Portland Librarj OFFICIAL Mi-v PAPER YOUR 'S WORTH ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF THE Semi-Weekly Gazette IS YOUR MEDIUM. THE SepeeKlg Gazette $2.00 A YEAR. "7 FIEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 4. 1898. NO. 62d 1 1 i ; i 7 i J SEMEEKLY GAZETTE- L : - rcBUiRin isdays and Fridays tb'Patosqn "SsMxe coot. g PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man, fS.O ) par year, $1.09 for six months, 60 Ota. : three moulds, strictly in advane . jduertising Rates Made Known on I Application. Entered at the FosioUce at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. THIS FAPKB is kept on tile at E.C Date's Advertising Agency, 61 and 65 tferohants Exchange, Ban Franoiaoo, California, where oou raoU for advertising can be made for it. . T " P. FISHER, NEW8PAPER ADVKRTIS Xj, ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build, ing. Ban Francisco, is our. authorised agent This papar is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:80 p Bunday arriving at Heppner Ji daily except miction 1205 a. m. Goini j ftwwWIffimimiw (e I C J I fill 111! II mm IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points. Leaves Heppner Junotiou 8:30 a. m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a. ra Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p.m. and arrives at Heppner J one Won J 30 p. m. and Umatilla 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No. t, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 70 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Hail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 1:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 1:80 a. m. Fast Hail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7:20 a.m. . For further infurmatjon inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. H 4 N., Heppner, Ore. OmCXAii BIBEOTOET. , . United BUtes Officials. Ptfeaident . ....William HcKinley Vice-President Garret A. Hobart RWobirv nf Htate John Sherman .Secretary of Treasury. .. ....Lyman J. Uage ' Secretary of Interior Cornelias N. Bliss Secretary of War Kueeell V. Alger ' Secretary of Navy ..John D. Long PrurfuMatar-AanArftl James A. tiaiT attorney-General ..Joseph McKenna Seoretary .f Agriculture.. ....... Jamee Wilson State of Oregon. FIRST Go via. St Paul be- oaasd the lines to thai; point will afford yon the very best service. I SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that I line makes close connections with all the transcontinental - lines enw tering the Union Depot there, and its service is hrst-claBs in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Centra) lines, or address Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pas. Agt Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St., Portland Or. invnrTior. . . Secretary of State Treasurer Bupt. Public Instruction. .. Attorney General Senators Congressmen .'. . ... . Printer. . Supreme Judges., ...W. P. Lord ...H. B. Kinoald ..Phil. Metaohan G. M. Irwin . ,C. M. idleman ( G. W. MoBride JThos. H.Tongue W.R. EUis ,..W. fl. Leeds ( R. 8. Bean, I F. Ai Moore. , ( C. E. Wolverton I H, W. Fall, PROPRIETOR ' Of the Old Reliable Gault House, , , CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A I Q., C. M. at St P., C. 4 A ., F. Ft W. at C., and the C. St. LAP. Railroads. HATCH U.OO PBR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bts., WEEKLY The MONTHLY Sixth Judicial District. ..Stephen . Lowell .....T.i.H. J. Bear. Circuit Judge Prosecuting Attorney Morrow County Officiate. Joint Benatot... ... A: W. Gowan uuun... J. N. Brown County Judge ..A. G. Bartholomew Commissioners J. B. Hpward J. W. Beckett. " Clerk. " Sheriff ! ; Treasurer "J Assessor Surveyor ' School Sup't.. '.' Coroner " " TThos. Morgan rHmea""" " .. Geo. Conser, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. blooum, i t- .u-l -n.l 1 U Mimnm. -vw w. a. Rir;hri Treasurer Marshal 1 PrtwrsetOHloer .....i .v. W. K. Richardson TZZZ' 8-WheUton. llnltod SUtc Uad Officers. , - THl PAIXXS, OB. Outlook ,...J. W. Morrow ,.E. L. Matlock ., Frank Gilliam ....A. C. Petteys ... J. W. ilurnor .Jav W. Bbip ...B. F. Venghan .L. W. Briggs .A. A. Roberts Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York J. F. Moore. A. & Biggs.. B.F, Wilson J. H. Robbins... LA QBAgDI, OB. ., Hegister ,. Reoeiver ...Register ..Reoeiver aORVI SOOX3BTZ: The Oatlook will be Id 1897. u il hag been during each of its twenty-seven yean, History of Onr Own Times. In lti various editorial departments The Outlook gives oompaot review of the world'i progress ; it follows with oare 11 the important philanthropic and in due trial movements of the day; has I complete department of religious news; devotes muoh space to tbs interests of the home; reviews ourrent literature; tarnishes cheerful table-talk about men and things: and, in short, aims to give fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. RAWLINS POST, NO. M. - G.A.R. Meets at Lexington, Or., tha lt Saturday of v a llvatarana are Invited to Join. I n w Hmlth. C.G.Foyc. Adjutant, tf Commander. near tt PHYSICI AH and SURGEON. Offlo in the City Drug Store, City Hotel. D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREQOH. f )ffla hours. 8 to 10 a. m,. aod 12 to q n m at re.lrlenoe. W. A. Klfk'f Prop rty, east of M. E. cbnrch. South, aod 10 m ia. a. m . to 2 to 5 d. m.. at offlos in the rsar of Borg"s Jewelry store. Browa &. Redfield, : Attorneys at Law, nffiM in tbs First National Bank """ iiiiiii'iiniiiiii iiuiiiiiMiiriLMii iiiiiiii7jjw;j"i ' AVegetablcPrcparationror As- sirniiaung merooaanaueguia ting theStomachs andBowels c PromotesTJsuon,Crful Tnc3sandBest.Conta!ns neither Oprum.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic Pbnobm Smi Anut fACKtmHmJalm ADerfed Remedy forConslioa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms Anvulsioas Jevensh uess andLosS OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature ot TTEW "YOHK. txAtrr copror "whappcb. in For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signatur Bears the Jp the fF Kind J You Have Always Bought. la LATEST FKUM SEAT OF TKOUBLK. thLt ecNTAun oommny, ncwvohk city. Hotel lHE3j3pinLer (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) ' HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. NowjOjjeh. New Methods. New. mcnt. Strictly rxsi Class. Rates, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. BA first-class feed barn ran in connection. and from all trains. We solicit vour Datronace. Free 'Rna rnn to 587-nov.l2 The Court of Inquiry No Startling Develop, meats Yet Great Anxiety at Madrid-Pa-triotio Knights of Pythias. Key West, Marohl, The second day's session here ot the court of inquiry Into the loss ot the battle ship Maine began about 10 o'clock today. Most of the officers examined yesterday were in formed tbnt tbey might be reoalled, and the lieutenants and cadets ot the lost warship were all on hand, though it is reported they will not be examined un til the court returns from its seoond visit to Havana. Groups of enlisted men also gathered : about the i oourtroom door awaiting their turn to be examined. A good part of the time of tbeoourt today was devoted to verifying the testi mony . previously given. Apparently but few vital questions were asked, the morning being seemingly devoted to routine work. The afternoon session will be devoted to hearing the testimony ot enlisted men. Judge-Advooate Marix said: : Wa have done good work,' and are olearing up here in great shape. We may get through tonight." Madrid, Mar oh 1. Greater anxiety is visible here in regard to the verdiot of (be United States naval court of inquiry into the loss ot the battle ship Mama than was apparent a week ago. The constant rumors ot possible hostilities are harassing and weakening the gov ernment, and they are, also trying the patience ot the public The "jingo" papers publish an exhaustive dispatch from New York and Washington, to the effect that relations between the United States and Spain are hourly beoomlng more strained, and attributing to Mo Kinley a series of anti-Spanish declar ations. Admiral Bermejo, minister of marine, is. aotively seeking, the best means to procure additional war-ships New York, March 1. A dispatob to the Herald from Paris says ; , In the Ictransigeant Henry Boch;fort writes: "To really grasp the situation, the ex plosion ot the Maine mast be regarded as the first battle between Spain and the United States. As for ns, we only Bee in it the last stage ot the advanoe of the Cubans toward independence. The oa. tastbrophe has caused tbs death of 250 unfortunate sailors, but it has aiao saved the lives of millions ot combat. ants, for it insures the final ttiumph ot b Inenrreotion before toeny we ks.' ' x Kimball, Neb., Maroh 1. Information baa been received at state headquarters from Major-Oeneral Cam eh an that bs had tendered tha president the services ot 15,000 uniform rank Knights of Pythias in the United States when re quired for war. Proapeots nf war causes aotivity at stale headquarters. Orders were issned mastering in a new com' pany at Blair today. The order in Nebraska has H oompsnies. P0VDEI1 Absolutely Pure : r. . ..... :-- ),. l ... ..' t . , .., : ,,. PBEtfB COMMENT. The only bond of union between the fusionists in Oregon is found in the sim). larity of their views upon the money question ., If . tbs populists: and demo crats and free-silver republicans, who propose to unite in one party this year, are sincere and are not merely aoheming to get the (ffices, tbey are so far apart on all important questions affeotlnggood oitizenabip Ibat fusion should be far from desirable. , What republican, view the silver matter as be may , can be con tent to make a politioal bedfellow ot a populist who advocates the initiative and referendum,' and government ownership ot railroads and many other fads and fancies T A democrat who. is a democrat from prinoiple oannot unite with a silver republican and forget bis opposition to a protective tariff. The union of incon gruous elements in one party, tied by no better bond than an agreement that orir system of coinage is faulty, can serve no purpose but to bring discord and bad feeling. Those who propose fusion as a means to raid the offices ought not put their purpose on higher grounds. There is no patriotism in such an altianoe. ' It is a barter ot principle for the flesh pots. It is a prostitution of political honor to seoure pecuniary gain. If the aim is to get the offices and to divide the spoils, it shouli stand so confessed, and those who participate in the fusion movement should not pretend to be actuated by better motives. Portland Tribune. There was some curiosity to learn how MoBride would vote on the Oorbett osie, but none on the part of those who knew that he, would vote as Mitohell told him to. The little fellow isn't strong enough to stand alone. He. hopes to be pulled through by being the subservient tool of tha Mitohell faotion. He has aoted pn that principle tor mora than two years past. MoBride has no individu ality that stands tor anything. His role in politios is to oarry off, by sort of wstobfuloess of opportunity, eunning in combination and subtlety in action, prises which bs knows be .never could win in open and vigorous contest for principles. He has been laying his plans for re-election two years already, though his term has yet three years to run ; and knowing bis own weakness, be has identified himself fully with the "Mitohell republican" faotion. He has declared for Mitchell now, and expects the Mitohell help two years hence. , But Mitohell will be beaten now, and two veara henna tnav unmui. tk hi. j MoBride for the seat the latter now tat- i0 u "stlintt "round DI buying ties round in. Orsgonian. ,Dd elling a few oaTne, Thus spoks Mr. Boott tbs day after E. W.Rhea A Co. are rustling after ths senate refused to seat Mr. Corbelt the spring trsde, and if good goods and thus be spoks in tha moment of his If sir dealing go for anything, they will user. surely have their share. 628-29 n..i n . . r n i I. oenstor mouriae is possessed of a I Mrs. E. Kllcon and daughter. Mn. different character Iron the one re ore- John Wad.fell., h. hunt i.itino in Beginning witb tbs fifty fiifth volume, I the paper will assume tbs regular maga- sine site, which . will add greatly to its oonvsnienoe and attractiveness. The I ftntlnnW la nnhlifihajl vrf RMt.nrfial Dr. P. B. MCS WOrdS, fifty two Issuea a year. Tha first Issue! In each month is an Illustrated Magaaiae the Pint National Building. Harm's, : Oaaon, tf W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. amet ST COUNCIL CM AJ t M mils and fcflvs real estate, rents houses, pays fea.i!weMireveiK-tncend will serve you In ear way la bis Hue. at reasonable figures. First National Bank OF HEPrSER C. A. RHCA, T. A. RMtA. - ceo. w. comm., a. w. SFcnecR. President Vlo President Caahler Aaa't Caahler Number, containing about twice as many I pages as the ordinary issues, together witb a large number ot pictures. The pries of Tbs Outlook it three I dollars ysar In advanes, or lees than a cent a day. 8eod for specimen copy and illnstrat-1 e0 proepeotas to Tbs Oatlook, 13 Astor Place, Nsw Yoik Oltv. BTOCA BRANDS. While yea aaa roar smbeeription paid ap yr aa keep soar brand la free of eharge. Bore. P.O.. Havener. Or Hnrses P ebooidsr: cattle, setae oa left kip. Cook. A. J..Lena.Or.-H(rMe, BDoe riirhtabnal art ettle,eaaeo right hi pi aa saark rop ofl left and split in right. Dmurlaaa. W. M . Oallower. Or.-Oattle. IDm right atda, swailow-furk la eaoh ear; ksreea. B 1) ea left hip. Kir, Bros. Doaalaa. Or. Bunas braartoi KLV ew left sholoar, eatOa sua oa leftbip. bole la nahl Wloeenea, riant hloi koraae f with bar aaoar oa riant saoaloar. Janes, Hjtt, Hettar. Or ftoraas hraadad ri J am the taft sMmliW; aaltle bra-Mlad J oa Hht kip. elan aDoarott la left ear. Kanae la urrow eoaat. Jnfcrterav FaHa. IBav Or. Wnnsa. etrwUTae. left etifta; eaula. aamaoa rlht kip, aades kali srap la no" ana sotit m tan aw Rennr, stik. RapiHier, Or. Rnraes htannaS EMI oa left kip sawls seaie aaS arap UM art aanar ebioe oa us nans LaaKay, J. W. Hapfxtee Or HurisS braadaS Lead A lt aknaidart aartla awne aa lart kip, waul over nbt ere, time sine la nM BORN. SEPTEMBER . 18, 1841. Backlea's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Hores, Uloers, Bait Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, ana all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. Ii ia guaranteed to give perfeot satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Sloonm Drug Co., E. J, Blooum, manager. For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT HAB faithfully labored for their prosperity and happiness, for tba Improvement of tkelr uu.liipas ami Home Interests, Kir euueauon, lor tin elevation 01 Ameriiau nieiiiiuoq tnu Ima ttiun.iittfM.I fT HAS told at the nmlde, Interesting and Instructive stories ef the doing of tin world, ths ..I,,.,, mnA alatna IT HAS elvlrl the farmer si to ths most approved methods of cultlvatlnc and harveettna his rrnps. snd the pniprr time to convert thein Into the larixet piwalMr amount of moiwv. IT HAS led in all matu-ts peruinliif to tha welfare of farmers siul Uliaert, snd lor over a ball a oentury has hem tneir coiinaence ana esuwni. BHMVBBBMIKVBBBMaBa it ib Tnn-tr ronce, U A. Happoer, Ov.-TatUe. LP oa I jj CW York Weekly Tribune, hlpi horeaa F with bar aaoar ea riabtj ' Anrf we furnish It with tha GAZETTE, year far $2.76, sash Im advanoe. Addre-sJl Order, to THE GAZETTE. Write ynnr name and address on a postal eard, arnd It in Geo. W. Beet, Trlhnns Ofttre, Daw York tlly. ami aaauiiileeopf ul U ew lurk weekly T riuune win m maiiaa w yoa. O oa I TrusifU 1 C wed Ea&kiog Bdoea, EXCHANGE , all parts of the world- Bought and Sold. Collar tlons aiada aa all palnU oa raaaonabls Tenaa. aurplus sad aadlvlded fronta. 3t.OiO 00. Mlnnr, Oanar, Mappoar fr. attia, riaht kip; buna M oa Wl aauaktar. nvtran, H, H . WappaaV. v. Hnnea ea tart eboaJdat eattla eaoaa oa laft kip. riahTira. I. W Doaalaa.llr.i'BnraasU oa laf eknalilori aaltle aaawoa nnt kip. Paraar A Olaaaoa. HardatM.Or.-BaraasIPi lartatHialdar. Pvarsna. Ottvef; boteee branded bar end shield oa left shoulder, reuse, Elbl hi lie. Morrow ronntr. Pipar.J. H.. Unlntna. Or.-Hmaat, Jt mm. aentaS orlaftslMiaVlari eauia, eaavs ua laf kip. at la aaa oar. 1. W Happaar. Or.-Hareaa, JO as Castas, pea rwht kip. tkmm. IL O. Haocaar. Or. faHla W C aa lart hip. amp mM 1(U aod andartttt la laft aUu Lna ttnWI afcaaktar. TaoaipM, .A Maptaia tjeH rue, I ea W- 3, . . . . laf, ahoalaari rmtUm. laTt .li.ilHar. The OaU. .Ul Uk. potaWa. spplea, 1 JTZ-?. - 1.1 a hattar oa saUsrit Win aorootlla. ' ana epU ia bota aare. 1 ir-i.-i ar f ii-ii. . n. , Any ooe awing this pfficaeao aotile lstr JWM, nrrim m M V,h aWmiH-r', eMitei acaoaats la tins taaaaar and aaa't do it l. i w. n,M h.p d ",.. mm. coobbh and hta ia Wrt ear. Ha ia II.Ti.a aod ! loO SOOO to Bait IM. tataUJa Mutia), WHITE COLLAR LINE. Colombia River and I W Sound Navigation Ho Skistri TMimt, BAILEY 61TZERT 1XD OCEAN WAVE. Leaving AMor Htrart tk, Portland, 1r Astoria, llwaco, huog Beach, 0ea Park and Nalcolla. Ihrect oiDooltoa with llwaeo staarssrs and rail mad; also at Yoang'a Bay witb Pear-bora Baliroad, TUijnrnoNn Uevse rvrtlatid 7 A. ht. Dally, aaeept Seodaf. Uaves AMnria T P. M. Dally, stcrft VuSdsfS Leavai rortlaud S p kt It1y. evwp S'lintsy. atordey alrht, II P M. AstoHs lm at A. M sspt wnridaf and hloodsy. Sobuay ndil.tf M OODAN WAVH LaavM fWtiand and mis illroH to ii TnUy and Tbaraday at I A. M Baiarday at I P. M Uavas llaaro aailuaaitay and Friday at A. at. OB Befcdaf aielil at S f . M. BKIEF MENTION. A. Hi Weatberford is up from Doug las today. Geo. Luttrell is spending a few days in town. See the bright, new ad ot E. W. Rhea ft Co: in this issue. .Mrs. Ike Large is reported to be im proving again from her severe illness .' . Boru-On Black Horse, Marob 1, 1898, to the wife of Elmer Gentry, a daughter. S.P. Haney and wife, of lone, were in Heppner Tuesday and Wednesday ol this week. Pat Kelaber came np from Portland Wednesday morning where he had been on B few days visit. , -E. P. Greene on last Tuesday filed suit for divorce from his wife Jessie Greene, charging adultery. Geo. Gray baa returned from a trip to Antelope and other interior points In quest of sheep for Eastern buyers. B, B. Lang, salesman for the Sim mons Hardware Co., was busy displaying bis goods Wednesday and Thursday. Wd presume you use soap and it so the best is cheapest. Hoe Oske Is striotly para with no tree alkali. Rhea A do. a 80 Harry Bartholomew is over from the sheep ranch today. He has made a good thing out of the business the past year. Beautiful novelties in spring dress fabrics Just being opened np by E. W. Rhea & Co. The prioes on thess goods are nst right. 628 29 Geo. Perry oame over from Book creek yesterday. He recently sold bis year ling wethers and ewes at $3.00 per bead. Not a bad price. Joe . Bannister has been in tba oily aoverai day a .tuis Iks. tLjilman. GIVEN UP. seoted by the Orsgonian. He voted f a a a . against our. uorDeit Deoauaa bs Is s brave man. Many another in bis plsos would have shirked tba responsibility ; would bsvs been conveniently "sick," or "absent" for soma other cause. But n a " as . . . ! Donsior oiouriaa is not inai aorl of a man . Hs knew Mr. Oorbett waa not en. Heppner during the week. They return to their Hioton creek homes tomorrow. Be not deoelvedl A cough, boarsness or croup ara not to be trifled with. A dose la time of Shilob's Cure will save yoa much trouble. Sold by Conser Brock. y Tbos. GilQllsn, who bss been in Chic. titled to the seaL In annual nnnntnl.. nf law or in right tenets of honest,, and so T hs remained eonrsgeoasly and voted as Govrramest Kcllef Eipedltloa Koealled, Washington, March 1. Tba war de partment bas decided to abandon tbt ex pedition for tba relief of tba miners In the Klondike country, beoanae the Con clusion bss bean resobsd that no nsoee- ity exists for it. Secretary Alger bss written a letter to Senator Hawley, chairman of tbs aenaU committee on mililsry affairs, explaining tha department's positioa, and asking coogrsss to take action antborlsing tbs department to dispose of tba supplies purchased for the expedition, lootodlng tha reindeer from Norwsy and to aban don tba project setlrsly. Ia his lstter Alger ssys aocditions on tbs Yukon bsvs cbssgsd so as to render tba expedition d necessary, and that Gsoersls Miles and Mrrriam both agree with bins. He Is also advised to this effect by tba Canadian ruin is tar of ths interior. The military committee met today bat did Dot act upon tbs request bis reason and eoosoienos dictated. Hs it-, remsined in bis seat and voted when- sver any phase of tha silver queslioa bas come np; and bis nsme bas always been recorded on tbs sids of honesty and faitbfulnsss In tba dtsoharga of public and privets obligations. George W. MoBride is an able and in dependent and brave man, as bis record shows ad will show. Hs is lbs opposite of w hst tha Oregon iao, in tba angsr of Its able editor, paints him. .. If Mr. Mitchell came witb such crsdsntlsla Mr, Corbetl prstsutsd, and tba result of suob eomblostion of eirenmstsuces, hsnator MoDrlde would vols against seating him. Hs would do It.tboogb ail ths fanes of bsll rsged sgsiost him. and do it as calmly aa bs would sit down to good dinner. That's the sort of man George W. MoBride Is; and tba Oregonlsa editor himself will probably bava opportunities la tha future to gratefully Acknowledge il. Baled Statesman. bis trisnds hsra that be will ssil from New York City for Qnssnstown, Ireland, March 1st. Miss Liriie Ganger, formerly of Hepp ner, waa married in Portland on Maroh 1, 1808, to Mr. J. A. Murphy, ot Paso Routes, Calif., wbiob otty will ba tbs future boms ot the young oouple. Beware ef OlstawaU for Catarrh thai Casv lals Merrsry, as mercury will sorely destroy the aeose of smell aod completely derange the whole system when entering It through tba mncuas aorfscea. Huob artistes sboold never be card except oa prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as tbs damage tbey will do is too fnld to tbs good yoa can poeaibly darive from them Y. i. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O eontslns po taarenry, sad ia taken Internally, actiug dirrnlly npna tbe blnrxl aad ssurwias aurfanas of tbe system. Im bay. lag U all's Catarrh Care ba sore yon gat tb aanalne. It is taken Internally and tna.ls la Toledo, Ohio, by F.J. Cheney o. Teethnonlsls fraa. tfTSold by droitfUls, 7s per bottle. John Hashes, of Wsgser, wss in ton Wadessdsy. Mr. Hagbes is brolbsr of I. ft. and Hani fiagbeeof this place, Da reports everything flinrtsblng at Wagner. Pdaiaaa taw tSowete WHI raaaareta, aaiy l'e(lartb-f sure Atatliiia furerer, fcVa. UC. CC. fail, 4ussis let ia smb. ( very hod y Bays So. CsscsreU Candr Cathartic, the moat won derful moil leal diacovervof the aire, pleas sot and refmshins to the taste, aot gently and positively on kidneys, uvsr ana ttoweia, cli-anslng tba entire system, dispel colds, cure hoaiiaoha, fever, habitual constipation ami biliousness, floaae Dtiy ana try a oox of O. C. C. to-day; 10, iv Ml cenU. Hold and guaranteed to cure by all arutfguie. Ths Daagrs ef Bering Which ansa from imparities to tha blood and deplsled oaditiou of thia vital Jobnny TooCsdow wss rres. MclCio- ley for short time last svsniog. James Hart tried bla hypnotic powers 00 Jobnny and a few other young folks who bad net at Mr. and Mrs. Al Euisrsos's room last evsoiog., Jobnny was tba only one whom Jamas ooutd bring un der bis control, but ba fumlihsd plenty of amnssDisat for all prsaant. Jut Arrived. Nsarly two carloads of wsgons, bng. Said msy bs entirely averted by Hood's fiss, bookbosnls, dirsot from Fish Bros. Harsaparllla. This grsst fnadlclne cares all spring tumors, boils, eruptions and sores, aad by enriching aad vllsliglsg tha blood, It ovsrconws tbsl tired fl lug and givsa vitality aad vigor. Hood's Pills aura asosea, sbrk bsad- ache, billoniness and all livsr Ills. Price 28 esnla. I ft M Ws Xi parted. A. M. Oans aod family ralorned to Uappnarysalerdsy morning lr Uomloa Ontario. Mr, Ooaa bis baea absaat about thrae years, intending abea be left to maks Canada bis home. Us found conditions very mncb ahaaged in Ibat country and bas aoaoiadad thsre is no pleae like Oregon. Ths Gasstte wal- aomss Mr. Uaaa and family back aad hopes ll'y wilt agala bacaa perasneBt real Isnts of Uappnsr, Wagon Ch boagbt for spot cash prioss. Wa don't pay commission to avy mlJJle- man. Mwoa A Co. Mrs. Annis Oilliam wild bsr ranch and shsep to O. E. Fsrnsworth this week. Wa anderetsnd tbs price paid w si 11,600 for tba raeoh, 12 X" for ths abeep and 1 M for tba lambs. Delivery to ba made aUiut Msy 1st. T lUpabllraaa, Tba msm hers of tba ropnblioan cooniy oiitral commit toe ara rrqnsated to msst el tba 00 art boaae ia Uepposr, oa Wed- aasilsy, March 9ib, Vf. at 1 o'clook, p. SB. Full attsailanoa rsqnretaj. J. M. Ilnisa, Ohairrosn. Dated Heppoer, Or., March I, lift. Drspepels enred. Hh Hob's Vilaliaar imatatiislsly rsllsvss soar stomarb, aora. Ing ap ot fond dielraei, and is tbs grsst kidney aod livsr remedy, HM by 0u- sr A Brock. f Connty JuJf A. (1. Bartbolcmaw rs- ttiraed ysetardsy from a short visit t Milt-m and Walla Walla. Ha says tha farmer of that part of Ida eoontry ara wooderlog what they will do with their ra'rney If tbey have another big or op , and big pf loss this tee euo. .1 , t