The Gazette. Tuesday, March 8, 1898. Candidates' Announcements I hereby announce to the punllc of Morrow county, that I will be a candidate before the next republican couuty convention for nomi nation to the office of county assessor. Bespectfully, w. B. McAmstkb. Lexington, Or., March 7, '98. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county assessor, subject to the will of the republican county convention. A. C. PlTTlYS. The Montgomery, one of the cruisers of the United States navy, is now anchored in Havana harbor. An opportunity for more Spanish treachery. Teesident McKinley's bearing is that of a statesman and a dip lomat. He has won the confidence of the American people and the respect and admiration of the world. His foreign policy is clear- cut, strong and dignified. In war with Spain this moral resource would be felt It would put con fidence and purpose behind every gun. Spokesman-Review. Tbe fact that the republican party is responsible for all the benefits which the sugar-beet in dustry has ever received, and is known to be notoriously favorable to beet-sugar interests and to the production of American sugar for Americans, seems to be sufficient auswer to those who assume that the administration's policy of Hawaiian annexation, if pursued, will result disastrously to beet sugar interests. stations and to other experimenters among the farmers, for tests dur ing the coming season. These seeds are the outoomt of Secretary Wilson's determination to ransack the globe for seeds and plants which may prove of value to tbe American farm. Under his direc tion, a special agent has been trav eling for eight months through the countries of western and south ern Asia, the oldest section of the earth, investigating different va rieties and buying such seeds as are known or supposed to be of economic yalue to this country. Mr. Wilson believes he has secured some species of foreign plants especially adapted to withstand drouths, which will be of immense value to some of our western sec tions. A large quantity of alfalfa has been procured from Eastern Turkestan which will Btand terrific drouths, and when it is remem bered that our own alfalfa, now so indispeosible to our western farm ers, came originally from Arabia, it will be seen that we yet may have much to learn from that section of the world where the human race originated. Frof. Neils Hansen, the agent selected by Mr. Wilson for the trip, has secured the most valuable fond of scientific information, which will be embodied in a bulletin to be issued later by the department Mr. Hansen states that many of the seeds procured were carried ong distances by camel-back across the arid wastes of the East before they came in contact with modern means of transportation. Tde prompt appropriation by congress of $50,000,000 for defense and preparation for war, will doubtless have the effect of chill ing Spain's desire for war. We are very much of the opinion that the Dons are not looking for a scrap with Uncle Sam, but if it comes, we want to see that third rate, rotten nation thoroughly and promptly licked. They deserve this for their treatment of the Cubans. IN beattle s city election on Tuesday, the republicans were vie torious, getting nearly every office in sight and obtaining complete control of that city's affairs again it wouia seem trom tins that tn are getting tired of populist rule, and we opine this will be the re suit all over the state of Washing ton at the coming fall elections, Two more years of such govern tnent as our sister state has present will almost completely ruin tbe commonwealth. Now is the Time To purify your bloc d with Hood's Barns- psrilla. Maroh, April, May are tbe tryioa moDtbi of tbe year. At tbia sea sou your blood is loaded witb Impuri ties wbiob bave accumulated daring tbe winter, end these impurities must be immediately expelled. Hood's Barsa- parllla is tbe oiie true blood purifier. It is the medioioe which bas aooom- plisbed many thousands of remarkable cures of all blood diseases. It U what tbe millioDS take id tbe spring to build up health sod ward off sickness. MEMORIAL SERVICE at DEMOCHATIC NOTICE. Io persuaDoe to a resolution of the Demooratio Conoty Central oommittee beld in Heppner tbe 6th day of March, 181)8, Wednesday tbe 16th day of March, 18'.)8, at the hour of 2 o'clook p. ro wbs designated as the time for holding tbe democratic pritnHries and tbe following Ralurday, the tilth day of March, for the oouveuiiuii, wmcu oonvention will meet at the oourt Loose in Heppner at 10 o'clook a. m. of said day. R- presenta tion of each vuting preomot will be a follows: Dairy, 2; Mattesoo, 2; Dry Fork, 2; Lexington, 2; (lentry, 8; Lena 8; Wells Hprings, 2; Mt. Vernon, ; Alpine, 2; l'ine City, 2; lone, 8; llt-pp. ner,7; Cecil 2; Eight Mile, 2 Rwpeotfully submitted, J. W. Mohrow, Chairman. The promptness and vigor with which the nation ia rising to meet a threatened, or at least a poesibl emergency, is characteristic of government ordered by a free peo ple, instinct with patriotism and dominated by a spirit of mdepon a . a tionon. it lias been said many times within the past mouth that we are not roady for war. Th truth of this statement is Dot more apparent than is tho fact, as dom onstratod from day to day, that wo know Low to got ready as well as how to defer active hostilities until we ars better prepared to en gage io thcni. Oregonian. Tiieiii is a feature of war with Fpain which drtacrvoa serious con. iteration, and that is the possible condinion in which It would leave the starving pwple for whom we are now collecting such gsnerous quantities of supplies. War would top ioatantly all our charity work, booauaa we would lie nnable to end or distribute relief until we had mad ourselves masters of the island. Meanwhile) thrum wretched toat would be reduced to a till more pitiable condition. The war eotimeot in the Toiled Htatea is found! largely opou sympathy for those starving (woplt, and yet war flight deprive us alwolutidr of ability to lu'lp them until Luodrls tf thousand bad starved to uWh. I'uleM we are prrpar! at nucs to make a descent npon Cuba and take xaei,iti of it, a ds tf war on our part would I tli death warrant for more of theae wretch! pacifieow than have a), ready sucrnrotv to the luercileee )liey of concentration Wejler I tan and I'Unco Laa Continued. Evening Trleram. t 111 f Tauri carloads of rsra and val uable a xs Is and plants are Dow lying io the ! rooms of the da. arttneit of agriculture at Wash. liiKtoo, waiting to l diatnbttt 1 t the 6',vrnnl iperio(f.f IlenaMlras Conatjr I'oaveatltta. Io pursuance to a resolution of the Republican County Central Committee, held io Heppner on Marob 0, 181)8, the data of holding tbe primaries in said oouoty was set for Saturday, Marob 2Q, im, at 2 o'oloek p. m., tod tbe connty oonTeotloo tor Haturday, April 1HDH, at 2 o'clock p. m., said oonnty eoDveotion to ts held at the oourt bousi Id Heppner, Oregon. Deals of repreeon tatioo will be one at large for eaob pre cinct and one for eeerj fifteen vote east for Robt. H. Rean, or fraction over half Tbe convention will consist of 48 delegates, apportioned as follows: Geo try, 4; Mt. Vernon, (I; Heppner, 8; Wells Hprings, lj Alpine, 2; lone, 8; Cecil, ;f Dairy, 5; Dry Pork, 8; Islington, 3; Leas, 3; Kigbt Mile, 3, Tina City, 2; Mattesoo, 3. J. M. Hauim, Chairman. Al lb regular meeting of tbe W. C 1. D. of Heppner, Wedneeday afternoon, tbe following effloers were eleoted: Pres ident, Mrs. Mary B. Thompson; corre sponding and recording secretary, Mrs. II. F, Rriggs; treasurer, Mrs. Julia Blebee. Tbe memorial services, beld at tbe M. E. cbnroh last Sunday morning, in honor of Miss Franois E. Willard, were well attended, and tbe program waa of more than usual interest It was as follows: Doxology. Hymn No. 6. Prayer by Mrs. Bisbee. Anthem by tbe cboir. Responsive reading. Temperance doxology. Scripture reading by Mrs. Thompson. Reading, "Mies Willard'a Conversion," by Mrs. Briggs. Essay by Mrs. Smead. Hymn No. 646. Essay. "Francis E. Willard," written by Mrs. May Thompson, read by Mrs Smead. Address by tbe pastor, Rev. J. W Flesber. Hymn No. 93. ibe readings and essays were excep tionally fioe and appropriate to tbe occasion. Mrs. May Thompson, men' tioned above, was personally acquainted witb Miss Willard, andtbeQazette takes pleasure io publishing her essay in full. It is as follows: When tbe sad news of tbe death of Franois Willard was brought to me, I like many others felt tbat I bad lost s personal friend, and looking upon her piotured faoe in a late copy of tbe Union Signal, I seemed to again see her as 1 saw her last in life nearly fourteen years ago. She bad leotured during tbe even ing at a grand mess meeting of Tbe Sons of Temperance, of Rhode Island, in one of tbe large balls belonging to members of that order in Frovidenoe, Rhode Island. After tbe meeting and lecture a few lady members of tbe S. of T., entertained Miss Willard at a little supper given by tbem in ber honor, and tben we wbo bad known ber only as a worker in tbe temperance cause, bad an opportunity to see and know ber as women knows women. Quiet, simple and unassuming, with a pleasant word and smile for all, she sat in our midst, and the lines of oare seemed for a time to relax upon tbat sweet, earnest face as she gave herself up to tbe full enjoy ment of a social hour. A dear little boy, my eldest child, then nearly four yeara old, seemed to quite win ber heart tbat great, brave, loyal heart tbat, knowing nothing in itself of the joys of motherhood, yet was full of love for little children, and yearned over every mother's boy and strove to win them to perfeot manhood. As she stooped to kiss the ohild when be bade ber good-bye, she gently said: "Dear little one, we may never meet again on earth, bot I should like to know tbat io the ooming years you might be kept as pure and unspotted by tbe world as you are now." They never did meet again on earth, but wbo shall not say but that they the little child who was called borne before Bin had touched bim, called home in all bis parity and innooenoe "unspot noble woman whose whole life was one of patient selfdenial.and willing saorlfloe for others bave onoe more met "Over There." The world will always be better for Franois Willard having lived in it. She was taken from us at a time apparently when she was most needed here, before her work had reaohed Its fullest froition. Rot the cause wbiob she so loved and fur which she willingly, cheerfully sao riflCMl, much tbat is dear to tbe hearts of all true women tbe love of human life bas rroeived an Impetus wbiob oannoi ran io expand even yet more fully io tbe years to come. She may not be here, bot ber work yel lives, sod through her work tbe memory of tbe conseorated life of Fran cla L. Willard will remain fresh io tbe lOJJE ITEMS. Johnny Day is ia town for f jw days' lay off. These cold nights sod bleak days are out of order. O. H. Colvin and family, of Lexington, are visiting relatives here. A new barber shop in town, witb Nat Hale at the chair. He will eoon put up a new shop. Bring on your old razors and bave tbem fixed up, he's all right Grain and grass is not growing tbis kind of weather and it is feared tbe peaob orop bas been nearly all killed. The trees were beginning to blossom in tbis vloioity. Quite a large crowd attended tbe Odd Fellows' ball here on Tuesday night and report a flue time. Tbe music by Frof. Koeeland and Cbaa. Ingrabam, of Hepp ner, was well reoeived Qeo. Warfield, of The Dalles, ia here visiting relatives and old time friends, and will embark in tbe sheep shearing business as soon as it begins. Billy Brown, another Morrow oouoty boy, but lately of Portland, is bere awaiting shearing. T. J. Carle, being a juror at tbe present term of cirouit oourt, bas partially stop ped progress on the new livery barn but we note tbia morning that Mr. John Nelson, tbe city oarpenter and contrao tor, bas taken Mr. Carle's place and the building will be pushed right along, Frank Engelman, of flat-iron fame, was io town yesterday. - He will soon start men in the field rustling for this very useful household artiole, which, when lighted up is a bot iron, and don't you forgetit. Tbe writer will vouoh for it Buy one for your wife, mother or sweet' heart. The annual school meeting bere Mod day brought out nearly all tbe taxpayers tn tbe distriot. O. T. Walker was chosen director and E. J. Keller, olerk. It was a Honesty is the Best Policy.... i i o o o o o o mm k We don't claim to be the "Only House," But we do claim to be the only firm in town that owns its own building and pays no rent. t The Benefit of TMs! . The above statements are facts, but this is not all we have to talk about. We are opening up one of the Largest and Best Selected Stocks of Dress Goods Comprising all the latest styles, paterns and designs in Henriettas, Brocades and Plain Cashmeres. IN NOVELTY AND FANCY DRESS GOODS WE LEAD THEM ALL. Silks, Satins, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, and Trimmings of all kinds. Look Out for our Summer Goods which will be in shortly. Bought direct from Factory in JNew York. In this Line we have some Wonderful Surprises, both m btyles and Prices. We are in a position to meet anv competition and will do it. Heppner, Oregon First National Bank Building, Notice of Intention. Land Offici at LaObandk, Oregon, March 10, 1898. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followlne-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be madebe- tura T W Uftrmw Cni 1 11 1 v I 'lurlr Mnrrnw very harmonious meeting, and it waa county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April deoided to bave a sohool at lone seoond '',... to none in tbe county. The direotore pra.Kn,ntinn n iofuo. for the nwu. sev were instructed to negotiate for money w4andNWH8W!4Seci5,Tp4 8,R29,EWM. and a site to build upon and report in his continuous residence upon and cultivation , . . I, i. l -ii of aid land, viz: Andy J, Cook, Hezeklnh four weeks at a Call meeting wbiob Will Tippett, of Heppner, Oregon, Robert 8. Clark, be beld at that time. It was decided of mirdane, Oregon, and Abraham B. Chapman, tbat Hl'loQ will be omple to bond a aoboolbouse that will aooommodate 120 pupils, and tbie will be all tbat is needed for awhile. Tbe old school building will be sold and tbe prooeeds applied on fur niture for tbe new bouse. A very light tax will pay for the property. Subscriber. Ione, Or., March 10, '98. 80-41 E. W. Babtlktt, Register NOTICE OF INTENTION. Nc W. E. Hyatt, A. J. Cook and Wra, Do. no an oame in from Butter creek yes terday. They left today tor Ed. Day's to commence shearing. County court adjourned Wednesday, Considering the bosinees transacted they must bave put in fall time while in session. Land Office at La Qbandk, Orkoon, March 7. 1SU8. OTICE Id HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Ore gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April Si, i'J8, viz: JOHN T. GALLOWAY, Hd E No 5353 for the 8EU of Seo 6 Tp 2 8 R 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A. J. Stamp, M. J. Devin, W. O. Mccarty and roster Adams, all oi Heppner, Oregon, . W. JJARTLKTT, 29-40 Register. 1 Weak Lungs If you hare coughed and coughed until the lining mem bra n of your throat and lungs it Inflamed, Scott's Emulsion of Cod4ivcr Oil wifl tooth. strengthen and probably cure. The cod liver oil feeds and ! iirtnguvcn ma weaaenca us- sues. The glycerine soothes and heals them. The hypo- Z phosphites of lime and soda Impart tone and vigor. Don't I neglect these coughs. One $ bottle of the ErouLion may do more for you now thaa ten can do later on. Be sure you get SOOTTS EmuUlon. AS An.-u u i a. ttOTT SOW S, Oxmm fe, ye. 9 ! L . M VffHffffHftttfftfHSI caodi' Are gaming lavor rapidly, nsj. Business men and -travel- 19 I I li-rs carry them In vest tt I I I pocketi, ladles carry them In purm, housekeepers kaep them In medlclns Closets, mends recommend them to frit nds. ftt Notice of Intention. r AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON. IU March 2, 1X98. Notice Is herebv given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of nis claim, ana mat saia prooi win De mane before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, uregon, on Baiurgw.Drii u, viz: of Heppner; Hd K No 2909 for the NEU of Sec 12, Tp 2 8 K 24 X W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence unon and cultivation of, said land, viz: James V. Khea. Ralph L. Benge, of Heppner, Oregon, Robert J. Hill, of I Lexington, Oregon, and Joseph Mason, of lone, Oregon. JAM. V, MUUKK, 28-39. Register. w VII it) V) vl tt it) it) it) it it it) The Leader Of Course! The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T.R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. i m m V it it) it) it) it) DOW TO FIND ODT. Notice of Intention. A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at Heppner. Oregon- it) it) 0 it it) it) it it) Fill a bottle or common glass witb arias sod let it stand twenty -four hours; seaimeDi or settling indicates so no- healthy condition of the kidneys. When urioe stains linen it is evidence of kid ney tronble. Too freqaent desire to nri oate or pain in tbe btok, is also ooovioo- ing proof that the kidneys end bludder re ont of order. WHAT TO IK). Tbere iseomfort in tbe knowledge so Heppner, Oregon. 1929 often ei pressed, tbat Dr. Kilmer's hearts ot all wbo love tbe temperanoe Swamp-Root, tbe great kidney remedy t is doi ior ns io anow wny sne minis every wish to relieving pain in the Land Orrici at La Gbandb, Oiroon, Januarv 81. 1WR. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THI following-named settler has filed notice of his Invention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county. Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 19, 18W, VELORIAH w. TILLARD, Hd E No. f4. for the fM NWt c8U NEU gee 33, Tpl 8, R2A, K W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: John Marshall, Thomas Mar shall, Hugh Fields and James Johnson, all of E. W. BARTLETT, Kovlnter. ranee, was called home before she had soaroely entered upon tbs aotom of ber life. We can only know that "Uod nothing does, nor suffers to be done But thou oiil.l.t do thyself, If thou couldst The end of all he dm as well as be, We ran only trust hi in, where we can not see, and fiwl ms a red that it is not oeoeesary fur as to know trhy. Ia bis own good time all tbat bow seems so mysterious aod often times bard to bear will be made clear to ns. "Tbere" it oot bere we shall know and understand wby this loving, tender, pnre-bearted, slf- ssoriOoing life was ended before ber life work waa apparently oompleted We, as Clitielien worker in tbe cause, f el that we bave met with an irrepar aMe lose. Sbe, whom we all loved, is dead. Th pure, true, loving heart is stilled forever. Tbe tired hands ars folded acrus the pulsolraa breael and tbe sweet, womanly far is bidden for ever from oar sight. Hut she is with Ood. Arter lire's faithful fevei she le indeed at reel. Hhe haa attained tbe atoriooe height of all Christian aepirante. a home In heaven. And to Iboee of you wbo wear Ibe while ribbon, and wbo meet today to da honor to the memory of yonr deed ehieftian, 1 would say she be Mt yoo a gnoJ by heritage. My Ibe remembrance of bor naeelfUb, con secreted life be ever aa Incentive to preee eteedily oewerd antil ibe work she baa loft ia your hands le flakhed aad ya eaa eUnd Wore yonr Hat ior as sbe tends today, blreerd ia tbe knowledge that you have indeed done yonr beet; that )oa bave improved le Ibe ntlermoel Ibe laltnts which He bas glvea you. rree is E. willard bee gone from oe forrver. Phe, wbe wee known aa Ameri ca's uarrowntd Sqa ,u more, In Bnittif more inaa this; sb wee a pare, Irae beetled Christian woinaa. And Be neb she today wears Ibe crown which ear llevnly Aether tv Io Iboee who re laded Hie own. - Mar K. THOwreon. nsrrwta, Or., If aeh 6, oac, aiuneys, liver, Diaiider and every part of the urinary passages. It oor- reots inability to bold urine and eoald Ing pain in passing it, or bad effects (ol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, aod overoomes tbat uu pleasant neoeesity of being compelled to get np many times daring the night to urinate. The mild and tbe extraordinary effect of 8 warn p- ro t is soon realised. It stands Ibe highest for it wonderful core of tb most dtstroesiog oasee. If yoa need rnedicin yoa ehould bev tbe beet. Bold by drogglste, price fifty oent end ooe dollar. Ton may have a earn pis bottle and pamphlet both sent fre by mail, upon reoelpl of three two cent stamps to cover oust or poelage on th bottle. Mention tbe Heppner Osteite and eend yonr address to 1. Kilmer ft Co- Did. bampton, N. T. Tbe proprietor of tbie peper guarante lb genuineness of this offer. Notice of Intention. Land Orru i it La Osamdi, Orroon. Januarv 31. IK'. 'OTIC 18 HEREBY OIVKN THAT 1 HE liilliin named settler haa filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made tHtlore the Comitv Ulerk ol Morrow county. regon, at Heppner, Oregon, oil March 1'J, ! vis: WILLIAM R. TILI.ARD, Hd E So for the Nu NK. HEVa NEW. NK8K4 U, Tp 1 8, k K W M. He names th following wltneesea to prove his continuous ree'dence unon and cultivation of said land, vlt: John Marshall, Thomas Marshall. Hush fields and Jamea Johnson, all ol Heppner, Oregon. E. w. hahtlett, 19-W Register. 1ST siiKKirrs SALE. VOT1CE 18 HKRRRY GIVES? THAT BY 1 v virtue ol an lerulloa and nMr a u I nmy issuwi rT the I lira .X the I'lrrnll Court ol the County ol Morrow, Mate at Ort-n, datsrt the M day of Marrh, tn. In a certain artlon In Hie t irriill Court for said ( ounir and . wnemn James ianm ami Jamra Jniaa aa atinliitstraiir o the UI ( Kelson Jones detvaanl, pialotln, rmvered Jmlaiuent anhiM io. w. swtitfart. Mlldrv.1 I Hwacnrt. a. R. HlPhop aaaifiiir ol (o w. munrl, Insoirenl drblor, I Morrow, lh(r..n Hallwav and Kt(llnn cnmMnr, a cnrpuratlon, ami I'ttt uuani Urlrnoanu hi Ul nin u 1 ma Hum.. and roiir HuiHlmt Nlnetv Two Itnllara. with IntoreM thereon al Ihe rale ol IS Mr tvnt nrr annum I mm the lth dar of rVbrttary, ti. tlie lurlher sum ol twe Hundred i.rt killars itorriry s fiwa, and cnats and dlslmnemeiiti Ui al Twenty Ave dol'ars, oa the ll day ol I (tire M hereby alrea thai I will na n nay. mestitn .lay 4 Apftl. at J orlnrk p m oi sain oar . al in Irani Hoor ol ihe court hone In Heppn'. Mnrmw eounty oreann, sell al pulillc aurtlon Ui Ihe hlihiwi Mddet Int eaia In baiHt, Ihe hdlow Ing dwrtlied rtprty, U wit mith hall nt the north wax nnvbi lots one, two. Ihr and lour ol SM-linn one lU In tuwMhlp two 'II .uth range twenty els IJS) i"i " " stMiin nan me noniiui uuar. ir oi seruon one (1 1 in iicnhl two UI soma I ranre twenty sit (.) I W M. In nurthauii quaruM aeiHion ton (im in townehlw li;i n.Mia raiiyv twenty R (.-,, R W M, and forty e7 l Ihe no in st. ol lot euiht IS) In blorl lr Kl ei inn on, inn atal u the sown nvpfUMf ae oi M in ihe onoe e4 ua eounly NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lard Orru a at Taa Dui, Orsuor, Frhruarv 2a. Iw.ia. 'OTICE 18 HEREBY OIVKN THAT THE tollowlhf. named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final Drool In support of his claim, and that said proof will be mails before J. W. Morrow, I'onnty Clerk, at Heppner, Oreaon, on Monday April II, Ime, via: CHARLES r. BARN ITT, ol Uxlnrton; Hd K No W for the 8' NIU and lolal and 2 eec I. Tp 1 R V B W M. He names the following wltnsre to Drove his continuous reatdenre upon and cultivation of said land. !' John T. McMillan. Kdward U I'almer, Charlee R. MrAlUter and Thomas H. Nh hols, all ol Leslngtun, Orwim. J An. r. SfonRK, n Rr(tMr. NOTICE OF INTENTION. eve Idem Tbe wrapper of Do Cake toeu are worth cent ej.ieve. Ask lUie A Co, fr irefBlott boeki ill riMk ol MM county, all In Mormw eminty "lam. Taaea sue Iwrled noon aa tna Mmarii ol to Mid M V. wastari Mlidrwd J. Swaa tar. l al. or an mock thewl an may be nr ary la eatHrfy Ihn eald Juilsoenl In Ian ot I 4ame Jww an1 Jmm imat aa lilrtklratof Hill aetata ol Keiana Junea drMl, and! aealuet antd W. Sweater. Miflred J. ' Swutarl rt al. fcwelh wltn atl msta and dt bucwaieBls tnat hate of nar a.rm, K. I, H I l' K, Pherlir, t W. MaTitn k, K.t ty petnd tt Bspyner. MareA s, is. s t Larb Orru a ar Tri, Oatoow. rehritary jr. lost. OTIfE 18 HEREBY OIVKM THAT THE follow Int named settler haa filed antlr ul his lulenlliin to make final nniof in tunirt ol h la rial m, aod that said pro..! will be made before J. W . Morrow. Cotinlf t l.'tk at Hmiiiui. Ornfitn, on Monday, April II, Iw, U: THOMAS H. N1CHOII, ol Uilnyton: Hd E Mo lt lor the WU See a. If I tl I W K Ht nawee tbe Mlowln tllnmi'i to pmv hit continuous realdenoe upon and culllt ailon nl aald land, vis: I harlra t. Harnett, John T McMillan. Kdward L I'almer and CbarliW it. Mi Allnier, all of iitn(kn, Orer.n JAa. E. MDORE. n av Ketr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XJOTIt E t HtRKRY OIVEH THAT THE 11 nndenltned haa been duly appointed by Ihe County Court ol Ihe Mto Itreaon. lor Morrow t utility, admlniilrabw ol th eeotenl helaun J oi, dwrwaanl All -mue having claims aaalnat said otaln are hereby notified to pnwvnl same, properly rlltel. W nw, al Ihe owe aiut m rneiio, ai neppner, inns, WlUila els months Imia Ihe date ol this otlm. AM tod ifcla Uth day ol rebruarv t" jams jnxr. Admlntatrainr ol the lstat oi Iteltoa e;AI J one. U eaaed. aTocgauLOtaa Mtkri.tu. vonri ts HiarsT oite to the A ' etorSholdare wl the Some I witty LsmI True! . that th aanual sneettwt nl la tnrkliodf will b held aaiurdav. Marrk lh. in oir bi i a n, in in iatNtn4 Mil bull.imt b-r th tnryM ol elo-tinc fft-.twn !. thuulnt mt and III Irana. tn.n o4 tn. h o4hr bim imh M Rwy b re Ua 'j-""S- a. r h vbo. " l eerretory, 1 When you hear dem bells !" YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER GO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING! Ml . X MAT HALV0RSEN, - LEADING MERCHANT -Hi OF IONE.xv Keeps A Beneral Stock of Merchandise Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin ware, Harness, Stockmens' 'Supplies, Wood and Willowware. First Class Goods and Low Prices is his motto. MflT HALVORSEN, IONE. OHKGON. -A.. A.BUVI-IVMSICK, Merchant Tailoring! Haa just secured the nervier, of Mr. Chan O'Malley, a practical cutter of New York City. He guarantees satisfaction. CALL. AND SEE ME. ON MAY 8T11FFT Thev Are The "Mustard" MEADOWS & IIATTEN. - - . aajja. a . W -"m noneer Blacksmiths nt.lnih.Hr .t.Mi.ani j lUt ftan av.!. bim lal Inrmtn Iron t oe .n.l mIih trrial. mm to tliatr nagiMit, buulto) ' ai. t.lnt y. n'lal to l t!r fm Uum I CitUi m fti BoTiti I Tw rTeri m J it q. w C 9