Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 15, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, March 15, 1898.
The populists and democrats of I
Malheur have effected a fusion of
forces and nominated a fall ticket
The silver republicans could not
be persuaded to join with tliem,
A. Hodson are in the field; for
surveyor no one has as yet been
mentioned; Dr. E. R. Hunlock is a
candidate for coroner. There will
in all probability be others in the
Candidates' Announcements claiming that they were entitled to field before the convention meets,
I hereby announce to tbe pnolto of Morrow
county, that I will be a candidate before the
next republican county convention for nomi
nation to the office of county assessor.
Lexington, Or., March 7, '98.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for the
office of county assessor, subject to the will of
the republican county convention.
A. C. Pettiys.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for the
mice 01 county mini oi ocnoois, tuDieci to we
will of the Republican county convention.
more of the offices than the other
parties were willing to allow them.
The following allotment of the
county offices was made: .Popu
lists: sheriff, commissioner, asses
sor, surveyor, coroner; democrats:
representative, clerk, school super
intendent and treasurer.
Bavins; striven to do my whole duty for two
years, I trust that the people will approve my
J. W. Shipley.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate for
the office of Cyunty Superintendent of Schools,
subject to the decision of the Republican con
vention oi Morrow county. a. uopbon.
In response to the earnestsnlicltattnn of nnm
erous friends, I hereby announce myself a can
didate for the office of County Clerk of Morrow
county, subject to the
county convention.
will of the Republican
The political pot simmers.
We do not yet believe there will
be any war with Spain, but if there
should be we are clad to know
that Uncle Sam will be found
The senate committee on civil
service, wnicu made an exhaustive
investigation of the subject, has
reported in favor of removing from
the classified service all deputy
collectors of internal revenue,
store-keepers, and gaugers and all
deputy collectors of customs. The
report also adopts the contention
of Senator Pritchard, chairman of
the committee, that the govern
ment printing omce was never
legally put within the classified
service and is not by rights, now
in that service.
out of whom it surely Bhould not
be any trouble to select a ticket
that would be hard to down, wheth
er there is fusion or not in the
ranks of the opposition.
The Coast Defences.
One-balf tbe Dumber of improved can
non, mortars snd emplacements will be
looated and placed in b nit able position
ere tbe expiration of 1898. Tbe artillery
board are constat tly making praotical
surveys, go far as these relate to tbe
army, and the establishment of adequate
military protection of our sea board is
receiving strong endorsement. Mean
while there is a means of defeooe from
greater pbysioal calamity, and that ie
Hoetetter't Stomach Bitters, which by
restoring tbe tone of the nerves and
stomaob, invigorates tbe entire system.
II also prevents malarial, kidney and
rheumatic ailments, and cares bilious
ness and constipation. Those who have
been onred by it speak in no nnoertaln
terms as to its effectiveness.
Politix is a subject of much
consideration in these parts at
present The war with Spain is a
matter of little moment compared
with the all-absorbing question of
who will be candidates in the com
ing political struggle.
When Blanco demonstrates that
his 100,000 Spanish troops are able
to cope with Qomez and his 10,000
poorly equipped followers we will
begin to believe it will take more
than a week for Uncle Sam to whip
Spain to a finish. Spokane Chron
A. Alexander, of Pendleton, is
Deing tavorably mentioned as a
candidate for Btate treasurer by
numerous papers throughout the
state. Mr. Alexander if nominated
would no doubt make a strong
race, and make his opponent, who
ever he may be, know he had been
to an election.
Peesident McKinlei and every
member of his cabinet feel great
indignation at the disgraceful affair
at Lake City, South Carolina, which
resulted in the murder of the post
master and one of his children,
and the wounding of three others,
an official report of which has been
made to the postoffice department.
At the last cabinet meeting it was
unanimously decided to increase
the government's reward to $1500
for information that will lead to
the conviction of the perpetrator
or perpetrators of the cowardly
and dastardly crime, and that all
the facilities of the postoffice de
partment and of the department
of justice should be utilized in the
effort to run down the murderer.
Little Girl at Long Creek
Meets a Horrtbe
R. II. Whitson, who formerly
helped edit the Buuchgrass Blade
at Lexington, and later edited the
Ileppner Itecord, has assumed
control ol tbe uunsmmr isews, a
bright little weekly published at
Dunsmuir, Siskiyou county, Cal,
We sincerely hope Mr. Whitson
may succeed in his now venture.
General Wm. Stark Roheciianb,
the last of the great union gen
erals, diod at his home in Los
Angeles, Cal , on Saturday morn
ing. God. Ilosecrans was born in
Ohio, Sept C, 1819, and at the time
of his death was 78 years, G months
of age. He was a long time in the
servioe of his country as a faithful
and valiant soldier.
Otis Patterson is at Washing
ton in the express interest of his
own candidacy for a position in
lbe Dalles land oillce. Mr. rat
terson was promised bis choice of
several different jobs to repay him
for the zeal displayed m attempt
ing to secure Mr. Mitchell's elea
tion to the U. S. senate, but one by
one each in turn have fell into
other hands until at length becom
ing impatient he concluded to go
id person and plead his own case
at the fountainhead of the admin
istration. Miltou Eagle.
The above is another proof of
the truthfulness of the old saying,
"You must go away from home to
learn the news. Mo far as we were
aware Mr. Patterson's visit to
Washington City had no particular
significance whatever, so far as his
personal interests are concerned,
however, it gives our friends some
thing to talk about
Long Greek, Or., Marob 12. A little
6-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Ballanoe, residing three mils
east of Long Creek, met a horrible aooi
dent Thursday evening that resulted in
death in a few boars.
Mrs. Ballance bad left her three little
daughters, aged respectively 3, 5 and 8
years, at tbe honee while she went to tbe
barn lot to milk. Soon she heard
screams and saw ber eldest dansbter
running to her, orying that her sister
was burning. Mrs. Ballanoe rushed to
tbe bouse to find tbe little one wrapped
in flames. She removed its clothing as
rapidly as possible and extinguished ti e
flames, but too late, as the fire had
burned its bands aod body in a shook-
tog manner its hands being burned
almost to a orisp. Medical aid from
this plaoe was summoned and every
thing possible done to relieve tbe
child's sufferings, but notwithstanding
it died at 8 o'olock Friday morning in
the most horrible agony.
It is supposed that tbe little one at
tempted to put some wood into the
stove when its clothing oanght fire.
Tbe father was on tbe road somewhere
between here and Pendleton with a load
of freight and was sent for immediately,
bnt the little one was dead before be
The Gentleman Was Rude.
A leader of the house who at one time
held the office of prime minister, was
noted for his indolent, gentle manner,
and the soft drawl with which he sent
stingingr sarcasm home to his oppo
nents. One of hie long-suffering victirns,
however, dealt him a telling blow by
complaining that the honorable mem
ber had been rude to him. "His man
ner." he asserted, "waa not ungentle
manly, but it wm lea ladylike than
The Mlamtnaa of Spore.
Every plant in the vegetable kingdom
springs from and produces seeds. The
mushroom and the fuugi in general axe
no exceptions, only that their reproduc
tive bodies are termed "spores." Some
fungi spores are so inconceivably min
ute that it would require more than
200,000.000 of them placed side by side
to cover the space of a square inch.
Cruel Custom.
A cruel custom prevails on the death
of a prince of the royal family of Aus
tria. His horse, covered with a black
cloth, follows the funeral, limping pain
fully.' The lameness is caused by driv
ing a nail through one shoe, and is in
tended to typify the animal's sorrow.
j Last
Restore full, regular action
of the bowels, do not irri
tate or inflame, but leave
all the delicate digestive .or
ganism in perfect condition. Try them. cents.
Prepared only by U. L Hood Co., Lowell, Mass.
We ask you to examine
our display of
Being complete and up-to-date,
in all the latest blocks and
styles, in Mens' Youths' and
Boys' hats.
Prices guaranteed to be at low as the lowest.
Watch this Space. Something New will
Appear Each Week.
Our show window will contain a different line ef goods each week or ten
days, and our advertisement will call attention to each line we put forward.
Space does not permit us to mention all our extensive lines at one time.
We simply knocked our
competitors silly with our
display of
Bays' I Us' Clothing
the finest ever shown in
this city. Our prices are
as low as the lowest, if not
a little lower.
Karl's Clover Root Ten, for Constipa
tion it's the beet and if Bfter using it
you don't say so, return package and
get yonr money. Bold by Conger t
Brook. x
It is reported that Watson and
Dobs are coming to Oregon to
campaign for the middle-of-the-
road populisln, and will bogin oper-
atioua at Baker City next week.
Thin move may tend to spoil ome
of the pretty little schemes of the
1 he following republicans are
ready and willing, we are informed,
to serve their party for tbe next
two years in the following capac
ities: Representative, J. V. Royse,
R.H. Kelly and W. 8. Connor;
for sheriff we have heard the names
of Cant. League, of lone, and
County Commissioner J. W. Reck-
ett, of Eight Mile; for county clerk
Vawter Crawford and H. F. Ilynd,
r Budiles Death.
John 8. Ingrabam, father to Charles
and Faonie Ingrabam, of tbii plaoe, tell
dead last evening while on bii way to
tbe depot. He had been stopping few
days with his daughter Fannie and in
tended going to Wenatchie, Wash., to
visit a son living there. Last evening
be and bis son started for the depot and
as they were passing the MoFarland
building he suddenly fell dead. He bad
been a soflVrer from heart disease for
sums time and there is no doubt that
this was tbe cause of death. Mr. Ingra
bam was bnrn near Mt. Sterling, Ky
Feb. 29, 1829, where be was raised. Ht
lived several years in Kansas, loafing
there in 1883 for Oregon loootingin Mor
row eouoty, on Eight Mile, where b bas
sioo resided. He was member of th.
M. E. chnroh and died strong in tbe
faitb. He leaves seven children lb re.
daughters snd fonr sons to mourn bis
loss. Tbe Octette extends its sympathy
to lb. beresved family.
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urine and let it stand twenty -four hours;
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy oondition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidenoe of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri
nate or pain in the baok, is also convinc
ing proof that tbe kidneys and bludder
are out of order.
There is comfort in tbe knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, tbe great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of the nrioary passages. It cor
rects inability to bold uriue and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overoomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get up many times
during the night to urinate. Tbe mild
and tbe extraordinary effect of Swamp-
root is soon realized. It stands tbe
highest for its wonderful cures of tbe
most distressing oases. If you need a
medicine you should have the beet. Sold
by druggists, price fifty cents and one
dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail,
upon receipt of three two oent stamps to
oover oust of postage on the bottli
Mention the Heppoer Gazette and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer k Co., Biog-
hampton, N. Y, . The proprietors of this
paper guarantee the genuineness of tbia
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at LaGrandf,, Oregon,
March 10. 1898.
following-named settler has fllert notion nf
bis intention to make final proof in support of
hia claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore J. W. Morrow County Clerk, Morrow
county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April
23, 1898, viz:
Pre-Emption D S 10540, for the WU NWU, BE4
N WJ4 and N WH 8W! Bee 15, Tp 4 8, R 29, E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Andy J. Cook. Hezekiuh
Tippett, of Heppner, Oregon, Robert 8. Clark,
oi uuraane, uregon. ana Abraham B. Chapman,
of Vinson, Oregon.
30-41 Register
Land Office at La Grand, Oreoon,
March 7. 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Ore
gon, at Heppner, Oregon, ou April 23, 1898, viz:
Hd E No 5353 for the 8E)a of Bee 4 Tp 2 8 R 27
E W M.
He names the following witnesses to nrnva
hia continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: A. J. Stamp, M. J. Devln, W.
O. McCarty and Foster Adams, all of Heppner,
29-40 Register.
Or., March 14, 1898.
Barker, A E Brown, Myrtle
Finland, Joe Furlong, Mary A
Greyer, O Hale, J 8
Liooney, u Milieu, Mrs HI
Measoner, i M
When cauins for these letters cleasa aa
aaTsruiea. J. r. Williams, f, M.
Notice Ot Contest'-Timber Culture.
Notice of Intention.
March 2. 1898. Notice la herebv s-iven that
the followini named settler has filed notice of
hia Intention to make final proof in support of
hia claim, and that anW iJ -i K.
before J. W. Morrow. County Clerk, at HeDDner.
uregon, on earn may, aprii in, ib'jb, viz
of Heppner; Hd K No 2909 for the NEJ4 of Bee
it. idid nut v .
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said laud, viz: James P. Rhea, Ralph L.
tsenge, oi Heppner, uregon, Robert J. Hill, of
Lexington, Oregon, and J
Mason, ot lone,
fasiouisla in this state. It also of Heppner, and Thou. Morgan, of
abowa that tbe middle of-tbe-road
ontimetit id Oregon ia stronger
than many think it is, and tbe
atraigbt-out populisU may yet put
np a alate ticket.
Of a friends who are announcing
Editor i'attcraoD'a appointment as
register of the land office at Tbe
Dalles, are doubtless j'nst a little
previous. Aa yet tbe Gazette has
melted no authority to make auch
an announcement, claa aa we
might I to do an, and that im
portant appointment remains yet to
lie made by tbe president We ran
truthfully aay that Mr. Patterson
baa received no appointment of
auy kind.
Krxiur, thing were rather ou
tbe wide open system. Several
toys who have not yet attained
their majority were drutik and di
orderly. Any port to ho ktow.
ingly farnishiMi boys under age with
li'iuor should, if found out, be
driven front the town. Tbe (la
irtte doe not nm aa a tem perance
organ, neither doee it desire to be
called cranky, but when it comes
to seeing boy 16 to H years old
drunk and carousing on our street,
especially on Hunday, it thinks it
time to call a bait, for it ie Dot
only a disgraee to our town but to
our boanted civitiiatiou. A airing
nit eaforeemerit of tbe law against
alling liQr t minors should be
clNH)1f adbelsJ to sad DO favors
Might Mile; for commissioner, J.
I Howard and Jay l'evin are
being mentioned; for asseHHor, W.
It. MoAlister, Q N. Teck and J. F.
Willis, of Lexington, and A. Q
Tettys are already in the field; for
treasurer, V. W. Hornor, Mat
Lichtentbal and W. L. Hriggs are
spoken of quite frequently by their
respective friends. For school
superintendent, J. W. Shipley and
What is
It U & itrcnrthcnlnr food and
tonic. rcnurkabU In its flesh-form
In j properties. It contains Cod-
Liver Od emulsified or psrtlilly
digested, combined with the well-
known and highly prized Hypo-
photphites of Lime and Sod A, so
that their potency ' nutcrUUy
What Will it Do?
It will arrest Ion of flesh and
restore to a normal condition the
Infant, the child and the adult It
will enrich the blood of the anemic
ill stop the coo eh. heal the irrita
tion of the throat and lungs, and
curt Incipient consumption. We
nuks this stitrment because the
experience of twenty-five years has
proven It In tens ol thousands ot
cases. mm m j u f r i i-.m.
This la Yonr Opportanltjr.
On receipt of ten cents, caah or aUnana,
s oenerous sample will lie mailed of the
moat popular Catarrh aal Hey Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Hal in) mffioiant to demon
strate the great nierils of the remedy.
60 Warren bL, New York City.
n. tv n.i.i i. i n.i r.n. t .....
MV. vuui. liriifc .', ' '" . I , Muufr.,
reoommetided Ely's Cream Itelra to ma. I
, - I If A ..t. 1 I
can mpnaaiaa uia eiairiuani, n a wav
Uvs cure tor catarrh u need MdireeUd."
Iter. Francis W. 1'oola, l'sator Central Pre.
Church, Holena, klout
Ely's Cream Ttalra Is th ci now lad" god
etira for catarrh and coutaina no mercury
Dor any Injurious drug, rrtos, Ml casta.
Dr. Rmmis' Work.
Dr. nrirv lUamoa, for severs! years
on of Hpokana'a beat known ministers,
is making a (In reoorJ at Grao M. E.
cbnroh tn Portland, whr h i bow
pastor. For several years tbs ohnreb
baa been crippled bv a bne debt in tbe
nritfbborbood ot $10,000, snd no on
eould eny way ot payie it. After
many moslb's of patient work Dr. IU-
mus bas J oat baj th aaliafac'lion ofpay
lug 110,000 ot tbia debt and eottlni
down lb rale of luterwot o th r
mainder. Tbia plaoe Oreo cbnroh In
a position to mov forward rapidly to
lb f'rmoat aroonf th religion av
actetie of II north weal -Apoken
Tb daelh of Mim Franet E. Wiliard
give oceasloa to The Outlook to reprint
to iw aiagaiin innmir for March a
ptraooal deeerlptlofi and tribute to Mia
WillarJ written fr Tb Ontl.x.k last
Tear by ber warts friend sod saaorial
ia lemporaoo work, Lady tlaory
Hotneraet. A foil peg portrait of Mia
WilUrd, drawn for Tb Outlook by Mr.
Onbayedoff, a plelur of Mia Wtflafd
in ber library, eeipany lb srtiele
(1.1 year. Tb Outlook Company, 11
Fonrtb Ateau, Saw Tork )
Save Theav
IX wrapper or II t ill oap era
worth a Pent apier. Ask lib A Co.
LtXD Orrics at Ths Dallis, Oreoon.
Marrh l.V 1HM.
this omce bv the dulv Tertfled and porrnlm.
rated affidavit of Robert Warren, allesln that
John C. Biiray, who made timber-rulttire entry
no. km. ior me n r.'i ol see so, ip I H, K H E. at
the land othVe at The Dalles, on the 17th day of
abandoned said tract and have failed and ner-
lecien at an limes sine me inird year after
eiurv. tocomuiv wun ine timber-culture lawa.
or to plan), cultivate or protect auy part of the
said tract to trees, aeadlnas or cutllnis, as re
quired by law, therefore with the view to the
cancellation ol said entry, the enid oartlca are
nerenr aummoneii aixi required to be and ap
pear before J. W. Morrow, county clerk of Mor
row county, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on
the lath day of April, lwat. at 10 o'clock a, m., of
said day, then and there to produce auch testi
mony, as they may have eonceriilut the said
allegations, the final baaiiiif to lie had liefora
the Hi-aimer and Kecelver.at The Ia lea. Orevnn.
on the JUth day ol April, Ixva, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. in. J AH. H. mookk, Kml.ier.
o-u-t'4 w. H. BI'HiH, Kecelver.
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrics at La Osandi, Ormon,
JanuaT 81, 1H'.
followlna-named settler has filed notice of
hia Intention to make final proof In support of
hia claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Morrow county,
Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 19, 1K3,
Hd E No. SUM. for the SU NWU NEU Bee
S3, Tp 1 8, R , K W M.
He names the following wltneaaea to prove
Ms continuous resilience upon and cultivation
of aald land, vis: John Marshall, Thomas Mar
shall, Hugh Fields and James Johnson, all of
ueppner, uregon,
a. w. nam m;it,
IS 29 Reclster,
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
. is a "JOV Iir.Vf".r." That: uihit
you'll find at
Heppner Oregon-
j laaunl by the I'lrrk of the lirrult Court
in t oumy oi Mnrtnw. Mala ol IHwin.
a or tireaon. lor the Countv or Morrow.
In the matter ol the estate of John M. O. Spen
cer, a minor.
Tn 1. R. Hnerry, guardian of the aetata of said
minor, arerilni:
In the name of the State ot Orrcon, Yon are
hereby cited and required to appear In the
County Court of the Hut of Omron, for th
rountvol Murrow.at the Court room thereof.
at Heppner, In th County of Morrow, on Mon.
aay. in second day or May, lm, at 10 o'clock,
In th forenoon of that day, then and thrr to
arm your acrounia aa euapllan of J. M O.
ripencvr, a minor, and show cans. If any eitat,
am anouia uoi pay over to in a in June M
O. riix-ncer. In sums of money now In hia
nanus rwionaing to said John M. o. Hnencer.
Wllnraa. tb Hon. A O. Rartholomaw. Judra
nf th County Court of the mat nf ortfon. fur
tn I ounty or Morrow, Ilk tit seal of said
Court affixed, tbia IJtb day of March. A. 1.
Attest: J. w. morrow.
Ml . Hera,
iv virtu nf aa atecutloa and nr,tv aIhi.I
fin I
of th t'ouiitv
data th 2d day of March, li. In a certain
action In th Ctrrull Court for aald County and
". wnrrrin jame jour ami jtmt June
aa a.linlnuirativr ol th tat of N.laoa Jnm
wl, piaiiuin, rcral Julmnt aa-ainat
nr., n.n.imn, iHn.i j aaurart. a. H
punop, aaaiane oi lto w. Pwaaaart, nanrnt
debtor, J w'. Morrow, thOrrc,n Hallway and
ralalli enmnanv, a eornoratlnn. anrl l-t
vuai-i. neieimauta. ir in sum ol Twa Ibntis
aud four Hundred Ninety Two Dollara with
lulvnwt lbrin at th rat nf 10 tier ei Mr
annum front lh l-ih dav ol Eebrnary. In and
me lurtner ma o iw numlred forty rtollar
aitore s leea. and rii and dUInramuu
M. at larelity Bt
aetiruary. I,
hour la hereby ln lhal I will on Wednea
day, lh si i Id day nl Aerll. lieet ,
p an. nl aald dev. at th front donf of th court
none fii e,p,i
al public aiK ilnn
In ban'
it: aitn kaiim tn n.Hta t auaiwi and
iww, ore anii tour oi avrttoM on il
la tnwuablp two iji south rant lnly I t
l and th south ball of lb north aat quar
to! ol eartloa on li In toanahlp Iw aunih
" a w m, la north
qti.ritolertt..atoa (10) In township Ivaiil
.th ranf twenty f I II, ,nd fori,
rl oS M lb antta at.l ol to! iht isi n bUa a
n.ur in in eriainat plat th town ol
Meppneraanf rarwrd In lb oCenl thaeminly
. """"7. an in ai.tr row emintr
.-. . i, Hiioe j pwu
fart. al. or an much thrnl a raev b hra
aary so aaKaly th aald lwlf.Bi u am n
Jama Jonaaaad Jama ,. a adnlauiretnf
!' ail ol be.aa Jen Am.nm..i ..A
anll ai, itm ta .rrt, Mildred t I
aasrt el al. Whether wttn all cwtaaod due i
buieutil (bat ba of mat e-ri, I
S. I. M TU K. Mortar
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrics at La OaiKba, Orkooh.
January SI, 18'iS.
V followtna nanted aettler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that aald proof will be mail
balor th County Clerk ol Morrow county,
orciron, at Heppner, Oregon, on Parch lv,
UCJB, via:
Hd ENofGI. for the N4 NKW. NEU NEU.
NKV HKVs Hec K, Tp I S, k'JS K W M.
II narnea in loiiowma witnesses loprov
his enntlnuoua realdenr tinon and cultivation
of aald land, vis: John Marshall, Thomas
Marahall, Huih Fields and Jama Johnson, all
of Heppner, Oregon.
e. n. bari i.e. IT,
1 Keglsler.
LAMDOrnrs AT Ths Djixss. Oaanon,
Eehniarr Iw
r followliif .named aettler baa filed nolle
of his Intention to mak final proof In
support of his claim, and that said proof will
b mala before J. W. Morrow. Countv Clerk.
at Ileppner, Oregon, on Monday April II, leva.
of Leilnitno: Hd K No VM for th PA, h'EU
ana iota i ana l eer iput jni a at
II names th lollowlnt wltnaases to nrnv
hia continuous realdanr upon and culllallon
nl aald lanfi. ir jobn r McMillan, r.iwarn u
I'alinvr, Charlea K. MeAllaler and Thomas U.
Kb bula, all o Uilngton. Oregon.
j At r. 'ik,
3S- keflaiat.
1'U'ara, on th lth day of
In ltvnr, Morrow county Itreann. well
i In th blaheM bl.l.t., I...
nd, tb N.I lowing daarrttwd nrnmrta Lw I
Las Orrics at Tns Di tie, Oaaons,
rehruarv Jr.. iea
iv following nante.1 aettler haa Bled atotlc
of bis I u Wnll, ui to make final proof In support
of hia claim, and lhat aald pnl will b anad
he lor J. W , Miirmw, County t l.rk. at Hppur,
Urvgoti, on Momiay, April 11, la vis;
nf tevlnrtnn: Hd t X ll for th IW Saw t,
Tp t It E W M
It name lb following wltneaaea to prov
and cultivation
McMillan. IMward L falmer and Cherts I
Mr Allatf, all of LsAlngton, Oregon.
JA. r. MtXIRE.
TJaa. Heglater,
Bla iHtiUnitous rBL1nr upon
nl l. land. ls: I bailee r Harnett,
A v undaratgnaat baa bawn duly appointed by
lb County I ourt of lb atal ol iTegna, M
Ktw t ounty. administrator of lh total of
bela.io Jiniee. ilenaanl All iwraooa baring
rial me agalnal aald awtal are hereby notified to
preavnl aama, properly verified, to aa, al the
air re ol gill A rhe!, at Happnoc, tretu.
Hbla all Monlba feitiw Ibedataof Ihta aolioa.
iMlod this lit b day of rebruary Im
Admlntsiraaor al ths Estate al kaiaoa
Joooa. l
i V atnek hol.lare ol th Morrow Con at tfvd
Tvuatio, thai tb annual snorting ol la
nnriaoMen will b bald alunta. Mao b IM
al th hour of I a , la the Nalwiai bank
bull. lit. h'l lb p'irt"- of elertlug utnq h.f
tbiulng year end tha iranaarii.Mi nlsorh
"When you hear dem bells!"
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
,1 OF I0NE xxvxw
t Keeps A BenGral Stock of Mercbaniise
Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin
ware, Harness, Stockmcns' Supplies,
Wood and Willowware.
First Class Goods and Low Prices
is his motto.
Merchant Tailoring!
Mr. Abraharnnick is tho pioneer tailor of Hepp
ner. His work is always first class and satisfac
tion guaranteed.
They Are The "Mustard"
Ttie Pioneer Blacksmiths
War wiaite nm alrvanl IrnnenTemanla In their rata bl lab meal anil mAAmi a
Iron toealnawn4 other asawrialsaoaential to tb hai.g.liiw b th.a wbaTsMw
---. aeaHBiiear, mm afwrntti at auraaalioaliig
ad ,attt rofaura
tarn tnrk of
acott a wnt, CI-, Ysft,
lot premium bouki a 10
a j ta vitn. k i..'.. i . """" w r a, wr I m u
Ltaiti I Eittct in ttc Ben te da ffrk E&t, t;i k it 51, U