Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 22, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, March 22, 1898.
Candidates' Announcements
I hereby announce to the pnollc of Morrow
county, that I will be a candidate before the
next republican county convention for nomi
nation to the office of county assessor.
W. B. McAustee.
Lexington. Or., March 7, '98.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for the
office of county assessor, subject to the will of
the republican county convention.
A. C. Pktty.
I hereby announce to my friends and the
Sublic of Morrow county that I will be a can
ldate before the republican county conven
tion for the nomination to the office of assessor
of Morrow county. C. N. Pck.
Ihr.re.hv announce mvself a candidate for the
office of i ounty Bupt of Schools, subject to the
will of the Republican county convention.
Having striven to do my whole duty for two
years. I trust that the people win approve my
efforts. J. W. BHiPLiY.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate for
the orace of Uounty Huperinienaeni or ecnoois,
subject to the decision of the Republican con
vention of Morrow county, A. Hopbom.
In response to the earnest solicitation of num
erous friends, I hereby announce myself a can-
AlAa.a thj. nfflna of Hnnnt, f'larlr of Morrow
county, subject to the will of the Republican
county couveuuuu. mmwium.
T tiArahv annniinne Tnvaelf a candidate for the
office of Henresentatlve. subject to the will of
the Morrow county Republican convention.
dominating business, and has no
idea of going into it. . besides, it
has many and growing commercial
interests that are necessisarily di
rectly opposed to those of Eng
land, and other European uations.
Having successfully plajed a lone
hand for more than a century, and
managed to make more progress
than any other nation on earth, it
isn't likely that the United States
would care to hamper itself with a
partner now.
Has Ilea Terribly Injured Besalt of
. Fir Which Destroyed e Three-story Hotel
at Botte, Montana, Early Yesterday Mora
ine Property Lot Estimated at Oyer
. Butte, Mont., March 21. The Bale
ho age, bir tbree-atory building, used
at hoarding and rooming houee for
men in the employ of ttie An&oopda
Mioio(j oompeny, was entirely destroyed
by fire early tbie morning. The build
ing is on East Broadway, and when the
fire broke oat, shortly after 8 o'olook,
there were 400 men Id it. Of these,
many are now in hospitals and others
who eeeaped almost without olotbea, are
soattered all over tbe town.
Until the safe, now buried io tbe cel
lar under tons of debris, is removed,
the books examined and tbe roll oalled,
it will not be known bow many perished-
uiumates or tne dead, wbiou now ran
op to 25, mey be oat down, as the men
report tor duty to tbe polioe. II is
known that 60 men did not show up at
Pbesident McKinley is one of
the hardest workers in the country
just now. He has not abandoned
hope that peace may be preserved
with honor, but he is ' working
night and day to place the country
in a position to wage a successful
war against Spain just as though the mines this morning, though many of
he were certain that war is to these doubtless are with friends, recover
ing from their fngbt.
The fire started io tbe basement, sad
soon was beyond control. The balls
were filled with imoke and it was im
possible for many to have esoaped by
N. J. Hale was up from lone Satnrday
to attend the demceratio convention.
Nat is on of tbe Gazette's staonoh
friends at lone, and made tbe office a
pleasant visit while in town.
J. B. Hant and family received the
sad news of Ibe death of their daughter,
Mrs. Mary L. Peterson, of Seattle, yes
terday. She died Sunday. Tbe cense
of ber death is unknown . Mr. and Mrs.
Haul left last evening for Seattle to
attend the funeral.
Little Bessie Stanley, daughter of
Prof. J. EL Stanley, is. visiting at Geo.
Sohulmeriob's. Last Wednesday at
noon a pot of tea was apset so tbat tbe
hot fluid flowed over ber arm. Bessie,
with a little companion, was playing in I
tbe kitchen and in tbeir raoe the teapot
was knocked off the stove. Barring tbe
considerable surface that was blistered,
tbe scald is not serious. Dr. Wood
dressed the burn. Hilleboro paper.
I Last m - m
i Week
We simply knocked our
competitors silly with our
display of
Boys9 1 lots' Uki
Republicans, if you are intend
ing to run for any office, announce
yourselves publicly. Let the peo
pie have a chanoe to investigate
and decide who they want We
believe more discord is caused by
dark horses, as candidates who are
sprung at the last moment are
called, than from any other source.
It is neither fair nor right. You
know whether you are going to
haye your name before the con
vention or not If you are it is no
more than fair that tbe people
should know it and know it now.
Every nominee should be the
strongest man for the place and if
you are the good republican you
claim to be, you can have no ob
jection to announcing yourself and
let the people have a chance to say
whether you are theTman or not.
Openly announce yourself and
then there can be! 1,0 charge of
underhanded work laid at your
door. If you are ashamed to let
your name go before the people
now, the people may be ashamed
to elect you later on.
come. His head has not . been
turned even a little bit by the ex
traordinary confidence reposed in
him by congress, in putting by
unanimous vote 150,000,000 in his that route. Tbe fire esoapes were mostly
hands to be used for national de- In he ar of the building, and these
fans Ha la 1 onrl r1HrwWa w6re 0,ed b h ml,n "n0 b
' I f K.arv. Thnaa in f.fr M.A.JAJ
just as he has been from, the first. L, ik .inrw Man, t ta.a
He calmly ignores the sensational taken out by means of ladders pat up
reports of this or that European by tbe firemen. Others jumped and
nation being about to form an were morfl or leBB injured. As fast as
eJlip.nf.fl with Srmin io as fnllw ,be men resohe(1 tb" Kronn(i the '"J"
, , a l l . 1 1 were taken to hospitals or to the bouses
uoioiuiiucu vu ujniutaiu uawuuai I t .;j. nth... - , j j
at onoe for shelter. The air was bitterly
It will be some time before a oom
plete roster of tbe injured oan be bad,
Among the most seriously bart are:
Matt Doyle, injured by jumping, died
at 10 o'clock this morning in tbe sisters'
the finest ever shown in
this city. Our prices are
as low as the lowest, if not
a little lower.
This :..S3
We ask you to examine
our display of .
;Being complete and up-to-date,
in all the latest blocks and
etylei, in Mens' Youths and
Boys' hats.
Prices guaranteed to be as low as tbe lowest.
honor at all hazards.
The next Oregon legislature
owes a dnty to the public school
ystem of the state that cannot be
overestimated. Grinding out di
plomas should be stopped and the hospital.
i i i 111
voters snouid see to it tnat a man
is elected state superintendent
who will protect the interests of
tbe rising generation, Tne fact that
Washington and California will
not recognize our state diplomas
is all the argument needed, in fact
it is indisputable and cannot be
explained away. Voters, don't
overlook this matter.
Tbe building of three new bat
tie ships, to be as good as the best
now afloat, and one of them to be
named Maine, is authorized by the
naval approptiation bill.
IF fusion is euecteu in oregon
one of the two parties democrat
or populist will cease to exist as a
pat ty, June C, 1893. This is an
inevitable fact The question is,
which will it be? Venturing
guess we will say tbe populist.
Wk are willing to wager aamal
am that there are some people so
taken np with the idea, that when
tbey appear at tbe pearly gate and
St. Peb-r takes their measure, they
will differ with him and insist that
their case is an ideal one for the
iniative and referendum.
No Quaker could prufrtss great-
r brotherly love for tbe Unitetl
States than docs the new Spaniel)
minister, who waa presented to
President McKinley last week,
He talks as though peace wero as
ured and tbat his greatest anxiety
is to cumpleta a reciprocity treaty
with us. This talk isn't throwing
and in anylMMij't eyes.
Turns is but ona banner ande
wbicu the republican Lout can
march. Tbat banner takes its in
criptioo from tho national plat
form. No man is greater than bis
party, and if we will take priori
pl for oar leader, moceM wilt be
achieved. It republicans join
band and march on to victory-.
Bt Helens Mist
p 1
CoSiiaiM is eery decidedly op.
mhiih1 to ao)tbing that tuipbt t
em strut! by the world aa an alii
anc brtweea the United States
and Great lUitain. Tbe fee! in
gaioat "poUogliiig foreign oom
plieetiofja liqailiu strong bow
as it wm in tint tl)s t.f George
Washington. V do not need aoj
belp frmi l'ogUbd to fight oar
battle, and we do but intend to
belt) Ktiutand fifclbl ber battl,
This) feeling baa been strongly ei
ired since tb idea beratn
prevalent tbat UogUnd was trying
to make IM of the probability
war with Spain to InvetgU lie
Ubltisl State into an alliance
ouVceif and defeoaif with ber,
It It all wry pretty to talk aSrmt
an alliance tteen tit En-liel
(Taking being strr
boaga to dominate tho world, t ut
Ike t'bil.l fcLUe isn't tl ill
Are much In little; always
ready, efficient, satisfac
tory; prevent a oold or (ever,
curs aU Urn Ills, sick head
ache, Jaundice, constipation, etc Price 25 cents.
The only rills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Fill a bottle or oommon glass witb
urins and let it stand twenty-four hours;
a sediment or settling indioates an un
heal thj condition of tbe kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to nri
Date or pain in tbe baok, is also convinc
ing proof tbat tbe kidneys and bludder
are oat of order.
WHAT TO 1)0.
Tnere is oomfort in tbe knowledge so
often expressed, tbat Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
Watch this Space. Something New will
Appear Bach Week.
Our show window will contain a different line ef goods each week or ten
days, and our advertisement will call attention . to each ,line we put forward.
Space does not permit us to mention all our extensive lines at onetime,
Notice of Intention.
Land Omcs at LaObandi, Oregon,
March 10, 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice of
Ms Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and tbat said proof will be made be
fore J. W. Morrow County Clerk. Morrow
fulfils every wish in relieving paip in tbe S" Sgoa,tlt HePPner- Oregon, on April
Frank Khoades, also injursd by jump
ing, is dying.
Jobn T. Carter, barned eboat tbe bead
and neck, not seriously injured.
Mill Judge, works in Anaconda mine,
rigbt arm broken at tbe wrist. He
jumped from tbe tbird story of ths hotel.
Jobn Dugsn was taken to tbe sisters'
hospital io an nnoonsoious oonditios,
and is probably suffering from a oon
enssion of tbe brain; bis bead is crusbsd
and be is otherwiee bart about tbe body
He jumped from tbe tbird atoty.
Neal Oallagher bad bis baok sprained
jumping fiom tbe ascond floor.
Tim By an, a miner, bad bis leg broken.
Fusion in Morrow county will
probably be effected, but . will all
the free silver forces abide by the He ,e" ttom tha flre e,0,P b"eoond
decision is the question agitating '' R . . . . ... .
ii. i - i
iub imuus oi several omce seeders p,inir fi.iiin u ha.tiv hn,n.,i
in this county at the present mo- about tbe body and hands.
merit. We are inclined to believe
there are some who honestly he.
LIEVE tbat there are principles in
pontics worm ngnunR over; in
fact, tbat are worth more than the
election of any man to offioe can
be, whether be be populist ordom
Loes on ths hotel will amount to $30,'
000. Nothing was left standing but the
oorner of ods wall. The individual
louses of tbe men will smount to con
baok, kianeys, liver, bladder and every
part of tbe urinary passages. It cor
rects inability to bold urine and soald
ing paia in passing if, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overoomes tbat unplessant necessity of
being compelled to get np many times
during tbe night to urinate. Tbe mild
and tbe extraordinary effect of Swamp-
root is soon realised. It stands tbe
bigbest (or its wonderful ourea of tbe
most distressing '.eases. If yon need a
medicine you should have tbe beet. Bold
by druggists, price fifty cents and ons
dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail,
upon receipt of three two cent stamps to
cover ouBt or postage on the bottle
Usntion tbe Heppner Qorette and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer k Co., Biog'
bampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this
paper guarantee Ibe genuineness of this
23, 1898, Viz:
Pre-Emption D S 10540,
for the WU NW14. BEU
N and N W! 8W Sec 15, Tp 4 8, R 29, E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Andy J. Cook, Hezekiah
Tippett, of Heppner, Oregon, Robert S. Clark,
of uurdane, Oregon, and Abraham B. Chapman,
of Vinson, Oregon.
30-41 . Register
Laud Orrics at La Gbands, Orkoom,
March 7. 1H9S.
followlne-named settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof In support
of hla claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Ore
gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 23, 1898, vu:
Hd E No 5353 for the SEU of See 6 Tp 2 8 R 27
He names the following witnesses to prove
nts continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of said land, vis: A. 4. Stamp, M. J. Devln, W.
G. McCarty and Foster Adams, all of Heppner,
29-40 Register.
An amioiible agreement having
been made between the candidates
for oflice iu tho three Heppner
preciucts in a manner keeping
down any fight at (he primaries, it
now looks as if there might be a
republican convention held that
would be satisfactory, or as near
so as it is pssible to have a con
vention where more than one as
pirant is seeking the same office.
Strongly Rreom mended.
For twenty years I was a sufferer
from dyipepsis, and received only tern-
porary relief, but I bave not bad
any trouble witb dyspepsia sinoe taking
a few bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I
strongly reoommend lloed'e Sarsapa
rilla to anyone suffering from dyspep
sia." Joun It. Roll, Fairbaven, Wash
I J Or., March '21. 1W9H
Bramblet, Itev. M. Rrenner, P.
Keener, McAgHh.
When calling for these letters nleaae sav
aciveriisen, - J. r. Williams, f, m
Hood's Pills are tbs tbe only
take with flood's Sarsapsrilli
and yet i fleet ive.
pills to
- Easy
K can think of no greater
calamity tbat could befall the
nation than the collapse of Preei
dent Mckinley at this time. II in
calm judgment and cool bead un
der the lii'Htt trying circumstauces
cannot well be disuensed with un
til tha run ron l ii witb opsin is
settled. The nation needs him at
the helm.
Ad Tkat Waal's Ike Halter Wltk Willi
From Portland Telegram.
A new pun was making tbs rounds on
the streets Ibis morning, at Ibe expense
of William lUamua, as aspirant for tbe
office of chief deputy clerk under Col
lector of Internal Kevecue D. U. Dunne
The pun in print looks something like
"What's the matter with Rasmus?'
Rasmus appreciates tbe ke si tuoob
aa aov ene, but eees nothing very funny
la the cirruustsnces Inst made snob a
pun poeaible.
Rev. W. H. licit, ( Portland, spent Sunday
In Hpnr, and prrarhul two flue dlamisrsM
allhe M. g, rnurrk. In fompany with Rsv.
FtMher, he depart! fur Ceudiio this morning.
gatmltl II Irks and J. It. SnMlgrasa.of Canyon
CUT. H. 4. Murphy, of Monument, '. 0, Caul
day and John C. Lure, ol John Imv, rame la
ystrdy on their way la the populist and
demorraUe contention In Portland. hlck rva-
tenes tomorrow.
' Millions Given Away.
It is eerlsinly gratifying to tbe pub
lie to know of one ooDOera iu the lend
bo are not afraid to be teoerous to tbe
needy and sanVring. Tbe proprietors
of Dr. K lug's New Dieoovery for Coa
sumption, Coughs and Colds, bate giv
en awsy over tea tnilllioa trial bottles
of tbie greet medicine sod bevo ths set
isfaetlooof knowing it bee absolutely
ured thooaeeds of bopeleee ee
A ami a, ProooMlie. Hoarseness and all
dteeeeee of the Throat, Cheat and Loose
are sorely surej by it Ceil oo K. J.
Hooora. Drni stei, aod get a trial bottle
free, regolar sise Dot and It. Every
bottle foareateml or money refunded.
will pay all outstanding; Morrow county
warrants, up to and. lnvliidluir January 1. IM.tS.
Uion presiuitallon at my nltlce In Heppner,
Oreiiou. Interest ceases after date ot this uo
tlce. r KANK (J I l.I.I AM.
Treasurer Morrow county.
Heppner, Orexon, March 2, MM.
Timber Culture-Final Proof.
Laud Orrics at Tea Daii.kb, Orrooh.
March l.'rth 1WKI.
rick Hiilllsne. of Henuuer. has filed notice
oi intention to male unai prooi oeiore i. w.
Morrow, county clerk, at his efnre In Hennner.
Oregon, on Mouilay the IS day ol April, Xwm, on
uuitier riiiiure aiipiication Jo. 2Mi . lor tne r"4
Ntt, H HK'i ie tlou 14, In township No, 1 8
range no. ft. w. m.
He names aa witnesses: John Woodward,
Dennis HnllUne, W 111 lain H. Lellter, and namuel
Lclnsr, all ot Heppner, Oregon.
S3-i3 Reatster,
11 der and by virtue ol an eierutlon and
order ol sale, duly and regularly leaned out ol
the rirrult Court o( tbe tlate of Oregon, for
Morrow county, and to me dtrerted, on the lMh
day or Marrh, !"'. upon a indginent and de-
rrreduly rendered and entered In aald court,
on the 10th day ol Marrh, 1mm, In a stilt then
and theretofore pending therein, wherein
1 he American Mori nag Company Limited, of
Heotland, a Corporation, was plalntlfl, and
James Thomas Downing, and Milton (His
Downing, us heirs at law ol Htenhen S. Down
Ing. and Maria lnwntn. dernier. I. wore ilr ten
dantasnd commanding me to sell the hereln
slter riearrtlel real pmmrty, I did on the ltith
day ot March, lie, duly levy upon and will, on
Tueoatoy, tho 19th Oey of Arll,1898.
at the hour ol t o'rlork In the aftrrnoon of
said day, at the front door ol the county court
nones in iieptuier Morrow county Oregon, sell
to Ihe highest bidder hir rash In band, all the
liillowlng dearrttwd real eslale livwlt The
smith erst quarter ol an'tlnn Iwenty elxht, la
towiislile iwn, south nl range twenty-four, east
. m. an aituaie. aui wins in Morrow
Notice of intention.
I J March 2, WM. Notice Is herebv given tbat
the following named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make Dual proof In support ol
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before j. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
uregon, on Batunisy, April in, iw, vu:
of H-sppner; Hd K No 2909 for the NE! of Sec
U, TpliS K s4 E W M .
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said land, vis: James P. Rhea. Ralnh L.
Henge, of Heppner, Oregon, Hubert 1 Hlll.ol
Lexington, Oregon, and Joseph Maaou, ol lone, i
j AS. r. MUtmt,
2K-S9. Register,
Land Orrics at Tea Dii.Lis. Oaanort,
February 26, rm.
following-named settler has filed notice
of hla Intention to make final proof In
support of his claim, and that said proof will
be mads before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Monday April 11, Mm,
of Islington: Hd K No 4.WA for tha R' VZ
1 1 ana i
The Leader
Of Course!
The fnan that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being"
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
Is a "Joy forever." That's what
' you'll find at 1
Heppner, Oregon.
. Tn 2 8 R 2ft E W M
He names the followlug wltneasee to prove
and lota 1
hla continuous residence upon and cultivation
of aald land, vlt: John T. McMillan. Edward L
Palmer, Charles K. McAllater and Tbomag u.
Nichols, all ol LeiliiU)U, Oregon.
JA8. r. mrunB,
2H-TS Register.
Laud Orricg atThi Di.ts. Oagnow,
February lje.
followliig-namiHl settler hsa filed notice
ol his Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said pmol will he made
before J. W. Morrow, Comity CU-rk. at Heppner,
Oregon, on Monday, April 11, inn, vis:
nf Letlngtnn: Hd E No 1911 lor the NWU Bee I,
He names the following witneeaea io prove
his continuous resMenee upon and cultivation
nl aald land, vis: Charles P, Harnrtt, John T.
McMillan. F.dward L Palmer and Charles K.
McAllsler, all ol Leilngton. Oregon.
4 An. W. MIHIKK,
27 . Relster.
(tregnn, higether wim tbe tenetneuui heitllt.
smenisana apptineiianree. tnereonto belong
ing or In any wise appertaining, or ao much
thereunto beloni
triAt Arc not rtrr rotmit nc d
krmini', builJinf nj lit-iorminf
Ml si. (.rial Aasaelaliae.
The follooio paetora, K, L Hbelley,
food tomtthlni to be uud tor two c.JU HoeerJ. U. Harebaft ood J. V
or three inonthi in the ull-ttut lleeber omI teeierdey ooJ effeeleJ
permeoeot Uioialeriel Aeo
Halloo with i. w. rieebee
ae bteelileol, O. IL Howard, eeoreler;
ooJ It, L. Hbellef treaaarer. Meelioie
ill bo belj IU flret onj foorlb M m-
deve ol eeeb monlb. A Paper oill be
of Coi-LJr Oil with Hrpop'1'-
rwa.l eel dkxmee4 Ol eeeb 0eeiB(f.
phitfl ol Unit And dodA lurrlKI IL U Mb.llei oill t teper ol
they mY not suffer from coli.
ciactlr what thcr wnt. Thry
will thrive trow itronr onj be
wc3 All winter on thli iplendii loud
tonic Nearly aU of them become
very toni ol It. For Adults who
Are not very stronf, a
CourK of trcAtment with
the EmuUon for a couple
oi months in the 111 will
out them throuth the
winter in flrtt-cUts con
dition. Ask your doctor
About this.
0 v- s" nt f Iiim leeOMteNe
MHiaii eot-eM
At KIM i v. 4 a
OCOTt A , OeSMe kr Vaeft.
Ibe I'll mee4toe oo Ibe lot jecl, "Hoeie
ol"if .
Mv Tbea
Tie orappere of lloo I ako ooep ore
urtboeeol epiere. Ask lUieo k Co.
tt t reoiluia tx k. SO
Altee Lnllse Hblpley U teoehiof Ibe
Leee nboot, roele en ovotb'e
Ufa Ikere seeler.lay. Tbe dtetrwt to
loriaaste Io eeooriee Ibo Oef vice ol
eteb eo able leobr oe oo believe
blue BMi Wy U bo.
therent as will aatls.y s.1.1 lu.lgmenta In the
l,.llol- s .unis: UIM av vllh li,lart thereon
from Ibe loth day ol Mared lw, at tha rale ol
percent naf annum; tor the further sun of
eishly dollsrs attorneys lee. end lor the fur
ther sum ol OO euste and dl'Hnreetnenta,
ami ervruing rneia a. l WAIJNk.
U Al ehrrtit ef Morrow county Orrgnn.
siiERirrs SALE.
xonr I HFRfur oivf! that by
iv virtue ol an eserulloa and order ol aaie
duly Iwnr.) I r the t lr of she t'trruit Conn
ih tne lounly of Morrow, elate ot llren.
natert the M ny ot Marrk. In e eertatn
ll.B In Hi. Clrrult tourt lor eald l ounly and
eieie. enerrin tmmrm juim slnl J.mre Jnnr
as a.tmlnlelrat ot h eatale ot Neleo Jnrwe
iI wm.1, plelntllT, remvered u.lgent aaliie
io v art, Mildred J ..rt. K R
Kl.rinp. aesigitee at lte W ewenart, Inentvent
drlt..f, I Morrow, the Oergt.n Rellwey and
Natlgallne rampanr, e eorpurallon, an. I .4
Wel't deleadauta lir the sum ot Ten lhmie-
anit rur Hundred ninety Two Ikillera, ellh
Inlereet lh.re.e et the rate el t per rer
annuel from the 1mm dar nl r-fr.i.rv In, aM
Ih. further tnm ot tea Hundred rty rtniiare
aitf net s fere, and rests and dtebureeutenia
laied at Te
a.il. la herehy aieea that I will na Wed
net, inesttta day ut AorlL lw. el 1 ermk
e in of said da. at the IrhiI dim. nf the cmirl
Roue, la Heppner, Morrow emmty oregna.eell
al pubilr aH tln Ut the hlhet l.l.l l.r 1, 4 eeeb
In band, the huioetng cte, rlt.1 rf.penv. ta
It Bamlb bail nt tbe entt iwl u' wrier aM
title aim lee three and (our of evrti.te wne ill
In lownehlp tee ! emiib rente twenty els 11
eet ami Ihe emtb ball nf tbe e.fth eeet n'imr
er nf en-ttoe nee (II tn tfieaehlp lee Ul etntth
ranee leeniv eta 11 W M. tee smnb eeet
Si.'irr ef snrtbrii tee inn tn loen.l.lp teeii)
earth eenseleenlv iee U' M. ao4 fnrty
nwi or? the eoilii si.U nl l.-t enrbt isi la hlnrk
amr (tl nf Ihe n'tslnel plat nf the tnwa ef
M.penef ee nf rereied le the nOiee nf the uMy
rink uf eeid mnii, ell la M.wmw en.it
itj l.le S'4 levied epoe ee the eni"V
nf Uie aald i W ee.enri Mit.lred J ewae
gert. et al of en sswb thereof ae eey be eeree.
sery e eei-eey the eald ).wteM I levee nf
' )nm end i-.i.r. es adwilnieireSnf
elle eaieie nf i.nr iliw.iM, sM
!' eald In. t bee n,t tlli ti., j.
ll umlersif ne.1 has been duly appointed by
the County court of the tttaleof (irrgon, for
Morrow County, administrator ol the estate of
Keleoii Jones, dereeaed All Persona having
elalina aaalnat said eetete are hereby notlded to
prveent same, proivny vermert. to m., at the
omreof bills A Phelpa, al Heppner, Oreeop.
wllliln.lt months from the date ol thlg BuUoa,
tlated Ibis l.'lb day ol February. !
Administrator of tbe Kaute ot tisleoo
03414 Joora, eased.
Notici ot ContestTimber Culture.
La KB Orrtti at Toe OAUea. Oaaooa
Marrh IV I"
this office by the duly ten fled and eorrt.e
reteq amoavti of Konen warren.
alleatng that
who enede Umber-eulture entry
. rtU, for tbe htK of see 16, tp 1 H KMI.il
' land nffire at Tbe liellea, on tbe l?lb day of
enty die dot an, eu the ltb day ef
John (
the Ii
eha1one4 aabt trart. a d have tailed and nng
lerled at all times .lin e Ihe third year alter
enlry, to comply with the timber-failure laws,
or to plan', rttltlvate or proiert any part of tha
aald lrar tn trees, seedltnre nf rutting, as re
quired by lew, tberHnre with the view to Ihe
raarelleltaa of said entry, Ihe aald parfles are
hereby summoned and required Io be and ee
peer before J. W Morrow, county clerk of Mor
row eaunly, al bis omee al Heppner, ttregnw, en
Ibe lata day et April tea. at 14 orlork a e , of
said day, then and there ta em lore aorb te.ll
mnny, aa they mey bave ennrerntne the aald
altee ettona. the final bearing to be bad before
Ibe HrelMer aed Meretver, at Ibe latllM. Oregon
law the Ah day ol Apl. Im. al the hour et le
e . !... ;Aa H. MIMiMB. beeleter.
Ml 41 W. H. bl'MM, Keretver.
Te (ere A eeiMnita twre.ee.
Taf Cu.areia t .en t eth.rva te ef
ll V V (V fait et Sere, Of eeea ref4 ee
nt tleecoa. I theConnly nf Morrow,
la ibe .nrr of tbe estate of Joba M. O. apee-
rr a minor,
Te J. b aperry, gtiardlaa al the estate of amid
minor, ereeuna
In the name at the Out of Orewnei, Tee are
berehy cited and reunired b aipra le the
t own'V ourt of the M.le ef iroei. Inr the
Cenniv at Morenw, al Ibe Coo ft rtaet tkerei
al Heppner, la the Ceenty ef gum, ee Mow,
day. the serund 4.y nt M.y. !. al 10 e flora
le the toreenaow nf thai dr. thew and there to
aefiie ynaf erraenw aa goaettae ef J M 11
eewef, a eilonr, and anew eanaa, If snt . f IK,
wby be eauaaid aea pay avef be tea sale Jba bt.
rk en. erer. iha Me. nf nv.y r-w da bla
ban.), belorftug tn said l'-ha M It epeer.r
tkltnna, tl.a Hon. A wanholninew. Judre
nf the I milt I n..rt mi Ik. kl.ta .J Ihm..m I.
1, a ,., nawtiM Ule j the 1 1 y ef Morrow, witb the eeal at eald
. .. - '-'-a -n eased, vie IMl day of Hank, As. 1
O. i, M 1 1 a b a arl r, , laev
, y e MATM" k, tJefjtf I AttaOtl J. W. H0AIH
raved al lryM, Mart , eV kT I m ii. Uara.
'When you hear dem bells!"
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
aV atlw'0 SMBwwt Saoe'' -' sOJ
'I OF I01NE. ax.ww
Keep. A Beneral Siock of M.rckndise
Including all tho Staples, Hardware, Tin
ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies,
Wood and VVillowware.
First Class Goods and Low Prices
is his motto.
IVlerchant Tailoring!
Mr. Alrahamnick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp
ner. His work is alwavs first class and miti.fat.
tion guaranteed.
They Are The "Mustard"
'TtiG Pioneer Blacksmltfis
a'reaal lwrreveeents la their eatehiieheami Sn4 ,4nwl , Uf L .
Ma4ei,e eaatene saaeeniial In the tueiMai of u.oae a he ajT A a 1l -
I tare wia4e
Irne. ba
e Ueif aoweje. bueaMe ef
bluety. 1 betr tjwa taity Is berab.aila.
UimlBi art Ukn k Tw Fit l.rlU I U km