PoiUwl Library YOUR MONEY'S WORTH THE Semi-Weekly Gazette AT $2.00 A YEAR. OFFICIAL P AP Ell ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF THE .... Seml-WeeKlo Gazette IS YOUR MEDIUM. X FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1898. J. NO. 631 J .. r i 1 1 i -4 I SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. fUBLIlHIO Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON pElSHlNfi COMPANY. OTIS rTTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man. At. $3.0) par rear. $1.00 for six months, 60 Ota. .or three moncns, 11110117 in adrano . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Fostofflce at Heppner, Oregon, ai second-class matter. THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Airenoy. 64 and 65 Merchants Exohangs, Ban Franeisoo, California, where oou- raota lor advertising can be made for it. T P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- XJ mg agent, 21 Merchants Exchange Baud ing. Ban Franeisoo, is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file at his ofiioe. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves HooDner 9:80 d Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. m. daily exoept Leaves Heppner Jnnoiion 8:30 a, m. and ar. rives at HeDuner 6:00 a. m Spokane Express No. leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and TJ ma ilia 8:60 d. m. Portland Express No. S, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 60) a. m. and Heppner Junction 7 AX) .m. ar.d arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 8:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:'45 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:80 a. m. Fast Mail Mo. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. . For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. B & N., Heppner, Ore. OFnCLAX DIBEOTOBT. United States Officials. 'Ptesident . William McKinley Vice-President Garret A. Hobnrt Secretary of State John Bherman tteoratary of Treasury Lyman J. Uage Secretary of Interior Cornelias N. Bliss Secretary of War Russell . Alger Seoretarv of Navy John I). Long Postmaster-General James A. Gary Attorney-General John W. firings iSaoretary . t Agrionlture James Wilson State of Oregon. governor ; W. P. Lord Beoretary of State H. R. Kinoaid Treasurer Phil. Metachan Rnpt. Publio lnstraction O. M. Irwin Attornev (General C. M. Idleman u. ' id. W.MoBride When Going Bast. . . . Use a first-clflss line in traveling between Minneapolis. St. Paul and Chicago, and the principal towns in Central Wisconsin. Pullman Palace Bleeping and Chair Cars in Service. The Dining Cars are operated in ' the interests of its patrons, the most elegant service ever inau gurated, Meals are served a ia Carte. Lo obtain first-class service your ticket should read via. The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connection at Chicago and Milwaukee for all Eastern points. ror tuu information call on your nearest ticket agent, or write THE POLITICAL ARENA. Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pas. Agt.. Milwaukee, Wis. or Jas. A. Clock. Geueral Agent, 246 Stark St., Portland Or. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, JThos. H. Tongue " ( W. rt. congressmen I W. K. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds ( R. 8. Bean, '4nnmma Jmlim 4 F. A. Moore. (C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen . Lowell L'roMouting Attorney H. J. Bean Borrow County Officials. Joint Senator A, W. Gowan ;vv,majtt;. J. N. Brown !..nnty Jadge -A. O. Bartholomew CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & I , C. M. S St. P., C. A., Y. Ft. W. & C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. KATES a.oo PR EA.Y Cor. W. Madison and Clinton St., CaiOA.90, XXjXj. Vegetable Preparalionfor As similating foeToodandBegula ting theStamachs andBowels of PxonwtesTli&cstion,Chceiful- ness andRest.Gontalns neither Cpum.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic Ptaifim Smi Alx.Smnm -foJUUtSJti- Jamimint -1 ttanfwd Ataar . hiinnmrnmrm) Aoerfecf Remedy for Constitu tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions ,r evensh ness andLosS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. 5 exact copy: err wrapper, For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the - . SigMturej CITY OP 8CMPTER. The Kind You Have Always Bought. TMC eCWTftUII eOMMNT, NtW VOPUt OrYY. WEEKLY The MONTHLY Commissioners.. J. W. Beckett. Clerk 'Kg". :::.:: Surveyor. School Sup t... J. K. Howard! J. W. Morrow ,...E. L, Matlock A. C. Petteys J. J. HoUee ...Jay W. Shipley B. F. Vanghan Outlook ..nwhHaaaal Fvarv Utar4aw Hotel Heppner (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. Notes and Comment Gathered From Various Sources. Fbil Meteoban, state treasurer, aspires to the governorship. It is stated that Frank Baker would be pleased to again make the raoe tor state printer, W. 8. Duniway. Governor Lord's priv ate seoretary, is stated to be a candidate for the republican nomination tor state printer. Hon. Wm. M. Colvig, of Jackson, is considered among the available timber as a anion candidate for .congressman in the first district. John H. Smith, favorably mentioned tor governor on the allied tioket, Is state aeoator from Clatsop oonnty and is a man of attractive personality. W. E. Grace, of Baker City, is seek ing the fusion nomination for state treasurer. Ira L. Campbell, of Lane oonnty, is seeking lbs state printer nomination on the union ticket. Judge George H. Williams, of Fort land, Is mentioned as an available re publican oandidate for governor. T. T. Geer Is making an active oanvaas for the republican nomination tor gov ernor. 1 Seoretary of State KiooaiJ baa allied himself with the free silver republicans. O. A. Johns, of Baker City, is a candl date for the nomination of secretary of state on the republican tioket. Henry Benson, of Josephine, is the leading republican oandidate for state school superintendent. It it rumored that County Judge I. N. Sanders has a hankering after the state treasurer's office. The fusion nomination tor governor lies between Wilt R. King, of Baker, and W. D. Hare.ol Washington, populists, and Slate Senator John II. Smith, of Ulateop R. M. .Veatch, ot Lane, and George Chamberlain, of Multnomah, democrats with even ohsnces on a dark horse. for a Order Issued by the County Court Special Election. Tbe residents of Bumpier are about to have their wishes gratified in tbe matter of incorporation as a city. The oounty oourt this forenoon issued an order whereby tbe voters of Humpter will de oide on April 4 aa to whether they want a oity or not. Tbe following named persons were designated iu the order to aot as judges : N. I. Blowers, J. G. Cornell and Oscar Benson; olerks, Fred Tietjen and W. R. Hawley. Baker Oity Democrat, When Yoa are Tired Without extra exertion, languid, dull and listless, your blood Is tailing to sup ply to your muaolea and other organs tbe vitalizing and strength-giving prop erties they require. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by eoriohing and purifying ibe biooa. it will give you energy and vigor. Hood's Pills are easy to take, eegy to operate. Care indlgist ion, biliousness. 25o 13 Astor Place New York .Thos. Morgan E. J. Hloouin. M. ' Coroner.,, HSFPHia Town ornoTBB. Mayor Uouncumen..., f l lu"i "y liiohtenthal, J. B. Simons, J. J. Huberts, J. W. Basmns and E. Q. Sparry. u.4M W. A. Richardson Tui,tr L. W. Urlggs Marshal John iiager PreeiBCtOnteer. Initiunfih, W. E. Richardson Constable N. 8. Whetstone United States Land Officers. rmi mi.i.za. ob. . t. Moore Register A. H. Biggs Receiver t.A ABLMTtl. OK. ! w Tl.rtWt Register .H. Bobbins Beoeiver MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. ow Open. New Methods. New mcnt. Strictly First Class. Manage- Buoklea's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, TJIoers, Salt Rbenm Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Er op tions, and positively cures Filet or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo perlwjt satUfautSoo or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Slooum Drug Co., E. J. Slooum, manager. IIOBXT OOCt JETXEtJ. BAWUNS POST, NO. IL Q. A. B. Meet at Lexington. Or., the but Saturday of cb month. AU veterans are inviiaa jmu. a w Hmith. C. . FtluDA. Adjutant. tf Commander. Dr. P. B." McSwords PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, City Drug Office In the City Hotel. 8tore, near tl D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to 3 d. m.. at residence. W. A. Kirk'a prop. rty, east of M. E chnrch, Sootb, aod 10 to IX. a. m . to 'J to 0 p, m. . at omct 10 tbe rear ot Borg't Jewelry store. Brown & Redfield, The Outlook will be In 1897, as it has been during eaoh of ita twenty-seven! years, a History ot Our Own Timea. In its various editorial departments Tbe I Outlook gives compact review ot tbe I world's progress; it follows with care I all the important philanthropic and in dustrial movement! of the day; hat a I complete department ot religion! news; devotes much space to tbe intereett of the home; reviewt ourrent literature; famishes cheerful table-talk about men and things: aod, in short, aimt to give fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. ' Beginning with the fifty fiiftb volume, the paper will assume tbe regular maga- cine sil't wbiob will add greatly to its convenience and attractiveness. Tbe Outlook it published every Saturday fifty-two issuea a year. Tbe first issue In each month it an Illustrated Magasiot Number, containing about twioe aa many pages at tba ordinary issue?, together! with t large number ot pictures. Tba prioeof Tbe Outlook it three dollars a year in advanoe, or lest tbeo a I cent a day. Bend for a specimen eopy and illustrat ed protpectus to Tbe Ootlook, 13 Aator Place, New York Oitv. Rates, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. BaTA first-class feed barn run io connection, and from all trains. We solicit your patronage. Free 'Rut ran to 587.nov.12 BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. A Mystery Cleared Op. Tbe La Grande Advocate oayt: Tbe little baby left at tba Presbyterian ohurob, which wat tbt innocent oarjse of moob gossip, baa at laat been returned to lit mother, a young woman residing not far from the town ot Elgin. A young man by tba nama of Owenby, aaid to have been mixed np in tba affair, wat arretted by tbe autboritiea and placed in jail at Elgin. Owenby, it teema, was fearful that Iba ngbteooa indignation ot tba people in that part of tbt Country might be vented on bit offending self, and to prevailed on the offloer in charge I to take biro to bis borne, where ba could be under tbt ofBoer't protection. Tbit wat only a rase of Oweoby't, who lost uo limt iu liking adventegt of tbt situ ation and escaping. At last reports be bad not been beard from. It it to be hoped tbtl if Owenby ever returoi to tbit eonntry, or It eangbt, that Justice will not be slow Id meetiog out to bim tbt full measure of punishment deserved. kill mm. POWDER Absolutely Pure fairs ot Bheep and Cattle. At Pendleton laat week M. K, Parsont of Salt Like bought 500 head ot cattle from Joe Howard, of Prineville, at $30 for three year-old steers, $25 for two year-old steers, 817.60 tor earling steers and tor two year-old heifers, 814 for yearling neiieri and I'a) lot dry cows, Howard to get tbe benefit ot the rise, if any, between now and the time of de livery. Times-Mountaineer. Joseph Frizzell, as administrator ot the estate of Jobn Mormon, deceased; on ast Saturday sold 1450 bead of stock sheep, and some other personal property at the A. A. Oarother ranch on Rook creek. S. B. Barker, ot this plaoe bought tbe aheep, the price paid being 83.50 per bead. Unfortunately the sheep had just broke ont with the aoab, or tbey would have easily brought 84 per bead. Con don Globe. Jas. Wilson, of Cobb, Grant ft Co., has told 150 bead of beef oattle to tbe Pacific Meat Co., of Seattle, for 40 grott, to be delivered at Arlington March 20th . Talk ot the Klondike will you?-Condon Globe. D. P. Eetohnm, ot Tbe Dallea, and W. Bead, jr., ot St. Paul, are in the oounty trying to buy sbeep. We understand tbey are offering 82 60 after shearing but have found nobody willing to tell at that price. V Williamson k Oetoer bavt bought 2000 bead ot theep from Tbomat Litter, ot Mowry, at 83 37 a bead. Tbe band ooosists ot 1600 ewea and 400 lambs. Everybody Bays Bo. Cascarets Cand v Cathartic, tbe most won derful medical discovery of the aire, pleas ant and refrnslung to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, distiel colds. Curn headache, fever, babltuul constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box ofCC. C. to-day. 10, as, ftucenu. Hold and guaranteed to cure by all druggist. Attorneys at Law, Offlot Id tbe First National Buildiog. Harms, j : Obioon, Bank tf square W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. council CMMca fells and Wits real esUU, rents poi. pars sim Ane mnveianrlns and will errve you In ... in his Una. at rraaunabla figure. U First National Bank OP HEITNEB C. A. HMt. T. A. Rhca, OfO. W. CONtCR. . W. rCftCKR. PrweHeM Vioe PrwaUeM CeaKler Aat't Cashier I STOCK BRANDS. While roe aap roar snbeoHptiua paid a yra eaa keep yoar brand la free of ohartw. Bor. P. O.. Hammer. Or. Rom. Pit. Urt boaldan oattle, sum oa left bio. Cook. A. J ..Lena. Or. Hons. BO on rtti der; Cattle, same on riant hipi ear sura snip on lart aod sput to right. Doeaiaea. W. M . (Hllnwa . Or. Tr(U n mm rlcht .nl, swiUrw-f ok la each aari kursa. It U o left kip. Klv. Rma- Drmalaa. Or-Rwaae rmrutai H. aa Uft atnoklar, ealtU earn aw Wfthip. kute la nans mmw Plnranfl, rtaht hipi kursas ehoaldar. Jcieea. Rarrr. natipnv. Or Hormsa hranUrf d J oa tha Uf t stMWUkwt mil la bra.i4al J na rishthlp,alauaodarbit la Uft ear. lUnm la Hurrow eoaaty. intinxia. F.lli. Lena. Or. Hmisa. ateflaT mi left eunei aattia, sama aa riaht kip, ma4a kaif (nip la n awl eoiit JS Un ear Inay, Htka, Happner, Or. Wnrsss bfuM Ihl oa toft kia aatUaaamaaad eart aadar elnpe oa Im rtM Uakar. J. W. Hanar Or -Hnnaa k-uaJ L aa4 A oa Mt aniraUlart eattla sbm aa Uft kip, watlia avar nbl aya, Ian auu ia riM For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT BAH faithfully lalmrad fr thHr prostwrt'T ant hspfiliHwa, fnr the Improvement of I heir busliMw anl home liiUresta. fur ejiwaiUin. lor Ike eUrvatloa of Amertren ssanhood ana vu wnmaliDMl IT HAS. t.ii.1 at the AmMa, InUreellnf and Instrurtlve rtorlMof tbe tnlers of U.s worM, the nation ana stairs. IT HAS avlaMl tli. Urmir as lo the Rvt apprmml snethnls of rullllln( an4 karvasllnf bis ney. -rialulur in (l.e w.ilaraol latnters ait4 tlliaaera, a4 lot over a bait rnina. and lh tirittwr llm. lo Minv.ri Ih.m Into lh larrl nrilil. tmiMiiil n4 mot,.v ii nti in in sii m""i I- a century bas belli th.lr conBileuee sn-l raiMm. IT IM TIXZ1. i."45jte New York Weekly Tribune, Ana e (Welsh It with the CAZCTTC.eee year for $2.70, eeah le efveeee. A44r-eOr4.r,w, THE GAZETTE. ervp a! aft Wrll. your nama aM a4drm oa a pn.i.1 rant, eM It InOai. W. Bm. Trtfcane tmm. Hew i ui a .iiy, auaa eampM oupf M UM Pew lutl wwaiy I rilraaa aiu be ataltwl la yva. WHITE COLLAR LINE. What lr. A. t. Bailrr fays. Boffalo, N. T. GenUi From ny prrtoosl knowledge, gained In observing tbt effect of your Hbiloh't Core la cases lot advanced Consumption, I am prepared to eay it ia tbt most remark ablt remedy Ibat hat tvar been brought to my attea lion. It hat eerlalaly saved many from eonanmptloD. Sold by Coneer k Brnck. I tyrrs New Mill. A largt force of tsee it at work tioa vatiog tbe run D1 preparatory to laying tbe foundation of W. H. By art' new mill. Jamas Barrett, a Portland baildar.baa seen rod tbt euatreot for tbt foundation, ebiob will Uof ttoDt. 11. B. Nelson, Ibe brkk maker of Weetoe, wat lo town several days Ibtt week, eed while bert aa Mitnat eat arrived at, by wbicb beU to furnitb 40(1,000 briok for tte new betiding. Tbe eee mill will be in operation early ia the tamaar end will be ont ot tbe finest tlreolorat ef tbt klud watt ot Ibe IturkWe-Feodlrtoa llrpoblioaa. Htop Lying. Roeeburg flalndealer. Tbtrt art a lot ot disgruntled polltioi ant and twtyback reformers, who eon gregaie on toe tireet corners or every city m tot state, aa idiok aa tioit on osyoss pony, ousting the country to gen ertl, and tbelr ttale and oonnty in par tioular. Tbey are assisted by a lot ot patched britobee editon who art avtr lastingly bowllDg about bard timet. Aooordiog lo their idiotic wtila tvery body it ditboneat but tbey. Everybody tn debt aod starvation Is abroad io tbe land. Tbey do mort injury to tbt slate than a late fioat and tbt bop loose combined. Tht Review it a fsir sample of tbit kind of Journalism, Hlop yoor lying. Tsll tbe people that Oregon ia tbt best Halt io tbe noloo, tnd Douglas county tht best in tbt state, Ibat abt bat mort honest, intelligent, patriotic men; mora beautiful women, aod Intelligent ohildrtn, Ibsn any spot on Iba globe with tqual population. Tsll them Ibat timet art getting better tvery day, laud gniog op and every thing booming, Htop your lying. Tbe above will also aptly apply to Morrow ooonty. Ed.J Dee Minor. Osaar. Hapoaar n.. 4 altia. rlakt kip; kuna M so toft akoaioav. - ad - r ... se Urt ekoaln. aattla aaaseea Ufl kiav. nhr.ra. J. W., Dnaa-taa. akoawMr; eattw ParkarAO lakoakUr. Praranfl. Oliver: hnr.is kranAad kar an4 hild oa Ufl shoulder; range. Clgbl Mile, Mrrow eonnly. floor. J. Ltlne4ua. Or. Roraas. 1 1 ena. aariad m Uft .a.i.Uri eauia, sum a UT kip. aeor kit la oaak oar. luntor I. W.. H.foor. Or.-Horasa. JO m lenakoaktar. (attU, uaa Hb4 kip. finir K. fl. RappaOT. Or. rtOa W V mm aUtvi si Truti l General B&nling Basiatss. KXOHANGE In all par's h vwt4' Boutrht a nd Sold. C7 . Coliartlone ! oa all poiaiM oa reoftah4e Terauv ayplos sa4 sn4lrVli ProtM. 4t.0 00. Thompa.. . A, Happaor, - H irrna. aa I W mtrnmi mmttXm. t aa Ufl akaw iW. I , ... ... . .i I raraor w. W-Mpoar it... amatl aaplaj T Tbe Uaawtto wm l'"-'. - . I wrt eo-qkW. mmrmmn oatUa aaaaa oe loft Mp egre ot better ee tteriptioe eeceeoit. - , i . ... teiti. . Pi.ir a - - - . ' Aty Oet CW " - nvr mn-to 4 W mm ... VkU'1 owtia wnwr.io,w ner ui a aoa ntMaa n. a4 koU a Ufl ear. Ua..aa la Morrw sh4 aceoeete la tbit ateeeet id tae't 4o it oe tooa te tail e Kir- Columbia River and Puget Sound Navigation Co Strum mDIIOXi, E.11UT GiTZttT AND OCUS WiVL Lanoe Al.Uf Ntirwt l k. P,.rllaa.. fr At.fla. Ileaee, Loaf IWaab, Oeee I'ark and Nsl.rnlta. Inrvet eontH'tkia wllb Ileaee euansara sa4 rail nwd, alee at Toeot's Hay eltb Narbore kaUrne.L Lm.o PotUa4 t A. M. Deliy. tuMay, Leant Attotla 1 1, M !eiir es.t- aa.ar IJAirjET OATBSB11T tae WtiaM P M hi;T..i-..l.1,t eaf..r s'r'i II P tt m, ArKte Us al t A. M . tr.tH laUy mm A Mwb, -- ataU. t p. M oonArv wavh Uatea PoMiaM 4 rane 4lrar lo Vmmn Tvwlaf 4 Tliqm.r mi t . M Urt kip, anas at " A aiMWlMi la Uft raw, wmmw m v oa mn aoonMlaV. m. i. A, H-ptio, Or, Mi free nils. Mood your adJreet to U , E. BatkUa k OuH Cblaago, tod oat a free earn pie Ui ef I. Klui't New Life I'Ult. A trlsl will eoeviaoe yoa tf their merits. Tbaet (.Ills art easy 10 eelioa aol art pvtme lerly effaeilyt la tbe tore of coaetlpe tla eed tick bead ao be. For malaria and liver troeblee tbay bare bo proved invalesbla. Tbey are gnaranUel to be perfeetly free troaa every deleterious eahataaet tad te be per. If vegetable Tbey do aot aeakee by lbir aoiioe, bnt by iti vme te aUHaaott aoj bees! a real I? tatavrate Ibe eyetara. lUfiler siae rt per bvi. PmjIJ br Htorasj LMag l, u. i. Rloetita, Maaataf . kailiila aoaauaa. M.ff Us llaefw SvImUi a4 Prktat a I A. M. Oa S.ao.. ,M at t f st MIP.M Tbe (JaMlte ternee a fall tteck Bxierelog ete, eerraepoedeete style, itb eevalnpae lo match. Tbuee daelrln teeb fUtiottery tea bsvt tbelr wan tepptieA at tbit eftee. tf. Kills Is a Republican. Representative Ellis, in a talk with a Washington reporter, Bays both Tongue and himself are candidates for renomina tion, and that they know of no opposing oandidateain tbe lepnblioan convention. He also says: ' : "In Oregon, candidates for oongresa often spring up suddenly, and some times for tbe first time on the conven tion day." In answer to tbe question as to wheth er there would be perfeot fusion of tree silver advocates, Mr. Ellis answered that "strong efforts are being made to fuse democrats, populists and free silver re publicans, but tbe dissension among tbe middle-of-the-roaders is oausing some apprehension among tbe fusion leaders." He thinks there will be some fusion, - though not complete, as some populists ill not be foroed to work with the demoorats. When asked if Cuban agi tation would obsonre tbe financial iseus in the stale, Ellis replied : "Tbe people of Oregon are giving more attention to tbe financial issue than ever before. Tbey have a great deal of sym pathy for tbe Cubans, but there is a illingness among most of the people to trust tbe conservative polioy ot Presi dent MoEinley. Tbe declaration ot all parties In Oregon wat for free silver, at lata at 1890. However, the convention of repnblioan league olnba that met February, comprising between 1500 aod 2000 delegates, passed strong resolutions in favor ot maintaining the gold stand ard. Aa fur our polioy, we propott to ttand squarely on the St. Louis plat form, and to fight it out with the fusion- lsts on that ground. We shall stand not only by the language ot that platform. but by its spirit and by all interpreta tion! of it." - Ellis tbinkt that there it a good pro- tpect of victory in Oregon this year, Baker City Uepublioan. Itrnabllcan County Convention. Io purtuanoe to a resolution of the Repnblioan County Central Committee, held in Heppner on Maroh 9, 1898, the date of holding tbe primaries In laid oounty wat let for Saturday, Marob 36, 1898, at 2 o'olook p. m., and tbe oounty convention for Saturday, April 3, 1K98, at 3 o'olock p. m., said oounty Convention to be held at the oourt bouse in Heppner, Oregon. Basis ot represen tation will be one at large tor eaob pre- cioot and ont tor tvery fifteen votet oast for Robl. 8. Beao, or fraction over half. Tba ooovention will oootist ot 48 delegates, apportioned as follows: Gen try, 4; Mt. Vernon, 6; Heppner, 8; Weill Springs, 1; Alpine, 2; lone, 8; Cecil, 2; Dairy, 6; Dry Fork, 8; Leilogtoo, 8; Lena, 3; Eight Mile, 8, Fine City, 2; Matteson, 8. J. M . H aoir, Chairman. Beware of UIbIbmisU for Catarrh that (oa lata Mereary, at nerenry will surely destroy Ibe tenet of smell and completely derange Ibe whole eystera whto enuring II tbroogb tbe moeooa torfaoee. Buob artieln tbould never be need eicept oa prescrip tions from reputable pbysiolsos, ae tbt damage tbey will do it tao fold to tbt fix! yon can poaaibly derive from tbetn. ...II. '--. I. (.MM JM A. ..V F. I. Cheney k Co., Toledo, O- eootalnt no mereary, aaa la laieo internally, aclibg directly nprio tbe blood and reatvtaa surfanee ef the system, le bay lag Hall's Catarrh Cart be tart yoa get tbe tannine, It la taken leiarneliy and made la Toledo, Ohio, by F. I. Cheney A (Vn Teallmnoiale free. ItTHold by drift-lets, 7&t per bottle. Very Interesting service were bold at Ibe Christian tbarcb on Baadey, both morning aid evening, tbe titging being ticeptloetlly good. Tbit will be made a leading train re of tbe service at Ib't tlmrcb bffer. Call a Fpeelal Seasloa. Now let Oovernor Lord oall a special aeaslon ot tht legislature aod thus show bit loyalty to tbt party wbiob bat ao often honored bim in tbt past, Than let tbt repnblioan mambera elect tome good clean mao to represent tbe slate lo tbt senate of Ibt Colled Slates, tnd en act tomt of tbt remedial legislation to hioh the party it pledged, tad which would bavt been enaoted last winter bad In not been for tbe combination of demo orats aod populists, aod tbt repoblioaa parly would bt invincible at the oomlng J not tleotion. Ibert le plenty of time lo eoooDipliib tbit betort tht election, and It aooomplubment would do more good Ibao all Ibt speakers Ibst oonld be put Into tbt field during tbe coming eampafgo. It ia possible tbat demoorsta aod popolistt would again fas to pre vent the organisation of Ibe legislators, hot ao man who claims to bt a republi can would dart to lend bit iiiflutoot to to dastardly a lobem agaio. fly all means oall a special teuton. Flain- dealer. Fred W. Hen d ley will auoceed Chat. Hamilton at representative of Ibt Ham- lltoe lloork wareboutt system. Lie will be tbe 1'tndlelon agent, end will manage all tbt oompany't warebouaea lo Eastern Oregon and Washington. Mr. lUcdley It ooi of tbt tnott popolar yooog busi es mte of 1'endletoo and Umatilla eeooty, and ia tboroogbty eon versa nt with tbe wheat business. Up to bis ap pointing!, bt bad been a promlaint taodldatt for tbt republican aominatioa for ooonty recorder, bot be It bow oat of tbe raoe. Milton la said to bare a strong candidate, who will make a vigor out eo utest lor Ibt nomination. I'm die- ton Republican. Hhllob t Coesumptloa Cure tare where etbert fail. It le Ibt lee ling Oriogh Care, eed no bom should be without It. I 'Is, ant to takt tad goat right te Ibe spot, told by Center k roh. raaly la Blaaa" Oar p. Cli-an blood rnraii a clran skill. No twenty without It. ( aararrla, t amly i'atliar tin rirsn your blond and krvu It clran. by alirrint up tli Uiy liver nd driving all lm- Inintw from lb UmIv, Iw-fin today to amah (ii mi I 'If, txilia, Lloti lira, lila klwaila, and Ibat aw kly billow inii.Uinn l r taking Caeiareta, trsvily lor Un trnt. All Htuj. IU, stitua luaraat iD. Wa, tw-4 i