OFFICIAL PAPER ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF THE ... Seml-Weeklu Gazette. 1 1S YOUR MEDIUM. FIFTEENTH YEAR HEFNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 18. 1898. NO. 632 YOUfl MONEY'S WORTH THE Semi-WeeKly Gazette AT $2.00 A YEAR. w. SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays , THE . PATTERSON "PDBUSHINS COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At iS.Ot per year, $1.00 tor six moo ths, 50 oia. for three muntaa, etriotly in advane . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon, at second-class matter. THIS PAPKR is kept on file at E.C."Dake'e Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants Exchange, Ban Franoiaeo, California, where con tacts for advertising ean be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEW8PAPER ADVKRTI8- ing agent, 31 Merohante' Exchange Build in , San Franoisoo, Is our authorized agent. This papar is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Hfmnner (1:30 D Bandar arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. ru Leaves Heppner Janouon rivea at Heppner o:ia a. m dally except m a. ru. 8:30 a. m. and ar- Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner junction i:ou p. m. .nd flmg itln R..50 rj. m. ' Portland ExDresa No 8. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7KJ0 .m. ai d arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leavee Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Janet ion 8:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 1 :2t a. m. ' For farther information inquire of J. G. Hart, Agent O. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore. When Goin EctS t a a . a Use a first-class line in traveling between Minneapolis, St Paul and Chicago, and the principal towns in Central Wisconsin. Pullman Palace Sleeping and ; Chair Cars iu Servioe. The Dining Cars are operated in - the interests of its patrons, the most elegant service ever inau gurated. Meals are served a la Carte. To obtain first-class service your ticket should read via. Thfe Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connection at Chicago and Milwaukee for all Eastern points. For full information call on your nearest ticket agent, or write Ktnri.jffinfcj AVceetablcPrcparationfor As similating theToouandReguta ting theStamachs andBoweh of Promotestii&stionhcctful- tvess and!test.ContaIns neither Oprum.Morphine nor Mineral. not Narcotic. ornciAL DIEBCTOBT. United States Officials. ,- Piesident William HcKinley V:oePresldent Garret A. Hobart -Jbuinttiirv of Htata John Sherman rf ceoreiaryof Treasury Lyman J. (iage Seorntary of Interior Cornelma N. Bliss rssoreiary oi war.. .... ......uwc nwui U.Mt.nnf Nbd . J nhA 1J. LtOUff " Postmaster-General. James A. Gary Attorney-General John W. Griggs . gioretary f Agriculture ....James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W ' Beoretaryof State H. K. Kinoaid ' Treasurer Phil. Meteohan Hupt. Publio Instruction G. M, Irwin Attorney General ; C. M- Il'enn 1 VJ . TV Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. or Jas. A. Clock, General Agent, 246 Stark St., Portland Or. KtOf c'CRdJkSAMVTLPITCELa ALx.Strmm JivJulUSJU- ' Itfrm Set J ' Qarifud Sum-. Miearaa fmn r Senators.. jThos. H. Tongue W. K. Bean Congressmen 1 w. K. Ellis Printer Vii-JV1- Ued' ( R. 8. Bean, nprsme Judges 4 F. A. Moore, (C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. fHrmit Jnrlm Stephen .Lowell Prosecuting Attorney....; H. J Morrow County Otneiala. Joint Senator henreanntative. (trninty Judge ' Oommlsaioners J. W. Beckett. " Clerk. " Sheriff ' Treasure Aaseaaor. ........... A. W. Gowan ...J. N. Brown (i. Hartholomew ... J. H. Howard Surveyor....... Sohool Bap't.. ...J. W. Morrow ..E. L. Matlock .. Frank Gilliam A. C. Petteva J. J. MoGee .Jay W. Hhiploy ...B. F. Vaughaa H. W Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A I O., C. M. & Bt. P., C. & A., r. Ft. W. Si C, - and the C. St. LAP. Railroads. HATBH a.oo PICK 13 A. Y Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., TL WEEKLY I lie MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York Ancrfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of WEW VORK. II i ZXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, J Htm - For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the . iture A vr The Kind You Have Always Bought. n THE eCNTMUR COMPANY, NrWVONK OITV. " Coroner. Thos. Morgn Counrilmen E. J. Hloeum, n. Lichtenthal, J. H. Simons. J. J. Roberta, J. W. 1 V il U.-rr - - W. A. Richard-on S"-' " L. W. Brigga ur::::::::::::' v;;:::.john Haer Preeiaet OOeera. i .k. in. W. E. Richardson vsSmLz:. :::::r.:::::..a. b. wh.uu. fitted Btatee Uad Officers. n.M.U DL .?.. i Hotel JHL&jpjptiL&i? (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) ' HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, ' Manager. Now Open. New Methods. New Manage ment. Strictly First Class. PKES8 COMMENT. The Engene Register gives an editor ial report of a leotnre, eaid to have been delivered in that city lately by W. 0. Hawley, president of the state aoiver xity, on John Brown, in wbiob the speaker olnssed John Brown with Wilkes Booth, Charles J". Guiteau, Beoedict Arnold and Ja'daa Isoariot and branded him as a ont throat, marderer, ftar and traitor. Now it this man Hawley is oorreotly quoted, and we hope for the good pame of the state and its nniversity that be is not, his proper field is Texas. They woold appreoiate snoh sentiments as these in that state and be oould com mand his own salary as a teacher in her eo hook. There Lave been more:. monn- ments raised to commemorate the mem ory of John Brown, of Ossawatami, than Hawley will have friends io Oregon af ter delivering each a lecture, and the memory of John , Brown as a hero and mavtyr to the oanse of bnman freedom, will live tor a thousand years after the memory of Hawley has perished from the earth. Roeeburu Flaiodealer, When the sap begins to rise and the geese begin to mate, we bear tbe gentle carol of tbe country candidate. Oh, he's a jolly fellow and full of vnin oonoeits, and sees a bosom fneud in every man be meets. He asks about i'oor family, your horses and your bogs, and be shows a friendly interest in tbe children and the dogs. Oh, he's a jovial gentleman,' as gamesome as a lamb, as blithesome as a meadow lark and bappy aa a clam. His prospeots are tbe bnghest and bis chanoes they are sure; be spends his money freely and helps tbe needy poor. He goes to church on Banday and bis plons traits appear, bat when it's neces sary he will then set up the beer. Ob, he's a buoyant, sanguine duck tbs fes tive candidate be starts out early In tbe morn and stays until it's late his pa tient wife unlooks tbe door and with look of pain, she says: '"You needn't lie to me; yonr leg's been pulled pgain." Jefferson Review. SCOTT'S SOULOUUY. Should Mitchell die! Woe, woe were mine. Benumbed my pen. O, gracious death, Cut tnou not short his mortal breath; Else whereupon could my Invective dine? For all I think, I feel, I know, Is in him wrapped. He me Inspires To daily scolding. : Never tires The cyclone of my hate. O, let It blow. This life to me were cold could I Not dally strike John Mitchell's fame. His downfall Is my noblest aim; All hope is gone should John H. Mitchell die. . All else 1 sacrifice to this. E'en party triumph's dross to me And "principle's" a table plea. Talk not of love, for hating la my bliss. "Should be retire?" While I have life I'll pull him from his hiding place, I'll force him out Into the race. For Mitchell gone, what oare I for the strife. Should Mitchell die-. Then let me die, And I would go where ere he goes, To heights of joys or depths of woes. I hate him and no other creed I know. Corvallis Gazette. When Yon are Tired Without extra egertion, languid, dull and listless, your blood is tailing to sup ply to your muscles and other organs tbe vitalizing and strength-giving prop erties tbey require. Hood's Sarsaparilla oures tbat tired feeling by enriching and purifying tbe blood. It will give you energy and vigor. ( Hood's Fills are easy to take, exsy to perate. Cure indlgistion, biliousness. 25o FOYDEn Absolutely Pure WATSON'S NAME HEADS THE TICKET. The Ez-Asplrant for Vice-Presidential Honors Is Nominated for Governor of Georgia by the Populists, aqd Will Probably Make the Bace. Atlanta, Georgia, Marob 17. The pop ulist state convention adjourned shortly before 1 o'olock this morning, after a long and stormy session. Hon. Thomas Watson was nomiuated tor governor, and, though he repeatedly declined to t aooept it, it is believed tbat he will yet oonsent to make tbe race. A full state ticket was nominated. A. 8. Bigga . E W. Bartlett... t a. Kuobina.. LA QaAKDB, OB. ...rWlotet ..Ueoeiver ' MAWLLN8 POST, NO. IL O.A.B. MUtt Lexinstnn. Or., tha Ut rUturday of aeh month. Ail vaterane inviuw v fi. W. Smith. C.G. FBWCA. Adjutant. tf Commander. The Outlook will be in 1897, it has been during eaob of its twenty-seven years, a History of Oar Own Times. In its various editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives a compact review of the world's progress; it follows with care all tbs importaot philanthropic and in dustrial movements of tha day; bas a complete department of religious news; devotes muoh space to tbe interests of tbe home; reviews current literature;! furnishes cheerful table-talk aboot men and things: and, in short, aims to give fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Begiming with tbe fifty fiifth volume. I tbe paper will aasums the regular maga zine sice, wbioh will add greatly to its I oonvsnlenoe and attractiveness. Tbe Rates, $i.oo Per Day and Upwards. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. B3A first-class feed barn rnn in connection, and from all trains. We solicit your patronage. Free 'Bus run to 587-nov.l2 Dr P R Mf WOrdS lOatlookU poblUhsJ every Saturday I f. T. U. ivtvvvi , fif, lwo mam , Tb first Issue Io eaob month is an Illustrated Magasios PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offl tbs City Drog 8tore, near City Hotel. D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Itfflna hnnra. 8 to 10 a. IB.. od 12 to Number, eontaming abont twice as many pages as tbe ordinary issues, together witb a large number of pictures. Tbe pries of Tbe Outlook k three I dollars year In advance, or leas than a cnt a day. Bend for a specimen oopy aod illnstrat- BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. . tri.a'. nmn. oena lor specimen oopy man iiiuiirar- . m.. at residence, W. A. turt a prop- ...,.... rty east of M. E cborch. South, aod 10 e2 proepeotos to Tbe Ootlook, 13 Astor to 11, a. m , lbs rsar of lo 3 to 5 p. m , at ofUoe Borg's jewelry store. lo Plana, New Tnik Cltv. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offiee In tha first National Building. Hsrrsta, : t Oaioon Bank If W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. arnet av council cHAMatM an1 tntrs rwU MU'a. rants hoita-s. par .-T n..,.i,rln and will r.m Jutt In ay way la hie Hue. at ru"a' agaraa. First National BankltviLi or urn xeii C. A. RMIA, T. A. RHCA. QCO. W. COMtCN, S. W.SV'CweCN, . President Vie PrwaHent , Cashier Ase't Cashier 8T0CA laAKim. While ytie aawe yr aorMor1pioa paid as yre eaa kaap ytior bnwl ta fraaof ehars-a. Bora, P.O.. HaptHiav, O. Wuraaa. f B fcl left ahnoklart amlUa, Ho. oa Uft bip. Conk. A. JJu.llr-HnMa. Sna) rlfhtahoal dar. l aula, sauaasa rWhl hi pi saara jaaja off la ft and bUl ia nmhu Dnaarlaaa. W. M . (Mloww. Or. a(Ua. t) rtchl !. awwknw-fiirk la aaob aai imn, H 1; aa lafl nip. Ely. Rrna, ToBlaa. Or.-Im wnutd4 1 1.1 oa brt ahnaldar, eatUe sajsa ua laftbip. a.aa la nebs ear. rtnnwea. L. A- tlapeiMr, OrfattUa, LF m rWai hipi Inn a V with bar ajMtar aa) rtM abunUiar. 1 . If. B- - " ll J no Urn ahmldr rUa bra idad J oa rtM bip. aian attdartMl ta laft M. Itamra la Murrvw anaotf. Jntitiaa. falls. Lena. wvW iwiaa. atiwIaT lafl xifla; eallia, aatnaoa Hirhl bab), aa4ar aaUf me la a1 aulit M iafl aa aaiay, Miha, Hafwaav. . Rr oatua aaiaa aaul Um rvrbl Uahay. J. W Maptxwr Ur -Mnraaa WaaiM f.aad i na, haft atwralaW) eattia aama eaj laft kip, waUie aa nti aya, Una aiita la nM For more than fifty-six years it has never failed , in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT nil l.lthfnll l.txira.4 lor ihalr nmanarll and haiibliiaaa. Inr tha Itnnmvamant ot their bnaiiiMM and hmna luUraaU, fur education, lot Ui eiavaUon ol Asnerwaa uaimooa aua IT UAJUoldet tha Braids, IntenMtlnf and Instructive storUaof th dulnsi l the world, lha Itall'iii a'Ml alalra. Poor old Uemented Harvesoott has made another discovery here almost in tbe close of tbe 19th century. "Pro teotion is not a principle!" shouts the old fraud. Well, well; wouldn't tbat drive a man to tbe fossae asylum? If "protection is not a prinoiple," pray, for what have we been fighting lo, these many years? Uarvescott is up lo bit old and deceitful trioks, again. A free trsder at heart, he will sell bis soul for a mesa of pottage to torn tbe eyes ot tbs people away from tbe importance of protective tariff the "prlooiplen tbat has started more mills in this oountry that has pat more idle men at work ihat has put mors money in oiroalation tbat baa lilted more mortgagee from tbs homes of poor laboring mer than any one other thing that might be mentioned. There Is another reason than tbat ot being a freetrader tbat oauses Harvesoott to make this declara tion. Us Is no more a republican than Orover Cleveland. Proteotioa is and baa been for years straight republican doctrine. Upon this issue tbe republi can pnily has stooJ e solid phalanx ed bas who more victories tbso opoo soy other "principle" advocated by the party, and aa a "prinoiple" it did as much or more for party euocrea io !HU0 than did tbe aoood money doolrine, which we presume Harvesoott wonld bs pleased to denominate ae "prinoiple." Orover Cleveland is Bound money men; but It was lbs passage of free trade bill, wbiob be fevored, tbat brought baekroptcy and ruin to many thousands io this ooantry. Jnst what old Qarvssoutt means by throwing snob fallacious sophistrr before bie readers at Ibis time le somewhat of e mystery nless bs deems tbie tbs best method by wbiob to detest the repobliesos of Or egoo Ibis year, cut the people win sorely eee through bis little game aod ibeckmate bins iu It. McMlonvllle Treuisoripl JOHN BARKER DEAD. An Old Pioneer Passes Away at His Home lo Echo. From The E. 0., March 16th. Tbe death ot John Barker, familiarly known as "TJnole John," oooarred this morniog at bis boms in Eoho, at tbe bge of 68. A paralytic stroke. which followed a severe oold, was the oause ot death. The end was a peace ful one. Mr. Barker was ao Oregon pioneer and worthy aod respeoted citizen ot Umatilla county, having resided for 80 years in this oounty and Morrow. When hs cams to Oregon be loosted in tbe Willamette valley, being a resident of Marion oouoty. Hs was among tbe Orel Immigraota from ths East to "where rolls tbe Oregon," aod waa identified with tbe young state's early growth and history. - Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve iu the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, TJloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all 8k in Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prioe25 cents per box. For sale by Slooam Drug Co., E. J. Slocum, manager. TWO WOOLKN-M1LUJ ACCIDENTS. Walter Fell Has His Foot Badly Crashed and Van Bowman's Leg is Badly Lacerated. From Pendleton Tribune. Yesterday afternoon was a tims of aooidents at tbe Pendleton woolen aod scouring mills. ' While helping Tberon Fell and Jobu Lyoette oarry a 12x14 plank, Walter Fell's left foot was severely crushed, tbe plsnk slipping and dropping on him. He will be an invalid tor at least two weeks. 8oon after tbat accident oconrred Van He died a devoted member of V, Bowman's right leg near tbe thigh tbe M. E. church, with wbiob be ten years ago. Throughout bie life be was a thorough religious man. The deceaaed leaves five dsnghters and two sons. Tbe former are Mra. Walker, af Elgin; Mrs. Sbaw and Miss Mary Barker, ot Heppner; Miss Beolab Barker, who resides at her father's home in Echo. Tbe sons are William Barker, ct Lawjston, Idaho, and Had ley Barker, a atookman of Butter oreek. Tbs funsral takea plaoe from tbe family reaidenoe at Echo Tburaday afteroooo at II o'olook. T. D. Matthews game to Pendleton this morning to secure tbs casket. united I osught in some cogwheels and tbe flesh was badly laoerated and bi uiaed. Bat he will, however, be abie to resume work Ibis morning. Two Millions Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it memm they're mitiHlied. The people of the United KtiiteN are now Inlying Casrnrct Candy Cathartic at the rnte of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year's. H means merit proved, that Canrareti are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, 25c, 60c a box, cure guaranteed. - BLANCHE K. BKUCE DEAD. Hs IT HAS flvlM-d th tanner aa la tha mnat approved methods ol eiiltlvaUnf and haryaatlng his t time to conn-M in'a iiiio na iar-a, a.......... ... ,.,rw. h.ii. ii.a in i tin wriiara ol laruiare and Uiars. and lor over a bell rn.i and lh proiwr 1 1 ma to contrr IT HAM lad In all aiatu-rr tr-rUlnlnf to lha a rauturr bas bald their rourtilaiii-e and eeteeni. Bawar of Ointments for Catarrh thai Coa- tala Mercery, as merou'y will surely destroy tbe ssnss of smell and completely derange tbe whole system when entering II through the moooas surfaoee. Such artiolea should oavsr be used except oa prescrip tions from reputabls pbysiolsos, ft tbs damsgs tbey will do is ten fold to tbs good yon can possibly derivs from tbem. Hairs Catarrh Cars, mannfaotared by F. J. Cheney k Co., Toledo, O., contains no msronry, and is taken internally, aotibg direotly upon the blood aod muonns surfaces ot ths system. Iu buy ing Hall's Catarrh Core be sore you gel the genuine. It le takei eternally aod made 1a Toledo, Ohio, by F.J. Cheney A Oa Testimonials free. (ITHold by draggists, 7So per bottle. Was One of ths Most Coospelueas Has of ths Afneaa Baee. Washington, Msreb 17. Hon. Blanche K. Bruce (oolored) died to-dsy. Hs wsa ot African deoent, and waa born a alave. In "75 bs was elected United States sen atoras a rspabllcso, and bsa been member of every republican national convention since 'fifl. After Fred Doaglass, Bruce bad been regarded as tbe most conspicuous man of bia raoe. Dyspepsia cored, bbiloh's Vitaliasr Immediately reliavea sour stomach, eo ru ing up of food distress, and la tbe great kidney and liver remedy. Hold by Con- eer Brock. y CBIK4-H ANMOUNCIMKNTM. A. W. titaatoa, a BIU tHEKP DEAL. Baytr, Is ia ths Moataas Market. IT ZB THE. New York Weekly Tribune, A fie we furnlah It with the CAZCTTC, one yeer for $2.78, eaehln advanoe. Addrere alt Orders W THE GAZETTE. Nsrrr'rBtrrrBFawSt WaaAMl at Ml Writ tour name and sddfras oa a pt-ttl raid, and It tnOoo. W. m, Trthuna Off. re, Htm Yur llty, ada aaaipiaropy ul Ua Vuik Vtaakly T rlbuae elU aa atallail to yue. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Free PHIa. Hand our address to II . E. Buckleo A Co., Chicago, aod ot a tree sampls box ol Dr. King's Mew Life Pills. A triel will eoDViooe you cf (heir met its. These pills are easy in aolioa aod are particu larly effective la tbe sure ol coestlpa Uon aad sick headache. Fur malaria and liver troubles they bsvs beau proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be peifeoily free from every deleterious snbstsiioe aod to be purely vegetable. Tl.ay do not weaken by their aotkoo, Lot by giving tone lo etomscb aod bowels really luviiforsle tbe system. lUgalar aise 21 par box. ttald b Hrocuoi i)rog Co 1. . rtlwoom, maoager. Triaadi Gt&eral Eakis Biififa EXCHANGE alt pa" o tbe world- Bought and Sold. CollarUaM stede oa all fotal e raaaneebl Terse. NtTtes aad aa4TVIa4 frosts. M. OO. Kianf. Oaaar. Mawp rr4tUe, rieai kip, auraa. IwWl aafcte. M Daw WMb! Columbia k and Pupt Sound Navigation Co faraon. OMvw, heaes hraadad. bar .and rrl n-nnVJ BlltrV riT7Vt)T IVft rVFl tt'lVy rauga, Elsrtl "Ha, Stnarn IBU'DOXi; BAILCT GiTOIT AND OCEAX WiYL ae rst kip. eme a r'.i and dart, la lafl Walaw S i. .aa SIMM! atavaOar, I TWtJI. Hi.-.'"-!! TbeOaeatls will lakepoUre, etplae, u., u. ..... M at h a,. s haltar oa sbarripta aeraaa'a. a-l ai.iialMian. ley eats owing Mte ofBeeraa ertiie inetr a,,.a. Jw r ,m ah.a.i.w-1 aa.iia J J, u rwaaJI aa rwt.l a.a aa-l naMaa a, aceaaaU la iwe siaeww tm M mt tm , htaul on lafl ahoui lrf IT I L-.'tn AMer Hireet Iek. Porileed. f.w AsMI. jKlaa ai la m aa. I l'aik aod attrtla. Ihraol ooirMllo With Hartn I . W . iia(,ear, try n waa. 4J as tart eaamJea. (aUa. 1) rtakt klkv 1 Wry. It. 0. ftamM. Oe. - rail la W C aa flaiaaA I J... flaaaii fVaaa Ilwaeo sUamars aad rail- ma J; alee at Yooeg'e Hay with Kaeahore Hsilroki. TBZjxirnoZv'B Uarra rniaad T A. M. tally, eswt-t SBday. Ivas Arvta t t. U, t)all. eieat Susdsrs Xizx-sxav OATZDrtT I'ofUand f f M twlly. 'r -idar. aliir-laf nli,l. II r W If "l la at m A. H ,eirK an-lay aon a volar. uuay a.gui. I r. oobam' -WA-rm Laara t..A tn4 tint .jtrart ta !arn ti.i.f ant Thurwlay at S A. W BalaaV at I f. hi Mta) -t.y aM frt-tay at J 111. M. Ou Swtfiat labial f. M. Eit Clr H b rxbti tViaitk Ui tktclti ffi if U,m Mr. sod Mrs J. L. Aysrs, of Iippsr, Morrow snunly, are vieitiog at tbe borne of A. i. Baeay, having arrived op oe the 10 M trale yceterday. Mr. Ayers is a miosta of Mr. Baaey and eee of tbe larg aet of Morrow noty's sbwp rsiaers. Us says tbat democrats over tbsl way ere getting ererewr aod aearoer every dey. Keaily ell tbe shaep are eteensb repnUkeeos, aad tbe oouoty Jode lad bard work to aero re eonogh datnoorala lo fill the positions, oo lbs eleolloe board, as required by lew. Mr Ayers, bimeelf was b r aod ratted dein'rrsl, tot bell g shrewd thinker, From Tbs E.O. A. W. Bteotoo, buyer ot sheep, from Montana, is al the Golden Role. Mr. HtanloD completed tbe purchase last Haturday. March 12, ot 1(W0 yearlings. 3500 cboioe breeding sae end XI0 lambs, lo be delivered al Heppoer after shearing. The ewes breaght 12 60 P bead aod tbe laoiba. ft Si. Tbe seller wee It 7. Monroe, a sxteosivs sheep grower of Coodoo, Qillum ooooty. This Is tbe largael deal ao far reported In Eastern Oregon this eeaeoo. Mr. Btsotoa isstiU ia the market as be weals a fsw more ebeep. lie bas alee made porobaae from Umatilla oouoty sheepmao, Joba Campbell, who eold bim IQIX) heel of breeding ewes oo basis of ti 60 for lbs ewss aod II 25 for lbs nndropped Umbe. Rvervbedr Says a. CaarareU Candv CaUiartlr. Uie mnat wnn datful m-lx al iliai orerv of tbe aa, piree at and ratrrebint: to ibe teste. e t gatitly and poaiUvr-ly oe ai.lnova, liver end boweta, clraoalns the enure system, dlanel enlda, eiir hea-laelie, levt-r, habtlual rotiallpatloa end blUoiianeao. I'leeaa boy and try e hot of II. C. C WMlayi 10, H.V r cenia. tiuidaed g tarauUwd to euro by ail dnuqrute. Tbe morning theme al tbe Chriatian cborob on Sunday, Marob 20, will be "Applicetion." At tbe evening servioe the pastor will disc use "The Power of the Laity." Good reosio at both these servloss. Major Marshall, commands of tbe Washington and Oregon division, will be et tbe Selvattoo Army ball March 3fl, 27 and 28ib. Halorday eigbl aod Hob day, Hlraigbt HalvatioD." Mondajr night, "Halvatioo Army Work." The ltev. W. II. IlefT. D. D , formerly floaoeial ageol of tbe Uoivsrtly of lo vrr, counseled bow with tbe Portland Hospital, will preach both Gaornlog and evening at ths Methodist Episcopal oburob. He is an able speaker aad a trsat Is lo store lor all wbo may atlead. Iter. F. a Adkins, of Weston, Oregoo, will preerb at tbe M. E. ebarrb, Hootb, Huodsy nierelog sad svsniog. All, But worshiping elseiehere, are Invited, rrtad ol raedae. At Coodoo, on Tuaa lay, ftlarcb I t, m Mr. Harry 0. KooeieeJ and Mre. Faonls f. JUoloser, both of Ueppoer, were Joloed ia Ibe holy bonds of edhch. Hevr4er W. A. Darllog, of Ibot city ofU elotlog, Tbe yoang eoople retareod to Ueppoer Wedoeedoy sveelsg atd will make I hie eity Ibeir bursa. The (leaatta eiteeds Its enogratalalioaa Coo duo Globe: IX 0. loear eokl &)0 bead of yearling sheep, a tew del ago, lo Mr. Oray, of Uppor, Ibe prtoe bald being 12 23 lor eeUiere, fto l 12 60 for ewee. Karl's Clover Rxit Toe le e Blaeeeal ha baa daoarled Ihe faith t.f bie fslbars Isisllve, Ragolatee the bowels. rrtnes adhaa fore Inee lime. tfl one of i Ibe bliod. Clears Ibe torn pleiioB. Easy Morrow eoooty's foremost repoblissal. I -8aieai Vtetsmaa, Marsh 9. lo make ei.4 pleaaaot lo lake. 23 sit. ftold by Coosar A Sroti. f aeetr le Hleed . tliaa bl'inl Hiraha a tUan akin. Nt baa uly without It. ( aatarata.t and) ( athar tie tlaaa yoer tii.xid and kwp il eWan, b) stirring en the lary iar and driving all tm tartlwe Imm tha bmly, W-tl tUy t. aiM.b pintl, ImmIs, Lint ba, blachbra.a. and that a sly lnl.m i.a by ukiiia iaoiarata, tmiMty nf ln rattle. All dine giala, aaltafai tan (arantel, I ''..'.,:. Liobteatbal A Co. for tislusive ikes store. Handle Ue beet. Wit toe eonsi te ssil ee.