Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1898)
Poor and Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble Had no Appetite-Now Better In Every Way-A Delicate Child. "Some time since I took a sadden cold and could not get rid of it. Being subject to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed terribly. I lost my appetite and grew poor and weak and I did not feel like work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla. In a short time the couch d peared, I slept well, had a good appetite and I was better In every way. Last spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap petite and no strength. I resorted to Hood's Barsaparilla and soon felt more like work. My little nephew was a deli cate child and had a humor which trou bled him so he could not rest at night. He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Bar saparilla and now he has a good appetite and Is able to sleep." Miss Abbib J. Fbeeman, South Duxbury, Mass. Hood's SaPraMiia Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. HnnH'e Pille Bre the be9t after-dinner UUUU a fills pills, aid digestion. 25c A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following dabbing rates: The GAZETTE $2,00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregcmtan, 1. 50 13.00 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25 ' N. Y, Tribune, $1.00 2,75 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2 00... 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webloot Planter, Wo 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50 Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 McCall's Magazine $1.00 1,30 Yearly aubacribers to the Gazette oan get clubbing rates witn any paper on earth. METH. EP1SC. CHUK0H. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Cla-wes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Duvotlonal meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. 'The Bpibit and the bnda say. Come." The pastor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any wLo may desire to consult him on religious, Botittl, oivio, philosophies, educational, or any ether subjects. J. W. FLESuER, minister. M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Bunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves together." Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to church. C. K. Howard, Pastor, CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Sc vices each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even tug at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. R. L. Pastor. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., 011 the first Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock. Joe. Stubblefleld, of Long Creek, bas been takiDg in tbe town the past week. H. J. Lea, representing the Drammond Tobaooo Co., of St. Loais, spent Satur day in Heppner. W. Q. MoOarty and wife and Miss Mabel Glasscock were np from Sand Hollow Saturday. Charles Manning got seven days in tbe oooler yesterday morning for being drunk and disorderly SuDday. rhu (John is paying tbe highest price for sbeep pelts, beef hides green or dry, furs, etc Don't forget Phil. fitf Jell Hays oame over yesterday from his Bock Creek ranch. He reports everything flourishing in that section. New stook of thos famous Remingtoo rifles in 22 and 32cal. just received by P. C. Thompson Co. None better made. 2t A man whose name we did not learn paid the regulation fine yesterday for the too generous applianoe of red paint. Homer MoFarland left on last night's train for Butte, Mont., where he has secured a position with a large mining oompaov. E.G. Noble & Co. are rustlers after business. Tbe finest saddles and har. ness to be found in Heppner. See their new ad in this issue. tf. btop that oongh! Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Shiliib's Cure may save jour life Sold by Conser A Brook. x Miss EffiV Wilson and Miss Daisy franklin, of Monument, oieoes of Mrs. Julia Bradley, came over Saturday for a brief visit with their aunt. Mrs. Rader, of Long Creek, arrived hereS itnrday. Mrs Rader has been in ill health for some time end oomes to Beppner for medioal treatment. Large stock of shoe repairing outfits just reoeived at P, C. Thompson A Co's. They were bought at a bargain to be shared with our customers. 2t Dr. Marguerite Garosey, who has met with sooh splendid snooeea in Heppner for tbe past month, is only absent tem porarily, it is her intention lo spend most of tbe spring and summer in Hepp ner, as ebe bas many patients here and expects to secure many more. Her suc cessful methods of treatment have se cured for Dr. Garosey many friends in Heppner and surrounding country and this annouuoement will no doubt prove very gratifying to tbem. Remember Dr. Garnsey's remedies are all manufactured by herself and are made from herbs, roots, t-to. She uses no drugs whatever of a hurtful nature. Office, while li. Heppner, at Palsoe hotel. Rev. D. S. Drake and family oame U) from LfXiogton Saturday to make then farewell visit to friends here. Mr. Drali and family will leave for Salem Tuesdx. evening where he has seoured charge tbe Second Congregational churcl During their soj'inrn at Lexington the have made many friends and Mr. Drak has done moon to build up bis oLorot in this county by bis tireless, energetK work. Morrow county can ill afford t lose such enterprising oitizeno. The Indians are again making thci visits to this prt of the country, eom from Umatilla and others from th Columbia. During tbe past week tbt- have brought in acmewbere near 10UI pounds of wool which they bave dis posed of at fair prices. Last season it is estimated thut over $2500 was paid to the Indians fur wool and pelts, moBt of which tbey gether on the range generally without the consent of the oncer. Tbe Epworth League held a pleasant party at tbe borne of Mies Annie Vic Bride last fc'ridny evening. About 3d were nreseut. The time was. I fliers. o . ...:i o.oa ...1 1 traditions, wtnaj ril nu XB, CIU., UUfcll U.UUUCIOC& when Mrs. MoBride iuvited tbe young folks to partake of an elegant lunch to which It is needless to say all did full justice. DROLL SORT OF DUEL. flow e French "Sparrow" Fought with "Blackbird" Up a Tree. One day the famous duelist, Pierrot d'laaac, went to see his friend, Mar quis Merle de Sainte-Marie, says the St. Louis Mirror. It should be ex plained that in French pierrot means sparrow and merle means blackbird. "Marquis," said d'Isa&cs, "I am a Bona partist and you are a royalist. More over, I am the sparrow and you are he blackbird. Doesn't it strike you that there is one bird of us too many?" ''It precisely does," said the marquis; "my choice is pistolB, and, as ia ap propriate for birds of our species, let sb fight m the trees." As if it were not a sufficiently ridiculous thing that one man should challenge another be cause his name was Sparrow and. the other Blackbird, the duel was actually fought from trees, the seconds standing nn the ground below. The pistols were fired at the signal. There was a rust ling among the lleiaves of one of the chestnut trees. It was Pierrot d'Isaacs who, wounded severely in one leg, oame tumbling to the ground. At this point the marquis began to chirp triumphant ly, imitating the song of the blackbird. This was a fresh insult, to be atoned in only one way, and d'lsaacs waited for his wound to recover to challenge Sainte-Marie for the chirp. This time the duel was fought with swords, and Sainte-Marie was badly wounded the sparrow had! avenged himself on the blackbird. . A Good Standing Army. The army of Japan, in the opinion of men versed in military affairs, is one of the best organized armies in the world. The rank and file are the descendants of the famous old Samurai the sturdy men at arms who followed the fortunes of the early ''daimins" hereditary sol- imbued with all their warlike liiii CLOTHING 1. rv cuff4 fur Take Notice. "cams or Hiuu, ' --nwjiutioaa , 1 list of wedding credent and donors. aud obituary notices, (other than those tbe edit or shall himself give M a matter of newi,) and notice! of pecial meeting! for whatever purpose. 2. Notice of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue li to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Ave cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instanoe. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Mrs. Dt. Miracle, of Long Creek, ar rived here yesterday on ber way to Seattle to visit her sister, Mrs. Presoott, who is dnngerously ill with consumption . Wanted Milk cows for summer range. Will be kept and cared for in good shape for privilege of milking. Good pasture furnished for calves. Apply at Gazette offloe. tf Rev. U. S. Drake aud family were np from LxiDgtnn over Sunday. Rev Drake occupied the pulpit at tbe M E, church for Hev. t lesher both morning and evening. Wm. Pieroe, of Gooseberry, was in town yesterday, tie is suffering from a severe attaok of rheumatism which has nearly eauoeeded in paralizing on entire side of bis body. Come to the Gazette offloe and get a decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelops look oheap, and betides you cannot get your business oard printed thereon. tf Andy Rood yesterday purchased of lug, Juura ltrOO aorre Of land lying 00 Cunningham flat, 6 miles southwest of Heppner. This will greatly add to Mr Rood's facilities for taking oare of bis flooks. There's more olothlng destroyed by poor soap than by actual wear. ''Hoe Mining and Irrigation Convention. A mining and irrigation convention will be held at Bnker City, Or., on March 29, 30 and 31, 1898. For this oooAsinn the O. R. A M. Co. will sell round trip tickets from all points on their line, at one aud one-fifth fare. This gathering will no doubt be very profitable to all parties interested in these matters, tf. Why all this blow and bluster about wool bagb? T. R. Howard's customer will get their wool saoks as oheap as tbey can be had anywhere else in riepp ner. Price absolutely guarauteed. 628 31. DEMOCKATIO NOTICE. It is impossible for the Bystem to withstand the demands made upon it just at this season, with out the assistance of a pood puri fying and ' strengthening tonic. The changes which Nature decrees shall take place each spring are so severe that a breakdown k almost sure to come. It is wise that all possible assistance be given during this period, as mpon this purifying process depends the health for the entire summer. Everybody just now should take a thorough course of Swift's Speoiflo S.S.S.eBlood which thoroughly cleanses the blood of all the accumulated im purities, tones up and strengthens the entire system, and aids Nature in renovating and renewing the body so as to render it healthy and strong. Those who purify their blood with 8. S. S. at this season are well fortified against the many forms of disease so prevalent dur ing the dreaded heated term, for it has been demonstrated that the system that is thoroughly purified in the spring is well prepared to resist disease all summer. No other remedy on the market is equal to Swift's Specific as a spring medicine, because it is the or Men and Boys 4 31 4 Here and There. Old Bong Get a bottle of good wblikey and a bottle of good wine, And you can drink to your true love, and I will think on mine. Hew Bong V. hers thall we get th whisker, where shall w get the wine? We'll buy them from Llih 8 perry, whoa good! are eitra fine At the Balvadera Saloon, Heppner, Oregon. J. 0. Keithley wis ia from Eight Mile yesterday. Cbas. Beymer wti In from Eight Mile yesterday. Cbas. Royse is spending a few dji in Iowa Ibis week. Rev. W. E. Potwioa arrived from Pen dleton this moroiog. Cbas. Booklet of Monument paid this Oity a visit yesterday. Red Seal Lye can't be beat For tale by P. a Thompson Co. 2t Demoorstia primaries tomorrow, Ooon ty ooovention Saturday. Robt. Deiler earns ia to-day to si te ad populist primaries. LlohUnlbtl k Co. for shoe. Eiolosiv bo store. Handles tbe boat. 83lf J. L. A) ere aod wife ratorosd from brief visit to TortUoi Sunday morning. Statements for tbe Famous Simple Aooooot Fils printed al tbe Osftts of floe. I'- F. M. Rounds was over from Long Creek Bstordsj after freight for that plaoa. Tip Williams pulled out for Loeg Creek this morning with big load of Berebaodl. "Co'o JukV U all right bwt f Til lard baa a brand of 14 year-old gds that la bard lo beat. u3 tf. O. N. Peck, of L-ilogto, was lo Iowa Saturday. Mr. Peek Is poksa of at s sandidats for aawor. Aoy ooe d-liir- lo build titbtr s Boom or barn will matt monv by ail ing oa the Oagette nffioa. 7i( A soldo log ootfit otsUec 23 Sao Is will save too aoaoy dollars la tloamllb bills. For sale by P. C. Tboaipoe Co. 31 Nw stoek'tof frreh roast Cfffnijoit rwMlved by P. C. Thotnpaoa Co. Try tbtlf oTa-pounde for II grada. It's floe fur U prk. 2t MiM IWib Thompson. siaUf of Wall Tbonptoa, baa aveored the Pilot tWk ehnol sad U iMehiot a ry sail' lry tebool si I bat plaoa. t- 1 1 Cake" soap contains no free alkali and will not injure tbs finest laoe. Try it and notioa tbe difference in quality. Rhea dt Co. a-30 Soyder Bros, bave succeeded Willis Stewart io the livery business, next door to the Gazette offloe, and will do s general livery and feed business. Rigs, addle horses and stall room at reason able rates. 611-tf. Tbe Gazette will olob with the Oregon Senator, tbe great Ph'bian paper of Ore- goo, Waablngtoo aod Idcho, published at Portland, for 12.75 for tbe two. Tbe Senator ia all right. No Knight of Pythias should be without iL tf. Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red- light," ever 00 tbe alert for something oew, oan furnish you the finest cock tail in th land Manbatteo, Jersey, Vermouth or G10 mad by so artist io tbs business. Drop lo sod tak the tast out of your mouth. It Tbe Holly olob belJ a very pleasant meeting last Friday evening. This was tbs last meeting lb club will bold this eaaoo. As a sun roe of entertainment lb olub be beeo a (real eaoors the past wloter and Ihsr is bo doubt bol that It will be revived gaio out winter Frank MoFarland bas beeo appointed special agent of The Equitable Life A lorsoos Co, of New York, tbe strongeal lo lb world. Cash surplus lo policy bolder of over 50 milllor dollar. Doo'i tak Inauraoe without clog th B plans of th Equitable, loaure hotb eels at sam rata. 77 tf Weitsborg Tim: i. V. Crawford baa al lt returned. Wbile gone baa visited Fil eohool boose, preaching on work; Milton sud Rain, preaching sod singing for two weeks; IVbo, preaching one week: llsrpoer, preanhing one week ; alio other plaoe. II I Ihiok leg of going swat ag ln, soon, lo Wil low. Dr. U.K. W.d baa twos kept very baity with ber many patUot lb past ek and Be ors are alling oa bur every day. Tbe doctor give medl etna whatever, bat rflofe care in lb moat obattnat by Bagblim Tboee snff-fisg from whatever ail boo Id sail bI bar. No abargae made for eonaltaiio. If eh eaaaot help too !b will t fnn a.,, Tbe d"tof oan b found St lb Palaoa hotel aettl farther But lea. Official List of Expenditures. Official list of oouoty expenditures Maroh term county oourt. H. Hams, pauper acot 40 (10 A. Tooum, pauper aoot 20 00 Mathews, pauper aoot 12 20 P. Williams, stationery 47 00 D. S. Barlow, rebate on tax 2 35 Parker & Gleasoo. road and bridge aoot 32 83 ft Howaiil, paum acut T , R. Howard, pauper aoot 13 C. E. Ranons, pauper aoot 10 00 1 Emma Welch, pauper aoct 10 00 Boy and Girls Aid Sooiety, do nation 10 00 H. E. Warren, stationery aoot.. 8 T. R. Howard, pauper aoot 19 i U4 t Jki i.U I. i Baas - arr. TMaa Lm. Caa j m a.-4w T fare (MiikitM T l"arta I u I atftania. tutPtlNk II U C. C. tail t tar, ara.aui ffyJ In persuanoe to a resolution of tb onlY Purely vegetaDie Dlooa rem Demooratio County Central oommitte. edJr aud is guaranteed absolu-Lcly held in Heppner the 5th day of March, , free from Ptsh, mercury and all 1898, Wednesday the 16th day of March, ! other minerals. It cleanses, puri 1898, at tbe hour of 2 o'clook p. m., wn ! fief? builds up and strengthens, designated as tbe time for holding tbn j fusl?,tll S ' S: for there is noth" demooratio primaries and the followina . ln "BU BB Sooa- Saturday, tbe 19th day of March, for the convention, wbiob convention will meet at tbe court bouse in Heppner at 10 o'clock a. m. of eaid day. Representa tion of eaob voting preoinct will be as follows: Dairy, 2; Matteson, 2; Dry Fork. 2; Lexington, 2; Gentry, 8; Lena 8; Wells Springs, 2; Mt. Vernon, 4: Alpine, 2; Pine City, 2; lone, 8; Uepp. oer, 7 : Oeoil 2; Eight Mile, 2. Respectfully submitted, J. W. Mobrow, Chairman. 4 We have an immense line of ready made clothing in the latest Spring Styles. The only Really Well Assorted and Up-to-Date Stock of Clothing in Heppner. NOT LAST SPRING OR FRLL.BUTTHIS SPRING. There'! big and little suits for old and young; There'! short aud stout suits and slim aud long. Don't bo persuaded into buying your Spring suit until you have looked our goods and prices over. You'll be repaid. They are new goods received two months earlier this spring than ever before. Our Prices make Competition Green With Envy. - For instance, there's a $10 Suit of Oregon Wool, for men, made by Salem Woolen Mills, guaranteed all wool. Can't be duplicated in town. Then that $1.00 Suit, of two pieces, for boys. Considering the price they are elegant goods. A person would na'urally think that we sold these good! for lets than coit. We don't. We make a little profit on all these goods not very much but some. We do business In Just thisrway. SHREWD BUYING AND CLOSE SELLING. First, we buy right, then sell cloe and quick. r Be Sure and See Clothing. Our THE ART OF BREWING. A NEW FIRM E. G. Noble & Successors to Noble & Co., And now tfve entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewery beer Are in this fluid at th old WnA.wlUl Harnnu. Riuliiloa. Wh!, Hpnr. ud an ndlw lot of everything In their line. E. G. Noble and Mrs. (ivo. Noble comprise the new firm who will pay all billi of the old firm si well as collect what Is due. 1$. O. NOB1VE CO. Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. W. Brook oriminal and justice court 100 Irwin A UodeoD, stationery.... 30 00 1 J. S7. Matlock, expense aoot... IB 28 Hlooom Drag Co., pauper aoct. . 15 10 B. Hunlock, pauper aoot 2 601 Gasette, assessor's supplies.. .. 28 00 1 Qsiette, stationery, etc 8 06 1 Gilliam A- Bwbee, road sod bridge aoot 12 76 Wm. Barton, pauper aoct 115 60 A. T. McNey, count tipeoee.. 2 76 Palaoe hotel, pauper acot 22 00 Gen, Oooser, ptoper aoot , 14 00 The following bills were continued for th term: Boppuer Light k Water Co. ... $ 1J 00 1 White McLaogblin 154 06 H'ate of Oregoo. ) County of Morrow I.J. W. Morrow, olerk ol the Count Court of Morrow oouoty. Oreuoo. do I hereby certify that tbe above lut is a trot and correct statement of all claims, allowed, allowed to part, rejected or coo tinned, by the eoooly oourt of snid county at tbe March term thereof ricla she of salaries, Uee.sto , allowed by law. W itneea mr band aod seal Ibis 11th day of Marob, 1W8. J. W, Moaaow, sBAbl County Clerk. By Geo. W. Wbixm, Deputy. THE WELSH PRINCIPALITY. Way Old-Tim BarmtlttoM, Caaleaas aad flavor Are irar4. It U n-laU'il that an Kiifflikh lord once nUl to bit;ii-Ms: "1 lufeajiani ai in Wales hM-h I hae nevrmn n but v likh I am told ia frry fin. i:ery day dinner for 12 ia art therw and the carr ap' drawn up at tiie door In mum I slmul arne. i iua may unmtrste. aava a Kcotrh wriu-r In Llppinrott'a, the rt la lion of Walrs to the avrrae Ki'(rl'l man, for altjiouffh aJnio.t all of th" Welsh towns ar mrrrly trn boura' rid from IxMidun, thrre l, rtip, no otltrr country In tl world Ijr.nff aocl to the ornts-rcf civiliMtiun of which ao little la krwmn to th Otitaiile wurld. Ikiok aUirre may kmd tite r ahelvra with VOltlftiea (m all aubj -rta, but few books vll m found among ilirm ' this quaint, quirt and prrha nMMt pic turrtie tf aJl emnirifi, The f ct l, Walm U not rniK-h vlaitrd, is I (r h 1 1 v ipkrn fit anil lin I rral aUxit not liairifr rrfluc! a WaJUr Fcott an-l rhf a thrar r.irrumetanma htr din mnh lo I'fiwrtr thr In lla I riitial state ard mal.lrd th pwijtlr to r!lt s: t old titne tiirrtllinfia, ruattnui an. I Unptinfr and to pmrnt to a lit rii.i and rrfrrahinc flavor wbly Its ei, A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam & Bisbee's And by the way they hsv anything yon can rail for In the line of Hardware, moves and Tluware. GO WHERE YOU CAN OET WHAT YOU WANT. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tte Kind Yen Haia Always Bought Bear the Blgaatura of Coaifurt la Trvll. Personally end noted tonriat ficur- slons arc now the fad. TU are r articu- larly adapted for ladles traveling alone, or with children, for no chance of rare ia oeoeesary betweeo the PaoiOo and At lantio. Furthermore, each ear ia in charge of a eprolal conductor, whose sola dot! ra to look after lb welfare and oomlnrt of bis paaet-ngere. The cars are operated by the Pullman Palaoe Car company, thus eaeuriog t paaaengers all the comforts) af modern day travel at leas Ibao ball tbe naaal Pullman rates. These eioufsioos ran via "Tbw Great Halt Lake route," and leave Portland via the O. K. A N. al 8 p. m. Monday, Tared ay, Wedneadsy and Thursday of acb wrk. Tbe car Irsvintf Monday runs through without ebaDge to Kanase City and Chirsgo, via tbe Miori PaiD and Cbwsg A Alton eaat of Porolo ; the car leaving Tu'tday rnns through to IVmIob, via the Itrk lalaad, UkeHbOfS Mtrbigaa Hoalbers. Nsw Turk CrelraJ sad Boston k Albany, and tbe car laavma Wednraday tbrottnh to Kansaa City and 8t. Lais, via ll.a Bar Us (to east of I)nvr. Tbs car leaving Thursday rant through to fit. Loais, via kf uwonrt Pacific east of Pneblo. For rates, pampblrle Bad laloraiBiton, Bddrre J. V. ManaSrld. Ova l Aft. ttio Orand ITaetert Ity, Port land, Oregow. Every Package of Schillings Best tea is a sample. Your money back if you don't like it. Baal iMrwtara If friar BrbonI la la Bd ( trt rlaas Boaloasieal chart ths tlTlea hac nae at kwe than half pftra. Vif, w HI fo rMh. Call at MiM tftlee 21 If. bring oar hi Us. H d fura to IWa. Ma'hrws, at the l.iVfy M-l Us'SM . lie sf s bigbMt market y": 119. tl Beat accommodation and courteous treatment at tbs Imperial Hotel. Heventh aod Wash. Hts., Portland, Urrgon. Gibson & Berger, At Chas Jones' Old Mand. Rhavini?. - IS Cti. Hair Cuttinir. US ' Haths 2"c. Kverything Strict ly r irnt k,1&m. D. A. CURRAY, Fiirimrly of I'tudl. ton Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, Hair Cutting, Hhitp. Utlk Cornrr, IS Cents 28 " lli', ()ron, Mathews & Gentry BARBERS Shaving V V V 15 Cents. ev Shop two dixit Mouth of pitmca. General Collector rnl fmr nM lrr,iji r.i.4 ivrai fn Ma rwrlltw limit. Offirit in J, N. IJrowo'i liail.liDg. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP GOIB Ondraught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, . 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. .ess THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J. C. BORCIIUKS Who ha secured th service of MRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W As manager. It will he run in firnt class hao in every tlejiartment. Hates reaKunahlo SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. mm , IJIL11 THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. I30HOII3iRS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars The Best Bargains- ARE NOT TIIE GOODS ROICIIT FOII TIIE LEAST MONLY Bui ar Uiiaw of frmatoX vlua In .filon In nt If yu nl lo ( tour wanvy s aodli l boiirc (.! la II I rn. OR MACIIIMERY, CALL 0N Ow Tl?iiOAiisor oo W r lortwwlns our tinr I M fall (n't wtntor. fall ami m us. 'J Confectionery Ellis Sc Phelps, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All ttlnM all-n4Mt la la a a-mMiM aai a.n.i.ur miidx, IdrtarlM rm.ii atnl tUMlra. Otika la Battar talMiaa. Naf, or. oc-Cakc Soap & No Ep SELF-HEATING FLAT IRON THE GREAT fL'EL AND LAB0II SAVtll Frank Enoeiman or Ionc, l M'nt M IMS ua(il hmiahM r1li i n1 Ifc'M.ntshlr Ihtmanif iit ih aama. Ha la am iha .wfl aafll Ihatuiaof Otta. I.rnu.rf 1. (. JOHN F. CASEY A CO fj m. Lml. ManHtartarara. I'ricei H iUonaLli. PS! J vvv - - MtvU oolur Unit! KUtoa Iafbt, il ntit nreraaaril It di(I-r'iit fioto allolJuT CVoUiiia do atarcb, frM alkali or wortblrsi filllcg. ROOTS AND SHOES' D a TMf PLACK TO CIT THIM II or Ai. iciixisx'nivrv x? co. Thr aatt sarUilna la II. I Iim thai m av 4mm aM m aaa 4f-4 It ta a , .M art, ia a lbf foatahlM H. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. OH las, Malsi tmat MtMirt ! a