mm, Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD -SCENIC LINK X)F tilt WORLD- TO THE Of SITES THI OHOICB Two Transcontinental FIRST AND ONLY . . . PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION . . . EVER KCN BETWEEN GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha . tun. Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON. GEO. W. ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Dags For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohoma and Hons Kong in con nection with O. R. & N. For (all details oall on O. R. k N. Agent at Eeppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obboor, Dodwell. Carlill, 4 Co., Gen'l. Agt.,Nor. Po 8. 8. Co., Portland, ore. The Boston, AND rail Mass., and St. Louis, t Mo. P. Excuraioni for St. Louis leave Portland every Monday via O. R. & N,, Denver & Rio Grande and Missouri Pacific railroads. Excursions for Boston leave Portland Tues day at 8 p.m., via O. R. & N., Denver & Rio Grande, Rock Island, Lake Shore, New York Central, and Boston & Albany Railroads. Excursion for St. Louis leaves Wednesday via O. R. & N , Denver & Rio Grande and the Burlington route. Excursion car carried on Fast Boston Special East of Chicago, making the run in 28 hours; several hours quicker than any other line. Excursion cars are carried on the fast ex press trains which have lately been Inaugu rated by the lines over which these excursions run. Ask your ticket agent for a ticken on the Denver & Rio Grande excurlson, For rates and all information, call on or address, R. C. NICHOL, S. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. St Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J, 0. Hart, Local Agt., Beppner.Or. tad. ELY'S CREAM BALM 1 e positive ear. Apply into the nostrils. It Is quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Drntrglsts or by mail : samples 10c by mail. KI.Y BROTH KK8. 66 Warren St.. New Tork Clur. COUNTY COUBT PROCEEDINGS. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGJLINE FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles). ..500 Round trip $9 00 Mayville (53 miles). 4 00 Round trip 7 00 Condon (39 miles).. 8 00 Round trip 600 Clem (28 miles) .... 2 00 Round trip 8 50 Olex (19 miles) .... v 1 50 Round trip 3 50 Stage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'clock; is dne at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at Fos sil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered coaohes and care ful, experienced drivers. Keep S to at (ft THE WOOL RECORD Tells You How to Do It. DUE TOO GOING ERST ? If so, be snre and see that your tioket reads via Tie Hortnwestern Line ....THE.... CHICAGO,. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULTJTfT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOCTU. Their Magnificent Track, Perles Vestlbuled Dining and Hlwiilng far Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME' has given this road a national reputation. All .iiai nf i.Kn.niiicri carrlml on the vestllmlwl trains without estr chargo. Hhip your freight and trsvul over this famous lino. All agents have tickets. w II MR AD. T. C. BWAUK. Uon. Agent Trav. r. & I. Agt. a Ms Washington nt rorliatin. or. NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at By a special arrangement we offer to our readers The Wool Record and Semi-Weekly Qazette, one year for 83.00. The Wool Record is the only national wool organ and oovers the wool industry from the raising of the sheep to the sell ing of the manufactured artiole. It is published weekly at New York and the regular prioe is $2.00 a year. lis market reports are full and oomp e and its Sheep Breeders' Talks alone are worth 10 times the price of the paper. Hample oopies on application. We heartily recommend this combi nation to our subscribers. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its weight in gold to every fa mer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82.00 PER YEAR. Sample oopies free.) Raral Spirit and Gazette both for 13.00, oash, at this office. CHICAGO miiwaukes & si. Paul B'g This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the faniona block system; Lights Its trains by eleotriclly through out; Uses the oelnbrated sleotrio berth read log lamp; Runs speedily equipped passenger trains evarv dar and night between hi. I'stu and Chicago, Bud Omaha and Chicago the Chicacio. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated veatibuled trains, carrying the latest private eompartmsot oars, library buffet smok Ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor ears, free reclining chair oars, and the very best dining chair oar service. For lowest rates to any point in the United 8lete or Canada, apply to agent or a J dree C. J. EDDY, J. W. CAHET. General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or, R U s Jill TIIKOUUM CARS- TO Hr. PAUL MINNKAPOLI8 nn.uru MIMIC. IUTIK 11KLENA Ticket Is til to all points In the Coiled Mates and Canada. n in mmr (JUICK TIME TO. All other points Is the F.aal and ttnotheeat Clllf'aikl WassmoToS IUlTiUors New Tin Dvmu . Wr4 BO YEARS' V EXPERIENCE ' , T.r, U. ana Tradc Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anton Rending A nktrh thd rtnunrlnMnn mmf qntrliif tuotfrliilii our opinion fre wftethnr an Invmitlon l prohnblf pfttmiifthlft. Cornntunlc. ItoiKiiiirlctlyoontiilftNllnl. lUntltHtokon l'tistt itt frHA. Oli.t'nt twAi-n'T for tHmrtiiR pMviitH. I'lmili ttki. Uirunwh Munti A Co reoelrs IprrUti no!lc without cttnrire, la thm Scientific American. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SI1EPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Oars Between Spokane Rosslaod and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Rosslaod, daily exoept Runday: Leave. Arrive. Hpokan ;) P. M 8:01) A. M 114U A. M 9:10 A.M. . Kofwland ... , Nelson . 8:40 . M .6:45 F. M Close connections at Nelson with steamer for ftaalo. and all Kootnnal Lake doidU. l'aswnaera frir'Knttle ftiver and Rnnndar ureuK oonneot at narons with stags daily. TEACHKKS RKSOLVE. AN tlNEQUAL CONFLICT. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. rulallon (if anr si'l.n!inn JmirlisL fniir m.iTilln, u sola trail newsamiara lunrnt rlr. Term., 14 a ipQ3eiBr..dw.T.NewYork Brauch onto, 106 V 8t, Washiuglun, 1. C NEW NAME I Win. Cionlonliiis re-named his Htand the old Jones liverv ntahle IMio Control. Pulwl buy for sal. Chaw rrasonalilK. Call mi hi in ami have vour litmus wll arrj (nr. The following resolutions were nnaoi moosly adopted by the Olaokamas SJounty Teaobers' Association at a regu ar meeting, held at the West Oregon City school, Saturday, February 26,1808: Resolved, by the Clsokamaa Gounty Educational Association that tba best interests of the public sobool system of Oregon demand the eleotion to the offioe of Ktate Superintendent of Public In struction, an ofBoer ot superior execu tive ability, a tescber ot wide and and sua lessful experience in publio sobool wuik, and an educator of broad oulture and comprehensive knowledge of the theory and praotioe of teaohing. Resolved, that the various politioal parties of this state bs and hereby are requested to nominate for that offioe some eduoalor prominent in publio sohool work and thoroughly acquainted with the needs of the educational system ol Oregon. By order of committee, r. J. a a hi, Chairman. 50 Years.... IN TM I Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition Cooper's Sheep Dip Increases Yield of Wool. EubanceS Value ot Flock. Cheap, Hale, Han dy, Oleao, Wholeeome, Odorless. CHAS. G. ROBEHTS. OCNIIUl AO I NT, JIT Ash Htrrct, rnrtlanit, Orria. Sold hy Minor & Co., llepjmer, Or. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MfM&T 1 the jilnpfl to go to get your fto pork auJ lamb clioiis, ett'aka and roast. OktAMt Kansss Ott hr. Jnasra ht, Utris IVpot e at HU I'anl, Mionospoha, Ksas City, Urasha, Ht. Idiots and other prvrul eat putats De-gte shecks4 tbrongb to destination o tuisU. Tbroagh lU ks to Jtpss and China, via Taenma and Nonbera iVItlo ftui ship Uuuipssy's Hue. For full lafnrmailna, tiro earl. (, Uekela, sail no or writs . O. AtMwaf. A, IV I'uutm, At N. P. Itjr. Aet.U IW A Tks Dalles, On I'ortlaad, 0 FISH EVERY FRIDAY Tin siif rr.t bsms an.) ti-ttn, I'nr Inl lanl, klll rinlf. 4l. Illglir.l nun viU-v lor Ul sum k. ni:si. MATIIKWH. County court met on Monday. March 7, at the oonrt bouse, with the following offioers present: A. G. Bsrtholomew judge; J. L. Howard and J. W. Beckett, oommiesioners ; J. W. Morrow, olerk; E. L. Matlock, sheriff. After due pro cess of opening oourt, the following business was transacted: Cost bill in case of state vs. Alfred Warren; W. A. Richardson, justice feee, $7.80; Geo. Grey, special oonatable, $8.50. Cost bill in oass of state vs. W. B. Ewing; allowed as follows: W. A. Riobardson, justice fees.. $23 40 Henry Cannon, speoial constable, 3 40 Dell Leyde, witness fees 10 00 Ira Leyde, " " 10 00 Chris Letallier, " 10 00 Nate Cecil. ' " 10 00 a O.Curtis, " " 9 00 Sarah Ewing, ' 9 60 A. Rhea, " " 170 In the matter ot Road Diet. No. 12; report of James Seavy accepted and John Edwards appointed. Bill of John Waddell, Road Diet. No. 18, for $26, ordered paid. James Johnson - appointed supervisor of Road Diet. No. . James H. Wylsnd appointed stock in spector for one year. Petition of Jaoob Bortzar, et al., for road, allowed, and R. E. Simpson, A. T. King and Jerry McEhgott appointed viewers; J. J. MoGee, surveyor; road to be viewed and surveyed Marob 30th W. W. Brannao appointed supervisor ot Road Diet. No. 20. J. J. MoGee was appointed surveyor to fill out the unexpired term of J. W. Hornor. The sheriff was ordered to oollect all delinquent taxes for 1893 4-5 6, The following miscellaneous bills were ordered paid: IS. U Matlock, sheriffs salary.. $400 00 G. W. Wells, deputy olerk 166 66 W. Morrow, olerk 400 00 W. Matlock, deputy sheriff.. . 166 66 Frank Gilliam, treasurer 83 33 O. H. Hams, pauper acot 40 00 H. A. Yocnm, pauper aoot 20 00 ' J. H. Wyland, stock inspector.. 46 00 A. G. Bartholomew, judge 150 00 B. Mathews, pauper soot 12 20 J. W. Shipley, sobool supt 105 30 J. W. Shipley, asst. teachers' ex. 12 00 J. P. Williams, stationery 47 00 D. S. Barlow, rebate on tax 2 35 Parker & Gleason. road and bridge aoot 32 83 T. R Howard, pauper Boot 20 95 O. E. Ranoua, pauper acot 10 00 D. J. MoFaul, insane aoot 5 00 Emma Welch, pauper aoct 10 00 Boys and Girls Aid Sooiety, do nation 10 00 H. E. Warren, stationery aoot.. 3 80 T. R. Howard, pauper aoot 19 10 W. Brook criminal and justice court Irwin & Hodsoo, stationery.... J. W. Matlook, expense aoot... O. E. Jones, drawing preoinct jury Stacy Roberts, assisting above.. H. Jones, do , E. R. Huolook, 00. physician... Slooum Drug Co., pauper aoot. . E. R. Hunlock, pauper aoot Gazette, stationery, etc Gilliam A Bis bee, road aod bridge aoot... H. J. Bean, distriot attorney fees Stats vs. Uwiog Wm. Bsrton, pauper aoct A. T. MoNey, county expense.. J. W, Beokett, county 00m L. Howard, onnnty 00m J. W. Morrow, county expense. . Palaoe hotel, pauper acot Geo. Couser, pauper aoot Tbs following bills were oontioued for the term: Heppuer Light k Water Co. ... t 12 00 White McLaughlin 154 05 Court adjourned to meet first Monday In May. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Cuba would be the first field of battle in a wsr with Spain. The first shot would free that ielaBd and give as as allies nesrly 50,000 trsined, courageous and detetmined soldiers. Spain would promptly try to extrioate ber armies from Cubs, and the United States would as promptly try to throw an effective blockade around the island. This wonld lead to a hurried massing of the Spanish and Amerloan navies in Cuban waters, and terrific naval fighting. In the ini tial straggle the two countries would stand upon a nearly equal footing. Their navies are much alike in weight and numbers, and neither baa seen aotual naval warfare. If tba United States euoceeded in cooping in the Spanish soldiers, its next move would be the landing ot its own armies, and the formation of a working campaign with the insurgents. If it suooeeds in these moves, and Spain held out for further warfare, it is probable that Spain would draw ber navy away from Cuban waters and try to destroy our seaboard cities and oommeroe. That would put the United States at some disadvantage, because 1t has an exceedingly long seaboard, many riob and populous cities on the ooast and much oommeroe. Bat however the war might go in its earlier stages, there could be but one outcome. Spain has a population of only 17,550,000, and oombined popu lation, counting its colonies, ot 28,911, 000. Oftheee, 9,500.000 people are in tbe Philippine islands, 1,521,000 in Cuba. 784.000 in Porto Rico, and 437,000 in Spanish Africa. From these - oolonles Spain could expeot nothing. As a mat ter of faot they would fly at her throat the instant war was declared with the United States. On tbe opposing band, the United States has 70,000,000 people and enor mous warlike reeonroes. It could have billions of dollars for tbe asking, and milliona of men for the calling, whereas Spain is bankrupt, and ber best fighting blood has been fed to the fevers and in surgents of Cuba. Spain's incapacity is the beet safeguard of peaoe at this jnnotnre. Before plung ing into wsr she must reckon with ber creditors, aod their restraining influence will be powerful. Spokesman-Review, LUNG TKODBLtS AND CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Aa Eminent New York Chemist and scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo oum, of New Tork City, demonstrating his disoovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), brooobial, lung and obest troubles, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affeotions, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader ot this paper writing for them. His "New Scientific Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers It a simple professional duty to Buffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible cure, Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity aa can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters ot grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parte of tbe world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. C, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bia generous proposition. Pleaee tell tbe Doctor that yon saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. FOKjrOTJ! Now Prepared to do Anv Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to tackle anything in any une ana will meet prices of any person under the sun in the line of druggists supplies, blank books, bank work county work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that you have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a charity ooncern but if you will give us a ohance we will see that you ire satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember tbat Abe Lincoln said that when one bought goods away from home tb foreigner got the money and we got the kuuub. jdu! woen toe goons were bought at home we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. Wa sre willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer cornea to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 560-tf "The Regulator Line ' The Dalles, Portland 4 Astoria Navigation Co. We are informed by County Assessor A. C. Petteys that the assessors of East ern Oregon will meet in Pendleton on March 19th to try and arrange a uniform assessment In Eastern Oregon, trying in tbat manner to make future assessments more satisfactory to tbe people. WVfkly Kirtraloa la Tkruack Cars U the Kast. Another through tourist oar to tbe East baa been arranged to ran out of Portland, giving four each week. Hera after the oar lerving Monday will run through without ohange to Kansas City and Chicago, over the O. R. k V., Ore gon Short Line, Rio Grand Weetero, Denver k Rio Oraode, Missouri Pacific and Chicago k Altoo. That car baa just been arranged for, and tba one previous ly scheduled for Moudsy Las beeo changed to Thursday. It runs through to St. Loo Is, via ths Missouri Psolfle tins, Tbe ear leaving rortlaod Tuesdsy goes through to Boston, and is promoted by the Cblcego, Rock IslaoJ and Pacitte. Wednesday's ear runs to St. Joseph, Kansas City anJ SI. Louis, over tbs Uorlington. All tbess speoiet through pais ars receiving a gratifying patronage. Consult O. K. A N. Agent before baying tickets to lli bast. Til 10 IIAI.I.ICM NUltSKlUKS, R. M. WCBtPt. Pre. TIZX EA.X-X.JtSi. cmci. Oro t,.1 !)( In- -Frttit, Shade end Ornamental Trees, Greee Vlnee e Small frelt. Our Trt'fH nro drown With out IrrigaUuit. tit ton eamGovi, rptemtal rkarrk BwvlfM. Tbe lUv. W. E. Polwine, ot tbe Episcopal ehurrh, will bold services la the Methodist Episcopal church le tlrppner onToesdsy, Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday o( next week aa follows Taoedsy at 7:30 p. m., Wednesday at 10 a. in., Tbarcday al 4 p, m. aod Friday at 7 A) p. m. Oa Wednesday morning tbe secrsreent of tbs Lord's supper will be administered, and onTbursdsy efternuoa tbe sacrament ol baptism. A Smre TMe fae Te. A lrnatH4u lawlik h youraiinnt loteSj snn.Uili.rf ltUiuu, au k bwMtwtM, tur ml Vunsxe. ' I'll'" l a UmiumiiU oUr II s are i suhiI by rmtiHiiiiia anil aluirt itti llnrr. Cax ei'-le Camlv t alliartli', tl won lrdil Bw irf annuitant anil lnlie Inal 1. 1 mo are ly ell tlrutrgista t itnrenuwd to i-ere or nuHiev refmwlau. 1'. C. i'. aro a sure Uitn. fry a bs tn-tUy', U., ' . SOU t4uil auj boukiet free, bue our big ad. 1 00 30 00 15 28 8 00 2 00 2 00 16 60 15 10 2 60 36 05 1'j 75 S 00 115 50 2 75 8 00 9 00 6 60 22 00 11 00 Beware of Ointments for Catarrh tbat Con tain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy tbe sense of smell and completely derange tbe whole system when entering it through the maoous surfaces. Suoh artioles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable pbysioisns, ss tbe I damage tney win do is ten fold to the good yon can possibly derive from them. Hall's Cstarrb Core, manafnotured by F. J. Cbeney k Co., Toledo, O., oootains no meroury, and is taken internally, aotibg directly upon tbe blood and muooas surfaces of ths system. Iu buy ing Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you gel ths genuine. It is taken internally aod made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A I jo, Jestimoniala tree. Cirsoid by druggists, 75a per bottle. mm Wilt Leave Hrppaer. W. O. Gentry, who for a number of years bas been engsgsd in tbe saddlery and harness business in Heppuer, leaves tonight tor Tbe Dalles and Portland. It Is bis intention to look up a new loos-1 tion, and be will in all probability de cide to engage in business at Lewiston, Idaho. Wherever Mr. Gentry may lo cate, tbe I st wishes of tbe Gazette go with bioa tor abundant suooese. Mrs. Gentry will remain at Heppuer for some I time yet. can cured If vou suffer from anv of th I ills of men, come to the oldent SpeciaKit on th Pacific Coast, I DR. JORDAN A CO., ,1051 Market SL Eitd 1852. ' Young; men and middle asrntl men who ar .tiffcrinr from the effects of youthful inuiicreiions of ex- t omsm in mattirer years. Nervous snd Physical lability, ImpoflvnCTjjOAt Mmnhwod t inalliticompliraiinns; Hrtr rniatnrr Ixra, l-riMCatttrrliern, SioM4.rrl.crik, Salccs, . t rrqartarr or Vrluslln;, !. hy a combination ot remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor ha so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor die not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specialty IHnrtUir) of lien, Kyphllle thorntiHhlvrrnillrated from the ytrm witlioiitunliiK JrS errsar.T. I V I HV HAM'l..a n Mttl M. eelvQourA'minrrnfonor his rniriplftltit. WevillUuaranlre a POSITIVE CUJtKin errry tout tlx! undertake, or JoreU One 7 Thonnand lol!are. Consultation FREE nrj ttrlrtty private. CUAXQK8 VERY JiKASUXAliLK. Treat- m-nt personally or oy letter. Send for bonk, "The I'hlloaophy ef Hniae," fre. (A valuable book lor men.) TIHIT DS. JORDAN ) Great Museum of Anatomy i I th finest and largest Museum of in kind In l lie f world. Com and learn bow wonderfully you )ar mada- how to avoid sickness and ditea-4. V are coni'mi.-iHv adding new specimen. V CATAWiVS tint, t'dllor wrlla. 1CS1 Hurled Street, tm Francisco, Cat. V "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR' Leave Tbe Dalles daily (exoept Sunday) at 7-30 a. m. Leave Portland at 7 .-00 a. m. When you go to Portland, atop off at The Dalles sod take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. C. ALLAWAY," . General Agent. . QUIOK TI3VT33 ! San Franolsoo And all points In California, via th Mt. Bnaats rout ot the Southern Pacific Co iarh point East and Sooth. Grand Hoenio Rout Ot the faciao (Joaat. Pullman Buffet Bleeper. Beoond-elaa bUeeper Attached to ezpr train, affording an pen or accommodation for seoond-laa passenger. Fur rat, ticket, sleeping; oar rrvatione, to,, eall npon or addrea K. KUEHLkk, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Gen. F. k P. agt., Portland, Oregon -, W5r The best crbUy)C seed grown are r - yi l.i m. , . aeexi sown are Karrv'a. I VsVTh bed seed known ar gsy sB-wfarry s. at, pays to ptaiu FERRY S Famous Seeds Aak th dealer for them. Rend for rlnRY I SCCD ANNUAL Mi saiisccist au 1 A i tisawv t tisi lutAuL at Mil .v. When wear begins to exceed repsir in your body you are going lofalltiok. Tbe signs of it are. loss of flesh, pale ness, weakness, nervousness, etc. Tbe repair needed la food. You think yon eat enough, aod yet yoo feel tbat you wear out more tissue, energy, asrvs- foroe, than your food makee tor you. Tbe difficulty la tbat jroa do Dot digeet enough. And tbia is to serious it is worth sitting down seriously to think about. It yoa cso't digest what yoo sal, taks a few doses of Shsksr Digestive Cordial. Tba effect of it will be to In crease your Uesu aod mskt yoa reel stronger. Yoo won't fall sick. Proof (bat it is io control ot your repair sppa ratua. It's easy sooagb to test this for yourself. Tske a few bottles of Shsksr Digestive Cordial. Hold by druggists at 10 ssots to $1.00 per bottle. A Rtre flat by a rrr Pasarlae, A former PaoorUo baa alrock o rich Sod io tbe Klondike region. The for tunate man is Frsok Roberta, wbo will be remsstered by many raoora peo ple as a resident here o good maay yssrs ago. He is said to be oo bis wsy to bte boms al Jollry, oa, ellb the results otble Alaaka j ura, sots fMS.OOO. Taoora, Iowa. Vedette. A Sure La Gripe Cure. There la oo ose suffering with thu drsadful malady if you will only get tbs right remedy. You are having paio all through your body, your liver is out of order, bsvs do appetite, do life or ambi tion, have a bad oold. Io fact are com pletely used on. Eleotrio Hitters are tbe only remedy that will give yoo prompt aod aura relief. They act direct ly oo your liver, atomeoh and kldoeys, tons np the wbole system and msks yoo leei me a new Deiog. ibey are guar anteed Io core or prioe refunded. For sale at E. J. Bloonm'a drog store, only I t(J cents per Dottle. ArtiegWHs Record : Mr. Henry Ilepp est wee io toea Friday lookiag sifter bis Arlingkie property. Mr. Hsppoer ee lerlalns the ktodlieel feeling toward A'liDkbiO so J I be tueo is alesys better i ll for bis visits. r.twe)te tHsr Sswsrela Vsuh t aaeor!. '' V t athaHIr, it rorxiipa'tna It rr, sMs II U C C f aU Oru( ial rl iu ewewf . Me M LtahteMkel t C. let Sbea, a tlvaatr le nieMstt Deep. (Iran bUand rnnin a rlean akin, No l-ut UliiHit It. iararta,taiMiy let bar tie rlran )iir I4n.l and kry It clean, I.) tirrmg tip the Uiy liver nl driving all Im iiittlira Irnrn the hndr. IW-gi today to wnieh iMnil'lr. tmil, he, blarabeada, snd that i kly bilM.u mmpleoaa br la km ( aararsH, beauty tr ten rent. AUdnsg gwta, sattafartMio (uarentaed, lUa, I,-. Long Creek Kagle: E. O. Wondsll bee sold his eagme eh lob be bee foe. tserly osed Io bl sawotUI to lbs I'tlsb ereasasryBaa. Us will p airbus eew H bores poeer eogios soJ ysl ia eba be will tot oot almost a e.nartet ssUltne feet ef lumber. Wilb a ssgiae, Mr. WeoJall's mill will be sreoeg lb beet equipped to tbe ioterlor. Core that cenga ells) iShtleb's Cere Tt beet eoegb Sore. Relieves erne promptly. One sailUue bottles Sold leal yeer. 40 doees for tSete, sd by t aer t lreeki . Me rekis la Jaekeae C'easty. Medford, Or., March O.-Foll offlalal returns of the popolisl primary vole oo tbe question otfosioa io Jackson rously, I from all lbs precincts believed to bevel held primaries, give 137 votes for aod 117 ageiust fusioo. TbsJosHimoo wing of Ibe pepolbt party ssy Ibey will pal op a mldJIe-of. Ibe-road tirket, Dotwitbsteodiog tbs vote, A Til KLY WAnSISU. Orals Hsv4 Is Maeey tlsee. To sees tbe grata aee Fry' Cbsneeo- Iratej Bcjatrrel Poleoo. Tbie prepare In n is Ibe ebeeneel and rnnel eooaxim- ieal for Ibe termers. Oos grata kills. Oaaraateed. Prtee V per see or IU0 per ease or I wo dose, tot sele by rtlooua Drog Co, Uepyotr, Or. It Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY tTATC SCHOOL IN K ASTERN ORIGON Located oo the O. R. A N. Railway midway between Peodletno aod Walla Walla, btodenta admitted ol all time of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental Mosio taught by eompetent Instructors. A gradu ate of Ibe Boston Conservatory bas ebargs ot tbo instrumental depart ment. , Tlio XrficlleH' Bonrdlntr IIoll Is thoroogbly eqoipped aod offers i eelleol soeomroodalkin al reaeoosble rates. Heod for eatalogoe. Asssess M. O. ROYAL, PresleeCef roeelty ee f. A WORTHING. iwr. sreereiery oeere or rtf sets, Weston, Ore), E. O: It, N. Hi as Held, Jr4 tbe yooag storkmao of Poller ereek, ttl deliver rridar al F.cbo to Wit I lass Oibe.e. four arloads ol SlaJI fed t-eef sleers, elirb Mr. GiUoa bought lot Prye k Drabs. Heellle. Tbty ore beevy aelssale, aod brought sa overegt if N r beed, o little bHter Ibeo ItU per boejied befog paid. Te Mllliaee e leee. Wbre ;tm,U r-sie, try, i4 lir aie. It enran I' try re (atnfied. 1 He ole ot the I n.i-d tli sre Imw t'uying (arrv4a (il (alhartie at the rate nf two an.lli.H. K .ea a year and It "ill be three eniUMl be fore New rar a. It snean merit prmed, that ( anereta are the tntM delightful In mi rrii!aln . everytay lb year rnin4 All df uig..t iV, Dr. ir a taug, rurv gtsarasiteed. Ket f sif Lie- Lye If yo are osleg Ibe oBa brseds ef lye yoo are pay let fer large reeet ag ef reaaej eJt etto wbteh II adalteeeted le saaay loeteeeee le Ibe si lent nf eeebaJf. H bee fee bey R4 Heel LyserPateab y gl ee ibssUblt pare sostse, graeelatej like soiar aeg tik4 Id lets ttnt fr ct g Io pRX ; c J- 1 Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle 11 orsc All tbcM ceo U procured at Tbnropeon A Hitine, Ixiwcr Main Street Ifppoer, Orrgoo. ' Tbaa fl!.a ar veil sMl'itl Hb Urant. Harvwy. rrwt Ollltass aa4 otkew eenaiL and eaa.WMef a4 Uaae la SMtlr IUmmiwm etia Iraeetinej mmm. eeweMssj frtne la "fllS Ht Us Uasea, THOM RSON Sr. BFNNS, uvKTMxr. KKinirjcsa, That M-Ycar Old Stuff. "Holm's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon O 11 ISO MAMM Oooisee e e sw B aeJ, Diy Hei fieiijn,,, LOW TILlrsVIiD, Prop,