OFFICIAL sBMi'-fKtj. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH ' THE Semi-Weekly Gazette AT $2.00 A YEAR. PAPER ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF THE Semi-Weekly Gazette IS YOUR MEDIUM. FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1898. NO. 633 SEMI WEEKLY GAZHTTE. PUBLISHED TllfieloTTO e J U'MijnvvM THE, PATTERSON PPBLISHINfi COMPANI OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. -Man. At $2.0 per year, $1.00 for six months, 50 ota. cor threu moucns, striotly in ad van o . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon, ai second-class matter. THIS PAPKB ia kept on file at E. C. Dake'a Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants (Sxqhangs, Ban Francisco, California, where oou raota for advertising: oan be made for it. , L P. FIBBER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- ing agent, 21 Merchant' Erchang i Build ing, can rranomoo, is onr antnorizea agent. ,This paj9r. is.kept qn file at his office. 0. R. & N.-L0CAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:80 p m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junciiou 3:30 a. m. and ar rives at Heppner 9:00 a. m Bpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m . aud arrives at Heppner Junction 1 :50 p. m. and Urn, ilia 8:5(1 p. m. Portland Express No 3, from Bpokane, arrives at Umatilla 60 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7KXI .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. ' Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Janotion 8:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Hail No. 1 leaves TJmatilln 11:10 p. m. and arrives at -leupner Janotion 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a, m. - For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent U. R & N., Heppner, Ore. OTSTCIAIi EIEEOTOET. ' United Btatea Officials. President. VcA-Prexident Secretary of Btate William McKinley ..Garrot A. Hubart John Bherman ....Lyman J. (iajre oecrntaryof Treasnry.. Beorntary of Interior Cornelias N. Bliss Secretary of War Russell . Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long ' Postmaster-General James A. Gary Attorney-General., John W. Griggs ' 8oretary ;f Agriculture James Wilson ' ; ' - State of Oregon. overnor ; W. P. Lord Secretory of State H. K. Kincaid Treasnrer Phil. Metsohan Hnpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General. ..C. M. Idloman Benator. ....... j W" MoB"e Congressmen Printer W. H. Leeds . R. B. Bean, Supreme Judges.... V. A. Moore, (C. K. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Clrcnit Judge Stephen .Lowell I'roMouting Attorney. ...... .........H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials, joint Benator... . .., Kopreaentatiee.... i!"onty Judge '' Commissioners.., J. W. Beokett. " Clerk .... " Bheriff ' Treasurer ' ttarrsyor....... ... Bchooi Bup't.... " Coroner....... ., A, W. Gowan ..... J. N. Hrown i. G. rlartholomew J. R. Howard .....J.W. Morrow ....E. L. BDatlock .... Frank Gilliam A. C. PetteyS . ..... J. J. MoUne ...Jay W. Shipley ...... B. F. Vaugluui BBPFPBB TOWH OVnOBHS. Major Thos. Morgan Onacllmen...... E. J. Nloenm, M. l.iehUnilhal, J. It. Bimoas, J. I. Roberta, J. W. Rasmus and K. U. Bperry. ' ' u W. A. Rlrhnrdaon TnaanM L. W. BrigR Uarshal.... John Uager ' i . - PiwactOffleere. Jostles of th. Peace W. K. Hinhanlsnn Constable. N. B.nhetatoee I'nlted States Land Others. Tw W niT.t.KS OB. J.t. Moor, ..Holster A. H. Hiaae BeoeiTer v w n.ri . Real'ter .i Aa.ana na. J. H. Kubbina Receiver xoaaarr ocixttbb. KAWUN8 POSrr.NO.It ' O. A. R.- M w(s at Lexiniruia, (r., the last Barnrday of . All - - l- -i.-j ... L.n. 0. W. Smith,. . C. O. Foyo. . Adjutant, tt Commaader, Dr. P. -B.' McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offlf in th City Drog 6tor, naw City Uolol. ... u D JMcEaul,. M. D. - s HEPPNEB, OBEOON. Offloa bnara, 8 to 10 a. ra , ami 13 to 3 p. m, at realdroca, W. A. Ktrk'a prop rlr, ast of U. K chnnb. Honib, aod 10 to 12, v m , to 'i o o p. m. , at nmo 10 tb rear of Borj". Jewalry aiora. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Uw, Offlo In tb First Naliooal Dack BuilJlog. Hirmta, : : Qnoon. W. A. RICHARDSON, justice of the Peace . and City Recorder. erriei at cowmen CMaejacD .Its a4 hr ral !' rnis hmtM. Bays d.Miawli)f an4 will (w I" ay way l hi U. at iwmw. aonm. . First National Bank Of HEPI SEIl C. A.AMtA. T. A. HMCA, oeo. w. con tin, . W. trCNCCN. rfla1lt Vl rrwlwM Caahlaf Aa'l CaaMar Truvii l Grtenl hA',i Imm. EXCHANGE Om ail yi 4 th t't Bought and Sold CHsfUM sm4 mm ail Batata fnll TrM TU Oaa-iU will Us.poUW-,aplM, tt M Nltlat ant-WHlH km tarawtta. Aa? oaa wissT BrSawraiw Miita lb-f sraatlU I tLfcfl . a J aal 4a tl When Goim Ecist .... Use a first-class line in traveling between .Minneapolis, St Paul and Chicago, and the principal towns in Central Wisconsin. Pnllman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars in Service. The Dining Cars are operated in the interests of its patrons, the most elegant service ever inau gurated. Meals are served a la Carte. .v To obtain first-class service your ticket should read via. " ' . The Wisconsin Central Lines, u ., i Direct connection at. Chicago and Milwaukee for all Eastern points. For full information call on your , nearest ticket agent, or- write Jas! o. Pond, or Jas.A. Clock. den. Pas. Agt., General Agent, . Milwaukee, Wis. 246 Stark Bt.,- Portland Or. " H, W. Fail, - PROPRIETOR . , OI the Old Reliable Gault House, (JHICAQO. ILL.." Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & H., v. m. ei at. r., v. s a., r. ri. w. di c. and the C. St.' LsF. Railroads. HATKS ajtU.OO PBR DAY " Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bta., CXXXCA.3-0, ZZiXk The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York Tbe Oatlook will b Id 1897. it baa been, during a'ftoh of ita tweDty aeven jeara, Hiatory ot Oar Own Timee. Io iti various editorial departmeota Tbe Outlook giea a pompaot review of tbe world'a procreas; it followa with care 11 ibe importaot pbilanthropio tod id duetrial movemeoli of the day; baa a complete department ot religious oewe; levotea mnob apace to tba intareatt of tbe borne; reviews current literature; foroiabes cbeertal table-talk about meti and thlngi: sod, Id short, aims to give fresh information, original obaerratioo, and reaaooable eDterlainmeot. Begitnlog with the fifty flifth volume. tbe paper will assume tba regular mage- cine aiie, wbiob will add greatly to ita OopveriW'noe aod attractlvaoeaa. Tbe Oatlook is published , every Saturday fifty-two iaanea year. Tba firat iaaue Io eaob mooto iaan Illuatrated afagasioa Namber, oootaiDiog about Iwioa as many pages aa tbe ordinary issues, together with large Dumber of pictures. Tbe pneeof Tbe Outlook ia three dollars a year Jn advance, or leas than coot a day. . . Send for specimen onpy aod illnatrat- proepe otos to Tbe Outlook, 13 Aator Plaoe, New Toik Oltv. BTort BlUNUa. Wblut roa aaaw yoar Mbsadptioa paid ap vrw eaakss) yaw bread la rrwof aharaw. Bora. t. O.. Hmnw. Or Rnnm P B ..a Un mauiNri WW, Ufl uip Cook. a. J.J'na.lrr-H'irwa. anna rlahlakml t Bnwn nfw nipi sm SMI ui en.p on laft a4 sli( ia nabl. Unslaaa. W. M .OalWrwar. Ot.-(11U, R Da rtat.i Mrta. swwlnwurk ia saeh sari borna, H t laft hip. Klv. Rnai. TtnwlM. Or. Rom hraa.4.4 VI V aw U4 ehoaldw, aatUa Bum am Mthip. hula i n(ni sav. rViriMM, L. aU tltpaw. Or. ('attja. LF a rtht bipi haws t wit bar ub m rial bualh JanM, Harrv, Happen. r lUttmm braexM H I aw th. IrH .HnnUiwl eatils lirii4 J am nM hip. eit aaitartnt ta Ml aae, Mruw auaaly. Jnaa-, Flli, Lea. Or W ims. etn-UTna If1 msnm; mmnim mm mm Hahl kip, BBtsf hail wp la n -4 aula p imt w ( an sr. t"V, HapfHter, Sv. Rneaaa hraBiW Ml e WTi kip aaiti asw. a4 en-p n4 Mi aan a4s eb aa Ua rtM Ul. I W. Happtwt llr -Hmt hvaat4 I. a4 4 Iwt altt la na. a lfl hip. weUi ana naM mrm, tbraa awta la ri(M M iae, Uw, piappaM. n 4 aitia, M D aa rvafal ktp, Buna. an aanKaf . Mnrwwi, . M.. Htifiav. Ot T n... BJ a Uf hoal'la) aattla aaavsaa bft kip. r.t..ta. J. W., l , Ikna UmM abnaMart aaU aaa. aa rtaal kip. rvhw O laaanw. Hafdaaaar.-Raesaa IF hr abnakkar. Fvarana, nilvar: hotM bnU4 bar and hui.i aa lrt shou ), rang, llghl Kite, Fm.I. H . lslaaV. IM. Haeaaa. Jl l r Ml ikai-Wi aatlia, aa. aa M hip. pa ai la aaaa aa. Ha I. m . Nvua. C) - H JO as Mt abawlaar. (atUa. o aa rtM kip. 1 twrj K. A. H.i' Or. Ta.Ua W C aa pjn k.p. nM a4 hi Wt paw eVfcM kna f tiakA akwtl.lar, M. Jt- Hpar r-H nw A - - - I m M let ataa avt MilalMiMliaiahbt. Ka lii.taUI aai.Kal T Wei at !. aalla aaai. aa hp ap4ii ia hnaa ma, WateWpa. W, I,, lit I I., t mi Waawa at". JW a eta. ea.iiiti mat. aww -U JW aa rvp. a.p a4 riM m'm, ep al mrtm ta im aa. Ie lUm aa aoavutf aaasuas. " ' M uin.ilin-.llBh ' Vegetable Preparatioiifor As similating me fooa and Regula ting theSlomochs andBowels of EromotesTSScstion.ChecifuI- ness and RestCon tains neither Opium.Morpoine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. BuvmfOldlk-SXMVIlEnCBES PtaofJm Sml AbcScnnm JimJUUtSJu- A perfect Remedy For Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish nessandLossOF SLEEP. Tat Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. IXACT COPrOT WHAPPCB. r iH! uijiia m Hotel HeppanLor Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. Now Open. New Methods " New Manage- mcnt. strictly Rates, $1.00 Per SPECIAL KATES BY ABB feed burn rnn and from all trains. We solicit vour ar For more than fifty-six in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT HAS faithfully laivtreit for their tnprlt bu.liin. snd hums Interetta, Io IT BAR told at Ilia flrmds, lntr.tln( aod im. wnniannnnn IT HAS sjIvmmI the farmer as U the mMt spiirnvpd raethmts of rulllvatlna and harrrattn his nation .no siatea rrfii4. anil the amtwr ttm. In rfinv.n tr Urn. In rMivrt In l prtallilll( to th. wi-l II nA ii in all vistlms rtalnliia to th. w. a cebtary has hcla Ihtlr cooflluca and XT IH TIIX3. New York Weekly Tribune, Anal we fuenlah It with tha $2.75, eaah In aavanoe. Add rasa all Orders to wnie yntir name anl KMfM on a po.i.1 rsrd. m.i P.ui).la copy vi wi. n. a WHITE COLLAR LINE. lumbia River and Siuar. TflfJ'DGNr; BAILEY lalo Al.ler Hire U-eb. Portlaad, rari ana ftancfrtle. inreeti onBeettoa with Ilasao staaroer BBd rail tvmd ; also at Tonne's Bay with Heaebor Hailmad. farUaad t A. N. fally,srp4 Ba4ay. DAZIillT ftally. aswpl a.,hlaf teaTa rf1-au4 I aia la A. SMp aua4ay aad i tmim Nie1lad and m. ha llwi T i"-U and thfl.y al A. M. Nat May St I P. IJ I Ua.ta liaaca Plawlay aad ffMay al a A. M. Vm B.iwiaf t.M at f. M. Ete Cl& i:4 Is IM tV.Uip IVi Badi ITfti if H1W For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears You Have THt eCMTSU. COMWNV. NIWfOM OIT. r irst Class. Day and Upwards. THE WEEK OR MONTH. in nnnnentinn Free 'Bus rnn to 587-nov.l2 Datmnapa. aT r- BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. years it has never failed and hapiilnnM, tor tba Improvement of the - . Sigmturei tP The M Kind Always Bought: eni Mtiraiioo, lur in. sierauua of an nianiiuoa sua Inslruetlre slorlrsof the doings of the world, the m Into the lararat pnaalhl. ainnutil of money. lf.raol farmers and rlliacers, aad for war a half astaera. GAZETTE, THE GAZETTE. sad It tnO. W. Trlbnna Otfloa, Haw inn w twaiy I ribuna will pa nailea io yuu. G1T2LRT ISO OCLIS WIVE. fa Astoria. Ilvem, Long Beach, Ooaa Laas A.Vtiat P. M. Dellv, srvt Panda ya ttATSBZinT aatarday p!ail. II r M AtPla ba Mttlay. Pwuty pi.1,1, J f . M uget Sound Navigation Co THR OMAHA EXPOSITION. Oregon CommisloB Auks for Moral and Finano'.al Hnpport. To tbe Loyal Mkd aod Women of Ore gon: .Tbe Oregon commission, consisting of the following members: W. 8. Maaon, J. E. Haeeltine, Henry E. Dosoh. J. F. Baobelder and R. D Inman, of Portland : CO. Beck-man, of Jacksonville; J. A Wright, of Bparta; J. O. Day, of Ollala; Pbillip Metchan and E. P. MoGornaok, of Salem; H. B. Miller and O. J. Olaon, of Grant's Pass ; B. F. Alley, of Baker City j J. O. Hantborn, of Astoria; E. J. Frasier, of Eugene; W. E. Hard, of Granite, and O. N. Denney, ot Comal- lis, appointed by Governor Lord, organ ized on tbe 9th day ot Marob, with W.S. Mason ae president, J. E. Haseltine as vioe-preaident, Pbillip Metoban as treas nrer, Henry E. Dosoh as superintendent and J. F. Baobelder as secretary and tbe undersigned executive committee. The commission presents to the people of tbe atate tbe following statement and appeal: Tbe resources of Oregon are manifold. We bare tbe finest agriooltnral, fruit and grazing land, while oar timber for ests, sulmoB fisberis and blooded stock oannot be aurpassed. Besides tbis onr mineral lands both in eastern and weot era Oregon are richer and broader in extent than any of tbe other Paciflo cost states. Notwithstanding all ibis, the repoarces ot Oregon are not known to the outer world as they should bo. . For the purpose of advertising to tbe world tbeee resources, the aboye com mission has Veen appointed to devise ways and means to have our state rep resented at the Trans-Mississippi and International Expoeition to be held et Omaha from June 1 to November 1, 1898. Tbe exposition ia primarily intended to embrace tbe Industrial resources of the states west of tbe Mississippi river, but eastern etatea, tbe Britieb colonies, Mexioo and Central and Booth Ameri can republica will participate, and many eastern governments will be rep resented. Tbe buildings and grounds and tbe arrangements will make the exposition in extent and completeness second only to tbe World'a Columbian fair. To tbe intelligent people ot this atate it la nnneoessary to make a detailed statement of the manifold advantasea Id be derived from an expoeition at Om aha ot tbe varlona prodnots wbioh go to make np tbe resources of Oregon, as means of attracting tbe ugrioulturlst. tbe stock and fruit grower, tbe miner, tbe manufacturer and tbe oaoitaliste eeking investments or a new field in whiob to follow their avooation or in vest their aoonmnlated wealth. Therefore we give Briefly tbe plan whiob tbe commission baa adopted to accomplish this end, wbioh ia aa followa: Io the abseDoe of a atate appropria tion for tbe purpose of making an Ore gon exibit at Omaha, the oommiaaloii must rely upon the voluntary eootribn tion of the public spirited people. The commiasioo baa made a careful estimate of tbe coat iif an exhibit, aod Aod that il oan be carried auooesafully with tba sum of 120,000. It ia a foregone conclusion that the legislature of 1899, with tbe buaineaa aeutiment of the atate at its back, will redeem these certificates at their face value. On this baaia tba commission will at an early data solicit ubeoriptiona throughout tbe state. Certificates signed by its offioers will be given for tba amount sabaoribed, tba total iaaue of seoh oertifioalea aod the expendituree Iberenpoo oot toexoeedtbe authorized sum of $20,000. Wbeo tbe legislature makes an ap propriation to reimburse the anbscrip- rs, these certificate, properly endorsed, ill l full evidence of snob subaorlb- lions and will be paid upon presenta tion from tba foods at the disposal of th oommieaioo. Th commission will publish oo tba firat of eaob niootb lb Dames of sub aoribera aod lb amount of their sub scriptions, and oo the 31st of December, 1.H, all tement In detail of lb receipts aa dieburet-meote. Mr. 11. E. Dosoh, oar soperinteudeot, Is oow Io Omaha tusking bis selection from tba cboio spec that Las bato raaarved for the Oregon exhibit. Tbe oooimiaaloo preeeot this appeal for moral aod fioaooial an poor! to th loyal paupl of tbe alat. W. 8. MAHON. J. E. I1AMLTINK, U. K D01C1I, PlilLLIP M ETC OAN, E. J. FItAZIEIt, J. F., Eieootiv Coram It tea. Bawaes af Ulalat.ata fip falaerh thai Caa, tola M.rrary, a mercury will auraly destroy th aeoe of small and eomplately derange lb whole system when foienog It throagb th ttaipia sortae. Hueb artisle abould ovvr b nasul urept oo Dr.aortD- ti'ina from reputshla pbyaiolaoa, aa lb daiaag they will do la tao fold to Ibe frond yon rao poaaibly deriv from tbem. v -w vuir, ulB.l.lllurwi VJ T. i. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., ootloa o mareary, aad ia taken Internally, Mtifcg directly opoa tba lihaxt ami mooons aarfartaa of l ha eyelets, Iu boy teg hall's Calarrb Car ba ear oa gal tb aatiaiaa. Illalskei la tarn ally and mla la Toiedn, (jinn, by Y.J. Cb o.y A ''V Teatiro iliisls Irea, (IT loll bf 4ra(lat, Tl fi Httls, PRESS COMMENT. Tbe Durfur Dispatch idiotioallv says tbal the late Woolgrowera convention at Tbe Dalles was held for politioal effect. Of course tbe remarkably pros perous oondition of tbe wool industry is also for politioal effeot. Tbe "money power" baa raised the price of wool and mutton and oattle and wheat in order to put the crown ot gold on tbe brow of labor, we presume. And Mark Hanna is at tbe bottom of the whole business. Tbe populist imagination is fearfully and wonderfully fecund of what Old Tho mas Carlyle used to call preternatu ral suspicion. Crook Co. Journal. Tbe republican party ot today is a party contending for aound money and a aound government. The wording of the St. Louis platform is not ambiguous; cannot be mistaken. Tboae who aooept it aa their politioal faith are republioana. Tbe wisdom of that platform has been and is being demonstrated by auob a general revival and era ot prosperity tbe country has seldom seen before. The national battle was fought and woo in 1890. The battle is to be fought in tbis atate again in June. There is but one banner under wbioh the republican boat can march. That banner takea ita in scription from the national platform. No man is greater than hia party, and if we will take prinoiple for our leader, euooesa will be achieved. Let republi oana join hands and maroh on to victory. Oregon Mist. Tbe populist party ia now having a little experience of ita own with Joe Simon dictation and methods in politios. In tbe people' party convention for Jackson oouuly, held Bt Medford laat Saturday, there was a fight from start to fiuish on fusion or no fusion. Chairman Holt, the bead of tbe Joe Simon wing of tbe party, spent all the forenoon caucus ing and laying piarjB for the overthrow of the onion forces, wbioh beoame ap parent as soon as tbe ooovention was called to order. Senator Boll bad the chair and pro oeeded to bold it against all attempts to effect a temporary organization. He re fused to entertain a motion to elect a temporary obairman and when tb ooo vention attempted to appeal from bia ruliog to tb whole bouae, b refused to allow tbe appeal. Tb next atep of tbe alat was to unseat regularly creden tialed delegates and seat others favor able to Holt's scheme and to refuse to reoognlze proxies of regularly eleoted delegates on tbe merest technicalities, antil io this manner Holt bad secured a majority against fusion. So bigh-baoded were tbe proceedings that tbe convention split io tb middle and half of the regularly eleoted dele- gatea walked out ot tbe oonventioo, effected an organization and eleoted I full set of delegates to tba state oooveo tion which will be asked to droide wbo ahall bold seats. Tb offioial vote of tb preolncU ahowed a majority of 13 for fusion, but Mr. Holt bad bis little plao with him, aa well as bis nerve, and very soon wiped that mrjority off the alata. Tb people's party may now see that lb war being waged all over this slate agaioat Simon men aod methods baa risen above a partiaao, factional fight, it is a straggle for lb preservation of tb fundamental prinoiple of represent' alive government. Tb politioal fat of Senator Mitohell at tb baods of tb laat legislator was ot moment only to those frieods wbo tboogbl he bad earved and deserved well ot tb people of Oregoo. Tb mean by which ba waa defeated ooooeros not alone bia friends bat a wall bis political anemia ao far a tbay regard tb spirit ot oo republican Institutions, Every friend of good government will regret tb bold op of tb legislature, tb oorroptioo of Ita members, lb tsint of tb exeootiv aod tb gigantic frauds dow baiog ngi aeered in every political party io tbia tat to perpelust tbi diegreo to Ore goo. Tb senate of th TJuited State ba declared that ita Beat are oot oo al to tba highest bidder, lb people of Oregon moat now deoid for all lime that th volo of th pop not tb clink of gold.' Tb batter element tb repoblieao party Is oow alive to th deoger to our foverameol. The popu list and tb democrats oaoeol fail to e tb Impending evil. Tb lesson a M Holt learned aa a Himoo saoator Halem laat wioler b ba only carried into praotio oo small aoal with bis owe party. Let bat Ibis precedent be ooa one established aad government from (La lowest to Its blgheal forms will ti revolulluoixad. Ititlof tb ml of th majority iber Is left bat anarchy or despotism. Tha officer boaghl from their duty brought eearohy, th aaa wbo paid their price beearo their mat- tar, tb dea ot of tbie state If onr peotj will but let b,m.-Tb UatobsU KeervhaxJf Says Ba. Caacarets Candy Calliartlf , th Binat oa det fill mulu-el dieroirerv of Uta aaw. t But and rafreabms; Ut tha last, ai t faulty and positively oo kidneys, liver sod bowels, rleansinf the enure Sf.trai, dispel colds, Cr liralaoli, ferof, haltlutal rofcsUpaUoa and hiilnnsoaaa. I'leaaa buy and try a ba oft;. C. C to-day; 10, , Mloaota. ttuldaod fiarenVead io cure by ail druggist. K W, Kbea k Co. positively gaarante to meet any prinee on wool be;. Tbey tei'J not b undersold and their cnalo mere nay depead ca tbia proposlllo, u tie if la It lo It IP I Iht Ills!, If If I. Hi POWDER Absolutely Pure DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION- Promptly at 10 o'clook a.m., Satur. day, the delegates to the democratic ooucty convention met at tbe court bouse. J. J, Roberts was ohosen tem porary obairman, and J. A. Woolery, temporary secretary. The obair ap pointed, as a committee on credentials, Samuel Meadows, John Hughes and N. . Hale; oommittee on order of business, Chas. Sperry, Jas. Brown and James Piersoo. Promptly at 1 o'clook tbe chairman ailed the meeting to order. The report of tbe oommittee on oredentiala waa made and accepted. J.J.Roberta waa then eleoted per manent chairman, J. A. Woolery perma nent seoretary and S. J. Leezer, assistant aeoretary. Tbe oommittee on order ot business then made tbeir report as follows: That tbe convention prooeed to eleot four delegates to tbe state convention, and a oommittee ot five aa a conference oom mittee to oonfer with the oommittee ap pointed by the populists, for tbe purpose ot effecting a fusiou of tbe free silver for oes, if same oan be done on a entia- factory basis, and reoommending that the convention then adjourn to meet April 9th. Report adopted as read. The following were elected aa dele gates to tbe atate convention, all of whom spoke in favor of fusion with tbe free silver forces : J. A. Woolery . J. W. Rasmus, G. W. Rea and J. L. Morrow. Tbe following were eleoted a confer ence oommittee: 0. E. Redtleld, J. A. Woolery, Ohaa. Sperry, I. N. Hughes and Tbos. Morgan. , There being no further bu-iness before tba convention an adjournment was taken to April 9th. A Clever Trlok. It cerlainly looks like it, but there I really no trick about il. Anybody oan ry it wbo bas lame baok and weak kid neys, malaria or nervous troubles. W mean be can cure himself right away by taking Eleotric Bittera. Tbia medicine tone np lb whole system, acta aa a stimulant to tbe liver and kidneys, il a blood purifier and naive tonic It cures eoostipatioo headache, fainting spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and reatore tb system to ita natural vigor. Try Eleotrio Bitters and be convinced that tbey are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 60 oeota t bottle at Slooum Drug Co's, E. J Slo oaoi, manager. OKA NT COUNTY NKWa. Prom tba Eagle. John T. Dizoey, of Nolio, Umatilla oonoty, bas been employed by P. F. Stilliogs to sub oootract th mall root between Uklab and Long Creek. Geo. Frenob, of Morrow county, was In Oraol oonoty last week buying abeep. Ha is offering 92 SO per bead for year ling wether after shearing. Grant Uerer arrived from a boeiaeee trip to Heppoer Tuesday. II returned eomewbat crippled, hie bora having kicked him at Monomeot Tuesday moruiog. Hbep boyer are thicker tbaa tea oot at Heppoer, bat many aay sbeepmeo ar holding their banda too high for them to buy. Phaepmeo ar onto their job aod are generally fully advised a to th valo nf their bands. W. O. Oaotry baa Sold out bia eollr interest la tb haroeea bnslneee at Hepp oer aod will likely local io Th Dalle. Mr. Oentry fornerly res i, led In Kx valley, and baa maoy friends In thia eounly wbo wish blin euocee. Mra. Dr. Mi reel received a mease- Saturday laat of th aerions lllneaaot bar sister, Mra. H I.l'resooll, of Healt'. 8b took bar departure Hoodey morn log for Heppner, from which place ab left Monday evening for 8aitl. Tbe biggest oagget yet reported from tb Klondike country was found oa El dorado sreek m tune th laat week in January. It waa valued al llOtlH Ik Ouksr'a mlo at CaayonCiiy produced a Ogget larger tbaa tbia last week, aod tb transportetloa Companies will say a little about II. It's lb filthy loer tbal tbey ar looking after and tbey aa gal l oaly by causing stamped to lb Alas I a mine. Heaalr I Bleed Deep. (1an IiUmmI weans a riran akin, Nit beauty without il. t eetrle,l'awly t atli.r tie rlean yoar blood and hern n tlaan, ,y elirriiil up th laiy iiv.r snd driviiif all im rmntwa from tha h.. Iw-ta today la ln..l. i,.,i!m lwl. l. l.L. LI....I. I a in 1 1 list i. lily hilimi. enniletia hr taking l aaevta, Iwauly lur Un rente. All ltu giala, aali.latlHiu (iMranlrrU, I k, iV, i"i W prtsume yon as soap and if ao lb beet I ebsapeet. Ho Cake I itrletly par with a fre aiksii. Rb.aACo, P