Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 18, 1898, Image 3

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Fee, Hands and Arms Covered With
Scrofulous Humors How a Cure
Wss Effected.
"When five years old my little boy had
scrofula on his face, hands and arms. It
was worst on his chin, although the sores
on his cheeks and hands were very bad.
It appeared in the form of red pimples
Which Would tester, break open and run
and then scab over. After disappearing
they would break out again. They caused
intense itching and the little sufferer had
to be watched continually to keep him
from scratching the sores. We became
greatly alarmed at his condition. My
wife's mother had had scrofula and the
only medicine which' had helpd her was
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wo decided to give
it to our boy and we noted an improve
ment in his case very soon. After giving
him four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla
the humor had all been driven out of his
blood and it has never since returned."
William Baetz, 416 South Williams St.,
South Bend, Indiana.
You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all
druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's.
HnnH'a Dilfc oar.LW.rnis: easy to take,
11UUU O rlllS easy to operate. 2i ceutt.
The Gazette can offer the following
clubbing rates:
The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, $1.60 $8.00
" B. F. Examiner, 11.50 8.25
1 N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 .. 2.75
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50
" B. F. Chronicle, 11.50..... 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle and map $2 00. . . 8. 75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50c. a 00
, Leslie'! Weekly, $4.00 4.50
Rural Spirit, $2.00... 8.00
New York Wool Record, $i00 8.00
McCaU'i Magazine $1.00 1.80
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can
get clubbing rates wltn any paper on
18 op
Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Ep worth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
Praver meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m.
''The Spirit and the brido eay. Come."
The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad.
Joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any w"0 may di sire to consult niui on
religions, eotial, civic, philosophic educational,
or any other subjects.
S J. W. 4TLESnER. Minister.
preaching 11 a. m
m., class
Kpworth league, Frl-
sunnay, preaching 11 a. m., 7 p,
meeting loiiowing morning service.
Sunday school, 3 p. m,
day. 7 p. m.
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our
elves together."
Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to Mog
vuuruu, t. n. QUWAKIf,
' Pastor.
Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. K. L. Shelly.
The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock.
J Take Notice.
L The sum of five cents per line will be
Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect." Usta ol wedding presents and donors,
sad obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notloes of special meetliiirs (or whatever purioe.
4. Notice of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue Is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Ave
ceataaune. 1 Bene rules will oesiricuy aaner
d to In every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
Upon application.
Here and There.
Old Bung-
Get a bottle of good whiskey and a bottle of
good wiue,
And you can drink to your true love, and I will
think 00 mine.
New Bong-
Vi here shall we get the whiskey, where shall
' we get the wine?
We'll buy them fr.im Ush Sparry, whose goods
are extra nne
At the Bel voder Saloon, Heppner, Oregon.
Statements for the Famous Simple
Account Fils printed si the Osteite of-
"Oo'n juice" is all right but Low Til
lard baa a brand of 14-jrr-ol4 goods
thai la bard to beat. 603 -If.
. Aoy one desiring lo build either 1
bouse or barn will makt money by oall
log 00 lbs Osteite offloa. 67 if
Wanted. Men an J team lo plow by
lbs acre. AddI at ones to J. 0. Wil
sod, oa Jonloo Fork of Eight Mil. If
Asa B. Thompson cams Dp from bit
sbsep ranch yutitj. lis reports
Ttrjlblng ia Co ebsps to thai part of
lbs eonolry.
E. O. Nobis A Co. ' rustlers after
busioees. Tha floral sslJI-s aoj bar.
pees to ba found io Uploar. Ba their
w aJ lo IbM lee e. If.
C. . Matlock bs rslaroeJ frotnHksg.
way, Alaska, tod Is slopping lo Osppusr
for Has, lonkipg titer bis ailaaalra
intsrei ta this eoaolr .
Rev. W. D. Ilsff. D. D., of lbs Irt-
land Iloepiul, suited io Beppoer Ibis
tnornlo eed will preseb at UiO M. E.
eboreb, botb morn i of sed svfoio.
Albeit Ht so too, sot of E. B. Maotoa,
of Eight Mils, errhed bono yesterday
aaorala from For eat tirots wbsro be
has been otieodiof kdooI Ibis wlotsr.
A mo.tfal. all be sites al lbs opera
kooaw Wodoevdsy eeeaiaf, M mob 231,
o4rlbaospico( too U. E. sbarob
Huatb. Frg ram will appear latsf.
The Qaa.li s err tea a foil slock of
Kioraloa Ooia, OarreepoodsiiM
Kb acT.lop- lo cnslrb. Ttw dealriiif
Mb Ullory aaa baa their ata
MppltH at Ibis tifflfa, tf
Hoy4f IWoe, bs nor.lel Willi
lltewMt lo lb litery traelnee. ottt
door l lb 0ttle offlaa, and will da a
(eoeeol liwry asd fo4 boatoeew. Ibf,
0441 boeae and stall rooBB al fart
sblrel. Hf.
a . rk, Utorsbly el'o4 a s
eetdulto tU rptbliso Xu-kH f.w
irr-TT-T. WM M H'tVf yesterday.
Die oaoaooosojeol ur' aWaara lo
tba oolew).
H. Isaacs, commeroial traveler,
from Portland to day.
Brnc Haines was a delegate to
convention yesterday.
Eli as and Robert Friend were in from
Sooial Ridge yesterday.
J. O. Williams was in from bis Spring
Hollow ranch yesterday.
H. E." Warren and Wngbt Sai'iog
were io from Eight Mile to-day.
R. W. TorDer and J. L. Edwards, of
Hand Hollow, were in yesterday.
Ed Tibbetts wss np from Inxiogton
yesterday attending the populist con
vention. J. P. HaydeD, the mailing representa
tive of Lang & (Jo., of Portland, is io
Heppner today. '
Yesterday was St. Patrok's Day and
green ribbons were very much in evi
dence on onr streets.
E. L. Freeland is able to attend to
boBiuess again after a two week's
tussle with rheumatism.
J. Oline, a first olaes .blacksmith and
woodworker, has aooepted a position in
the shop of W, P. Sorivner.
Phil Oobn is paying tbe highest price
for sheep pelts; beef hides green or dry,
faro, etc Don't forget Phil. 5tt.
J. A. Woolery is np from lone to day.
He is a delegate lo the democratic oonn
ty covention which meets tomorrow.
f rank Hngeiman and Mr. smith were
np from lone on their wheels today
Frank reports his wife on the siok lie.
W. A. Campbell, representing tbe
Penn Mutual Life Association, is work'
mg the town in tbe interest of bis com
The funeral of John S. lngrshhm
ooourred from the M. E cbnrob yesler
day, the remains being intered in tho
Heppner oemetery.
The wheat market remains unchanged
at present, the highest prise being off
ered at Heppner is 62 cents, and little
wheat seems to be moving.
Tbe Heppner train crew rcoeived
orders last tiigbtjodistribute 16 carloads
of ties on the branob today. This is a
muou needed improvement.
Ed Minor and wife, of Bumbolt oonn
ty, Calif., are here visiting Mr. Minor's
uncle, Mr. E. Minor, and other relatives,
sod will remain for two weeks.
F. M. Courter and wife were io from
Eight Mile today . Mr. Charter reports
the eold nights rather bad for tbe grow-
crops, but prospects are still good.
Wanted Milk cows for summer range.
Will be kept endeared for in good shape
or privilege of milking. Good pasture
tarnished for calves. Apply at Gazette
office. tf
The wool market in tbe east appears
to be weakening some in oonsrqneude of
the war talk, bat prospects generally
point to good price being paid for onr
clips this spring.
Mrs. O. A, Rhea returned from Port
land yesterday morning. She left her
daagbther, Mrs. Ada Curtis, in tbe hos
pital down there and reports her on tbe
rapid road to recovery.
Come lo tbe Oezette office and get a
decent lot of envelops printed.
Government envelops look obeap, and
besides you cannot gel your busioees
card printed tbereon. tt
John H. Iograham, son of J. S. Ingra
bam, oams over from Ml. Vernon, Wash i
to attend Ibe funeral of bis father. Jobo
bas been attending sc'jool over there and
will return next week.
I Inter Get try wss io today to make
final proof oo bis land. He intends to
start Saturday for tbe Palooss country,
where be goes to seek work for himself
and teams through ths plowing season
Married, at lbs Palace Hotel parlor,
yesterday afternoon , Miss Lena E. Beely
lo Oscar F. Neil, Jostice W. A. Rich
ardsoo iTioiatlng. Tbe Out tt wishes
lh bappy couple a pleasant voyage
tbroagb lif. .
John M. Ppeooer is over from Ass
Thompson' Batter oreek raooh for ofew
dsrs resl sod recuperation. H expects
lo go lo Wyoming early io lb eommer
with o band of sheep anj may decide
loeale io that country.
Larubtog Is beginning in earnest
among the Morrow ounty Hooks, and
(.reparations lur shearing are
Dalog pushed lo enme localities. Tbe
scasoo promises to be very propitious
for Ibe enterprises.
Mise Mary Barker, oee of tb teachers
io tb Heppner sobout, was called borne
oo Monday by lh illoase of ber father.
John Barker, of Eobo. Mrs. Meade
rJbtpley is teaching Miss Barker's room
darlog Ibe letter's absence.
Dr. Msrgorlt Oarosey rlornd from
abort vieit lo Portlaod tbie moroiog.
8b bs decided lo re main ia Bppor
for oa ttm sod Ibis deowio o br
pert will oo doubt prove good osws lo ber
meey palieot and friend ber,
Tb OatU will elob witb lb Oregon
Meoator, lb great fbtbiao paper of Ore
goo, Waabiogtoo Oatl Idrbo, published
at Portlaod, for 12.70 for lb two. Tbe
Htiatof la oil rigbl No Koigbl of
Pylbiae sboold be wilhonl IV If.
From reeent letter from Hkagway
we Uro thai Che. Bordrsy o4 Mil
lard Frab or doing fairly well lo thai
eoootry, imf Cuba be o(4 ble gro-
ry el f kagway asd f"M loto lb
Vn boslore et Mbp Caoip.
I'rMO Tbompsto is lo from bis reach
lor a tw dais ead toed tbe UsmII o
very iylaaol call yesUrday. Mr
TlswsSMoa has bi qui eirk fur tbe
tt osueib, bat bop-e lo rspldly la-
pro ts as tb wares atbar eatseo oo.
Mohammedan, Braamln aa4 Buddhist
Deny the Hollne of Christ.
There are millions upon millions of
people in the world who -will not cele
brate Christmas, and there are other
millions to whom Christmas is objec
tionable, says the New York Herald.
Take the followers of Mohammed,
for instance. They are divided into
40 or SO different Beets, among which
are the Nousay-rie-yeh. There ' are
about 50,000 of them, and they believe
in transmigration of the soul. They
believe that me a' a souls pass after
death into the bodies of animals. For
them the story of the birth and life
of Christ has no charms.
Then, there art the Druses, who pro
fess to have knowledge' that God has
visited the world 434 titaes, but they
do not believe in Christ, For them
Christmas has no Big-Hi fioance.
It is equally disregarded by Bud
dhists, Japanese, Chinese, Brahmins
and Mohammedans. "There is no God
but Allah," says the Mohammedans,
"and Mohammed is His prophet." Mo
hammed's fololwers also have curious
notions in regard to tlie fate of the un
believers' children. Some believe that
these children act as the servants of
the faithful in Paradise, and Moham
med is recorded as saying on one oc
casion to his wife:
"If tluou desirest I can make thee
hear flheir cries in hades."
... Other Mohammedan authorities,
however, dissent from this view, and
one of them boldly says: "I know that
Allah will not torment those who have
not committed any sin."
Ladies, -take the beet, If yon are
troubled witb constipation, sallow skin,
and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover
Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by
Conser & Brook. y
Devices That While Mot Open
Are Quite as Bad.
There are more simple ways than one
to win at a game of poker, without
openly cheating, as is evidenced by a
couple of young men who belonged to
n poker club recently broken up and
who played the game to win. They had
various schemes, the first bemir as fol- oonnty was
lows: They would go into a game with 26, 1S98, at
plenty of money, begged or borrowed
if necessary; they would play in every
good-sized stake and let the small ones
alone; they would begin to bet, each
raising tbe other and their companions
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of the "Red-,
light," ever on tbe alert for something
new, oan furnish you ths flues! cock
tails in the land Manhatten, Jersey,
Yermonth or Gin made by an artist in
the business. Drop in and take the
taste oat of yoar mouth. tt
Frank MoFarland baa been appointed
special agent of Tbe Eqnitable Life As
suranee Co., of New York, tbe strongest
in tbe world. Cash surplus to policy
h-ilders of over 60 mil Hoc dollars. Don't
lake insurance without seeing tbe new
plans of the Eqnitable. Insures botb
sexes at same rates. 77)f
i in i
. In persnanoe to o resolution of the
Democratic Cnnty Central committee
beU in Heppner tbe 6th day of March,
1898, Wednesday tbe 16th day of Marcb,
1898, at the bonr of 2 o'clook p. m was
designated as tbe time for holding the
democratic primaries and Ibe following
Saturday, tbe 19th day of March, for the
oonvention, which oonvention will meet
at tbe ooo rt boose in Heppner at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day. . Representa
tion of each voting preomot will be as
follows: D.nry, 2; Matteson, 2; Dry
Fork, 2 ; Lexington, 2 ; Gentry, 3; Lena
3; Wells Springs, 2; Mt. Vernon, 4;
Alpine, 2; Pine City, 2; lone, 8; Hepp.
ner, 7: Cecil 2; Eight Mile, 2.
Reepeotfnlly submitted,
J. W. Mob bow, Chairman.
If Yotf Don't Believe It Lis tea to
Han's' Remark. .
"Few Americans appreciate the vast
extent of our national domain' said
Col. Charles C. Moffert, of Denver to
the Buffalo Courier. "I firmly believe
that some day in the near future we'll
haveair lines of transportation between
all points either up in the air or oth
erwise. I'm bound for New York, and
I'd save 12 hours' travel if I could travel
in a straight line from Denver to New
York. For instance, the air line be
tween Chicago and New York is 700
miles; by rail it is 961 miles. From Buf
falo to New York it is 295 miles in an air
line, 422 miles by rail. Why, our coun
try is so great that the public lands
here exceed in the number .of square
miles the whole of Russia in Europe.
The state of Texas is much larger than
Austria, Germany or France; New Mex
ico is larger than England, Ireland,
Scotland and Wales combined; Mon
tana is larger than Norway; Missouri
is larger than Turkey in Europe, Ken
tucky is larger than Porttigal.Wect Vir
ginia is larger than Greece, Arizona is
as large as Italy, Indiana is twice &
large as Switzerland, and Wyoming and
Oregon are as large as Spain. In th'i
event of a successful war of conquest
with Great Britain, or by annexation.
if the United States should become pos
sessed of Canada, it would add 3,204,31)
square miles of territory to the great
republic, and our total area would
then be 6,807,371 square miles. We
would still be one-third smaller than
the Russian empire, and one-third
larger than the Chinese empire."
or Men and Boys
Ilepnblleau County Couventlos.
In pursuance io a resolution of 11)6
Republioan Oonnty Central Committee,
held in Heppner on Maroh 9, 1898, tbe
date of holding tbe primaries in said
set for Saturday, Maroh
10 o'olook a. m., and tbe
ooupty convention for Saturday, April
2, 1898, at 2 o'olock p. m.,. said oonnty
oonvention to be held at ths court bouse
in Heppner, Oregon, for the purpose of
at the table, irrespective of the size of electing four delegates to the oongres
hands: whether the others held enor- elooal and four to tne stare oonven-
iiious hands or not they were bound
to go out in time, and then the partners
would divide the spoils, in this way
managing to turn many an honest or
dishonest penny, as the opinion may
be. The second game was not so fair.
says the Syracuse Post. The two con
spirators sat next to one another.
They would look into one another's
hand, and the lowest man would drop
out at the appropriate time. Then
he would take every occasion to look
into the other s hands. If thev were Matteson, a.
higher than his companion's he would
nudge the companion and the latter
would drop out; otherwise he would re
main with the certainty of winning
the money. The two rogues had nu
merousotherwaysof beating the game,
but these were the plain, unvarnished
foundations for many a case of high
way robbery on their part.
Aa Actual Case of a Mao Who Becaa
Laughing from His Toe Upward.
Do you laugh? Then you have been
nttacked by a disease, for laughter is a
disease. Thui has been proven bv nu
merous cases which have come under
the notice of eminent neurologiHt,
fhey have declared even moderate
laughter a symptom of nervous hys
People have died of laughter. From
Austria eomee a curious account of a
man sullering from a nervous disease
that manifested itself in paroxysms of
laughter. The patient wa 30 years of
nge and hnd been subject for three yearn
to fits of laughter, which occurred at
lirst every two or three months, grad
ually increasing in frequency to a dozen
or more a day. The attacks occurred
especially between nine o'clock in the
evening and 0:30 o'clock in Uie morning.
and in greatest frequency between five
and C:30 o clock. In the intervale be-
tvtM-n Uie attacks, and immediately be
fore and afterward, the man wan per
fectly well. The attacks commenced
from a tickling sensation arising from
the toe of the left foot. The pat'ent
would fall to the ground, where, he could
lie down. At the height of the attack
the patient first amiled and then
laughed aloud without any apparent
caiute for the exervwlve merriment. The
entire act occupied about two minutes.
lions, and also for tbe nomination of
a county ticket. Basis of represen
tatioo will be one at Urge. for eaota pre
cinct and one for every fifteen votes oast
for Robt S, Bean. or. fraction over half
The oonvention will consist of 48
delegates, apportioned as follows: Gen
try, 4; Ml. Vernon, 6; Heppner, 8: Wells
Springs. 1; Alpine, 2; lone, 3; Cecil, 2;
Dairy, 5; Ury Fork, 3; Lexington, 3;
Lena, 3; Eight Mite. 3, Fine City, 2
J. M.flAGBR,
-, ; Chairman.
the Baby
Cry Just
A nurse at Broomhill complains that
she hits a difficulty with a parrot, says
the Weekly Telegraph. Polly's cage is
in the nursery and she has learned to
imitate baby's voice when crying with
wonderful accuracy. One ofternoon
recently the baby's mother came run
ning into the nursery because she
heard the wailing cry, not of one, but
of two babies. Baby was crying as
thouirh his heart would break, hu
Polly, on her perch in the cage, was sob
bing a doleful accompaniment, while
litirse alternately soothed the one and
scolded the other.
"It's that dratted parrot, ma'am,"
nhe said. "She's that aggravatin'.
Just because I won't give her a lump
cf sugar she starts crying like a child
and that sets baby off, so that they
fuir worrit my life out between them."
"Give me the child," said the mistress,
scarce able to repreas a smile at nurse's
distress, and as she went along the
1 ,1 . . ...... .
"Oh. you are an aggravatin' insect if TUP ART HF RRRWINft
there ever was. Give over crying, can't II 1 Li I 111 1 VI UlxlDll II
you?" And in reply Polly sobbed loud
er than ever, so that the cage was
uhnVpn with f lip vinlpncp nf hrw
We have an immense line of ready
made clothing in the latest
Spring Styles.
The only Really Well Assorted and
Up-to-Date Stock of Clothing
in Heppner.
There's big and little suits for old and young;
There's short and stout suits and slim and long.
Don't be persuaded into buying your Spring
suit until you have looked our goods and prices
over. You'll be repaid. They are new goods
received two months earlier this spring than
ever before.
Our Prices ?make Competition
Green With Envy.
For instance, there's a $10 Suit of Oregon
Wool, for men, made by Salem Woolen Mills,
guaranteed all wool. Can't be duplicated in
town. Then that $1.00 Suit, of two pieces, for
boys. Considering the price they are elegant
A person would naturally think that we sold
these goods for less than cost. We don't. We
make a little profit on all these goods not
very much but some. We do business In just
BELLING. First, we buy right, then sell close
and quick.
Be Sure and See Our
G. Noble &
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Are in this field at. the old stand with Harness, Saddles, Whips, Bpurs, and an endless
lof of everything In .their line, E. a. Noble and Mrs. Geo, Nobis comprise ths
new Arm who will pay bills of the old firm as well as collect what is due.
1$. 0.1VOBII3 & CO.
Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't
overlook this. Repair work a specialty.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
Jnd now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
As the Star Brewery beer
0 .
Ondraught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Queensware At
Gilliam & Bisbees
And by the way thsy havtsnythlui yu ran call for In th Una o(
Hardware, ttlovc and Tlnwar.
Th Dmms I'udoaa.
There wa once deacon on Cape Cod
who lu aid early one morning that
there hnd lcrn a wreck on the beaeh
near hia l.ouw. lie hurried down with
a couple of pillow-caara; filled one with
sugar, hid tt under the bank and went
on to look for more erocerica. While
he was (roue a neighbor came alonir on
the aii me errand, caught aigh of the
pillow caae, emptied it into hi own Lag
and refilled it with sand. Ily and by the
deacon returned rmpty-handrd, and
carried off hia pillow-caee without no
ticing the change. In fart, be fllb-d hi
auger bowl and tried to sweeten bia cof
fee before be found out how Imdly lie
hid her-n treated. Then be waa o In
dignant that he confessed afterward:
"I waa almoat wicked enough to wish
there might never b another wreck on
tliia here count again.
A family ranoioa waa ao loyal at tha
reeldoeea of Oraodma 81'ieom oa Friday
lat la booor of tha 75th birthday of
lira. II. Uallock. Mr. RloflanVa il'ter
Nearly all tha Bambara of tha 141 lory
family beaiJea a aoroW of other rela
tive) war pteeot, and Iba dy waa mol
joy ably peat.
Tor Infants and Children.
Ttia Kind Yob Hara Always Bought
Bear tha
Signature of
Beat aooommodatlon and eonrteon
treatment al tha Imperial Hotel, Beventb
and Wash. HI., l'orlland. Oregon.
ITZZI-" U-O the most work l
N m -l tm 1 1 Qir inuncy
Your Money
aaved if )qu I ke Schilling t
Bat haki: g )wJcr it dc
rork lo ihc cent.
I.itk if you
Ha lM Ta Tb CMaaeeltf.
Mr. Wvlebarger, tba tailor, aad bia
if polUd oat for Portland laat Toaa-
day Blfbl. wjr tbay will kaU.' Had
Waiabargtr advartiaed bia buaiaaaa, aad
Dot bava (asd tba tow ta maeb, be
doeMIi woold bava dona batter beta.
Batter to elaey apak well of Iba Iowa
la wbkb ;oa a lud, Utppotr
To ar right, brotbar, aad t aadorae
rear aUoei aipead above.
Wbeaeeer aa dira ta a li
lag la a aomcaaaity ba aboald al UmmI
bar rwapacl aaoagb for lb Iowa aad
Ita p"pl ta al ba a4rlly and eve
latiely ta klag agaiaat Iba plao and
iba p-pU living la tt, Tba t-a i
batter off bo aanb pil tk a
tanbla aad ! out. Mr d '! d
Cufort la Trvrllsf
Feranoally onodooted ton rit eieor-
(ioo ara do tha fad. Tba ' particu
larly adapted for ladiea traveling alone,
or witb children, for do change of rare la
neoeesary between Iba Paotflo and At
laolio. Fortbermore, aaob ear ia io
eh ara; of a apeelal eondnotor, WDoaa
sola dotie ara to look after tba welfare
and oomfort of bia paaDgra. Tba rart
ara operated by tba Pullman Palaoa Car
eompaoy, tboa aann to pMngta
all tba oomfnrta af mod era day travel al
let than ball tba ooal Pnllmaa ratea.
Tta leorsino rtin via "Tba Ciral
Halt Lake roola," and Uava Portland
via Iba 0. R. k N. al 8 p. m. U Dday,
Taeaday, WrdnMday and Tharaday of
aob week. Tba car leaving Monday
rant Ibroagh without ebseg to Kat
City and Uhirago, via tba MtMoari
PeoifJa and Chicago A Alton aaat of
Poeolo ; tba ear leaving Tneaday ran
tbroagb to B!oa, via tha Itork Ulaad,
LakaHbora Micbigaa Halbra, New
York Central and Boeioo A Albany, and
lh ear laaviog Wdeady through to
Kaosaa City aad fit. L.ni, via Iba Bar
Hoi toa al of Invr. Tb ear learlog
Tboreday rant tbroagb lo fit. Loal, via
M iMouri paeiSe ast of Poehlo.
For rataa, psmphleU aad leforeaation
addrewa J . I). Msif!!d.
Oeo l Agi, Bio Grand lra Kf
Portlead, Oragot).
II yoar cn la la l of a leal rlaea
nbaiel chart Ihi .ffa ha oa at
Um than ball Dtlr. Ct I'm; will
al ff fUfMb. Ca'l at ihw offlaa
SI If.
ftrittg ) our bide. H aad far lo
fl Ht'h'9, at lb UUny Ml
M'hl . U p bi)et kl
Gibson 8c Berger,
At Cha Jones' Old Hland.
Rhavintr. - 16 Ct.
HairOuttinir. ISO "
I5ath2"c. K very thing Strict
ly rirnt ClaHH.
The Palace
...lias been leased by...
Who has secured tb service of
As manager. It will he run in firHt class nhapo
in every department. Hates reasonable
fortntrly of r mile too
Tonsorial Artist,
J. O. BOHOriKHS, Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors .ind Cigars
The Best Bargains-
Hair Cutting,
Htirip, Msllurk Cli,
18 Canta
28 "
Heinr, Orejwn.
Mathews &t Gentry,
But ar Urn of grsalect vahi In ampnHlna In enst. If roil ul to get your
idIij .jrlh i buimt (owta In
Groceries. Hardware, Tinware,
""'"al SI r-nla
vvv I . I ..
Mh ta. ii'rs auth of fmtofBi.
General Collector
fill tit old tanks soil SKiU In his
hsnil M let fwit suni.f mil
liiem Mss a (- lour 4 kr4
Ofllca ia 3, N. Urown'a IioilJinff.
W rs Inrraulli our ttnrk li 111 n1 winter, fall sil'l e us.
Ellis &c Phelps.
All nMinM tlati44 ta la arnmirt ttA
Skiidw sjwntMr. Iiaurta fuiiii a4
Otfk la Matter alMlaa. Hvbmm, Or.
Frank Enaelman
or Ioni,
nt hit tkM aofHl hmiohoM
smi. ni sill Uinrnni hlr ri m
U,iintf lut lh M m. II. U tit,,
iha pmhI acent lf lh suu at
brei'ia. Termor lot Ml..
at IsraU, Maaiitvt.m.
oc-Cakc Soap
Has No Equal
I'riofii Itfatonahle.
cor r
palaot, it matt BrccaMftty
dilTerant fmra all o(Lr
OoUitit oo atarcb, frta alkali
Pt ertk1t fiS'leg.
Tkr a aartaiaf Mi taja ! ' f "r 4 r-i a p4 aa It y t a
Sw4 Mi H s Isif iwrtiiM II,
014 tiaa), Mata ttraat flaaaieiafl