrir" lar H tHM lt ' ",W lb m ' - ii el a m A M . w4 liaar aad Ma4f . mmmt ate. I OCTJ-rVTvr WAVJ1 t-aa.aa ,M 1-14 liial l I mfm. 1 Mtaf aM 1 kaftylav al It. I I Imik i, a ara m4 rt4a. i 1 m A. M, IIH aia IMaMat si I P. It The Mnule of the UelUd HlaUe are oatieg eadef the Diet Ut ael tally l). (XAOixj eoooelly more ( I heir mens- fwiqred fwd Ibaa lbr did sadr lb Wilaoa lull, wbien te as addttiuoal brniit fnr Hi private porkaib'wik of oar patri otic ln1 aat rial xde. Will lbs penple sever lire of twins mMwd by rvibll eanismT Xaaeae City Times. A step! I. lime sots, moldy old free Irad fa Ie bond, Hal II ao bapn lhal oaenoenl'ioaly and soloteaimaallr It aoalale s grsio of If ih. It la probably a fet Ibal lbs t"tl ef lbs t'uiU.1 Pobtland, March 23, '98. Eo. OAisma: Tbese ars live daya In Portland and tha oity is full of people who are intensely Interested in politix. Tbe Perkina hotel seema Io be bead quarters, and baa bad to bang out the sign ot standing room only. Every train brings to Portland people from tbe east, aouth and middle west oo their way Io Alaska. Tbey find here Immense atocka of goods from whioh to selecl their outfits, and they go from here in aafa and speedy ateel steam ships. II is a revelation to aas Iba site of lbs j stocks of Alaaka goods kept by Portland merobanla, and the Alaeke-booud men who have looked loto tbe matter say tbal Portland beats tbetn all on prioea and quality. Any ot the Ostetts's readers wbo thick of going to Alaska ahoold drop a Una to Seeretary E. 0. Masten, Portland, and reoeiva free a map ot Alaska and lota ol informatics on bow to get there, eto. A new steamship line is being arranged for from Portland Io Copper river aod to SI. Michaels, connecting witb a Una of river steamers Io ply on the Tokos. Many of bis old frieods are meeting Hon. J. L. Morrow hers today, sad It la a greal pleasure Io them to Had him so rugged aod bearly. Us and Gov. Ilea both look aa Iboogb tbey had disoovered tbe fonotaio ot yonlb. Carl Bpuba Is bars from Alaska, wbars bs aoeoesetoUv eoodnets im mense canning interests. lie la lbs per fect plolnre of good health, sod tells me tbsl oar old friend Dearie ds Ports is sow a soeoessfol portrait painter Io Perls. All Ibe old-liaers is Heppner will re member Derris, lbs Frenchmen, sod when Bill Duttoa reads tbia bs will make everybody laogh by repeating some of lbs droll sayisgs ot Dorrls, For Bill was a good mimic and Derris wa one of Iba oddest aod best hearted gestoses tbat ever strttck lbs Heppner bills, sod bi battles with lbs Engine langnaga were highly smaeiog. Aed wbes bs stnx k oat on bis borse Davey sod went oo so elk boot wltb Edgar Metteeos be slwaya got meat aad Ms of wild eiperteoes to take baok to Francs. Deer old Derris! Wa do sot mt men like blm every whaler, aad It would be s pleasure Io meet blm Mala. Aud many ot Ibe old bote Is lbs Blue moos lame will heartily echo Ibis ssntlmsot. J. W. ltBb..fOM. HeU Assumes the Aitgrenslve. Madrid, March 21. A semi-official note issued aaya:, At a oabinet meeting . yesterday Benor Bagaata, premier, read -a telegram from Captain-Ueoeral blan oo aaying that Captain Sigsbee, ot the Maine, requested permission to blow up Ibe wreok witb dynamite, and ibal per mission had been refused. The oabinet bas employed tbe mluister of foreign at fairs, Senor Oullon, to watob tbe situa tion witb a view to seeing justloe duns and defending tbe rights ot Spain, Tha minister ot finanoe, Senor Puigoerver, baa deolared Spaln'a preaent resouroaa sufficient for all war expenses until lbs new ob ambers meet. Sailed For Porto Rleo, Washington, March 21. News readied the navy department today tbal the' Bpanlah torpedo boat flotilla left Iba Canary ialanda for Porto Bioo. Tbia fact baa been commonloated Io lha president No question baa been asked of Spain yet pertaining Io tbia move- men! nor baa it been deolded what action the navy or state department will take under tbe elrootnstanoes. Te Avert War If Possible. Washington, Maroh21 The president in ooolersnos with sums ot the bones oongessional leaders staled emphatically tbat ba would avert war if possible, aod expressed tbe Imps tbat ba oould do ao. Is lass ot a demand bsing made opon Spain by tha Uoited Statea for pay. meotof ao indemnity for IbsdnotruoUoa of lbs battle-ship Maios io Havana harbor, lbs latest plan of lbs Madrid government is to put io s ooontsr olalm for alleged damages caused by American filibustering ei pedilione to Cuba. Tbia demand, it is said, will not bs mads ia tbs hops tbat II will bs granted, but as a possible means of eioitiog lha spmpa- tby of lbs Europeao posers aod forcing lha United Stated to accept arbitration ot tba dispute. Ileaolf la lllood lives. (Van bliMxl niraiw a (Iran skin. No beauty without it. ( aerarHa. lanily t'albar tie dean yuur blwxl and k y It clran, l atirmi( up the lary lui-r and driving all im purities frm lb hwly. tnin tixUy t Ihuii.Ii nitil-, ImiiI, UoUln., Iilai kln-arla, and that hi klv Minna riiiilrin lv taking ( aefvtrrl.. Itf-aiily lnr trti rente. All din ita, MtuIartMin lusranU!, I'r,a.v,ir. Kvervbody Says a. Ceaxarale fsndf Catr.artU', wis Siaot W- darf ul mJa4 lliMVV ol Um ae, p an mi and rrr-bin Ut lbs taaie, art inuy and HMiUv-iy en khlneYa, Hvorand bowj, rlansiuf ihm enliro i stria, dl-l eol'la. i..t, .a fa.a. Iiahluiai emaUDaUeS and bMiKiaooM. I'leaM b f and try a pes 1 ()rs., s oosrero wbk b did S.t silst olC. CtdefilO,auta. kMdaad giaraUa to cure by all dningiaU. Hat ait Years Hatllnaw, Miflb., March 3 -Iter. Or sen D. Taylor, of The Dalles, Or., preacher, wbo bas bees la jail bare lor several mootbs and against whom pro ceeding for securing toioey aader false prates here beeo dreggleg along In tba oirooit coarl tor a year or to re, was this morning sentenced by Jadge Howes for ell yeers in the JckeiB elate prtaoo. Tbs com p! am I of Dr. B. 1). (Well al Uged Ibal Taylor Mnd lira to boy IUKJ0 worth of etuck In the InUreleis Isveetoast Corapaoy, of Tbe Dalle, We presume yoa oss ses aad If eo tbs b-st te cbeenesU Use Cekeie llrlotlv pars with so free alkali. Ubea A Oo, B AJ K W. Kba k Co. pneitively gasrantes Io meet ssy pHro wool bags. They in not ke aiidereo'd and tbelr rnstif mars may dnd na this I'foposiiloa, as tbey are Is it to stay l U s lule'j, areaate ts la aaeej Vw awe Is sail aa.