Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 11, 1898, Image 3

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    Oil, How Thankful
Pain Was Maddening and Hope
Had Been Abandoned Wonder
ful Results of Purifying the Blood.
A very severe pain came in my left
knee, which grew worse and worse, and
finally a sore broke out above the knee.
It discharged a great deal and the pain
from my thigh down was maddening.
Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my
leg. I suffered in this way for years,
and gave up all hope of ever being cured.
My wife was reading of a case like, mine
cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and she
advised me to try it. I began taking it
and when I had used a few bottles I
found relief from my suffering. Oh,
how thankful 1 am for this relief 1 I am
stronger than I have ever been in my life.
I am in the best of health, have a good
appetite and am a new man altogether."
J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine.
Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents.
Ibe Gazette .can offer the following
olobbinn rates:
The GAZETTE $2.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, 1.50 $3.00
" 8. F. Examiner, S1.50 8.25
' N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 2.7 5
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2. 50
" B. F. Chronicle, 11.50 8.25
" B. F. Chronicle and map 2.00. . . 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, 1.00 '. 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, 4.00 4,50
Rural Spirit, 12.00 8.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00
McCall't Magazine (1.00 1,30
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can
get clubbing rates witn any paper on
Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and i at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
1 , . : . . rr'L .. 1 1
inwer uimsLiiig, inurniBj, i p. in.
.... uidu.i"b, j ... minj . 1 ui,
the Spirit and the bridi say. Coma."
The Dastor may be found at the Darannasn ltd,
joining the church, where he will be glad to
men any f o may desire to consult hiin on
Or any other subjects.
J. W. F LUSHER, Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class
meeting following morning service.
Sunday school, $ p. m. Epworth league, Fri
day, 7 p. m.
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our
selves together."
Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to
Church. C. K. Howard,
Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. R. L. Shelly.
The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesilay of each mouth, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock.
Take Notice.
L, The sum of five cents per line will be
Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
inspect," lists ot wedding presents and donors,
bad obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of SDeolal meetings for w hatever pu rpose.
2. Notices of church and society snd all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of flvs
cents a line. These rules will Be strictly saner
ed to in everv lnstsnos.
Advertising rstes reasonable and mad known
upon application.
Here and There.
Old Bong-
Get a bottle of good whiskey and a bottle of
good wine,
And you can drink to your true love, and I will
tblnk on mine.
New Bong
VI hers shall ws get the whiskey, where shall
we get the wtnef
We'll buy them from LUh Bperry, whose goods
sresstrs one
At the Bel riders saloon, Ueppner, Oregon.
Bad HsooTt Ions's popular bold man
was lo town yesterday.
Hi Tssb, of tiardmao, paid this offioe
pleases! visit Tuesday,
Red Seal Lys can't be beat. For eels
by I 0. Thompson C . 2t
O. 0. Cortis bat atx-o! lbs week lo
lowo lo allendaoo os oirooit eouri.
Llobleotbal k Co. (or boe. Eiclutiv
boUr. Haodlr lbs bt. R3if
Statement (or lbs Famous Simple
Aooooot File printed al tbe 0mU of
fioe. tf.
"Go's Jntoa" h all right but Low Til
lard bM brand of 14-jMr-old stood
lb at if bard lo beat. 603 If.
Toe reod Jtry yaetrdy broogbl is a
trot bill agsmsl Clyde Bperry cbarglnf
bits itb adaoio.
Aey on desiring lo baild titber s
bouse or bars will make nosey by esll
iog os lbs Osteite offloe. 67K
Mr. Herodan, trefrilof aoditor (or lb
0,aaH, wee boey y re tor dy ebeekini
tp lbs Brppaer (alius bnt.oee.
A oldi-riog eslflt or-aUof 25 oU N
esve yos naoy dollars ts tioimitb bills.
For sals by P. C. Thoapo Co. 3
tVwt aoeotBraodatloo sad eorleooi
treatment at to Imperial Hotel, HevwttB
aed Waab. His., Portland, Orts.
II IWkmarlh. root Stol (of lbs
Psilfla F t tweet Ol. was looking after
tbe Oompeoj't beei ber yterJy
J. 1 Howard la frota Uaiur
reek Wedeeedav lo atUsd (be Beetle,
of lbs IWptiblieao Oot Ceet'1 (
Sew It- of lreb roeet eff jsl
received bf P. C Tboeapeos Co. Try
lblr tipnMo II f4. It's
for lbs price. 31
T.J. Allss ha bs attstdlof rsM
Ibis wssk. Ue report eytbi la
fiae abaps far famine Is tat) ia
TU IrisJ of W. B. E be -
pelpef fr the tfo, F. to
nt wbflss be tho, sol ti U W
tsad lbs IHp fret rrtlat J b-r.
Dr. A. 0. Greenlee, a first clasi dentist
from St. Paul, will spend the spring and
snmmer id Eastern Oregon. His eg ten-
sire practice in St Paul baa rendered it
neoessary for him to take a little recrea
tion. Dr. B. F. Vanffhan baa persaaded
bim to com bine business with pleasure,
and consequently tbey will be associated
together this spriag and summer, thns
enabling Dr. Vatuhan's patrons to re
ceive tbe very latest sa well aa tbe best
possible work. They will leave here
March 17 for Interior towns in Grant
county .
J. W. Thompson, ot Portland and El
Welch, of Pendleton, are bere in tbe in
terest ot the American Antomatio Light
ing System, ot Meridan, Conn. Tbey
have a sample of their light on exhibi
tion down at tbe sample room in the old
Oity hotel building which is attriotin g a
large number of people each evening.
It gives a brilliant, yet very soft light,
and is said to be from 35 to 45 per cent
obeaper than tbe eleotria system.
Miss Etta Minor's drees making par
lors came near going np in flames
Wednesday owing to a defective flue.
Tbe fire was extinguished without call
ing ont tbe fire department, bat was a
o'ose oall. Outside of damage to wall
paper and oarpet, no serious damage
Homer MoFarWd oame in Thursday
morning from The Dalles, and will leave
this evening for Butte. Mont. , where he
has a position with a large mining com'
pany. Homer has been absent from
Heppner about three years and bis many
friends, among whom we number tbe
Gazette foroe, sre glad to see him again
Dr. John W. Rasmus, ot tbe "Red-
light," ever on the alert for something
new, oan furnish yon tbe finest cock
tails in tbe land Manhattan, Jersey,
Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in
tbe business. Drop in and take the
taste out of your mouth. It
Oordray, tbe pioneer theatre man ot
Portland in tbe line of "popular prices,"
has refitted the Wastington St. theatre,
formerly known as tbe "New Park."
Cordray always has something new, and
our people, when below, can spend a
pleasant eveuiog at his plaoe.- tf
At the Christian church on Sunday,
Elder Shelly will preach both morning
and evening. Morning topic, 'God
Manifest in tbe Flesh." Evening, "Peri
Ions Virtues," Special mnsio will be a
feature of both seivices.
Snyder Bros, have succeeded Willis
Stewart in the livery business, next
door to tbe Gazette offioe, and will do a
general livery and feed basinets. Rigs,
saddle horses and stall room at reason
able rates. 611-tf.
There's more clothing destroyed by
poor soap than by actual wear. "Hoe
Cake" aoap contains no free alkali and
will not injure tbe finest laoe. Try it
and uotioe tbe differrnoe in quality.
Rhea & Co. a-30
Why all this blow and blaster about
wool bagt? T. R. Howard's oastomers
will get their wool sacks as obeap as
tbey can be had anywhere else in Hepp
ner. Prlos absolutely guaranteed.
623 31.
Judge Lowell and Prosecuting Attor
ney Bean left for Pendleton last evening.
Tbey will return lo April and dispose of
some equity oaaes and clear np tbe
dooket at that tims sa (ar as possible.
Gome to tbe Gazette offioe and get s
decent lot of envelops printed.
Government envelops look obeap, snd
besides you cannot get your business
oard printed thereon. tf
Ladies, take lbs best. It yon srs
troubled ilh constipation, sallow skin,
and s tired feeling, take Karl's Clover
Tea, it is pleaaaol to take. Bold by
OoDser k Brook. y
Dr. Marguerite Uarosey leaves for
Portland tomorrow sveoiog and will re
turn to Heppner on Wednesday mors
log. All parties interest d will please
bear this 10 mind.
Wanted Milk cows for summer range.
Will bs kept an J cared for lo good shape
fur privilege of milking. Good pastors
faro'ebed for calves. Apply at Gatett
offl. tf
Large stock of sboe repairing outfits
Just revived at P. C.Tbompeoo k Co't.
Ibey were bosgbt at s bar g sis to bt
shared sitb oar eoslomert. 2t
Beaotifol sovsltirs la spring dress
fabrics Just being opened np by F. W.
ilbsa k Co. Tbs prices on Ibrse goods
srt Just right CiH 23
O. W. Bmllb ssd wife. J. F. Wllht,
U. A. Jobstos, & P. Barsett and W. B.
McAllister wars np fern Leiiegtos
The opening sessions snd appointment
of oonrt offioers was given in Tuesday's
Gazette. The term was a brief one and
was brought to a close last evening.
Tuesday and Wednesday the time of
the court was taken np with tbe civil
oaee of D E. Oilman vs. W. S. McKim-
mey, being u suit brought to recover on
a contraot note, given in 1891 by Mo
Eimmey to Cbas Iograham for 8800,
with interest at tbe rate of 8 per cent
per annum, amounting at present to
about $1250. Tbe note was subsequent
ly purchased by Dr. McS words woo
turned it over to D. E. Oilman for collec
tion. (J. E. R dfield appeared for plain
tiff aod U W. Rea and G. W. Phelps for
defeodaut. After being out for a num
ber of hours tbe jury returned s verdict
in favor of tbe defendant.
A troe bill was returned by tbe grand
jury in tbe oase, State vs. W. B. Ewing
for assault. Plead not guilty and case
continued for term.
Case. State vs. Clyde Sperry, for se
duction, the grand jury found a true
bill. Plead not guilty and oase con
tinned for term.
Not a true bill was found in tbe oase
of the State vs D. E Oilman, on a charge
of stealing wheat.
In the Circuit Court of the dtate of Oregon,
for Morrow county.
In the matter of the report of the grand Jury,
March term, 1898. '
To the Bon. Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the
above-entitled court:
We, your grand jury for Morrow county, beg
to report as follows:
We have been In session four days and have
examined nineteen witnesses. We have found
two true bills of indictment, and one not a
true bill.
We have visited the offices of t he county
clerk and sheriff and treasurer, and have ex
amined tbe books of record 01 the various
officers, and And them kept in an orderly and
neat manner, and the balances appear correct;
and we recommend the manner In which the
business of the county is conducted by the
various officers.
We have visited the county poor bouse and
find the same In a neat and orderly condition.
We also visited the county jail and find it
clean and In good condition,
We Beg to thank your honor for the kind and
courteous treatment we have received, and to
congratulate the people of this county on ac
count of the impartial and able manner in
which the business of the court is conducted.
We thank our district attorney for bis kind
ness and assistance to us In our labors.
e thank Mr Lee Matlock, our efficient
and attentive bailiff, for his careful attention
to our wants.
Having disposed of all matters before us, we
beg to be discharged.
Luthkr Hamilton, E. C. Ashbauqh,
Foreman, G. B. Falconer,
Otis Williamson, K. Kkitman,
R. M. Hart, (iio. Conbkb.
Thousands are Trying It.
Tn order to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre
pared a generous trial size for 10 cents.
Get it of your drnggiat or send 10 cents to
ELY BUOS., DO Warren St., N. Y. City.
I sneered from cfttarrh of the worst kind
ever since a boy, and I never hoped for
cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do
even that Many acquaintances have used
it with excellent results. Oscar Ostrum,
45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and oontains no cocaine,
mercury nor any injurious drug.' Price,
60 oeuts. At druggists or by maiL
What Might Be Done with Burglars
Wnea Mot Burgling.
The question, What shall we do with
onr burglars in the intervals of their
convictions? has been partly solved by
a man who appeared recently at the
central criminal court, London. His
story, says the London News, was one
f vulgar crime in most of its details,
lie bnd been caught breaking into u
house and he was now sentenced to 12
months' hard labor. It was particular
ly well deserved, as he was an old of
fender. But the police were able to
show that since his last release from
gaol he had been geting a living by re
porting inquests fof newspapers. No
one can enst the first stone at an honor
Lble profession on that account, for
w as not Mr. Peace a, gentleman with a
pig of his own and 6 distinguished mu
Kical amateur? The more interesting
question is whettie the prisoner was
well advised in his choice of a deprt
liieut of press work. Inquests must be
demoralizing in tiheir tendency, as they
ft.milin.rize the mind with crime. Fires,
on the other hand, ought to be purify
in ir, and a close attention to the busi
ness of the police courts, with its abund
ance of awful examples, should make
a man four square in moral resistance
to every ill wind that blows.
STOLEN COIvir-'vjrtT.
Old Ell Takes a Few Glorious Hours of
"Say," said the man with the correct
clothes and the bowed book and horny
hands of a farmer to the restaurant
waiter, "have you got pig jowl and
gTeens here? An' buttermilk? An
corubread? An' kin I shovel the truck
in with a knife and take my coat off?"
The waiter, relates the Indianapolis
Journal, told him he could be accom
modated in all particulars.
The ex-farmer removed his coat and
sat down opposite a man who looked as
if he might be willing to listen, and ex
plained: -
"It's been two years now," said he,
"sence we struck gas on. the farm, and
I ain't had a square meal sence. Been
fillin' up on Charley horse rusies, soo
flay de allakazam, an' all them French
dishes ever sence.' That's what comes
of marryiu' a woman who believes in
keepin' up with tho percession when
you got tbe price, as she puts it."
"I should think you would have re
belled long ago," said the listener.
"Would, but, you see, about three
year ago I was so deep in . debt
that I had to put ' the farm
in her name. I sneaked away
to-day an' left her at one of them
fine, hotels. I'm goin' to have an' orgie
of old-fashioned vittels, easprilly pop,
an' mebbe a beer or two, an' go back
an tell her wnat rye am, anr ei sne
wants to git a divorce she can git it.
Old Eli will hev bed his day of free
dom for a few glorious hours, nnyway I
Flatwares of the Conch Made el BssgNs
In Camps la the Woods.
There are beds and beds, but none
is so comfortable, so restful, or so in
teresting as that which the hunter,
fisherman, or plain camper-out makes
for himself from the boughs of ever
green trees in tbe forests of Maine,
Canada, or any of the other great hunt
ing regions along the northern border.
This bed, made of short trimmings
of twigs form the spruce, cedar, hem
lock or balsam, or all four together,
consists entirely of the "feathers" of
the trees, the six-inch outshoots from
branches, with the plume end up, laiii
apainst a prostrate two-inch sapphng,
so that tbe head may have a pillow.
As the twigs stand nearly erect the
bed is four or five inches deep, and n
blanket, spread over it yields and
springs back as one rolls over it. The
bed, wide in proportion to the number
of persons to use it, and seven feet long,
is as fluffy as a haymow, and gives
forth a scent that sooatihes and heals
one's senses aind body.
But the bough bed is getting1 less and
less used. Hotels and fancy cottage
camps with spring' beds and linen
sheets are slowly superseding the old
style hunter's bed because of the dif
ficulty and bother of gritting1 a new bed
every trip. It will be a long time, how
ever, before balsam bough pillows cease
to be used in even the most aristocratic
of hunters' lodges.
I For Men and Boys
If agneiUra It tbe grandest power for all ail
ments that human flesh is belr to, and more
than all other curative agents combined, and
will be so considered by men of all letters all
over the world, Jutt as toon at tr.lentlBo know
ledge can reach enlightened tnlnda.
It It clearly the duty of every phytlclan to
know and understand these (sett.
It It the me red dutr of every minister, every
editor and every scholar to Investigate and learn
these ftctt.
Hllltont of tick tnd tulferlng people might be
well and strong today If the truth we publish
wat generally known. It It quite time these
truth! were known, snd wt hope every man and
woman will assist In disseminating truth
knowledge, and all that tendt to elevate a
human soul and belter tht human race.
It It a thams to many are tick because they
know not bow, or have not the meant to get
wall. Wt makt no false claims, hold out no un
certain method, no fpnw fiitut. We point out
tht way and If the tlrk and tulfering will fol
low our advice and teaching! we assure them
better health, better lives, and a happier eoodl
Hon of body and mind will follow. Wtmetn
Just what wt say and all that ws publish.
bo ot eoulound magnetism with electricity.
Magnstlsia It soft and gentls si a sunbeam,
and unllkt tlectrtrlty, prod 11 est do shock, con
traction of muscles or parslytlt. Magnetism It
a natural, Ills giving powsr; It retnloraes ths
blood snd nerves Just si Bra warms and Increas
es lbs circulation of the blond.
Our Shields smbody a principle now rsoog
tilted by ths best authorities In the old snd new
world. Those thlel.1t are today ahead of all
othsr etiratlve agents with or without a name,
aod tht reason this It tent It because HagntUe
Shields are 00 mors or less thsn living loun
taint of rsssrvotrs of taaguctlsra.
Our Shields srt precisely the same upon one
sst of organs at any othsr est, or tlngly. Tht
Hhlsldt Impart warmth, tons. Ills, vigor and
sawrgy; with thsss natural so nd it inns restored.
wt here tlaor sad health. If we enuld Impart
ths knowlsdgs we pussisi at to the rssuluof
wearing our shields, svtry man and soman
would swnrs lhm tl any east
Sse Df. W srd. st Uts fslsee bM.
An Exacting Beggar. .
Several beggars in Pera own a larg
amount of property. One well-known
man has houses worth 10,000 liras, and
yet is to be seen begging in filthy rags.
A poor governess, wlio was very charit
able, used to give him a piastre twice a
week. One day she missed a lira
(pound), and thought she must have
given it to the beggar by mistake. He
had gone home for the day, so she fol
lowed him to his house on the Taxime.
He received her graciously, looking: like
a pasba at least jn bis mafrmncent
robes. "I never like to lose a good
client," he said, and sent for his bag of
takings; "if there's a lira here we shall
hna it. Sure enough, the lira was
there. "Take it," he continued, and the
poor girl, full of thanks, was hurrying
away when the beggar stopped her.
"Wait a moment; you haven't given me
the piastre."
1 rained nurses ana their field of work
were being discussed by a prominent
club of San Kransisco a few days ago,
and one of the ladies, in demonstrating
the care of infants, held up a chamois
model of a baby's stomach about as
large as a good-sized oyster, and ex
claimed tor her climax: "Now, what be
comes of all the quarts of milk that are
poured into that little stomach?"
There was a startled silence, broken by
a young woman in a rear seat, who
murmured, lugubriously; "Well, most
of it goes into your lap."
G. Noble &
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Baddies, Whips, Spun, and an endless
lof of everything in their line. E. O. Noble and Mrs. Quo. Noble comprise the
new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm at well at collect what It due.
Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't
overlook this. Repair work a specialty.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Queensware At
Gilliam k Bisbee's
And by tht way they have anything you ran call for III tht Una of
Hardware, Moves and Tinware.
. )
in your jn. k:t, if ymi lur
Stkiliiitz'l '1 1 h.ikifi.j ow
clrr, an.l ti: only tnr heap
ing t(MiK-i:ful lo a q urt of
f.OUr. (44
Tb OsgstU will eleb with Ibe Ortfo.
rWeeiof, Ibe f rwel rbibist) pspr ef Ore-
to. Wasblogtot) aed Mbo, poUitl.ed
at iVHIand, ff I2.7S for lb !. Tbe
(Waal. it ail riffcl No KtjffM of
pi II, us should t Htm! It. If,
Mlsiag aed IntcailMi ( ssvsattss
A mining aed irrigation coevsntloe
will be beld al Bskrr (My, Or., 00 liareb
Hi. 30 aed 81. K'H. For Ibte oeeaaloa
ItheO R. A !. Oo. trill eetl rooad trip
tu sett from ell point ea lbeir Hi, at
oet tad ooe-firtb fare. This gathering
itlwodwabt be very profitable lo all
partire iblereeted la Ibeee Batten. If.
Be aol deeslved! A enagb, bnartneet
or Proop are n lo be Iriflrd with.
I dse la time of HUluh's Cure will la tt
yea Mara IroaU. (told br CtsrA
Brork. y
Fie! Hrfe'lsod bea epp.Heid
spMHsl stl A Tlit f isitsbls life At
arsnss Cfl, ft fifi, Ibe trngt)l
lb wmil. Csh surplus to pt
Iil4r al otst 6) tstlliof dollar. Iit"l
Isle tnfss erithnM eef Ibe
tJet) of lb rlibl. Ihearet) fcMfc
siM Mine rets. 77'f
O.tnae list, er. ef i. M. Ittff,
lee r4rns4 fmej . . M
bee eileedlef fbsol slensff tbe
Dr. Q. K. Ward, lb aagBt beaUr,
le teetlag with epleadid is ber
k bet. Mb bt bed andet treet
aest tight , loot of wbicb ware
eat m4 are bow tally recovered. Two
rbfislr ftws of over 00 yi's eeolieg
blrb ttta itoaaoJ xired. Also
tobrti et of sstsfsl tser't etead-
Isg, both ol wbieh r rapidly Impfov
Inf. Tbe dHor glvt bo KdXoe bot
rte by ottgaslssat. It SMI or dlesbled
a nr Master rail and jilt bar. If
the titUlM" ' tH il " e
tbe'ge will be) atdet eeqllalxe
A I sls ) anlil further Us.
Por Infant and Children,
Tin Kind Yon Hare Aiwa;. Bought
Bear th
Blgnatar of
l'liil Colin it paring lb bigbett price
for theep pells, beef bide green or dry
fur, etc. JJou't forget I'bil. 6 If
We have an immense line of ready
made clothing in the latest
Spring Styles.
The only Really Well Assorted and
Up-to-Date Stock of Clothing
in Heppner.
There's big and little suits for old and young;
There's short aud stout suits and slim and loug.
Don't be persuaded into buying your Spring
suit until you have looked our goods and prices
over. You'll be repaid. They are new goods
received two months earlier this spring than
ever before.
Our Prices make Competition
Green With Envy.
For instance, there's a $10 Suit of Oregon
Wool, for men, made by Salem Woolen Mills,
guaranteed all wool. Can't be duplicated in
town. Then that $1.00 Suit, of two pieces, for
boys. Considering the price they, are elegant
A person would naturally think that we told
these goods for lest than cost. We don't. We
make a little profit on all these goods not
very muchbut tome. We do business In just
BELLING. First, we buy right, then tell close
and quick.
Be Sure and See Our
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
As the Star Brewery beer
Ondraught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
f oss fort le Trrtllag.
Personally onoilncted Ion rial eioar-
eiom srt now th fad. Tbe r parlica-
larly adapted tor ledir traveling elone,
or itb children, for no cbengs of rare it
oeoeeterf belwero lb PeoiBo and At
lantis. Forlbermort, taob or i in
barg of special conductor, bo
ol doti ar to look after lb welfare
aod coos fort of bis pati'Oger. Tb car
ar operated by tb Pullman Pelao Car
otnpiBj, Ibns aatannf to paeeenget
all lb com firt f modtra dtr travel at
lee Ibtn bait lb tuoel Pnllmao rate.
Tbee Moonloot ron tie "Tb (treat
Halt Lake root," eod letv Portland
via lb O. R. A N. at ft p. m. Monday,
Tneedsy. Wtdnee.lay and Tl.orslay of
aeb week. Tb car leaving Monday
ran Ibroagb without f btogt to Kanee
City and Cl.Wtgo, via tb Mioari
PeeiO and Cbk-agi k Alton ! of
PaeDtojtb ear leaving Taetdey ran
tbroogb to iVwto, vi tb Itoct leland,
LakaHbor Mirbigao Bootber. N
York Central aod ftotte k Albany, and
tb aar leaving Wednly tbroogb to
Kama Ciiy aad Kb Louts, via tb Dor
liagfoa ! of 1 Voter, Tb eer tearing
Tbartday ran through to HI. Loots, vi
Mtaeoorf paalfl eeet of Poeblo.
For rat, pampblrl d Information,
addrea J, I. ManeOoUL
OrVI Act, Rio Orsnd Western Ky
Portlead. Oregoa
Gibson & Berger,
At Cbas Jonet' Old 8Uud.
Shaving. - 15 Ct.
Hair Cutting. - 5 "
Hatha 2"c. Everything Strict
ly irtt Clans.
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
Who has secured tho tvrvlvetof
As manager. It will be run in first clasa Hliapo
in every department. HateH reasonable
' ll7a-Jl.VV'sv't.
formerly ol Ptndlrlon
Tonsorial Artist
Halp Cutting,
Hho, Malliak Corner,
20 "
Heppner, Oregon.
Mathews & Gentry,
Mho lea doort Houth of fnebifflr.
t.O. SobtA Co.
b i.wsm. Tb fl st et-Hl-e tt4 ber
- - j ltr. e to he f ad t Ht i . rV lUIr
tTU--" rtr-T-l-- f I ,SH- l'mt nM'e -4 I lb. tee. if.
I li.-Vi' r-H nfl- U n .el n vi. JsrH r-..v.J by t t. mj;ZT,
A !",Ti V.V-tV-:"t-1 V. IJ. Tk'ttpe't C. Wf.r ti.ade. ,., ,.. , i .... f-
.' , " saa i In it sis'tt ii 4 tt tl k U te'l ta .Me r-lav smt
If "Of rbool I la f tA a (tret rla
i titiel rhart tb! idle be o al
a. reN 'U- ,,,, fc.lf tfW... (- t..,. mii,
ell fr Vi taeb. Cell t lbs fflo
31 If.
fill vour old books tnd tMitee la bit
handa S"'l t your money out of
Uimm Maket a specially ef aerii
Office lo J. it. Iirown'i RaUiling-
Ellis &c Phelps,
All Ixislnees alleniled le la e prompt and
Skilrtwinry aianiief. Holarlae fubilf an
t.lle tort.
Ollk I Matter elieia. Heppner, Or.
llas No Equal
Bring your bidet, r aed fan ty
, Ueil.e-e, el ll.e lA-rf Mt
Ma'kM. II p) blgUt Market pel.
Made ooder UnlteJ 8(aU
patent, it mast Drc'ri1v
he) different from all olheri
CooUio) oo lUrcb, fre) !kali
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars
The Best Bargains-
want to g't your
But are llioae of greatest value In proportion to met. If yon
tneney't Worth of honeet gixuls III
Hardware, Tinware,
TPi i oivi r oti
We are Inrraaslng oar Iturk for fall and winter. Call and as
Frank Enoelman
or Ionc,
la as'nl tr this useful houaeh
arlk le atMt will thnrmiihly ranraaa
ttierfHihty Inr the seme. Re le also
Hie ganeral aaenl lof the tlatenf
Orrgon. Territory lor tale.
at Luti la. Manufanturera. I
1'rict'r llcaHonablc. f.
They aavt eaytalng la this tine that yrm mar 4elre snt ton est) dewai ea II ye get a
g'l enkie wkea they guarantee It,
OltJ ";, M.ltl ttft HpIH t'lv
or north! tt filllrg.