Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 08, 1898, Image 1

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    Portland Libra rj
Semi-Weekly Gazette
AT $2.00 A YEAR.
Semi-Weekly Gazette
NO. 629
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $2.0 par year, I1.CD lor six months, fjO ots.
for three moncns, striotly in ad van o .
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Foatofflce at Heppner, Oregon,
aa aecond-claaa matter.
THI8 PAPKR is kept on file at E. G. Dake's
Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchant
Bzohange, Ban Irauoisoo, California, where eou
raote for advertising can be made for it.
ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchangi Build
ing, Ban Franoisoo, is our authorized agent.
This papar is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1205 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junotioa 3:30 a, m. and ar
rives at Heppner 6:00 a. m
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
P. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnction 7:50 p. m.
and Uma ilia 8:50 p. ni.
Portland Express No 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 60) a. m. and Heppner Juncti on 7:00
.m. ard arrives at Portland 12:60 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Jauotion 8:5 a. m. and at
uumwuii :au a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leave? Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at 'leppner Junction 12:25 a. m, and at
jruruana t :a a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C, Hart,
oRout j. a a ueppner, ure.
United States Officials
Piesident William McKinley
Vine-President Garret A. Hobart
Secretary ot state John Sherman
secretary of Treasury Lymaii J, Wage
Secretary of Interior CorneliufN. Bliss
Secretary of War Russell . Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-Qeneral James A. Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Bnoretary f Agriculture James Wilson
State of Oreeon.
i overnor W. P. Lord
Secretary ot State H. R. Kincaid
Treasurer Phil. Hetschan
Snpt. Publio Instruction ......G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
H..t- G. W. MoBride
Supreme Judges.
Thus. H. Tnngne
t a. buu
...W. H. Leeds
( B. S. Bean,
1 F. A. Moore.
f C. E. Wolvorton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Jndge Stephen . Lowell
1 roeeouting Attorney H. J. Bean
Borrow County Officials
Joint Bonator .-
Unnnty Jndge A.
'' Commissioners.........
J. W. Beckett.
... A, W. Gowan
.... J. N. Brown
G. Bartholomew
.... J. R. Howard
" Clerk J.W.Morrow
" Sheriff L. Matlock
' Treasurer Frank Gilliam
Assessor A. C. Petteya
Snrveyor....... ............. J. W. Horn
tjhool Bap"t ....Jay W. Shipley
Coroner a. r. vaugtian
Mayor.... ; Thos. Morgan
Councilman Geo. Conser, Frank
Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Slooam, 11.
Liohtenthal and J. R. Simons.
k-,n,.rHAr W. A. Richardson
Treasnrer L. W. Briggs
Marshal A. A. Roberta
Preeroet Offleere.
Jnsrinenf tha Peace W. E. Richardson
l onstable N. S.WheUtone
United States Land Officer.
1. P. Moore Register
A. 8. Bum Reoeiver
BP. Wilann Register
J. H. Bobbins Reoeiver
bscxubt aocxsrrzJBs.
G. A. B.
Meet at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
ch month. All veterans are invited to Join.
G. W. Smith, C. G. FUqoa.
Adjutant, tf Commander,
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
Offioe in the Oily Drug Store, near
City Hotel. tf
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office boom, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to
2 p. m., at residence, W. A. Kirk's prop
erty, cut of M. E. cbnrch, Booth, and 10
to 12, a. m , to 2 to 5 p, m. , at offioe in
the rear of Borg'i jewelry store.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
Office In the First National Bank
Hbfpxbr, ! : Obsooh.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
Rells and buys real ute, rents house, pays
taxea, does conveyancing and will eerv you in
any way In hi Una, at reasonable figure. tf
First National Bank
C. A. RMtA,
T. A. Rhca.
Geo. w. coNtCR,
Vloo President
Asa't Cashier
Tnsadi t Seoeral Bankio; Etiiioess,
i til part of the world-
Bought and Sold.
Collection Bade on ail point so
reasonable Term,
turpi u bb4 sodlvlded Profit. 13I.0OG.00.
Tb OeseU will Uke potato, applee,
gt batter aa eabawiptioB aocoonu.
Any one owing thla cffloweaa eettle ttwir
aceoont la tbta maoo.r end eab't do it
too toon to eail ot.
Going East?
FIRST Go via. St. Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupoD
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connfiotinns with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union DeDot there, and
its service is first-class in every
THIRD -For information, o.all
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticKet agent and ask for a
tictet reading via. the Wisconsin
centra) lines, or address
Jas. C. Pond.
or Geo. 8. Batty,
General Agent,
246 Stark 8t.,
Portland Or,
Gen. Pas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B, &
H; j. m. ai bi. r., u. dl a., f. vt. w. et C,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton St.,
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
The Outlook will be In 1897, aa it has
been daring each of its twenty-seven
yeari, a History of Oar Own Times. In
its various editorial departments The
Outlook gives a compact review ot the
world's progress ; it follows witb oare
all tbe important pbilantbropio and in
dustrial movements ot the day; baa a
complete department of religious news;
devotes mnoh space to the interests of
tbe borne; reviews current literature;
furnisbes cbeertut table-talk about men
and things: and, in short, aims to give
tresb information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning witb tbe fifty flifth volume,
tbe paper will assume tbe regular maga
zine size, wbiob will add greatly to its
eonvenionae and attractiveness. Tbe
Outlook is published every Saturday
fifty-two ieauea a year. Tbe first issue
In eaob month is an Illustrated Magazine
Number, containing about twice as many
pages aa tba ordinary issue, together
witb targe number ot pictures.
Tbe prioeof The Outlook is tbrea
dollars a year in advance, or leas then a
cent a day.
Send for specimen copy and illustrat
ed prospectus to Tba Outlook, 13 Astor
Plane, New Toik Git v.
While voa aoao roar sabaeriutfaa neld mm
saakeap nmr brand la free of ohars.
Bory. P. O., Heppner. Or.-Horeaa, P Be left
hoolder; oatUe, same oa left hip.
Cook A J..IOr.-Hoea, SOoa H.htahool
air. i tU, aameoa rifbthipi ear Bark --
crop ofl left and split fa right.
IVwalu. W IS r. r ... M
, nun
rinhl uria. tvajUiw-furk ia aaea art tana, B 1)
oa left should, eatti earn an Ufthip. sole
Floranea, L. A., Bappnar, Or. (ttl. LF oa
rUht him tnim B ,ik h.. -i ".T
oBee, Harrr, Heppner, Or Horaaa nrauUd
ritfht hltk. ala aftdjvhi. in L ft . u .
' - " - Mlt Ml
l4m euonty.
iofce,-, fell. ImoM, Or.-Hnnaa, ntrelaT cm
9Tp ll n mA M,ht Ji toft w
Kennr.Mika, Happner, Ur.-Horaa braniM
KM oa toft hip eaittoaaoieaaii mn aft ton
awi a a. to. akow oa tba rtotit
Uahey. i. W. Mptmar Ur.-HoraM branitos
t. mnA ft ,.n imft l.L. I. .
kip, wait to over nht r, UtrM aiita ia nsM
Minor, ftonar, rtappser Or. 4 (tla. M D aa
rla-ht kip; h.-M Moatoftahoaktor.
Horaaa. M. N- Rna. - at
oa toft eWldat eat t to earn oa toft bis. '
Oshnra, I. W.. fulaa. itt.t kn-- f u
hoaktori rattto aaiaa oa rlht hip.
Parkar a Otoaaua. Hnnimn ( " '
1 atoMktor.
Pearson, Oliver: bore brandait tmr mnA
hiekt on left (bottlder; ranr., Eight Mile.
Piper. 1. H.. LaalnaKia. Or.-Kma IM m.
aertal or toft ah.-i.Uri aattto, aaaM oa) tof kip.
ator btl la oaesi ear.
rtortor. t. W.. H.vpe4W. Or -Rnn-a, 40 m
tortalmLUtov. CatUas Qa right kip.
parrr. K. O. K-ipaar. Or, - rtto W C m
I warn H. W.. Hmtmm. (N-.-HwOI mpnt t
tort mtmUU. a i eaUa awe aa toft bis
antb vl.i la aa an, w
m'amr W, $., Oalln-ey. . bnw.
qoarta mrrtm IW oa fihl Mnmktofi till
awurnRl. JW nm rtlit hip awl nati -,
" -' ear. Ha.e ta wm aaj
t awMUa MalM
amlarfit la left y
aWtopi bn- W la toft atx-Utor.
Tbwiipa.-, J. A., iieppMr, I H Horaaa. t oa
left etwaMkr; aaitto. I oa ton .hoalitor.
AVefietablePreparationfor As
similating thToodandReguta
ling liifiStojnachs andBoweis cf
tiess and Rest. Con tains neither
Ormim,Morphin0 nor Mmeial.
mot Narcotic.
bar toua-SAMViLErrcwi
Puny-Jo SmJL'
JtJulU SJtt -
Hmmint ,
flitnfied Sugar .
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish
uess mid Loss OF SLEEP,
Toe Simile Signature of
I "
Motel IiejjrKer
(Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MRS. L. SMALUianar, ; -
Now Open. New Methods. New Manage
ment. Strictly First Class.
Rates, $1.00 Per
W&'A firBt-claBB fflwl hum rnn in rnit,lU m. .
and from all trains. We eolicU your
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed
in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S.
IT HAS faithfully- labored for Ihelr Prosperity and bapplnea. for the ImprnvtiBMit of their
bu.lii.Hi. and horn. Interest, for wluUoo, tor lb. elevation of Ai.wrK.n manhood and
true omanhnor
IT HAS b.ld at th. Srwefde. liilerMtlnf and Instructive (tori, of tb.dolnnof tb. world. Ui.
nation and stale. '
IT HAS advised the farmer a lo tb. moat approved Method of etiltlv.nnf and barvallns hi
'.. "J5?' ,h l""Pr lime to ennveri there Imo the laravet nwlht. amount of money.
IT HAS led In all matu-t. irialnln( to Ih elfera of farmer, and villa era. and lr over a ball
a Mnturyhu held their Knndenc end esteem.
New York Weekly Tribune,
At wa furnlah It with the GAZETTE, em year far
$2.78, cesh In advance.
AaarWaU Order, lo THE GAZETTE.
Wr'v. .,iB,!.n,, ttl Mrt
-'. w 'll opy ol th . rfk
Columbia Riverand PugetSoundNavigation Co
U.Hat Al.ler Hlraet U-ck. Porllaad, f.a? Astoria, llwaeo, L( tWfc, Owes
lark tad Aabentta. lirt S'nplk)a with Ilwaaa etomre and rail
roadj also at Tonne's Lr ith H ashore Raliroad.
Leave Penia4 I A. M. tiallr, eseept Sgadty. Laav ArUrto I P. M. ftallr. Mpt aaMtye
lave iwllaud P. M tIly. e inept fr.udar. aelurdey aiyM. p J. Mm IHiei lit
at to A. M.,at4 Satoyaud Mua-toy. aitar iM. t p. M
Uave porllaM nd Mealing to fl.i T'i1f and Th4ayal S A. W (toie'-lsv ill r M
!. ilaara Medntoy aM l-rt toy at ? A. U. Ma U T M p i. "
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
You Have
Always Bought.
tws eiNTftuw eemroNT, niw vok oitv.
Day and Upwards.
patronage CST-novS
M It IflfW W. ftoH, Trlbur,. flfUr
Wasly T rlbun. will b Bulled to yoo.
ature Xtf
New York, March 3. The Journal's
Havana cable says: "Here ia the story
wbioh will ba told Sampson's committee
as soon as it opens its investigation in
Havana. Tbe Maine was blown np by a
submarine mine. It was ot Spanish
oonstrnotion, set by Weylerian Spaniards
and exploded by their bands. Proof will
nnoover the q- e lion of Weyler's com
plicity . The plot will be trsoedto
Madrid. "
In Havana, tbe home of the plot, was
a ship ohandlery store called 1 Navio
(the navy). Its owner is named Garcia
lnnon, wnose rank is colonel ot tbe
volunteers. This Trinon was tbe leader
of a band ot Spanish assaasins, who sunk
tbe Maine, all Waylerites, all opposed
toSagasta, Blanoo and autonomy; all
"Yankee eaters."
"Garcia Trinon is not now in Havana.
He fled to Spam on tbe first boat wbioh
left after tbe Maine went down. Three
of the seven are still here. The names
of these three will be told to Sampson.
It was not an original harbor mine
which sank tbe Maine. It was placed
beneath the Maine after she was swung
to the harbor buoy. The mine, with all
its noginifB, was obtained from the
Spanish transport Li Gasps, whose mis
sion is to oarry explosives sod what else
is needed of tbe war sort to Port Arsenal
at Havaoa. In the employ of Garoia
Trinon were three Spanish divers of the
government ooips.
"Their names were Alvarez and Abella.
Two were brotheis the Alvarez. These
three placed the mine and tbe rigging
needed to make it hell's work beneath
tbe keel of tbe Maine. One of the
Alvarez pair has not been seen sinne
He became loqueoioce, in a fault-finding
way, following tbe sinking of tbe Maine.
He did not reoeive the $5000 whioh was
to have been bis reward, and so be took
to drink, made threats and halt told tbe
awful tale of murder.
"Tbis Alvarez was immediately told
to come aboard the Spanish warship
Alfonso, and go down and inspect ber
bottom. He baa not been in Havana
'"Dead men will tell no tales' is tbe
Spanish maxim. All sgree who tell of
It, that tbe mine was placed one nieht
and fired tbe next, anil there ara those
wbo deolare that tba mine was exnloded
from ibe siern of the Alfonso XUL"
Does Mot Prar tb Cold.
"I suffered every spring and fall for
several years with a severe oold. Two
years ago I began taking Hood's Saras
panlla and it built me np so that I bave
bad no cold eiooe, and I do not fear
oolda as formerly. I heartily reaommend
Hood's Barseparilla." Obas. Woods,
Box 112, West Seattle, Washington.
Hood's Pills ara tbe only pills to take
with Hood's Sarssparilla. Core all liver
rood for Coavalrseeat Saoald b Carefully
rreparea ssa ualsttly Kervad.
Mrs. 8. T. Borer lays down these rales
far "Gooklog for tba Sick snd OtiS'ale.
oent," in lbs Uaroh Ladies' Home Joar-
nel: "In.eooking for tbe siok a modern
neat is necessary to bring ool and in
tensity, ratbsr than destroy or keen with.
in, tba delicate flavorings of tba malari
al need. When receipt osll for batter
It mast be added to botdisbes after tbey
bava been taken from tba fire. All fried
Iblogs must be svoiJeJ.
"Orcein, or seml-stsrob? foods require
long, slow eooking. Meets must be
cooked, but not overdone. Under no
eireumslanoes sbooM rsw meets, raw
beef juloe, or raw beef tea ba Died. Pa.
letiniatlon Is necessary to remove the
danger of disease germs.
"Serve bot foods hoi; oold foods cold.
This doee not mean Ibe extreme of either.
"In arranging tba trar keen every
thing aa dainty as poesibls. osina? whit.
or very pale colore. A simple vee. of
nowere, with out too deeided aa odor,
will prove an additional attraction.
Rose, violets. Hlliae-oMbe-vallay or
boavardiaeara advisable for their dainti-
neee and abteooe of heavy odor."
Bar to Areira Hales.
The best Halve lo the world for Cola,
Broiaes, Boras, Cleere, Bait Pbeam.
rev Bores, Trtter, Chapped Heads,
Chilblains, Grs, aaU all Hk'a P.rap
Mens, and positively cores Piles or do
pay retired. Ii Is gaarsotsad to give
perieet sal is fact loo or money refoodad.
Price 23 eaote par box. por sale by
elocom Drag Co., E. i. Rloeam, mogr.
hkasl Ktoettoe.
Tbe eonrjsl school election fetid i
tevdsy was Ibe sense of Ibe ir.eUet
gatbarlog ef Ibe voters Ibat baa ever
eorarred ai a sebool BMMtiag Id I!pp
aer. There were Ibree esedidetet Is
tbe field for director, vis: Ttxie. Morgaa,
B. f. Veoaba and O. E. Paras worth.
Tbe first rota raatt4 la a tie belweea
tbe two latter. Morgan reoalved 20 votes
and PameeertB aad Tasgba 83 earb.
kfortea's same was tbea wltbdrawa aB,1
oa lbs seeoad ballut, Parneworth re
ld El and Vaagba 4T. J. I. tUAmU
was raelMU4 elerk wubosl set enow
Pot Cuaetlpsiloa lake Karl's Clover
Tea, Ibe great Mood Parifisr, tares
besdeet.ee, JtervoHaease, Eruttiaas oa
tba fo, aad taskee tbe ba. as slear as
a Wall, Bold by Cease ft Srtet,
Coaacil Meeting.
The oity counoil met last night with
all members, except 81ooum, present.
Reports of Mayor Morgan and Treas
urer Briggs were reed and adopted.
Bonds ot the recorder and treasurer were
also aooepted.
Ordinance No. 60 read seoond time.
This ordinance provides for tbe collec
tion of a poll tax of two dollars from
eaoh male person over 21 and under 50
years of age.
Section 2 of ordinance No. 65, read
first time. This relates to liquor license.
The new officials were sworn in. Tbe
officers for the oity for the next year are:
Mayor, Tbos. Morgan; recorder. W. A.
Biohardson; treasurer, L. W. Briggs;
marshal, John Hager; cnunoilmen, Malt
Liohtenthal, J. R. Simons. E. J. Blooum.
J. J. Roberts, J. W. Rasmus and E. G.
8 perry.
A vote of thanks was tendered the
outgoing members, wbiob was responded
to by Geo. Conser in a very feeling
Mayor Morgan made quite a talk on
the duty ot the oounoil, after which tbe
following oommittes were appointed:
Ways and Means Simons, Sperry,
Rasmus; Pinanoe Slooum, Roberts,
Liohtenthal ; Fire and WBter Roberts,
RBsmus, Sperry; Streets and Publio
Property Liohtenthal, Sperry, Roberts;
Health and Polioe-Lichtenthal, Ras
mus, Simons; Eleotions Sperry, Rimons,
Roberts; OrdinaBoes Rasmus, Roberts,
Slooum ; Licenses Liohtenthal, Slooum,
Tbe following bills were ordered paid:
Minor A Co 9 1 go
Heppner Transfer Co 9 25
Rogers & Roberts , , . 15 65
Wm Oowins 1 00
J. W. Hager 5000
W. A. Rlobardson 16 70
H. L.& W. Co 70 00
L. W. Briggs 25 00
Abe Wells 8 00
Alberl Wright 800
Wm Warren 8 00
Sam Leezer 8 00
Geo Thornton 300
Motion made and oarried bv full vote
to have ordinance framed for hoecsing
bowling alley $100 per year, payable
quarterly. Also forbidding any person
riding a bicycle on tba sidewalks and
providing penalty therefore.
treascbkb's biport.
Annual report ot Heppner oity treas
urer for fiscal yesr beginoing March 1st,
1897, and ending Feb. 28th. 1898.
On hand March 1, 1897 f 40775
Received from liquor license.. 2,700 00
Received from city taxes 1.1ns m
Dray, bun and livery license. . 72 60
Dog tax in m
City recorder a fine 40900
Opera house and show license, im no
Wash house license 40 00
Auctioneer, wjoo
Lumber and trough sold 10 05
I 4,163 84
raid intern! on water bond. , 1,010 00
Paid on oity warrant. 1,471 21
I 4,481 tt
672 03
Balance on band at clo. of year
Interest on water bond du.
and unpaid 1 sac 00
Advertised city warrant un-
Pi 14 SO 164 10
Avallabl resource
117 si
Tola! Indebtedness of town
L. W. BRI'KiR, Treasurer.
A Narrow Caoape.
Tbankfol words writteo by Mrs. Ada
E.Hert.ofOrotoB, B. D Wea takes
witb a bad oold wbioh settled oa my
langs, oougb set in and finally termi
nated lo consumption. Poor dootors
gsve me op saying I oould live but a
short tiros. I gave myself op lo my
Savior, determined it I eould aot stsy
'ith my friends oa earth, I woold msst
my absent onea above. My husband was
advised to get Dr. King's New Dlsoovery
lor consumption, coughs and onlde. I
gsve It a trial took la all eight bottles.
II bae eared me, and thank Und I am
saved and now a well and healthy wo
man." Trial botllea free at E. J. Bio
eom's drag store. lUgalsr ese CO suj
1.00 guaranteed or price refaoded.
In persaenee to a resolution of tb.
Demooratia Coooly Central committee
held lo Uentm.r tbe Clh dev of March.
Wedeeedey the 16th day of March,
1WH. at Ibe boar of 2 o'clock a. m . e
designated as tba time for holding the
d.moeratia primaries aod tbe following
Saterday, tba ltftb day of March, for Ibe
OQBveaiioa, wbierj convention win meat
al the con tt bones la D.ppaet at 10
o'clock a. m. of aaid day. lUpreseata
lion of each Votlne braeiant will ta a
follows: Dairy, t; Metteena, 2; Dry
Pork. I; Lsilcgtoa, 3; U entry, I; Lena
S; Wells Hprtogs, 3; Mt. Veraoo, 4,
Aipiee, 3; l ine I'lty, J; luee, B; Uepp.
aer, 7 ; Cenil .
Itoepectfally sabmitted,
J. W. MoBMuw, Cbeirmaa.
Bvervaaxly Bays Bav
Caafarets rao4r CaUiartlr. the Host wo-
clerful nnlMl dianavarvef the ae. ptoaa-
ant and rerreehin; ta toe taata, a. t faayy
and puttUvely ea kMeey, liver and buweia,
ei.-aii.inf Ui. an lira dim, dl.l eeld,
eure Itaailsflfea, fever, baKltnal rrmsUpattoa
S' 'I bi lou.naaa. i'toaae bay end try a Bos
a(U(!. C Irt-JeVilU, i.fci..tu. tMaeeo
I araatoe4 lo cure by ail dr(kts.
Wealed ; red beaded girl aad white
banw to dtotribole tb prsfsmroe given
aetf wilk Ilea Cake eap. Apply "alt"
P- W. Rha A Co. ara rtMilioaT after
tbe eprleg trad a, and If good goods aad
fair daelitif go for saytblag, I bay will
saraly se tk.li ikare. Mt if
Absolutely Pure ,
Swane Troedssn is up from Douglas
attending court as a juror.
John Depuy and Hyle Corbin were in
Saturday from the foothills.
J. M. Keeney, of Walla Walla, brother
of Eli Keeney, is here on a short visit.
Dr. E. R. Huolook returned from a
brief visit to Portland Saturday morning.
Guinneeee's famous old "Dublin
Stout," imported, at Chris Borohers'
Clerk Richardson, of Hotel Heppner,
returned on Saturday from a trip to
Attorney C. E. Redfield returned
Saturday morning from a business trip
to Pendleton.
Born In Heppner, Maroh 5, 1898, to
tbe wife of Vawter Crawford, a nine
pound daughter.
Fine home-made taffy at the Orau'ga
Front. A olean, freuh stook of goods
leave your orders, if.
Painless remedy for extracting teeth.
If not as stated, no obarges. Try Dr.
Vaughao's new plnn. 604-tf!
We presume you use soap and if so
the beet is ohespest. Hoe Cake ie strictly
pura with no free alkali. Rhea Co.
a 30
Beautiful novelties in spring dress
fsbrios just being opened up by E. W.
Rhea & Co. The prices on these onrwU
are just right. 628 29
E.G. Nobis & Co. are rostlere after
business. Tbs finest saddles and har
neea to be found in Heppner. See their
ew ad in this issue. tf.
MissEdos Van Duyn entertained a
number ol ber young friends on Satur
day evening. All report having enjoyed
themaelves very much.
Mrs. Jas. Bennett, of Lone Rook, wbo
brought her little boy over for medical
treatment some time sinoe, returned to
ber borne lest Saturday.
Stop tbatoougbl Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25o bot
tle of Sbilob's Our mar save vonr life.
Sold by Conser A Brook. x
Mrs. 0. A. Rhea aod daughter. Mrs.
Ada Curtis, will depart for Portland tn
tomorrow evening where Mrs. Curtis
goea to receive medical treatment.
C. P. Bsrnett. O. A. Johnson. J. F.
Willis, W. B. MoAllstsr, Ed Palmer and
N. A. Leacb wtra among tl a Lexlnaton-
Ites Botioed on oar strsets Bstordey.
Mrs. Csrrls Wssl and Mrs. Emma
Grey arrived from Portland last Bator.
day morning on a short visit to their
brother, Prank Gilliam, snd other rete
tivea residing at this place.
Billy Brown cams op from Portlsnd
Thursday. Billy is one ot tbe boss
roacbera of Morrow coonty. He will
probably start shearing ia tbs northern
part of tbs coonty about April 1st.
Tba democratic oouuty central 00m.
mittea met oa Saturday at Ibe coort
bouse aod fixed March 10 as tb data on
wbiob tbey will bold tbeir primariee and
March 19 for their Bounty oooveotioo.
E. W, Rhea A Co. Dositlvelv ausranlr
to msel any prloee oa wool bsge. They
will not be undersold and tbeir custo
mers may depend oa Ibis proposition, a
tbey are lo II to etay to lb finish. 28-lt
Sbilob's Consumption Cur sure.
ber others fail. It is th leading
Googb Cure, aod no borne should b
fltboat It. I1MBot to take and ooea
right to tbe spot. Sold by Conser A
11 rock. i
N. O. Bmesd departed Saturday svso
leg tot bis bom at Ella. Mr. HmeaJ
baebaea stopping witb bis son. W. W.
Buead, tble winter and same lo Heppner
la very poor blib. He ie bow greatly
Albrt Qreenwood bad tba mlafortoaa
to get too beer lb keels of a gentle.
mild eyed mole, Bueday, aad a a result
be U carrying a badly cut bead, ilia
eooS loo. la mala nalar is aot to
great as it was.
Milt Maieell was la from Uardmaa
Satarday aad mads Ibis offln a pbaseot
sail. Prom bin th desalt leern that
tber will be a meeting ot tba filaa
If eantala repahlkraa club aett MstaHsr
elSo'el ek, at Uardmaa.
P. M. rilt.r, of Rock rraek. anilem
eonaty, was ia tows yesterday alter sop.
pile for hi tbp eamp. Mr. filler ta
on of th toasmieeioaer of Uilliaos
aooaly. lis say range Is la floe aoadl-
tkia aad stock are all doisg well ia bis
Mr. Q B. RedfWU teles ranked bar
k 11 stand at Hppf oa Inadsy that bar
sister la He York, whom sh went et
to ea, bad did. Bh was sfflieted with
neevnptioa, aad Mrs. ! tod (told only
feaebed kuw la Km to ber ltr
kefet sk aastel away,