TO THE orrxs thi ohoici Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha a wn Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. W. ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS Onean Steamers Leaue Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. fltoAmnrn Monthly from Portland to Yokoboma and Hon Kong in oon nection with O. R. & N. For full details oall on 0. R. & N. Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obeqoh Dodwell, Carlill, & Co., Gen'l. Agts., Nor. Pac, 8. B. Co., Portland, Ore. ARE TOD GOIHB ERST? If bo, be nre and tee that your tioket reads via Tie Konnwestern Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, BT. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTfT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTB EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, peerless vestibuiea Dining ana Bioepmg war Trains, ana aioiui: "ALWAYS ON TIME has given this road a national reputation. All olnasos of passengers carried on the vestlbtiled trains without extra charge. Hhlp your frelxlit and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W. H. MEAD, 'l,0'80.."'. . Gen. Agpnt. J rav. t. A l Agt. IS Washington St., Portland, Or. CHICAGO Iwaiee & St. Paul R'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous bio ok system; Lights its trsios by alsotriolty through out; Uses the celebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped psssenger train svrv day and Dlht between HI. Peril and Cbtoago, aud Omaha and Oliloago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul A I mi operate sleara-lieatsd vsstibulsd train, carrying Ilia latest private CotDDarlrueDt ears, library buffet amok Ing care, and palace drswlug room sleepers. Parlor ears, free reclining chair ears. and the very best dining chair car ssrvics. Fur lowest rates to any point in the United Male or Cattails, apply to sgeiil or address 0. J. EDDY, J. W. CAHET, Oeneral Agent, Trsv. 1'as. Agent. Portland, Or, TIIHOUQH CAR Hr. PAUL MlNNKArOLIS DUI-UTU KAKOO RUTTK UfcLfcNA TO Tick Ma issued to all point la th Coiled State and Canada. QUICKTIME TO. ClIU'ArtO WasmxilTiiS lUlTlMoBI Nsw YnS Hvrraut All other point is lb Eaat and Hoatbeaet Omars Kansas ClTT Ht. Josr Mr. Lori lltToft! pot r at Ml rnl. fttlansapolia, Ksasa City, Omaha, Ht. toula n4 other promi se nt point IWgat ebok! tbroagb to destination ol lkkt. Throat b ticket to Jspss and Chlua, via Taonm and Northers I VIS r I tarn tbip Oumpasy' lln. for full iaforrnatlon, tlm tarda, (nap. tickets, sion tall oti or writ . O. AMttlf, A. I. CstSLTMtf. 1(1 N. I. Hy. Asst. Usa l aas. Agt. Ik Dalle, Of rortlaad, Of ! paw S Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD- FIRST AND ONLY . . . PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION ... EVEB BUN BETWEEN The t -AND Boston, Mass., and St. Louis, Mo. It Excursions for St. Louis leave Portland every Monday via 0. R. & N., Denver 4 Rio Grande and Missouri Pacific railroad. Excursion! for Boston leave Portland Tues day at 9 p.m., via O. R. fc N., Denver & Rio Grande, Rock Island, Lake Shore, New York Central, and Boston & Albany Railroads. Excursion for St. Louis leaves Wednesday via 0. R. 4 N , Denver & Rio Grande and the Burlington route. Excursion car carried on Fast Boston Special East of Chicago, making the run In 28 hours; several hours quicker than any other line. Excursion cars are carried on the fast ex press trains which have lately been inaugu rated by the lines over which these excursions run. Ask your ticket agent for a ticken on the Denver & Rio Grande excurlson. For rates and all Information, call on or address, R. C. NICHOL, S. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hakt, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. NORTH PACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1669.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82.00 PER YEAR, (Sample copies free. Rural Spirit and Gazette both for 13.00, oasb, at this oflloe. b4 L- 60 YEAR8' V EXPERIENCE Tradc Mark Designs Copvriohtb Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and deacrtptlnn may qutrhlr aaom-taln our opinion free w(imbr aa Invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly nonnilMitlai. Ilanrlhnoeon Patent sent free. OMflflt sirenry for securing patent. I'kIhiiu taken throuirh Munn A Co. receive tptrUtt nlc, without olisrve, la tbe Scientific American. A hnrtnmlT OlnntrMtvl wklr. rultUInn of mnj pWtMitttio JmirniiL Term a, 13 fiewulnalerm. nti fiur nionths. IL ttotd tr ota ujr an MUNN ft Co."" New York Dreoch Ofnoe, OktfL, Waabluloo, It. U NEW NAME I Win. Gordon has re-named his stand tho old Jones livery stable Tlio Centrnl. Ralnt har for sale. Chariea reasnnalile. Call on him and have vour Imrana well -aml lor. 50 Years.... Undisputed Supremacy IN TMC World's Competition I Ml Ml Increase Yield of Wool. Enhances Vain of Flock. Cheap, Hal, Han dy, Cleaa, Wlioleeomis Odorless. CMAS. G. R0BEIITS. OtNCAAL AOCNT, 247 Ash Hrrri, fortlainl, Orrfon Sold by Minor it Co., Heplncr, Or. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET Is tbs .)Uo Id go to get jrorjr fine wrk aud lamb -4; chops, steaks sml roast. FISH EVERY FRIDAY fine sitr tnt Ham nt bernn fiire 1 Ui., settle rti.Url nl4 Mile. Iltahrel faen. frW fi. hf lat tu S. BEN J. MATIIKWH. 'I'll 10 IIAI.t.ltM NUltSEltlES, R. H. WtiCR. rrs. nt a, enjcir, (mti 4 tiMlar l fmlt, Sr. ana OrwamsMai Trss, Grs Visas Smsil fntlts. Our Trt'f are drown With out Irrigation. AiN0 ran ATAkwii ikroira .1 riMflflua Coo; n uip CATARRH for a generous IO CENT TRIAL 8IZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains bo cocaine, mercury nor any other injurious drag. It Is quickly Absorbed. Gives Relief at once. It opens and cleanses OLD HEAD Allavs Inflammation Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Senses of Tame and Smell. Full Size He. ; Trial BizelOc. ; at Drneeins or by mail. ELY bkui ueks, do warren street, new ion. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGELINE i OOalLVIE ( FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles) . . . $5 00 Round trip $9 00 May ville (53 miles) . 4 00 Round trip 7 00 Condon (39 miles).. 8 00 Round trip 6 00 Clem (28 miles).... 2 00 Round trip 8 80 Olez (19 miles) 150. .Round trip 860 Stage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday eioepted) at 6 o'clock; is duel at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at Fos sil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered coaohes and flare- fa), experienced drivers. , Keep 2tt ana Gel fiici. : THE WOOL RECORD Tolls You How to Do It. By a speoial arrangement we offer to our readers The Wool Record and Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year for 83.00. The Wool Reoord is the only national wool organ and oovers the wool industry from tbe raising of the sheep to the sell ing of the manufactured article. It is published weekly at New York and the regular prioe is $2.00 a year. lis market reports are fall and oomp e and its Sheep Breeders' Talks alone are worth 10 times tbe prioe of tbe pnper. Sample copies on application. We heartily recommend this combi nation to our subscribers. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Obangs of Oars Between Spokane, Rossland and Nelson. Nelson aoi Rossland, Sunday : Leave. Also between daily except Arrive. urn A. M 1HU A. M 8:10 A.M ..Hpokane. . ItoHHland. . Nelson... ...6:40 P. M. .. 11:40 r. M. ...6:45 P. M. Close connections at Nelson with steamers tor Kaelo. and all Kootennl Lnke Dointa. i'aiwenRers for 'Kettle hlver anj Ronndarr (jreek oonnect at Huroos with stain daily. TOOTH DHAWINQ. IU Horrors Ameliorated So mew hat bj the t'se of ICIertrlrltjr. If you like you can now have a tooth ihiIUmI jmnilcKKly ond without gas b flcolricity. InHtiintaneouH? Why, of couie; but tlie point is tbnt there no pain. Vou need not bother with nitrous-oxide frits, which is very li- reusing In its efferts upon nmne people, s;iys the c Miciniinti l.iH.inrer. 1 lie u;--to-!ate il:'iili:.t has a very 1'iuj'le iinpai'iitus, which ctniHiKts most in j)ortnnt 1 y of a battery not much blu ,"t-r than a clgnr box. The person in tin .tint's i-lutir grasps two hiuidlcx which ore connected with the battery by w ires. At the same time the oiwtm- tir seizes his forceps, which likewittt- are on the end of a wire iiroceedlim front the battery. He touches the tooth coiiipieunfr ine circuit, and Instantit local anarstheaia is produced. Tho tooth and nelchlioring gum are rep dcred for the moment Insensible to pnlii. and out comes the offending nmiHr 01 iiKisor w ith a dexterous twiht. Ik-fun the patient has hnd time to realir.e what hn happened he is pleefully paying the fee. Weekly Eiranluss I Tkrussk Car t the Eat. Another through touriat oar to th East bas been arranged to ran oat of Portland, giving four each wek. Here after tbs oar lerving Monday will rue Ibroagh without ebaogs to Kaoaaa City and Chicago, over th O. A. k V., Ore gon Short Line, Rio Uraod Wtero, Deover k Rio Oreads, Missoort rseiflc aod Chicago k Altoo. Tbat oar bas last been arranged tor, and lb oos previous ly sche.lulsd for Moodsy Las been changed to TbnrsJay. It roos Ibroagb to St. Loot, vis Ihs Missouri riolflo lins. Tbs oar leaving Portlaod Toesdsi goes Ibmagb to Ilwton, and I promoted by tb Cnicagn, Rock Island and rcirto. Milnectay's ear rou to Ht. Jopb, Kanaa uay and Ht. Ixtnl. over lb hnrlingtoo. All th special through ears ar resoivlag airalifrtng palrooage. U. It. S. Ageitt be for bojlog ucksi io lli rjisl. (e War te ( Ives Old Party-Is tb editor laT Olllc liny Nop. Old Psrty-Wber I bT Offles I toy Uaono; commilied sul- etU lt tight. Old I'trtr-IIesviDt! I II tHtMibleT What U1 Offios Boy Took lomUton 00 kJ verlUitJg nJ eoalJn'l soy otbsr way to get tb twoeflt of It. SHir Tll( (a Tw A tranasrtttm lawlix b )nu an not Intel SirU.laS HUiouaiHiM,ali k bla.-4Mstur rj lauiiM, t. au-l a uouMi.t ou.or II a r wmI by nntiHiti and alus-fiak livrf tarruvnl alhsrlli-, Mm mon- drrft.11 now livvr elinmlant and InKs lnal took) are ty all dnirs u riarsalterirs or Biuorv rsfuntlwl. '. C 1', am a ur thin Trv a bn IndaVl tun.. , toauifl and bookt fr kowvurkigad. r.ssstl Journsl: Miss Luis IWM bavieg rHiover,t, Ih It Mr rmlly ' sboat to start sal oa a tosr st Kaet- srs Orsfoa, as4 will giv ss of tbelr huh else riter!inmei la Fossil rm Tbsiadav vaift, Mrh alst wwt whs rwiM, ('' t eSrtl. KnsMMiniksi f r.e. Ska, II U U W IkI, nw M4 SMf, U. Lkl.tsstkal A i, tor , a Ask your Druggist ( FEMININE SUICIDES. Woui Take Fetsoa Whet Ma Shoot Themselves. ; Statistical tables yield curious in formation to the careful student, says the Philadelphia Times. For instance, i hey show that over one-third of the women who kill themselves are not yet 25 years of age. They enow that women take poison, where men shoot them selves, and they show that the poor, sick and the infirm are not by any kind of reckoning in the majority. A phy sician who makes a study of attempted suicide said this: Get a girl past 25 and she'll go through poverty, sickness and desertion and misery enough to kill ten men. The more people suffer tlhe more they cling to life. I've seen it an the hospitals. It is not the patients with the incurable diseases) or the hopeless cripples who beg to die, but the young, strong, vital woman, who hates pain and doesn't want to suffer it, even for the chance of getting well. It is a strange thing, this getting of a girl past 25, but not uncommon. Any physician with a large Lfamily practice will tell you of a dozen Vases in his own circle of knowledge. Sometimes it is called pyromania, some times kleptomania, sometimes catalep sy, sometimes hysteria, sometimes feigning and sometimes tantrums it s all the same thing nothing else to do." Another physician told of a girl who committed suicide and who left a note stating that her reason was that she was tired of doing the same things over and over every day. The monotony of lfe had become unbearable to her. END OF THE CHESAPEAKE. The Old Man-of-War Turned Into a Floor MIU. An English journal contains the fol lowing Hem: 'It is not by any means widely known that the Chesapeake, famous for her historic encounter with the British ship Channon in 1813, is in existence to day, but is used in the somewhat in glorious capacity of a flour mill, and is making money for a hearty Hampshire miller in the little parish of Wickham. After her capture by Sir Philip B. V. Broke she was taken to England in 1814, and in 1820 her timbers were sold to Mr. John Prior, miller, of Wickham ITants. Mr. Prior pulled down his own mill at Wickham and erected a new one from the Chesapeake timbers, which he found admirably adapted for the pur- nose. The deck beams were, 32 feet !ong. and served, without alteration, 'or joists. Many of these, timbers yet lear the marks of the Shannon grape- -shot, and in some places the shot arc t-!H to be seen deeply imbedded in the pitch pine. The metamorphosis of a man-of-war into a peaceful life-sustain ing flour mill is, perhapR, as near an an' proach to the prophecy that and swords shall be beaten into plows and pruning hooks, as the conditions of modern civilization will allow." Bsats th Klondike. Mr. A. 0. Thomas, of Mary i ville, Tfx. has fonnd a more valuable disooverr than has yet been made in tbe Klondike. For years be suffered untold agony from consumption aoonmpanied by hemorrh ages, and was absolutely cured by Dr. Kins a Naa Tnannvar Ins nnnanntptlaa, Couifhs and Colds, bs declares that gold Is of little valo io comparison to tbis marvelous oure. would have it even if it cost s handred dollars bottle. Astbms, bronchitis and all throat and Inng affec tions ars positively eared by Dr. King's new Lhsoovery for fJonsnmption. Trial bottles free at E. J. Slnonm's drug store. Regular size 60 ota sod tl. Qoaraoteed to oars or pries refaoded. , Unardtng Against Aerldents. It was a London diumond broker and he waa trying to get Into the social awim. At laat he received cards for a certain imposing function, but, unfor tunately, about the same time, was forced to assume the leading role in an unsavory police court cuse. "You 'ave done it," exclaimed bis frienda. "You vill get a leetlle note to say der dance has been postponed, and you vill not be told when der day Is!" "Not! so," ex claimed the Jew: "I have der Invitation to Somerset house taken to get It stamped. It la now a contract," SOLID OOLD TOILET SET. rrspwty sf th Khedive larnuted wltk Praeloa SIodm. It la aaid ths he Only complete gold toilet set In th world belongs to the khedlveof Egypt. Its exact value ia not known, but it must be enormous, fcr lb set Is incrnxted with diamonds and other precloua stone. Ejrypt, by th way, has a debt of about Ji2S.0o0,000, and bcsM- the Interest on this bas to pay aa annual trlbuts to tbe sultan of Turkey amounting to nearly U.500.000. this tbe present kbedlv Las Imh-o following in the footsteps of bis pmleceaaors, whoa extravagances brought shout th preaenf I moat bank rupt condition of th country. t-sch piers of tbs khedivc's rolOen toilet set bear hi monogram In dia monds. Upward of 3,000 diamond and over 1,200 rubles were used la decorat ing these gorireous adjuncts to tb hgypUao ruler's drra.inr tabl. Ths Uhj of each of tbe in piM-ea is of II karat gtild. and all are Inclosed In a dia mond Ittrruetrd rbpny ease. Mat tfsasaif Ue- Lie. It yott ar osiog tbs eonmoa trsadi of ly yoa ar paying (or t lart preet- sgs of commos call wilb wbioh It u a4altftd la many Inctsaess to tbs i tent of oe half. Wbo yea bay R4 Heal Lyer Petsab yea get sbsaloUly psr oat, translated Ilk sngar ass packed ia larit irrtvo top rasa. S0 Tb peraieUal woolsg lovr I tb on wb get lb otsid; Asd tb eooatast a4vrtiaet Oet lb eve am of til lbs trad. A TtatXT WARNIVI ttitsts Savvd Hsy 14. To v lbs grala as Fry's Ooaosa t rated rVsirrsI itoa. This prepafa tw a ts tbs apl aa4 Bet soosoto Isst fuf tb fsrssar. On grata kills. OssfMlesJ. Tris 2 pr sss or fiJO rwf of w . fvt ky Blocssi Irng l Ueppsef, Vf. II Hebrew Kewti Tbs assay trtsstdt Ur. Mas M. t-bUVsea will bs plss4 ItaMS that SBS bss boS tbis to g bar reelJeses. 147 Atfthf Mrset, an a to i stag sf siekfi l Bl. Vis- est bespits!, ANDREW J. EEENEY. From the Guard, Eugene, March 6th. At bis residence one-bait mile east of Goebeo, Uncle Jaok Keener quietly passed away yesterday at the advanced age of 76 years, 4 months and 25 days. His demise is due to kidney troubles, -3 . .... ' nuu me complaint Das extended over a period of several years, gradually week- sning bis strong constitution. Decided io bis friendships, with sin- oere nature, Uncle Jack bad boats of warm personal friends, who will learn of bis demise with sincere regret. lbs funeral services will be bold from bis late residence at 10 o'olook to morrow (Sunday) morning, tbe inter ment taking piece in tbe Eeeney ceme tery, (jloverdale. Rev. J. T. Abbot, pastor of lbs M. . oburoh of this oity, will coodaot tbe services. Andrew J. Eeeney was born in La Fayette oounty, Missouri, Ootober 7, mil, bat when an infant was taken to . Ray oounty in the same state, by his T; f. u J .... n! uiuTuu .u iu. Duuiuuru ynrt us lUiBBOUrl and 12 moDtbs later proceeded to Holt oounty, purchased a farm and engaged in agrioultaral pursuits. In 1850 he orossed the plains to California, bat 18 months thereafter returned to Missouri, D".u.8?,,detl"thtr.eD,,,i,MBy 1867. At Ibis time, with bis wife and four children be onoe more essayed tbe journey aoross tbe plains, but on this occasion, to Oregon, where be arrived October 5, 1857. Having made tbe triD by way of California, be there disposed of bis teems, took passage bv sea to Portland, wbere be remained but sbort time, and then osme direot to Lane oounty, pnrohased a farm com posing 640 sores, tbe Milton Riggs do nation oiaim, to wtuou he has since added 202 acres, making bis estate a oompaot traot of 842 sores. Mr. Kee- ney's residence was situated abont half a mile east of Goshen on the Central Military road, wbere he wan engaged for years in general farmiog and - stock raising. Married in tbe first instance io Clinton, Henry oounty. Missouri. Miss Elizabeth Mulbolland, by which. anion they had one child, now deoeased He espoased, secondly, Mrs. Cooper, ir Atoblson coanty, Missouri, and bad fooi onuaren, inree of woom survive, viz: James M. William D. and John B Thirdly be took no to himself a wif Mrs. A. J. Mathews, and had four ohildren, viz: Martha E. Benjsmio F, Andrew A and Thomas P.) Mr. Keeuey was tbe stepfather of Mrs. J. W. Matlock of Heppner, and s pioneer of Oregon, highly respected in tbe community in whiob he lived. For Constipation take Earl's Clover I Tea, the great Blood Purifier, ourer- beadaohes, Nervousness, Eruptions or the faoe, and make the bead a olear af a bell. Bold by Oonser 4 Brook, x GRANT OODNTI NBWS From the Eagle. The report reaches tbis paper that Emmet Cochran, of Moooment, sold his bsnd ot ewe Ibis week for 84 00 per bead to Ed Turk, to be delivered at the present tiros. This 1 ths highest prioe received fcr sheep ssle. Word bss reached this elty tbat tbe Heppoer-Ceoyoo City mail root tbst wss bid in by P. ?, Stilling, ot Londou, Ky., bss be-n sab-oontrsoted to a man named Miller, of tbe Dalles. At wbal fig or a tbs Eagla did not learn. Jos Combs bss disposed ol bis band of 400 besd of yesrliogs sod two-yesr old steers st 11350 per bead for tbs for mer sod $25.00 per besd tor tbs Istter. Ths esltl ar delivered oa lbs feed ground, and 00 ddttioosl expsoas is added tor delivery. Tbs Esgls did sot loaro th purchaser. Twe Mlllloaa a Year. ...u t,..- ... .-j k... u meana they're aatmnrtl. Th people of tbe l .. w.r,f,, ...... .... mi VU. ...III. 1, i nitril Mates are now buying C'sacareU 'amlv Cathartir at the rat of two millini. Imxea a year and it will I three million tie- lore rw rara. It meana merit proved, that ('asrarrta ars the mmd delightful bowi l rritiilator fur evervtKMlv the veer round. All urujigiats lor,, ouc a pox. cure guaranteed. BHItF MIXTION. Tom Williams 1 over from Loogl Creek. Wbal is Uop OotdT Best beer rs srtb. H ad. Iwbr. Mr. E. W. Ilhea departed for Port- lod last sveoing cm s short visit OaiBDe' faon old "Dahlia Hloot," Imported, st Chris Ifcrchsr' If Fie bntns-usds Uff l tbs Orsng Front. A eleaa, frtsb stock of goods Wave yoor ordtrs. If. rinlr rrmedy tor titrastieg laeth. It But as Slated, DO brges. Try IV, Vsogba' ssw piss. rV)4-if If yoa seed sotssthlni for year sisters st lb Tbos Th Telephoos ss lost Gity hotel bsildlrg. U Wsotsd; ran beaded girl sod whits bars Io dtstribst lbs presaiaot gives twsy with Ho Csk soap. Apply "ftt." W presnsj yoa a soap sad If ss lbs bt ts ebpt Ho Ck Is lrlotlv pars with bo frs alkalL Hbes A Co. a 30 Iw. II srgaent Oarseey 4epart4 Bstarday slsg for short visit st br boss b Portlsad. bs will rstarB Tbarsdsy ktaraisg K, W. Rbe k Or, pnsittvwly gssrsates to meet asy prkw on wool bvgs. Tbsy will Nut b sodenanld 4 tbeir easte rner knar deprftil ss Ibis peoptwUtna, a they ar Is It to stay t lbs ftales. IM tf Mr. F. I. tlsllosk sad ww ysasg SiaM left last tBi f-r Itsasptew bets Mrs. Uallotk rs ts ats sf boabaai, Prw4 bs b B ri deal 4 tbst lhftte( bs'i for Ik past year sad absJf. C4arrk Srd, A Ur b4 sad twsst beesta STSre4 Wilb Ubilob' Oslsrrh Hesjejy; nl ss B grsl JJ IsjwHsr fr. MJ by 0r k 1 ro' THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TKOCBLES AMD CONS0&UTION CAN BE CURED. As Eminent New Tork Chemist asd scientist Makes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo- oo m, or Mew Xork City, demonstrating bis discovery of a reliable ours for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronobial. Inng and obest troubles, stubborn, oougha, oatarrbal affeotions, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of tbia paper writing for them. His "New Scientific Treatment" has oared thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to Buffering humanity to donate a trial of bis infallible oure. RAIArulA I n J ! T j4 I n sits an n x ssnnjIaM I ""vuw MOSS UDTClUlO UD VT IIUUUDIO. Lnd thi8 great chemigti patienHy 6xperi. anting for years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion tbat lung troubles and con sumption are oarable in any olimate is nrnVAn Viv "hanrtfalt laffopa nt af. trjde flled in hi(l Wioan and Earo- Pesn laboratories in thousands from ,h a n t .u ,. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooam, M. 0., Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and tbe free medicine will be promptly sent direct from b:s laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of his generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor that yoa saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. Cordray, the pioneer theatre man of Portland in tbe line of "popular prioee," has refitted tbe Wastingtoo St. theatre, formerly known as tbe "New Park." Cordray always has something new, and our people, when below, can spend a pleasant evening at his place. tt MEN! be" can cured If von suffer from anv of th I ills of men, com to the oldest Specialiit on the Pacific Coast, I DR. JORDAN A CO.. ,1051 Market St Est a 1862. 1 Yoarjg; men and middle 1 aureu men who are auflerine- from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- i cesses tn fnaturer years. Nervous and I'hysical aeiiiftt.r,iiuwieney ,s.oi mannoau in tllincomnlirniions: Sittermatorrhrea. rroiiamrriiffa, fdoiiorrnveo, wires, i t'reaueue.v ef trrlnatlns:. Bra' 1 combination of remedies,of great curativepow- , er, th Doctor has so arranged his treatment tnat it will not only anord immediate relief but ( permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to 1 perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair i and squar Physician and Surgeon, pre-enunant ' in nis specially irnvrausfli OK JTIff-n. KTpniii tnoroiiRiiiyernaii-ateairomuie synrm WMnontuitig nrrrarr, KVC8V MAN ai'plylo tons will re- f . Oe ve our hrnert opinion of hmcnmpmmt. 1 H';fl(iioranlwoiJOi;riKA'C,(M?ii f . Consultation FREE am) strictly private. f C1UHUES VERY fiSASONAVLK. Treat- f ment personally or oy letter, hend lor book, A " The riiilosoDhy of Slarriaire.' F free. (A valuable book lor men.) TINiT DR. JORDAN Great Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museum of in kind Inth world. Come and lenrn how wonderfully you are made; how to avoid ticknwis and diheas. r-r cofinintlv adding new specimens. i'.oi jrmari DiTet. san rranciEco, Mm. Y 1 PV9 .4 1 It Eastern Oregon State Normal School, ONLY BTATC SCHOOL IN CASTCNN ""-"t Located on ths O. R. k N. Rsilwsy midway bstwssn Pcndlstos and Walla Walla. Stodent admitted at all times of lbs year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental Mnsio tangbt by eompsteot instructors. A grado- sts ot lbs Boston Conservatory bas ebargs ol tbs Instrumental dsparl- meot. TlG IftcllofV Bonrdlnc Hall I thoroagbly qalDpsd sod offers ex oallesl aooommodeltotia si rsssoosbl x rstes. Usod for satalogus. Arfs-sssa M. Q. ROYAL, ProalssnCsf FassHy ss f. A. WORTHING TON, SssrsUry Bssrs sf Rsgsnts, Wssten, Ors. t 9 a h . i All t bos can t procured st Thompson k Biooa. Lower Main Street, ueppner, uregon. TisMUaM are wall aMttelnled with Orant. Namey. Tmnk. Oil I lam and Mkatanutt and ra ear SMmey an4 ttsae la aaakln Ifceee rrVw t Ie4at wltk tk UaM. THOMPSON T3TlSrisrS, That 14-Ycar Old "Kolin's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon SOS IT Iss MA FORjrOU! Now Prepared to do Anv Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away, Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prices of any person under tbe son in the line of druggists supplies, blank books, . bank work oounty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork tbat yoa have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not oharit concern bat if yoa will give as a obahoe we will see tbat yon are satisfied in every partioular. Buy your goods at borne. Remember tbat Abe Lincoln said that when one bought goods away from boms the I foreigner got tbe money and we got tbs goods. Bat when tbe goods were bought at home we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. Ws are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re- member it and call up 'phone No. 8. 660-tf The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. BTEAMEES 'DALLES CITY" AND -REGULATOR" Leave The Dalles daily (except 8unday) o. a. m. ueave rortiana at 7SX) a. m. When yon go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. VT. CALLAWAY, . General Agent. '" Son Francisco And all points in California, via th Ht Hhaeta route of the Southern Pacific Co The great hishway through California to all points Kast and 8onth. Grand Hoenio Rout of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Bnffet Hleepera. Seoond-olae Uleepera Attached to express trains, attording superior aecomsnodations for aeoond-elaee paseenaera. For rate, tiokete, sleeping ear reeervatlon. eto,. call npon or address R. KOBHUr, ManaRer, C. H. MARKHAH, Gen. t. P. Agt, Portland. Oregon Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat ent business cond ucld lor MODtnars Fris. i Our Orricc is Oepoairg U. a. Pannv Ornet and we can secure patent u less tuue lhaft taoa remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or sot. free of charge. Our fee not due till patent la seen red. , A FasjestnT. " How to Obuin Patents," with coat ot sam in th U. B. and frei(a cooatrics sent irea. jiaaresa, C.A.SNOW&CO. m wr-w, rrtiim wrrm wasnins ivn, VsSsirSArrSrrVVVVVVVVVVSvsa Weston, Oregon "The Regulator Line" Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Morse ? eectlua Its traxllitg aaea. Stuff, MM r.OOIB s s a BtsaJ, Dty IIrt4 Bsildisg, I.OW XIIVIX, Prop.