The Gazette. Friday, March 18, 1898. Candidates' Announcements I hereby announce to the public of Morrow county, that I will be a candidate before the next republican county convention for nomi nation to the office of county assessor. Bespectfully, W. B. MCAMSTKK. Lexington, Or., March 7, '98. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county assessor, tubjeot to the will of the republican county convention. A. C, Petteys. I hereby announce to my frlendi and the public of Morrow county that I will be a can didate before the republican county conven tion for the nomination to the olliee of assessor ol Morrow county. C. N. Feck, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Hupt of Schools, subject to the will of the Republican county convention. Having striven to do my whole duty for two years, i trust mat me people win approve my efforts. J, W. Bhipley. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for ine omce oi uonnty Nuperuitenuent oi scnoois, subject to the decision of the Republican con vention of Morrow county. A. Hudson. In response to the earnest solicitation of num erous friends, I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of County Clerk of Morrow county, subject to the will of the Republican county convention. vawteb urawfokd. The "fuse" did not "pop" very stroDg yesterday. Morrow county populists are waking up to the fact that they have a good many middle-of-the- roaders iu their ranks. The first copy of the Drain Press, a bright, newsy weekly, was received this morning. It is edited by Edwin Rhodes and is, to quote its editor, "republican from the ground up." We wish it success. opinion that those who favor fusion are doing it more for the sake of spoils of office than from princi ple, for in order to effect fusion some one will simply have to sac rifice principles that they have strongly advocated the past four years. Can the people be fooled by this method ? We are inclined to believe they will see through it, and we again say that perfect fu sion in Morrow county cannot be effected. COB Rt OF INQUIRY WILL BEPOBT. Will Beach Wsahtagtoa Today or Tomorrow Bpalo't Attitude. Washington, Marob 17. A report, par tial or complete, of the findings of the oonrt of inquiry, whioh ha been investi gating tbe cause of the destruction of the battleship Main in Havana barbor, it expeoted at Washington tomorrow oi Saturday. 'The president suspects that tbe document may be even now oo its way to Washington, in obarge of a naval officer. ' The populists failed to fuse in Jackson county. The middle read ers had a majority iu the conven tion and would not yield on the question of fusion. As a conse quence the fusionists walked out and held a couvention of their own. It is said that the confusion, noise and hubab raised has prob ably never been equaled in a county convention held in Oregon. The populist state convention will have two sets of delegates from Jackpon county to contend with There will be a hot time in the fusion ranks one of these days, we opine. A Difference of Opinion. Madrid, Maroh 17. The following semi-official note wae issued today: "Tbe report of tbe Spanish commis sion on tbe Maine bas not yet been made, but tbe statement of several tech nical officers, who have made a close ex amination of the eoene, shows it to be indisputably due to an internal accident. 10NE ITEMS. Saturday, March 26, is the day set for holding the republican pri maries. There, should be a good turnout of the republicans in each precinct and the very best repre sentative men chosen to the county convention. Don't forget the date. If the farmers of Nebraska con tinue their reduction of mortgages at the rate which they progressed in 1897, there will be nothing left for Bryan and his associates to use as a foundation for their silver theory by 1900. The mortgages released in that state in 1897 amounted to $14,767,000. The fusionists of Umatilla coun ty are working bard to effect an alliance, but the scheme appears to be meeting with serious opposi tion and will certainly fall far short of being unanimous. Bo goes pretty much all over the state. Reform (?) seems to have a pretty hard road to travel. Tom Woolery made a flying trip to Heppner yesterday. Joseph Mason and daughter, of Bbea oreek, were in town today, The Bebeokah lodge held sooial banquet at their hall last night. Tbe wearing of the green, all tbe men and the boys too, are Irish today. Joseph Bnrgoyne, the flouring mill man, of Lexiogton, was in town today oo business. A. H. Weatherford, of Douglass, was in town today. He will atteud the dem ocratio oonnty convention. Gold, windy weather is still on, but the farmers are speeding tbe plows Summer fallowmg is quite under way Wm Haguewood, while striking a hot iron, knooked off a piece whiob struck bira in tbe eye and may oanse him use the sight of the injured member. Sunday, at nooo, Clyde Sperry and Miss Bogie Weatherford were married at tbe home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Sperry, of this place. Only tbe relatives and a few invited friends were present. Tbe oeremony was performed by Judge O. B. Sperry. After the ceremony was over all were invited to a sumptuous dinner wblob was prepared for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Hperry will make their home in lone. The democrats belJ their piimary yesterday and J. A Wootery, O B. Sper ry and N. J . Ual wer chosen delegates to attend the county convention whiob ill meet at Ui'ppner the l!):h. HriiNoiiniKii. lone, Oiegcn, March 17, 'SW. It is a curious fact that while farm products have been advanc ing, prices of articles which farm irs must buy have ia most cases docrcaapd. Latent reports from New Yotk markets show a marked reduction in price of cotton goods hoes, artiolcs of iron, stool, coffee and many other articles of daily consumption, while in practically everything which the (aimer pro duces them has been a marked in crease. av WILLIAM AlCllINLEi lint Com plelod his first year in oflic. II has executed his trust aa a nation'i cinei exocuure witu conspicuous ability, aod has tba moral support of the great mass of patriotic American citizens, without regard to party. Under Lis administra tion, the country Las enjoyed its most )rotxrous year since lS'.ri, and entors Uxn the second with every prospoot of an iucrease in pros iwrity in all the great hues o human industry. as Ir tbn republicans of Morrow county, who are twkioR office, wil lot the eonvftition artllo the tjuei tion without a fight that will leave MltororM tctwfHa tli anpiranta, they will be doing their party th crottoat txiaaililrt m'rtioo. It Lava a robvtutioo that is n l acked in the iDtorot of any -et n or!tNraona 1a our donate go to tba coDTrnthn nntledgr and wo gtmaDtre that they will put np a ticket that will I ta factory to every republican and one that can U elected. Irt ut try it Mir for lack. to , A BELLE AT EIGHTY. Had m Lovely Keck and Arms and Wore Deeolietta Gowns. Some years ago there v. as an old lady in one of the southern capitals who not only wore decollete ball dresses at 80, but actually possessed the lovely neck and arms which they require, says the New York Ledger. She was mott in nocently vain; and no wonder, for she was immensely flattered and her towns people valued her charms far above those of her young and more beautiful rivals. She had a curious way of pre paring for a ball, which our modern fashionable women, with their multi tudinous engagements would find dif ficult to emulate The morning before she proposed appearing in full regalia I she would take a brisk walk and re turn in time for a midday dinner, after which she remained quiet with her work until about three or four o'clock, when she would retire to her bed, take a verv hot Dtisan toinduce perspiration, American assertions to tbe oontrary are and remain in bed (partaking of some therefore deplored in official quarters, as light refreshment at the tea hour) until tendinato mislead nnhlin nrtininn and it was time to dress for her ball. Then I Last Week O- We simply knocked our competitors silly with our display of Boysp Yduths' Clothing render. the situation more difficult from tbe standpoint of maintaining friendly relations between tbe two countries. "It may be regarded as certain that should tbe American technical commis sion reoort declaring that the disaster was due to an external explosion, the public here will refuse to accept such a finding," and a demand for indemnity based thereon will be indignantly re pelled by Spain." OREDKED TO HAMPTON ROADB. Battleships MaMchnsetts and Texas to Leave Ki y West. Washington, Marob 17. Tbe Texas and Massachusetts, battleships now with Sicard's squadron, have been ordered to proceed at once from Key West to Hampton Roads, where they will join tbe cruisers Minneapolis, Brooklyn and Columbia and other vessels yet to be se lected, forming the new naval division. she would get up, take a bath and make the most elaborate toilet. All the house hold Regarded these preparations in the light of solemn rites, and would never have dreamed of laughing at them 6r interfering with thein in any way. Her ippearance was a triumph, never fail ing to excite the greatest admiration and adulation. Best to take after dinner; prevent distress, aid diges tion, cure constipation. Purely vegetable; do not gripe or cause pain. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. Prepared only by C. 1. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass, the finest ever shown in this city. Our prices are as low as the lowest, if not a little lower. o o o o i o o This Week... We ask you to examine Our display of ...HATS! ' Being complete and up-to-date, in all the latest blocks and styles, in Mens' Youths' and Boys' hats. Prices guaranteed to be as low as tbe lowest. 1 . . Watch this Space. Something New will Appear Each Week. Our show window will contain a different line ef goods each week or ten days, and our advertisement will call attention to each line we put forward. Space does not permit us to mention all our extensive lines at one time. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass witb rine and let it stand twenty -fonr hours; a sediment or settling indioates an nn- Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaQbandr, Oregon, March 10. 1898. XTQTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 following-named settler has filed notice ol . . . .. , , . urine and let it stand twenty -fonr hours; his claim, and that said proof will be made be- ..iu..! . .i;nn i.i;.i. ... lore J. W. Morrow County clerk. Morrow The reason for this' nhanoe of nrr,am . . , ... . .:; ? Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April r- - neanoy oonamon ot ine Kianeys. wnen . iys. viz: is not known, but apparently disposes of Iirine, iinfin it .;.,. , kifl. WILLIAM H. CLARK. the present talk about tbe flying squad ron. Pre-Emption D 8 10540. for the Vt NW, 8EW NWand NWt 8W!; See 15, Tp 4 8. R 29, W M. He names tne following witnesses to prove San Francisco Passes Deal. Deal, England, Marob 17. The crnaier Sea Francisco has passed this plaoe en her way to tbe River Thames. of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to nri p.... ,u ,u. ., his continuous residence upon and cultivation inff proof that the kidneys and bludder of mid land, viz: Andy J. Cook, Hezeklah of uurdane, Oregon, and Abraham B. Chapman, oi Vinson, uregon. H. W. BARTLKTT. 30-41 Register are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tbe great kidney remedy Cure that congb witb Shilob's Cure, folnls every wish in relieving pain in the Tbe best onugb on re. Relieves oroup baok, kidneys, liver, bladder aod every promptly. One million bottles sold last part of the urinary passages. It oor year. 40 doses for 25cts. Sold by Con- reota inability' to bold urine and scald ser & Brock. y iog pain in passing it, or bud effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overoomei that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get op many times Tbe Popnllsts Ueet, Elect State Delegates during the night to urinate. Tbe mild and Adjonra Cntil April 9th. aDd tbe extraordinary effect of Swamp Tbe populist party of Morrow county root is Soon realized. It stands tbe beld their oounty oonvention at tbe ligbest for its wonderful ouree of tbe court bouse yesterday, with O. M. Long most distressing oases. If yon need a as chairman and O. E. Jones, secretary, medicine yon should bave tbe best. Sold E B. Stanton, T.King and Bob Dexter by druggists, ;price fifty oents and one were appoioted tbe committee on ore. dollar. You may bave a sample bottle dentials, who repotted the fallowing and pamphlet both sent free by mail delegates entitled to seats in tbe oon- NOTICE OF INTENTION. POPULIST CONVENTION. Land Office at La Gbandb, Orkoon, March 7. 18!. OTICE IrJ HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followliiK-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final Droof In support oi tils claim, and mat said prooi win oemaae before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Ore gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 23, 1898, viz: JOHN T. GALLOWAY, Hd E No 5353 for the BE of Sec 5 Tp 2 S R 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A.J. 8tamp. M. J. Devin, W. O. McCarty and Foster Adams, all of Heppner, uregon. A. W. IJARTLBiTT, 29-40 Register. Will Visit Hrppner. Dr. 3. Jennings, proprietor of the Newport deutal purlors, of Newport, Oregon, aodompameil by one or more of bis speoial anaistnnU, will be at the Flotal Urppner, Friday, Ms rob 2Alh, and will remain oue week, Tbs doctor carries the very best crsilt'iitials, ia a gradual dentist, and is prepared to d all th latest styles of detitnl work. He is a speoiahst in or wo and briilg work and fin gold filling. This will be an op portunity to get tbs very fined denlel work at mnderal prices. Prlegates Klretrd. Tb following de'rgate wer elected Wednesday at th democratic primaries: Ml Vcroon: Tbo. Morgan, I. N. Ilouhes, H. J. Letter, II. 0. M)rs; Gentry: Tho. Quaid, J. J. Roberta, Frank Gentry; Heppner: 0. W. Sggart, J as. Hrown, Ja. Neville, H P. Flor no; J. W. Has ans, I. I). MoSwonli; Inn: J. A. Wool erv.Cbs. Hperry and Nal Ual. There' mnr clothing Jeslrnjed by poof oap than by aolosl wear. ''Ho Oak soap rout tin bo fr alkali and will not injur tb Ones! lo. Try it and Dotle lb difTareoe in quality. UI.eaACU a; A lady on time saw a uioqm And orral ah ml wllb fright; Tb uoua saw tb UJy fair AdJ amprJ oat of sight. T)I poallst count cuDyrotinu net jcaUrJajr aoJ after aaiog tb usual K rrwolo tiotia, at) 1 fliHling tlolegati to tb tat) fti&vr-blioa, svtjoaror4 to tort A r it Ptb. Vtom tl iixnkLm tt)J) oo tba fjui'stiou of fusion it vention: . . . Dsiry preolnot, J. P. Hsdley, also O. M. Uogue' proxy, T. J. Merrill, alto G. W. Chapiu's proxy. Matteson preciuot, Wm. Orabtree and Wm. Gilliam. Eight Mile preciuot, 0. E. Jones, E. B. Stanton, Bruoe Haines, E. 0. Aeb. bangh and J, L. Swift. lone preoluot, Ed Tibbetts. Fin City preciuot, 0. M. Icing. D'T Fork preoioot, L. 8. Niobolsoo. Ueppner preoinct, Riht Dexter, J. E. Friend, W. E. Walbridge and Geo. Reed. No rpresenttioo from preoinots not named. Committee oo order of basinet ap pointed a follow: J. L. Swift, B. F. King, J. EI. Edwards, Wm. Oilliam and K. W. Turner. Committee on permanent organization E. 0. Asbbaugb,' L. 8. Nioboltob aod J. P. Bauley. Com mi lie on order of business iob- Notice of Intention. W AND OFFICE AT T9E DALLES, OREGON. I J March 2, 1898. Notice Is herebv given that the follow lug named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made nuinMJ w M nrmui i-niintv I' up, a r Honnnu umu rcucipt ui lureo ivo oent iismps to uregon, on Saturday, April lb, i'J, viz ---i GEO. W. SMITH. oiivor o8 oi postage on ne doiiis . ni u.nrn., . m v k 'nn i. ih. ntu ni Mention the Heppner Gazette and tend 12'Jp 8 ' w. M; , J J . - TT., . r T I . " : . . . jruur suunn to ur. ikiimer a jo.t Ding-1 nis coniinuoui residence upon ana cultivation i . ir m. . . . .L . ioi. said land, viz: James Y. Kliea. Kaipn A,. uniup.oii, . a. aub prourierors oi ims Beime. of Heppner. Oreuon. Robert J. Hlll.ot paper guarantee lb gennineness of this f iKton, Oregon, and Joseph Mason, of lone, ) to U ill v The Leader Of Course! 1 v m The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why- so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S offer. 28-39. JA8. K. MOORE, Register. Timber Culture-Final Proof. Laud Orrict at Tut Oriooh. March l.'ith 1MWV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PAT rick Splllane, of Heppner, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before J. W. norrow, county cieri, at nis omce in Heppner, Oregon, on Momlsjr the 2b day of April, lHt8, on timir culture application No. 2H41. for the HV4 NEta, NH HK4 Hectlou 14, In township No. SB of Lexington; Hd K No 4.106 for the B' NE!4 range No. Sft E. W. M. and loU 1 and 2 Bee I. To 2 S R 24 K W M. He nam-a at witne-set: John Woodward. He names the following witnesses to provt Dennis Spillane, William 8. LeBler, and Bainuel I his continuous residence upon and cultivation NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Orrict at Ths Dallis. Okkoon, February 26, 1W. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of hit Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before 1. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Monday April U, 18!, vis: CHARLES r. BARNETT, The Beginning of this New Year 1808. A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, Is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at R. HOWARD'S Heppner Oregon- m Vl Vi vl VI vi vl vl vl vl l vl vl. vlv Leftler. all of HeDnner. Oreaon. J AS. F. MOORE. 82 43 I Register. SHERIFFS SALE. XTOTICI 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UN- 1' der and by virtue of an xecutlon tnd order of tale, duly and regularly Issued out of ine ( lrruit court ot the mate of Oregon, for Alb of said land, vis: John T. McMillan, Edward L Palmer, Charles R, McAltster and Thomas H. Nichols, all ol Lexington, Oregon. J AS. W. JMUUKB, 28-88 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Worn Out? Do you come to the ctotc of the diy thorou ghly cih luiUd? Does this continue Jif after day. pouiblf week after week? Pcrhip yo arc even too ex hiustci to tleep. Then iom thlrif U wronf. All thcK thin ft Indicate that you arc lulltrlnj from nenrout ex hauitioru Your nenre ncca ftfJinj n4 your bboi eo- Scott's Emulsion of CoJ Lvtf 0,L with IItpo- 5 rhoaphltei of Lime nj Soda. contain! utt the re nv J lea to t X rtvtt thei wanti. The cod- I Lrer oil t'v the needed I itrefieth, enrkhet the blood, f (cot in ncrvgt, mmt ine 07 m pophoephitel firt them tone .unu mm auvvnu, icu-iine circuit Court ot the mate ol Oregon, nniman.lina an himxl n...n K- Morrow county, and to mi dlrwted. on tiie II " " I day of March, law, upon t liidgment and d mtJe to noitt tut popolittl, tilver dem- cre duly rendcml and entered In said court, , , , .. ... on mt linn nay 01 Mann, imw, in suit then ooratt tnd fret tilver repobllotot on one I anj ih, riolor pendltii therein, wherein, onuntv tiakel. nrnviJino aaliafaninrv . Th.rarnin Mortgage Company Umlteil.ol riba menlt ean bt mtda thronth nnn. . ,. . , . , , .. Ixiwnlng, at heirs at law of strphan S. Down' fereoOl Ootumitteet. AltO dfOltrlo tbt n(. anfMarla Downing. d-eas1. waredefen. IHiDnllat oarlv In favor of tha Initlativa danltand commanding me to II the herein- popuiwt ptnj 10 Itvor Ol lilt inmtUVt ., nH, real property, I did on the tftth toj re'ereujum, and for Ibt iudepeod- day of Manh, IMW, duly levy upon and will, on ot fret eolnaga of gold aod tilvtr at Tutttlty, tht 19th tity of Apirll, 1898, . . tK . , , , . ... . . .... , at tha hour of I o'clock In tht afternoon of ratio of 10 to 1, aod for ht abolition of aald day, at tht front door of the county conn all pnr... ,0d oorportU back. Tb. ZtiZ 9S VAuli ffOrrDtniDt to (MO all mf0t and following dtrrthej ml aiUt to l(: Th ...SS. t mm. ... -l.-l. A bltbtr gold, tilvtr or arrtorjr to bt town.hl. two. south of range twenty-lour, ia.1 w. M. all adnata, and bring In Morrow County OrtB. familier with the lnmntA h.rMlll. AltO rMof&tneadiBg thtl DO Oomiotlioot I " ad appurUnanr. thereunto belong . . , I l'g or I" tny wtae appertaining, or to mora btmadt for OOObIv tiffloet OOtll afttr thereof ll Milly tal.1, In the Ibt tiatt eoovtolioo mteta. IVIegttetj to tho II tit ooovtnttoo biih tneeU tl t'ortltnd on lit rob S3d wrrttleoled at follow: J. L. Hoift, K. It. Hi anion, La H. Nu boltoo and B.F. KlDfl. A oooftrtoea eommillea contittlog of J. Ia (twift, rhtiroitB, Wm. Ortbtret, R. W. I oroer. V, B. Hlaoloo aod D. F.Kiog, vm t point! to oonftt with olhtr fra Lakd Orrict at Thi, Ottooit, Keiiruarv im. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVKN THAT THI following-named tattler hat filed notlot of his Intention to make final proof In support of hit claim, and that said pnn.l will h madt hefort . w. Morrow, Uounty Cldrk. at Heppuer, Oregon, 011 Monday, April 11, imt, vli: T00MA8 H. NICHOLR, ..m I .a . . tl m sat ttrttn - ai.. atai 49... at Scotland, a Corporation, waa Dlalnlirl .ml J?'1." ,ur Jamet Thomas Downing, tnd Milton Otis TP 1 8 K A'i E W M Mt mines tha following witnesses to provt his continuous resilience upon and cultivation ol said laud, vis: Charles P. Harnett, John T. MeMlilan, Edward I. I'al.ner ami Charlet K. McAlUter, all of Lexington. Oregon. JAe. I. MOUHI, 77 tt. Register. fullowleg sums: BIJU t6. with liilereat thereon froM tbt inth day ol Mared Inw, at tha rata of pet em! t' annam; lor Ibt further sum of eighty tlollan atl'trmya tea, and for Ilia fur ther turn of M W eueta and al.lmremnte, aim mn ruing coaia. a., i. mamm a, U 41 r-heno af Morrow county Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE. XTOTICK It HERERr GIVEN THAT Y ll vlrtitenf an taerutlon and onler of sale duly Issued by tha Clerk of the Circuit Court ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HERF.HY GIVEN THAT THI undersigned has been duly appointed by tha County Court of tha Htate of Oregon, for Morrow county, amninistrator 01 the estate ol Nelson Jones, deceased All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same, properly verified, to ma, at tha nrtleeof Kills A I'hrli. at Heppner, Oregon. Within tl months from tha data of this Botlot. Dated this l.'th day of rttiruary, lw. J AM ttl JONF.8. Administrator of the tatatt ol Nelson fl.'t M Jimet, lt sued. Notice Ot Contest Timber Culture. Lakd Orrna at Ti Dtu ta, OatooM. March I v COMPLAINT HA VINO BEKN MADE AT this office by tha duly vended and enrmbo rated affidavit of Rol-ert Warren, alleging that inbn C. aprav, who mail Umber culture entry No. 274. for the b r of see A tp I X K 14 E, at ths land ofn-e stths tutllet.on tht Vlh day of ii- .J . . . ,. . . the tounly of Morrow, tiala ol Oregon, I November, imt. and bis belrt bava wholly ttWer partita aa b qoettloo Of fotlOO, I ,l.l. the M . March, lasw. In eeruin abandoned said tract, a d have failed and Beg an,! tn ratwirt al tha raaalat Mnii. ,n 1 "" ,ml'r ' toil 10 report tl IO0 rOiar popo- wherein Janes Jones and J.mM i,. lit! OoOnty rotVenltotl to ba ktld at tbo a,linlnutraur H tba estate of Nelaoa Jones or to plant, cultivate or protect any part of lha . . - . , . .... dereaee.1, plalntlir, recovered Ju.lgasetit acainai said tcart to trees, aeedlngs or eutUngt, aa ra- Oliort boost OB UttOMiy, aprUWItk. W. ee.ti.rt, Mlldre.t J tesggarl. K. K. qulre.1 ty law, tberelora with tba view to tba Pi.nop, seiianei lebtor, 1 W M ia I'laia tbat a etc wjulitta arc j J and vtg. Be sure you ftt tool is aarb t rutb to faar aa anma J u. unuutotw Ujtt ti tnV oe Mart tbfS aowtt, fc v. tro W art iodinl U tr. wt44W4ttr f" Tkntttadt are Try lag IU to Ante to provt tba grass tnerit of r.l't Cream Itaim, tbt maet effective euro for Cslsrrh an 4 t'4 l In llaaj. wa bava pre. tha Oregon HsIiwav Nstlgattnn company, a rortmiratlim, and I'sl biahnp, aaatgiieaol tleo w. twaasait. Insolvent I ranrellalloa of aald entry, tha said pan tea ara hereby siimmnneil and renulrei to ba and ap- h... h.t,,r. J W Unrm. ent.hl el.rfc nl SI,.. Viaaid deleiulsnts. lor tha sum of Taa tbons- row count v. al btanmreal Heppner. Oregon, on aiul Four Humlrxt Nitsxy Two Uillara, a nh the lath day of April. Iiua. at 10 o rlork & m., of merest merei-a si ine rait of lo fer cent per aald dsy. then and there In p Conor each Se.ll annum Imnt tba 1Mb day of February, lew, and I atony, aa Ibev may bava concerning the aald lbs lurth.i tuta ol Two Hundred tnrty Dollars allreattona, tha flual bearing to ba bad helore Mrl a irenemua trial si IS fog 10 eenla. stlorney s IWa, and eoets ami disbursements I tha Hegtsier and Herelver, at I ba laillea. Oeegtn, 7" 7. , " . . , tiri i- '-' al Twenty tvt Ool'ara, ou tba lUi day of en tbt tth day ot Apni. !. al tha hour of It i a a. n. ilr II of your lirBftfist or send 0 rtrnu to KLt lllttH., U Wtrrta Ht , N. T. dij. I tafara.1 from catarrh of Ibt worst k nd Fehruarv. HiHIr is herebv alvea thai t will on fdu. day, the si sib day n4 April, lt, at t a dork. of ssld day . al tha Irutit door o the court . . ... . i nottee in iietipner. siirfvtw eottniv i Hw.,n mmix yV siiu-a a t-.y. ami J oattr oo,a ,,,,, (h hlh bidder l.w rib turs, tml KJy't Cream llalm seamt to do I In hand, lbs blowtng deai flta.1 property, to avaa tbsL itatif OOtiualutaneea bat Oaed "'I ""iitb ball o tbe artb west quarter and ! ..ib results. lecaf Oslruiu. Ibre and lour of aertioaj ana m . . ",M,lir,'w- ,,,', vwia. la towMblp tea , H.,.tb rang, t-.alv sis ftt) i urea At , V tttnagA, UL east and the aunta ball of in nonb eset su.r . ,, . " tertloa na (I) In toansbla twa iJI suuih IJyt tTeara HSlin si ine acsBHiwie-nt-n range teealy alt I) OWN. la worth east qra fisr eats-rrb aol toaUint to ooeatot, I fsrief H aertta tea tio) la township lesu) sn.eMra a, t ant InltirtoM ttrnsl l'tlr. "f wenr pvsiaii a w m, sn1 forty tnarewry .t any in iiwn giii ith h,, Uataht ibi la blurs t'rlnrk t. I t-il 41 MlMIHK. Redder. W. H. H'.ua, Haratvar. th wtsinal plat n4 the tnaa af m la lb ..swot tb niuntv Morrow eoanti sa ue snterty (Oeeuta Al nttf.!ia Of M OsaO. I hir ii rleppaet aa of rerai tvt Tktst lregsi . lakea and levied I Ml IK. u I.I IS I tt OrsPpart Of llttO Calt 0tP art tsrt. st al. nr so mnrb n,ere, as tssy be be,- . -.i A.k Itb.s A fVv ataatisry tba said ...ltmnl I, tseor ol miiiiTiii - " ----- i sa Jimet aal Jsaies lam a edattnu I prerblu m rxl. a-S) rteik 4 ssld eewaty, all la 4 apon at I aessgsri. Mildred J aesa CITATION. I the rorNTV cxrT or the btati 1 nf lraa. b if tha t nunty of Morrow. In tba mailer at ths aetata of Juha M. O. toea- cer. a minor. To J. a aperry, guard taa of tht as 1st af said minor sreellna In tba asm of th Otat of Orenn, T' tet hereby riled tnd reaiulred So appear la tba County 4 onft of tba Mala nf IHu. for lha Count eJ Morenw. al tba I nun mt (berenf. al Heppner, In tbeCouniy ef Morrow . on Mm. day. Uie second dsy of May. Ia, al 10 o s la lb foreauna of thai dsy, tbea and thee to set i is yoar a--counts as guseiisa of J. M . aoencer, a and snsw fsub. If any aslei. a by ha should but pay eve to tbe salit Joba M O. ttwncer, tba sums nf asoney wow ta kit Istrsttftt I a.n.l. Iw.tfie1ne la a. I A Jnaa li It Iimm, Of I'e aslais of iDeta.,, Jane dereasmt. sod I t iu tl,. Un. A 11 .Hk.l... la When you hear dem bells Y9 YOU BHOl'LD KNOW THAT THI HEPPNER TRANSFER GO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! MAT HALVORSEN, LEADING MERCHANT "nl OF I0NE tuxa esps A General Stock of Merckndiss Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies, Wood and Willowware. First Class Goods and Low Prices is his motto. MflT HALVORSEN, IONE. OHEQON. s "VoP Jfr'sj' ste saatee k saye -A.. -A.BRA.l-IiVMSIOK, IVlerchant Tailoring! iir. Abrahamsick is the pjonocr tailor of Hepp ner. His work is always first class and satiafac- tion guaranteed. CALL. AND SEK ME. ON MAY 8THKKT fa faro t e.HpeiWMi t eeeaee. Tsttaat t sedrtsibsrtia t'H If V. J U- le'l to tat, tr. sit rtftat sent nei sa t.i net w. nss.rrt, Mii,lr. J. 11 u,,i ,,,,,, ( nrl nf tb m.i ..( Iirer-n . '-'r e t eqenner WIIB sll e,ata ud dla. Ih. I,w,nl. nl U. .., auk Ik. .-.I .J m-.A lo,,rt am.e.1, tlila lib day nl Hsob, A- U. I bareeiwenta bave, ir. , e., t, I, si illm b. . ) HAtl.s k, fJai .'ty i oaats. I raia4 tl Rsfraai. Msrt t, I m ft tavu. I. w. CW't. They Are The "Mustard" MEADOWS & 1IATTEN, ine. rloneer Bimths wagbngge.erbl-ry. .f-lsil, b, tmJL -"a teftra Mnkti I to vt btlntk Tw Ir, l.l, (U U I U U Ha.a Ima. bursts t ISM It