FROM FOOT TO KNEE Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony From a Terrible Sore Her Story of the Case, and Her Cure. - u For many years I was afflicted with a milk leg, and a few years ago it broke oat in a sore and spread from my foot to my knee. I suffered great agony. It would barn and itch all the time and discbarge L great deal. My health was good with the exception of this sore. I tried a great many kinds of salve, bnt some would irritate the sore so that I could hardly Stand the pain. I could not go near the fire without Buffering intensely. Borne one sent me papers containing testimonials ol cures by Hood's Barsaparilla, and I told my husband I would like to try this med icine. He got me a bottle and I found it helped me. I kept on taking it Until my limb was completely healed. I cannot praise Hood's Barsaparilla enough for the great benefit It has been to me. It cleanses the blood of all impuritiea and leaves it rich and pure." Mrs. Anna E. Eaken, Whittlesey, Ohio. You can buy Hood's Barsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. aawu o 1-11 is cathartic. favorite family Price 28c. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Ihe Gazette can offer the following Clubbing rates: The GAZETTE ta.00 and Club Rate . Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 13.00 " 8. F. Examiner, 1.50 8.25 ' N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 2,7 5 Inter-Ocean, 11.00 2.50 " 8. F. Chronicle, 11.50 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2 00. . . 8.75 Thrtce-a-Week N. Y. World, 1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c si.00 Leslie's Weekly, 14.00 4.50 Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00 New York Wool Record, 2.00.... 8.00 McCall's Magazine fl.00.... :. 1.30 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette oan get clubbing rates witn any paper on earth. METH. EPISC. CBUKCH. 8KBVI0BS. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Clauses Mo. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 1 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. The Spikit and the bride say, Come." The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any w"o may desire to consult mm on reliaions, social, civic philonophio, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. FLE83ER, Minister. H, E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m., 7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves torther." Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to church, C. K. Howard, ', Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 8ei vices each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7.O. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. K. L. Bhilly. Pastor. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock. Take Notice. L The sum of are cents per Una will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of raspect," lists of wedding presents and donors, bad obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for w hatever purpose. 2. Notices of chu rch and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and mad known upon application. 'J Here and There. Old Bong Get a bottle of good whiskey and a bottle ol good wine, And you can drink to your true love, and I will think on mine. New 8ong vi here shall we get the whiskey, where shall we net the wine? We'll buy them from Ush Bperry, whose goods are ei Ira one At the Be Wade re baloon, Heppner, Oregon. lain Henry Padberg, ot Rhea creek, town today. Vim'. Ingram was in from Eight Mile today. Dick Neville bas been on the lick lit! for day t r two. Mark F. John, of Pendleton, made this offloe a eall today. Jacob Border is op from lone tbii week attending eoart. Born Monday morning, to Ihe wife of Otto Friedncb, a daughter. Lloblenthal k Oo.foriboee. Exclusive hoe store. Handle! the beet. 83tf Statement for the Famous Simple Aoooant File printed at the Osteite of floe. tf. C. C. Curtis, W. B. Ewlog and brother re op from Dooglei attending ooort tbii week. "Oo'o JaioV 1 all right but Low Til lard bas a brand of lt-ysar-oli good that Is bard la best. 6u3-tf. Mre.D. E. Oilman and Mrs. J. W. Veogbao returned Ibis morning from borl visit to Portland. An? oo diriof to build either boose or barn will make money by eall ing oa the Osteite offloe. 67 if Attorney 8. B. Boston U op from Billsboro looking alter eutne matters before Ihe cireait eoart. At Ihe Iooo school meet log yesterday 11 T. Walker was elected director aod Ed Keller re-elected slerk. Beet Moominodatloo aod eoorUous Irealmeol at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. 8te., Portland, Oro. Rv. Falbir Bfiody, of Cwod, will bold arvfce at tbe Cat bo lie cborob oe Baedsy, Marob IS, lao ot tbe Hnodsy following. Levi Bbaaer came lo from liar dm so yesterday. He roporU bis wife very lok sod aba baa beo bed rtdJea f woe tima. T. W. Meral.ell. a familiar knight ot the grip, vieited ttlV" ldaj la the .(tiers, ol Fteber, Thoiee) k t.. pilot od oil deeJete, of fortlesd. Magnetic iDsoles are among tbe most scientific revelations of the age. They keep tbe feet warm and dry, thus pre serving the animal beat in tbe body and at tbe same time eeuding magnetism into tbe blood as It circulates through tbe feet Dr. H. E. Ward bas these in soles for sale at tbe Palaoe hotel. Con sultation free. Eagle: Ike Ennes and Tommy Id gra ham, ot Heppner, are over on telephone business relating to tbe proposed new telephone Hoe between this city and Barns. The boys will let tbe pole oon truota and endeavor to get everything in readiness for rapid oonBtrnottoo ot tbe line as soon as the snow leaves the mountains. The very latest news in regard to tbe blowing ap of the Maine Is that con gress bas been aeked to appropriate $50,000,000 to be expended at tbe direc tion ot the president for national defense available to June 30, 1899. Spain has baoked down on her proposition for the reoall of Minister Lee. Emil Anderson came down from Wardner, Idaho , a few days since on a visit to bis uooaio, August Nilsorj, at this place. Mr. Anderson is on his way to Klondike and left Heppner last even ing for Portland where he will outfit, and on tbe 20tb inst. will sot sail for the Northwest tenitory. Rev. W. E. Beach, who is now in charge of tbe Rhea oreek circuit, desires tbe Gazette to make announcement or bis servioes as follows: Sunday, March 13-Shilo, 1120; 8ooial Ridge, 3 80; Fairview, 7:00; March 20 -Libery 11:00; Eight Mile Centre, 3:30; Gooseberry, 7:00. Btaoey Roberts and son were in from Eight Mile yesterday. Staoev says crop prospeots are good in bis locality and should favorable climatic conditions pre vail during June, tbe month in which our orops are made, there will be an im mense yield in the Eight Mile neighborhood. Dr. John W. Raamiu, of tbe "Red- light," ever on tbe alert for something new, oan famish you tbe finest cock tails in tbe land Manhatten, Jersey, Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in the business. Drop in' and take the taste out of your mouth. tf Cordray, tbe pioneer theatre man ot Portland in tbe line of "popular prioes," bas refitted the Wastington St. theatre, formerly known as the "New Park. Cordray always bas something new, and our people, wnen below, cun spend a pleasant evening at bis plaoe. tt Lieut. MoGiegor, ot tbe Salvation Army, returned from Portland this morning. Her sister, Capt. McGregor, topped off at Tbe Dalles to visit rela tives. There will be servioes at tbe barracks as usual on Wednesday ei lag. There's more clothing destroyed by poor soap than by aotnal wear. ''Hoe Cake" soap contains no free alkali and will not injure the finesl laoe. Try it and notioe the difference in quality Rhea A Co. a-30 .Andy Cook and orew will com mence shearing next .Friday al fed Day's." Tbey expeol to be steadily am ployed with shearing from then until lieep aie a'l shorn io this part of the country. Why all tbia blow and blaster about wool bag? T. R. Howard'a customers will get their wool aaoks as obeap as tbey cao be bad anywhere else in Hepp ner. Price absolutely guaranteed. C28-31. Coins lo tba Gazette offloe aod get a decent lot of envelopa printed. Government envelope look obeap, and besidea you cannot gel yoar business oard printed tbereoo. tt Catarrh oored. A clear bead and aweet breath secured with 8bilob'a Catarrh Remedy; sold oo a guarantee Nasal injector free. Sold by Oonser k Brock. i T. L. Dormao, of Rhea erek,-baa "conrtin" business in Heppner tbia wetk. A Total Disability Claim of $1,650 Paid to a Man who was Afterward Cured. The Monitor, a newspaper published at Meaford, Oot, Canada, first dis covered tbis case two years ago, and published it at length, whioh now seems, owing to tbe cure of it, to be a miraole. Tbe faots were so remarkable that many people doubted tbe truth ot tbem. Tbey said: "It is too remarkable; it cannot possibly be trne; the paper is mistaken, and the man, although be may think himself oared, will soon relnpse into bis Cormercondition," etc etc Tbe accuracy of its report called in question, tbe Mon itor determined to find oat definitely whether tbe faots were as stated and whether the mas would really stay onrerl. Tbey accordingly kept a olose watoh on the oase for two years after tbe first arti cle appeared, and have just now pub lished another article about it in which the original reports are completely veri fied, tbe care is permanent, and they publish a fao simile of the cbeok given by tbe Canadian Mutual Life Associa tion for 81650.C3 amount ot total disa bility claim paid by tbem to Mr. Petob. Tbe first aoconnt stated that the pa tient (see address below) had been a paralytic for five years, that there was soon a total lack ot feeling in bis limbs and body, that a pin run toll lengtb oould not be felt; that beoould not walk or help himself at all ; for two years be was not dre&sed; furthermore thai be was bloated ard for tbat reason almost unrecognizable, and oould not get his clothes on. The paralysis was so com plete as to affect the faoe and prevented bim from opening bis month sufficiently wide to take solid food. The doctors called tbe disease spinal sclerosis, and all said be oould not live. For three years, be liugered in tbis oonditioo. Then by some friends be waa advised to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. He took tbem and tbere was a alight obange. Tba first thing noted was a tendency to sweat freely. Tbia showed there was some life left in bis helpless body. Next oame a little feeling in bis limbs. This extended, followed by prickling sensations, until at last tbe blood began to course freely, and the helplessness gave way to return, ing strength, the ability to walk re turned, and be waa restored to his old time health. Tbe above ia the snbstanoe of the first article published by the Monitor. Now tra.,t 1- 1 1 1 mi. ,ni aTTi. 1 I r r "j C oom""m mMU rfwatm . roRQNTo.iJu.6'i8a&. ,t V JCt ""7 r-7oara CLOTHING hi Men li Boys follow some clippings, taken from the s'tme paper two years afterward, and iLereisnot the slightest shadow of a doubt, in view of this testimony, that Mr. Petob s cure i permanent. Here follows the aooount: On being Bgain questioned, Mr, Petcb said : "You eee those bands tbe skin is is now natural and elastio. Once tbey were bard and without sensation. You oould pieroe tbem with a pin and I would not feel it, aod what is true ot my hands is true ot tbe rest of my body, Perhaps yon have observed that I have now even oeased to ass a oane, and can get about my business perfeotly well. Yon may say there ia absolutely no doubt as to my cure being permanent Indeed 1 am in even better health than when I gave yon tbe first interview." "D i you still attribute yonr cure to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills?" asked tbe Monitor. "Unquestionably I do," was the reply. "Doctors bad failed, as has also the numerous remedies recommended by mv friends. Nothing I took had the slight est effect upoo me until I began tbe use ot Dr. Williame' Pink Pills. To this wonderfal medioine I owe my release from the living death. I have sinoe recommended tbeee pills to many ot my friends, and tbe verdict is always io their favor. I eball always bless the day I wng induced to take them." Such is the history of one of the most remarkable cases of modern times. Can . any one say, in tbe face ot such testi mony.that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not entitled to tbe oarefal consideration of any suffering man, woman or child? Is not tbe case 10 troth a miraole of modem medioine? To make tbe evidence complete we publish above a fao simile tr ot tbe oheck reoeived by Mr. Petob from the Canadian Mutual Life Association, be ing tbe amount doe bim for total disa bility. It Is unnecessary to add tbat this life insurance association did not pay tbis large amount of money to Mr. Petob, except after tbe most careful ex aminatioo of his oonditioo by tbeir med ical experts. Tbey must have regarded him as forever inourable. Mr. Petob's address is as follows, Ren . ben Petcb, Griersville, Ont , Canada. We have an immense line of ready made clothing in the 'latest Spring Styles. The only Really Well Assorted and Up-to-Date Stock of Clothing in Heppner. HOT LAST SPRIHGOR FflLL.BUTTHIS SPR1K&. There's big and little suits for old and young; There's short and stout suits and slim and long. Don't be persuaded into buying your Spring suit until you have looked our goods and prices over. You'll be repaid. They are new goods received two months earlier this spring than ever before. Our Prices make Competition Green With Envy. For instance, there's a $10 Suit of Oregon Wool, for men, made by Salem Woolen Mills, guaranteed all wool. Can't be duplicated in town. Then that $1.00 Suit, of two pieces, for boys. Considering the price they are elegant goods. A person would naturally think that we sold these goods for less than cost. We don't.. We make a little profit on all these goods not very much bnt some. We do business In Just thU way. SHREWD BUYING AND CLOSE BELLING. First, we buy right, then sell close and quick. Be Sure and See Our Clothing. ft THE ART OF BREWING. BACK FROM HAROMAN. Aocording to announcement, Dr. Mar guerite Garnsey made a visit to Hard man on Sunday, returning to Heppner yesterday evening. She reports having bad a very pleasant trip, both going and coming, but found a large number of people of that little burg badly in need ottba servioes ot a skilled physician. While tbere Dr. Garnsey took for treat ment eight oases, one ot them being a lady 73 yeara ot age, who is suffering a severe atroke of paralysis. Tba others are afflicted with various diseases, but it is safe to say that they will not remain siok a great while under Ihe treatment of Dr. Garnsey. Her msnner ot band! ing all oases she undertakes is proving, by tba abundant evidence obtainable in Heppner, to be very auooessful. All tbe cases Dr. Garnsey baa in Heppner are steadily improving get ting better from day to day. It you are skeptical in regard to tbe success of tba dootor, it ia only necessary for you to talk with any of these people, and tbey will soon oonvinoe you that Dr. Garnsey ia all she claims to be, and more. At (be Palace hotel ooly a few days dis longer. Will leave for Portland tba last of tbe week. A NEW FIRM E. G Noble & Was Perfected by the Production of.... IHEOIP GOID Successors to Noble & Co., And now the entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewery beer Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Saddles. Whips, Spurs, and an endless lot of everything In their line. E. G. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise the new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm as well a collect what Is due. CO. Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. Ondraught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. This Is Yoar Opportunity. On rnceiiit of ten cents, cash or atana, a generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fsvsr Cure (Ely's Cream Ilalm) swfneiant to demon strate tbe great merits of tbe remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 60 WaiTn Bl., Kew York City. Foil frost Hfeoaa Ktory Window. I 0. Larue's eight-year-old boy, Bay, bad a narrow raoape yesterday. Io some manner be fell from the seoond story wimliiw of Hsrvy Hush's bouse to tbe ground- Ha waa nncousioua when pioked up, but Dr. Mcfaol, who attend ed him, aays be is not seriously injured aod will be all right in a day or two. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam & Bisbee s And by the way they have anything you rn cull for In the line ol Hardware, Htoves and Tinware. CO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. Bev. John Roid, Jr.. of Or. l Falla, Mont reeommended Elv'a Cream Balm to me. Mn .mtikuiffs liis statement. (It la a rfli. live care for catarrh if nsod as direcUd." Kv. Francis W. Poole. I'ator Central Prea. Church, Uolena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm ia tba acknowledgod cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug, rriee, 00 oesla. Clirail ('ear. Circuit ooort convened yaeterday morning with Judge H. A. Lowell and Prosecuting Attoraey Beaa Id ebarga, Oo. Hparry ia general bailiff aod Matlock grand jury bailiff. Tba folic ing compose tba grand Jury 1 E. O. Ash baogb.Oeo. Cooer, Lather Hamilton, II M. Hart, OtiaWlIharoaoB, Ernest TWit mao, O. B. Falconer. Tba greed jury bave op lo the tima wa to prm sot reported oa any criminal ceata, TosUr- day afternoon aad today bas bwa taken op with tbe eaea of Oilmaa vt. McKlm- mey, aad la atill no trial. 1 I I BasS - jj 1 r. . 1 4 im I ? o asm . . a M t Ucwarc ol "chrap Lad ing powilcr Alum makes good nicJitinc but bad food. Ak your doctor. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea, f r Coottipa tlon It's tba best and It after osmg it you doo t aay so, relorn package aod gat yoar money. Hold by Oonser k Brock. 1 BfcTOKT ABMOLCTCLY CNTHl'C To Whom it Hay Conetrn: Haying boeo Informod Ibat tba ageuts of aoother IosoraiiOe Association ciroo laWd Iba report tbat the Matoal Pro tectee Insurance Association of Port laod, Oregon, did not pay in fall tba amount ot insurance on my dwelling, wbirh waa deatroyed by Ore io Hpttn bar last, and which waa loaurtd ia tbat Association for IKK), I hereby state tbat neb report ia absolutely untrue. Tbat aald Aaenoiatioe, oot only paid tbe fall amooal of tbeir polluy on said da-alliog. but tbey paid 150 thereof be fore tba earn waa due, seoordiog to the Urma of tbeir pollry, ia order to aoeom modate me, and I would farther slate tbat 1 am entirely satisfied with tba treatmeat I bave reoeived from tbat As oooietioa, and cheerfully reeommend tbem for tba manner la wbleb tbey ad justed aod settled my lose. Mas. r.Ti.L La warm, C23 it law. Oreate I sm, Or. Jaa. Hart and Jaa. Tbompeoa bad enilxioa with tbtlr bisee while racing deaa Mala atreet oe Saturday afternoon ia which If r. Hart eaaaa out eeeoaJ beat. Tba rr wheel of bis maebioe waa brtikea boywod repair and Jimmy rec. led a pretty arvere fall, bnt luckily ea leaped eenooe li jiry. ill n 1 Frank MeFarlaad baa btea appointed I 1-1 . I l Tt.m C.ail.hU I ifa As. Tba .III aUb with tba Dreg. 7 "7'"-. " ..T' . . . . Li .1 :.. .1 I "" - -,. r ..y ... r.-- i ia(Jft , ev.f &, wi)Uo( dare. ; ai ioiiiaij, i" a.u i-r i6f,e sjuhnnt spit.g tha now rVaator la all rHI. No Ke'ght of ,!,, ,4 u,a Kaaitable. Insures t-4 Prtliae ebeald be without lb if. . sMee ot mm reus T7tf THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace Slip CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Signature Phil Colin is paying Iba bigbest price for sheep pelts, beef hides green or dry, rur', etc. Uoo't forget Phil. 6tf Comfort ia Trsvsllng. Personally endnoted tonrist eiour- inns are now Ihe fad. Tbe era particu larly adapted for ladiea traveling alone, or with children, for no change of cars is necessary between the Paoitlo aod At lantic Furthermore, each oar ia in ebarga of a epr-olel conductor, wboee sole dotie ara to look after tba welfare and oomfort of bia paasengera. Tba cara ara operated by tba Pullman Palace Car company, thna assuring to paasengera all tba corn forts af modern day travel at leas tban ball tba usual Pullman rates. Tbese eicorsiooa mo via "Tba Great Halt Lake route," aod leave Portland via Iba O. R. A N. at 8 p. m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ot aeb week. Tba car leaving Monday runs through without change to Keneae City aod Chicago, via tba Missouri Pacific and Chicago k Alton east of Pueblo; tbe car leaving Tueeday runs tbroogh to Boston, via tba Itock Lilaod, LakeHbore Michigan Boulbero, New York Central aod Boston k Albany, aod tba ear leaving Wednesday through to Kansas City aod Hi Louis, via tba Bur Itoirtoa aaal ot Denver. Tba ear leaviog Thursday rone tbrongb lo 81. Louis, via Missouri Pacific east of Pneblo. For rates, pampbleta aod Information, addreas J. V. Mansfield, Oeu'l Agt, Bio Grand Westers By., Portland. Oregon. Gibson & Berger, At diss Jones' Old Btand. Shaving. - - 15 Ott. Hair Outtintr. - 25 ' J Baths 25c. Everything Strict ...Has been leased by... J. C. BORCIIBRS Who has secured the services of MRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W As manager. It will bo run in first das hhapo in every department. Rate reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. .bVIhnM Director. II yoar school ia la aeed of a first claaa eoelomioel chart this office baa ona al Ism tbn ball prl. Coat W; will Mil for 125 caali. ('all at line offloe. Jl tf. firing your bides, plt aod fur to Ba. Methstia, al Ihe Liberiy Meat Marksl , lie paya big best maris! prloe. SlO-tL D. A. CURRAY, THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. O. BOHOIUCRS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars Formerly of PendicVm I fM T" Tonsoriai Artist. 1 he liest Barffaiiis Shaving, -Hair Cutting, Bhiip. Matlock Corner, IB Cento 2B " Bepuner, Oreiron. Mathews &. Gentry,! BARBERS All E NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT F0H THE LEAST MONEY Rut are those of great! valtis In ))-.rlliin tn mat. If you ut to cl your U1111117 s worth ol honrsl imh1s In s Shaving V V V 15 Cents. VV V Hhop two doors South of Poslofllce. Mcctioncry ware, Tinware. OR MACHINERY, CALL ON- We art inrrasalns: our sUm-i for fsll an4 wlnUr. Call tn4 sm as. D. E. GILMAIM, Ueneral Collector SELF-HEATING FLAT IRON THE GREAT FUEL AND LABOR SAVER Frank Enoeiman Put your old tmnki and notas In his anils anl st your moiiy out of h tlirm. Make collwtUins. a specially of bard Office ia J, N. Iirown't IiaildiDg. Ellis & Phelps, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All nii.lri Skllslsi Uiry uislinur Cll Uirs. tticnditd to In a prnmM and Nourlsa fuUle au4 Office la Natter tuildlng. Happaer. Or. Iloc-Cakc Soap Has No Equal. or Ionc, fs timi for this nwful housshnld rtli'is and will thoroughly inspniiniy rr tns samn. Ms la sIki tha rnrl Slant lor tha slats ol Orrm. Isrrltury for sal. JOHN F. CASEY & CO Hi, LaqU, Usaufactttrera. Prices Kcaionalle, Madtf uoJer United Ktatfa patent, it mast Dcaaarilj le difTuriMit from nil others Contain no atarcb, free alkali or worthies filling. HOOTS AND SHOES D 1 VJk TMI PLACC TO OIT TMIM It Ot ai. wcnTicrriratVrv co. baveaBythliif la this llnsthsl war sad fnt r.s n4 HRM raid srtk w saa U,rj (nsrmita It. t a SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Ot 6tn, Main tMrw a)eaalrte peeieii 1