IM TO QIVI8 THK 0H0IC1 Of Two Transcontinental Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD- GREAT OREGON NORrHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha Chicago Kansas City LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. FIRST AND ONLY . . . PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION . . EVER HUN BETWEEN The Pacific Northwest AND . Boston, Mass., and St. Louis, Mo. Iff. Ooean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Ynknhnma and Hon 2 Kong; via, Tbe Northern Paoifio Steamship Go. in con. section with O. a. & . For fnll details oall on 0. B. ft N. Asent at Heppner, cr address Dodwell. Cartlll, & Co., Gen'l. Agti., Nor. Tie 8. 8. Co., rorllana, "re. W. H. HURLBUBT, Gen. Pass. Agt. POBTIiAND. OBBOON, Throih Excursions for St. Louis leave Portland every Monday via 0. R. & N., Denver & Bio Grande and Missouri Pacific railroads. Excursions lor Boston leave Portland Tues day at 9 p. m., via 0. R. & N., Denver & Rio Grande, Rock Island, Lake Shore, New York Central, and Boston Sc Albany Railroads. Excursion for St. Louis leaves Wednesday via O. R. & N , Denver & Rio Grande and the Burlington route. Excursion car carried on Fast Boston Specia East of Chicago, making tbe run In 28 hours several hours quicker than any other line. Excursion cars are carried on the fast ex press trains which have lately been inaugu rated by tbe lines over which these excursions run. Ask your ticket agent for a ticken on the Denver & Rio Grande excurlson. For rates and all information, call on or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. 6t Tkt. Agt. . 281 Washington St., "Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Habt, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. Tor CaXoxtlLV ELY'S CREAM BALM Is a positive cure. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. SO cents at Druggists or by mail : samples 10c by mail. Wl.Y BROTH KK. Bfl warren du. now ion -"-- ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGELINE aooiiviE piet0M- FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles)... 5 00 Round trip Mayville (53 miles) . 4 00 Round trip 7 00 Condon (89 miles) . . 8 00 Round trip e ou Clem (28 miles) .... 2 00 Round trip S 50 Olex (19 miles) 150 Round trip 8 50 Him leaven Arlineton every morning (8nnday excepted) at 6 o'olockj is doe at fJondon at 3 p. m. ana arrive i ob hi1 At 7 d. m. Comfortable covered coaohea and care ful, experienced drivers. "Wild Wert Party." On last Monday evening Mrs. J. D. Brown save what sha termed a "Wild West Party" in honor ot Mr. Jas. Hart, who baa retaroed to Heppner after an absence of about a year. Tbe guests at this party were in tbe maio those that formed a party of yooog people who wo years ago this summer spent a oouple of weeks in tbe mountains nnder tbe cbaperonaee of Mis. Brown, and wbo were at that time given the sppella tion of "Wild West Party," henoe tbe ap- propriateness of tbe title given the above gathering Tbeevening was Spent in social games, music and conversation, to wbiob was also added the pleasure of partici pating in an elegant lunch prepared by the hostess. The party was, a very pleasant one indeed and greatly enjoyed by tbe following young people who were present: Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Warren, Misses Bertha Gate. Cora Hart, Jennie Noble, Addie Jaokson, Winnie Myers, Elsie Laoy and Lutie Farnswortb and Messrs. Geo. Wells, Bruoe Kelley, John Hornor. Jas. Hart. Bobt. Hynd and Cbas. In graham. Keep Sleep and set Bid. THE WOOL RECORD Talis You How to Do It. HUE M GIG EBST ? If so, be sure and sea that your tioket reads via lie nwestem line ....TBE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, - MINNEAPOLIS, AND . OMAHA BAILWAY THIS IB TH1 Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN M,rnmn TrtT. nmn a an SUBSCRIPTION: S2.0C1 PER YEAB. .uuuuxn, di. v.viaw (SamDle oooies free.l NORTH PACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly at Portland; Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. By a speoial arrangement we , offer to our readers The Wool Record and Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year for $3.00. . The Wool Reoord is the only national wool organ and covers the wool industry from tbe raising of the sheep to tbe sell ing ot the manufactured artiole. It is published weekly at New York and tbe regular price is $2.00 a year, lis market reports are full and oomp e and its Sheep Breeders' Talks alone are worth 10 times tbe prioe of tbe paper. . Sample oopies on application. We heartily recommend this combi nation to our subscribers. A Clever Trick. . It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try,it who has lame back and weak kid neys, m alalia or nervous troubles. We mean be can cure himself right away by taking Eleotrio Bitters. This medicine tones np tbe whole system, acts as a stimulent to the liver and kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic, It cares constipation headache, fainting spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Eleotrio Bitters and be convinced that they are a miraoie worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents a bottle at Sloounj Drug Co's, E. J Slo oum, manager. LITERARY NOTES. The March number ot McClore's mag azine might be characterized in sen tence as a literary and pictorial exposi tion of tbe heroic side of real life. A letter from Nils Btrindberg, one of the two men who have gone no one Vnows whither with Andree, in the bold en deavor to reach the north pole by bal loon ; Mr. Walter Wellman's predictions as to the probable fate of tbe Andree party; Herbert E. Hamblen's account of bis own adventures as a locomotive engineer; and a true story of tbe ingenue ity and bravery of a Chicago fireman- all dealing with matters of faot, are still full of tbe very stuff which the novelist (too often in vain) beats bis brains tor. Charles A. Dana's personal recolleotions of Grant, Sherman, Gordon Granger, aod "Fighting Joe" Hooker, as he saw them in tbe midst of the particularly "speotaoularly military movements" of the battle of Chattanooga; and of Secre tary Stanton, as Mr. Dana worked with him day and night in tfte war depart mentstill further emphasizes tbe heroic, side of life. And so, too, does an artiole by Mr. Hamlin Garland on the Klondike, although it aims at nothing more than setting forth in good plain terms new information regarding the Klondike and the various ways of reaching it and get ting at its riobes. This information Mr . Garland has gathered from Uuited States and Canadian government sur veyors and txplorers wbo have returned from the Klondike within tbe last month or two to make their official reports, and hiB artiole has an obvious practical value, in addition to being extremely interesting. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LCNG TROUBLES AND CONSCsUTION CAN BE CUBED. Aa Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled ill Rural Spirit and Gazette both for 13.00, oasb, at this office. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Bail Route Without Change of Cars Between Spokane, Bossland and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Bossland, daily exoept Sunday: Leave. M Hpokane Arrive. ,...:40 P. M. .. Rowland 11:40 f. M. Nelson M5 P. M. Hit) A 11 n) A. M 9:10 A.M. Clone onnnnetions at Nelson with steamera for KaHlo, and all Kootenai Lnka points. 1'aHsenger for 'Kettle Itlver and Boundary Creek connect at Murom with stius dailv. iulng and Weening (Jar Trains, ana Mono "always on time. has given this road a national reputation. All ,.i .j i...i..uiu,i narrltid on tha veatlbuled trains without ettra charite. Hhlp your Ireluht and travel over this tamous line. All agunU have tickets. w n utm F. O. SAVAGE. ... ... . ... . u 1 . I lit, J rav. r . w Mr, ai, i ashlugtou Bt., Fortune!, or. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Uen. Agent 24a W (VMM 'I A Trade Mark 4"0 DlBIGNB CIIIOAGrO Anvone sending a stetrh and description mar qtiirklf ascertain our opinion free whether aa ln?entlnn Is prohanlr patentable. C'ommunloa. UoliastrlfiMroonnilentlftl. Handbook on Patent lent free. Olrimt avnnnr for securing patents. Talent taken through Muim A Co. r stair Ipn-UU twite, without chance, In the Scientific American. A hanrtanmelr lllnstrated weekly. Lanreat eir. illation or anr .rinnunn lonrnu, -i arms, o ri four niontb. U Bold by all newsdealer. idUNN&Co.881BMidw"-New York llreuon OBIo. IQ6 F Bt, Washlugtun, U. C This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Lights Its trains by electricity through out; Uses tbe celebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger trains i; tnl,1p . very day and aiifbt betwean Ht. Taul ll Cry Blame tba Tlio Centrals Ch.rano. Milwaukee & St. Paul NEW NAME 1 Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand tho old Jones Baled hav lor sale. Chargn reasnnahle. Tall on mm ana nav vour burst- wau narea lor. Also o Derates stoam-bsatsd vestibuled trains, carrying the latest private eomDartment ears, library buffet am ing cars, and palaca drawing room sleepars. Parlor ears, frse redlining chair oars. and tba very best dining obalr oar service. ' For lowest raUs to any point in tba United HtatM or Canada, apply to ageut or address 0. J. EDDY, 3. W. CAREY. General Ageot, Trav. I'ass. Agent. Portland, Or. a ko Years.... ok- sj IN TNI LAICAL BQU1B9. mm K V l 11 Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition Cooper's ik; Dip ! Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value ot Fltk. Cheap, Hats, Han dy, Clean, Wholesome, Oilorleaa. CHAS. G. R0BEHTS. OKNCRAL AOCNT. 21? Ash Htrrvt, Vortland, Ortra. Sold by Minor A Co., lleppnor, Or. John F. Hprsy is over from Haystack. Fioe home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front. A olean, fresh stock ot goods- leave your orders. If. Painless remedy for extracting teeth. If not as stnted, no ohsrges. Tiy Dr. Vaughao's new plan. 604-tt. Antelope Llerald i Mr. Orsy, a sheep- buyer from Heppner, has been in town this week, looking tor mutton. Nelson, the young son of Mr. snd Mrs. H. W. Bartholomew, is quite sick Ibis week, but at last reports was improvlog. E. O. Noble & Co. are metiers after business. Tbs finest saddles and har ness to be found n Heppner. Be their oew ad in this Us as. tf. 11. a Wills will move his stock ot tnerubandtse into tho building bsing vacated by II. E. Warren, tba proprietor of tha City Drug store. Wanted; red headed girl and wbits horse to diatribots tho premiums given away with II os Cske soap. Apply Holt.H a-30 F. K. Bartholomew and family bavs decided to locate permanently la Port land, and on Wsdassday their house hold off note wsrs shipped to them from Heppner. Karl's Clover R iot Tea is a 11 stive. Horn From Alaska, . Wm. Radio got in Wednesday morn ing from a trip to Sksgway and Djea, Alaska, wbera be bad been te make ar rangements for. tbe disposal of some cattle and horses. While at Skagway Mr. Budio met several of tbe Heppner hoys who are now located at that plaoe. B.S found them doing reasonably well, considering all tbe odda they have to fork against, but speaking for himself, be says that he is ' not stuok on the climate up that way the least bit and muoh prefers to live in Eastern Oregon. Mr. Budio expects to ship bis stock from Pendleton to Alaska, via Seattle, in a short time. His adyioo is, stay away from Alaska, that oountry ' is greatly overdone at present. He departed for his home at Long oreek yesterday morn log. - A stomaobtui of undigested food is sboot as unhealthy a mass as one can well imagine. What can be done with it? There it slays. It won't digest. It churns up, ferments and decays; becomes poisonous (as all putrid matter does) and causes grsst pain aod deep-seated disorders. In order to obaoge all this, take Shak er Digestive Cordial. It stops fermentation and decay at that no more poisons are created. It dears the stomsoh ot poisons al ready there. It helps it to turn tbe food that remains, into healthful nourish ment It strengthens tbo stomsoh for tbe next meal. A TIMELY WARNING. Grain Saved Is Money Hade. To save tbe grain nse Fry's Concen trated Squirrel Poison. This prepara tion is tbe obeapest and most econom ical for tbe farmers. One grain kills. Guaranteed. Prioe 25o per can or 85.50 per case of two dozen. For sale by Slocum Drug Co., Heppner, Or. tf Tbe distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo cum, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery ot a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, long and chest troubles, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will eend THREE FREE BOT TLES fall different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" bas oured thousands permanently . by its timely nse, and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate trial ot his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, Bnd this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be ol aimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and oon sumptiob are curable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis Amerioan and Euro pean laboratories in inousanas irom those oured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Sloonm, M. C, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direct from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of his generous proposition. Please tell tbe Dootor that you saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 jr. FOITYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gsnette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other thai plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prioes of any person under the sun in tbe line of druggists supplies, blank books, bank work county work, or any sort of book bind ing work that you have heretofore sent away to get done, . . ; m The Gazette shop is not a oharity concern but it you will give us a ohaooe we will see that yon are satisfied hi every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember that Abe Lioouln said that when one bought goods away from home the foreigner got the money and we got tbs goods. But when tba . goods wen bought at home we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. Wo are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer cornea to town, re member it and call up 'phone Na 3. 560-tf 11 "The Regulator Line Tbe Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. .STEAMEHS., How Virginia Deals with, the Lynching Evil. The teoent administration of Govern or O'Ferrall. of Virginia, may be oiled as an illustration in point Daring the fourteen years immediately preoeding Mr, O'Ferr all's inauguration there were 62 lynohings within the bounds ot the stste; during the lest fonr years there have been but three, and in neither case was tbe chief executive in a position either to prevent tbe crime or punish tbe offenders. Tbo keynote was slrnok at the beginning of tbe administration. Tbe solemn declaration of a oonfederate veteran whose bravery is a proverb among bis people that mob violence in Virginia must cease, at once awoke a lame Dart of tbe lawless element to ite senses, and tbe law-abiding element, led by tbe better part of the press ot tbe state, rallied at once to the man wbo bad given snob unmistakable utterance to their sentiment. The viotnry was not won without a blow. There were times when tbe soldier boys went scurrying soross tbs country as it a rebellion bad broken out somewhere. There were times when these brsvs boys reached tbe county Jail just ahead of tbe mob, and a shudder psssed over tbe common wealth when it was found that tbs prisoners whose lives bad been barely saved were innocent ot tbe orimes of wbicb they were ohsrged. Aod there was a timo when a captain wbo wired tbe governor that it would bo impossible tn opt him enmnanv tosetber in time to Portland Telegram : Mr. Homer Mo Farland, for a number of years a promi nent merchant at Heppner, Or., but tbe last few years a resident of Los Angeles, is in the oity visiting relatives and friends. It is Mr. McFarUnd's inten tion to locate at Butte, Mont. can cured 1 mm U von suffer from nv of the I ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on tha Pacific Coast, I OR. JORDAN A CO.. ,1051 Market St Est'd I8B2. ' Yon nK men and middle aced men who are tufferine from tha effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- ( cm:s in maturer years, nervous ana rnyiicai Debility, impoieny ,o nusMi in all its complications; Spermatorrhoea, ft-ro.tatorrlio-a, ;iiorrti, Sleet, 1'r.ouruir of tTrlntliiK. etc. By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor hat sn arranged hit treatment i that it will not only afford immediate relief but Dermanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to pertorm miracles, Dut is wen-Known to tie a lair m and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in hit specialty Disease of Men, m n.Tptil l la tnorongniy ernaicaieairuui iu yatrm without using Mereury. A KVERT MAN applying- to M Will 19- V , celve our honett opinion of hisromptalnt. Wevillduaranteea POSlTIVECUSEin , tvtry tat vx undertake, or oreu one xnonatna iraiisrs. Cnmultation FREE and strictlv Drivate. Charges very reasonable. Treat-1 ment personally or oy letter. Send for book, "The I'hlloaophy of Jlaxrlajfe, fro. (A nluaMa book for men.) TIMIT DR. JOKDAHU Great Museum of Anatomy i th. finest and largest M useum of its kind in the world. Com and Kara how wonderfully you I are made; how to avoid sickneu aod disease. We are eonttmt.ill adding; new specimen. I CATALOGUE HIM. fail or write. ' Market Street. Sen Francltco, Cat. "DALLE8 CITY" AND "REGULATOR' Leave The Dalles dailyfexoept Sunday) at 750 a.m. Leave Portland at 7 AO a m. When you go to Portland, stop off at Tha Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save . money. - - W. O. ALLAWAT, , General Agent, QDIOK TI3VI33 I San JBiraiaoistOQ And all point In California, via the Mb Bhasta rout of the Southern Pacific Co rhe great hiuhway throagh California to all points rast ana soutn. urana ooenio nouio Of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Buffet . Sleeper. Beoond-olas Bleepect Attached to axcreet trains, attordina so Deri of accommodations for MoonoVolaa passengers. For eat, took, sleeping ear reservation, etc,, call npon or address K. KOEHLBR, Manager, C. H. 'MARSH AM, Gen. F. A P. Agt. Portland, Oregon 'in hnvln seeda " sssattiT 1 tmvaaanre." because the cost of cultivation wasted on Inferior aeed always largely axoeeda tbe original mat at tha beat and dearest seeds to be bad. The beat la always CD cheapest. Pay a trifle more for FERRY'S SEEDS and always get your money worth. Fin eents per paper wveiywiH. Always the best, oeea Annual ma. D.N.FERRY 4 CO. . Detroit, Slice. Here is the whole philosophy and curs ot indigestion in a tew words. Aod B0 to the rescue ot a prisoner threatened what's more, it's all true. Try it. with mob violence, got an answer baok Busker Digestive Cordial is for sale by lvitb a startling military ring: "Noth- druggists, price 10 osnts to $1 a bottle. Bias MoasUlB Ktaablkaa Claa- Tha above named olub met at Hard- C. Pah Oft nrt mitnUA vu -.-.w-,, . , w ItTk. P....n. former officer, and committee for tbo oosoiog Pf , - V.U 7 log should be impossibla to a soldier; you must go." There is nothing of wbiob Virgfoia is prouder today and sorely Virginia knows bow to be prond than I er record on tbis qutstlon for Eastern Oreaon I State Normal School, Weston Oregon ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON year aa follows: Ed 8. Cox, president; John F. Boyse, seoretary ; committee on program, J. H. Royse, M. B. Maxwell, W. O. Boyse, Cbas. Hastiogs and W. H. Boysa. There being bo further business to transact at this meeting, tho Olob adjourned to meet again oo Saturday, March 12. at 9 p. m., and cordially invito everybody, aod especially republicans to attend. Dairy preoiool baa now got aer sbooldsr to to wheal, aod It every pleasaol prsctcot in tho eoanty lines ap with Regulates tbo bowels, purifies Dins Mountain Repoblioaa slob, a clean- lion of Lynch-Law Epidemics," by Ed ward Leigh rail, io American Monthly Reviaw ot Reviews for Marob. Two Million m Year. U'u nmnla huv. trv and buv aaain, St mean they're aattslied. Th people of the Tniled Mate are now buying Caaoerei Candy Cathartic at the rate of two milliou boxen a year snd it will be three million be fore New Year's. U means merit proved, that f 'aararete are tha moat delmhtful bowel reulatnr fnr evervbodv the rear round. All druggiats lOc, 23c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. tha blood. Clears tbe compleiioo. Easy to make abd plsaaaot to take. 29 ots. Bold by Ooaser Brock. 7 ' Conser A Warrso wars busy yestordsy moving tbs stock of drags, ste., rroas tbs Citv Droc stor and a.Ming it to thai stock of the olJ firm ot Oonser A Brock, The ooaoters aod fixtures of tho City Drug store arc also boing Iraastsrred to lbs same stsod and will take tbe pi so of thnsa formerly Beet by Cooser llrock. out victory sarsd. tor tho republicans la aa- S TOROCOII CARS. TO rst. PAUL MINNKAPOLIS uui.urti KAKitO urrrK VinxtNA Tickets lsn4 to all point la th Uaited Htatea and Canada. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET QUICK TIME TO. It tbe )Uca to go to get your fioe pork soJ lamb etiopa, atraka bdJ roaati. CniraiKi WaaNINIIInN fULTlatOHB Naw oai lirrtkia All other point to tha Kaat aod HootbtMl Kan CiT Ht. Joira Mr. Lnma IkwTua I'sloa Depot eonaeotlon at Ht. Pattl, MlDDeapoha, Kansas City, Oaaba, Ht. ixiuls and other pnitni osat potato Bafgato eheekad through to dastlnsUun ol ticket. Throagh tkksts to Jaoaa and fblue, via Taooms and Northers I at ins rtlaana. ship Coiupaey's line. FISH EVERY FRIDAY fin tusar eur. bams and bamn. fur lvl laf'l, kettle-remlerol. ld t)l. Illhet eaaa prte ld lot lat stm k. BE If J. MATIIEWrt. A Bare Tfclwf to Tw A Iranaaulioti Inwtiuti youi annot loaetia SurwUilu HUWUSnea. ali h lleaUa. lie, tur rwl toiiKiMi, I, iil ana a utauaanu uw Ilia are an ami by constipation and aluggwli liver Caoaivt(Jy fatliarHr, lUa taoa- .turfid nav liyet abaaalatit tuitl lnKsbiM Heaaty I Blow! le. tlean hlmid mean a rleaa akin. Ko beauty without tt. I aarareia. Candy (.'thar tie clean vour blood and keep it clean, b tirruig up th laiy liver and driving ail itn purine from th body. H-gin to day to baniah ptmlea. boil. Wtrtche, blackheaila, and that aw kly bilwna comiJeaWB by Ukmg Crre1. Iieauty for ten rent. All drug ila, satisfaction guaranteed, lUc, 23c, 5 8". Hlg Bktep Hate On Wednesday Geo. Prtseb i his sutirt band of sbeep, 2300 bead ot two- year-old wethers, to Zimmermen k Oilde. of rwoaylvaola, at I'iOO per bead. Tba sheeo art to bo delivered aftet shariBg. This is tho top price A Oreat Uatkerlng f Teaekers. Tbo Inland Empire Teachers' associa tion will meet at Polltaaa, Wash., oa Marob 24-6, and a very largo gathering Is expected, Tba officers of tba aasoeia tbo arc arranging aa n eel lent pro sram wbicb will Boo a bo sonounoed tbronth tbo pre, Oa this program will appear tbo Bamea ot maey ot tbo moat Dromloent educators ot tbo Northweet, aod it will present a great opportunity f ir t or loarfeera to gain Baaful koowl- dge end receive ooeoaragsment io tbeir lahars. Redoewd railroad aod hotel faro ia being sec q ml and in all respects tho I gathering promise to bo very soeeeeefal. Lad es, Uke tbo beet. It yon arc tmntilad with eenstiDatioB. sallow akin. thin, fry a brn today) tteuitdc and boolnel free. ... . tlu bo our Mf ad. Baal rkaa . Walter Van Days jealerdsy dlapnd of his pobfecttooery slaoj to me Uatt, wbo will remove tho sams in t short time te the staod now oflenpied by K. & Wills. Walter will go to Bnmptsr la about two weeka, where bo baa so oared a position. Jesse will doubtless sets th wool ho will com oat ahead Vi'il neat llttl sua ot Banaey. Tbs sheep are to bo delivered for ahlpmsat at Wallola. Tea, tt t pteasaot (Jo Gee r Brock, to take. Bold by I For full lofirmatla,tiiB car it, map, ticket, sle Ball oa or wnt , O. Au-twsy, A 1. CaaLTo, Ast N.F.fty. Aat,Oen I'aaa. Agt. Tha Dalle, Or. I'ortlsad, Or Tisic lAl.Uicea NUlt SERIES R. H. WCSCR, PVoa. - . Uref ai4 tiealer la frwlt, Sha Oreentl Tree, Or Vina an Smalt f rtjlta. Our Trt't-it nre tirown ith- out Irripittin. BIND rOM CATALOSWI. N( al aiia Ue-Lys. If yon er oltg tbo comssoa at lys yon ar paying for a large parceat- ag of commoa salt wrtb "hich It M adalterated la aaasy toetaace ta th sx- tant nf ose half. When tan bay Red make a soecee ot th oew veotnr, aad , Petash ion cat aa belotlv tbe (laiett siocersiy nope luai o stay. ntmtSf ,,MaUi lik sagar aad a 30 Tbr are bat tw orlssiael ce OB lb docket tor IL Best term of etrooit ooart They ar Htal of Oreoo vs breads Clyds 8prry, aad Blal ot Otafo vs. W. U. t-wlog. Moeday. Coarl coBfeaea Beit Located on the O. R. ft N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all times of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental MubIo tangbt by competent instructors. A gr ado eta ot tba Boston Conservatory bas charge ot tba instrumental department. 1Mo Ioclios' Boardlne Holl Is thoroughly equipped and offer v Mllejol acoommodatioDs at rcasooabl rate. Bend for catalogue. Addaaaa M. G. ROYAL. rVelnCof Faulty r P. A. WORTHING TON, See re la ry Boar f Regents, Wton, Or. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson A Binns, Lower Main Street, Ifeppoer, Oregon. Thee seatles are well tqtialnUd with Oraat, Barney. Cmnk. Otlltaai and other eeuntte aad caa aave MoMy end Urn Is mating thee aecUon lta trarelmg neu. rrlee ta k4& with th Umea. TMOMPSOlSr it I3TN1STS, k beer ro s rtreadrstty Kerveaa. (IfaU.-t was dradfoltf aer too, and tar relief took your Csrla Clover Root Tea. II ooUted my serve aad strtagtft saad my wbfilo aervoos sysUax. I was liuublrd with Cfiostipattna, kldaey aad bowel troabl. packed la largo atmiM t caa. MarridAt lb Palace kotsl. la fleppner, VV .)!, March I, IW, Milton a Morg.a la Mio Lor L. Raker, both ot farMlew. tkla saaty, tU fl 11 llnoard r-fiiollne The fi,ar Te boob elaed Vt,. ,,,,,1 Wbsl I Bop OnldT Rest sank. t ad. leebre. If yos ed seetetbrBg for year oystea oJI at lb Tbe-Th Telephon sa looa. City Sot el baildlDg. tt Terrene William, ol Uaa Rofl, rss la Wtdaeaday fro at Ks Tk, leaving yeelerdsy mornleg lor how. my ay stem so Ihoroaghly that I rapidly regained health aad strength, Mr, s, A. Mweet, Hartford, Coaa. d by Coneef A llfk. I Jim f f rwltpit . T.l,l u.irli frttitrtMi tn eeBVa It V. W. t tail M , ais rlnH , Tb (lasett oarrie a foil atock ot BMOrerng BotSL oepnoteo slyWt. ith av4oo-i t otatuh. 1W deetnog .nk i.itaBM en bv ineir " savplied al tot i"! If. M. LKlUatal A Co. M a no a That 14-Year Old Stuff, 'Kohn's Best," On Tap Down at The ... . Telephone Saloon S S IT II LOW HAHis noooa a a Ksw Stand, City BotJ Baildiag, IXIle'Iv.AtlltX).. Xroiie 1 1 f i ni 17 M - w i . !