The Gazette. Friday, March 4, 1898. ( SHOULD RECIPROCATE. With sheep at $2.90 per head and offers to contract wool at 12 to 15 cents per pound, one is com pelled to admit that the sheep in dustry is a very profitable busi ness. When we take into consid eration that two short years ago owners of sheep and wool of this class were begging a market at $1.50 for the former and 7 cents for the latter, it moves us to ask why this difference in prices ? There has been no severe winters to kill off our flocks, no drouths or anything of that nature. In fact this difference connot be attributed to any such causes. We believe these prices are due entirely to the protective policy of the republican party. On the defeot of the party in 1892, sheep and wool began to decline until they reached starva tion prices. Immediately following the restoration of the republican party to power in 1896, prices be gan to advance and are constantly growing higher. With these facts now firmly established there are some things we desire to bring up for the consideration of our sheep and wool growers. You have been greatly benefitted by this change in affairs. - Is there a man among you that can afford to ally him self with either the democratic, populist, silver, union, or whatever other name the foes of protection may choose to give their party? We think not. . Qood business judgment will certainly dictate to the sheepmen of this Bection that now they are receiving double the price for their products under the present tariff system, it is unwise to go chasing off after this free coinage myth. The reaction may come the same as when you suc ceeded in catching the free trade bubble, which was advocated just as strongly then as the silver craze is now, and by the same crowd o: partisans. Every sheep raiser in Oregon who votes other than the straight republican ticket next June, votes to wreck the business he has been years in building up. We would like to ask if any one of those who voted tho republican ticket in '96 nave not been well repaid lor bo doing.Y 8ma ' tbese same men are now lukewarm, laying they are going to vote independently this time. Is this proper return for what you have rocoived ? Some of those men who are de sirous of not allying themselves with the republican party forget that they owe thoir existence as sheepowners to that same party tariff policy. All your succoss, a! your sympathy, ana all ol your work should be given to that party. It is your duty to stand . forth like men aud say to the nation that the shecpgrowers Oregon are not ungrateful. That you who have profited more tban any other class by tho success and wise administration of the rrpubl can party propose to perpetuate the tenure of that party by work ing lor us success at tue coming election in June with all the power at your command. Oi'B little Horn of last Friday in forming the editor of the Times that he had appropriated to his own uho property belonging to the Gazette, bursted the bubble and allowed considerable wind to es cape, judging from the article in yemeroay paper. Keep your shirt on, brother. You acknowl 1 t At Ml a (HigtHi me corn, mat is all we could ak. IN CASE VF WAR. Bo much is being said about the possible damage to our country and commerce by a war with fpain, that it will not bo amUs to see what would be the result If war should coma. Bpain can only attack us witn a fleet, and that is not strong enough to down our fleets from the ocean. Hpain ban one first clsas battleship with modern lilU power gons. The United Htatos has five, the Iowa, Oregon, New York, Indiana aud MamtachusetU, any out of which is more than a match for tho Hpauifth ship, leaving four un occupied. Hpain Las two second clans buttle ships, tho Yixaya, lately la New York Larbor, being one, tho United HtaU now Las tot one, th Teiaa. Th Maine, bow wrecked in Havana harbor, tnads two in this class. Tho 1'uiUsl Nut.'i Las sii ) coiuit eot i!o fuuso wuwl monitors tint are laublo turrttod nd esptble of destroying any battle ship in the world. We have fourteen single turreted monitors of nearly as great power. Hpain has twelve protect ed or partially protected cruisers. he United States has sixteen, bet ter in every respect that is in armor, speed and armament than the Spanish. Spain has four and the United States five unprotected cruisers, ana the United states can add one hundred to this number rom its auxiliary navy. Spain has larger number of smaller gun boats, torpedo boats and torpedo destroyers a masquerade fleet, not one of which could cope with or escape from one of our cruisers. Besides these Spain has a large number of old wooden ships,, and if all of them were manned and sent to sea, the New York or Brooklyn could destroy them all without ever comiDg in range of their guns. No one need be uneasy about the result of a war with Spain. ONE BURIAL ENOUGH. Mr. Oorbett was denied a seat in the U. 8. senate by a vote of 59 against, to 19 for. The senate is proportioned about the same as the 8imon-Scott rule or ruin party of Oregon is to the straight-out republican party, and all indica tions point that the above will be about the ratio they will show up with in their attempt to apture the republican party this year, ine republican party of Oregon should make one funeral do for the whole rotten carcass. HOW TO FIND OCT. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand tweoty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates so un healthy condition ot the kidneys. When nrine stains linen it is evidenoe of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri nate or pain in the back, is also oonvino iog proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It cor rects inability to hold urine and soald- ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use ot liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to nrinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of 8wamp root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful ouree of the most distressing oases. It you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty oents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail, pon reoeipl of three two oent stamps to cover oost ot postage on the bottle. Mention the Heppner Gazette and send your address to Dr. Kilmer k Co., Bing- bampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. . The Iron Pipe Trust, a very im portant one, as it controls all the iron pipe of the country, has been declared illegal. There are a great many more of these infamies that should receive the same treatment Lvery party platform in the last canvas declared against them. Have Candidate Bryan, Chair man Jones, and their political as sociates decided to abandon the tariff issue altogether and concede that the republicans have been and are right in their protective tariff principle? They omit in their re cent utterances regarding the com ing political campaign to mention a single word about tariff. Pkebident McKinley's firm and conservative course in the consid eration of the excitinu incident of the' past week in regard to Cuba and Hpain is bniug generally com mended by the pretss and peoplo o the country irrespective of party Ills firm attitude iu tbe De Lome iucident resulted in a complete dis avowal by Spain of the unoftioia! utterances of the minister, with complete recognition of the dignity and standing of the United States government, while the president' prudont and patrtotio course in re gard to the Maine disaster amid the universal excitement which followed is highly commended both at home and abroad. Wh will be the outcome of this Cuban Spanish complication, no man, of course, can tell, but it is now con ceded that iu every development sinoe the new administration en terod upon its duties the preai dent course has been such as to meet with general approval, while ino attacks made by a few Individ uals upon his course and that of his associates havo been generally denounced and repelled by a large proportion ot tne country. Frank Eogelmao baa been up from lone few days this week mot In f d .ivories of bis patent wolf-heating Mat iron, frisk is mooting with good sue. sees in the sals of ibu useful household aritoie. SOME TESTIMONIALS. They Show the Valae of Dr. Ward's Mag' netle Treatment. When I came to Dr. H. E. Ward I bad been paralyzed for 13 years. I bad three hard strokes, and was two years in bed and not able to feed myself. For 13 years I was unable to bear weight on leg if in a bent poeitioQ, and oould not use my pen to write for six years. have worn these magnetic appliances as prescribed by Dr. Ward only six weeks, and hope in due time by continued thorough application to see all lbs old symptoms disappear. To those who may read this and are suffering from paraly sis, I say go to Dr. Ward and state your oaae and try the shields, for they will surely relieve your sufferings. J. B. Dcpuis. 1 can say that my little boy, ten years old, has bad a crippled foot sinoe one year of age, being unable to bear weight on loot or to have use of it; foot and leg were undeveloped. Having taken six treatments, and used tbe magnetic shield for a short time, we are well pleased with results, and think be will be tally reoovered within a reasonable period. L. 0. Pbeston. I can say I have worn the shields every day sinoe I reoeived them and am wonderfully improved in health. Appe tite is good now and congh very slight; have occasional pains in left side and a little difficulty In breathing it I over exert myself, but think in a short time will 'overoome that too. Tbe shields havs in (load been sodiond to me. .. ., Mas. Lydia Hii.drbth TO BEMAIN ONE WEEK LONGER. Dr. Gamer Leaves for Portland na H.tnr- day, March IS. Will be ia Hardmaa Marts S. Dr. Marguerite Garnsey, tbe success ful specialist, bas oonoluded to remain in Heppner but one week lancer, and will leave on 8aturday, March 12, for her home in Portland. Since ooming to Heppner Dr. Qarnsey bas made many friends and oured a large number of people afflicted with ohronio ailments and diseases of long standing, and it is to be regretted that business matters oompjl ber to return home at this time. She goes to Hardman to remain over Sunday and look into a case ot sickness out tnere that bas baffled tbe skill of other physioians for a long time, and judging by tbe success Dr. Qarnsey bas had with similar oases in Heppner, she will no doubt be able to benefit tbe sat ferer greatly. a ii . . auoiner case wortny or mention is that of Ben Matteson. Mr. Matteson bad been given up to die, but one week's treatment by Dr. Garnsev bas Disced him on the road to reoovery. Yesterday be was able to be brought to town. Mrs, Ike Large, also very low from an ail ment ot long standing, is now rapidly improving under the care and treatment ot this skilled pbvsioian. There are many other oases, also, that might be Honesty is the Best Policy.... i o o o o o o : 1 V . : "Only Our Customers k We don't claim to be the But we do claim to be the only firm frown that owns its own building and pays naent. T D 1 id tali of The above statements are facts, but this is not all we have to talk about. We are opening up one of the Largest and Best Selected Stocks of Dress Goods Comprising all the latest styles, paterns and designs in Henriettas, Brocades and Plain Cashmeres. IN NOVELTY AND FANCY DRESS GOODS WE LEAD THEM ALL. Silks, Satins, Ribbons. Laces. Embroideries, and Trimmines of all kinds. Look mentioned, but the publio of Heppner Out for our Summer Goods which will be in shortly. Bought direct from Factory and vicinity are by Ibis time well a0- in New York. In this Line Wft havo RnmA Wrrn'rWul Rnrnrisog W.h in St.vIah nnrl Prices. We are in a position to meet anv comnetition and will do it. - x . W X mi quainted with the success of Dr. Garo- sey, and what tbe newspaper might say just at ibis time oan add but little to ber already well-earned reputation As the time of tbe doctor's stay in Heppner is growing short, all those who are Bfliioted and have not yet con sulted with her, should proceed to do so at onoe, for yon may not have this opportunity again. While she remains in Heppner, Dr. uarnsey may be consulted free at be office in the Palace hotel. Treatment very reasonable. First National Bank Building, Heppner, Oregon DISSOLUTION NOT1CK. NOTICE 18 HEREBY 43IVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between Frank Eneelman and Ed F.mralman. rinlnir business at lone, Oregon, under the firm name of Engelman - Bros., has been dissolved by mutual consent. All bills and accounts owing by said Arm will be paid by Ed Engelman. f KAINK. ISNUliLUAN. ED ENGELMAN. Dated at lone, Or., Feb. 2, '98. 30-28 Notice of Intention. DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL. COMMITTEE. rhe members of the Morrow County wDlDUBllou j- AND omcE AT THE qaLLES, OREGON, to meet in the parlor of the Palace hotel -L March 2, 1898. Notice is hereby given that at Heppner, on Saturday, Maroh 5, '! at i o clock p. m., for tbe purpose of arranging time of holding primaries and oounty convention, and transacting suob other business as may require tbe attention of tbe committee. J. W. Morrow, Chairman. the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at- Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, April 16,1898, viz: GEO. W. SMITH, of Heppner; HdE No 2909 for the NEW of Sec 12, Tp 2 8 R 24 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: James P. Rhea, Ralph L. eenge, oi Heppner, Oregon, Robert J. Hill, of Lexington, Oregon, and Joseph Mason, of lone, Oregon JAB. F. MOORE, 28-39. Register. ' Nearly Two Carloads Ot Fish Bros, wagons, buggies, buck boards, &c, bave arrived for us. We bought them at special prices, direct Ln.T fS'STl irum me laoiory. i on snouio. see tnem and get prices if you need anything of inis una. . no middlemen. JNo oom-1 mission. Minor & Co. This will introduoe to yoa Dr. Ward, representing Ihe Msgoetio Sbiold Co. have used tbe magnetio treatmeut tor mv withered band and stiff joints caused by blood poison. I have only taken lew treatments and oan say that my hand Is restored. Mbs. E. Bunt. Wasting in Children un t orcrcomc In almost a!! cami hr the use of Scott's Emuliloo ol CoJ-Llrer Oil and the HyporW phitri of Lime snJ Soda, While It is a scientific fact that cod livt. oil it the most digestible oil la cx UUncc, la SCOTT'S EMULSION It It not on!f pahUbk, but it it alrtidf digested And made ready lor Immediate Absorption the lintem. It li aUo combined with the hrpophosDhitei,whkh supplf A food not only lor the tluueiof the body, but for the bones And nervei, And will build up the chili when Its ordinary ford does not supply prefer nourUhment. - ""! f ' tnj- ImAk. W, 0 SMa m4 M an m rrw AS ,, , A Sum A ot, iiMHk Wools-rowers' Cosreatloa. Tbs Woolgrowers Convention st The Dalles adjourned last night. From R. F. Uynd, who earn borne this morning we Isaro that tbe eonvsntion was well at tended and very interesting. The fol lowing were elected officers: resident Dr. Jamea Withyoombe. ilillsboro, Or. Vice-presidents k. 8. Mao Allister, The Dalles, Or.; John MoVlillan, Idiho; Jobo O. Ilutsr-y, Muntans; A. 8. La Oraw, Washington. Secretary J. W. Bailey, Pendleton. Recording Secretary T. 13. Wells, I'eodleton. Treasurer Chas. E. Led J, Oregon. Eieontive Committee W. F. Furnish, Teodletoo; Nat Webb, Washington; L L Ormaby, Idaho; A. Hpenoer, Montana. The aext convention will be bald at rendleton tbe first Tuesday la Maroh, WW. After tbe adjournment of tbe North west association, lha Oregon delegates got together and organised the Oregon Wool Growers' Am iattoa, officered as follrwsi Geo. Toung, ol Weeoo Co., preelJeat; Fred W. Wileoo, of The Dalles, secretary; D. M. French, The Dalles, treasurer. NOTICE OF INTENTION. the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of 8ave Them. me wrappers or noe uase soap are worth a oent apiece. Ask Rhea & Go. for premium book. a 30 Kla Alain. " " - . U . i .1 I 1 1 1 ( I . ii.B umim, miu limb emu pruui will ue mnue oeiore J. w. Morrow, uounty Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 18, 1898, viz: W1LLJAM K. GENTRY, H. E. No. 7742. for the NEW Ran. 29. Tn. 1 fl.. H. 27, E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence UDon and cultivation of said land, viz: William BArratt. Edmund Saltins.Mifflln J. Devln and William J. McCarty, an ui neppuer, uregon. is. w. bartlctt, Register. 618-28. The Greatest Dleoovery Yet. W. M. Bepine. editor Ti.kilwa, -CbM," says: "We won't keep boose ilhoot Ir. Ring's New Discovery fur Consumption, Coughs and Colds. i. perimeeted with mesy olbere, bnt never got tbe troe reamty no til wo need Dr. King's New iHeoovery. No other retne dy eas take Its place la our home, as in It we bave a cvrtala and sore ear for Coaghe, Guide, Whooping Congh, eta." It l idle to eiperiastot with other reme dies, ero it tbey ore urged oe yoa so Just as good as IV. King's New Discov ery. They are e4 as good, Iteeaoe this remedy bee a reonrd ol onresand beeidee to inaraoteed. It oeter tails to satisfy Trial buttl Iro at Kloeom Drag Go's, K. J. rUocarn, Baugr. The varinas applieiote lor somloallos to eoSRt; rffl.-e shoe! J sot overlook tbs fart that rard eeoooeelng thesa Is the Oesetm will t thoir baoMO before the ol ia short order aad uarrbargee re very reeable. Tieis'o more clothing dlro)eJ by put soap Ibas by actual wear. ' U, e Case soap reel aloe o free alkali end will KI Ir-jere tbe Bee! Use. Try it sad kotie the difereeee la (laality, Use A Oh K SHERIFFS SALE. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SV iv virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Morrow, Htate of Oregon, (lntefi the Al day of March, 18SI8, In a certain action in the Circuit Court for said County and Binie, wnerein james Jones and James Jones as administrator of the estate of Nelson Jones deceased, plaintiff, recovered Judgment against ueo. W. SwsgKart, Mildred J. Swaggart, E. R. Bishop, assignee of Oeo. W. Swaggart, Insolvent ilehtor, I. W. Morrow, the Oregon Railway and navigation company, a corporation, and Pat ijusiu, aetenaants, lor the sum of Two Thous and four Hundred Nlnetv Ton DnlUra with Interest thereon at the rale of 10 per cent per annum from the Wth day of February, 1898, aud the further sum ol Two Hundred Forty Dollars attorney's fees, and costs and disbursements taxed at Twenty-five dollars, on ths 18th day of icuiuiiitr.v, Notice Is hereby given that I will on Wedn day, the sixth dav of Anrll. 18!M. it 7 n'ninnk p m. of said dar, at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county. Oregon, sell i uuuiic auction to me nignesi Didder lor cash In hand, the following described property, to wlt: Houtb half of the north-west quarter and lots one, two, three and four of section one (1) tn township two CI) south range twenty-six (28) east, and the south half of the north-east quar ter of section one (1) In township two (2) south range twstity six () K W U; tne north-east quarter ol section ten (10) In township two (2) north range twenty five (2.'il K W M, and forty leet off ol the north side of lot eight IM) in block lour (4) of the original plat of the town of Nc Notice of Intention. Land Orrics at La Gbandk, Oregon, January 81. 1898 OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followinar-named settler has filed notice nf his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 19, 1898, VELORI AH W. T1LLARD. Hd E No. 62M, for the SU NWU & tiA NEW Sec 33, Tp 1 8, R 28, E W M. He names tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Marshall, Thomas Mar shall, Hugh Fields and James Johnson, all of oeppuer, vreguu, JS. W. JSAKTLKTT, 19-29 Reidster. Heppuer as of recerd In the office of the county Oregon. Taken aud levied upon as the clerk of said county, all In Morrow county. n as mi d ol the said Ueo. W. Hwaxgart, Mildred J. (twsu Notice of Intention. Land Ornca at La Grands, Orsoon. January 81. 1H9fl 'OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followlnc-named settler has filed nntlno of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk ol Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 19. 1898, vlx: WILLIAM K. T1LLAKO, Hd E No S2I8, for the NH NEV4, 8EU NEU, N EH BE Sec 82, Tp 1 8, li 28 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence unon and cultivation of said land, vl: John Marshall. Thomas Marshall. Hush Fields and Jamas Johnson, ail ui ueppiier, uregun. roperty l.9 W. BASTLETT. Register. art, et at. or so much thereof as may be nwoi. sary to satisfy the said Judgment In favor of James Jones and James Jones as administrator of It's estate of Nelson Jones deceased, and axainsi saiu ueo. n. ewairgart, Mildred J. Hwagnart et al. together with all costs aud dls- Diireeiuenti mat Dave or may accrue. V I. UATIiW'lf QK.. By j. w. mai mm K., Deputy Pated at Heppner, March I, lttM. 28-7 NOTICE Of INTENTION. N Land Orrira at Tub Oiiuon. February M iwmi "OTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN THAT THE followlng-naineil settler has filed notice 01 nia iiiienuon 10 max Dual nmnf in support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, en Monday April 11, lwve, CHAKLE8 P. BABNKTT, of Islington; Rd K No WD for the R' N'gu and lots I anil 1 fey I, Tp 1 S K 25 W M. He names the following wltneaaes to prove hiscnntlniiotis residence upon and cultivation ol said laud, vis: June T. McMillan, Kdward U raimrr, t nariea H. Mranster aud Thomas H. monoii, an 01 LMingtoo, ortfini. J A, r. MOORg. 28-H Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lano Orrtra at Ths Dai us, Oaanoir, Ffluarv m Imst. VOTirK IS HINKBr OIVIN THAT THE a y follow t tig-na meat settler has Sled tuAiru nf his Intention to saake lual proof In support t nw riaim, ana inn mii, proof will ne niaile before J, W, Morrow, County Cl.rk. al Heppuer, vreaon. vs Monuay, apni 11, I've, vis: 1 NOMAS II NICSOIA ot Uilnon Hd No ! for the SW Bee L lie nawee tbe following wltoeaus tn prove his eontlminus real'teuce upon and cultivation nl said land, vis: ( liarlf P. lUrnrtt, John T Mi-Millan, ftdwaM L l-almer an4 C tat lee k. Mr A 1 liter, all of UAliigloo. ttngoai. JAW. r. MiHlBI, r J. Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. IkJOTItK IS RIRKRY GIVEN THAT THS 11 Hn.temgnv.1 has bee duly appolntd by the Cmtntr nurt of the etalenf iitrfnn, for Mtm ( minly, administrator of Ihe eataseot Nln Jonea, dmu. Alt peraons having claims aninal said eatal are hereby nott Ntl to nmlnna, protwly vertAnl, to ssa, alike Sin at kills A l'bl, at Heppner, Oregna, tihiaais monthiTn.iii Ihedateof this BwUre. Uat4 Ik IS I Ah day of Frbruarv. law jaws jnvy. A'lmlnlatraliw of the kitata of K,1ud -l Jotiea, l stock HotDtiM- atirrim votics ts msrsr oivti to 4' sua k bolder ol the Mnrrww County m 1 1 o . inai ine annaai THt Und of the stokbol.lers will be held nalordav, Marrb th, ai ihe amir (,( , sa., la the Nii.l Krk bulUims, lo Ike purniM ( elertiiis oAirs lot lteouln yaar and the Iraiiaa. Uoa ofsitrh Mhee buMiMM ee aaag be brunshi ti..r Ute """"S- R. F HI btl. swtteiare. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow county. The American Mortgage Company, of Scotland, Limited, a corporation, l'lai 11 tills, va John Q. Crafts, Annie Crafts. J. W. Smith, M. V. Harilson, Jacob Rortxer, and Coffin k McFarland, as partners, Ucfendanta. To John u. t rafu, J. W. Smith and at. V. Harrl- slon. defendants, above named: Iu ths name of the State ot Oregon: Yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before the first dsy of the next regu lar term of the above entitled court following the eiplratlon of Ihe time prescribed In the order for publication of this summons, which first day will be Monday, the 7th day of March, Ihdh, and you and each of you will take notice that If you fall to so appear end answer, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to aald court for tbe relief demanded In Its com- flalnt, to wit: For Judgment against John 14. rafts and Annie Crafts for the sum of to gether with interest thereon at the rate of eight percent per annum from the first day of ie cemlier, lrj, In accordance with the terms ot a certain promissory note, by them made and delivered to plaintiff, on or about the Inth day of June, IM7, lor aald sum; for the sum of attorneys lee, and for the sum of IJA.U ad vance for Use, and for the costs and disburse ment of this suit; also a decree lor the lore cliaure of th certain mnrtirage executed and delivered by said defendants. John l. t'rafu and Annie Crafts, to plaintiffs to ear 11 r th and lr a'ed In follow a to-wlt: Th south eat quarter of section 2- Tp.3. south of rang 2X east W. M.,and that th proceeds of said sal b applied to the payment ol th amount du plalnutl, attorneys fee and costs of suit. This summons I served epna you by publi cation thereof. In pursuance of an order oi Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, JimIsw of th above entitled euurt, made at chambers, at Pendleton, Oregon. ou we un aay 01 janaary, v. F.I.1J iiu hiiiiiv 1 run, iu piainitns 10 ear 11 payment of the above described note, a ih sal ol said mortcaged property aitui Morrow county, Oregon, described sa l IV ! a rim in. AttuTBeys for l'lai nUff. CITATION. IN THE COrNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, lor the County of Morrow, la Ui matter of th atal of John U. IX Spa eer, a minor, To J. R. h perry, guardian ot the estat el said Bit nor greeting la Ih nam ol the Stat at Oregnn, Ya are hereby riled and required to appear la th ounty Court of th etat of urvauo, fw lb Cwinir M Morrow, at the Court room thenHH, al Heppner, In Ihe County of Morrow, on Tuaek day. lhlihth day nf March. la,l ISoVlorS. la to forenoon of that day, thea end ther lo etu your account a guardian of t. M. tk Spencer, a Salnor. and enow can mi. If any itx. why h ahoiild sot pay to Ihe sa!4 Job a M. (V spencer, th sums of snonry now In his karels beloaaliig tn aald Jobs M U. unenrer W ltneM. Ih Hon. A, ( Sartholnmew. Jndt ol Hi i ounty Court of Ute eiat nf nrrgon, l..r Ihe l iHiniy of V.,m. with the seal of aal.l l onrt eased, Uiia ib day of January, A. l. C,Cg.,C,C,g.,g.'C,g.,tf'gig'glgig't'g,g:tf,g- S The Leader Of Course! f i ii il il vi h i a V. ya.: The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a -good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T.R.HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. m m m vi vi eraVBa a yji A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, fj (f is a "joy forever." That's what ! OD. R. HOWARD'S i to rn m you'll find at R. HOWARD'S Heppner. Oregon- Vl Ate Mm. t. w. MOSRony. Clerk. "When you hear dem bells !" YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! MAT HALV0RSEN, LE DING AtERCHNf HI OF I0NE. avvw Including all the Staples, Hardware, Tin ware, HarnesH, Stockmens' Supplies, Wood and Willowware. First Class Goods and Low Prices is his motto. M0T HALVORSEN, IONE. OHEOON. c o o C 9 Ji.. iLBRAHAMSIOK Merchant Tailoring! Has just secured the services of Mr. Cha. O Malley, a practical cutter of New York City. He guarantees satiifaction. CALL. AND SEE ME. ON MAY BTKKKT They Are The "Mustard" MEADOWS & HATTEN ralfipno neer B acksmlths .! I II,. MpuM, e larte mm k 1Ut a,,' e.a!iT- f- nave ai smn ianl IwprneeaMnis irm, imw and lhef BMirTlalS Ul" "eeuoa. nucfte a saarhlnerjr MaJviilEi!!!! LUbtfev "eliuainf. ililiTw fsri E;lt,ti44 it Qui i, b