The Gazette. Tuesday, March 8, 1898. A BATTLE ROYAL. A battle royal, between the standard), ia to be fought out in Oregon this spring. Both Bides realize the importance of the re sult It will not, perhaps, be a "decisive battle," but it will be a desperate and important one. The sound money forces of the nation will give aid and comfort to the republicans of Oregon not to the "Mitchell republicans." They will aid the regulars, not the guerillas. The intelligent advocates of sound national currency are not going to listen to the wrangles of Mitchell spoilsmen. These will be sup pressed. Ia the midst of one of the most important battles, at the beginning of what must be a final combat between the standards, no guerilla warfare can be permitted. Nothing will be countenanced ex cept regular troops under the gold standard banner. Every man must stand up and be counted. His accouterments must all be in good order. He must be under first-class discipline. Private bickerings and selfish ambitions must disappear. We must go forward under sound money lead ers to fight for sound money in Oregon. A Battle Royal. The above from the Tortland Chronicle, a Simon mouthpiece, is in harmony with everything said by that faction. Now we would like to inform these misguided people that among what they class "Mitchell" republicans, are to be found hundreds who are not only "gold standard" republicans, but also stand fairly and squarely on the St. Louis platform in its en tirety, and who very much dislike Joe Simon and his cohorts, and who can no more be forced to vote that he has not done so is known to all the world, and it reflects great credit upon him as a man and as an official and has, beyond a doubt, increased the respect felt for the U. 8. by all civilized na tions. Not a line officially indicat ing what the verdict of the naval court of inquiry will be has been received by either the president or Cancer 01 the Breast. Mr. A. H. Craosby, of 158 Kerr St., Memphis, Term., says that his wife paid no attention to a small lamp which appeared in her breast, but it soon de Secretary Long, but that very fact ITotVThnding the Wmeri has tended to convince the Dublic the best physicians, it continued to that the investigation has already fa 'tSScS BATHROOMS A LA MODE. shown the court that the explosion which wrecked the Maine was not accidental and that it did not occur inside the vessel; whether it has convinced the, president and cabi net, their active preparations for war show better than anything said for publication by any of tbem. All preparations are for soon pronounced her incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat ed her. but she con tinued to grow worse and when informed that both her aunt and grandmother had died from cancer He gave the case up as hopeless. Someone tnen re- - .1 c c c the purpose of putting the country and thoueh little hope remained, she in a condition to hold Spain to a begun it, and an improvement was no-1 uceu. mc cancer cuuiiuculcu wuwibuu strict accountability, if the verdict of the court shall be that the IVIaine was blown up from the out side, as neaily everybody now ex pects that it will be. Holding Spain responsible is likely to cause war, and although not one warlike word has been uttered, either by the president or by any member of his cabinet, the country is quite free to any ad well prepared for war. when she bad taken several bottles it disappeared entirely, and although sev eral years have elapsed, not a sign of the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. (guaranteed iurely vegetable) is a real blood remedy, and never fails to cure Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism Scrofula, or any other blood disease. Our books will be mailed drs. John Jacob Astor and Hn. George Gould Have In One. Milady's bathroom has grown to be in ts luxurious perfection a triumph of rtistic cleverness, says the New York 'ournal. The skill of the architect U mployed for special designs, and there s no limit to the decorations. Besides he regular tub, which is beautiful as irnamental porcelain and silver con nake it, there Is a sitz bathtub with pray and wave attachment and other ipparatus to Buit the taste and conven ience of the owner. In some instances he room is lighted by skyliffht or win lows of stained glase in exquisite de igns of water nymphs and goddesses, 'n many the beautiful works of art joth in fresco and oil painting and statuary in mairble and bronze, repre ;ent a small fortune, and a lnnn exhibi tion of these treasures would create a profound sensation in artistic circles. With these voluptuous surroundings f.nd the delicate atmosphere from the perfumed waters, the whole is less sug gestive of the Scriptural injunction "Wash and be clean," than "Steep thy sense in luxury." Not the most ex travagant, for where one- has plenty of money there is no extravagance in put ting large sums of it in circulation, but the one representing the most lavish expenditure is probably that of Mrs. John Jacob Astor, while a close second :s that of Mrs. George Gould. Honesty is the Best Policy.... 1 1 1 1 OOP OOO We don't claim to be the "Only House," But we do claim to be the only firm in town that owns its own building and pays no rent. w mm Get tali of This! BULL AGAINST L Terrific RHINOCEROS. Land of the The Coast Defences One-half the Dumber of improved can non, mortars and emplacements will be looated sod placed in suitable position ere the expiration of 1898. The artillery board are oonstaitly making practical surveys, so far as these relate to the army, and the establishment of adequate military protection of our sea board is receiving strong endorsement. Mean while there is a means ot defence from greater physios! oalsmity, and that is Hostetter s Htomscb Bitters, which by restoring the tone of the nerves snd dress. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta Ga. LEXINGTON LOCALS. Ed Burohell has returned home from the valley where be has been visiting old friends for tbe last two months. W. A. Furguson and W. 0. Metier are back from Klickitat oounty, Wash., where tbey went to belp J. 0. Thomson move to bis new home. The SDDnal sohool election passed off in a very quiet manner today. D. M. stouiftob, invigorates the entire system. Potter was elected direotor for a term of It also prevents malarial, kidney aod three years and N. A. Leaoh olerk for Ailmnntn. nnd nnrna hilinna. for a bolter than tbey could for a ness and constipation. Those who have Chinaman. been onred by it speak in no unoertaln terms as to its effectiveness. Please Accept Thanks. Meadows & II at ten, tbe boss black smiths, have the thanks ot the Oszette fnroe for their efforts in tbe papers' be half this week. Their hard work en abled us to get a bad brake on tbe Tbe president and the secretary of the navy believe that it would be both fitting and patriotio for congress to authorize the building of a new warship, to be as good as it can be made, to be named cylinder press repaired in elegant shape also regard as of the men in congress who have studied this subject, that it will be best to wait until full particulars of the loss of the Maine can be carefully studied before deciding whether it would be advisable to build any more vessels of the battleship type. Maine, but they wise the opinion in time to get out today's paper, end is greatly appreciated. The acoident hap Deoed to tbe press just as Friday's edi tion was being finished up. However, the eioellent mtohuuioal skill of the Arm mentioned above has made tbe machine ns good as ever and tbe prints bops to meet with no more acoidt nts, while the boss is away, at least. Eilarate Your Howell With 1'nnrnrctn. C'limlv CtUbiirtlr. euro cmiHllrmtion forever. luo. if U. (J. u. lull, urutiKiKU rclui.u money. Ouit navy is equal to that of Spain in guns and armament, and as superior to it in fighting quali ties as an American is to a Span iard; and the following remarks made by a war department official will give some idea of our coast dofenseB: "From Portland, Me., to the Bouthermost point on the At lantic coast, big guns and mortar batteries have been planted, and, in case ot war, an invading force could not land on Uncle Sam's soil without Buffering severely. The Tacilio coast has not been neglected by any means, and a hostile lltet seeking an entrance to a harbor anywhere along thtit const line, would find violent opposition. One good result of the present critical times, if it only amounts to a scare, is that there will be less opposition to appropriation for coast defenses and for need of the army and navy." A MECHANICAL HORROR. JfSTICK iUltLAN, of the U. 8. supreme court, made the following reference to the loss of the Maine, Th. Hour of the Day Htrork Off by Grin nlns, Mkelotnna. "Machinery" is a monthly journal published at Johannesburg, South Afrl ca. In a recent numlirr is nn account of a nitwit remarkable clock belonging to a Hindoo prince which tho editor thinks the strungcHt piece of machinery In India. Near the dial of an ordinary looking clock la a large gong hung on poles, while underneath, scattered on the ground, is a pile of artificial skulW, ribs, legs and arms, the whole? numbe of bones in the pile being equa' to the number of bones in 12 human skeletons. When the, hands of the clock indicate the hour of one, the number of bones needed to form a cotnpleto human skeleton come, together with a snap by some mechanical contrivance the skeleton springs up, seize a mallet an J. walking up to the gong, atrikes one blow. This finished, it returns to the pile and again fulls to pieces. When two o clock, two skeletons get Up and strike, while at the hours of noon and midnight tbe entire heap spring up in the shape or 13 skeletons njid strike, each one after the other, a blow on the gong, and then fall to pieces, as before. Rev. H. O. Hmlth is down from Wash- ington on short visit to the boms folks. To 1'ura tonal lal Ion Forever. Take Cawereta t'amlv ('Hlhu'lic. HVortto. II C C. C CU lo rum, Uriiuttikia refund unmet. one year. Tbe republicans held a very interesting meeting here last Friday. Tbey adopted the oonstitntion and bylaws furnished by the state republican league. Tbey also adopted some good resolutions. The olub will meet regularly the first Friday in each month hereafter. Our sobool will close next Friday, and with it closes one of the most successful terms of sobool ever taught in Lexing ton. Tbe oredit belongs to tbe principal, Prof. J. E. Adams, who has proven to some people that be does know some thing. Stay with us Mr. Adams. There was a very ssd sooident happen ed near town yesterday in wbieh one of J. H. Qammel's little boys lost bis life. It seems as though the boys were fixing to kill squirrels and were olesning the gun when some one of tbe fsmily re marked that a short cartridge would not fit tbe gun, it being a 22-ol., sod anoth er member ot the family pnt iu a car tridge which was fonnd to fit bnt forgot to remove it. Id putting the gun away it was in some unknown manner dis charged, the ball going throuitb the iodnw and striking little Ransom, who with mother little brother was playing on the outside of lbs bouse, in tbe side of the bead. A doctor was at once tele- phi, ned for, but before be reached bers the boy was desd. The funeral was preaohed today at the Congregational ohnroh, by Jlev. U. S. Drake, aod after wards the body wis bnned in tbs ceme tery near Lexington. Tbs bereaved Battle In the Zulus. When I was on the Zulu frontier, said a traveler recently, I stopped for a week with a native, a splendid fellow, who had a fine farm. Among other ani mals he had a young bull, called IIulo, which he and his children, fondly be lieved could vanquish any beast on earth. H ulo was a great pet and not iu the least vicious, so I was surprised on '.he second evening of my stay to seo Hulo sniffing the air and pawing the ground in evident rage. I was about to ask what it meant when out of the forest came an ugly rhinoceros. My host and I hurried for our guns and Hu lo dashed at the beast with dauntless courage. A rush, a vash, and the bull was hurled 20 feet. Fortunately the horn of his enemy had not caught him and the first rush had taught him a les son. His horns were like sharp swords, but the hide of a rhinoceros is remark ably thick, and the young bull soon showed signs of fatigue. So he resort ed to strategy, and dodged behind his clumsy foe, giving him vicious stabs in the thighs. This was rapidly weaken ing the rhinoceros, and just at this time we found some steel bullets (leaden bul lets having no effect on this animal) and quickly completed the work Hulo I begun. Then the bull stood on the car cass and bellowed his joy. The above statements are facts, but this is not all we have to talk about. We are opening up one of the Largest and Best Selected Stocks of Dress Goods Comprising all the latest styles," paterns and designs in Henriettas, Brocades and Plain Cashmeres. IN NOVELTY AND FANCY DRESS GOODS WE LEAD THEM ALL. Silks, Satins, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, and Trimmings of all kinds. Look Out for our Summer Goods which will be in shortly. Bought direct from Factory in New York. In this Line we have some Wonderful Surprises, both in Styles and Prices. We are in a position to meet any competition and will do it. Heppner, Oregon First National Bank Building, ADVERTISED LETEBS. LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNEB Or., March 7, 1898. Anderson, W A Krlck, R - Ferg, Miss Cora " Myers, W M Gordon, George Morris, Tom 2 Hamblet, J M Murray, Ollte Herrin.JD Wade, VC Hsnby, Miss Pearl When calling for these letters please say advertised. J. P. Williams. P. M. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Gbandi, Okkoon, March 7, 1898. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of hli claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Ore gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 23, 1898, viz: JOHN T. GALLOWAY, Hd E No 5353 for the SEJ4 of Sec 6 Tp 2 S R 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A. J. Stamp, M. J. Devin, W. G. McCarty and Foster Adams, all of Heppner, Oregon. E. W. Bartlett, 29-40 ' Register. $ The Leader Of Course! tie Hood' Should be In every family nsj medicine chest and every 19 ill sP traveller's grip. TUay are I 11 ? invaluable when the stomach W is out ot order 1 cure headache, biliousness and all liver trouble. Mild and efficient. & cents. HOW TO FIND OUT.' Fill bottle or ootnmon glass with urine snd let it stand twenty-four hours; sediment or settling Indicates so un healthy oondilion of the kidneys. When urine stsins linen it is evldenoe of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri nate or pain in tbe baolc, ia also convinc ing proof that tbe kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is oomfort in tbe knowledge ao often expressed, tbat Dr. Kilmer' Bwamp-Root, tbe great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in tbe baok, kidneys, liver, bladder aod every Notice of Intention. J AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J March 2. 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, April 16,1898, viz: of Heppner; Hd K No 2909 for the NE4 of Sec li. I D L B It 24 E Vr Dl . tie names tne loiiowing witnesses w prove his nnntlnunui residence uion and cultivation of. said land, vis: James P. Khea, Ralph L. uenge, oi tieppner, Oregon, nonen j. nni.oi Lexington, Oregon, and Joseph Mason, ot lone. Oregon. 28-39. J AS. C MOORE, Register. Notice of Intention. Land Orrics at La Gsands, Obioon, January 81, 1898. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 19, 1898, vU; VELORIAH W. T1LLARD, Hd E No. fi4. for the Stf NW 4 H'i NE4 Sec 3.1, Tp 1 8, K 28, K W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: John Marshall, Thomas Mar shall, Hugh fields sud James Johnson, allot HenDner. Oreeon ' E. W. BARTLETT, 19 29 Realster. 1) it) il) it t) fc it it) it) it) !t 9 (ti 1 m (fi JThe man that Leads is the one from whom - people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, Is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at 1 0 R. HOWARD'S Heppner. Oregon- Yi it iti viz it it) fa Dart of tbe nrioary dhssshss. It oor- parentsbave tbe sympathy of all their r,oti mbility to bold urine and scald- friends. A-1 OHTER. n.i- i -...; : , k.,4 .Tt. f.,l. Lixinoton, Or, March 7, 1898. ,:-. 0M of L, or y. ,od T1 11 l. 1 - . - i iue wgsiuer, gram HKiaiiK uioo. misi Kte usrioo is visiting mends at during the msht to urinate. Tbe mild this plnoe. aDj m.. eitraordinarv fff-ct of HsramD- Wm. McMillan aod R. Wilmot made I root ia soon realised. It atanda tbe a fly iK trip to lleppner Monday. I b lubes t for ite wonderful cares of the Mr. Al Kvsns has been visiting tnlb most dlstreeaiog eaaea. It you needs friends iu this oity for tbe past week. medicine you ebould have tbe best. Bold The neouU m.t l.t Fri.U. .n.t b' druggists, price fifty ceote and one Notice of Intention. Laud Orrics at La Osakds, Oriook. January XI, vm. ftJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ll following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk ol Morrow county, (m;on. at Heppner, Oregon, on Parch IV, 1KM, vl: WILLIAM R Till, ART) being compelled to get up many times I Hd E No iris, for the nh ne4, NKV4, .. .... , I N KVa 8K See M. Td I 8. kXtW M. insiMf iriA w i n n mr nsinaia ansa m i in s - . He names in following witnesses in prove Ms continuous resMence upon and cultivation n( said land, vli: John Marshall, Thomas Marshall, Hush Fields and James Johnson, all of lleppner, uregon. &. VV. SARI I.E. 1 1, 19 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ilarlsy Henderson departs this evso-1 at art led Id a lecture to tha law BtuJenti of lo for ,h 'llJr- iatX h'r Mr- n' Coluuibiau uuivi.rsitv: "It ia Kile dollar. Ton may bave sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mall, upon receipt of three two eenl atampe to onver Oust of postage on the bottle. Mention the lleppner Gaaette and eand your address lo 1. Kilmer k Co Blog. Umnliwi N T. Tti nrnnrialrira nf thia About noon Sunday, tbe people werekae .n.,.nt th. o.nnin.n... nf th of Vxinftn: Hd K No vm for the H' NE . .. . ' i , m m I and lots 1 auil s rer s, TP J I K s m meu vj me sat siwi mat neneom offaf. He names ths followli frnoed in tbe improvement greatly needed. Ifev. U. 8. Drake and family will soon depart for Salem wbere they go tor the improvement of Mrs. Drake's health. Land Orrics at Taa Dallss. Ossnon, Fel.ruary . luo. NOTIfE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following. named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made brlore J. W. Morrow, County CWk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Monday April 11, isss, CHARLES P. BARSITT, for aoj man to my be knows bow tbat calamity occurrod, and any man Wlittloa his nature and lowers biniHolf in the ostimation of bm fellowmou when lie expresson the anxiety that it will turn out that it waa not an accident, but that it was treachery rather than an acoi dout ISrave, generous men do not want to think so badly of their fellowruen. We don't want to be lieve that that was an act of treach ery and duplicity; we hope it will turn out other rinv. Aud we ought all to bave this ffeliug that if it tarns out to be accidental, we should rejoice; if it turns out not to be accidental, we will mt bear any more of North, South, Kant or Went, no more of republicans, democrats or populists. We will bear ouly of Americans." g i Few men occupying the poai tion of Tieaideut McKiuley at this critical time would be able to withstand tbe temptation to do a little spread eagle potting by cater inp, in talk at least, to the nnmir. talable fightiug sentiment of the ....... IV I, ll. or lia lias In en VUUUII J, , I l' . m.v - " tempted to do so, wsrannol ssy.butl deraou will locals be ia nnable to state at present, but tbe (Ist 'lte wishes bim aucoesa wherever he goes. Thin Blood Where the blood lows Its intense red grows thin and waterr, as in anemia, there is a constant feeling of exhaus tion, a lack ot energy vitality and the spirits depressed. 1 Scott's Emulsion t of Cod-liver Oil with Hrpc X phosphites of Lime and Sod is peculiarly adapted to correct this condition. The cod-liver oil, emulsified to an exquisite fineness, enters the blood direct and feeds its every corpuscle, restoring the natural color and giving vitality to the whole system. The hypophosphltcj reach the brain and nerve centres and add their strength ening and beneficial citcct II the roacs have left your checks, if you are growing thin and exhausted from over work, or If age Is beginning to tell, use SCOTTS Emulsion. ft. swv y-m i SCOTTS f Uamuiel, a little boy aged 0 years, 0 months, bad been accidentally abot by bia brother Arthur, al the home ot J. II (lenimel, about l' miles from town. Arthur, after oleaoiog the gun, put s eartrldge in it and started to pat it up, when it wee aooidf btally discharged, Hie bsll psssipg through tbe window and striking the little boy above tbe right ear and passed out just above the left temple, killing him almost toaiatilly. The funeral aervioe waa held Monday at 1UK) by lUv. Drake, after ttiob the re mains were in lor red B the Leiiogloa cemetery, Tbe family bave our sympa thy in their aad bereavement. On last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. John Caruiiebsel gave a party at their home, eii milee from town. The eveeing waa spent ta social gamra, In bleb Candidates' Announcements I hereby announce to the pnnlle of Morrow I county, that I will he a cen.ll.Lta before the! nett repuiillran poutnjf convention lor nomi nation to the office of county lawoi, heeifi'lfullr, V. b. inauma. Leiliigton, Or.. Marrh I. following wltneeees to prove his nmitiiiiintis rvaidenre upon ana cultivation ' nf aald land, vis: John T. McMillan, r.nwara i. Palmer, Charles R. McAllster aud Thomas H Nichols, all ol Lexlugtou, Oregon. JAB. w. anninn, 2MJ Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. La so Orrics atTns Dauss, Ossnos, VOTIfg IS HEREBY OlVSN THAT THE lV following namal settler has Sled notice I of his Intention to make final proof In support I of his claim, and that sahl prool will he ma1e beforaj. w, worrow, tountit i.'ri, at tieppner, Oregon, on Monday, April 11, iwn, vu; THOMAS H. NK'dOLB, .lulytasnrrthf the tier n. III. Ilreult tourt " '""J"": "1 1,0 winfl:w Mormw, Slate of Onvon, t ," ' " "... . ., in a ceruin I " ' SHERIFFS SALE. XTOTiri 1 HKRERY GIVE THAT BY ii virtue nf an eiwutton an4 orrter of sale ol I lasiird tif I ihe t oun1- of 4lw Ihe IA fV of Marrh, I Mate, wherein Jtinn Joiim ami J.mre Jonra ?. . '"'VV n..n i. ih.i i.ii ,. In ukl i'on,. his (Ninllnuoiis reefience iirn ano ruiuvauon OBrtrw r. aa ailmlnUlralor ot the eatate of NHaon Jnnee dec skI. plaintiff, recovered J'litament aaaliiit n. w. (art, Mlldrvl i Swaairart, K. H. Riahnp. utliurt of tteo W. Swaaamrt, laaoirent .l..,i,r. J M. Mormw, the Ormuii Kallwar and Navlaallon romnr, mrpoiaUon. and Pet Woai'l. ilrlemtanta, for the euni ol 1 wa Thous and rur Hand red Nliwty Two Iiollant, with lutrl tha - -i -ii-i . . annum irata the wmm mim hiikj turn Haaare Ol ,h, Iur,h.f ,um v .s Huixtrvd ort Dollars McMillan, Edward L Palmer and Charles B. MrAllater, ail of Uslugton, Oregon. J A. F. MOORE. TM. Register, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Mlrv.1 Ninety Two Ih.llaes. with 0T, g a HEREBY 01VEM THAT THI r J r"1 '"I i v umlersigtwd haa Imi duly a(..lntd by be 1Mb da of r.bruary. I"" and ,n rouItf , urt of the Sttlenf linfiin, for m ov w nimnv r T inomra u . .u , .... h . ..I ... I .. I., i... nr h. mi partu-lpsting in an elegant luaoh prw- '""r " ?' di.i.uem.iiia tirim Jm. tr.M.,i aii persons . i . m . Th- . . ' ' ', Twenty five dol'ara, oa the lt day of rUlm, aaalnsl aald eaUle are hereby wot pared b tbe hoeteeS. Tb party Waa a r-bmary. I. .,.,, . prnl ma. pmnerly vertn-.!. to aw. are til. saint ,,n. iil.,a.l ..I Nmw Is hereby gives that I will o Wh1o J, dice of Mils Phelps, al M.pptwv. t very pleaeant one tnd.e,! and greatly day. day of April. I. a. S -eic. ;TtMr.iVohi?.!n the d.-.rt th'tt enjo;ed by tbe loiiowing who were present! Millan, Nellie IVean yontlg people I P m- m nav, at tne inwi r i,i e'nn M . hw ,1, nviwr, ......-, ......... ....,H, .,( laeee MinBM Me at public auction to tbe hlsfcaet bidder Ut fn mm (!...- I. ul: In hand, the billowing dwrtlied property, tu- ey.uerirUtlSCtllnner, ... a,,uih hall ot tne .vta wea quarter and LB went un lotia bite, IViea ltamett, Klsie Talmer. 'breeaml loarol aerllon one II) I ... , .. .. " ' la luwirthlp two (f eouta rang, twenty elstJS) ; llattle lUattey, Ua McMllloe, Fannie eaei. and tneeouta hall of the nonkt uuar- ltt.i..ll ri. lvln... al . at .i ' "I swtkn one (II In township two U) eouih ltaiaett, lira I aimer, Mary Metier. ,..,. M. ,V, w m . toe northa jMla K-auey, Mary Oeatry, IWeeie U" of a-tn sen ii)W township w,n lmM et ot tbe north side ol U elehl 'is) ta hioi k Mormw t ounty, ailmltiUtrator nf the estate of tie n. vi n noUSed lo aw, at the , Or" SHjtloa. iMted this UUt day of rebmarv. I1- jam as joxr. Administrator of the ttute of Beison tM S4 Jouee, U I M.lWr, kiltie Dak and J. E ' A.tama. Ibaa. It., i I.. I.. Karl lUwub, Lawrence 1'almer. Carrol MeAlieter, ttaak Oeatry, lt Iteaaey, tienatiemry and tvaigbl Metier, liRAl'BB, UiistiroK, Cr, Mar. 7. b"ir ii ot the ortslual alal ol the town Heppner as at rwront ia me eace ot tueeonniy B rOC NOLO EUr MEtflNU. xonrB ta HEREBY OtYE TO THI 11 st. ho.l.r id ue Morrow ( onety laud A Trust t o., that Ihe annual meeting nf the etork holder will be held eaturdav. Mi.rrh Rh at the hour MIS. aa.. In the National Ban bnll.llns In, the pnrpaaw of elrrtlnf offlrers for tbe ensuing year and Ihe transaction of sue a other smelBeae as ny be brought before Ihe teotlng. R. E HVXO. X. tavrotarv. Border Uroe. have attroeeded Willie Btewart la tbe livery business, eeii All snillMlI eM ll aa. i'oTT a K'kt, I kirw I tkesi ice wrappers or I Joe Vake sap ere 7"1 J i riti a cent ale,e, Ask Khea V. ' ' -v-a, ml of said euunty, all la Morrow eounty Dragnet. Taken end levied apon ae the property 4 toe said u ewastari Mildred J wa. tart, at al. or so much ibaranl ae may bo a wee ear, to sat ey Ihe eald )Hlfw.iit ta tame of Jemee Jonee and Jam. ion administrator arming id urn w. Miuiml J. ' door to the Oagetle cffloe, and will do a. I. ma"u. a ab-rtfr saddle horses and ttall room al reason l-aied a Heppnaf. Marsh a, keA ss aMe rate. ll-tf. al When you hear dem bells!" YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! MAT HALVORSEN, Jl LEADING MERCHANT 1 OF I0NE v Keeps i Beneral U ot Haise Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin ware, Harness, Stockmens' Supplies, Wood and Willowware. First Class Goods and Low Prices is his motto. M0T HALVORSEN, IONE. OHEQON. A.. ABRAHAISICK, Merchant Tailoring! Has just secured the services of Mr. Chas. O'Malley, a practical cutter of New York City. He guarantees satisfaction. CALL. AND 8EK ME. ON MAY STHKET Tiiey Are The "Mustard" MEADOWS & HATTEN, . , "Tlie Pioneer Blacksmiths flare ie.W enese elra-snt Inrmvemente In their merit an1 adiled a lam eu-k nf Iron aoreretw-e an. other nalnais eaeeixtal to tbe Kfliieai of tbe be Bead aulrk raira so tbett ill, buafles or ssa. hlMerj- 1 r stctait, M aurMabueti.f. ' " MfiiiM I Ellin in & kw to 4 Tv f rk Eit, iU U it Qiuck, U