Those Dreadful Sores They Continued to Spread In Spite or Treatment but Now They are Healed A Wonderful Work. "For many years I have been a great sufferer with varicose veins on one ol my limbs. My foot and limb became dread fully swollen. When I stood up I could leel the blood rushing down the veins of this limb. One day I accidentally hit my toot against some object and a sore broke ont which continued to spread and was exceedingly painful. I concluded I needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me SO much suffering, began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Eood's Sarsapa rilla, and in a short time my limb was completely healed and the sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, hag done for me." MBS. A. E. Giisox, Hartland, Vermont. 7- Sarsa- 9 parilla iJthfc best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood food's Pills ciua all liver ills. 25 cents. A. GOOD CLUBBING LIST. offer the following The Gazette can dabbing rates: The GAZETTE 12.00 and Weekly Oregonlan, $1.50 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50. ' N. Y. Tribune, $1.00... Club Rate 13.00 8.25 2.7 5 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.25 " 8, F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50 Rural Spirit, $2.00 3.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 McCall's Magazine $1.00 1.80 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can get clubbing rates witn any paper on earth. METH. EPISC. CHUKUH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Clauses No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. rrayer meeting, i nursaay, 7 p. m. ine bpirit ana tne ona The pastor may be found at tne parsonage ad orning tne oiuiroti. wnere ha will be sii meet any wwo may desire to consult ni glad to him nn religions, aoual, oivio, philosophic, educational, ora,ntther subjects. J. W. i'LESHER, Minister. H. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m., 7 p. m., class meeting: following morning: service. Sunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth league, Fri day. 7 D. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves toeether." PaBtor's residence in parsonage, next door to church. C. K. Howard, Pastor, The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock. Geo. Viooent was over from . Batter oreek Satarday. Hon. Heorr Blackmail was op from Portland ovei Sunday. Liobtenthal & Oo. for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf Born Ob Social Ridge, Feb. 19, 1898, to tbe wife of Albert A. Willis, an 8 pound son. J. R. Nunamaker made final proof on bis homestead before Clerk Morrow on Saturday. Bruoe MoAlisler, Lexington's efficient "Naeby," was a visitor to the metropolis on Satarday. Kalph Benge, one of tbe prosperous young farmers of Sooial Ridge, was in Heppner Satarday. Tbe little son of Mr. and Mrs, Ol Jus tus is reported to be gradually improv ing and his early reoovery is looked tor. Bring your bides, pelts and furs to Ben. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat Market . He pays highest market price, 619-tf. The Women's Relief Corps held a very interesting meeting at tbe residence of Mrs. A. Q. Bartholomew on Saturday, The Heppner W. C. T. TJ. will hold their annual election of officers at the reimlar meeting Wednesday, Marob 9th. Wm . Crabtree and Robt. Dexter were id from their upland ranches Satarday taking tn tbe populist and silver meet ings. The populist oountv oentraloommittee met Satarday. Owing to the small at tendanoe they adjourned to meet Satur day, Maroh 5th. N. A. Kelly aod wife were down from tbeir Willow oreek home attending tbe Post aod Corps meetings and visiting friends on Saturday. A. W. Stanton, of Montana, today bought John Campbell's sheep, paying for ewes 82.50 and for lambs 81.25. i)e livery to bs made after shearing. Rawlins Post Q. A. R. held a meeting oaturuay ana a large number were present. Moving the post to Heppner will prove to be a wise move on tbeir part. Loren Qeotry, who bag been visiting the home folks for tbe past two weeks was in town Saturday. He will leave in a few days for hiB home Dear Oakesdale Wash. A SMART ARITHMETIC MAN. The Story of a Chinaman's Property Was It Divided Correctly T A Chinaman died, leaving- his prop erty by will to his three sons, as fol lows, says Harper a Round Table: To Fuenhuen, the oldest, one-half thereof; to Xupin, the second son, one third thereof, and to Ding-bat, his youngest, one-ninth thereof." When the property was inventoried it was found to consist of nothing more or less than 17 elephants, and it puzzled those three heirs how to divide the property according to the terms of the will without chopping up 17 elephants and thereby seriously imparing their value. Finally they applied to a wise neighbor, Suenpunk, for advice. Suen- punk had an elephant of his own. He drove it into the yard with the 17 and said: i ""ow, we will suppose that your fa tier left these 18 elephants; Fuenhuen, take your half and depart." So Fuen heun took nine elephants and went his way. "Now, Nupin," said the wise man, "take your third and go." So Nupin took six elephants and traveled. "Now, Ding-bat," said the wise man, "take your ninth and begone." So Ding-bat took two elephants and va moosed. Then Suenpunk took his own elephant and drove him home ugain. Query: Was the property divided ac cording to the terms of the will ? Willing; to Learn. Lord Chelmsford relates that a friend of his at the bar was once engaged in a nautical case in which it appeared that a vessel had been exposed to a very severe gale of wind, and had been thrown upon her beams' ends. The barrister, ignorant of nautic al matters, asked a seaman who was . in the witness box how it was they did not lower the top mast, upon which the witness said, with a sneer: "If you knew as much of the sea as I do, 3-011 would know that this is not a very easy matter." This incident led the counsel to turn his at tention to the subject, and he invented nn apparatus for lowering topmasts, for which he obtained a xi tent and real ized thereby upward of $100,000 by his invention. Use only one heap ing teaspoonful of Schilling's Best Bak ing P.owder to a quart of flour. You must use two teaspoonfuls of other baking powder. 600 SffllTiTS'HHiSf I m 3 JulJiL'J THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J. C. BORCHBRS Who has secured the services of Take Notice. 1. The turn of five cenu per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolution! of respect," lilts of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give u a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line, 'lnese rules will be stncuy saner ed to In everv instance. Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown upon application. Here and There. Old Song- Get a bottle of good whiskey and a bottle of good wine. And you can drink to your true love, and I will think on mine. Mew Sons V here shall we get the whiskey, where shall we not the wine? We'll buy them from Llsh Sperry, whose goods are extra one At the Belvadere Saloon, Heppner, Oregon, Kickspoo Indian Worm Killer saves thousands of children'! lives. Baths down at the Jones' barber shop, 25 oentt. Orville Jonra manager, tt Statements for tbe Famous Simple Aooonot File printed at the Gazette of fice, tf. Gninnesee's famous old "Dublin Stoat," imported, at Chris Boroheri' Karl's Clover Boot Tea, f ir Constipa tion it's tbe best and if after using it yon don t say so, return package and get your money. Sold by Oonser & Brock. x Rev. J. v. Flesher, assisted by the W. C. T. U., will bold memorial services at tbe M. E. charoh next Sunday at 11 o'clock in honor of Miss Franoea E. Willard. Jas. Hart oame in Satarday morning from Dayton, Wash., where has been working tor the past year. Jimmy looks as Datura! as ever and intends to remain in Heppner awhile, perhaps permanently. Mrs. 0. E Redfleld and daughter de parted on Saturday night for Portland from which city they will take trans. portation to New York where Mrs. Red field goes to visit a sister very ill with consumption. Ed Farnswortb, eon of 0. E. Farns- worth, of this city, returned from Port land on Saturday. Ed bat been belo for some time attending business col lege, but will soon give bis attention to the oars of young laaibt. At tbe Christian church on next Sun day there will be preaching botb morn ing and evening by tbe new pastor, Elder R. L. Shelly. All friends and members of the oongregation are in vited to be present at these services. MRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W As manager. It will be run in first class shape in every department. Rates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. 4 i&- - 3 4 What about 1 3 5 Your Feet Sir? s 3 THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. C. BOEOHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Talking about Shoes, there's nothing gives On the One Hand More comfort than a neat fitting, well made shoe. On the Other hand There is nothing more aggravating than ill-fitting, corn-cultivating shoes of the old styles. Those new shoes we have been opening up for the last few days are an elegant line of good, comfortable shoes, in both black and tan and in common sense, coin and bull-dog toes. Borne people prefer the tan shoes to the black for sum mer wear. If anything, one is even better than the other. There is a good deal of personal taste in the matter of feet and footwear. We can suit the most fastid ious taste. We have in stock Over 2,1 Fairs fas' ks ! awaiting people why will come In and fill them with feet, (at so much per feet) and take them away. The price also is a consideration. We have figured them down so low that we can make your feet and pocket meet. We haue the Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes -IN HEPPNER The Coast Defences. One-bait the number of improved can non, mortars and emplacements will be located and placed in suitable position ere the expiration of 1898. The artillery board are constantly making practical surveys, so tar as these relate to the army, and the establishment of adequate military protection of our sea bourd is receiving strong endorsement. Mean while there is a means of defecoe from greater pbysioal calamity, and that is Hostetter'a Htomaob Bitters, which by restoring tbe tone of the nerves and stomBob, invigorates tbe entire system. It also prevents malarial, kidney and rheumatic ailments, and cures bilious ness and constipation. Those who have been cured by it speak in no nnoertaln terms as to its effectiveness. COME AND LOOK AT THEM. MINOR & CO. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? f Are You in Need of a Saddle All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, THE Ml Ur DtvGiVlfiU All reports to the contrary notwitstanding. Our Ladies', Boys', Misses' and Jnfants' line are complete in every detail and replete with good shoe bargains. The above applies to them also. Our prices range anywhere from 25 cts. to 15. Heppner, Oregon. These, mntlnman are wall anaualnted with Grant. Harney. Crook. Gilliam and Other counties and can save money and time in making these sections with traveling men. Prices in keeping with the times. THOMPSON & BINNS, Was Perfected by the Production of.... REPUTATION GROWING. HOP GOLD tt Common and select stock of tomatoes aod canned oorn at T. B. Howard's 605-tf "Oo'n juioe" is all right but Low Til- lard baa a brand of 14-year-old goods that is bard to beat. 603 -tf, Heppner Candy Faotory for fresh, oreams and taffies. W. H. Van Duyn Prop., with E. J. Blocum. 6oB-t. Any ods desiring to build either a bouse or barn will make money by call ing oo the Qszette offioe. 67tf Fbil Coho is paying lbs highest price for sbeep pelts, beef bides green or dry, fort, etc. Don't forget Phil. 5tt Oo to lbs Matlook corner aod try Armstrong A Cooper's whiskey and eigars. If yon like tba sample buy tome. tf Corns to tba Osteite offlos aod get a decent lot of eovelnps printed Government envelops look obaap, and besides von cannot get your basioMS card printed tbereoo. tt Snyder Bros, bavs succeeded Willii Stewart io the livery business, oeit door to the Oazetts offloe, and will do a geoeral livery aod feed business. Rig, saddls horses and stall room at reason able rttea. 611-tr. Oliver Snyder has taken ehargs ct ths Hotil Heppner feed baro and will fur nish stall room, graio or bsy at rasson abls fiore. Hpn over night, ted at 75 eenU. Will also do dray work and hanhog 'Bos to and from trains, tf CurJray, tbs pioowr Ibaatrs tno of Tortlaod lo tUs lios ol "popular prtoss," bas refitted tbs Wastiogtoo HI. theatre, tormwly koowo as lbs -Sew Park." Gordray always bas something new, aod oar peopls, when Mow, cso spnd a plMsaol MMlog at bis place. it tr. Joho W. Kasmus. of tba "Kwl Hubl." sr o lbs alert for eotbio i... aan foroisb jotl tbs flue I cork- taiia lo ths laod Mnbstts, Jery, Vsrmoolbor Oie mads by so artist io tbs busioess. Drop io ai4 tks lbs tests oot of ir . The Celebrated Fixh Bros. Wacoos, Bututies, Backboards, Etc. We bad nearly two oar loads of tbese oome io yesterday, Tbey are ths beat on earlb. We bnnght tbem when in tbe East for spot cash from tbe fsotory di reot. We don't pay tribnts to any mid dlemen and gel special prices for cash down. Minob A Co. At tbe H. E. Church. At tbe M. E. oburob on next Sunday ths morning hour will be given over to a memorial servioe in honor ot lbs lata president ot the World's W. C. T. U Franoes E. Willard. In tbe evening tbe pastor will deliver a special sddress to lbs yonng people on tbs subject, "Prove all lbings." For tbese services special musio Is being prepared and all Ibose oot worshiping elsewhere are cordially invited to attend. Oo tomorrow, Wed nesday evening, there will be a business meeting of the Epworth League and all members are requested to bs present. This Is Your Opportunity. On iwcintof trn cents, coah or stanina, a KeDerou sample w ill lie mailed of the mort liopular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Holm) sufficient to demon strate tbe great merit of the remedy. ELY ISR0THKH8, CO Warren tit., New York City. Kcv. John IUid. Jr.. of On nt Falla-Mont, reoonimendtd Eljr's ( ream llalm to me. 1 can emphasise bis statrmiit, "It is a lol. tits cure for catarrh if oed as directed." Itev. Francis W. I'nole. Pastor Central Pres. Church, lleluna, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm Is the acknowledged curs for catarrh and contains oo mercury nor any injurious drug. Frios, 60 cents. 1 smash Tsarist (art to Ht Lot Is. A tourist sleeping oar will leave Port land every Monday, via Mo. Ptelflr, and every Wednesday, via Ibe linrlingtoo roots, al H o'clock, p. m- via tbe O. It. A N.. through Halt Ik aod Denver, mith out cbanss tn Ht. Loois, and under tbs npervietoo of tiperienrwd conductors Norbange ot rars lo Kansas City or M. Lnuis. Kep this swim in mind boo anioc East, aod consilt O. It. N. ant or, eddrMs W. U. llnrlburt (ieo. TM. sgenl, I'ortlsod, Or. While many of the cases undertaken by Dr. Marguerite Qarnsey since her ar rival at Heppner, have not been fully restored to health, all ot them have im proved wonderfully. It must be re membered that some ot ber patients bad been given np to die, and as a matter of oourae tbese have taken much time and olose attention of tbe doctor to plaoe tbem on Ibe road to recovery. That they are now rapidly improving and pre senting every evidence that they will scon be restored to permanent health. there Is no question, and the auocess of Dr. Osrnsey continues and ber reputation is steadily and rapidly growing. Tbe case of partial paralysis, taken oy Vi. UarnBey two weeks ago, is one that should be especially noticed at this time. Tbis lady was confined to ber bed for weeks, unable to wait npon herself, Today she is able to be on the street Bnd walk to tbe dnotor's offioe, greatly improved, and in fact almost entirely cured. This case alone speaks wonders for Dr. Garoaey. Tbe rnsh of business compels D: Onrnsey to remain in Heppner for some time yet, and while here she can be con sulted free at ber offioe in tbs Palaoe hotel. If you are aiok and suffering from sny chronic diseaae of whatever nature, consult with ber about it. If yon need treatment sbe Had a Stable Mind. Sydney Smith's son wh given to horses and (logs, and his" conversation savored of the turf, but he begged to be allowed to appear at an important cler ical banquet which his giftwi, parent was about to give, and was allowed a seat by agreeing to bc'sllcnt through out the meal. Unfortunately at the lutter end of the dinner there occurred n pause, and the son broke in: "Is your lordship able to tell me what was the condition of Nebudiadnezznr when he came off the grass?" Sydney Smith was horrified at his offspring'a rash ness, but retrieved the situation by re marking: "I've always told my friends thatmy son possessed what might prop erly be called a stable mind." Gentle Awakening;. An amusing story ia told of how the late ahah fell asleep when he should have been the chief guest ht a recep tion. In Tersia they believe that a midday awakened person suffers griev ous injury. What was 1o be done? A band was lisntehed to the shah's rest ing place, with 8ecial instructions to the big drum. The result was success ful. THE IXA.IrBcB NURSERIES, R. H. WEBER, Prop. Grower and Dealer in Fruit, Shad and Ornamantal Trass, Grape vines and Small Fruits. Our Trees are Grown With out Irrigation. SCND FOR CATALOGUE.. And now the entire world Knows this verfect vroduct As the Star Brewery beer O ndraught at I all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. AtChasJoncs OmBtand. HP KPQt VCfZ 1 11 Q Shaving. - - 15 Cts. X J-'WL LL U.1 D. A. CURRAY, Formerly of Tendlcton Tonsorial Artist. not, yon will be told this also, as tbe dootor 'does not believe lo "doting" people wbo are not sick, rjonsultatinn is free. Charges for medioioes sod treatment are very reasonable. Tbe Kent Wigon Made, Without Exception. We bad nearly two carloads of tbe Fish Bros, wagous, buggies sod book boad oome in yesterday, Ws got tbem at tbe olosest prices for cash, right at besdqnarters. No middlemen's oom- will say so, it missions figure in tbe oost, consequently Mathews & Gentry, I BARBERS you get belter prioes. Minor A Co. Hrkwnl tllmlntl If ynnr ertuvnl is lo ort n( s Aral rlats snsUiaiioal chart Ibis omes I one ai Ut than ball Drtra. ! 8V; will sett for 123 rssti. Call at Una eftift 21 -If. IsC fc" UsEflilUJ C. t.i rttM A.4 ti )t Un. I ftrruft. f I !-. 4 tSw 1 r; . .!. t fj itOSA BONHEUR'S daily life. Early to Bad, Early to Kla liar Mathod f Work. "My life is that of a insant, writes Itosa llonheur in Iulies' Home Journal. "1 wake w ith the day and lie down to sleep almost at nightfall Karly in the morning I stroll in the gar den with my dogs or drive my pony cart through the forest of Fontaint- bleau (in the midst of w hich is hor es tate. Dv). Toward nine o'clock I tal mv seat at the easel and work until 11:30. Then I breakfast quite simply nnd afterward smoke my cigarette as I run through the daily pX'ra. I re time my work at one o clock anu a: five I go out for a walk. I love to we the sun sink behind the trees of the foret I finish the day by reading. The books I prefer are those of travel, hunting and hrktoricul works. Often I read the Ilihle. "Ik'fore commencing a picture study rny suMect f xhaimtlvely, prrfae. ing this ork with conscientious Mtudiet from nature. I look for the ex act sky and the exact ground that will suitably frame the siibjprt, and not nn til then do I commence the work on the cunts. The ecr-treiwnt dot. ice to bring myaelf nearer to truth and an In ceiuHnt rewsrch after aimnlirlty are mv two guide. I have never grown tired f.f study. It Is to-day, and It has tcn during my w hole life, a hsppinens to me. for it i with persistent work iiliine that we cun aiiMoiteh the un- ltrd i,i.!.ltiii which more than any nr,in our soul and entertains in us thoughts of justice, of goodness, of charity." DruKjtlsta I p to Data. . Druggists keep about as close watch of the pennon ax any eople In the world. hen the rprmg diivs nppeur uml ladies arc thinking of putting away their furs the drug More windows suddenly nil with ninth bulls, imwdcrs and prepara tions warranted to knock the spots off a mot U ut 40 rods. hen the suu gets up a little higher the ninth IimIIk disnj)- K-ar and tan and freckle lotions and prevent ivca for mosquito and fly un novanccK take the public eye. When the blaing heat of summer is with us, cool soda with pure fruit syrup ligns nestle up iig.-iiiiht corn remedies und root hcer I'licknges. The fall comes on and then ti e cough lozenge is hatched. Along side it are wire cures for la gripe, colds influeny.a and toothache, while hot soda steams and sizzle at your asking. Hood' ( urn sll liter Ills, onions- ajajaw BJ nest, headache, tour sdm- VM ill m ach, liullfrestlon, roustlpa- III 3 tlun. Tbr aet I If, with- ont pain or trlpa. Sold bf all dravsltu. mnU. Tba only fills to lake llu 11ki'S hartaparllla. Ellis & Phelps, ATTORNEYS AT LAW All buatnea attendM) to In a prompt tn1 ilillr six eatlslvUiry manner. tollM'Uirt. Notaries fill.) OMIcs la Nattar Bulldlna. Happssr, Or I fcrrtM I J Of . Feb. rnn1 B" ADVfcBTlsm LETfKS, AT H If I'M Apvy rtibed rii, r H'lilth, v c Warnar. WUllam. Whn ratlins lot tsaaa If'Uft laaaaaai I t4varua4. t wtuua, f. M. CASTOR I A For Infant and CMldrea. Tba Kind Yon Hava Always Bough Bears ths Blgnatars of lair Outting, - 25 iaths 25c. Everything Strict ly First Class. ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are those of raattt value In proportion to coat. If you want to get your money's worth of honest goods In Shaving, -Hair Cutting, Bhop, Matlock Corner, 15 Cants 25 " Heppner, Oregon. Shaving f TV 15 Cents. Hbop two doors Houth of Potttifflce. D. E. GILMAN, General Collector Put your old hooks and notes In hit hamls anil set your money out of them. Makes a specially of hard collections. Office io J, N. Brown's Huilding. Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery OR MACHINERY, CALL ON- Jfc. 0 TJ?noiii?soiv oo., Ws are increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and tot lit. That 14-Year Old Stuff, Kohn's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon IT IN HAHIC OOOIIS) Nsw StsnJ, City Hotel. Daildiog, LOW TirXVIJ3f Prop. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MftRKET B 00TS AND SH0ES'l. THC PLACE TO GfT THCM It Of " ax. ivicnaMivriiivrv s e la tbe place to go to get jour fioe pork Bud lamb chops, steaks scd roasts. ' CO. They have anything In thlt line that you may dralra and yon ran depend on It you get s good artluis when llity guarantee. It, SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Sirsst Repairing a FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fine tucarctirsd hams and htron. Hire leal lanl, kettla-randrat, old atyla. Highest cash prloa paid for fat sunk. BENJ. MATHEWS. 50 Years.... N TMg Ess; m m Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition I Ml srs Inorssses YtaU of Wool. Eobsnces Value ot Flock. Cbesp, Htls. Hto- rtjr, Oleso, Wholssoms, Odorlsss. CHAS. G. ROBERTS. OINf P.AL AOtNT, 247 Ash Htrt, I'ortland, OrrgoB. Sold ly Minor & Co., lleppntr, Or. IIKI'I'NKR, OB., No. 11, n. Mrttrt. Cmurr t tntck, lltfiymrr, ttr, 'ISNTLMi:-! as rarsntly Ukn with a aetara raid which mads bis vary hoaraa and rendered ma unfit to attend to business. A friend of pilna railed any attention Ui your Dr. Bartlilow't rough syrup and I nought a tx.iila, totting mtmrault. which rellatad bis at nr arid mm pleiely cured ma. I tra tul)H tn throat dlnVulty and I havt found nothing that gavt ma an nint h relief asthit cough eure. I am Informed that It Is an ellent tor rolds, hmnchilis. whnnplng cnugh and til Ihroal and lung tmnhlee, I tieg la remain, moat truly yours, OTIS CATir RMOX, I I Utsetu. A.. A.JJU A.1 -J A.A1SIOK, Merchant Tailoring! I Ian put (U'vurwl th afrviccn f Mr. ('Iiih. O'Mallfy, a practical cutter of New York City. He guarantttu Hiitinfuction. CALL AND HlaU Ml. ON MAY HtltEKT