Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD TO TUB orris tbi ohoici Of two Transcontinental HRFAT OREGON NOR THERN Rv- SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AMD Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS nnwanK. GEO. W. ELDER y AIM V J AND CITY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS nnonn steamers Leave Portland ISVV" , Every 4 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohoma and Hong id uou oection with O. R. & N. Vn. nll itnil sail on 0. R. N. Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. POBTLAND. OBMOH, Dodwell, CarllH, &Co., Oen'l. Agts.,Nor. PM 8. B. Co., rortlauu, ure. IRST AND ONLY . . . PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION . . . EVEB RUN BETWEEN Tie Boston -AND- Mass., and St. Louis, Mo. Throwh Without Ciiie. Excuraiom for St. Louis leave Portland every Monday via 0. R. & N., Denver it Rio Grande and Missouri Pacific railroads. Excuraiom for Boston leave Portland Tues day at S p. m., via O. R. & N., Denver & Rio Grande, Rock Island, Lake Shore, New York Central, and Boston & Albany Railroads. Excursion for Bt. Loula leavea Wedneaday via 0. R. 4 N , Denver & Rio Grande and the Burlington route. -Excursion car carried on Fast Boston Special East of Chicago, making the run in 28 hours; aeveral hours quicker than any other line. Excursion cara are carried on the faat ex press traina which have lately been lnaugu rated by the lines over which theae excursions ran. Ask your ticket agent for a ticken on the Denver & Rio Grande excuriaon. For rates and all information, call on or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Uen. rass. & 1IU. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Habt, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. r.T CoU ELY'S CREAM BALM Is a positive enre. Apply into th nostrils. It i quickly absorbed. W cent at Drmglsts or by mail : samples 10c by mail. RI.T BROTH Kl3. M Warreo St.. New York ClUr. fRLIN6T0N-F0SSIL STA6ELINE ' GEoSlLVIE P'0P'ieto"- FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles). ..$5 00 Round trip 9 00 May ville (53 mile.) . 4 00 ...... . Round trip 7 00 Condon (39 miles) . . 8 00. ..... . Round trip 6 00 Clem (28 miles).... 200 Round trip 8 50 Oiex (19 miles) 1 50 Round trip 850 Stage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday exoepted) st 6 o'clock; is duel at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrive at Fos sil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered coaches and oars f til, experienced drivers. ' and Get Ifi, Sorry for the eirls. When the women all wear bloomer And their skirts are laid away. When their legs no more are rumors Coyly hid from light of dar. When the petticoat'a forgotten With its swishing, whisking awirl, And 'here's less demand for cotton I'll be sorry for the girls. I.U be sorry for the laaaea w ho at school are at their booke (At the head or foot of classea) I'll be sorry for their looks. For their ma'a will make their trousers And, good beavensl Dont we know Who were boys, bat are now sirs, . That they will make a holy ahow ! It'a bad enough when Willie Wear pants hla mamma made And It often knocks you silly Just to see the youthful blade Wearing pants that no one knoweth Which ia front or which la back If he cometh or if he goeth There ia quite an equal "alack." But our Snsie ! Oh , 'tis galling ; Scalding tears will downward glance When you hear the urchins calling: "Say, where did you get them pants?" You will see ber youthful glowing a But by no dead certain rule ' . Can you tell If she la going Or coming home from school. There'll be trouble, you'll allow, airs, There'll be anguish for the pa'a When their daughters all wear trousers That are juat revamped from ma'a. So I'm weeping as I'm writing And my great tears fall like pearls; Scarce I know what I am writing For I'm sorry for the girls. BUE YOU GQIHG EBST? If so, bs sure and see that your ticket reads via Tie KoiUiwestenv linn ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IB THH Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTFT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Th.if Murninrent Trark. Peerless Vestlbuled Dining and aleeplng Car Trains, and Motto: t "ALWAYS ON TIME haa given tlila road a national reputation. All lM o"laai(iigr carried on the vestlbuled VrSfn with" teltr. charge. Ship your IrolKht NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1669.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. Beats th Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex., has fonnd a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klondike For years be suffered nntold agony from consumption aooompanied by hemorrh ages, and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds, be declares that gold is of little value in comparison to this marvelous oore, would bave it even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, h.nnnhilia nnl oil rift f anH Innn .ff.n. The WookReoord is the only national tionB Bre positively oured by Dr. KiDg's New Disoovery for Consumption. Trial bottles free at E. J. olooora s drug store. Regular size 60 ots and $1. Guaranteed THE WOOL RECORD Tells You How to Do It. By a speoial arrangement we offer to our readers The Wool Record and Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year for 83.00. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock wool organ and covers the wool industry from the raising of the sheep to the sell ing of tbe manufactured article. It is published weekly at New York and tbe regular prioe is $2 00 a year. lis market reports are fall and oomp e and its Sheep Bteeders' Talks alone are worth 10 times tbe prioe of the paper. Sample oopies on application. We heartily recommend this combi nation to oar subscribers. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SIIEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS Without Spokane, to cure or pries refunded. The Only Change of Worth its weight In gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82.00 PER YEAR. Sample oopies free. Riral Spirit and Gazette both for 13.00. cash, at this ofQoe. All-Rail Route n nntn and 1 Un. Rossland and Nelson. Also between Nelson an! Rossland, daily except Sunday: Leave. Arrive. 8:01) A. M Hpokane MO P. JJ. Hit) A. M Kjaland :0 P. M. 0:10 A. 11 Nelson :a r. fli. Close connections at Nelson with steamer for Eanlo, and all Kootenai Lake point Fannenger t-T 'Kettle hlver and Boundary Creek connect at Hnrcus with stone daily. All agents and travel over this famous Una. have tickets. W. H. MEAD, WVVP Art Uen Agent. 1 r A ' it Washington St., Portland, Or. CHICAGO Urate & St. Paul B'b This Railway Co. OpsraUs Its trains on lbs famous blook aystem; Lights lis trains by eleotrlolty through out; Usee tbs oelabrated eleotrio berth read ins lamo: Rons apsodily equipped passenger trains every day and eight between Ht. 1 aui and Ubloego, aud Omaha sod l-hiesgo; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-hasted veslibulsd trains, carrying the latent private eoraparlmsot ears, library buffet smok ing cars, and elsce drawing room ale per. Ferlor ears, free reclining chair ears, and tbe very beat dining obalr oar service. rp inwuai rates to any point in tbs United Mat or Canada, apply aganl or address O. J. EDDT, 3. W. CAHET. ' Osnsrel Agent, . V4w BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE (Mil Trade Marks ''fillip COVRKMT AC. Anvon sending a skelrh and description mar quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is nrohiihly nntentalile. Conimuiitc. llotiaairltttlroimnileiittal. liuiilhookon I'ateuU sent tree. OMeiit airency for securlns patents. I'm am taken throunh Munn A Co. reoelve tprruM notlf, without cherwe, lu the Scientific American. A hanilsonielr lllnrtrnled weekly. I.ret etr. rulellon of "T .leiilltlo lournaL Terms, M four months, lU Hold by all newsdealers. g Co.aetBwd-'- New York umoa. tat W eU Wash liif tun, D.C. PEACEFUL BY NATURE. The Braoob i NEW NAME I Win. Gordon has re-namcd his stand the old Jones livery stable IMio Control. Baled hay (or sale. Charge reasonable. Call on bite aud have vour horse well eared for. 50 Years.... IS) TNK to II VIM Trav. rase. Agent. Porllaod, Or. Pi o 11 u s TUHOUOI1 CAR. Mr. TAl'I. MINNKAPOLIR 111'! Il l II TO i iAUitt) lit'TTK VllKLtNA Tickets lasneil to all piuts In the Ceiled riiett-s ana iojs. QUICKTIME TO. rutcaao WaaMiaams lULTinoat New Vs tivrribo . All ethr ploU la tbe Feat end (mntbeest OwAN Kars ClTT Ht. JtwaiMl Hr. I4ns UoatXiH Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition I Ml ft I Increases Tii'UI of Wool, Enhances Value ol FliK-k. Cheap, Hale, Han dy, Clean, Wholesome, Odorleee. CIIAS. G. nOBEUTS. CtNtRAL AOCNT, 21? Asli Street, I'ortland, r.on, Sld hy Minor A Co., Heppner, Or. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET Egyptian Abhor Warfare, a Did III rather llefore Him. The ordinary Egyptian is by instinct utterly opixwed to military life. The last thing he wants to do in the world is lu fight, lie hates the pomp and cir miniHtaiiue of glorious war, said nothing in his nuturc is appealed toby the idea of strife and comlwit. He Is it good-tempered, pleasure-loving mnu, und for 5,000 yenrs his ances tors before him huve loathed the clah of steel, (io back as far as you like in 1 pvptian history and you will never Hi (I it Iraec of tike Viking spirit in the inhubilnntsof the Nile valley. Thesuc- eoesful wars of the rhnraoha were waged by mercenaries, and tho papyri show that the military calling was ulwnys deecribed as pure evil. The rec ords show little delights in battle, but plenty of picturesque con trust between tbe horrible miseries endured by the soldier in the Aeld and the pleasant, snug life of the civilian tribe. The spirit of the old Dane who when he felt death approaching put on his armor, beeatue be would not die like a cow Ln his houae, lias no echo in the pout or ia the preseut of tlie true Egyptian. Weekly Esraraloss In Thru,. Cara to tk East. Another through tourist oar to tbs East haa been arraoged to run out of Portland, giving four each week. Here after the oar lerving Monday will mo throagh without change lo Kansas City so J Chicago, over the O. ft. k H., Ore gon Hhort Line, Rio Oraode Western , Denver k Rio Qrsode, Missouri Paoiflc and Chicago k Alton. That oar has jast been arranged for, and tbs ons previous ly scheduled tor Monday Las been changed to Thursday. It rooi Ibrongh to Bt. Lools,vie tbe Misenurl Ptoiflo line. Tbs oar leaving Portland T need ay goes) Ibroagb lo Boston, and Is promoted by tbe Coicsgo, Rock lslsod and recine. Wednesday's ear Kansaa City snd Korlington. All these speoial Ibrongb ems are receiving agrstiljing pstronare. Oonselt O. R. A N. Ageol before baying tickets to Hi test. Asking Altogether too Much. "I'll tell you how we can patoh that tire." Tbe speaker was a young msn. His oompsnion wss a young woman. They were taking a tandem ride in the country. The rear tire of the maohine had reoeived a punotnre, and a bssty examination of tbe tool bag revealed the foot that tbe repair "kit" bad been left behind. For a moment the youth was in do- spair, bot as be studied tbe situation his brow cleared. "I'll tell you bow we can patch it," be repeated. "Well?" "It's a simple operation. See this?" He removed a yard of ribbon from tbs front handle-bar. "Yes, 1 see it. You don't think you oan mend a punotnre with that, do you?'' asked the incredulous girl. "Well, I should remark. You're chew Ing a piece of gum, aren't you?'.' "Yes." "Well," snd be brosbed tbe dust from the pnnotqred spot,"you put tbst ohnnk of gum right here, over that tiny bole, 1 wind this ribbon tightly sround the whole business as many times as it will go, tie on lop of tbs rim, inflate the tire, ws get on sgsin, and finish our ride, just as it nothing had happened. See." Tbere was so ominous silenoe. It was broken at I sat by the youog woman. "This is tbe ooly pieos of gum I'vs got," she ssld in a constrained voio We'll walk boms." This they did and not another word wss spoken. Distance, six miles. Tbs hapless young msn bad asked el- together too muoh. BBICr MENTION. 3 ske Ernest, of Social Ridge, was in town Wednesday. Wbat ia Hop Gold? Beet beer on sarib. bee ad. elsewhere. - Rev. King, of lone, attended the pop nliet county convention yesterday. Ouinnesse's famous old '"Dublin Stout," imported, at CbrlS Borobers E. B. Stanton and Andrew Asbbsugh were in yesterday from tbe Eight Mile 00 an try. ' . Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front. A olean, fresb stook of goods leave your orders. tf. Painless remedy for extraoting teeth. It not as stated, no oharges. Try Dr. Vaugban's new plan. 604-tt. Dick Sheets srrived from Milton yen- terday and will spend the sheepshearing season in this vicinity. If you need something lor your system oall at the 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tf Wanted; red beaded girl and white borse to distribute tbe premiums given away with Hoe Cake soap. Apply "nit." a-30 We presume yon use sosp and if so the beet is cheapest. Hoe Cake is striotly pure with no free alkali. Rhea & Co. a-SO The Uniform Rank K. of P. will hold a meeting tonight for installation of offioers, at oastle ball. AH Enigbts in vited. A carload pf ice . arrived -yesterday morning for Jag. Co wans. It is seldom that we have a winter so mild that ice does not freeze thick enough for nse, Be not deoeivedl A cough, boarsnese or croup are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Sbilob's Cure will save yon much trouble. Sold by Conser k Brock. y E. B. Stanton, Elder J. L. Swift and Judge Jones, of Eight Mile, all leading populists of that preoinot, attended convention doings at Heppner yester day. A. J. Ray, representing tbe J. M. Rus sell Co., of Portland, was in town Toes day looking after the wool interests oJ tbe firm. Mr. Ray expects to spend lbs summer here buying wool . E. W. Rbea k Co. positively guarantee to meet any prices on wool bags. Tney will not be undersold and their custo mers may depend on Ibis proposition, as they are in it to stay to tbs finish. . 28-tf H. Heppner is having a pavement put down in front of bis row of brioka on Main street. This is a much needed im provement sod will add greatly to the sppearanos of. that portion of our ton. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TKOUBLL9 AMD CONSCMtTlON CAN BE CURED. As Eminent Krw York Cheanist sad scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. Tbe distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo oum, of New York City, demonstrating his disoovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tnberoulosie), bronobial, lung and obest tronbles, stubborn ooughs, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his Mew Die ooveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New ScibDtiflo Treatment" has oured thousands permsnently by its timely use, snd be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of bis infallible onre. Science daily develops new wonders, end this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, baa produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are ourable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," tiled in bis Amerioan and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. C, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direot from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. ' Please tell tbe Doctor tbst you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. Joly 9-7-1 r. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing-Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates . Heretofore' tbe Gazette's job depart ment bas tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to taokle anything ia any line and will meet prioes of any person under the sun in the line of druggists supplies, blank books, - bsnk work oounty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that you have heretofore sent away to get done.' Tbe Gazette shop is . not a charity concern Out it yon will give us a obanoe we will see that yoo are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at borne. Remember that Abe Linooln said that wben-oqe bought goods away from borne the foreigner got the . money aud we got the kouub. um wnen tne goods .were bought at home we bad both money snd goods. This is good doctrine. We sre willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 8. 560-tf "Tie Rcffiilator Line" Cordray, tbe pioneer theatre man of Portland in tbe line of "popular prioes," has rtfitted the Was ting ton St. theatre, formerly known as the "New Park." Cordray always has something new, and oar people, when below, can spend a pleasant evening at bis plsoe. tf The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. STEAMEKS "DALLES CITY" AND 'REGULATOR" Leave Tbe Dalles daily (exoept Sunday) Bt VuJOB.m. jjeave Portland at 7:00 a. m. When yon go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. C. ALLAWAY, ' General Agent. MEN ! bee. Dreadfully Nervous. Gents: I was drsadf oily nervous, snd for relief took your Carl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength ened my whole nervous system. I wss troubled with oonstipation, kidney snd bowel trouble. Your Tea soon olesnsed I my system so thoroughly thai I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. 8.1 A. bweet, Hartford, Coon. Sold by I Conser k Brook. r can cured If von suffer from any of th I ills of men, coma to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN k CO.. 1061 Market St Est d 1862. 1 Young men and middle 1 azed men who are surTerinc from the ejects of youthful indiscretions or ex- eee in mamrer years. Nervous and Physical gieDiiiiav,BmMieDf-y nsnnuoe in all its complications; Nermatrrhr a, rriMMHirrnira, nw, uirr! . I rrqururr of Ilrluatlnsi, oie. By a ' combination of remedies,of great curativspow- . er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment th.U it will not only afford immediate relief but . permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to ' 1 perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent 1 1 tin specialty lleaftH or lirn, 1 N.vnhll' IhomuKhlvennllrateJlroal tli ' in hi 1 ftVRtrm wlthnn t iihIiiv M f ., r JCVrRY MAI applvloa to n Willi i O've our fim opinion of hi complaint, i; e will Uuaranlte a WSi TJ VK CUHE I '. rwV cant vn tmoVraite, or orett Ol ' Xhoaand Dollar. I i Con.iiliation KREE and strictly private. ' f-r a vjca vpd v or jmi v a urr n After meals you should bave simply a feeling of oomfort and sitisfsotion. You should not feel any speoial Indications thai digestion is going 00. If joo do, too bave indlguetion, which means sot digestion. This may be the br sinning of so many dangerous diseases, tbst it is bcsl to tsks it in hand at once and treat It with Shaker Digestive Cordial For yoo know tbat Indigestion makes potsoa, which causes pain and siokDSM. And tbst Hhsksr Digestive Cordial belps digestion and cores iodigsstioo. Sbsksr Digestive C mliel does Ibis by providing the digrstive materials in which tbe sick stomscb is wsotlng. It also tones up sod strengthens tbs digestive organs snd makes them perfectly healthy. This is lbs ratiouals of its method of onre, as the doctors would ssy. Sold by drug gists, prioe 10 cts to ! pr bottle. eT I 1 T It tile) Uc ti) g( t got your fin a pork aul Iamb chops, steaks 11 ml roast a. Uoll'B IV put COOBeollotlS HI. I'i'll,, Kansas Cily, Orasha, Ht. ala and elbsr promt aDt potato Des-gste shocked through to destination el ttrksls. ThrMiik tt ia Ui Jaoan anJ Cbl-a. via Tannma and Northers IVifte Ptsam shipCumpeay's line. for Nil larWieatloit.tlm sards, Bis?, Uoksta, ete Sail in of write ,C. Aujtwsf, A. I.Cit.Tit. AN. P.Ry. At, Uen l'aa. Asl nslJie,Ol. rftlsd,i'r FISH EVERY FRIDAY fin "' Mi'e-1 hems and Ixran. Iiit lrl l l. keill reiMteHNl. old t)ie. Iliglirel tut i4 luf let SU . HENJ. MATIIKWt, Slaul Rf assSy. A Kansas pspsr ssys Ibst a yoong doctor recently look bis bsel girl to tbe ... . . I , rk. .....I. 1.1- I. runs 10 nt losenD. """ "- HI. Loois. over the sea tbe yooog wosaan oooopiainsa 01 leeliog faint. Tbe doctor smiled sweetly opoo ber, look somelbtag ool of bis f set pocket and whispered to ber lo keep 'tbe tablet" ia ber month, but sol to swortowit. Hb shyly placed II 00 ber tongue snd Ml led it over and over, bat it would ool dteeolve; she fslt belter, however, bo when tbe enow wss om she slippsd tbe teblrt la ber glove, being eurton to examine el boose Ibis taet- leea, lediseolabls little suUtaooe which bad given ber sacs relief la tbe opera boo. Wbea aloes la bar room sbe Dolled off hr glove soJ oat tame a ballon. Geo. Miller, an old time Morrow county citizun. but lor tbe lsst ysar snd a balf a resident of Arlington, whrrs be is engaged in tbe mercantile business, came op Wedoeedsy svening. Geo. it jast as plsasant and jovial at ever and bid many friends io Heppner were grestly pleased to see bim. Gilliam oonoty politic are very quiet, to Geo. ssys. Not s ( ampalga Us Ly. It yon are osiug the common brands I of lye yoo are paying for t large peroent-1 age of common tall wttb wbteb it is I adulterated io many tnatsnoee to lbs ex tent of oos bslf. When yoo bay Red Seel LysorPotssb yoa gel so absolutely pore esustie, granulated like sugar and paoked in large aimwa tor cars, a-30 Might Hais Hess Worse. Peter burg met with quite aa aocidsot yesterdsy morning down on Main street. He was on bis wsy oat to tbe renob below town, SLd wet leading a frisky borse behind Ibe esrt Wbsn sboot apposite Mesdnwt k Haltea't black smith sbop, tbs aforesaid borse beesmt frightened sod pallsd back with soffi. tieol foroe to lorn Pstsr upside dowa and land bim forthwith in tbe mUs! of tbe street, bores, man tod tart being eonsldsrsbly mixed for a nomsol or two. No damage wss dooe In any wsy.l snd Mr. Borg. aftsr palling bimlf toktetber, moo oled bis seat on tbe carl aod preoeeded 00 bis way, retteeiiog tbe while, tbal it might have been worse. " 1 , 1 . 1 1 -i V mrnt personally or oy letter. Send for book, 5 - The riillnaophy of Slarrtace,' f tie. (A valuable book for men.) vimbt na. jnit nms ) Croat Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museumof its kind in the ' v-orld. Coma and learn how wonderfully you rre made; how to avoid sicknese and dibeue. V s are contimintlt addintr new specimens. . CV, 7'A LOO VS t'H KF. Callorwrllo. tOi ttirket Street, ten f rsneitro. CtH. QDIOS TI3VI33 I Franolsoo And all points In t'alifornia, vi the Mt. Bhast rout of th Southern Pacific Co n (treat highway through California to all point Kaat and Bonth. Urand Boenlo Konte of th Paoifio (teast. Pnllman Bnflet BlMpars, Baoond-claea Hleeper Attached to zprs( trains, attordina; anparlor locomsnodationa for Moond-ola paaseineer. For rat, tioket, (Imping car raMrraUona, to., call npon or arldreas a. KoKULKH. Manager. 0. H. MARKHAM. Qen. F. A P. Agt. Portland, Oregon raSEEID)Gcn grow paying crops baeaose they'rs fresb and alway the iet. foe sals svery wbare. Rfus substitutes. Stick to Ferry' Beads and prosper. 1KUS Koed Annual fr. Writ for it 0. St. FERRY 4 CO., DstroR. Mich. V"(Vr!rVrVWfV State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY WTATC SCHOOL (ASTERN ORIGON Located on Iba O. Tt. k N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla, btodtnts admitted al all timet of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal tod Instrumental Mosie tsogbt by eotnpetent instructors. A gradu al of tbe Bo too Conservatory baa eharge of Ibe Instrumental department. NeViVeVjAWiwtysiews 11 10 Xricllofw9 Bofirtllnir IltUl Is thoroagbly equipped and offers ex oellsnt aeoororoKlKna al ressoaablt rates. Hood for eaialogoe, Ae-lsss M. G. ROYAL, rVoeUeM ef Pnealty as P. A. WORTHING TON, Seeretarw Beern at Reenta, Weeten, Or. ereWsSr'VrfMMWjeVAtSrl warajV SV? Oregon City Faterprise: Mrs. John Her, of Hepposr, wbo bss been lbs toe I of Mr. A. H. ejprsgn. left for Forssl lOrove WltiJy whrrt she wilt visit ber brother, rib will return In a boo I two weeks sad remain here eooae tlms. Mrs Itsr was t siUr of Mrs. EnosCsbilt bo died fee -ntly al New Era. 1-aito iAi.itc NUltSElUES, n. M. WCBtR, fres. ntxfl IAI.LXS. wttjcw. tlraf and IVe et la f rwlt, tthed anej Orwamentnl Treee, Greta Vinea aes) Smalt frwlte. Our Tree urt (Jrown NVith tmt IrrigittUui. IHP rOrTCATALOOWt. A Bar TM few Tnev. A traneeutloa la wlm to yout aunnt IamIib SlilTl tiiln. IHliouanvaa, l k Iwenlat It, I'.p. rr. loiigiHi, ler, pi lee aud SUiOUMBtl oiler II a are caaamt by onaliuttua and aiutmiali liver Caoacvt t'aud 1 t alliarU.', Hi wtin I dor (ul Bew liver atiuiulant and in UK lual Link' r tiy all ilniiraisu gunmniexsl toceir or niotK-v ref un.l.-d. K. V, K are a sure thins. Try a bns tA-Uyi luc. r , sux bAU4i4aid uookMtt fr. bweeursigad. ... in M eaars. Detnmh and Ellis make the annouavsmeel tbat Malba aad a special. ly eeleet snmpaov frma tbe Dam mesa Elite orgsaiistion, will roakt a tnr of tbe rlfls sloap aad the aral North west.- Bkt lUpablioan. A TIStLT WAHHINU. Ural Haevd la Hewf ltd. To save the gr .In ass Fry's Oooosa- traled Mquirrel TiMSr a. This prspsra- lu a i the cb (! and most eouaom- teal (or tbe larwere. Oo grsia kill. Oaarealesd. Prtee V- ptt tea or IV50 per ease of te doeaa. Fur sale by HleouB Drag Cot UppBr, Ur. ti r.lsteel VeMS ttowet Vltth I'ssrarvta, a i ( ei turtle, cure eooetipermei tores, tue. ll a uciati. esmi rwuad . Me M. Lkbtsatkal A Co. tut ttHMe. a Arlisgtoa Rrvrd: J. P. Knha re laraed Haturdsy fross Portland aed tbe UotB Cesesry. Mr. Kaba foeod tbst tbsy bad tloaed 4oa at LtsUa aotd May, nibsrwiee be bop4 t eell taswa abont 100 bead of saisll borees. : OUEGONSilOHTLINKIiyJ qriCXEST AMD M(WT EIRICT UXB TO I UTAH, COLORADO, XE 11 !i ASK A, K ASS AS, MIS SOURI JtlVER ami all roinU EAS1 ami SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK. 41 dars CHICAGO, -ST.L0UI 3 -OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE, 1 J - Free Rsellalei Chair Cera Vf,bnUtei T Ofit rUeepleg Cart Pallasa Teleee ftieeptng Cars For fall perttealsrt regarding raise, limn el Irsias, et.t tall en er a4dree J. O IU11T, Ageat ttHl X, Co.. Ilerpner, Oreg.Ht. O. O. Tsaar, W. E. CV, Trav. Pss. Ag. (Ksl Agt 1.4 Tklrt m rottUad, Ota. wmu 11 Do You Want a Rig ? Dont You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All Uiam can b procured at Thompson k Hi una, Ixwrr Main Btrcet, llrppner, Urruon. Tt tvaUemea are well alnteat tk beaat, Marnef . fw. Ultltasa ajt4 etkar ewaatla I turn aa smcxy a4 time la sMtlug tsM smUsb alt, tratetlag asa. Prtne la keeping wlife Us tJasM. THOM PSON k ITISTNS, urxTusur. Mnmrxn, t, ': .."I That 14-Ycar Old Stuff, Kolin's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon e e e IT lea MAHtt oootsea e a a , Ksw fitaaJ, City Ut4 BeUdisf , IfOW XlXIatVlO, Prop.