I'otUand Library OFFICIAL si-Wv YOUR MONEY'S WORTH THE Semi-Weekly Gazette AT $2.00 A YEAR. PAPER ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF THE .... Semi-Weekly Gazette IS YOUR MEDIUM. FIFTEENTH YEAR Tl TT'TJTl ATTT'TJ lffTlTirv -rr-r , xx-cjxiriii, muimuw UUUJNTY, UKEUON, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1898. OF 1 i II. II I SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PDBLIIBID Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON' PUBLISHING COMPANl. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor -and Bus. Man. At $8.0J per year, f 1.00 for six months, 60 ota. .'or three monona, etriotty ia advano Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the 'PoatoSice at Heppner, Oregon, u second-class matter. THIS PAPKB ia kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchant ISxohangs, Ban Francisco, California, where oou raoU or advertising oan be made for it. LP. FIBBER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8 , ing agent, 21 Merchants' Eichann i Bulld lntc, Ban Francisco, ia our authorized agent. Thie papf ia kept on file at hia office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1205 a. ni. Leaves Heppner Junolion 8:30 a, m. and ar rive at Heppner 6:00 a. m Spokane Express No. 4 loaves Portland at 2:00 p.m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7 :50 p. m. and Uma'illa 80 p. m. Portland Express No 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6110 a. m. and Heppner Junction 74X1 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 0:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:iS a. m. and at Umatilla 4:80 a. m. East Mail No. 1 leavei Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. For farther information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. K A N., Heppner, Ore. : OETICIAL SZBECTOIiT. , United States Official. 'Piesident William MoKinley Vice-President Garret A. Hobart Beoretaryof State John Sherman- Seorntaryof Treasury Lyman J. Hae Beoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Beoretary of War Bussell A. Alger Keoretary of Navy John 1). Long Postmaster-General ,.. .James A. Gary attorney-General Joseph McKenna Secretary f A if ri culture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. H. Kinoald Treasurer Phil. Metsohan Bnpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Senator. ; . j .MBd iThos H. Tongue r 1 W. K. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds SR. B. Bean, F. A. Moore, 0. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. rircnit Judge Stephen .Lowell I'roseouring Attorney H. J. bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator ,-.( A, W. Go wan representative. J. N. Brown I timnti Judge A. G. Bartholomew .' Commissioners J. K. Howard J. W. Beckett. . Clerk 3. W. Morrow " Sheriff E. L. Matlock ' Treasurer Frank Gilliam , Assessor A. O. Petteye Surveyor.......,....,.....,. J. W. Hornor School Bup't JT W. Bbipley ' Coroner a. F. Vangl an BKPPKIB TOW OinOIM. Mayor', Thoe. Monran Counnilinen Geo. Conser, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, K. I. Blooum, 11. Liohtenthai and J. tt. Simons. Honier W. A. Rlr-hardson Treasurer .L. W. Brings Marshal..., A. A. Roberts Precinct Olleerr. Justice of the Peaoe W. E. Hiohardson ( or,stble N. 8. Whetstone United Bute Land Officers. TM BALLBS. OB. I. F. Moore i .... Bstrleter A. B. Biggs Beomver Ul onanDB, on. . B. y. Wilson Register J. H. Kobbrme Heoeiver xcxvt nocismiB. HAWUNS POST, NO. U. O. A. B. Wieteet Lexinattm. Or-the last Saturday of eh month. All veterans are Invited to Join, n w Wmith C. G. Fpuda. Adjutant, tf Commander. Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SUROiOft. Offloa ia the City Hotel. City Drag Store, new tf D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offlo boon, 8 to 10 m . end 13 to 2 p. m., at residence, W. A. Kirk 'a prop erty, east of M. E cbnrrh. South, nod 10 In VI. B. m , 10 i to o p. m., ni oinoe in Ibe rear of Bora's jewelry store.. Brown & Redfield Attorneys at Law, Offlos In tbe First National Bank Building. Ilnrntin, : : Obioor. If W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. orrtct at COVMCIk CNAMBf flella iftt buya ml sun. rente hottsM, pa false, dnrs ronrrranrlnr anq winwrreyou any ay la bta line, at reuooable Bgunn. First National Bank OF HEPPNER C. A.RMtA. T. A. RHt. QCO. W. CONtCR, s. W. srcNCcn, Prenle1et View PVeelelefit Caehler Ana't Cenhief TruurU I Grttril Eukisg Uwm. EXCHANGE On all trtn of IM arid Bought and Sold Collar timie nwde e sJI patax m faaaMwUe Ttm. rvle a4 nndivvM PmtKe. Ilt.ww 00. Tb 0JU-tl will tnke prrfaloM, ttplee, ecrt rf better nreriiwm aevsante. Any on oviof tble efSoerea eelite lb if ceuaste Is tbie ateeatt eiJ eaa'l 4i tt loe eona to eeil I . r Going East? IP YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points. FIRST Go via. St Paul be cause the lines to that point will afford jou the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jas. C. Pond, . Gen. Paa. Agt, Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St., Portland Or. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & 14., u. m. e at. v., v. it a., r. Ft. w. & c.. and the C. St. U 4 P. Railroads. RATBS SU.oo PBR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bta., ' CHlCAaO. ILL. TP1- . WEEKLY I ne MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York The Outlook will be in 1897, u il h been daring eeoh of its tweoty-eeveo yean, a History of Oar Owo Times. Id its various editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives a oompaot review ot tbe world's progress; il follows with oare all tbe important pbilauthropio sod in dustrial movements of the day; baa complete department ot religions news; devotes mnob space to tbs interests of tbe home; reviews current literature; farniebea cheerful table-talk about men aud things: and, ia abort, aims to give fresh Information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with tbe fifty flifth volume. tbe paper will assume tbe regular maga sloe site, wbiob will add greatly to its convenience and attractiveoeas. The Outlook la published every Saturday 6fty to Issues a year. Tbe first issue Id each month is an Illustrated If sgsiioe N amber, containing about twtae as many pages as tbs ordinary issues, together with a large Bomber of picture. The prloeof Tbs Outlook ia three dollars a year In edvenoe, or lees tbao a cent a day. 8 rod for a specimen oopy and illustrat ed proepeetos to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor Plaoe, New York Oltv. Tori SKA HUB. While ra aap four enbaoriptiaa paid an rn saa keep yor brand In free of ohara. Burn. f. ().. ImM. O. M.. ... UM U'W1 eaiue, ase on krt kin. Conk. A. J..Lia.Or.-Hraaa.lDia rietitehnal ar. ( a'tle. eaowun rivtii kim kut amp ofl kfl and evlit la natiL rWhi aw. ewwbiw4uvk ta eaoh ear i bursae, M 11 aai m nip. en lt ehnlda, MlUi MM mm Wtblp. but w nan, ear. Pbiraeiea. I A ItanrMMr. Of. '.tll. I.P mm right bipi buraaa wilai bar ttadar aw rtlrt MMJWMjaV. J Ht.Hihw. Or - MtifMe brandarl n 4 mm uwm imn eiiiws eanie Iiv.hII J ntit kip. atou aaitartitt ta left ear. Haute la orrww enaatf. Jnaea., fells. Leaa. Or. Nmaa, eleeleT aa len etai eauta. eama aa nM hip, aaitl I erup la and avlit .a lafl aar Raanr, Mke. Happaar, ,. Hnr mrmmM INI aa lafl hip sal I la aa me and arup ot Ml sari atar eiupe aa laa riant Laakf. ). W. Happoar Or -Horaaa WuM I.aa 4 aa tart aVaiUtart aatlk, awaa aa lf kip, waltie avar riM era, lana all la la nM Mianr, law, nm,nm fr,-4 artta. H D an nam nipt autaa a oa lan arwaiaar. oa laft aa-aiWU, aatt a lafl hip. I W.. (Vale-la, tw.i b.aaaa O aa led enneuMri eaiue aaaia aa nM kip. Perkar 4 Ukaaaaa, Hardavae.Or.-lloraai lr on Hfl ahaajklaT. Prerena, IHtver; fcnraae krandad Har and su en in al.mii.w , raic , Elkl Mil, m" rtw a.M,iar J'.par, i. H . lalr.rVaj . -H .mm. It mm saMaalaf ktm alaS aslan sk-aikUri eaUia, aiHiar ai la m aar. Havanr i. W . Hppeia. Or -fl- way, iO eneaaatdar. Latlla. (1 aa rtM kip. V Wry,. 0 Mattaar. Or. Cilia W c aa ' aM awWii ta aaft frnm, ' it UA eaaklav. IVaaaaat. f A., M.,.r IhM k" alMi4- a-iia 1 aa ton .'.l.W aa Tsraar K. Heaar H.-mmM eeeMal Ml t-ai4OT. laaaaat eaula avaa aa laft b wtia afH.t ta wmm aaaa, W.Ma.Ka'aar. W, I., l.!.w, !,, aMa m.v ) aa i M ul, i au twir t.i.JI na ral ka mt.4 i.,m a '" a4 kia ia la( a, Haaaa tM aWv aad laail MiiiiiiiitiiimiiiiiiniiiilllniiiiwiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiM " iiiiiiiiuiIiIiijuiiiiiiIi u.illinilmiTTC AVeBelablePreoarationfor As similating tbeToodandRegula ling theStomachs andBowels of ProtesTjigfestion,CheciM Ttess andBest.Contains neither Ctoium.Morphirie noriJtoral. Not Narcotic. Huvtmfada-SAMCELmxssa Pmrf Smi' - Aix.Jennm JvpfHtmrnt - fUrmSted traavsraw. tmmn Apctfecf Remedy forConstiDa- tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish tiess and Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. 'iff PIXII exact copy. or whappeb, 57 &1 Hotel H3p33tier (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. Now Open. New Methods. - New Manage ment. Strictly Rates, $1.00 Per SPECIAL It A TES BY Baa? A first-class food barn rnn and from all Iraina. We solicit your For more than fifty-six in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT 118 faithfully labored for thatr i,narfltr miia ann noma micreeia, mr ariucaiiun, lor Hie elevalUin ol Amem-an aianhwxt and true warnanhond IT BAS inidat lha SMide, lnleraeUn( sod Inatrurtlvs atortesot tbe duliifs of Uie world, the nation and atalaa. IT II AH a lead the farmer ee b tbe sine! approved Mrthnrta of eultlvatlnt and harvaatlns his fro. end the propar time la convert than Into the lerfmt poaalM. amount of money. IT HAS lal In all awiui. jartalnlna to the arii.reot farmers and vliiasera, and lor over a naif a femur I baa beta tli.li eouBilence six! esteem. XI IM TIIE3. New York Weekly Tribune, And furnish It with the - $2.70, sash In advance. Addraa.au Orders I. write your name iM ertdn-ee en a fmrtat eerd, ' -"r. " aaipia eopy 01 me "ear ion WHITE COLLAR LINE. CAnla River ant! hi Sound Navigation Co hxmn TniTHONr, B.UI.ET L-artof Aller HI reel IWi. rortlend, t l ark and rrwtie. lhri aonnelion wit b Ilnsoo aUamers and rail rintd; alee at Tonog's Hay wlib Haarbora bailmevL THLinrilONI! Ueas rartland T A. M. Ialiy. tf1 Sunday. Leases Arwxia 1 P. M- iHllr. stiejH sender taa.at ranieitd f M Iwlly. et4 nAr at t A. M '! aanaay aad OOBAN Uatae firfiiaM aad r"S At-A In I'aara TeaMaf aM Tharaday el S A. V SUteHar St I t, B) IMli.t(alaitMriMarl wi, I MtiKlii el.t at r. H. IWit,! CWina b Mr4 Dtiiluiioi Iv4 Ifiia hi if Upu, ni For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Sigm The Kind You Have Always win TH eCNTSUW WHWY, NEW YORK .rTV. First Class. Day and Upwards. THE WEEK OR MONTII. in mnnoolirm Free 'Rna run to G87-nov.l2 Datronao. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. years it has never failed and harpnaa, for the Imhmvemerit of their GAZETTE, an year far THE GAZETTE. e"d It In Oan. W, Het. Trlhnne Orfira,, Jt(w aaiy t ntmne lll be nialled lu yon. G1TZIRT AND OCEAN' WAVL AWrh. 1 1 anon, lmt Beaeb, Vsf UtM.f hl.1,1 II f la i .i..rta tfa Mua4ay. .aa; iM, 1 I' WAVE tie . iture A iw WW Bought I I -i 1 . LUTE TELEGBRPHIC HEWS. APPROPKIATION OF FlliTY MILLIONS. Dncle Bam Has Million for Defense War Preparations Going oa at a Lively Kate War Ship to be Purchased In London The President to Visit the Coast. Washington, Mar. 8. Tbe Cannon de fioienoy bill, carrying 50,000,000 for the national defense, wbioh measure was drafted yesterday at tbe instanoe of tbe administration, was favorably reported to the houee today by unanimous vote of tbe appropriation committee, and its con sideration begun. When tbe bill was disoussed at some length, it was passed by a unanimous vote of tbe house. In the Senate. Washington, Marob 8. The senate today considered the Distriot ot Colum bia appropriation bill. A meeting of tbe senate oommittee on appropriations made it clear that the Cannon $50,000,000 national defense bill will be reported promptly and probably unanimously. Bill Passes Senate Unanimously. Washington, March 9. The senate committee on appropriations this morn ing agreed to tbe bill paesed by tbe house yesterday appropriating $50,000,- 000 for tbe national defense. The senate passed the bill unanimous ly, 76 votes being oast in thb affirmative, and not oce In tbe negative. The vioe-president and the speaker of the bouse signed the bill this afternoon, and it was immediately sent to tbe presi dent, who affixed bie signature' a 8:50 o'olook p. m. This bill is now a law. To Bay War Bblps. London, Marob 9. Tbe indioatiooa are that tbe United States government will not wail tor the arrival here of Commander BrowDson in order to pur abase warships. Definite orders have already been mnde foi tbe purobase of ships building here, with a view to fore stalling Spain, who Is supposed to be bargaining for tbe same vessels. Dors Not Fear tbs Cold. "I suffered every spring and fall for several years wilh a severe oold. Two yenrs ago I began taking Hood's Saras- parilla and it built me up so that I have bal no cold siuon, and I do not fear colds ss formerly, f h.rin - nood's Barsaparlila." Cbas. Woods, Box 112, West Seattle, Wasbiogton. Hood's Pills are tbe only pills to lake ith Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ills. B1I1PMKNT UF TORPKD0E8. Urge (Jnaatlty of Material Ordered to Key West. New York, Marob 8 .-It is said that imperative orders have been 'eoeived al Willet's point to prepare for shipment a large quantity of material for torpedoes. Several tutu ot explosives, 11 drums ol single conducting oable. four drama of multiple oable, five 1000-pound anchors, '20 600-pound anchors, wire oable for mooring aud tsokle for tbeir attachment to tbe torpedoes are called for. Tbe mataiial will be forwarded to Key West, it is believed, where it will bs utilised in tbe preparation of torpedoes to .roteot tba approaches to that port. Tweoty men have been ploked from eaob com pany at Willet's point to tska a five-dsy course of instruction al the torpedo sobool. These may bs senl to Key West to plant tbe torpedoes. Tbe 20 large guns reoeived from Wash ington are baiog onlosded al lha main dock. They Bra intended to eomulets tba srmament of tbe Obiosgo and Allan ta, bat it was said Ibat tbey won Id be used oo tbe liners St. Louis sod SI. Paul, if neoeaaary. Id WCYLCR RKHI'O.NHIBLK. Proof That Ms Parraaeed ginloslves New York. Birmingham, Ala, Msrob 8. Captain U. r. Uaiullo, general manager of tbs Dittmar Powder Compaoy, of Mew York, ia visiting ia this oity. He oooflrms lbs report Ibat tba Dittmar concern sold ex plosives to Wsyler'a agents in Novem ber, JH'.KI. Captain llamlio does not know for what pur pons lbs explosives ware used. "I auld to Weyler'e agents H(K)0 pounds ofdyoamils ia November, 1H'.)6" said Mr. Mamllo. "At tba asms Urns, 1&0 miles of rsbber-oovered insulated sop- per wire was purebeeed aed sent to Cobs oa tbe ship earning tbe dvnamita, Tbie mifc-bt have been a aed In tbs dea- trostion of tbs Mains three weeks ago loolgbt, as it was pretty wsil eelabllabed Ibat VYeyler was nstog Ibid powerful si- ploelva lo form lbs most ternbls aaval deetroyers of uodaru times," At Ike War Denertaeal. The war drpsrtnaent la But behind lbs navy. Oansral Flagler, chief of ordi nances, is very busy reselling oat ia vary direotloe by meaos ol lbs tele graph and tbs mail to lesre just bow far lbs reeouroas ot lbs big privets Biano fneluriog eoasaraa vaa bs relied apoa to on me to lbs aid ot tbs war depart mas! la eraiisf and equipping a volanleer army, should oes bs foaod pscaesary, Us will aol Ull what bs is doing ia this direction, holding Ibet II is Dot wins lo make everybody acquainted svee wilb oar strength ors week points. Oenef el Mites Is leobicg aftsf lbs per sonei clesely, and today was trying hard to perfect the organisation of the two new regiments ot artillery wbioh con gress has granted. Tbe offioers must be referred to congress, and the commis sions are only waiting on tbe forms. Beyond tbe statement that two lieuten ant oolonels of tbe existing artillery regiments would be made colonels of the new regiments, the names of the officers are withheld. The Maine Inquiry. Three weeks ago tonighl tbe Maine was blown up. Aa it was last week at this time, so it is now nothing is known officially of the cause of the disaster. Tbe court is at work hard, but Ibis it all that is known at the navy depart ment. It is not even known when it may be expected to finish its work, but the importance ot this does not diminish by tbe lapse of time, and in the midst of divisions osused by more reoenl happen ings tbe more thoughtful officials have not lost sifbt of the tact that, when the report of the court of inquiry oomes to the navy department, the government may be taee to face with another and vital issue. Baoklen's Arnica Sal vs. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, TJloers, Salt Pbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, ana all Skio Erup tions, and positively cares Piles or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfeot satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 oeDts per box. For sale by Slooum Drug Co., E. J. Blocum, manager. Will Visit the Coast. Washington, March 8. President Mo Kinley and Secretary ot Agrioulture Wilson bavs announced tbeir intention ot visiting the Paoifio coast this summer. Kngland Is all Right. Liondon, Marob 10. Ia the boase of commons today Hon. Hubert Valentine Dunoomb, conservative, will ask tbs parlimentary seoretary for the foreign oflloe, Curzon, whether to a view to recogolzing tbe identity of tbe interests of all English-speaking peoples, her ma- esty s government will oonsider tbe advisability ot placing tbs services ol the British fleet at the disposal of tbe United States, in event of complications between tbs United States and any for eign power. In addition Donald Ua.wu affa.nnaMM liberal, will question qs government ss to whether there is any troth in tbs reports that communications on the Cuban question have been exchanged between tbe British ambassador at Washington and tbe government ot tbe United States. A Narrow Csoaps. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E.IIarl.otOrotoo, 8. D., "Was taken with a bad oold which settled oo my lungs, oougb set in and finally termi nated ia consumption. Four dootors gsve me ap saying I oould live but a abort time. I gave myself op lo my Savior, determined if I oould not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones abovs. My husband was advised lo get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs sod oolds. I gave it a trial took io all elgbl bottles il nas oo red me, ana tnank Uod l am savsd and now a well and healthy wo man." Trial bottles free al E. J. Bio. enm's drag store, ltegulsr sss 60s and 11.00 guaranteed or pries rsfonded. Eeeogsitloa for Caba. Chicago, Marob 10. A special dis patch to lbs Cbronlols from Washing ton, ssys: Presidenl MoKinley bss completed tbs draft of a special message lo eon gross, lo which bs recommsnds tbs reo- ogoitloo ot Oobao independence. It is bis intention to send this messsgs lo congress within two weeks. To sopport bis claim tbal tba time has arrlvsd wbso tbs United Slates should intervene and etop tbs devastating war ia Caba, tbs president will submit lbs correspond soos received from tbs soosals is Cubs and Minister Woodford at Madrid. K? err body Bays Ba. CnacereU Candv Cathartic, the Bioet won derful in. -llcal discovery of tlia aire, pleas ant snd refreshing to the taste, sv i gently and positively on kidneys, liver nnd bowels, rlcanalng the entire arstrm, dlanel colds, cure heailaohe, levr, babtluel constipation and biliousness. I'leaan buy snd try a bns of C. C. C. Wwlay; IU, '. f0 rente, bold aad guaranland to curs by ail drugs' lata. FHlrfr COMMENT. The republiosB stats ooovantios should know bo Mitchell, bo Himoa, no CtirlMtl, bo fioolt, or otbar rasa or tee tloa. They sboolj meet wllb oas com dob oeaes io visw; that of nominating lbs strongest ticket poesiMej and tboae) Multnomah f notions appear oa tbs sreos tbey slioold I pat ne a scow or barte aad started bark to Portland wbers they will bs al liberty to flgbt II out. Tbs stats has aothlng to de wllb Multnomah's local fl,bt, aad tbt "so ooaslies should boI sllow Ibsmsslves lo bs drswo Into it. Vslley Trsoeerlpt. Wouiea wbo toe template taking to Ibsmsslves husbands wbo fought Is (bs lets war, should 6V so baton July 1. After Ibat thus oo pension will be Sl taebsd lo tbs marriage cerlifiests. Tbe vstsrans will be merrisd fur love or glory, end sot for a possibility ct revenue for tbeir widows. Tbs pen sloe s p propria Iiob kill wbKB bee UfQ reyertsw tt tl (ill FOVDER Absolutely Pure bouse contains an important amendment In tbe present Jaw. Tbe amendment provides that hereafter no woman who marries an old soldier will, in tbe event of an old soldier's death, be entitled to a widow's pension. Evening Republican. Dreadfully Nervous. Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Carl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength ened my whole nervous system. I was troubled with constipation, kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by Conser & Brook. y BltlEK MENTION. d Holland was up from Lexington yesterday. Wbat is Hop Oold? Best beer on earth. See ad. elsewhere. s . L. Freeland is on the sick list, be ing a sufferer from rheumatism. Ouionesse's famous old "Dublin Stout," imported, at Cbrle Borohers' tf Mrs. F. J. Hallock will depart on Monday night tor Sumpter to join ber husband, Fine home-made taffy at tba Orange Front. A dean, fresh stook ot goods- leave your orders. tf. Painless remedy tor extracting teeth. It not bs slated, no obarges. Try Dr. Vaugbau's new plan. 604-tf. It you need something for your system oall at tbe 'Pbooe Tbe Telephone sa loon, Oity hotel building. tt Alex Ounn returned tbis morning 'om a i trln tn Tone , arhara ha awl tn look after soms business matters. r Dr. B. F. Vsugban will leave for tbs Interior Marob 17tb, Those desiring dental work should oall at oooe. Wanted; red beaded girl and wbita bores lo distribute tbe premiums given away with Hos Cake soap. Apply "nit." B 30 Miss Etta Minor has moved ber dress- msking parlors into lbs building former ly ooou pled by Q. W. Rea aa a law ofLoe. Ws presums you use soap snd it so the best is cheapest. Hoe Oaks Is strictly pars with no free alkali. RbeadtOo. b-30 W. J, Bruce, ot Bruce Bros, proprls- tors of tba Oolden Rols hotel al Pendle ton, cams io this morning and will re main a few days in Heppner. E. W. Rbes k Co. ars rustliug after tbe spring trade, and if good goods and fair dealing go for anything, tbey will sursly bava tbslr share. 628-211 Mrs. E. W. Rbea and Mrs. 8. W. Spsooer entertained a number ot tbeir lady friends at lea oa Wedoeedsy afternoon at tbs borne of Mrs. Rbea. D. 8. Ewiog, editor of tbs Bookley Banner, published at Bookley, Wash , bas spent tba wssk la Heppner. He was bars to attend tbs trial ot bis brotbsr. Dyspepsia cured. Bbilob's Vital liar immediately rslisvss soar stomach, oom log op of food distress, sod is tbs great kidney and liver remedy. Hold by Con ser k Brock. y Arlington Rsoord: Attorney Oarlsy went to Heppner Saturday to attand lha circuit ooarl Mr. Ourley will defend W. B. Ewing charged with assault with intent to kill ;ira fits. E. W. Rbea k Oo. positively guarantee to meet any prions oo wool bags, Tbey will not bs undersold and tbeir custo mers msy depend oo Ibis proposition, as tbey ars lo it to slay lo lbs finish. 2H It Cools Tom Bool!, of Oelloway, sold bis farm al Ibat place tbis week to Harry Bartbolomsw, Onsldiratioa IXiOj. Mr. Hootl will movs to Leoieton, Idaho, ia s short lims wbers bs will msks bis More boms. A donatKio psrty was given Cantata sod Lieutenant Mctlregor last evening. A large supply ot edibles aoJ oseful articles were donated snd ws ars in. formed Ibat quia a sum of Saab was also glvso them. A. A. Roberta left f.f Portland last Tuesday evening to attend to bis datias as deputy U. H. niarshal. lis bas bees hers soma lima lo eiteodaeeo oo Ills ifs wbs bas bees quits skek, bnl wbo, ws ars glad ta rsporl, is oBVsUreeeot. Karl's Clover lUil Tea is a plstaaat tsisllvs. Hewalsles lbs bowels, porlfles lbs blood. Clears lbs enmpletloa. P.aay lo teaks ai.d pleaeaiil to tska. 23 cts. Hold by Cooser A Broc k. y Tbs (laaetle Barries a full stock ot stonrnlug Bote, Surreepon.lenes style, wilb envelopes lo match. Tboss desiring sank stationery sea bare their wants itpslUI s Ibis sfRes, Ifi