BABY'S SMOOTH, FAIR SKIN A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter Telia all about Her Trouble when , Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sore. "At the age ol two months, my baby began to have sores break oat on his right Cheek. We used all the external ap plications that we could think or hear of, to no avail. The sores spread all over one aide of his face. We consulted a physi cian and tried his medicine, and in a week the sore was gone. But to my surprise In two weeks more another scrofulous look ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It grew worse and worse, and when he was three months old, I began giving him Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and before the first bottle was finished, the sores were well and have never returned. He la now four years old, bat he has never had any sign of those "scrofulous sores since he was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very grateful. My boy owes his good health and smooth, fair skin to this great med icine." Mrs. S. S. Weotbn, Farming ton, Delaware. Get only Hood's. ii j mil are prompt, efficient and flood S FlIIS easy in effect. 26 cents. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Qezette can offer tbe following dabbing rates: The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregontan.Jl.50 $3.00 "' ' 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25 ' : N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 . 2.7 5 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " B. F. Chronicle. $1.60...... 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50o 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4. 50 Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00 Hew York Wool Record, $2.00... 8.00 McCall's Magazine $1.00 ,i 1.80 Yearly subscriber to the Gazette oan get clubbing rates witn any paper on earth. HETH. EPISC. CHURCH. ' . 8KBVIOI8. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday sohool 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 1 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. " '"The Spirit and the bnda gay. Come." The pastor may be found at tne parsonage ad t Joining the ohuroh, where he will be glad to meet any wKo may drain to consult him on reUnions, social, civic, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. 1. W. FLKBHKR. Minister. Jl. E CHURCH, SOOTH. SERVICES. - Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our . selves togatner. ' Pastor's residence In parsonage, next door to Church. C. K. Howard, Pastor. The Ladlei' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home qf Mrs. T. f. Matlock. Take Notice. L The sum of fire cents per line will bs charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of yaspect," lists of wedding presents and donors, ana obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notioeaof BDecial meetings for whatever purpose. X Notices of church and society and all other . entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall be charged lor at the rate of flvs eenta a line, inese rules wui oe sineuy auner. td to in everv instance. . . Advertising rates reasonable and made known Upon application. Here and There. Old Song- Get a bottle ol good whiskey and a bottle of good wine, ' And yoo oan drink to your true love, and I will think on mine. Kw Ronff-, n here shall we get the whiskey, where shall wi vet tha wine? We'll buy them from Lisa Bperry, whose goods are extra una At the Belvadere Saloon, Heppner, Oregon 'Statement! (or the Famous Simple Aooonnt File printed al tbe Oasette of fice. Gninrjeese's famous old "Dublin Stool," imported, at Cbrls Borobers "Oo'o jnioe" is all riht bat Low Til lard baa a brand ot 14-year-old goods that is bard to beat. 603 -If Aar one deeirioff to build eitber a bouse or baro will make money by call log oo tbe Osiette ofBoe. 67 If Oo to the Matlock corner and try Armstrong A Cooper's wblskey and e la era. If yon like tbe sample bay soma. Thoa. Woolery, ot lone, was in town today. John Q. Wilson.of Salem, is registered attbePalaoe. Elder Shelly arrived tbia morning from Hillsboro. Liobtenthal A Oo. for shoes. Eiolusive shoe store. Handles the beet. ' 83f Tbe amount of stale tai dna from Morrow county for 1897 is $4600.95. Best aooommodation and oourteous treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. . Bartholomew & Co. last week eold 3000 head of 2-year-old wethere to Laey A White. Tbe prioe paid was (2.75 after shearing. Mr. Wall's - mother, sister and three obildren of tbe latter arrived this morn ing from La Grande on a visit of a week or more. Bring your hides, pelts and furs to Ben. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat Market. He pays highest market prioe. 619-tf. Ed Duran and wife, ot Black Horse, arrived home Wednesday morning from a tour moDths yisit with tbe "old folks at borne" near Jacksonville, 111. L. L. Ormsby, tbe sbeepbnver, came in this morning. It is said that Mr. Ormsby intends baying 50,000 head if he can seoare tbem at fair prices. A five days' battle was fonorht last week between the Cubans and Span iards. The latter lost 1000 men, while the victorious Cubans only lots 200. Mrs. D. 0. Oilman, Mrs. J. W. Vaobao and Captain and Lieutenant MoGregor were among tbe Heppnerites who went to Portland last niiibt to meet Gen Booth.. Care that congb with Shiloh's Cure. Tbe best oough cure. Relieves oroup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25cta. Sold by Con ger A Brock, y There are five crews of Chinamen at work on tbe branch pnttiug in new ties end otherwise doing very neueesary work.- 30,000 ties have been ordered for this work. E W. Rbea A Co. positively guarantee to meet any prices on wool b&us. They will not be undersold and their custo mers may depend on tbia proposition, as they are in it to stay to the finish. 28-If ' Why all this blow and blaster about wool bagis? T. R. Howard's oastomers will get their wool eaoks as oheap as they can be had anywhere else In Hepp ner. Prioe absolutely guarauteed. 628 31. - - Thos. Kenny, Miobael Corran, Joe Ourran and Miobael McCube arrived last fnesdiy from Queenstowo, Ireland intending to make tbia tbeir future home. They will be employed by tbe Oarty Bros, this spring. Dr H. E. Ward, a psyobo-magnetio healer and bygieniet, is now at tbe Palace hotel aud is desirous of showing tbe magneto bygieuio underware an body proteotore for sick and well. Tbe dootor gives no medicine and promises to help the most stubborn case. She cbargei nothing for consultation and as she glvea do medicine, if she cannot cure von. she cannot do jou any barm. She make a apeoialty of female die eases. Tbe dootor can be found al all hoars ot the day at Room 1. Palaoe hotel, on til farther notice. IONK ITEMS. It looks like spring bad corns. Grain and grass never, looked better at this time of year. Mr. Henderson, tbe popular drag clerk of Oonser A Brock, ot Heppner, visited lone Wednesday. A. H. Weatberford, of Douglas, was in town this morning aud reports every thing lovely at Douglas. Messrs. Carle k Cassn are erectiug a livery stable and when completed it will be one of the best in Eastern Ore gon. Everybody is looking forward to the Odd Fellows ball on the 8th, which promises to be the greatest social event of the season. Arthur Wills, a former Morrow oounty young man, who has been away for three years visiting relatives in old England, arrived borne this morning. Spring goods are being reoeived daily by oar town merohants. Trade is little dull at present, bat lone is in tbe front rank as a trading point. Boxing contests are quite frequent iu lone tbeBe'days among the fistio fratern ity. . Tbe latest was between McDonald, the hardware raBtler for Corbett, Failing A Robertson, aud Joe Woolery, a looal sport. Honors were evenly divided. Ye soribe and alt the other deniz ns are busy making garden and doing spring chores, hence news or importance is overlooked. However, we will sooa be looking for tbe oounty assessor, then the primaries and conventions. Then ob say, oan yon give me a little lift? DtTBSORIBBR. lone, Or., Maroh 3, 1898. u o o H J. Mr. Drake Fell il His DM to ReMind Pane's Geleru Gownd. Beware of " cheap " bak ing powders Alum makes good medicine but bad food. Ask your doctor. ju A TALE OF HORRORS. lit- What about I 3 Your Feet Sir? I 3 Sloes ? Thousands are Trying IU In order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Halm, the most effective curs for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre- mrud a sonorous trial size for 10 eents. Get it of your diugglat or send 10 cents to ELY B'UOS., 00 VTarroa St., N. Y. City. I sulored from cUirra of tlio worst kind ever siuoe a boy, a i l I never hoped for cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many eciuaiuuincs usvo um-u it with exoellent results. Osoar Ustruiu, t5 Wurreu Ave., Chicago, 111. Elv'a Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine, nieroury nor any injnrious drug.' Price, (0 oeule. At arugiHis or vj niuu. Two Men, Lost on the Desert, Hake a Dreadful Discovery. ; It waa the desert of Sahara, says the New York Journal. All day long the torrid eun had flashed down his blinding rnya upon the yellow Rands till they seemed to gleam with the terrible heat Aa far a tne ve could reach there was no sign, of vegetation, nothing but sand, sand, sand, till the vision grew weary. In the ky, like specka of blackness, vul tures hung suspended, curding arour.U and around while they scanned the plain for some new victim of the heat, for another man or animal whose de caying flesh might eatifify their loath some appetites. Ever and onon, too, a one proceeded, could be seen the bones of those who had gone before bleached white by the awful heat. And in the midst of the stillness, tbe desolation and the heat, two wayfarers wore wandering on.: Their hands were empty, fpr their provisions were long exhausted nnd.they had long since thrown aside their guns aa useless in cumbrances. On and on. they trudged, maddened bv their terrible hunger and thirst. v.heq suddenly they perceived a mas of rock which rose directly in their path. There waa a natural opening. Through it they rushed. "Water!" A horrible ery of loathing and disap pointmerrt a cry with no trace of hope or for the future rang through the rocky garden. Then the two trumps fled. The youngest and most bustling oity in the United States. Fonnded last April, Lincoln boasts a sewerage system, eleotrio lights, macad amised roads, trolley cars, telephone franchise and water plant. From a bamlet to a town to a city, in this inoredibly short time, Linooln has grown with tbe wonderful progressive- ness looked for only in tbe west a splendid example' of the Indomitable pertinaoity ot ooe strong man. Like most foroeful men'; Mayer Drake most see results before giving bis ap proval; but when oonvinoed be speaks oat bis mind witboat fear or fjvor of any one. There is no hesitating among Mayor Drake's friends in saying that Paine's oelery compound has been ol tbe utmost help io enabling bim to do a prodigious amount of work, and to get rid of that insomnia Ibat at one time resulted from every proloosed effort.' Mayor Drake himself says: Lincoln, Middlesex Co., N. J. Oot. 80, 1897. Wells, Riobardson A Co., Gentlemen I have been getting Paine's oelery compound Irom oar local drnggist. After sixteen boars work each day, I sleep eight boars each night like baby, and attribute much of tbe trengthening of my nerves to Paine's c."1 ery compound. Yours truly, Silas D. Drake. Nothing demoralizes tbe health sooner ot more completely than even tbe oo' oasional loss of sleep. To start new day with tbe brain unrefresbed is like trying to keep a worn-out horse np to bis work with tbe whip instsad ot by feeding. The incessant brain aolivity is as it tbe skull were laid bare and tbe surface of tbe brain were struok lightly every few seoonds and without sign of a "let-up." Thus sleeplessness imperceptibly, bat no less surely, destroys tbe brain cells that are the souroe of mental power and tbe health of every organ ot tbe body. Paine's oelery oomponnd gets tbe nervous system out ot tbis dangerous rutot sleeplessness. It supplies nour ishment to tbe nervous tissues faster 'than tbey are worn out, and does not let the nutrition of these delicate parts get low enough to bring on insomnia. One of tbe earliest evidences ot the final soooess of Paine's celery oomponnd in oaring debility, nervousness, sleep lessness and derangements of liver and kidneys Is tbe inoreased appetite, tbe dearer akin, and that indescribable nreoursor of health, a feeling ot "well being" that takea the place ot the tired, languid, melancholy condition. W Mv" W W tie W 'IV W W Hi- W 's? f Talking about Shoes, there's nothing gives On the One Hand More comfort than a neat fitting, well made shoe. On the Other hand There is nothing more aggravating than ill-fitting, corn-cultivating shoes of the . old styles. Those new shoes we have been opening up for the last few days are an elegant line of good, comfortable shoes, In both black and tan and In common sense, coin and bull-dog toes, gome people prefer the tan shoes to the black for sum mer wear. If anything, one Is even better than the other. There is a good deal of personal toBte In the matter of feet and footwear. We can suit the most fastid ious taste. We have In stock Over 2,500 Fairs Mens' Shoes ! awaiting people why will come in and fill them with feet, (at so much per feet) and take them away. The price also is a consideration. We have figured them down so low that we can make your feet and pocket meet. We haue the Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes IN HEPPNER All reports to the contrary notwitstanding. Our Ladles', Boys', Misses' and Infanta' line are complete In every detail and replete with good shoe bargains. The above applies to them also. Our prices range anywhere from 25 cts. to $5. COME AND LOOK AT THEM. MINOR & CO. THE ART OF BREWING- Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOJP GOIDD And now the entire world Knows this verect product As the Star Brewery beer..... 0 ndraught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. ABOUT ENCORES. 6tt Oomelotba Oaaettt offloe and get a decent lot of envelope printed, Ooteroment envelope look obeap, and hesldea Ton cannot set yoor bosioees aard nrlnUd thereon. tf Bolder Bros, bare succeeded Willis Stewart la the JWery business, neit door to the OaaetU offloe, aod will do a eoerel livery aad feed basinets . Rlgi, eedJIe horses eod stall room at reaaoo abla raise. 611-If. Oliver Snyder baa taken charge ot tbe llaiail Ileonoar feed baro and will for- lab stall room, fraio or bay al reaeoo bis Oa-aree. Rpaa over iht, fed at 75 eeota. Will also do dray work and t,.niu Una In aad from tralos. tf Frank MoFarland baa brea appointed arwtf.Ll anl nf The RqnitabU Life As- eoranee Co, of New York, tbe strongest ta Iba world. Cacti sorbins to policy hohUre of over 60 milliot dollara. Doo'l IsMrisas without nwlof the Dw ..Una nf tha Eaaitabla. lusur hotb ns at earn rat. 77 tf Tbe Merqneas Uread, on Morriana tr In tbe Marqaara bnit.liDsT. la andar loaileat maoaroot aod the palia III be royally rteinad tbte wloUr. Hew map"! p Mr frow time to lime al thta popalef, firateleaa theatre of IWtlatui, aod whaa la Fnrtlaad oar doloa sboald aol fail io lake In eovae ! tbe It dreroee that will be Draeeated. . If Te rWer4 tm . '. pwkkMraa, KM. We bad aeaflf two ear he-la of ! one la f eetordar. Tbef we Iba bet mi earth. We b-bt II. em Ua la Ibe Kaat far apr eaah from Ibe flrt dl s- dual tar tribute to aay oil alM aad l etwoial tf eaab dowa. Mwoa A Co. Wrekly Exearaloas la Thruaah Cars to tkt East. Another throngb todrisl oar to tbe East baa been arranged to roo oni oi Portland, glyinB four each week. Hera- ftr tha oar lervinB Monday will mo throogb without change to Kansas City and Chicago, over the O. fl. B., Ore- goo 8hort Una, Rio Oreode WeaUra, Deaver A Rio Oraade, Misaoari faeinc and Chicago k Alton, lb at ear baa Just been arranged for, and tba ona prevloue iw ahitnUl for Monday baa been changed to Thursday. It root through to Bt. Loole,vie tha Missouri PiolOo Una. Tba ear Uaviog Portlsoi Taeaday goea threagb to Boa ton, and la promoUd by Iba Caieago, Rock lalaed and Paeioo. Wednesday's ear rooa to Bt. Joseph, KanaM Oity and 81. Lools. over tba Borlingtoo. All tbeaa ipeoial tbrongb eaia are reeoiviog a gratifying patroaagr. Oonsall O. K. n. Aieoi ueiora ooyiog Uoksts io tbe East. ki.- a. -a L. , itj FORTY-FIVE YEARS GONE. Larf fart af file Ufa a fllaak-IMa tae fait m Awayf AUyl 4 years ajroCIrm Wallla, Ibrn a boy IS years of ae, wnt out to hla father's tture to catch a frisky eolt. ays tha Portland (Me.) Advertiarr. A be v.a about to place a baltvr around its neck the colt kiikel biro in the brad, making a raejM ooml. Tba wound healed, but It soon Itwami' apiuirrtit that the liy na alithlly le lut-nlnl. Hl hallm-inaiinn K.k rcn liar forma. He wotild tran-l li and down t!ie bay on tbsironiboata,t itim ln .mirirtorhlp and rrfinlmr v fair. Thr alramtat men Immotrd him. ka l.e s.ltlprrddaft. Ilr satlM but! f the attiell la" t ami ben Irr. I h4 IihI ill Ibr illsT" ime nml i Mm Vt yritra .f at". At t a r't ago tin" lal b) r iaoa ! Irrin ni d l elpriiMi'l'' I ' '' Tt,. r..nil that B Kirt'll'Il of tii". UuII bad brro fnrvrd brain b IHf bkw at ia th?f rvrj nam rr o i inl (n on !. aal abrg b im".ipi from IU i iwratk waa: "i. 1 Hi r M irrl a-syr lit la rftly aal.o n-.a, .i.l 4S )rt of kla Me us a blank U biWi. HI mi Raavee Hard on the "Vicious Byt tfra," as Ha Calls It. Sima Reeves in hard on What he cnJIa the "vloloua encore syBtPin." He characterize it as a iiro-poxNirous piece of dishonesty, of which ell honeat per sona should I aahamed, raj a the (ien tlcniun's Magazine. The nulaance, he says rightly, keeks to take a shabby ad vantcpe of the sufferingr profeoaional mid It is to be rejrretted that few of our ierformers poaaeas sufficient courage to rvt urn to the platform, bow, politely and Indicate firmly no. Your enchor-tnonire-r cares nothinir about symmetry or balance of cohcalvenesa, whether the ocean ion lie tbe lyric atag-e, the oratorio performance, the benefit and ordin ary concert or the ballad concert. He want to bear more than be haa bargained for, and if bia demand ta not yielded to he will hoot and bray ana bias when aa attempt ia made to rxf form the next piece, aa if he belonged to tbe long-eared qundniH-ds or fealh-ired-bliel tribe. Awl 1 lion we ban occnaionally what the nena' aprr term aacetie" an extinction t - Arryirni mat citfgmi'vTi oi.r lcat-d civlllwdlou. If pietin-fiT. ar'l ard the miiNlcnl public vould but think thla niat'erovnr and determine in atnmp out the niil aance, one great blot on onr Kngliah miwlcal iirrfi'rmimrea might be ef faced, rnfortunately it ia not yet quit certain whclhrr erteorea are more distasteful to the great majority of performera than they are to a large sec lion of tbe concert go' ia public. Three aud a Half Days to Chicago. Tba new train schedule of tbe Rio Grande Western Railwsy and conoeo Hone went Into effect Feb Stb, aod baa proved a great suocess, By tbia new time card, passengers from the Paoiflo Nortbwest ara landed ia Cbleago In Ibrae daya and a half. Close oonneotion ii made at Oaden with both the Oregon Short Line and the Southern Paoiflc, leaving that poiot at 8 a. m , arriving in Denver at 920 a. m. tha nest day, and Chicago at 2 :15 tbe following day. Goo nsctions ara made io Cbioago with the limited trains for New York and Boston. Thla aew service ia In adJition to tba fast night train ot Ibe Rio Grande Weal era, whiob leaves Ogden at 635 p. m. arrives in Denver tha neit eveulng, and Chicago at 8 a. m. the third day, Ibua making eloaa ooDoeotione in Cbieago wilb tba faat morning tralna for Bastoo and New otk. Both f these Iratni are splendidly equipped with all latest appliances and eoavenieocee; lighted wjtb Plntsoh gaa, and earry Tollman palsne and Pullmaa tourist sleeping cars, as well aa free re clining abair eara. For Information aa to rales, etc, ad dress J. V. MaMsrilM), Gaa. Agt, Uio Grande Wrstero By., 14'i Third Btreel. Portland, Oregon. Phil Ooho ia paying the highest price for sheep pelts, beef bides green or dry, fur. elo. Don't forget Phil. 6" CASTOR I A For Infanti and Children. The Kind Yoo Have Always Bought Bears tha Signature of Gibson & Berger, At Chas ones' 014 Btand. Shaving. IS Cts. Hair Cutting. - 26 " Hatha 25c. Everything Strict ly Firht Claws. THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J. C. BORCHER8 Who has secured the services of MRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W As manager. It will bo run in first class shape in every department. Kates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. mmm D. A. CURRAY, Formerly of PsndluUin Tonsorial Artist. Tsseiare f IXwf Well. W. Hallork. a government expert grologiat, baa Uken the lrmralur at various .Iqha in the famoua "ileej ella" at W heeling. W. Va. Several o! Wirm are over 4.ia feet in depth. In one of Uiem (ona in which the depth, a given by tbe fureman of the drilling company which put Ibe well down. U 4.1S1 feeti. It a found that, the tem perature at a depth nf f"l m go 4 degree centigrade. U'beri the In strument wsa biwerrd Io a ib-ptb of J.raai feet and give lime to do tu reg- Merlng. It waa lounil trtat ine mara had been art al .12 J. while al a point Otily eight fret from the bottom and .JV feel from Ibe surface of the earth il regl4rd as bigb 43.4 d- reeea r ' Tks Heat Wasaa Made, Viikoat Cieeptloa. We bad nearly two carloads of tba Fisb Brae, wagons, boggles and book boads some la eaterday. Wegotbm at tba eloeeet prices for eash, right al beadqoartera. No middlemen a aom miseioas Dgare io ibe Oust, aonseo,oebt:y yoo get belter prices. Mimob k Co. t rtiin ol ii'-s ' I Into eotiUi I with the T Tl M J HiPills atiieulaW Ike sleaiaeh. runia Ui brer, ewe tms. headerl. (W, Trw at awl at all trm. tae a nils aaaatiia raw) IMreeiora. If yoar acbool ta Io eted of a first class enetoeaieel chart tbia effloe ,baa ona al than half t.rUe. (Vt V-'H will ..II f,i fa raeb. Call at Ibw c fljee 81-lf. Cofdrey, Iba ptoneer IbeeUa man of Portlead to Ike liee o( "pipolar prioa,' baa refitted iba WeaUagtoo HI. theatre fnrawl known as the Park." Gdray always baa s -mMblng new, aa oar people, when below, can spend pleasant evening at be plaee. II Dr. John W. KasKu. of ib "H-d llejbk. ever on - ahwl fr eomelbing a sss fuiLisU ')d ll.e Oueel Mil tails la the laod labaHea, Jersey, Vsrmoeth or Gio-maie by aa artial In Iba baeiaeea. Drop ia and lake Iba teete eut of year aftottlk. tf THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. O. BOEOHEES, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Shaving, Half Cutting, Shop, Matlurk Corner, IS CenU 28 " Heppner, Ores;on. The Best Bargains- Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS Shaving ere 15 Cents. Mhnp two doors Mouth of PixUifflce. D. E. GILMAN, GcncralCollcctor put vourold Uxikssnd notae la hla hands "'! St four ttniii.jf out ot Ihrm. Muki-s a spwlaltr of bard collsrtloiia. Office ia J, N. lirown'i Building. Ellis 8c. Phelps, ATTORNEYS AT LAW All business attended to In a prompt and kilaiv b,rr Bianuer. hirtartu fulilla an4 nllx lors Offke la Matter alialng. Happaer, Or, Uoc-Cakc Soap Has No hp Ma-lc aodnr Uuite.l Btalea jiateDt, it dust neciaaari!j l differeot from all otbera CuoUioa to atarcb, fre alka or wotlhlrua Cllictf. ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are thnae of greatest value In proportion to cost It you want to gt your manev'S worth ol holiest imm1s In if 1 rn fi n I J Hardware, Tinware, OR MACHINERY, CALL ON- Oa TriioirHO We are Ineroaaln our stork fur fall and winter. Call and at Loniccuoncry OO., SELF-HEATING FLAT IRON THE GREAT FUEL AND LABOR SAVER Frank EnQelman or lONt, Is aaenl for this useful household artbio and will thoroughly ranvaaa llisciunlr for tha sama. He Is also II. tsneral asnl for the Slat of Orrtoo. larrl lory lor sale. JOHN F. CASEY & fH. Uiuls, Manufacturers, l'ricfn UcaHonablo, CO jLT ' r B as THC fLACC TO OIT THCM It Of CO. Tbef kavs asrthln In thla Una that voa mar drslra and Toil raa depend on It you at a od article whan Uiaf (uaranla IU SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Ola Stana), Main ttrwei flepalrlnr Saaalal